Pittsfield Select Board Regular 90-minute Meeting
Thursday, September 13, 2018 - 6 pm, Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: August 6 meeting
Public Present: Planning board members, Bill Oren, David McKenzie, Fire Dept. personnel, Eric Furs (Vtrans)
1. VLCT Annual Meeting procedures
2. Red Cross
3. VLCT Town Fair 2018
4. VT Community Leadership summit
5. TRORC Annual Dues
6. VTrans temporary bridge project
7. State of VT enhanced 911
Old Business:
1. Fire truck financing
2. Parking at fire station
3. Sand shed update
4. Culvert update
5. Resignation Patty Haskins
6. Appointment, start date new Clerk Treasurer
New Business:
1. Health Officers Resignations and new appointment possibilities
2. Planning Commission
3. Budgeting update mtg schedule
4. Clerk Treasurer report and addendum items
5. Basketball court lights
Additional Agenda Items –Town Clerk/Treasurer
September 13, 2018 Select Board Meeting
• Town Clerk/Treasurer Report-July & August Financials
Please find attached Clerk/Treasurer report for July 2018
• CV Oil Pre-buy Program
Please find attached report for pre-buy history & usage. I have noted this year’s current pricing and suggestions of gallons for the coming winter.
• Fire Truck Donation
Attached is a letter that accompanied a tax payment from Jack Haran. He asked that we donate the over payment to the Fire Truck purchase. We have placed it in the General Fund on a separate line item under donations. If we get more how should we handle this, would you like a special account opened? If we do not move the money before the year closes it will no longer be specific to the fire truck.
• Independent Contractor Documentation-
Randy Andrews
Please sign contractor forms in designated area and return to us.
• Snow Removal
We need to start thinking about hiring someone to take care of the shoveling for the Town Hall & Office, entrances/exits to both. Last winter the job paid $15.00 per shovel.
• Employee Health Benefits
Patty has decided to not accept COBRA. Trish has been placed on benefits as of 9/1/18. Cards have been received and she appears on the September invoice. The HRA has a start date of 9/1/18 as well. In calling to check on this it was explained that the HRA is attached to the Blue Cross Blue Shield and follows that start date. That being said, we are being asked to fund the account with the full $1750. It will go against the Health Reimbursement Account line under employee benefits and because this was not budgeted for, it will show as an over budgeted item.
Going forward if you would like to make any changes to the way the benefits are offered, you will need to do that during open enrollment.
• Appointment of Town Clerk/Treasurer
Effective 9/1/18
Trish will need to be appointed effective 9/1/18 to insure no lapse from Patty’s retirement. Upon the Select Boards' vote, can you please ask Tyna to write a letter of appointment for Trish.
• Training and Transition Update
Training and transition is going very well. The amount of time that has been given for Patty and I to work together has benefited me greatly and will help in making me successful in this position.
That being said, the $5,000.00 should be close to being used by the time Patty retires. It will be offset some by some time that Sarah has taken off over the past months and also because Trish’s salary will be phased in from September-December. Patty feels at the point of her retirement, a weekly check-in will be good and if needed, she can come in for a bit. Looking ahead, some additional guidance will most likely be needed during Nov. /Dec. for budgeting & Jan. /Feb. to close books & finalize town report.
• Fire Truck Financing
Mascoma Savings-
Northfield Savings Bank-
Citizen’s Bank-
• Town Hall Renovation- Approved Article 13
At Town Meeting, the voters approved Article 13 which was to reallocate the Town Hall Reserve Funds for weatherization and maintenance of the town hall, where are we with this? Also on a separate note the chimney in the Town Hall is in disrepair and what are the steps being taken on that?
• Town Audit
Terms of Engagement & Confirming Representation-Signature needed
Next meeting date