Emergency Meeting
February 25, 2016
Pittsfield Town Office
9:30 am
re: Mutual Waiver of Rents, Taxes, Assessments and Liability and Release of Covenants for Property Located at 113 Park Place, Highwood, Pittsfield, Vermont
Pittsfield Select Board
Emergency Meeting February 25, 2016 Pittsfield Town Office 9:30 am re: Mutual Waiver of Rents, Taxes, Assessments and Liability and Release of Covenants for Property Located at 113 Park Place, Highwood, Pittsfield, Vermont
Tuesday February 23, 2016
6 pm @ Town Office Building AGENDA Agenda Modifications Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/2/2016 Public Present: Correspondence 1. Heart of Vermont Productions 2. VLCT Spring Select Board Institute 3. VLCT News 4. VLcT VERB Trust program offering 5. Bob Ennis: FEMA Buyout 6. Agency of Natural Resources PILOT changes 7. White River Alliance Old Business 1. TH #15: update (Patty) 2. Proposed Calendar for 2016 Select Board 3. Update on Town Hall: roof and Efficiency Vermont 4. Speed Limit Request - Route 100 New Business 1. Planning Commission appointment 2. Grand List-No suits pending 3. 2016 Liquor License Renewal – Clear River Tavern 4. Review Town Report and preparation for Town Meeting Upcoming Meeting Dates 1. TOWN MEETING March 1, 2016 2. (Proposed regular meeting date change) March 8, 2016 Adjournment Town of Pittsfield
Auditors Meeting Town Office Building February 15, 2016 9:00 am AGENDA Call meeting to order Approve Minutes of last meeting? Agenda Modifications New Business 1. Town Report a. Review and overall thoughts b. Ideas for next year c. Label & stamp town reports d. Other concerns 2. Review of financial audits procedure a. Note to include check books with Financials for review b. Other concerns Adjourn MEETING NOTICE
The next regular meeting of the Pittsfield Select Board will be Tuesday, February 23, 2016 @ 6:00 pm in the Town Clerk’s Office. All meetings are open to the public PITTSFIELD SCHOOL BOARD
OF DIRECTORS MEETING Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Pittsfield Town Office Building AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Consider amendments to the agenda. 3. Approve minutes: January 12, 2016 and January 18, 2016 4. Public comment/Visitors: 5. Action/Discussion: New Business: o Payment orders Old business: o Review and approve checkbook reconciliation o IRS bond letter report (tabled from last meeting)- Dir. of Finance o Update on Act 46 6. Reports: Superintendent Director of Finance 7. Adjournment Enclosures: Draft minutes: January 12, 2016 and January 18, 2016 Upcoming meetings: Pittsfield- March 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., Pittsfield Town Office Building WCSU- March 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., WCSU Conference Room AGENDA
PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 9, 2016 1. Call meeting to order 2. Agenda modifications 3. Review and vote on minutes from last meeting 4. Correspondence 5. Guests: MB Neisner; Joel Rhodes, Sun Common 6. PC Plan for the future 7. Comments 8. Adjourn |
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