2009 Selectboard Meeting Minutes
DATE: January 19, 2011
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
January 4, 2011 Regular Selectboard Meeting
a. VT Dept of Emergency Management - re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
b. VT Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2011
c. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2011 Vermont Point in Time Count
d. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application, sound level report
e. Rutland County Sheriff's Office - re: (email) 2011 contract
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2011
g. VTrans - re: 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage
h. Mark McManus - re: Section 106 Review of Pittsfield Town Office Addition and Renovations 2011
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update
c. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report
d. Ancient Roads - re: discontinuance of roads
a. Warning - re: review and approve
b. Changes in Fund Balance - re: review
c. Revenues and Receipts - re: review
d. Budget Summary - re: review
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm as Peter had not arrived. The Minutes of the January 4, 2011 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. VT Dept of Emergency Management - re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. This will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for review for possible grant money for replacing undersized culverts in Pittsfield.
b. VT Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2011. This organization is offering grants between $250 and $500 to encourage local committees/groups to become Conservation Commissions, increase the functioning capacity of existing Conservation Commissions, and provide funding for specific projects such as land conservation, education/outreach, stewardship and management and planning. No action was taken by the Board.
c. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2011 Vermont Point in Time Count. This pertains to the annual count of the homeless across Vermont. This was completed by Peter Borden as Chair.
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January 19, 2011
d. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application, sound level report. This packet of correspondence includes supporting documents prepared by Long Trail Engineering for filing in response to the Commissioner's Hearing Recess Order. This material will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
e. Rutland County Sheriff's Office - re: (email) 2011 contract. Sheriff Benard indicated that he would be glad to attend a meeting to discuss the contract. He also stated that his department did not provide services for the Town in 2010 which had been contracted. The Secretary will invite him to the next Selectboard meeting.
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2011. No action taken by the Board.
g. VTrans - re: 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage. This certificate must be completed in order to determine Pittsfield's share of state aid for town highways for FY 2012. This will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for his review.
h. Mark McManus - re: Section 106 Review of Pittsfield Town Office Addition and Renovations 2011. This review was performed and submitted by Keefe & Wesner Architects, P.C. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update. No action by the Board as yet. Peter will contact First Constable Tim Hunt.
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update. The Board approved having VLCT review the proposed ordinance and the cost for the review.
c. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report. This report written by Jerry was approved.
d. Ancient Roads - re: discontinuance of roads. The timeline of what needs to be done by the Board was reviewed. The Secretary will prepare the "Notice of Proposed Discontinuation of Town Roads in Pittsfield, and of Site Inspection and Opportunity for Comment" for Peter to sign as Chair. In addition, copies of the Notice will be given to the Planning Commission, posted in the Town Clerk's Office, published in a local newspaper, and sent to residences having interest. It was decided to hold this site visit and comment meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 10AM and meeting at the Town Hall.
a. Warning - re: review and approve. The Warning was approved.
b. Changes in Fund Balance - re: review. This was reviewed.
c. Revenues and Receipts - re: review. This was reviewed.
d. Budget Summary - re: review. This was reviewed. Patty noted that the school figures have not yet been received. In addition, based on the estimated 2011 Grand List, there wouldn't be any change in the municipal tax rate.
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January 19, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 1, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 4, 2011
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
a. VAST - re: The VAST News January 2011
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update
c. Transfer Station - re: billing issue
d. Green Up Day - re: selection of Town coordinator
Executive Session
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noels Specialty Foods and Catering
b. Town Meeting - re: location
a. General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:56pm as Peter had notified the Board he would be late. The Minutes of the December 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. VAST - re: The VAST News January 2011. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' lIcense - re: update. Patty stated she received a call from an ATF representative who didn't see any wrong-doing, but was unable to provide the Board with anything in writing. It was suggested that the Board proceed with their original plan. Therefore, Peter will contact First Constable Tim Hunt and have he speak with the Vermont State Police and request a background check and criminal record check before making any decision on this matter.
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update. It was decided to have Patty forward the draft to VLCT. They will provide an estimate on the cost to review it before proceeding with the review. The review fee is $85.00/hour.
c. Transfer Station - re: billing issue. Patty told the Board that there has been an ongoing issue with invoices being sent to the Town without any backup documentation. She has mentioned this problem to the Board in the past and had been told by Del Cloud that the situation would be corrected. Patty said she would only pay for the amount that has the required backup documentation.
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January 4, 2011
d. Green Up Day - re: selection of Town coordinator. The Secretary contacted Marsha Hopkins but was unable to get a definite response. This was tabled until that is available.
Executive Session
Mark made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:09pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues affecting the Town. Seconded by Jerry. At 6:11pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting. It was decided to approve the settlement agreement with Robert Ashton and to begin the process of discontinuing the Jimmy Dean Brook Road and the 1862 Road. Peter signed the Agreement as representative of the Board.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noels Specialty Foods and Catering. These requests are for a rehearsal dinner at the Amee Farm on January 15, 2011 and a wedding at the Riverside Farm Red Barn on January 16, 2011. The Board had no objections and approved the requests.
b. Town Meeting - re: location. It was agreed that the Firehouse would be the most suitable location again this year. Patty said she would contact Fire Chief Dave Colton for approval.
a. Revenues and Receipts (in Town Report format)
HIghway Fund
State Aid - reduce to $15,000
GMNF - reduce to $10,900
b. 2011 Budget (in Town Report format)
Insurance and Bonds
VLCT Unemployment Trust - increase to $1190.00
Other Services
Bond Counsel Opinion - reduce to $0
Maintenance and Repairs
Office Equipment - increase to $850.00
Utilities - Town Office Building
Phone - reduce to $1000.00
Board of Listers
Computer - increase to $850.00
NEMRC Support - increase to $250
Listers - reduce to $6000.00
Highway Fund
Chloride - increase to $3000.00
c. It was decided that if there were 2010 funds left over in the budget at year end, that $2845.00 would be transferred to the Emergency Fund to replenish the rest of what was borrowed from it in 2009. This would bring the Emergency Fund back up to $8500.00.
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January 4, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 18, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 21, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - re: trash collection contract
a. VT Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: Village Center Designation Renewal for Pittsfield
b. Efficiency Vermont - re: "Better Buildings by Design 2011" conference
c. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2010
d. VLCT - re: VT Association of Chiefs of Police luncheon
e. VLCT - re: subscription online Human Resource tools
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application
g. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value effective 1/1/2011
h. VTrans - re: statutory obligations of reporting special weight limits for highways and bridges
i. American Red Cross - re: AEDs eligible for 2011 PACIF Grants
j. Robert Ball - re: Tim Pin's Act 250 Application (copy of letter to VT District Environmental Commission #3)
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: request to open deposit accounts and change Assistant Treasurer's last name
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Inc. d/b/a The Village Porch
c. Green Up Day - re: Selection of Town Coordinator
Other Business
a. Town Report/Town Meeting - re: time line with various deadlines
b. Rutland County Sheriff - re: budget
c. Town Mileage - re: rate change
a. General Fund
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
December 21, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the December 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - re: trash collection contract. Jon presented a draft of his proposed contract for 2011. Recycling expenses would remain the same however trash collection would increase by approximately $7000.00 due primarily to increases to Workman's Compensation and Vehicle insurance. Discussion. Jon said he would have the contract typed up and mailed to the Board for their approval and signatures
a. VT Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: Village Center Designation Renewal for Pittsfield. This letter serves as formal notification that at its November 22, 2010 meeting, the Downtown Development Board found that Pittsfield's application met the statutory requirements and renewed the designation for Pittsfield. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
b. Efficiency Vermont - re: "Better Buildings by Design 2011" conference. This will be the region's premier design and construction conference, featuring interactive learning about building durability, efficiency and value. It will be held in Burlington February 9th and 10th, 2011. No action taken by the Board
c. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2010. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT - re: VT Association of Chiefs of Police luncheon. This will take place on January 11th in Montpelier. No action taken by the Board.
e. VLCT - re: subscription online Human Resource tools. No action taken by the Board.
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application. This is applicant Timothy Pins' response to Robert Ball's letter filed with the District #2 Environmental Commission (this is a copy addressed to the Environmental Commission)
g. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value effective 1/1/2011. Based on an Equalized Education Property Value of $101,909,000.00 the Coefficient of Dispersion is 9.14% and the Common Level of Appraisal is 99.55%. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. VTrans - re: statutory obligations of reporting special weight limits for highways and bridges.
This packet, addressed to George Deblon, explains Town Highway & Bridge Weight Restriction Filings and account creation instructions to gain access to the THR database. This information will be forwarded to the Road Commissioner.
i. American Red Cross - re: AEDs eligible for 2011 PACIF Grants. This information will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton for his review.
j. Robert Ball - re: Tim Pin's Act 250 Application (copy of letter to VT District Environmental Commission #3). This letter addresses his opposition to Tim Pins operating what he considers an illegal business in a residential neighborhood. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes. This letter dated December 21, 2010 asks for clarification of the Board's letter to him dated December 8th. The Secretary was asked to respond.
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: request to open deposit accounts and change Assistant Treasurer's last name. Patty needs to have Jessica's name on all Town accounts changed to Kuzma, as she recently married. In addition, she would like to open a federal tax deposit account and with money left in the HW Equipment Fund after the recent purchase of machinery, open a checking or money market account. The Board approved all the requests.
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December 21, 2010
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Inc. d/b/a The Village Porch. The first is a rehearsal dinner in the Back Room at the General Store on January 7, 2011 followed by a wedding at the Riverside Farm Red Barn on January 8, 2011. Both requests were approved by the Board.
c. Green Up Day - re: Selection of Town Coordinator. Marsha Hopkins served as Town Coordinator last year. The Secretary will contact her to see if she will be willing to serve in this capacity for 2011.
Other Business
a. Town Report/Town Meeting - re: time line with various deadlines. This provides information
shows the various deadlines beginning with the deadline for Town Report submissions on January 6, 2011 and ending with Town Meeting Day on March 1, 2011. It is for the Board's information.
b. Rutland County Sheriff - re: budget. Last year the Town budgeted $3,000.00 for patrol and speed enforcement. Only $216.00 has been spent. Discussion. The Board asked the Secretary to send the Sheriff a letter indicating their concern regarding the reduction of patrolling in the village. The Board would like to budget $3,000.00 again for next year but would like to have the Sheriff's assurance that a marked increase in services will be provided.
c. Town Mileage - re: rate change. The IRS mileage fee will decrease to $.51/mile for Town business use effective 1/01/2011.
Budget (compared to 2010 Budget)
a. General Fund
Interest (Checking/CD's) - reduce to $2,500.00
Interest (Restricted Funds) - reduce to $2,800.00
Road Fines - reduce to $0
Other Taxes
Rutland County Tax - reduce to $5,778.00
Bonds and Insurance
VLCT Insurance Package - increase to $12,636.00
Dues and Contributions
VLCT - increase to $1,106.00
VT Clerk & Treasurers Association - increase to $55.00
NeighborWorks - reduce to $100.00
Stagecoach (new this year requesting $320.00) - approved $200.00
American Red Cross (new this year requesting $250.00) - approved $100.00
Other Services
Legal - increase to $9,500.00
Ambulance - reduce to $23,109.00
Office Equipment - increase to $600.00
Town Office Building - reduce to $1,000.00
Town Hall - reduce to $5000.00
Band Stand - reduce to $1,000.00
Sand Shed - reduce to $0
Garage - increase to $425.00
Utilities - Town Hall
Electricity - increase to $2,000.00
Fuel - reduce to $3,500.00
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December 21, 2010
Utilities - Town Office Building
Electricity - increase to $1,500.00
Fuel - reduce to $3,500.00
Phone - reduce to $1,000.00
Utilities - Garage
Electricity - reduce to $600.00
Phone - reduce to $600.00
LP Gas - reduce to $2,300.00
Parks & Grounds
Labor - reduce to $2,000.00
Equipment Maintenance - reduce to $150.00
Supplies - reduce to $200.00
Postage - reduce to $1,300.00
Planning Commission
Printing - increase to $200.00
Budget Disbursements
ADA Fund - reduce to $0
Town Office Building Fund - reduce to $0
Capitol Projects
Town Garage Insulation Project - reduce to $0
Town Hall Fire Alarm System - reduce to $0
Town Hall Furnace - reduce to $0
Tax Administration Software - reduce to $0
Board of Listers
Postage - reduce to $150.00
Marshall & Swift License Fee - increase to $250.00
Storage Unit Rental - increase to $2,016.00
The meeting adjourned at 7:06pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 4, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 7, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bill Oren, Bob Quayle, George Deblon
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. November 16, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - re: application for Pawnbroker's LIcense
b. Bob Quayle - re: future of The Original Vermont Wood Products
c. George Deblon - re: Highway requests
a. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (postcard) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans
b. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (letter) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans
c. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order and Memo #2, Timothy Pins
d. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: "Rolling out Broadband in East Central Vermont" workshop
e. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program
f. Chris Sargent (TRORC) - re: (email) VCDP grant application update
g. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Land Use Permit 3W0948-B, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, sign replacement
h. VT Center for Independent Living - re: Open House Celebrations
i. VAST - re: The VAST News
j. WRVA - re: 2011 Budget and Letter for Town Report
k. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions December 2010
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes
Executive Session
New Business
a. Bill Oren - re: application for State Pawnbroker's License
Other Business
a. Town Report - re: deadline for submitting reports, financial records, etc.
b. Town Office Building Project - re: update
c. Selectboard Secretary - re: additional pay for meeting
a. Cemetery
b. Highway
Pittsfield Selectboard Meeting page 2
December 7, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the November 16, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - re: application for Pawnbroker's LIcense. Bill introduced himself and explained that he would like to apply for a license to operate as a licensed pawnbroker. This application needs to be approved by the Selectboard. Bill went on to provide the Board with some information on his background. Peter said that the Board would discuss this later in the meeting and send a letter to him advising him of the Board's action.
b. Bob Quayle - re: future of The Original Vermont Wood Products. Bob said that he spoke with Joan Goldstein and it's his understanding that she is waiting for the Town to respond. He said that right now the company is making flooring and sheds but that some business decisions need to be made based on what the Town decides. He said that the grant money needs to be designated for a specific purpose (receivables, raw materials, etc.). Peter explained that the application period has expired and that the company would need to begin from the beginning with a business plan, public hearing, etc. Right now he feels that there is little support from the Town for this project. Peter recommended that Bob revamp the business plan before coming before the Board again. He suggested that Bob have a serious conversion with Joan Goldstein on this. It was suggested that Bob wait until after the holidays before approaching the Board. He was thanked for coming.
c. George Deblon - re: Highway requests. George discussed his request to purchase new tires for the grader. After discussion regarding the budget, George decided to wait on this. He then discussed the venting of the power washer to reduce the fumes in the garage now that it has been insulated. He said that Greg Martin can help him with this. The Board approved this project. George was asked to get a price and check into any grant money available for culverts for the replacement of the culvert at the intersection of Crossover Road and Upper Michigan Road. George said that he has constructed a conduit from the garage to the shed for electricity but needs an electrician to complete the project. The Board approved this.
a. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (postcard) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans. This postcard asks that a Warning to increase the property tax exemption of disabled veterans be included at the 2011 Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
b. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (letter) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans. This letter goes into a little more detail than the postcard. He asks that Pittsfield consider increasing the $10,000 exemption. A copy of a proper Warning is enclosed. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order and Memo #2, Timothy Pins. The Commission has determined that Tim Pins' response to Item #2 of the Order is insufficient. They will allow the applicant 45 days from the date of this memo (Nov. 17, 2010) to provide the information regarding noise outlined in the first Hearing Recess Order. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: "Rolling out Broadband in East Central Vermont" workshop. This workshop was held on December 6th. No action taken by the Board.
e. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program. Pittsfield's application request has been selected for full funding. They request that they be notified of the acceptance of this award and upon receipt will forward a grant agreement for the Board's signatures. The
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December 7, 2010
grant is for $29,840.00. The Board unanimously accepted this award and VTrans will be notified.
f. Chris Sargent (TRORC) - re: (email) VCDP grant application update. As of last month the Village Designation was renewed and the Town Plan confirmed. Chris said he would keep the Board informed as things progress. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Land Use Permit 3W0948-B, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, sign replacement. The permittee is obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved with conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. VT Center for Independent Living - re: Open House Celebrations. Open House celebrations have been scheduled at various locations throughout the state. One will be held in Rutland on December 16th. No action taken by the Board.
i. VAST - re: The VAST News. No action taken by the Board.
j. WRVA - re: 2011 Budget and Letter for Town Report. This budget information will be included in Budget sessions
k. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions December 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes. Ken again requests that the Board enforce the Town's Dog Ordinance. The rewriting of the ordinance was discussed. It was decided to table this until the next meeting and Jerry offered to draft a revised ordinance. In the meantime, the Secretary was asked to send a letter to Ken explaining the Board's action and that they will keep him advised.
Executive Session
At 6:45pm Peter made a motion to close the regular meeting and enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation concerns affecting the Town. Seconded by Jerry. At 6:58pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting.
New Business
a. Bill Oren - re: application for State Pawnbroker's License. Copies of the Vermont Statute pertaining to this as well as correspondence from VLCT were reviewed. It was decided to request a background check and a criminal record check from the State Police. Jerry felt that the First Constable should do this. Peter said he would contact Tim Hunt to take care of this.
Other Business
a. Town Report - re: deadline for submitting reports, financial records, etc. Patty said that the date would be January 6, 2011.
b. Town Office Building Project - re: update. Patty said that a full set of final plans have been received along with correspondence related to permitting.
c. Selectboard Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing letters requesting material from various organizations for Town Report.
a. Cemetery
Interest - reduce to $10.00
Dividends - reduce to $250.00
Expenses - keep the same except for:
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December 7, 2010
Wages - reduce to $3800.00
Materials (Gravel) - increase to $400.00 for road project
b. Highway
Gasoline - decrease to $50.00
Lubricants - decrease to $250.00
The meeting adjourned at 7:34pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 21, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 21, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 16, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 19, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. November 2, 2010 Special Meeting
c. November 11, 2010 Special Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Angelique Lee – re: WRVA Budget
a. Ken Hayes – re: dog issue
b. VLCT – re: New Scholarship Program and renamed Grant Program
c. VLCT – re: New Vision Provider for the 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal
d. VLCT – re: VLCT Health Trust Cost Saving Opportunity
e. VLCT – re: Health Advocate – New Member Benefit
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Sign Replacement Act 250 Amendment and Notice of Act 250 Application
g. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Act 250 Permit No. 3W0948, Notice of Act 250 Application
h. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Act 250 Notice Minor Application for Riverside Horse Farm, LLC
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374, Revised Comments
j. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Act 250 Application, Timothy Pins, Response to the Hearing Recess Order
k. Gifford Medical Center – re: ambulance service
l. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 22, 2010 Meeting
m. TRORC – re: Town Plan Approval and Confirmation of Municipal Planning Efforts
n. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #7, Energy
o. VLCT – re: “Ethics and Municipal Land Use Officials” workshop
p. Timberline Events – re: 2011 Green Mountain Relay information
q. 100 on 100 Relay – re: 2011 Event
r. VLCT – re: “Preparing for a Successful Town Meeting” workshop
s. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: use of trail for snowmobiles
t. TRORC – re: renewal of Village Designation status
u. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2010
Old Business
a. Recycling Center – re: status
b. Insurance – re: renewal
c. VCDP Grant – re: update
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: meeting schedule
Executive Session
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November 16, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:51pm.
The Minutes of the October 19, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, November 2, 2010 Special Meeting, and November 11, 2010 Special Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Angelique Lee – re: WRVA Budget. Angelique reviewed with the Board the budget and changes within WRVA. Highlighted were: no change in cost for next year, staff restructuring, local First Responders working with WRVA staff, decrease in calls and reimbursement, and nothing firm in regards to a proposed consortium with Gifford Hospital. She will forward copies of the detailed budget to Patty in preparation for budget meetings. The Board thanked her for her presentation.
a. Ken Hayes – re: dog issue. In his letter he requests an update from the Board on the issue with Peyton’s dog. Discussion. The Board asked the Secretary to send Ken a letter stating that the Sheriff felt a quality video of the dog on the Hayes’ property should be obtained and reviewed by the Board. More compelling documentation including a clear demarcation of the property line is needed.
b. VLCT – re: New Scholarship Program and renamed Grant Program. The PACIF Scholarship Program is designed to help members pay for specialized training that they otherwise couldn’t afford. In addition, the grant program that was introduced last year is now the PACIF Equipment Grant Program. No action taken.
c. VLCT – re: New Vision Provider for the 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal. The Health Trust has partnered with a new vision coverage provider, EyeMed, for the 2011 Health Trust renewal. Patty stated that the Town does not currently offer vision coverage. She also said that she recently attended a seminar on health benefits. The Board asked Patty to invite a representative of the Health Trust to attend a meeting so all benefits can be reviewed. George Deblon will also be invited to attend.
d. VLCT – re: VLCT Health Trust Cost Saving Opportunity. This memo addresses the reasons for the rate increase. No action taken.
e. VLCT – re: Health Advocate – New Member Benefit. This memo explains Health Advocate, Inc. and how they will help the Health Trust membership. No action taken.
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Sign Replacement Act 250 Amendment and Notice of Act 250 Application. This material addresses their application for replacement of the existing, unlighted free-standing sign for the Farm with a new unlighted, free-standing sign in approximately the same location with slightly larger dimensions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Act 250 Permit No. 3W0948, Notice of Act 250 Application. This includes a Notice of Act 250 Application regarding the sign replacement, which has been posted by the Town Clerk.
h. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Act 250 Notice Minor Application for Riverside Horse Farm, LLC. This notes that Riverside Horse Farm, LLC has filed an application to replace an existing unlit sign with a new unlit sign with frame dimensions of approximately 10’ by 12’. The project is located on the corner of Route 100 and Tweed River Drive. No Hearing will be held unless on or before November 23, 2010, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
November 16, 2010
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374, Revised Comments. Rich Kirn, Fisheries Biologist with the Agency’s Fish & Wildlife Department visited the property on Lower Michigan Road and concluded that there is very little opportunity for meaningful enhancement with plantings and instead suggests a permit condition to maintain the existing condition and prohibit future encroachments along the stream channels. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Act 250 Application, Timothy Pins, Response to the Hearing Recess Order. Responses regarding noise and truck traffic are presented and this will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. Gifford Medical Center – re: ambulance service. A dinner meeting was held on October 26th at which time discussion was undertaken as to whether there were compelling reasons to change the present ambulance/hospital relationship. It was determined that there were important reasons to continue to discuss this and to open these talks and invite the entire District 8 area. This would include Valley Rescue, First Branch, and WRVA. No action taken by the Board.
l. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 22, 2010 Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
m. TRORC – re: Town Plan Approval and Confirmation of Municipal Planning Efforts. The Commissioners voted unanimously to confirm Pittsfield’s planning process effective November 2, 2010. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
n. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #7, Energy. This publication addresses various energy related issues as well as VLCT’s recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
o. VLCT – re: “Ethics and Municipal Land Use Officials” workshop. This workshop is designed for all local officials involved in land use planning, regulation, and development review. It will be held November 17th via Vermont Interactive Television. No action taken by the Board.
p. Timberline Events – re: 2011 Green Mountain Relay information. This event will be held on the third weekend in June. The Board was asked to reply with the enclosed postcard. The Board felt the date was fine and the postcard will be returned.
q. 100 on 100 Relay – re: 2011 Event. This event will be held on August 13, 2011. Enclosed was a map and expected time the race participants will be in Pittsfield. The Board had no objection to their using the Garage area as they have in the past. Peter signed the permission form and it will be sent.
r. VLCT – re: “Preparing for a Successful Town Meeting” workshop. This workshop is designed to assist local officials in conducting town meeting and will cover various stages of the meeting. It will be held on December 15, 2010. No action taken by the Board.
s. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: use of trail for snowmobiles. This is a copy of a letter addressed to Dot Williamson, Tweed Valley Travelers Snowmobile Club, from Linda Matteson, District 3 Coordinator. In it she discusses use of the existing farm road over the Amee Farm Property to provide a trail to the Swiss Farm Inn. She notes Condition 28 of the Act 250 Permit that was issued to the Vermont Country Inn which addresses noise. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
t. TRORC – re: renewal of Village Designation status. This material contains a letter from the Selectboard, a copy of pertinent Minutes and a draft map containing no boundary changes. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
u. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Recycling Center – re: status. Jerry asked if there was any change in the Board’s previous objections as voiced in a prior meeting. The Board felt their objections remain the same. There are no resources currently available to man/maintain it. Jerry said he will speak with Doug Johnstone who presented the proposal.
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November 16, 2010
b. Insurance – re: renewal. Patty and the Board reviewed the results of the meeting that was held on November 2nd with Cindy Bouchard from VLCT and what changes should be made to the policy renewal. It was felt the only thing to add is the Veterans’ Memorial.
c. VCDP Grant – re: update. Peter said he has spoken with Joan Goldstein at GMEDC. The six-month window has closed. This means that if The Original Vermont Wood Products wishes to pursue this grant, they will have to start from the beginning. He said that Joan will be speaking with Bob Quayle about this.
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: meeting schedule. December meetings will be held on December 7th and 21st.
At 6:15pm Peter made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the Ancient Road litigation. Seconded by Mark.
The Board exited Executive Session at 6:22pm.
The meeting adjourned at 6:24pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 7, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 7, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Date: November 11, 2010
Present for the Site Visit were Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Attorney Chris Sullivan, Robert Ashton, Attorney David Gurtman, Norm Smith, Donnalyn Burch, George Deblon, Jeff Hegewald, Martin McNamara, John Barrows, Mike Kennison
Peter called the meeting to order at 3:04pm and made a motion to enter into Executive Session to review maps and take a walking tour of the Jimmy Dean Road in question. Seconded by Mark. Participating in Executive Session were Peter, Mark, Attorney Chris Sullivan, Robert Ashton, Attorney David Gurtman, and Norm Smith. The parties adjourned from Executive Session at 4:03pm to move to the Town Office for public discussion.
The Selectboard reconvened at 4:15pm. Present were Peter Borden, Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, John Barrows, Mike Kennison, Sarah Gray, Robert Ashton, Norm Smith, and Attorneys Chris Sullivan and David Gurtman.
The Board reviewed the final plans for the new Town Office Building with Patty and they were unanimously approved.
Peter made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 4:17pm to discuss a possible resolution to the litigation. Seconded by Mark. Peter, Mark, and Attorney Chris Sullivan relocated to the basement. Executive Session adjourned at 4:19pm.
Peter opened the Public Meeting at 4:21pm. He stated that at this time the Selectboard has decided to leave a possible resolution to the litigation in the hands of the two attorneys. When a resolution has been finalized, then the settlement will be made public. Peter thanked everyone for coming.
The meeting adjourned at 4:22pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 16, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: 2 November 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Cindy Bouchard (VLCT)
AGENDA: Discussion of town’s insurance coverage
CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM by Jerry.
Cindy went over the insurance options available to the town of Pittsfield and a general discussion took place.
a plan will be considered at the next meeting of the Selectboard at which time necessary actions will be voted and acted upon.
Recorded by
Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
Approved November 11, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: 2 November 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Cindy Bouchard (VLCT)
AGENDA: Discussion of town’s insurance coverage
CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM by Jerry.
Cindy went over the insurance options available to the town of Pittsfield and a general discussion took place.
a plan will be considered at the next meeting of the Selectboard at which time necessary actions will be voted and acted upon.
Recorded by
Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
Approved November 11, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 19, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bob Quayle, Chuck Colton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 5, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. October 6, 2010 Special Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle - re: Original Vermont Wood Products grant update
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News October 2010
b. VTrans - re: 2010 Town Map
c. TRORC - re: Town Plan Review Public Hearing Notice
d. TRORC - re: Draft Pittsfield Town Plan Review and Public Hearing Notice
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374
f. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #6, Water
g. VT District 3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order #3W1037, Timothy Pins
h. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions October 2010
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: review revised floor plan
b. Ancient Roads - re: update from Attorney Sullivan
c. Clerk of the Works – re: interested parties
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways - re: washout at end of Lower Michigan Road
b. Insurance - re: review of renewal policy
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: change of November meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:54pm.
The Minutes of the October 5, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and the October 6, 2010 Special Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle - re: Original Vermont Wood Products grant update. Peter asked Bob to update the Board as to the status of the VCDP Grant and where things stand with his business. Bob said he wasn't sure at this time. He said that he has responded to GMEDC's request for information but hasn't heard anything from Joan Goldstein since. Right now production is slow. If they want to produce for large companies they need the grant to proceed. At this time they are constructing sheds for a Rutland company. No contracts are in place at this time with anyone. Peter explained the Town's concerns and Jerry presented some specific
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
October 19, 2010
concerns that he had. The Board felt they would like to have Bob come back when GMEDC's Joan Goldstein can also attend. He agreed but added that he would be out of town for several weeks. It was decided to try to arrange the next meeting for Thursday, November 11th. Peter said he would contact Joan who in turn will get in touch with Bob. Bob was thanked for attending tonight's meeting and addressing the Board's concerns.
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News October 2010. No action taken by the Board
b. VTrans - re: 2010 Town Map. This map includes road changes reported this year. Town maps can also be viewed at: http://www.aot.state.vt.us/Planning/MapGIS/Town_Maps1.htm. These will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. TRORC - re: Town Plan Review Public Hearing Notice. This is a copy of the Town Plan Review Public Hearing Notice which will be published in two newspapers. It will also be posted in Town.
d. TRORC - re: Draft Pittsfield Town Plan Review and Public Hearing Notice. TRORC has reviewed the proposed Pittsfield Town Plan. They will present this Review to the full Board at their next monthly meeting on October 27th with the recommendation to approve the Plan. Also enclosed is the Public Hearing Notice that was published as a Legal Ad in the Valley News and Randolph Herald. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374. This correspondence pertains to a report by a fisheries biologist regarding the Michigan Branch and Act 250 impact. The Agency would like the applicant to complete a riparian management plan for the area involved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
f. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #6, Water. This publication addresses various water related issues as well as VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT District 3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order #3W1037,Timothy Pins.
The Hearing was recessed pending submittal of information by the Applicant as outlined in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions October 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: review revised floor plan. Patty updated the Board on the specific changes the architect has made following the last meeting. A floor plan had been emailed to the Board prior to the meeting for their review. This was reviewed with questions and concerns raised. Patty added that Mark McManus would like to proceed with a final plan. It was decided that Patty would relay the Board's questions to Mark and then contact the Board via email with Mark's response.
b. Ancient Roads - re: update from Attorney Chris Sullivan. Patty said that she has been in contact with Attorney Sullivan who informed her that he has not received a settlement proposal yet. Right now he is waiting for a survey from Bob Ashton's attorney and when that arrives, he recommends that all parties make a site visit. Peter suggested possible times for this visit and Patty will pass this on to Chris and respond to the Board.
c. Clerk of the Works - re: interested parties. There was some discussion as to what the job would involve. Mark said that he would contact both Keith Hopkins and Don Flynn and invite them to the next meeting to discuss the position.
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways - re: washout at end of Lower Michigan Road. It was brought to the Board's attention that a portion of the road beyond where Bruce Shaw lives needs some attention. A section of the road is collapsing into the river. Peter questions the Forest Service's involvement in the repair and maintenance. Mark said he would make a site visit and report back to the Board.
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October 19, 2010
b. Insurance - re: review of renewal policy. Patty said that this year there is a change in the wording regarding "property that's in the open." She explained what that meant. There was discussion as to what this could include and what value to attach. The Board felt that they would like to have VLCT come and meet with them to clarify the statement. Patty said that she would contact them and let the Board know via email when they can come.
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: change of November meeting. Due to the election and Bob Quayle's schedule, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2010.
The meeting adjourned at 7:02pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 11, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 6, 2010
PRESENT: Mark McManus (Architect), Patricia Haskins (Town Clerk), Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis (Selectboard), Susie Martin (Library), Chuck Colton, Henry Hotchkiss (Building Committee), Martha Beyersdorf, Donald Flynn (Listers)
AGENDA: Call to Order
Architect Report
Other Business
Jerry called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.
Architect Report:
Mark McManus reviewed the design plans floor by floor with those present. These included:
The Addition:
· The addition has become a little wider and longer, which provides a little more room in the vault.
· Mark presented another thought for the addition, in which the addition is repositioned by 2’. The advantages to this would be that the entrance would come in at grade level, provide a slightly larger lobby, and better accessibility to the basement and second floor. This would eliminate the ramp. The lula should still be able to be used vs. an elevator. Discussion of moving the lula to the addition but it was noted that the roof would need to be raised to accommodate that. Patty expressed concern about her need for extra space which would be available if the lula were moved. Mark said he would look at options. This idea seemed to be agreeable with those present.
The Library:
· The landing on the library level will be a little wider for fire safety codes.
· Susie asked if a sink could be installed, which would be located over the kitchenette are in the Town Clerk’s Office below. Mark noted this.
The Exterior:
· Mark felt that the front doors should be replaced with insulated ones. The moldings would be disturbed as little as possible. Window options were discussed. He will be having window specialists come and make recommendations keeping the historical aspect in mind. The windows will be removed from the back of the building and reused as needed. Energy efficiency is a high priority. Forms of insulation that will be used were discussed.
Cross Sections:
· These drawings were reviewed.
Structural Drawings and Framing Plans:
· The hope is to keep as much of the structure intact as possible. The roof and bell tower will most likely not have to be removed as originally thought. The structural engineer will be looking things over again. The broken truss was the biggest concern.
· These show the water and waste supply design plans.
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Meeting page 2
October 6, 2010
Mechanical Drawings:
· There will be positive ventilation in the basement with hot water baseboard heat.
· The main level will have HW baseboard heat and mini-splits. These aren’t the most cost effective but are the way to go with the existing building. Efficiency Vermont will provide rebates for these. This is the latest technology and includes less duct work, are quiet, less obtrusive, and have individual controls for each area.
Component and BTU Ratings:
· The power will be coming into the building underground. Three-phase from the road would be costly.
Demolition Plan:
· This was explained.
Power Supply Plan:
· These plans include electrical outlets, phone jacks, computer hook-ups, etc.
Lighting Plan:
· The various lighting fixtures were explained. These will be coordinated with Efficiency Vermont.
Fire Alarm:
· This includes smoke, heat, rate of rise, and low temperature alarms. A security system was discussed.
Mark asked if a generator would want to be considered. It can be an option in the bidding. The building could be made “generator ready.” He noted that grants are available for generators. He felt the Town should definitely consider this.
Mark said that he still has some things to finish up, so there is still time for additional input. He said he will make a set of plans with the additional changes and provide a set of plans to be kept at the Town Office for review.
Mark said it is looking more like a spring start for the project.
Drainage and foundation issues were discussed.
Patty added that the Park-and-Ride Grant meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 7th. Mark suggested that she show them the design plans and answer any questions they may have.
Patty also said that she contacted Bob Giroux at the Vermont Bond Bank and advised him of the probable delay and whether this could cause a problem with the Bond. He stated that Pittsfield has three years to spend the bond proceeds. Surveys are periodically sent out requesting status reports. He also advised contacting the Town’s bond counsel and informing him of the delay. She said she contacted Jack Facey with this information.
This portion of the meeting was concluded. The Selectboard remained.
Other Business:
· Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors, Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering d/b/a The Village Porch, a Mixer at the Amee Farm on October 16, 2010 from 5pm to 11pm. The Board approved this request.
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Meeting page 3
October 6, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 5, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Kristin Higgins, Jim LaCroix, George Deblon, Doug Johnstone
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. September 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. September 28, 2010 Public Hearing Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Kristin Higgins and Jim LaCroix – re: Bridge 24 Local Concerns Meeting
b. Doug Johnstone – re: recycling
a. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #4, Public Safety
b. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #5, Health Care
c. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues
d. VLCT – re: 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal
e. VLCT – re: “Planning and Zoning Forum” workshop
f. VT Tennis Court Resurfacing – re: (email) recreation court maintenance
g. TRORC – re: Required Town Highway Signage Upgrades: Retroreflectivity and Breakaway Sign Posts
h. TRORC – re: Highway Construction, Maintenance, and Repair
i. Cassie Lee – re: request for library space
Old Business
a. Clerk of the Works – re: interested parties
b. Town Office (Town Hall) – re: cleaning update
New Business
a. Private Roads – re: sign reported missing
b. Act 250 Hearing/Tim Pins – re: report
c. Town Property/Equipment – re: Town Highway equipment report
c. Town Roads/Highways – re: road report following last week’s heavy rain
Executive Session
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the September 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and the September 28, 2010 Public Hearing Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Kristin Higgins and Jim LaCroix – re: Bridge 24 Local Concerns Meeting. Kristin introduced herself as the VTrans Structures Project Manager and Jim as the Design Engineer for this project. Bridge 24 is located just south of the Town Garage. They provided an overview of the project with the aid of a slide presentation followed by a question and answer period. She pointed out that because this is located on a State highway. There is no Local Share involved. Major concerns would be the relocation of utilities and maintenance of traffic. Three
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
October 5, 2010
project scenarios were presented and discussed. These included: 1) road closure, 2) phase construction (one half of the bridge constructed with other half open to traffic, followed by the reverse), and 3) construction of a temporary bridge. It was anticipated that this project would begin in January 2011 with preliminary reports followed by permitting with construction occurring in 2013-14. She said that she would be contacting the Town in January with an Alignment Study presentation. Both Kristin and Jim were thanked for coming and presenting the project.
b. Doug Johnstone – re: recycling. Doug said that he feels the Town should be doing a better job with recycling and proposed having a compartmentalized/mainstream dumpster placed at the Town Garage. Casella or another company could be contacted to come on a scheduled basis or when called. He said he wasn’t sure what arrangement the Town has with Jon Benson of Benson’s Rubbish Removal. Peter said that currently there is no recycling pickup for a few months due to health issues with Jon and his lack of personnel available to pickup recycling but that it should be resuming next month. He also said that in the past when this issue has been presented that concern was expressed about people taking advantage of the receptacles to deposit their trash, which would attract animals and create a mess. Doug thought that this might be something that could be brought up at Town Meeting. Peter said that the Board would consider his idea and thanked him for attending tonight.
a. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #4, Public Safety. This publication addresses various public safety related issues as well as VLCT’s recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
b. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #5, Health Care. This publication addresses various health care related issues as well as VLCT’s recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues. It was decided earlier not to contribute this year. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT – re: 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal. This memo outlines changes to the plan this year, which include changes affecting emergency room, out-patient, and in-patient deductibles as well as a Pharmacy Step-Therapy program. No action taken by the Board.
e. VLCT – re: “Planning and Zoning Forum” workshop. This program to be held on October 28, 2010 is designed to offer participants a chance to discuss pressing issues in municipal planning and zoning with officials from across the state. No action taken by the Board.
f. VT Tennis Court Resurfacing – re: (email) recreation court maintenance. This company offers free site evaluations and estimates. No action taken by the Board.
g. TRORC – re: Required Town Highway Signage Upgrades: Retroreflectivity and Breakaway Sign Posts. A new Federal Highway Administration rule requires that towns must develop a program to inspect and upgrade roadway signs. All signs along public roads must meet the new retroreflectivity sign standards, which increase the amount of light bouncing off of the signs making them easier to read at night. Sign posts must now be designed to “breakaway” when hit by a vehicle. Key compliance dates are noted. Local governments will also be required to regularly update their inventory and upgrade signs in order to maintain compliance. TRORC has been working with various agencies on how to best assist towns in meeting these new requirements. Information on Frequently Asked Questions is included. This correspondence will be forwarded to the Road Commissioner.
h. TRORC – re: Highway Construction, Maintenance, and Repair. Act 110 of the 2010 Legislative session requires VTrans to work with municipal representatives to “”revise the agency’s current recommended Town Road and Bridge Standards to include a suite of practical and cost-effective Best Management Practices in order to address pollution caused by transportation-related stormwater runoff.” A draft document with proposed changes to the
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October 5, 2010
current Town Road and Bridge Standards is included along with a request to review it and make comments. No action taken by the Board.
i. Cassie Lee – re: request for library space. Her letter expresses her disappointment that the Board denied the Library’s request to use a portion of the Town Hall basement as a temporary library while the Town Office Building undergoes renovation.
Old Business
a. Clerk of the Works – re: interested parties. Don Flynn has expressed an interest in the position and Keith Hopkins’ name has also been brought up. The Board asked that they both be invited to the next meeting to meet with the Board.
b. Town Office (Town Hall) – re: cleaning update. Jess provided a cleaning and the Board noted that it was a nice job. She will continue as her previously presented proposal outlined.
New Business
a. Private Roads – re: sign reported missing. It has been reported that the sign for Northern Exposure Road has been stolen. Discussion. The Secretary will contact George regarding any change in sign replacement costs and send letters to property owners affected by this sign as well as signs reported missing last year explaining the Town’s policy on private road sign replacement and how to obtain new ones.
b. Act 250 Hearing/Tim Pins – re: report. Jerry said that he attended the Hearing as a representative of the Selectboard. He reported that there were a few concerns from neighboring properties regarding noise. Previously the Board has indicated that they had no objection to the application as presented. Jerry asked the Secretary to send a letter to Linda Matteson introducing Jerry as the appointed representative to this meeting and noting the Board’s recommendation.
c. Town Property/Equipment – re: Town Highway equipment report. Road Commissioner George Deblon stated that a lot of the Town’s Highway equipment is old. He cited that the plow for the Ford is twelve years old and the tailgate sander on the International is fourteen years old. Both need to be replaced. He said that he obtained costs for their replacement from H.P. Fairfield. He said a new plow could be purchased for $6,950.00 and the tailgate sander could be replaced at a cost of $3,675.00. They will give a trade-in allowance of $750.00 for the plow. Both pieces would cost $9.875.00. The Highway Equipment Fund CD matures this month and there is enough to cover the cost. Discussion. The Board approved the expenditure. George noted that he is still waiting for the new grader which at last report was due for delivery in early October
d. Town Roads/Highways – re: road report following last week’s heavy rain. George reported that most roads handled the heavy rains well with the exception of a 15” culvert on Hawk, which needs to be replaced. He added that Liberty Hill Road, which has had problems in the past, did pretty well.
Peter closed the Regular Meeting at 6:44pm.
Jerry made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss Ancient Roads and the VCDP Grant. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed
The Board entered into Executive Session at 6:44 and exited from Executive Session at 6:58pm.
The Secretary was asked to send a letter to The Original Vermont Wood Products Company inviting them to the next meeting to update them on the status of their application for the VCDP Grant.
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October 5, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 6:59pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 28, 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Public Comments re: proposed revision of Pittsfield Town Plan
Vote on Revision of Pittsfield Town Plan
Executive Session
Mark called the Public Hearing to order at 6:02pm.
There were no public comments. Mark made a motion to close the Public Comments portion of the meeting. Seconded by Jerry. Motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to approve the Revision of the Pittsfield Town Plan as written. Seconded by
Mark. The motion passed. Jerry asked the Secretary to send a letter to TRORC advising them that the Selectboard approved the Revised Pittsfield Town Plan as written.
Mark closed the Public Hearing at 6:05pm.
Jerry made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the pending VCDP Grant. The motion passed.
The Board entered Executive Session at 6:05pm and exited from Executive Session at 6:06pm.
The meeting adjourned at 6:06pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 5, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 21, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jeff Hegewald
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. September 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jeff Hegewald - re: Ancient Road interest
a. Ken Hayes - re: continued dog concern
b. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: draft of proposed Town Plan
c. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission - re: Administrative Land Use Permit Amendment #3W0405-B/Colton and Tweed Valley Travelers Snowmobile Club
d. VLCT - re: VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust 2010 Annual Meeting
e. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden
f. Cartographic Associates, Inc. - re: Query Manager Online
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1729-R, Replaced failed system extension, John and Suzanne McGarry
h. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire - re: thank you
i. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program review
j. Rutland Mental Health Services - re: request for support
k. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #1, Transportation
l. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #2, Education Funding
m. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #3, Land Use
n. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions September 2010
o. Long Trail Engineering, P.C. - re: #3W1037, Timothy Pins
p. TRORC - re: Next "Regular" Commission Meeting Proposed Agenda
q. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commissions - re: Act 250 Notice, Application and Hearing, #3W1037, Timothy Pins, dba Pins Fabricating Systems, Inc.
r. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: invoice for legal services
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup
b. VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update
New Business
a. Town Office Building - re: removal of items in building
b. Town Office (Town Hall) - re: cleaning
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: gravel proposal
d. Town Funds - re: Highway Equipment Fund
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:53pm.
The Minutes of the September 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
September 21, 2010
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jeff Hegewald - re: Ancient Road interest. Jeff said that he only recently became aware of the issue with the Jimmy Dean Brook ancient road issue. As he is a property owner on Hadley Lane, he was interested in what the status of the road was and expressed concern for its future and a bridge that needs repair. The Board reviewed what has been happening and said that at this time the situation is pending. The Board said that concerned parties would be notified when the situation is resolved.
a. Ken Hayes - re: continued dog concern. This correspondence from Ken addresses Mr. Peyton's continued non-compliance. He also sent a video of the dog in question to the Town Clerk. The Board reviewed the video. Discussion. It was decided to invite the Sheriff to a meeting to review the video and discuss the issue. The Secretary was asked to send Ken a letter letting him know what the Board plans to do.
b. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: draft of proposed Town Plan. A copy was provided to each Board member in preparation for next week's public hearing regarding this document.
c. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission - re: Administrative Land Use Permit Amendment #3W0405-B/Colton and Tweed Valley Travelers Snowmobile Club. This is a copy of a permit which incorporates the Stream Alteration Permit to allow stabilization of approximately 200 linear feet of streambank with stone fill located on the Tweed River in the area of the VAST snowmobile trail (Route 100 Corridor). The project site is located at 1697 Route 100. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. VLCT - re: VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust 2010 Annual Meeting. Pertinent information regarding this meeting, which will be held on October 7th in Essex Junction, and proposed agenda are outlined. No action taken by the Board.
e. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden. For information purposes, an email dated September 12, 2010 from Chris Murphy is enclosed. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
f. Cartographic Associates, Inc. - re: Query Manager Online. This is an introduction to an interactive cloud-based GIS mapping service for municipalities. Contact information is provided if further information is requested. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1729-R, Replaced failed system extension, John and Suzanne McGarry. A permit was issued for the replacement on 6/29/10. The construction completion date was 9/15/10. The project hasn't been completed and the engineer is requesting an extension until 11/12/10. The request is acceptable and the extension is granted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire - re: thank you. This letter thanks the Town for its recent check in support of home health and hospice services. This money was approved at Town Meeting.
i. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program review. Wayne Davis and Sue Scribner will be in Pittsfield on October 7, 2010 from 9:45 - 10/05am for the purposes of reviewing the site and application for this grant. Mark said he would attend on behalf of the Board.
j. Rutland Mental Health Services - re: request for support. This year's contribution has been sent to them. The contribution was approved at Town Meeting.
k. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #1, Transportation. This publication addresses various transportation related issues as well as VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
l. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #2, Education Funding. This publication addresses various education funding issues along with VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
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September 21, 2010
m. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #3, Land Use. This publication addresses various land use issues along with VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
n. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions September 2010. No action taken by the Board.
o. Long Trail Engineering, P.C. - re: #3W1037, Timothy Pins. This correspondence is a copy sent to Linda Matteson, District 3 Coordinator, responding to concerns generated by her. This discuss noise, the wastewater disposal system, floodplain concerns, primary agricultural soils, and construction of the heated shop. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
p. TRORC - re: Next "Regular" Commission Meeting Proposed Agenda. The meeting is scheduled for September 22nd. Jerry said he plans to attend.
q. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commissions - re: Act 250 Notice, Application and Hearing, #3W1037, Timothy Pins, dba Pins Fabricating Systems, Inc. A public hearing is scheduled for October 5, 2010. The site visit will begin at 9:30am at the property on Lower Michigan Road immediately followed by a hearing at the Pittsfield Town Hall. Jerry said he would attend
r. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: invoice for legal services. Discussion. The invoice was approved for payment.
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup. Jerry said that he made a site visit and noted that the property does not look occupied. He recommended having a trash shed with some method of denoting whether or not there is trash needing pickup. Discussion. The Secretary will send a letter to the property owners advising them of the Board's recommendation and a copy of the letter will be sent to Jon Benson, Benson's Rubbish Removal. Patty added that she has been unable to reach Jon by phone or leave him a message regarding this.
b. VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update. Peter said that he has spoken with Joan Goldstein, GMEDC's Executive Director, and the grant writer for this business. Serious concerns have been expressed. Peter said that she has indicated that she is not comfortable submitting the grant application in its current form. Peter said he wasn't sure what the status of the application is at this time.
New Business
a. Town Office Building - re: removal of items in building. Patty said that there are items
that need to be moved, stored, or purged. These include a number of old school desks in the attic, a fireproof filing cabinet, an upright piano, tables and chairs, Historical Society material, etc. Mark recommended taking an inventory of what is there to determine what the best course of action is. The Board said they would go over after the meeting adjourns and look at what needs to be addressed.
b. Town Office (Town Hall) - re: cleaning. Patty said that Trish Spencer has taken another job and is no longer available to clean the office. She said she has spoke with a few other people but has not been able to find anyone. She did note that Jess, her new assistant, has expressed interest and prepared a proposal for the Board to review. There was discussion of what would be involved. It was decided to have Jess do a full cleaning now and make an evaluation as to whether her proposal could be accepted for future work.
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: gravel proposal. Mark said that Road Commissioner George Deblon would like to use the extra money in the Highway Budget for the purchase of gravel to work on Upper Michigan Road. Mark recommended that George use only half of the surplus. The Board agreed.
d. Town Funds - re: Highway Equipment Fund. Patty said that the fund has matured and explained that she put $42,5000 of it in a 7 day CD so it would be available for the grader purchase. The remainder of the funds were put into a longer term CD for the additional interest.
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September 21, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 6:43pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 5, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 7, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Tom Macaulay, Suana Bicek, Cassie Lee, Sarah Gray, Sean Lee, Chris Sargent, Arnold Johnson, Jennifer Howard
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. August 3, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. August 25, 2010 Joint Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: ECFiber.net update
b. Cassie Lee - re: Library request
c. Planning Commission - re: Town Plan
d. Sean Lee - re: request to film Town Office Building Project
e. Chris Sargent - re: Village Designation
a. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: thank you
b. WRVA - re: Monthly Appropriation for Emergency Services
c. Low Sodium Made Easy - re: request for recipes
d. VT Center for Independent Living - re: thank you
e. George D. Aiken Resource Conservation & Development Council - re: thank you
f. Cassie Lee - re: Library request (see Guests and Committee Reports - b)
g. John P. O'Donohue - re: Keyes Road
h. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Permit #SA-5-9017 Tweed River, Bank Stabilization for Colton Enterprises, Inc.
i. VLCT - re: Candidate Forum Tool Kit
j. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Act 250 Application for Tim Pins
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission - re: Act 250 Application #3W1037 for Tim Pins
l. TRORC - re: Letter of Support for Route 100 Scenic Byway Committee
m. Steve Borgerson - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position
n. VLCT - re: draft of 2011 VLCT Municipal Policy
o. Chris Sargent - re: TRORC issues (see Guests and Committee Reports - e)
p. Ralph Cameron - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position, two emails
q. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions Summer 2010
r. VLCT - re: VLCT News August/September 2010
s. New England Air Quality Testing - re: services available
t. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010 workshop and 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training
u. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: Vermont's disabled veterans
v. Park House - re: thank you
w. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services
Old Business
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: Ancient Road issue
b. Town Office Building - re: Clerk of the Works position
c, VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update
d. Library – re: request to use Town Hall basement
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
September 7, 2010
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License - re: Roger and Joyce Stevens (Pitt-Stop)
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup pickup
c. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: John O'Donohue/Keyes Road
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary - re: additional pay for meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:52pm.
The Minutes of the August 3, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and August 25, 2010 Joint Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: ECFiber.net update. Tom said that EC Fibernet did not receive any Federal money for the project, but they plan to go forward with Phase 1. He presented a handout from Loredo Sola, Chair ECFiber. In his letter he indicated that at their July meeting, the Governing Board decided to begin Phase 1, which is an important first step towards providing universal coverage to the 23 member towns. Financing for this phase will be provided solely through private investment in ECF Holding LLC. Further information can be obtained by contacting John Roy, Treasurer of ECF Holding, LLC at 802-685-3151 or [email protected]. Tom was thanked for coming and providing this information.
b. Cassie Lee - re: Library request. Cassie said that she would like the Board to reconsider the Library's previous request to permit the alcove area in the basement be set up with a few book shelves so that the Library can continue to operate until the permanent space is available. She said that it is important to make the Library available. She said the it would be open for four hours/week depending on volunteer availability. The Board commended her on her presentation and thanked her for coming. They said that they would take her request under advisement and will respond in writing.
c. Planning Commission - re: Town Plan. Suana said that the Planning Commission would like to clarify a few things in the draft of the Town Plan. She noted that in previous years each Town Plan was basically a revision of the previous Town Plan. This year, however, the layout and content are different and have been updated. Previous Plans laid groundwork in the event the Town opted for zoning. This Town Plan wants to ensure that the Town has a voice in Act 250. She pointed out three specific areas in the plan: Land Use, Village area, and the Route 100 corridor. The Town Plan is good for five years. Jerry asked some questions which were responded to. Chris Sargent said that the Town can make any changes that they see fit. The Plan would be presented at a public hearing prior to approval by the Selectboard. Discussion. The Board decided to hold the Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 28th at 6:00pm in the meeting area of the Town Hall. Chris said he would work with the Assistant Clerk regarding the Warnings, etc. as the Town Clerk is on vacation for the next two weeks and this matter is time-sensitive. The Planning Commission was also asked if they would be interested in participating in the Route 100 Scenic Byway Committee. Suana and Sarah said that they would but would like more information. The Secretary will email them with the address of the person from Killington who met with the Board and outlined the program.
d. Sean Lee - re: request to film Town Office Building Project. Sean asked if the Board would give their approval for him to set up a camera and take time-lapse photography of the renovation project for the Town Office/Library Building when it gets underway. The Board had no issue with this request and approved it.
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September 7, 2010
e. Chris Sargent - re: Village Designation. Chris, who works at TRORC, said the Pittsfield's Village Designation expires the end of November and needs to be reapplied for. Jerry made a motion to have Pittsfield reapply for the Village Designation. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed. Chris said he would do the preparation work for this.
a. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: thank you. This letter expresses their appreciation for the $200.00 contribution approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
b. WRVA - re: Monthly Appropriation for Emergency Services. This bill for September is in the amount of $1872.19. This money was part of the total previously approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
c. Low Sodium Made Easy - re: request for recipes. This request is from a family in Oregon that is dealing with the aftermath of an auto/pedestrian accident with their daughter who now requires a low sodium diet. They are requesting anyone interested in sending them favorite recipes as well as interesting facts about our community and state. No action was taken by the Board but anyone interested can contact them at [email protected].
d. VT Center for Independent Living - re: thank you. This letter expresses their appreciation for the $75.00 contribution approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
e. George D. Aiken Resource Conservation & Development Council - re: thank you. This letter expresses their thanks for the contribution to their Council. No action taken by the Board.
f. Cassie Lee - re: Library request (see Guests and Committee Reports - b)
g. John P. O'Donohue - re: Keyes Road. See New Business - c.
h. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Permit #SA-5-9017 Tweed River, Bank Stabilization for Colton Enterprises, Inc. This project consists of the stabilization of approximately 200' of streambank with stone fill. The project is approved under named statutes and subject to conditions noted in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
i. VLCT - re: Candidate Forum Tool Kit. This correspondence includes the Candidate Forum Tool Kit in conjunction with its Election 2010 Issue Paper series. No action taken by the Board.
j. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Act 250 Application for Tim Pins. This material includes a copy of the Act 250 Land Use Permit Application, filing fee, and exhibits. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office..
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission - re: Act 250 Application #3W1037 for Tim Pins. This response requests more information from the applicant in order to continue processing the application. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
l. TRORC - re: Letter of Support for Route 100 Scenic Byway Committee. This letter notes that on September 7, 2010, the Board voted to fully support and participate in this Committee in order to obtain Scenic Byway status for Route 100. Jennifer Howard was appointed as Pittsfield's representative on the Committee. The Board approved and signed the letter. It was given to Chris Sargent to take back to TRORC and a copy made to be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
m. Steve Borgerson - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position. This email outlined his qualifications and included his resume. Discussion. The Secretary was asked to send him a note thanking him for his interest and will contact him if more information is needed.
n. VLCT - re: draft of 2011 VLCT Municipal Policy. The policy will be presented at the annual business meeting at Town Fair on October 7th. The request that the draft be reviewed and any comments or recommendations be submitted by September 24th. No action taken by the Board.
o. Chris Sargent - re: TRORC issues (see Guests and Committee Reports - e)
p. Ralph Cameron - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position, two emails. The first email dated August 4th thanked the Board for the opportunity to meet with him. The second dated August
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
September 7, 2010
19th is a follow up to his previous email. The Secretary will send him a note acknowledging his interest and advising him that the Board will contact him if further information is needed.
q. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions Summer 2010. No action taken.
r. VLCT - re: VLCT News August/September 2010. No action taken.
s. New England Air Quality Testing - re: services available. This will be kept on file for possible future needs.
t. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010 workshop and 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training. This program is designed for maintenance, road, and municipal crews that use chain saws to remove trees from the ground without assistance from an aerial lift truck. The instruction focuses on situations like to be encountered in daily activities. The driver training program is available to municipal employees and volunteer firefighters and trains drivers to be more cautious and aware of vehicle limitations in order to reduce potential incidents or accidents. No action taken by the Board.
u. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: Vermont's disabled veterans. His letter addresses the voters to consider increasing the $10,000.00 property tax exemption for 50% or greater disabled veterans to $40,000.00. Discussion. The Board felt that this was not a possibility for Pittsfield at this time.
v. Park House - re: thank you. This letter expresses their appreciation for the $500.00 contribution approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
w. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services. This agreement and request for payment of $231.85 for the licensing fee for use of the Marshals and Swift Cost Tables by the Listers was approved by the Board and signed by Peter as Chairman. It will be forwarded to the Town Treasurer for payment.
Old Business
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: Ancient Road issue. Peter made a motion to close the Regular meeting and enter into Executive Session regarding pending litigation regarding ancient roads. Seconded by Jerry. Motion passed. The Regular Meeting adjourned at 6:54pm and the Board entered into Executive Session. Executive Session adjourned at 7:10pm and the Regular Meeting resumed.
b. Town Office Building - re: Clerk of the Works position. The job requirements were discussed and Peter suggested asking the Assistant Town Clerk if she would be interested. It was felt that a look out the window and some brief notations during hours when she is already at work would suffice. Jerry said he would speak with her regarding this and report to the Board.
c. VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update. Peter reviewed his recent meeting with the operators of the company and Joan Goldstein. He noted he was not adverse to the application being sent to the State for review. If approved by the State, there would need to be a vote taken for further action. Jerry concurred.
d. Library – re: request to use Town Hall basement. The Board discussed the Cassie Lee’s letter and presentation and continued to feel that the basement area should remain open for Town business and functions. The Secretary will send Cassie a letter explaining this.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License - re: Roger and Joyce Stevens (Pitt-Stop). This was approved by the Board prior to tonight's meeting due to a deadline issue.
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup. Patty left a note that trash was not picked up at 517 Townsend Brook Road, 66 Dagg Road, and 253 Lookout Road. Repeated calls have been placed to John Benson but have been unanswered. Discussion. The Board was made aware that Jon was having surgery soon and that perhaps he had a substitute driver. The Board had no immediate solution but noted that Patty was continuing to work on the issue.
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September 7, 2010
c. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: John O'Donohue/Keyes Road. Mr. O'Donohue would like to purchase this Class 2 road as it bisects his land. He says that he thinks it's about 500' in length and goes up to the boundary of the Green Mountain National Forest. Discussion. The
Board asked the Secretary to send Mr. O'Donohue a letter stating that the Board will look into his request and will respond to him in writing at a future time.
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary - re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the added time in preparing additional correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 7:16pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 21, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 25, 2010
PRESENT: Mark McManus (Architect), Patricia Haskins (Town Clerk), Peter Borden, Jerry Drugonis (Selectboard), Marion Abrams, Karen Waterworth (Library), Chuck Colton, Henry Hotchkiss (Building Committee)
AGENDA: Call to Order
Architect Report
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:37pm.
Mr. McManus advised that there have been some minor changes in the building plan.
1. The structural engineer advises against cutting into the floor for the stairs so they (the stairs) will be run against the vault.
2. As a result of anticipated occupancy of the building, two (2) lavatories will be required.
3. The Fire Marshall has yet to respond on the plans, including handicap access. This situation has placed the schedule about a month behind what was anticipated.
4. The new stairwell locations will provide some extra space.
5. It was necessary to slightly enlarge the addition, requiring some changes to the roof.
6. The elevator will not rise flush to the ceiling (safety feature) and the vault will be a few inches narrower.
7. General discussion took place re: adequate work and storage space for the Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerk. Mr. McManus will sketch a layout of the planned office and submit same. Provision of windows and shelves for the library was discussed with questions being raised re: monitoring children in the outside play area.
The meeting adjourned at 6:36pm.
Recorded by
Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
Approved September 7, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 3, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Ralph Cameron, Rita Seto, Seth Webb, Richard Garofalo
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 6, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ralph Cameron - re: Clerk of the Works
b. Rita Seto and Seth Webb - re: proposed Route 100 Byway
c. Richard Garofalo - re: Clerk of the Works
d. Jon Benson - re: suspension of recycle pickup in September and October
a. VTrans - re: Bridge #24 of South Branch of Tweed River
b. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Project #WW-3-1684-R, 38 Dagg Road, permit extension
c. TRORC - re: FY11 Annual Dues Thank You
d. Timberline Events - re: Green Mountain Relay Thank You
e. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden status
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 16, 2010)
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010)
h. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010)
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 30, 2010)
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation - re: request of support
k. VLCT - re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting
l. USDA Forest Service - re: (email) 30-Day Comment Period, Forest Wide Non-native Invasive Plant Control Project
m. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: (email) Pittsfield Town Plan
n. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Permit #WW-3-1684-R, Bruce & Alex Czaplicki, 38 Dagg Road
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue
b. Road Commissioner - re: status of health issue
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: options for Bond money
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: bear proof containers for trash
c. Town Plan - re: status
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
August 3, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm.
The Minutes of the July 6, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ralph Cameron - re: Clerk of the Works. Mr. Cameron described the duties of the Clerk of
the Works and asked questions about the project. Peter and Patty explained where the project stands at now. Discussion. Ralph said he saw the job as about 20 hrs/week at $40/hr and figured the job would take about three months. The Board felt it might be more like six months. It was agreed that the duration might be dependent on the contractor and when they can start work. He also handed out copies of his resume. He felt he could provide the service, but wondered if the architect might be able to do it to save money. Peter felt it might be a good to speak with Mark McManus about more specifics. Ralph said that a Clerk of the Works can be good for certain projects, but he thought that with the scale of this one, it might not be necessary unless there are some financing requirements for one. He said he would be willing to come back and meet with the architect and the Board if requested. The Board thanked him for his interest and attending the meeting.
b. Rita Seto and Seth Webb - re: proposed Route 100 Byway. Rita introduced herself as a Regional Planner with TRORC. She said she has been working with Seth Webb, Director of Economic Development & Tourism for the Town of Killington , on establishing Route 100 as a designated byway. She then introduced him to the Board. Seth explained the project and what its goals are. He said he would like to assemble a coalition of members along Route 100. He added that there is Federal funding available to states for these types of projects. He passed out handouts of information regarding the project and how it can benefit an area. A Corridor Management Plan would need to be prepared and this can be done using information obtained from Town Plans. He noted that he is also working on a Route 4 Byway from West Rutland to Hartford. He would like the Board to appoint a representative to serve on the Coalition. Jerry suggested inviting the Historical Society to become involved in this project. Rita said that right now Pittsfield is on the northern end of Phase 1. Eventually they would like to have a second phase to tie in with Mad River. The Board said they would review the material and thanked Rita and Seth for coming and explaining this program.
c. Richard Garofalo - re: Clerk of the Works. Richard said that Mark had approached him about this position. He explained his background and noted some of the projects he had worked on when he was employed. He said he feels he could do the job but would like to see the plans before presenting any payment figures. He explained what he would expect as a Clerk of the Works and encouraged the Town to hire local contractors for the demolition to save money. Discussion. Peter said they would obtain a copy of the plans for him to review and invite him back for further discussion. Richard was thanked for his interest and coming to the meeting.
d. Jon Benson - re: suspension of recycle pickup in September and October. Jon said that he is scheduled for surgery in mid September and as he is currently shorthanded with the trash and recycling pickups would like to suspend recycling pickup in September and October. He said he would have pamphlets prepared to leave this month explaining the need for this and providing alternative disposal means for the recycling. The Board wished him well and thanked him for coming in. Martha said she would also try and add this information to the Town’s website: www.pittsfieldvt.org.
a. VTrans - re: Bridge #24 of South Branch of Tweed River. This letter requests a meeting with the Selectboard to discuss the project. In addition, the Town should notify each individual property owner that may be affected by the project. Discussion. The Board decided to hold this meeting at their next regular meeting time on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
August 3, 2010
b. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Project #WW-3-1684-R, 38 Dagg Road, permit extension. The completed application has been received and will be reviewed. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. TRORC - re: FY11 Annual Dues Thank You. No action taken by the Board.
d. Timberline Events - re: Green Mountain Relay Thank You. The race went extremely well this year and raised $11,700, which was passed on to participating Vermont non-profit organizations identified in the letter. Fifty-two teams and 547 runners came from thirty-two states and Canada. No action taken by the Board.
e. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden status. This letter dated July 9th references an enclosed letter from English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. dated July 2, 2010 addressed to Christopher Murphy states that his clients are agreeable to moving forward with a resolution of the pending appeal and stand ready to participate in mediation. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 16, 2010). This email from Christopher Murphy to Attorney James Carroll indicates that his offer will need to be ratified by the Town of Chittenden by Friday, July 23rd at noon. He will accept the Town's offer of July 2nd in its entirety with exceptions noted in the email. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010). This is a response to (f). Attorney Carroll states he is unable to secure ratification of Mr. Murphy's proposal by the stated timeframe. He also notes that certain components which require further discussion. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
h.. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010). This response to (g) by Mr. and Mrs. Murphy extends the deadline until Attorney Carroll is able to present this offer to the Town of Chittenden and formulate a response. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 30, 2010). Attorney Carroll encloses an email dated July 28th from the Murphy’s requesting clarification on some points. Also Attorney Carroll's response. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation - re: request of support. They are asking that Pittsfield consider becoming a member of GMEDC. The cost is based upon a formula of $.50 per capita using 2008 population figures. The estimated population of 422 would equal $211.00. An invoice is enclosed. Discussion. The Board decided not to join.
k. VLCT - re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting. VLCT would like each municipality's legislative body to designate one official from the town as a voting delegate for the meeting. Brief discussion. No action taken by the Board.
l. USDA Forest Service - re: (email) 30-Day Comment Period, Forest Wide Non-native Invasive Plant Control Project. Information can be obtained by contacting Jay Strand, Project Team Leader at the Rochester Forest Service Office.
m. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: (email) Pittsfield Town Plan. This email from Chair, Suana Bicek states that the Planning Commission held their public hearing on July 20, 2010. The Commission voted unanimously to pass the Town Plan on to the Selectboard so that the next phase in the process can be completed. This will be discussed under New Business-c.
n. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Permit #WW-3-1684-R, Bruce & Alex Czaplicki, 38 Dagg Road. This Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit for a project, consisting of the amendment to a previous permit, by extending the conversion construction deadline for two more years, for an existing structure is approved and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
August 3, 2010
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue. Peter said he spoke with the Rutland County Sheriff regarding the situation with Richard Peyton’s dog and concerns/complaints expressed by Ken and Sally Hayes. The Sheriff felt that the only way to really move ahead with this would be by viewing video tapes. Photos and journal entries provide information, but not the whole story. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to the Hayes’ requesting they provide surveillance tape of the dog on their property, if this is available.
b. Road Commissioner - re: status of health issue. Jerry asked how George Deblon was doing following his surgery and recuperation. Patty said he is back to work and has been released by the doctor with restrictions as to what duties he can and cannot perform. It was noted that most of the restrictions are jobs that fall under the Road Commissioner’s job description. Mark said George was running the grader on the Rochester side of Liberty Hill recently and experiencing some pain getting in and out of the machine. Discussion. The Secretary was asked to send George a letter explaining their concern and requesting he refrain from doing any work specifically restricted by the doctor for the Town until he is medically released to perform those jobs.
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: options for Bond money. Patty said she has opened a new First Class Savings Account for the Office Building Fund. She asked if the Board wanted to put some of the Bond money in short term CD’s. Mark asked where the Town’s funds were currently located. Patty reviewed the accounts and whether they were in money markets, CD's, etc. and which could be accessed without any penalty. The Board approved putting $300,000 in a 5 month CD and $79,000 in an 8 month CD. She also noted that the Contingency Fund is up for renewal. Discussion. It was decided to put the Contingency Fund into a short-term CD where it can be accessible. The Emergency Fund is in a money market and available.
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: bear proof containers for trash. Patty said that Jennifer Burch called her and said that she has had a bear problem recently. Jennifer said she spoke with the Game Warden who suggested she contact Jon Benson regarding obtaining bear-proof trash containers, and perhaps the Town would subsidize the cost. Since Jon was at the meeting he was asked about this. Jon said he didn’t have any containers, but that one of his customers in Our World has a container with a screw on lid which might hinder the bear from access to the trash. It’s not known where this container came from. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to Jennifer explaining this.
c. Town Plan - re: status. As noted in Correspondence-m, the Town Plan has been forwarded to the Selectboard for further action. Since no member of the Board had received a copy of the plan for review, Patty said she would get copies for them. Peter said that a special meeting could be called if action needs to be taken before the next regular meeting in September.
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August 3, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 7:25pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 7, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 6, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Susie Martin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. June 8, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Susie Martin – re: Library relocation and Movie Night
b. Susie Martin – re: Historical Society request
a. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: Vermont Trail Symposium
b. Colton Enterprises – re: Stream Alteration Permit Application
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Notice of Education Tax Rates for fiscal Year 2011
d. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY’09 Annual Report
e. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2010
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1729-R to amend previous permit, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1729-R, McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road, request for missing and/or incorrect items
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1729-R, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Act 250 Project Review Sheet, Vermont Country Inn, Route 100, Death Race 2010
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024(Altered). Vermont Country Inn, Route 100
k. VT Secretary of State – re: (email) legislative changes regarding Town Constables
l. VLCT – re: VLCT Wellness Incentive Program
m. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated June 15, 2010)
n. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 2, 2010)
o. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 26, 2010 meeting
p. VLCT – re: 2010 VLCT Awards Program
q. VTrans – re: Bridge #24 over South Branch of the Tweed River
r. VTrans – re: Vermont Country Inn, application for permit to work within State highway right-of-way
s. VLCT – re: Legislative Wrap-Up 2010
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: painting estimate
b. Town Office Building – re: asbestos test results
c. Town Office Building – re: Clerk of the Works update
d. Town Highway – re: 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Report
e. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue
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July 6, 2010
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, June 27, 2010
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, August 15, 2010
c. NEMRC – re: Tax Administration module support
d. Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate
e. Town Hall – re: rental request
f. Library – re: request to use Town Hall Basement
g. Historical Society – re: request for space in TOB basement
h. Town Property – re: prebuy for 2010-11 heating season
i. Appointment – re: Town Health Officer
j. Town Property – re: request to use Bandstand
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting
b. Asst. Town Clerk and Treasurer – re: introduction
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:56pm.
The Minutes of the June 8, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Susie Martin – re: Library relocation and Movie Night. Susie said that at a recent Library Board meeting they discussed the status of the library during the building renovation. It was suggested that the books be boxed up and some of them relocated to the alcove in the Town Hall basement where a table could be set up and a smaller version of the library become operational. The hours would coincide with the Town Office’s hours to allow access to the bathroom. The remainder of the basement space would still allow for functions. The Selectboard said that they would consider their request. Susie also said that the Library would like to hold a Movie Night on July 23rd at 6:30. A potluck dessert would be held followed by a movie projected onto a screen on the backstop in the ball field. Popcorn would be available during the movie. In the event of rain, another date would be announced. Discussion. The Board approved the Library’s request for the Movie Night.
b. Susie Martin – re: Historical Society request. Susie said that it was brought up at their last meeting that they would still like to have some space in the new building with storage and display space in the basement. The Board said that they would discuss this later in the meeting.
a. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: Vermont Trail Symposium. More information can be found at www.vermontrailsandgreenways.org. This event will be held October 16 & 17, 2010. No action taken.
b. Colton Enterprises – re: Stream Alteration Permit Application. This project involves the stabilization of approximately 200’ of stream bank. The reason for this is to protect the VAST snowmobile trail. The work will be performed by members of the VAST local Tweed Valley Travelers snowmobile club. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Notice of Education Tax Rates for fiscal Year 2011. (see New Business – d)
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July 6, 2010
d. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY’09 Annual Report. No action taken.
e. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2010. No action taken.
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1729-R to amend previous permit, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. This project amends the previous permit changing the conventional mound to a Presby gravity flow mound at the same location. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1729-R, McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road, request for missing and/or incorrect items. This is a copy of correspondence sent to Marsh Engineering Services with an enclosed checklist to identify items required for this project. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1729-R, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. This project consisting of amending the previous permit by changing the conventional mound to a Presby system mound, in the same location is approved, subject to conditions. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Act 250 Project Review Sheet, Vermont Country Inn, Route 100, Death Race 2010. ANR reviewed the race course description and has no concerns with the race as presented provided the race is run as described and in compliance with the conditions of Act 250 permit #3W1024. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024(Altered). Vermont Country Inn, Route 100. This permit specifically approves improvements and uses indicated in the document. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. VT Secretary of State – re: (email) legislative changes regarding Town Constables. This correspondence sent at the request of the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that the law regarding training requirements for blue light permits has been delayed and will not take effect in 2012. This legislation does not affect the Town of Pittsfield’s Constables. No action taken.
l. VLCT – re: VLCT Wellness Incentive Program. The enclosed video highlights two wellness programs. No action taken.
m. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated June 15, 2010). This correspondence addresses an email from Chris Murphy to Attorney James Carroll regarding the Green Road Settlement. No action taken.
n. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 2, 2010). This correspondence to Chris Murphy from Attorney James Carroll is sent as an offer of compromise regarding this matter. No action taken.
o. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 26, 2010 meeting. No action taken.
p. VLCT – re: 2010 VLCT Awards Program. Nomination forms for the Municipal Service Award and Legislative Service Award are provided. No action taken.
q. VTrans – re: Bridge #24 over South Branch of the Tweed River. This bridge is located near the Town Garage. Work will begin soon on an Alignment and Structure Type study for this bridge. No action taken.
r. VTrans – re: Vermont Country Inn, application for permit to work within State highway right- of-way. This project consists of reconstructing two full-service accesses and a one-way exiting access at the barn. In addition, turf shall be established between the drives. Also included in this permit is a traffic control plan that shall be implemented during special events at the property. A complete description and map is included in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
s. VLCT – re: Legislative Wrap-Up 2010. No action taken.
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July 6, 2010
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: painting estimate. An estimate of $2500.00 was submitted by Don Marshall to address the north and east sides of the building. The Board approved this expense.
b. Town Office Building – re: asbestos test results. As anticipated, the report notes that asbestos was found in the boiler room. The remainder of the building showed little or no signs. A copy was forwarded to Architect Mark McManus.
c. Town Office Building – re: Clerk of the Works update. An email was received from Ralph Cameron of Estimating Concepts, LLC in Ludlow expressing interest in the job and citing previous experience. Mark also noted that Richard Garofalo has expressed interest. Discussion. The Board felt that both parties should be invited to meet with the Selectboard at the next meeting. Patty was asked to contact them.
d. Town Highway – re: 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Report. This report was reviewed by Road Commissioner George Deblon who noted that the bridge on Tweed River Drive will need some attention in the future. The Board signed off on these reports.
e. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue. A certified letter dated July 6, 2010 was received from Ken Hayes noting that he has not received any response regarding his previous email of June 8th. The Board had decided to contact the Rutland County Sheriff’s Department for advice before making any decision. Peter said he has called the Sheriff’s Department to speak with the Sheriff, but to date no one has called him back. The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to Mr. Hayes explaining this and indicating that when a decision is made he will be notified.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, June 27, 2010. This request was approved by the Board by email on June 16th but will be included in these minutes.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, August 15, 2010. This request was approved by the Board.
c. NEMRC – re: Tax Administration module support. Patty explained that the cost is $500 and includes updates and phone assistance under fifteen minutes. She added that cost could be spread over two years. Discussion. The Board approved this unbudgeted expense. It was also decided that since the tax bills will be printed within the next week, that the cost of networking with the Listers’ computer could wait until they are moved into the new building. In the meantime, any changes made by the Listers will be made known to the Town Clerk.
d. Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate. Patty presented an outline of the Budget summary with the final Grand List figures and the School tax rates received from the State. This year the Homestead Education Tax Rate is $1.4762, the Non-Residential Education Tax Rate is $1.4366, and the Municipal Rate is $.45. Peter made a motion to approve the Municipal Rate of $.45. Seconded by Jerry. All in favor. The Resultant Tax Rates for Homestead will be $1.9262 and the Non-Residential will be $1.8866.
e. Town Hall – re: rental request. A request to rent the Town Hall for a private function on August 21, 2010 by the Hawk Mountain Owners’ Association for a meeting was received. It was noted that rest room facilities are not included and Patty said she would inform HMOA of this. The Board approved the request, however should HMOA decided to withdraw their request, their payment will be returned.
f. Library – re: request to use Town Hall Basement. The Board felt that the Library should box up their books and put them in storage unless they can find another suitable location to run the library. Right now the Town Hall basement is the only available space for Town functions. No money has been budgeted by the Town for the Library for their relocation/storage.
g. Historical Society – re: request for space in TOB basement. It was decided to table this discussion to a future meeting.
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July 6, 2010
f. Town Property – re: prebuy for 2010-11 heating season. Patty prepared a five-year history of usage of the various buildings. Discussion. It was decided to prebuy 800 gallons of LP for the Town Garage and 1200 gallons of #2 fuel oil for the Town Hall. Patty will check with Mark McManus to see if the Town Office Building will need heat this winter during construction. If it
will, the Town will prebuy 300 gallons of #2 fuel oil and 250 gallons of kerosene for the Town Office Building.
g. Appointment – re: Town Health Officer. The Board appointed Sandy Begin to this position. A Letter of Appointment will be sent to her.
h. Town Property – re: request to use Bandstand. Patty said that the Church would like to reserve the bandstand for a concert on the first Saturday in August. Alternate dates include the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays. The Board approved the request.
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting. The next meeting will be held on August 3, 2010. The Secretary will post Warnings as required.
b. Asst. Town Clerk and Treasurer – re: introduction. Patty introduced Jessica Lalumiere as her newly appointed assistant. She replaces Mary Lee Stevens who retired at the beginning of the month. As Assistant Treasurer, Jessica will be an authorized signer on the Town’s accounts.
The meeting adjourned at 6:53pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved August 3, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 8, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Charles Howard
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 18, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. June 3, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting
c. June 4, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting
d. June 4, 2010 Public Hearing Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Charles Howard – re: use of Bandstand on Village Green
a. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2010
b. The Trust for Public Land – re: Land and People Spring/summer 2010
c. VTrans – re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program
d. TRORC – re: Summary of Challenges for Change and Next Steps
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1812, Stephen and Terri Lewis, 110 Hawk Trail
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1812 for Stephen and Terri Lewis, 100 Hawk Trail
g. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay update
h. VTrans – re: 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage (three letters)
i. TRORC – re: Annual CEDS Meeting
j. VMERS – re: Official Notice of Election for Employer and Employee Representatives to the Board of Trustees
k. VTrans – re: Calendar Year 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Reports
l. TRORC – re: (email) May 2010 Newsletter
m. TRORC – re: Representative to the TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee
n. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Land Use Permit # 3W1024
o. TRORC – re: TAC Meeting May 6, 2010 Minutes
p. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan
Old Business
a. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update
b. Town Hall - re: broken step
c. Town Hall – re: exterior painting
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door
h. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: dog problem
i. Town Employees – re: Asst. Clerk/Treasurer position
New Business
a. Bond – re: Bond Vote Reconsideration
b. Grant – re: Municipal Planning Grant
c. Grant – re: ADA Modification Grant
d. Grant – re: VCDP Grant
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June 8, 2010
e. Town Equipment – re: NEMRC Tax Administration software
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests
g. Delinquent Dogs – re: list of unlicensed dogs
h. Town Office Building – re: AIA Contract
i. Bond – re: Recovery Zone Economic Bonds vs. Tax Exempt Bonds
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the May 18, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, June 3, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting, June 4, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting, and the June 4, 2010 Public Hearing Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Charles Howard – re: use of Bandstand on Village Green. Charlie requested the use of the Bandstand on the Green to play music during the week. Discussion. The Board said they thought it was a good idea and suggested he speak with Alison Hans who is the organizer for the Farmers Market.
a. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2010. Patty pointed out an article regarding Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP). If any non-municipal individual/group rents building or property from the municipality and doesn’t have liability insurance, they can purchase TULIP. TULIP coverage protects both the tenant user and the municipality against claims by third parties who may be injured or have property damage as a result of the activities of the tenant user. Jerry said he would speak with VLCT regarding this and the Farmers Market.
b. The Trust for Public Land – re: Land and People Spring/summer 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VTrans – re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program. Proposals are being solicited for the creation of small Park-and-Ride Facilities in Vermont communities. Information for this grant is enclosed.
d. TRORC – re: Summary of Challenges for Change and Next Steps. This memo pertains to support for regional and municipal planning recently and changes that the Legislature passed.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1812, Stephen and Terri Lewis, 110 Hawk Trail. This project is described as the construction of a 3-bedroom single family residence on .9 acres. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1812 for Stephen and Terri Lewis, 100 Hawk Trail. This permit as described in (e) is approved under the requirements of the regulations and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay update. The dates for this event are June 19th – 20th. A Certificate of Liability for the event is enclosed. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. VTrans – re: 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage (three letters). A letter dated April 2, 2010 states that the VTrans Mapping Unit has received and reviewed the Certificate and has
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
June 8, 2010
requested additional documentation and clarification regarding several of the roads that have been submitted. A letter dated May 24, 2010 from Johnathan Croft, GIS Database Administrator, states they have not accepted the addition of 3.07 miles of Class 4 town highways as submitted on the Certificate due to the lack of documentation showing the legal establishment of these highways through the formal laying out process. The changes that were not accepted and listed on the 2010 Certificate may be re-submitted on the 2011 Mapping and GIS Specialist providing a copy of the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage including mileage changes reported. These letters will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. TRORC – re: Annual CEDS Meeting. This meeting is sponsored by the East Central Vermont CEDS Committee and will be held on June 24th. No action taken.
j. VMERS – re: Official Notice of Election for Employer and Employee Representatives to the Board of Trustees. This information outlines eligibility requirements for representative to the Board of Trustees. No action taken by the Board.
k. VTrans – re: Calendar Year 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Reports. Road Commissioner George Deblon reviewed the reports and felt the bridge deck on Tweed River Drive will need some attention in the future.
l. TRORC – re: (email) May 2010 Newsletter. No action taken by the Board.
m. TRORC – re: Representative to the TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee. This is a copy of a letter to George Deblon, Pittsfield’s representative. No action taken by the Board.
n. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Land Use Permit # 3W1024. This correspondence pertains to a Motion to Alter the Act 250 permit by the Permitee to modify two of the permit conditions pertaining to floor drains and audible noise limit. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
o. TRORC – re: TAC Meeting May 6, 2010 Minutes. No action taken by the Board.
p. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan. A few sections of the plan were updated, it was adopted by the Selectboard and signed by Peter as Chair of the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update. Peter said that adapters can be purchased which would allow the use of energy efficient fluorescent bulbs. Where to purchase them and the size needed will be researched.
b. Town Hall - re: broken step. Peter said he and Mark will repair it next week.
c. Town Hall – re: exterior painting. Patty will call Don Marshall for an estimate for repainting the north and east exteriors and touching up the front of the building.
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift. Carl Oertel will be asked to do this.
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door. Patty said he spoke with George who didn’t know of any businesses in Town that had one. Patty will research the availability and purchase.
h. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: dog problem. An email was received from Ken and Sally Hayes regarding the dog owned by Richard and Cathryn Peyton. It stated several recent instances of concern. Discussion. It was decided to contact a law enforcement agency for guidance in this matter.. Peter said he would call the Sheriff’s Department and report back to the Board.
o. Town Employees – re: Asst. Clerk/Treasurer position. Patty said that she has interviewed several promising candidates and felt she would have the position filled this week.
New Business
a. Bond – re: Bond Vote Reconsideration. The 30-day waiting period has concluded and the project is ready to move forward. A meeting has been scheduled with Architect Mark McManus on Thursday, June 10th at 3:30pm to finalize the preliminary plan.
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June 8, 2010
b. Grant – re: Municipal Planning Grant. Pater, as Grant Administrator, will contact Chris Sargeant at TRORC about closing the Municipal Planning Grant.
c. Grant – re: ADA Modification Grant. Henry Hotchkiss has been working with Sally Hull from TRORC on this grant for the Town Office. She has been approved to write the grant.
d. Grant – re: VCDP Grant. Peter said he would approve Joan Goldstein from GMEDC as the VCDP Grant writer.
e. Town Equipment – re: NEMRC Tax Administration software. Patty said she has been in touch with NEMRC and plans to proceed with obtaining this software program as approved in the budget at Town Meeting.
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests. A request by Noels to cater a rehearsal dinner at the Amee Farm on June 18th was approved with a change in ending time to 10pm. Requests to cater by The Village Porch for the following were reviewed: rehearsal dinner on June 25th,, wedding on June 26th, rehearsal dinner on August 13th, wedding on August 14th, brunch on August 15th, rehearsal dinner on August 20th, wedding on August 21st, rehearsal dinner on September 17th, wedding on September 18th, brunch on September 19th, rehearsal dinner on September 24th, wedding on September 25th, brunch on September 26th, rehearsal dinner on October 1st, wedding on October 2nd, brunch on October 3rd, rehearsal dinner at October 9th, wedding on October 10th, rehearsal dinner on October 15th, wedding on October 16th, brunch on October 17th, rehearsal dinner on October 22nd, and wedding on October 23rd. These events will be held at Riverside Farm. A request to cater a rehearsal dinner on August 27th, wedding on August 28th, rehearsal dinner on September 3rd, and wedding on September 4th will be held at the Amee Farm. All of these requests were approved with the stipulation that AM/PM be added to the requests.
g. Delinquent Dogs – re: list of unlicensed dogs. This list was reviewed and the Board approved sending a letter fining the owner $250 per dog.
h. Town Office Building – re: AIA Contract. This contract was sent by Architect Mark McManus. The contract was reviewed and discussed. Peter made a motion to approve and sign the contract. Seconded by Mark. The motion passed unanimously.
i. Bond – re: Recovery Zone Economic Bonds vs. Tax Exempt Bonds. The Board needed to decide what kind of bonds to offer and let the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank know their decision by June 18 . The differences were discussed. The municipality and its contractor will be required to file a Davis-Bacon Act Compliance Certificate with the VMBB if RZEDBs are issued on behalf of the municipality. The Board voted unanimously to issue the Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds.
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting. The next meeting will be held on July 6, 2010. The Secretary will post Warnings as required.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
June 8, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 6:55pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 6, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 4, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Blake Quayle, Joan Goldstein, Jim Cullen
AGENDA: Call to Order
VCDP grant for the Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc.
Resolution for VCDP Grant Application Authority
Letter of request for early decision
Peter called the Public Hearing to order at 7:07pm.
Peter asked the public present if there were any questions. Jim Cullen asked what the business was and what they would be doing. Blake responded by stating that they are a wood products manufacturer. He went on to list the products they plan to make and the companies they expect to have contracts with. At this time they are leasing space and equipment from Tim Pins with first right of refusal on the purchase of the machinery and equipment. He said they expect to be starting the business this month with full production underway when the funding has been obtained. Joan explained that the federal government agency Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gives money to the State who then gives it to the Town, who then gives it to the business. Patty asked Joan Goldstein, Exec. Dir. of GMEDC to explain the liability issue to the Town. Joan said that there is none and that there is nothing that states that the Town is required to pay back the money, should the business default on the grant/loan. There will be writing to that effect in the grant contract. Joan explained how various paybacks have been handled in other businesses receiving these grants. The Town can even re-assign the grant to GMEDC, for example, should they not wish to be involved in the oversight process.
Mark made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing portion of the meeting to discuss the Resolution and Letter of Request. Seconded by Jerry. The motion passed.
The Resolution and Letter of Request were reviewed, discussed and signed by all Board members and given to Joan for her to begin the application writing.
The meeting adjourned at 7:46pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 8, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 4, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Blake Quayle, Joan Goldstein
AGENDA: Call to Order
VCDP grant for the Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc.
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:27pm.
Peter welcomed Joan Goldstein, Green Mountain Economic Development Corp.'s (GMEDC) Executive Director to the meeting and made introductions. Joan was asked to explain the grant, which will be an "out of cycle implementation grant." She explained that the money comes from the federal government (HUD) to the State of Vermont and can be used for economic development or housing grants. The Town applies for the grant money from the Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP) and then lends it to the business. The business then repays the grant to the town with interest. The Town is entitled to keep half of the repayment and send the other half to the GMEDC. The money retained by the Town can be put into a revolving loan fund which can then be used to assist other small businesses in town. The benefit to the Town is that it lowers the unemployment and assists moderate income workers. The agency monitors the number of employees and their income status to assure it remains within the guidelines of the grant. Peter asked how much money the grant would be for. Joan and Blake said $600,000.00 based on recent figures. Joan emphasized the importance of the Town being in favor of doing this. Peter asked a number of questions of Blake and Joan regarding the plans for the business, who made up their Board of Directors, and when the anticipated payback to the Town would be, etc. Joan said that the application is very involved and time consuming and the public hearing this evening is only the first of many steps. She also said that GMEDC would be happy to write and administer the grant should the Town wish. Tonight the Selectboard will hold a public hearing and then decide whether it wishes to proceed. Once the Board of the agency meets, they will review the application and render a decision.
The meeting adjourned at 7:06pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 8, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Date: June 3, 2010
Present: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
Agenda: Approving and signing of bond documents
The meeting was called to order at 10 am by Mark Begin in the absence of Chair, Peter Borden. Documents for the $670,000.00 Town of Pittsfield General Obligation Bond were reviewed as prepared by Bond Counsel, Jack Facey. Jerry Drugonis made a motion to approve and sign the following documents as needed:
1. Resolution and Certificate
2. Loan Agreement
3. General Obligation Bond
4. Certificate of Registration
5. Tax Certificate
6. IRC Section 148 and 265 Certification
7. Assignment Separate from Bond
8. Receipt
Seconded by Mark Begin. Motion carried. Jerry noted that Peter Borden is also in agreement and will stop at Patty’s house to sign the documents on his way home from work tonight.
With no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.
Recorded by
Patricia S. Haskins
Town Clerk & Treasurer
Approved June 8, 2010
Jerry Drugonis
Mark Begin
DATE: May 18, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Richard Peyton, Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Linda Hanson
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 4, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. May 12, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton – re: dog problem
b. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Linda Hansen – re: The Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc
a. Tom Macaulay – re: (email) Inter Local Contract with ECFibernet
b. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2010
c. VLCT – re: Dental Insurance Rates for July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011
d. VLCT – re: (email) disregard previous memo, replace with VLCT Health Trust Dental Insurance Through Northeast Delta Dental
e. Joan Goldstein (GDBG) – re: (email) early notification form for possible GDBD application
f. Jeffrey Bradley, CPA – re: Town of Pittsfield Audit Report December 31, 2009
g. Angelique Lee – re: (email) playground information
h. VLCT – re: Municipal Attorneys Forum workshop
i. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1793, Raymond & Cheryl Harvey, 333 Lookout Road
j. VT Dept. of Liquor Control – re: Pitt-Stop in violation for selling tobacco products
k. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
l. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024, Vermont Country Inn
Old Business
a. Town Buildings – re: Bandstand roof repair update
b. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update
c. Town Hall - re: rotted beam
d. Town Hall - re: broken window
e. Town Hall - re: broken step
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door
h. Town Office Building – re: asbestos inspection update
i. Town Office Building – project update; Clerk of the Works
New Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: rat problem
b. Town Property – re: order Porta-Potty
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
May 18, 2010
Other Business
a. Village Green – re: remove cedar trees
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the May 4, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, and the May 12, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton – re: dog problem. Mr. Peyton said that he wasn’t happy with the Board’s recent decision. He said that he spoke with the police in Rutland and showed them a copy of the Town’s Dog Ordinance and they felt that Mr. Peyton was doing things properly. He voiced his concerns about what had been said previously by Ken Hayes. Peter said that the Selectboard listened to both sides and felt that the decision they made was based on facts. Mr. Peyton was out of compliance two times and therefore was fined accordingly. Peter said that as far as the Selectboard was concerned, Mr. Peyton is in compliance now.
b. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Linda Hansen – re: The Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc. Bob Quayle introduced Linda Hanson as the Secretary and Treasurer of the company. He said that they would like to apply for a $750,000 grant through GMEDC. It would be a 15- year payback. A three year delay before repayment had been recommended to them although they would like to do a two year delay. To apply for this grant, there needs to be a public meeting scheduled and they would like to have it on June 4th. Jerry explained that the money for the cycle ending June 30th is gone, so by having this meeting they can get a head start on the application process for the next cycle. This grant would be awarded to the Town who would administer it. The company would make payments to the Town with the Town keeping a portion of the money. The Warning needs to be made by May 20th in order to meet the timeline requirements. Board members felt they would like to know more about this grant before committing themselves. Joan Goldstein has indicated to Jerry and Patty that she would be glad to meet with the Board. It was also explained that the Town is under no obligation to repay the grant money should the company default on the loan. Patty said that Joan said that she would help in the application process. Jerry felt that the Town could possibly contract with TRORC to administer the grant.
a. Tom Macaulay – re: (email) Inter Local Contract with ECFibernet. This contract must be signed by a municipality participating. Peter made a motion that the Selectboard, on behalf of the Town of Pittsfield approve the form and content of the “Interlocal Contract Definitive Version as of September 8, 2008” presented to this meeting, and that the Selectboard Chair be authorized to execute and deliver the same. Seconded by Mark. The motion passed unanimously and Peter signed as Chair, on behalf of the Board.
b. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VLCT – re: Dental Insurance Rates for July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT – re: (email) disregard previous memo, replace with VLCT Health Trust Dental Insurance Through Northeast Delta Dental. No action taken.
e. Joan Goldstein (GDBD) – re: (email) early notification form for possible GDBD application. This form was reviewed and Joan will be invited to meet with the Board to discuss the grant in more detail.
f. Jeffrey Bradley, CPA – re: Town of Pittsfield Audit Report December 31, 2009. This was reviewed and the Board was pleased with it.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
May 18, 2010
g. Angelique Lee – re: (email) playground information. The information pertains to the playground and its possible relocation and what can be re-used. This information will be placed in the file for the Clerk of the Works for the Town Office Building Project for future reference.
h. VLCT – re: Municipal Attorneys Forum workshop. This workshop is designed for municipal attorneys and the paralegals and staff who assist them. The goal of the forum is to learn about and discuss emerging issues in Vermont municipal law. No action taken by the Board.
i. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1793, Raymond & Cheryl Harvey, 333 Lookout Road. This project, consisting of the construction of a new 4 bedroom house with onsite water and sewer on an existing undeveloped 1.9 acre +/- lot, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. VT Dept. of Liquor Control – re: Pitt-Stop in violation for selling tobacco products. The report states that on March 15, 2010, an employee was selling tobacco products prior to receiving training as required of Education Regulation #3b. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP). This was reviewed by the Board and changes made as needed.
l. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024, Vermont Country Inn. This permit lists the improvements specifically approved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business
a. Town Buildings – re: Bandstand roof repair update. Carl Oertel submitted an updated quote of $1980.00. The Board approved the amount and said the repairs can move forward.
b. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update. Peter said he hasn’t contacted Efficiency Vermont yet.
c. Town Hall - re: rotted beam. Patty said that David Larkin looked at the beam and felt there was no additional damage.
d. Town Hall - re: broken window. Patty reported that the window has been repaired.
e. Town Hall - re: broken step. Peter said that he and Mark would make repairs.
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift. Peter said that the information he has looked at wouldn’t be appropriate as this is an odd size. He said something custom would probably have to be made. He asked Patty to contact Carl Oertel for his recommendation.
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door. Patty said she has been unable to speak with Fire Chief David Colton.
h. Town Office Building – re: asbestos inspection update. Patty said that the company is coming Thursday at 10:00AM to do the inspection. Jerry said that he spoke with a family member who has knowledge of this process and advised the Town to proceed cautiously and limit the scope of the inspection. Jerry said that with the Board’s permission he would like to represent the Board when they are here on Thursday. It was suggested that the Health Office be involved. Jerry said he would keep Sandy Begin informed of the results and when the project is underway.
i. Town Office Building – project update; Clerk of the Works. Patty said that Mark McManus recommends that the Town appoint someone as soon as possible. Discussion. Richard Schirm was recommended and Mark said he would speak with him. In addition, Patty will post notices in Town and notice will also be added to the website. She presented copies of the job description for the Winhall Office Building Project Representative for the Board to review.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
May 18, 2010
New Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: rat problem. Patty said that Angelique Lee found a dead rat on her doorstep brought home by her cat. She was concerned that there might be more in the area. Discussion. If a second incident is reported, it will be forwarded to Health Officer Sandy Begin for action.
b. Town Property – re: order Porta-Potty. Patty said she would like to order it for the summer months. The Board approved.
Other Business
a. Village Green – re: remove cedar trees. Mark asked if these trees which are located on either side of the memorial could be removed. Connie will replace them with something smaller. The Board approved.
The meeting adjourned at 6:42pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 8, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 12, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
ABSENT: Mark Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
VMBB Loan Application - re: review
Asbestos Inspection - re: information
TRORC - re: VT Economic Incentive Program and local business
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. This meeting was called due to the fact the application needed to be mailed on May 13th.
VMBB Loan Application - re: review. Copies of the completed application were handed to the Board members. Each page was reviewed with discussion about the repayment options available. Patty said that the Town has until the 3rd week in June to decide how much to bond. If grants are anticipated, this could reduce the amount of the bond. Patty will contact Henry Hotchkiss of the Building Committee regarding grant applications. Peter and Jerry both felt that the repayment schedule as outlined was fine. Peter signed the application on behalf of the Selectboard.
Asbestos Testing - re: information. Patty said that Mark McManus recommended a Wilmington, VT company called Catamount Environmental about testing the Town Office Building for asbestos. She said she spoke with them and reviewed their fee schedule with the Board. The Board approved them for the job.
TRORC - re: VT Economic Incentive Program and local business. Jerry said that he received a letter from Peter Gregory expressing TRORC's support for this program's application by the Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc in Pittsfield. Jerry said he has been unable to contact Joan Goldstein with GMEDC to discuss this and wondered if the Board would like to invite her to the next regular Selectboard meeting to learn more about it. Peter agreed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:12pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 18, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 26, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Ron Coughenour, Henry Hotchkiss, Dick Stevens, Chuck Colton, Mark McManus and approximately 32 members of the community
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Building Project – re: information prior to Bond Vote
Town Moderator Ron Coughenour called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Prior to conducting the business of the meeting, he announced that Marsha Hopkins is the Town’s Green-Up Coordinator this year and announced the meeting time on May 1st and activities associated with Green-Up Day. The meeting was then turned over to Selectboard Chair Peter Borden.
Peter provided an historical timeline of the Town Office Building Project that has led up to the Bond Vote. Peter asked that questions and comments be limited to the matter being voted on. He then opened the meeting to the public.
- What change led the decision to move the Library from the basement to the 2nd floor?
Architect Mark McManus said that he overlooked a code issue which would allow the Library to be moved. He said that initially the use of the 2nd floor was not explored for code and structural reasons. He cited the code and the provision. Steel framework inside the wooden frame would support the weight of the books, etc.
- Point of Information: The cost of the project has not changed even though there is a change in the lift.
Mark said that space has been sacrificed inside and the lift would go there instead of in the addition as previously proposed.
- Have the inside stairs to the Library changed?
Mark said that a second stairway has been added in the rear as well as the original stairs in the front of the building. Less materials would be used and as many materials as can be will be reused. The rear staircase will become the main stairway.
- A question about wording in the Article citing the “total project” was questioned. The actual total is $175,000.00 more than the $670,000.00 being voted on.
Petty said that the wording used was recommended by the Bond Counsel.
- Mark was asked where the Selectboard would be meeting in the new building. Also where the mechanics would be.
Mark said that the Selectboard can determine their use of the building.
- What are the plans for keeping moisture out of the basement if plans are for future use?
Mark said that the water problems would be fixed, work would be done on any roof/wall problems, and finishes/surfaces where mold grows would be removed. There would be a re-inspection. All this is included in the budget.
- How soon could ground be broken and the building finished if the vote passes?
Mark said that few permits would be needed. Prepared drawings/specs would be put out to bid. It might be possible to begin late in the summer or early fall for exterior work. Interior work could be continued through the winter months with the building possibly completed this time next year.
- What are the interim plans for the Library while this project is undertaken?
There are none at this time.
- Point of Information: It is suggested that information concerning the project be mailed to all property owners, not just registered voters.
Pittsfield Special Town Meeting Minutes page 2
April 26, 2010
- Is the increased vault space going to be sufficient to last for some time?
Mark and Patty said that it would.
- Would bids for the project go out to local contractors?
Mark said that the project will be advertised. He said that he has already received inquiries. Contractors will need to be prequalified (bonded). This will mean that only certain levels of contractors will be eligible to bid. He said that this insures that the Town’s money is protected.
- Will the stairs from the second floor on the side of the building be removed?
Yes, they will.
Peter announced that the polls would be open from 10am to 7pm in the Town Clerk’s Office. He thanked everyone for coming.
The Moderator adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 4, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 26, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
2010 Liquor License Renewal – re: approve and sign
2010 Tobacco License Renewal – re: approve and sign
Letter of Decision to Richard and Cathryn Peyton – re: sign
Letters of Appointment – re: sign
Town Audit – re: update
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:27pm. This meeting was called due to the lateness in receiving the Liquor and Tobacco License renewal. The current licenses expire May 1st.
2010 Liquor License Renewal – re: approve and sign
The following applications were approved and signed by the Selectboard:
First Class: Joyy Productions d/b/a Clear River Tavern
Second Class: Route 100 Enterprises d/b/a Pittsfield Pitt-Stop
2010 Tobacco License Renewal – re: approve and sign
The following application was approved and signed by the Selectboard:
Route 100 Enterprises d/b/a Pittsfield Pitt-Stop
Letter of Decision to Richard and Cathryn Peyton – re: sign
This letter was signed by the Selectboard.
Letters of Appointment – re: sign
Zoning Board of Adjustment – David Larkin
Planning and Zoning Commission – Marsha Hopkins
Town Audit – re: update
Patty said that signatures of the Town Clerk and Selectboard were needed, but she said she had some questions to ask the auditor, so will bring this before the Board at their next regular meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 4, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 6, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Jerry Kresconko, Tom Macaulay, Ken and Sally Hayes, Alison Hans
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 23, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. March 30, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, & Jerry Kresconko - re: new business
b. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet update
b. Ken and Sally Hayes - re: dog problem
c. Alison Hans - re: Pittsfield Farmers Market
a. SVE Associates - re: introduction to services
b. VLCT - re: 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training program
c. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - re: 2010 Dry Hydrant Grant Program
d. VLCT - re: Basic Governmental Accounting workshop
e. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation - re: reclassifying/discontinuing town highways
f. TRORC - re: Flood Preparation for Towns disaster simulation
g. VTrans - re: request for additional information on ancient roads
h. VLCT - re: VLCT News April 2010
Old Business
a. Citizen Complaint/Concern - re: continuing dog problem
b. Town Funds - re: GASB34 compliance update
c. Town Personnel - re: : job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer
d. Town Funds - re: CD renewal
e. TRORC - re: appointment of TAC representative
f. Town Office Building - re: project information mailing
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:58pm.
The Minutes of the March 23, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and March 30, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, & Jerry Kresconko - re: new business. Bob said that they have been working with the former Stanley tool facility. They have a lease on the building and have hired Jerry as their plant manager. They are hoping to pursue a Community Grant with the Town. He went on to explain the plans and goals for his company called The Original Vermont Products, Inc. They invited the Board to come down and tour their facility.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
April 6, 2010
b. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet update. Tom thanked the Board for his Letter of Appointment, but asked that the Board members sign it. In addition, the Board signed a letter to Mr. Loredo Sola of EC Fibernet declaring the Town's appointment of Tom as a delegate and Susan Davidson as an alternate from the Town of Pittsfield. A second letter to the Rutland Development Authority was signed. This letter requested that the Town 's Letter of Intent to participate in the Rutland Telecom project be withdrawn.
c. Ken and Sally Hayes - re: dog problem. Ken said that they have been keeping abreast of the problem with the Selectboard Minutes but had some concerns with the Minutes and asked for some clarifications. He questioned the wording of the Ordinance with respect to the interpretation of what "keeping the dog under the owners' control" meant. He said that the problems have continued in spite of visits by Second Constable Doug Mianulli and discussions with the Peytons. Peter said that they would have Mr. Peyton attend their next meeting to readdress the problem. The Hayes' said that they feel that they have the right to feel safe on their own property. They said that this has been a problem for the last six months and it is time for some action by the Board. Peter said that the Board will discuss it and advise them of their decision.
d. Alison Hans - re: Pittsfield Farmers Market. Alison said that she has had several phone calls regarding the market and says they plan to set up on Thursdays from 3 - 6pm with the Board's approval. The Board had no objection.
a. SVE Associates - re: introduction to services. This company provides engineering, planning, landscape architecture, and surveying services. No action taken by the Board.
b. VLCT - re: 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training program. The program is available to municipal employees and volunteer firefighters in a PACIF municipality. It will be held on multiple dates at the Stowe Mountain Resort. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - re: 2010 Dry Hydrant Grant Program. This information will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton for his review.
d. VLCT - re: Basic Governmental Accounting workshop. This workshop provides an understanding of basic governmental accounting concepts and tools needed to improve communication of financial results. No action taken by the Board.
e. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation - re: reclassifying/discontinuing town highways. This letter addresses recent action regarding Ancient Roads. They are asking that they be notified prior to any hearing regarding these matters so that they have an opportunity to provide comment. No action taken by the Board.
f. TRORC - re: Flood Preparation for Towns disaster simulation. LEPC #12 will host this on April 15th from 6-8pm at the Tunbridge Town Hall. No action taken by the Board.
g. VTrans - re: request for additional information on ancient roads. The VTrans Mapping Unit has received and reviewed Pittsfield's 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage and is requesting additional documentation and clarification regarding several of the roads that have been submitted. This was reviewed and the Board asked that it be forwarded to Sarah Gray with the Ancient Roads Committee for their review and response.
h. VLCT - re: VLCT News April 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Citizen Complaint/Concern - re: continuing dog problem. The Board discussed this and will invite Mr. Peyton to attend the next meeting. If the situation is not resolved, then the Board will take action to have the dog impounded.
b. Town Funds - re: GASB34 compliance update. Patty said that Jeff Bradley says a "bare bones" version can be done without additional cost on the audit. Being GASB34 compliant may be a requirement to obtain a federal grant.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
April 6, 2010
c. Town Personnel - re: : job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer. Patty said that she has had a few people interested in the position but has not advertised as yet. She said that her concern was that the benefits be equitable. She explained the vacation policy to the Board. The Board said that they would like to continue reviewing these and will bring this up at the next meeting.
d. Town Funds - re: CD renewal. Patty said that the Highway Equipment Fund is up for renewal. She explained the different options available with the percentages and lengths of term. It was decided to put the money in a 5-month CD at 1.14%.
e. TRORC - re: appointment of TAC representative. This position is to the Transportation Advisory Committee. Mark said he would ask George Deblon if he would accept the appointment and will advise the Board at the next meeting.
f. Town Office Building - re: project information mailing. Patty said that Mark McManus suggested a mailing with information regarding the Bond Vote. Patty explained the items Mark suggested. In addition, she would include a cover letter with pertinent information regarding taxes, etc. to assist the voter in making an informed decision. It was decided to only send the mailing to registered voters. The Bond Vote Informational Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 26th at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall. The Bond Vote will be held on Tuesday, April 27th between 10am - 7pm in the Town Clerk's Office.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 20, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 30, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Building Project - re: revised estimate
Warning, Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - re: approve and sign
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
Town Office Building Project - re: revised estimate. Estimate changes from architect Mark McManus were reviewed. There was some discussion regarding the exterior siding. It was decided to spend the original amount for siding instead of only patching or replacing clapboards. This should save in the long run instead of having to repaint every 4-5 years. The Board approved the revised estimate with this exception and increased the bond to $670,000.00.
Warning, Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - re: approve and sign. The Board had previously signed these at earlier meetings, but with the revised amount, Patty made the requested changes and the Board signed them.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 6, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 23, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Chris Sullivan, Tom Macaulay, Mark McManus, Henry Hotchkiss, Sharon Mayer, Marion Abrams, Dick Stevens, Chuck Colton, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 9, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. March 16, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet update
b. Chris Sullivan - re: litigation issues
c. Mark McManus - re: Town Office Building Project
a. VLCT - re: (email) VLCT Wellness Incentives
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: Project Solicitation
c. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010
d. TRORC - re: TAC Representative Appointments
e. TRORC - re: Energy Audit Program
f. VT Tennis Court Surfacing - re: introduction to services
g. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Out of the Blue newsletter Winter 2010
h. US Dept. of Agriculture - re: GMNF grant writing workshops
New Business
a. Town Hall - re: sprinkler system
b. Town Personnel - re: job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: Liberty Hill Road washout
d. Town Roads/Highways - re: dead trees on Upper Michigan Road
e. Highway Department - re: grader update
f. Permit for Driveway Construction - re: Raymond and Cheryl Harvey, Lot 34, Lookout Road
g. Town Funds - re: CD renewals
Old Business
a. Bond Warning - re: approval
b. Citizen Complaints/Concerns - re: (email) Peyton's dog on Park Place
Executive Session with Attorney Chris Sullivan
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:54pm.
The Minutes of the March 9, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and March 16, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
March 23, 2010
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet. Tom said that Pittsfield has been accepted into the EC Fibernet telecommunications project effective March 9, 2010. He said that the Selectboard will need to authorize the inter local contract. Copies were made for the Board to review and re-address at the next regular meeting. In addition Tom said that the Town needs to appoint and delegate and alternate to serve on EC Fibernet's Board. The Selectboard appointed Tom Macaulay to serve as delegate and Susan Davidson to serve as alternate. It was explained to the Board that they also need to send the Rutland Redevelopment Authority a letter withdrawing its Letter of Intent to participate in the Rutland Telecom project, effective immediately. The delegate appointment letter and withdrawal letters will be put on Town letterhead and be ready for the Board to sign at the next regular meeting. The Secretary will send out Letters of Appointment to Tom and Susan.
b. Chris Sullivan - re: litigation issues. Jerry made a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation issues. Seconded by Peter. The Board entered into Executive Session at 6:25pm and adjourned from Executive Session at 6:50pm.
c. Mark McManus - re: Town Office Building Project. Mark presented copies of a revised design for the Town Office Building which would place the library on the second floor instead of the basement. He and Patty checked out the building last week to see what could be reused and he reviewed codes applicable to the project. Discussion. He said that for budgeting purposes, the basement could be left unfinished and the water repair issue could be observed before any finish work is done there. Several other issues were discussed including access to the second floor for patrons with disabilities if only stairs are available, other options to cut costs, etc. The Board asked if Mark could re-examine the estimate figures and see what could be reworked. Mark said he could have them to the Board next week. The Board decided to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 6:00pm for the purpose of reviewing the changes to make sure that they are under the $665,000.00 amount for the Bond vote. Warnings will be posted in the required places.
a. VLCT - re: (email) VLCT Wellness Incentives. This pertains to wellness programs and incentives available to employees on the VLCT/CIGNA health insurance. A copy was given to George.
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: Project Solicitation. This plan comes from the Federal Economic Development Administration and allows the 30 TRORC towns and 10 Southern Windsor County towns to remain eligible for grants. No action taken by the Board.
c. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010. This program is sponsored by VLCT/PACIF and designed for maintenance, road and municipal crews that use chain saws to remove trees from the ground without assistance from an aerial lift truck. There are three levels of training. No action taken by the Board.
d. TRORC - re: TAC Representative Appointments. To fulfill VTrans federal requirements on local consultation, each regional planning commission must use a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to meet these requirements. There is currently no TAC representative from Pittsfield. They would like one appointed one and then notify them. No action was taken tonight.
e. TRORC - re: Energy Audit Program. This memo applies to Orange and Windsor Counties. No action taken by the Board.
f. VT Tennis Court Surfacing - re: introduction to services. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Out of the Blue newsletter Winter 2010. No action taken by the Board.
h. US Dept. of Agriculture - re: GMNF grant writing workshops. These workshops are free and for anyone in town trying to secure grants for a non-profit organization, the town, or even someone looking to start a business. This flyer will be posted.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
March 23, 2010
New Business
a. Town Hall - re: sprinkler system. Patty will contact the Assistant Fire Marshall regarding obtaining a variance.
b. Town Personnel - re: job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer. Copies of the proposed and current job descriptions were distributed to the Board for their review. This will be addressed at the next regular meeting. There was
discussion on whether the job of Clerk and Treasurer should be on separate descriptions. The Board said they would review them as written at this time.
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: Liberty Hill Road washout. George said that there was a washout up by the Swanson development. He said the culvert was plugged. He cleared the culvert and Mark asked him to take photographs of the damage.
d. Town Roads/Highways - re: dead trees on Upper Michigan Road. George said that there are three trees in the narrow stretch just past Hawk Lane that should be taken down. He noted that there are power lines involved. It was suggested he contact CVPS for assistance.
e. Highway Department - re: grader update. George said that the used grader they were hoping to get from Pittsford is no longer available. The Board asked him to continue looking for one.
f. Permit for Driveway Construction - re: Raymond and Cheryl Harvey, Lot 34, Lookout Road.
George noted that he did not see any problems. The Board approved and signed the permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
g. Town Funds - re: CD renewals. Patty said that the Highway Equipment Fund CD matures on April 9th. In addition the Land Trust CD matured on March 24th. Both will be kept in a 1-year CD.
Old Business
a. Bond Warning - re: approval. Patty said that Attorney Jack Facey is away this week but would like to review the Warning prior to posting/publishing it. It was decided to have him look it over before the Board signs it.
b. Citizen Complaints/Concerns - re: (email) Peyton's dog on Park Place. Ken and Sally Hayes said that the dog continues to be a problem and have included two excerpts from their log for the Board's consideration and discussion. The Board asked that this correspondence be forwarded to Second Constable Doug Mianulli for follow-up.
The meeting adjourned at 7:47pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 6, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 9, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Sarah Gray, Richard Peyton, Robert Ashton, Doug Mianulli, Mike Kenison
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 16, 2010 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. March 4, 2010 Special Select Board Meeting
c. March 2, 2009 Town Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton - re: dog problem
b. Robert Ashton, George Deblon, and Sarah Gray - re: ancient road issue
c. George Deblon - re: grader
a. American Diabetes Association - re: Tour de Cure 2010
b. VLCT - re: National Safety Council Defensive Driving Class
c. TRORC - re: Minutes of January 27, 2010 meeting
d. KONE Elevators Escalators - re: service offerings
e. TRORC - re: February 2010 newsletter
f. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: February/March 2010 newsletter
g. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions March 2010
h. VTrans - re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways
i. VT Conservations Commissions - re: Annual Meeting
j. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2010
k. VT Dept. for Children & Families - re: Town Service Officer appointment
l. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1035-R; receipt of application for project; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road
m. VT Dept of Environment Conservation - re: change of permit application from WW-3-1035-R to WW-3-1035-1R
n. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, Townsend Brook Road
p. Rutland Superior Court - re: Summons: Robert B. Ashton vs Town of Pittsfield
q. VT Dept. of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: (email) Municipal Planning Grant information
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign
b. Selectboard Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign
c. Appointments - re: 2010 Town Officials
d. Liquor/Tobacco License renewal
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
e. Thank you - re: use of Fire House
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, three events
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
March 9, 2010
g. Town Garage - re: contract for insulation project
Old Business
a. EC Fibernet - re: Pittsfield and EC Fibernet inter-local contract
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property assessment appeal update
c. Town Office Building Project - re: date for public hearing and bond vote
d. Town Office Building Project - re: resolution and order of the Selectboard
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Board approved the following positions: Peter will assume Chair, Mark with do the Weekly Orders, and Jerry will be in charge of the Town Buildings.
The Minutes of the February 16, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, March 4, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting, and March 2, 2010 Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton - re: dog problem. Mr. Peyton introduced himself and said that he and his family moved to Pittsfield in August, 2009 from New Jersey. Doug had been asked by the Selectboard to impound his dog. He said that in the beginning the dog was let loose to play, he wasn't aware that there was a town dog ordinance. He explained that he walks his dog several times a day and the dog is under his control. Mr. Peyton said that he was given verbal permission by neighbor James McAdam allowing him to walk the dog on his property. Mr. Peyton feels the issue with the complaining neighbor is from something prior to the dog issue. Peter asked Second Constable Doug Mianulli for his observations and recommendation. Doug said he has seen the dog and agrees that the issue with the neighbors might stem from something else. He recommended an electric fence and felt that might settle the problem. He suggested to Mr. Peyton that he keep lines of communication open with all the neighbors. Peter asked if the Board was comfortable with how things are at this point. The Board felt they were and asked Mr. Peyton if he understood what was expected from this point on. He said he did. The Board thanked him for attending tonight's meeting.
b. Robert Ashton, George Deblon, and Sarah Gray - re: ancient road issue. Mr. Ashton introduced himself and said that he disagreed with the Ancient Roads Committee and the Selectboard in their approval of the Jimmy Dean Road and its inclusion in the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. He felt that under advice of his attorney, he felt he had no choice but to pursue a legal course of action. He presented his views of land rights and felt that there were facts that the Selectboard might not have been aware of when they approved this road. He thought it might be worth another look before continuing legal action. George expressed his concern as well and explained that a survey shows that he owns quite a bit of the road. Sarah said that it needs to first be determined if it is a public road. She invited both George and Bob to meet with John Dutton on Wednesday morning, they were not going to be available. Peter suggested a comprehensive review of the documentation to see what is correct.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
March 9, 2010
c. George Deblon - re: grader. George said that he received a call from the Pittsford Highway Department asking if Pittsfield would be interested in their grader, which is for sale. George said that it is four years newer than Pittsfield's, which is 31 years old. He said that he and Mel Colton went over to look at it. The service history was reviewed, recommendations were good and George said the preliminary selling price is $45,000 - $50,000 but they may take $40,000. He said that Pittsfield may be able to get $20,000 for ours. He asked if the Selectboard thought he should pursue it. They said yes.
a. American Diabetes Association - re: Tour de Cure 2010. This does not impact our area. No action taken.
b. VLCT - re: National Safety Council Defensive Driving Class. VLCT PACIF is sponsoring this class which will be available in four cities between March 24th and June 16th. No action taken.
c. TRORC - re: Minutes of January 27, 2010 meeting. No action taken.
d. KONE Elevators Escalators - re: service offerings. No action taken.
e. TRORC - re: February 2010 newsletter. No action taken.
f. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: February/March 2010 newsletter. No action taken.
g. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions March 2010. No action taken.
h. VTrans - re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways. This pertains to road marking. Pittsfield has no roads that apply. No action taken.
i. VT Conservations Commissions - re: Annual Meeting. This will be held at VTC on April 17th. No action taken.
j. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2010. No action taken.
k. VT Dept. for Children & Families - re: Town Service Officer appointment. This will be addressed under New Business.
l. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1035-R; receipt of application for project; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road. This application is for a project that amends the previous permit by subdividing an existing 0.9 acre parcel. The new lot (5) has a garage/barn without plumbing, while the remaining lot (2) has a permit for water and septic but is currently unimproved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
m. VT Dept of Environment Conservation - re: change of permit application from WW-3-1035-R to WW-3-1035-1R. This correspondence as described in (l) will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
n. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road. This project as described in (l) will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, Townsend Brook Road. This project consisting of a two lot subdivision, subdividing previously permitted lot #2 onto lot #2 or 0.6 +/- acres approved for one single family residence and lot #5 of 0.3 +/- acres to remain undeveloped (has a barn with no water or wastewater facilities) located on Townsend Brook Road is approved subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
p. Rutland Superior Court - re: Summons: Robert B. Ashton vs. Town of Pittsfield. This suit pertains to a challenge of the Pittsfield Selectboard's inclusion of the so-called Jimmy Dean Road on Pittsfield's 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage without proper notice to affected landowners; the quieting of title for the purpose of establishing that a town highway does not exist on Mr. Ashton's land; and a determination that the Town's attempt to establish a town highway in a location not properly warned or laid out constitutes an unconstitutional taking. A copy of this summons was sent to Attorney Chris Sullivan as per Selectboard Chairman Peter Borden, Jr.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
March 9, 2010
q. VT Dept. of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: (email) Municipal Planning Grant information. This information will be forwarded to Suana Bicek, Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Selectboard Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Appointments - re: 2010 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee. Vacant positions will be filled at the next meeting.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
John Barrows Fence Viewer one year
Richard Stevens Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
Jerry Drugonis Two Rivers Reg. Plan. Comm. one year
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Robert Charlebois Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Vacant Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Jennifer Howard Planning & Zoning Commission four years
John O'Donohue Planning & Zoning Commission four years
Patricia Haskins Unemploy. Comp. Coordinator one year
Don Ziegler Septic Officer one year
Angelique Lee WRVA Representative one year
Vacant Green Up Coordinator one year
d. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board.
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
e. Thank you - re: use of Fire House. A note of thanks will be sent to Fire Chief David Colton for the use of the Fire House for Pittsfield's Town Meeting.
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, three events. These events are scheduled for March 13, 20, and 27 and are for the evening snowshoe tours held at Riverside Farm from 6-10pm. The Board approved these requests.
g. Town Garage - re: contract for insulation project. The contract from Vermont Foam Insulation, Inc. for the insulation and air barrier job totaling $10,883.00 was signed by Peter on behalf of the Board. The Board approved an order for a deposit payment of $3,265.00 and it was noted that the project can begin on April 5th.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
March 9, 2010
Old Business
a. EC Fibernet - re: Pittsfield and EC Fibernet inter-local contract. This letter is addressed to Mr. Loredo Sola, Chairman of EC Fibernet expresses support by the Town of Pittsfield in joining with EC Fibernet as indicated by a unanimous vote at Town Meeting on March 2, 2010 and previously at the 2008 Town Meeting. Jerry made a motion to sign the letter. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed and each member signed.
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property assessment appeal update. Attorney Chris Sullivan has asked if the Board would like to meet to discuss the upcoming schedule. The Board agreed and asked Patty to invite Chris to the next regular meeting.
c. Town Office Building Project - re: date for public hearing and bond vote. Patty said that a Build America bond can be applied for with USDA Rural Development. She said that she has gathered a lot of information and discussion ensued. It was felt by all that the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank avenue should be pursued.
d. Town Office Building Project - re: resolution and order of the Selectboard. Patty said that Bond Attorney Jack Facey sent her sample of resolutions to review. Peter made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 7:00pm to discuss the potential contract and financing options. Seconded by Jerry. The Board adjourned from Executive Session at 7:12pm. The Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 6:00pm for the purpose of concluding the resolution and order of the Selectboard. The Secretary will post a Warning for the meeting.
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing letters of appointment and other correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 23, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 16, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Jim Cullen, Judy McConnell, David Larkin, Mark McManus
AGENDA: Call to Order
Old Business
a. George Deblon - re: Grader
b. Public Comments re: Town Office Building Project
Bond Vote
a. Warnings - re: dates
b. Special Meeting - re: date and place
c. Bond Vote - re: date
d. Bond - re: determine the amount
e. Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - re: approve and sign
f. Special Meeting/Bond Vote - re: marketing/advertising
Other Business
a. Attorney Chris Sullivan - re: next meeting
b. Town Funds - re: GASB 34 compliance
c. Town Property - re: request to purchase A-frame sign
d. Mark McManus -re: questions from Board
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
Old Business
a. George Deblon - re: Grader. George said that Mark Begin and Dave Colton went with him to Pittsford to look at the grader. He said he also checked online for comparables. He said the average price online was around $60,000.00 and Pittsford is asking $45,000.00-50,000.00. A 12' Balderson Wing comes with their grader. Discussion. There is an Equipment Fund CD which matures on April 9th with enough money to pay for the grader. Jerry made a motion to approve the purchase of the used grader from the Town of PIttsford. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed unanimously. Mark suggested offering $42,000.00. George will give them a call. George felt that Pittsfield's grader could sell and suggested $25,000.00 as a starting sale price.
b. Public Comments re: Town Office Building Project. David Larkin said that he Googled Mark McManus on the internet and said the site stated he was an employee of Naylor and Breen. He felt that if this was the case there would be a conflict of interest as the estimate was from Naylor and Breen. The Board said that they were not aware of this and would look into it. David also wanted to know the status of the foundation and if it will be replaced. Mark said that some work has been done around the foundation, but its exact status won't be known until the project is underway. David also brought up the subject of mold and felt that something should be done to assess the situation prior to beginning the project. Mark responded by saying that when the basement is stripped, the extent will be determined. Peter asked Patty if Mark McManus could possibly attend the next meeting and if that would throw off the timeline for the bond vote. She said that Mark was coming over this evening to tour the building to see what features could be saved and incorporated into the renovation and interior look of the building. The Board decided to try and speak with him later in the
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes page 2
March 16, 2010
meeting. Jim Cullen expressed his concern about the cost of mold remediation without first checking it out. Peter agreed that there are unknowns, but that money could not keep being spent on the building without it moving forward. He said that experts have been consulted and their opinions have been encouraging. The contingency money factored into the cost of the project should cover these concerns.
Bond Vote
a. Warnings - re: dates. Patty said that the Warning will be posted in the required areas in Town and will appear in the 4/6, 4/13, and 4/20 issues of the Rutland Herald.
b. Special Meeting - re: date and place. The meeting will be held at 7:00PM on Monday, April 26, 2010 in the downstairs of the Town Hall.
c. Bond Vote - re: date. The polls will be open from 10:00AM - 7:00PM on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at the Town Office Building. Voting to be by Australian ballot.
d. Bond - determine the amount. Patty presented a breakdown of the estimate with bond, which includes a 15% contingency, soft costs, short term construction financing minus the reserve funds. Discussion. The amount of $665,000.00 was agreed on.
e. Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - approve and sign. This was reviewed and signed by the Board members.
f. Special Meeting/Bond Vote - re: marketing/advertising. Patty said that posters would be placed at various locations around the village as well as Warnings. In addition she is hoping that an article can be written for inclusion in local newspapers.
Other Business
a. Attorney Chris Sullivan - re: next meeting. Patty said that Chris will be at the meeting but that their discussion will be held in Executive Session. It was suggested he arrive around 6:30PM.
b. Town Funds - re: GASB 34 compliance. Patty explained that Jeff Bradley began the municipal audit today. Pittsfield has not been required to become GASB 34 compliant due to its size, but accountant Jeff Bradley recommended moving to that model should the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank change their requirements in the future. Federal money, should it be requested in the future, requires that Town’s be GASB 34 compliant. Discussion. Peter felt that the Town should stay in the format it's in now, but asked how quickly GASB 34 compliance could be obtained if needed. Patty said she would check with Jeff.
c. Town Property - re: request to purchase A-frame sign. Patty said that she would like to order the sign to place out front to announce dog license renewals, voting, etc. The Board approved the purchase.
d. Mark McManus - re: questions from Board. The Board met briefly and asked him if he has any involvement with Naylor and Breen at this time. Mark said that he did not. His only involvement has been the Mendon Town Office project which has been completed. Peter asked him about the concerns expressed previously about the mold and foundation. Mark felt that once the basement is stripped, a good cleaning should remedy the mold problem unless there is wood involved. Flooring is included in the estimate. He said he was comfortable that everything could be removed. Regarding the foundation, he said he didn't remember seeing anything in the structural report pertaining to any problems with that. The Board appreciated his meeting with them on short notice this evening.
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Meeting Minutes page 3
March 16, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 7:03pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 23, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 4, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, Mark McManus, Henry Hotchkiss, Dick Stevens, Jim Cullen, Sean and Angelique Lee, Judy McConnell, David Larkin, Don and Ann Taylor, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Nancy Blessing
ABSENT: Jerry Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Public Comments to Architect, Selectboard, and Building Committee
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Peter explained that the purpose of this meeting was discuss the estimate from Naylor & Breen, what changes might be made to the plans and any other concerns the parties might have. Peter said that the first twenty minutes would be a question and answer period where architect Mark McManus could address concerns from the public.
Various concerns and responses were addressed from the public present:
Executive Session opened at 6:40pm. Adjourned at 6:45pm.
Design concerns were addressed with Mark McManus by Patty Haskins and Dick Stevens. These included:
March 4, 2010
Executive Session adjourned at 7:46pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 9, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 16, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Tom Macaulay, George Deblon, Mike Kenison, Ann & Don Taylor, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Kelly Ziegler, Traci Templeton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. February 2, 2010 Regular Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network
b. George Deblon – re: Jimmy Dean Road ancient road
c. Marion Abrams et al – re: Library concerns
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. – re: Discovery Schedule for property appeals
b. WRVA – re: 2009 Year End Financials
c. VLCT – re: Municipal Treasurer’s Workshop
d. VLCT – re: (email) Selectboard Institute
e. VLCT – re: The Data Resources Your Town Needs for Comprehensive Planning
f. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn
g. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House – re: Rutland County tax bill
h. Bob Ashton – re: (email) ancient road concern
i. Bob Ashton – re: (email) response to meeting invitation
j. Dinse, Knapp, McAndrew – re: Robert Ashton and Ancient Road
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions February 2010
l. Weapons Systems Training Council – re: AR-15/M16 Armorer Course training seminar
m. Constance Mendell/Occasions Catering – re: request to reconsider two applications
n. Kenlan, Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application #3W1024 – Response to Recess Order No. 2
o. RCML Board of Trustees – re: request to change name of project (see Guests and Committee Reports)
p. U.S. Census Bureau – re: Boundary Validation Program
q. TRORC – re: Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
r. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) – re: Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds
s. RCML – re: community Facility loan program information
t. John Bilunas – re: (email) thank you to Road Commissioner
Old Business
a. Audit for Bond Vote – re: bids received
b. Delinquent Dog – re: update
c. Town Office Building – re: update
New Business
a. Liquor License renewal – re: Casa Bella Inn, 1st Class
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
February 16, 2010
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: change in meeting times in March
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Peter arrived a few minutes later. The Minutes of the February 2, 2010 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network. Tom announced that he is no longer associated with the Rutland Redevelopment Authority that was working on this project. He said he would like to see this type of project move forward and that something needs to be done. He asked if the Selectboard would consider appointing him to serve as the Town’s representative on a volunteer basis on this project. Mark made a motion to appoint Tom. Seconded by Jerry. The motion passed.
b. George Deblon – re: Jimmy Dean Road ancient road. George’s concern was how a decision could be made regarding this road without property owner’s involvement. He presented a survey where he explained that he owns the land that was under consideration. He wanted to know what impact this would have on his ownership and property taxes. Jerry explained that the Town only keeps the right of way, they don’t own the land. George pointed out that Hadley Lane is a private road, not a Town road. George said there are no references in his deed of a Town right of way. Peter suggested inviting the Ancient Roads committee to the next meeting to discuss this. Peter said he would contact Sarah Gray. Robert Ashton will also be invited. The Secretary will send him an email inviting him to attend.
c. Marion Abrams et al – re: Library concerns. Marion said that they had two concerns. They asked if in future communications regarding the Town Office Building that instead of it saying “Town Office Building” that it be more clearly labeled “Town Office and Library Building.” They feel that because so much discussion has focused on the Town Clerk’s Office, they are concerned that some people may not realize that the building in question also houses the Library. Discussion. The Board voted to keep the name as it has been saying that there are enough references to the library in the surveys, etc. Marion also expressed concern about the library being relocated to the basement when/if the new building is approved. Marion said that the library’s position has changed since the initial process began. They don’t want to encourage people to vote against the bond vote if the library is to be in the basement. They would like to encourage the Selectboard to explore options including the library in the final plans. Peter said that he wasn’t sure how they should proceed but would discuss it. All options would be explored. Karen suggested a presentation at Town Meeting to explain how much a bond vote costs to prepare. This might emphasize the seriousness of the vote and encourage more people to take part in the vote. Patty added that Town Meeting will not discuss the Town Office Building project. There will be a separate meeting scheduled for a later date.
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. – re: Discovery Schedule for property appeals. The schedule sets forth some dates by which various actions need to be taken. One of them requires a disclosure of an expert which would be an appraiser to appraise the properties. Discussion. The Secretary will contact Attorney Sullivan with information for NEMC/Bill Krajeski. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. WRVA – re: 2009 Year End Financials. The 2010 Budget represents a decrease of 5.03% for Pittsfield/$119.73 below the 2008 budget.
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February 16, 2010
c. VLCT – re: Municipal Treasurer’s Workshop. This workshop will provide treasurers with the basic tools needed to address daily issues and to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It will be held at two locations in March. No action taken.
d. VLCT – re: (email) Selectboard Institute. This is an annual program designed for both new and seasoned members. It will be held in March in Fairlee. No action taken.
e. VLCT – re: The Data Resources Your Town Needs for Comprehensive Planning. This workshop is also sponsored by Vermont’s Regional Planning Commissions. It is designed for all local officials involved in land use planning and regulations. It will be held in March via Interactive Television. No action taken.
f. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn. The Commission received the Applicant’s final response to Hearing Recess Order #2. All parties will be allowed until February 19, 2010, to review and submit any response to the final evidence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House – re: Rutland County tax bill. This year’s rate will be $.00651 compared to last year’s tax rate of $.007719. This information will be factored into the 2010 budget.
h. Bob Ashton – re: (email) ancient road concern. This email expresses his concern that a statutory notice period is required and the Town has not met these requirements for notice and public hearing. Discussion. The Board felt that this was a clearly observable road and therefore not obligated to hold a hearing. As noted in Guests and Committee Reports, this will be discussed further at the next meeting.
i. Bob Ashton – re: (email) response to meeting invitation. Bob responded that he would not be able to attend tonight’s meeting.
j. Dinse, Knapp, McAndrew – re: Robert Ashton and Ancient Road. This firm represents Robert Ashton addresses their belief that the Selectboard has failed to provide proper notice of its pending decision to include the road on the town highway map. As noted in Guests and Committee Reports, this will be discussed further at the next meeting.
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions February 2010. No action taken.
l. Weapons Systems Training Council – re: AR-15/M16 Armorer Course training seminar. No action taken.
m. Constance Mendell/Occasions Catering – re: request to reconsider two applications. This letter explains the circumstances pertaining to two events scheduled for February 19th and 20th at the Amee Farm and Riverside Farm and why she is asking the Board to make exceptions to the ending time of both events. Discussion. The Board approved a “one time only exception” for these two events only and changed the ending time from 10pm to 1am based on information supplied by Connie.
n. Kenlan, Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application #3W1024 – Response to Recess Order No. 2. Arrangements have been made with Gramp’s Shuttle to resolve the issue of overflow parking for events as needed.
o. RCML Board of Trustees – re: request to change name of project (see Guests and Committee Reports).
p. U.S. Census Bureau – re: Boundary Validation Program. This information will be forwarded to Donald Flynn for review.
q. TRORC – re: Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization. Comments on this draft prioritization list will be accepted until March 1st. No action taken.
r. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) – re: Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds. Patty explained that this would only be available in 2010. It would need to have voter approval and there are deadlines which could fit into the timeline that has been set up. She felt that this could be a great borrowing opportunity for the Town and could fit the timeline that’s been set up. There could be big savings to the Town if it could be done.
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February 16, 2010
s. RCML – re: community Facility loan program information. Discussion. The Board agreed that nothing could be done with this information at this time as there is no final figure available yet for the project. This will be explained to Susie Martin who prepared this information for the Board.
t. John Bilunas – re: (email) thank you to Road Commissioner. John wanted to have the Board let George know that his knocking down the high snow piles to aid visibility on Tweed River Drive was appreciated.
Old Business
a. Audit for Bond Vote – re: bids received. Patty said that four bids were received with one company not interested. Each bid was reviewed and Jeffrey Bradley’s bid was accepted. Patty will notify all parties.
b. Delinquent Dog – re: update. Patty said that Mr. Peyton came in and licensed his dog. He said he had read the Ordinance and doesn’t feel that there is a problem as his dog is under his control. Discussion. The Board felt that the dog was not under the owner’s control based on documented reports on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. They felt that the dog should be apprehended and asked Patty to contact Second Constable Doug Mianulli. They said that Doug should make arrangements with the Rutland County Sheriff’s Office to impound the dog. The owner will be responsible for all expenses.
c. Town Office Building – re: update. Patty said that she received an email from Architect Mark McManus dated February 12th stating that he has some new figures based on an estimate from Naylor and Breen. He said he’ll copy the estimate and forward it to Patty when he returns to Vermont on the 16th.
New Business
a. Liquor License renewal – re: Casa Bella Inn, 1st Class. This was approved and signed by the Selectboard.
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: change in meeting times in March. Due to Town Meeting, the March meetings will be rescheduled to the 9th and 23rd. The Secretary will post the Warning.
The meeting adjourned at 7:37pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 9, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 26, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton, Mary Lee Stevens, Richard Stevens, Vern Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Ancient Roads - re: proposed changes to certificate of highway mileage
Other Business
a Town Warning - re: approve and sign for posting
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property appeals update
c. Town Buildings - re: water in basements on January 25th
d. Recycling - re: paper; update
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Ancient Roads - proposed changes to certificate of highway mileage. It was decided to discuss and vote on each road individually. With each road, Sarah was asked to outline what each mileage addition involved. Discussion followed which included clarification of their locations using maps and supporting documents included in each report. A copy of these reports are on file at the Town Clerk's Office. The results of the votes are as follows:
1. Jimmy Dean Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .39 miles of Jimmy Dean Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
2. Knight's Hill Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .47 miles of Knight's Hill Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
3. Bailey Road: Jerry made a motion to acknowledge 1.27 miles of Bailey Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Peter seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
4. Rorison Hill Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .29 miles of Rorison Hill Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
5. California Road: Mark made a motion to post signs restricting the use of wheeled motorized vehicles except in the case of an emergency. This could be reviewed by the Town with permission of the Selectboard. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Passed. Dot suggested the USFS place a gate past the land that is privately owned. Peter made a motion to acknowledge .21 miles of California Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
6. Townsend Brook Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .61 miles of Townsend Brook Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
7. Mayo Meadow Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .05 miles of Mayo Meadow Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
8. Gokey Road/Parmenter Loop: Peter made a motion to acknowledge 1.28 miles of Gokey Road/Parmenter Loop as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
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January 26, 2010
9. Fisk Road: Jerry made a motion to acknowledge .6 miles of Fisk Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Peter seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
10. Mayo Meadow Extension: Peter made a motion to acknowledge 1.21 miles of Mayo Meadow Extension as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Added to this motion is that the road is to be used as it has been currently for the last decade, specifically for recreational purposes with no access by wheeled motorized vehicles. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
Other Business
a Town Warning - re: approve and sign for posting. The Warning was approved at the last meeting and was signed by all members tonight.
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property appeals update. Patty said that Attorney Chris Sullivan will be handling the appeals to Superior Court.
c. Town Buildings - re: water in basements on January 25th. Patty said that there was water in both basements after Monday's rain. Water in the front of the Town Hall basement has dried, but water in the Town Office Building that came in along the northwest corner and north wall is still wet. She encouraged the Board not to ignore this problem. No action taken.
d. Recycling - re: paper; update. Mark said he hasn't been able to catch up with Jon Benson but would try again on Wednesday and report his findings to Patty.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 2, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 19, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Suana Bicek, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 5, 2010 Regular Meeting
b. January 12, 2010 Special Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek - re: food drive
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update
a. Dayco Inc. - re: Insulation Proposal
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: Notice of Hearing
c. Rutland County Sheriff - re: 2009 Statistics and Town Report
d. The Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2010
e. 100 on 100 Relay - re: update on 2010 event
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden
g. Brook Field Service - re: Emergency Shelter Generator grant information
h. VTrans - re: Letter of Intent for Vermont Country Inn, LLC for reconstruction of driveways
i. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Hoop Greenhouse Jurisdictional Opinion
j. TRORC - re: Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning
k. VT District Environmental Commission #3 - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Hearing Recess Order #2 - #3W1024
l. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2010 Vermont Point in Time Count
m. Center for Rural Studies - re: VT Broadband Mapping Initiative
n. Clean Energy Development Fund - re: (email) EECBG applicants
o. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Act 250 Application #3W1024
p. VT Secretary of State - re: 2010 Request for Proposals under the Help America Vote Act
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: (email) comments from architect Mark McManus
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: dog problem in Our World
c. Recycling - re: paper
New Business
a. Appointment – re: Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, four events
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - Noel's Specialty Foods, two events
d. Gerald & Philip Puschel - re: donation of property to Town of Pittsfield
e. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report
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January 19, 2020
a. Warning
b. Changes in Fund Balance and Comparative Balance Sheets
c. Revenues and Receipts
d. 2010 Budget
e. Budget Summary
f. Anticipated Tax Rate
g. Additional Assets
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the January 5, 2010 Regular Meeting and January 12, 2010 Special Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek - re: food drive. Suana explained that this was going to be a trial year in that just Stockbridge, Pittsfield, Bethel and Barnard are participating. If it proves successful then more towns will become involved next year. She said that she will make the copies and has some volunteers to help place them in Town Report. She also said that she would leave boxes at the Town Office Building and Fire House and then take them to Bethel. She asked again if the Town would donate the ream of paper. Sarah Gray offered to purchase the ream and donate it.
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update. Sarah has prepared a list of all the roads and that nine reports are finished. Mayo Meadow is still incomplete. The timeline for this project was reviewed and Peter asked if there were options available after the February 2010 deadlines. Sarah said there were but they are more involved. Peter said he would like to have that checked. Discussion. It was decided to hold a special meeting next week solely to address the ancient roads project and vote on them. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 6pm at the Town Clerk's Office. The Secretary will post the required Warning.
a. Dayco Inc. - re: Insulation Proposal. This proposal is for the Town Garage. The Board had previously asked George to obtain a second estimate for the project.
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: Notice of Hearing. This pertains to the property appeals for William C. Bullock, Jr. and five Desena related properties scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2010. Attorneys were discussed and Patty was asked to contact VLCT to see who they might suggest. Patty will report back to the Board. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. Rutland County Sheriff - re: 2009 Statistics and Town Report. In 2009, there were a total of 7 incidents/offenses, 1 arrest/offense, 74 tickets/violations, 23 traffic warnings/violations and a total of $11,758.00 collected in traffic fines. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. The Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2010. This grant provides $250 - $500 grants available to local committees/groups. More information can be obtained at http://www.vlct.org/municipalassistancecenter/grants. No action taken.
e. 100 on 100 Relay - re: update on 2010 event. The event will take place on Saturday, August 28th. The letter explains their goal and what can be expected from the relay race organizers. It also explains how this event can help the town. The runners are expected to pass through Pittsfield between 3:40 - 6:30 PM. A response form confirming the Town's permission is included. Peter completed it and it will be returned.
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January 19, 2010
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden. Enclosed is the Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order ordered by the Court on January 4, 2010. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
g. Brook Field Service - re: Emergency Shelter Generator grant information. Federal grant money is available for these generators. Applications are due by January 29, 2010. Brook Field Service would like to be involved in this project for the Town. No action taken by the Board.
h. VTrans - re: Letter of Intent for Vermont Country Inn, LLC for reconstruction of driveways. This highway permit application is for the reconstruction of the driveways to serve as two-way accesses, one to serve as a one-way exiting access, and establish turf between the drives. This has been reviewed and found to meet the requirements for work within the highway right-of-way. This highway permit application will be processed after copies of the Act 250 and/or local approvals, including all conditions, are provided to the Utilities & Permits Unit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
i. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Hoop Greenhouse Jurisdictional Opinion. This is a copy of correspondence sent to the District 3 Environmental Commission. Vermont Country Inn desires to construct a number of additional improvements and structures that will be used exclusively for farming purposes. These improvements consist of: ten to fifteen hoop greenhouses, a composting area, pigpens, fencing for the purpose of hemming in livestock, a covered shed for cow manure, a cheese and root cellar, and an apiary. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
j. TRORC - re: Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning. The draft set of actions to address priority hazards was reviewed by the Board. Enclosed is a memo for posting.
k. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Act 250 Application #3W1024. This is a copy of documentation dated January 7, 2010 sent to the District 3 Environmental Commission in response to the District Commission's Hearing recess Order dated November 24, 2009. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
l. VT District Environmental Commission #3 - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Hearing Recess Order #2 - #3W1024. The Commission recessed the public hearing on November 17, 2009 and issued a recess memo on November 24, 2009 allowing the Applicant 30 days to fine the requested additional information. The Applicant subsequently requested an extension until January 11, 2010 to file the information, which the Commission granted. The Commission has reviewed the additional submittals and finds that additional information is required. This document is dated January 15, 2010. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
m. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2010 Vermont Point in Time Count. This is for the annual count of the homeless across Vermont. It is conducted over a 24-hour period starting January 27th from 6pm to January 28th at 6pm. A survey is enclosed which Peter will complete on behalf of the Selectboard.
n. Center for Rural Studies - re: VT Broadband Mapping Initiative. The primary goal of this group is to gather and validate information on the availability of broadband internet connections in Vermont. There is an online survey. Peter said he would take the survey on behalf of the Selectboard.
o. Clean Energy Development Fund - re: (email) EECBG applicants. Pittsfield was previously denied this grant. Efficiency Vermont may contact the Town to follow up on the application. Jerry took a copy of the memo and will see if he can contact them regarding any assistance they can provide to the Town.
p. VT Secretary of State - re: 2010 Request for Proposals under the Help America Vote Act. The maximum award per grant is $5,000.00 and is intended to help ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to polling places. Examples of items which may be included are paving parking areas, building ramps inside/outside buildings, building curb cuts, improving lighting and replacing door knobs with lever handles. Patty urged the Board to consider applying for this grant to improve lighting and replace door knobs. She said that the
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January 19, 2010
Town has applied for and received grant money in the past to purchase new computers for the Town Clerk and Assistant.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: (email) comments from architect Mark McManus. The Board had asked Patty to contact Mr. McManus for a firmer estimate before proceeding to a bond vote. Mark McManus felt that he could have some builders look over the plans and come up with a better estimate. He added that the anticipated the cost for the contractors' estimates would be in the $1,000 - 2,000 range. Patty said that there was money for that and the Board approved the expense.
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: (email) dog problem in Our World. John Bilunas asked that this email be passed onto the Board. It concerns a dog owned by Richard and Cathryn Peyton who own a home on Park Place. The dog has been reported as a nuisance by both John and neighbors Ken and Sally Hayes. Specific instances are mentioned in this correspondence. He is asking for the Board's assistance as the dog appears dangerous. Discussion. Patty said that Second Constable Doug Mianulli has been contacted and addressed the problem in the past with no positive result. The Board approved sending a letter fining the owner as the dog is unlicensed. Mark said he would speak with First Constable Tim Hunt and Patty said she would contact Doug about this next letter. The Secretary will send letters to both John Bilunas and Ken and Sally Hayes indicating their plan to follow up on this problem.
c. Recycling - re: paper. Mark said he would continue to try and speak with Jon Benson regarding this.
New Business
a. Appointment – re: Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library. The Board of Trustees of the Roger Clark Memorial Library would like to nominate Traci Templeton as a Trustee to replace April Hayden. The Selectboard approved their request and the Secretary will send Traci a Letter of Appointment. Her term will expire at Town Meeting 2010.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, four events. These events include snowshoe tours on January 22 & 23, 2010 and January 29 & 30, 2010 at Riverside Farm, a rehearsal dinner party reception on February 19, 2010 at the Amee Farm, and a wedding party reception on February 20, 2010 at Riverside Farm. The Board approved these requests with the exception that the events occurring on February 19th and 20th conclude at 10pm. These changes were so noted on the requests.
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - Noel's Specialty Foods, two events. These two events include a wedding on February 6, 2010 at Riverside Farm and a rehearsal dinner on March 5, 2010 at Riverside Farm. Both requests were approved by the Board.
d. Gerald & Philip Puschel - re: donation of property to Town of Pittsfield. They would like to donate their property located at 620 Route 100 to the Town to be used for conservation/recreational purposes or anything else that the Town deems appropriate. Discussion. The Board felt that this was something they did not want to do. The Secretary will send a letter to the owners thanking them for their offer.
e. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report. Jerry has written this year's statement for Town Report and had emailed it to the other members. The Board approved the report and thanked Jerry for his efforts.
a. Warning
Article 10 (installation of fire alarm system) was discussed.
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January 19, 2010
b. Changes in Fund Balance and Comparative Balance Sheets
Patty explained how these figures are determined and their average for the last eight years.
c. Revenues and Receipts
These figures were reviewed.
d. 2010 Budget
Miscellaneous Expense
Tax Administration Software - $1,995.00
e. Budget Summary
School figures not available at this time.
f. Anticipated Tax Rate
The figures were reviewed and the anticipated Municipal tax rate was discussed. Without any Warned items approved - $.3996, with Warned item 7 - $.4192, with Warned items 7 & 8 - $.4289, with Warned items 7, 8 & 9 - $.4397, with Warned items 7, 8 ,9, & 10 - $.4431, and with Warned items 7 - 10 & Emergency Fund payback - $.4508. School figures were not available at this time.
g. Additional Assets
These were reviewed.
The Secretary was asked to make a note to discuss further paying back of the Emergency Fund when 2011 Budget meetings take place.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 2, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 12, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
a. Revenue and Receipts
b. 2010 Budget
c. Warning
Other Business
a. Town Buildings - re: snow removal
b. Town Report - re: food donation flier
c. Recycling - re: paper
d. Bethel/Royalton Solid Waste - re: invoices
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Patty presented handouts of the pages as they will appear in Town Report.
a. Revenue and Receipts
This was reviewed.
b. 2010 Budget
Other Services - The following were discussed. It was agreed that the Audit was going to be
necessary regardless of what else happens. Patty reviewed the timeline for the bond hearing, etc.. She added that it would be hard to find an accountant at this time of year who would be willing to do this. It was decided to provide 30 days to respond from the time the letter is sent out. The bond vote will most like take place in July. The Board asked Patty to speak with Architect Mark McManus for specifics in the process.
Audit - $2,250.00
Bond Counsel Opinion - $870.00
Town Officer Education - decrease to $400.00
Furnace Replacement (Town Hall) - $5,442.00
Wages were reviewed and by a majority of the Selectboard there will be an increase of 2%.
c. Warning
The Select Board would like to have the meeting at the Fire House. Patty will check with Fire Chief Dave Colton to see if they will be willing to host the Town Meeting.
Article 9 was added for insulating the Town Garage - $11,000.00.
Article 10 was added for a fire alarm system for the Town Hall - $3,500.00.
Other Business
a. Town Buildings - re: snow removal. Someone to shovel snow is needed to maintain the Town Office Building and Town Hall after snow storms. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
b. Town Report - re: flier about food donation. Suana Bicek request information on where the Town Meeting will be held so there will be boxes available for donations. The Board agreed to providing the copy toner if Suana provides the paper for the flier.
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January 12, 2010
c. Recycling - re: paper. It has been learned that Stockbridge is having their paper/cardboard picked up. Discussion. Mark said he would speak with Jon Benson about Pittsfield also having the same.
d. Bethel/Royalton Solid Waste - re: invoices. Patty explained that there have been ongoing problems with the invoices. The individual slips are not always being sent to provide a way to check the accuracy of the invoices. She informed the Board that she has spoken with Del Cloud regarding this matter and is in hopes that the situation will improve.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 5, 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 15, 2009 Regular Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update
a. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1383-1, Vermont Country Inn
b. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2010
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project ID#WW-3-1771 Receipt of Application, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way
f. VLCT – re: (email) PACIF Financial Loss Coverage Primer
g. Clean Energy Development Fund – re: (email) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) project
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0854-1, Richard W. Weir, Stonewood Crossing
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, correspondence to Paul Gillies and Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order
j. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, proposed Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024-Vermont Country Inn, extension request
l. Marshall’s Alarm Service, Inc. – re: estimate for fire alarm installation
m. VLCT – re: VLCT 2010 Legislative Priorities
n. VLCT – re: New PACIF Grant Funding Program
o. BGNE – re: introduction to their insurance program
p. The Trust for Public Land – re: special print edition of online TPL Near You
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value
r. George Deblon – re: (email) request to insulate Town Garage
s. Suana and Herb Bicek – re: (email) help for Food Bank
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: Zoning Board of Adjustment
a. Highway
b. General Fund
c. Warning
d. Meeting
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
January 5, 2010
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the December 15, 2009 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update. Sarah explained to the Board that they haven’t been able to finish the reports as John Dutton has been ill. She said the only critical one left is Mayo Meadow Road. She said that she became aware of some towns holding public hearings, but it is too late for Pittsfield to do so. She felt that a legal argument can be made for not holding one as all of the roads they have researched are not “clearly unobservable”. Clearly unobservable roads require a hearing. The deadline for the project is February 10th. She asked to be added to the February agenda so that the reports can be finalized. The Board thanked her and her committee for all their hard work on this project.
a. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1383-1, Vermont Country Inn. This project consists of a revision to the previously permitted parcel of 14.18 acres, for a bed & breakfast with no increase in design flow and for a 12.30 acre parcel across Route 100 for a multi use building. This permit is approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project ID#WW-3-1771 Receipt of Application, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way. This project consists of the subdivision of property with existing single family residence on Lot #1 and a proposed single family residence on Lot #2. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way. This project consists of the subdivision of property with existing 3 bedroom single family residence on Lot #1 (175.8 acres) and a proposed 3 bedroom single family residence on Lot #2 (10.1 acres). This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way. This permit is approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VLCT – re: (email) PACIF Financial Loss Coverage Primer. This memo explains bonding and crime coverages provided by PACIF.
g. Clean Energy Development Fund – re: (email) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) project. This email serves as notice that the Town of Pittsfield was not selected to submit a comprehensive application. Jerry said he would contact Efficiency Vermont to see what services they may be able to provide to the Town.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0854-1, Richard W. Weir, Stonewood Crossing. This permit is approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, correspondence to Paul Gillies and Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order. This is a copy of correspondence sent to Christopher Murphy. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, proposed Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order. This copy was sent to the scheduling clerk of Rutland Superior Court. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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January 5, 2010
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024-Vermont Country Inn, extension request. The Commission has granted the extension of time to respond to the recess order to January 11, 2010. Jerry said he will attend the hearing. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
l. Marshall’s Alarm Service, Inc. – re: estimate for fire alarm installation. The estimate is for $3395.00 which includes installation and testing as well as permits and arranging the inspection by the VT State Inspector. This will be discussed with budget items.
m. VLCT – re: VLCT 2010 Legislative Priorities. Enclosed with this memo is a copy of 2010 Municipal Policies Priorities brochure.
n. VLCT – re: New PACIF Grant Funding Program. This program will help members pay for new safety and/or risk management equipment. This grant program awards a 50/50 match up to $5000.00 for specified equipment. This information will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton.
o. BGNE – re: introduction to their insurance program. No action taken by the Board.
p. The Trust for Public Land – re: special print edition of online TPL Near You. No action taken by the Board.
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value. The 2009 equalization study has resulted in a Coefficient of Dispersion (COD) of 11.00% and a Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) of 93.97%. No Petition for Redetermination will be filed this year.
r. George Deblon – re: (email) request to insulate Town Garage. It was hoped that the Town would be able to receive a grant for weatherization, however this did not happen. George asks that the Board consider proceeding with the project as the end result will save money in heating costs. He said the heating energy savings will be 45% and the Town would see a payback in the investment in a little over seven years. George would like to work it into the budget or put it on the Warning as a line item. The Board would like to have George obtain an estimate from another company. In addition they would like to see if the current estimate can be locked in until after Town Meeting.
s. Suana and Herb Bicek – re: (email) help for Food Bank. Suana would like to present an idea that she was made aware of from Jim Burns of Stockbridge regarding adding a flier to the Town Report requesting that Town Meeting attendees bring a food item/s to donate to the Bethel Food Shelf. Discussion. The Board approved her request provided she obtain the copies and assist in stuffing the mailing.
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: Zoning Board of Adjustment. Jerry said he spoke with Erica Hurd who will consider this. This was tabled to the next meeting.
Other Business
a. Storage Unit – re: temperature. Patty said that the humidity in the unit dropped to single digits. After some research she lowered the temperature to 45 degrees to help compensate for the low humidity. Discussion of alternatives to this. Mark said he would check out the situation.
a. Highway
Employee Benefits – Medical Insurance – increase to $7,647.36
b. General Fund
Other Taxes – decrease to $7,606.37 estimated
Bonds & Insurance – VLCT Insurance Package – increase to $11,759.00
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January 5, 2010
Refuse – Solid Waste Charges – increase to $47,265.00
SW Management/Program Fee – decrease
Other Services – Ambulance – decrease to $23,267.00
Budget Disbursements – Historical Society – decrease to $400.00
Board of Listers – Marshall & Swift Licensing Fee – increase to $210.00
c. Additions to Budget
Storage unit rental - $2003.00
Smoke Alarm System - $3,395.00
Furnace replacement – $5442.00 – Table to next meeting
e. Warning – Patty handed out a draft of the Warning for the Board to look over.
d. Meeting – It was decided to meet on Tuesday, January 12th to finalize the budget. The Secretary will prepare a Warning for the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 15, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Connie Mendell, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 1, 2009 Regular Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Connie Mendell - re: liquor licenses
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2009
b. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: preliminary budget and annual budget meeting schedules
c. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: 2010-2011 Rutland County Budget
d. Housing Trust of Rutland County - re: name change
e. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: change of address for Vermont Country Inn, LLC
f. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Notice of Appeal for five Desena properties
g. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - re: Invitation for Comments Forest-Wide Non-Native Invasive Plant Control Project
h. Town Report/Town Meeting Time Line - re: for information purposes
i. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: applying for DOE grant
j. Ingram Construction Corp. - re: Letter of Interest
k. Town of Bethel - re: Minutes of November 19. 2009 Alliance Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting
l. Town of Pittsfield - re: appointment of Jerry Drugonis to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing
m. Mid Vermont Electric - re: estimate for fire alarm system
n. Countryside Lock & Alarm - re: fire alarm proposal
o. VLCT - re: invitation to luncheon
p. VT Dept. of Public Safety/Division of Fire Safety - re: construction permit
q. VT Dept. of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for replacement of Riverside Farm sign
r. VLCT - re: 2010 Vision Service Plan Renewal
s. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: 2009 Annual Report
t. Timberline Events - re: plans for 2010 Green Mountain Relay
u. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: 2010 Governor's Award applications
v. TRORC - re: Minutes of October 28, 2009 meeting
w. Town of Stockbridge - re: appointment of Mark Doughty to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing
x. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division - re: receipt of application for project #WW-3-0854-1 (formerly WW-3-1765), Richard Weir, Stonewood Crossing Road #65
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
December 15, 2009
Old Business
a. Appeals to Superior Court - re: six properties are appealing their property value assessments
b. Town Buildings - re: snow removal
c. Town Office Building – re: discussion of survey and plan of action
New Business
a. Asst. Clerk/Treasurer - re: position opening July 2010
b. Resignation - re: Kris Sperber from Zoning Board of Adjustment
c. Appointment - re: Zoning Board of Adjustment
Other Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
a. Highway
b. General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:57pm as Peter was running a little late. The Minutes of the December 1, 2009 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Connie Mendell - re: liquor licenses. Connie introduced herself as the owner of Occasions Catering. She said the she had quite a few Requests to Cater and wanted to go over them with the Board. She said that a series of snowshoe tours have been proposed and will be held at Riverside Farms. The plan is to provide, for a fee, a tour, instruction, equipment, and follow the event with a glass of wine. She said she is not sure that the events will be popular but wanted to apply for the requested dates in case. She said that the tour operator would be employed by her. The proposed dates are December 20, 21, and 26 through January 3, 2010. The Board approved the requests.
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2009. No action taken by the Board.
b. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: preliminary budget and annual budget meeting schedules. The preliminary budget meeting is scheduled for noon on Thursday, December 17th. The annual budget meeting will be held at noon on Thursday, January 21st.
c. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: 2010-2011 Rutland County Budget. This packet includes a spreadsheet of the proposed budget, a budget narrative and a sheriff's office budget proposal. The county tax percentage will be established after January 1st, but a proposed county tax rate for budget purposes was enclosed.
d. Housing Trust of Rutland County - re: name change. This organization was formerly known as the Rutland Country Community Land Trust. No action taken by the Board.
e. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: change of address for Vermont Country Inn, LLC. This letter addressed to the District 3 Environmental Commission advises them of a change of address to PO Box 869, Pittsfield. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
f. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Notice of Appeal for five Desena properties. These documents are for Vermont Venture Equities, LLC, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Bear Creek II, LLC, Vermont Country Inn, LLC, and Courtney Desena properties.
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December 15, 2009
g. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - re: Invitation for Comments Forest-Wide Non-Native Invasive Plant Control Project. Comments are being requested on this project, which consists of management activities on the GMNF to control the spread of non-native invasive plants. No action taken by the Board.
h. Town Report/Town Meeting Time Line - re: for information purposes. No action taken by the Board.
i. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: applying for DOE grant. This organization is applying to the Department of Energy on behalf of the Towns in Rutland County for a grant of up to $5 million for a "Retrofit Ramp-Up" program to save energy costs and create jobs through energy efficiency retrofits to residential and municipal properties. The Board felt that this was the same grant that is being applied for by Pittsfield through TRORC.
j. Ingram Construction Corp. - re: Letter of Interest. This letter, addressed to Architect Mark McManus, expresses interest in bidding on the Town Office Building project when it becomes available.
k. Town of Bethel - re: Minutes of November 19. 2009 Alliance Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. No action taken by the Board.
l. Town of Pittsfield - re: appointment of Jerry Drugonis to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing. No action taken by the Board.
m. Mid Vermont Electric - re: estimate for fire alarm system. This estimate is for the installation of a hardwired addressable fire alarm system. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
n. Countryside Lock & Alarm - re: fire alarm proposal. This proposal outlines what they would do to provide this system. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
o. VLCT - re: invitation to luncheon. This luncheon is sponsored by the Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police. It will be held on January 12, 2010. No action taken by the Board.
p. VT Dept. of Public Safety/Division of Fire Safety - re: construction permit. This permit is for the construction of the temporary storage unit attached to the side of the building for record storage. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
q. VT Dept. of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for replacement of Riverside Farm sign. This sign will be larger than the original sign and will be made of wood and painted the same color and will not be lighted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
r. VLCT - re: 2010 Vision Service Plan Renewal. This plan is not available to Town employees. No action taken by the Board.
s. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: 2009 Annual Report. This will be kept for Town Report.
t. Timberline Events - re: plans for 2010 Green Mountain Relay. This successful event is scheduled for June 19th and 20th. The organizers would like to use the same facilities as in the past. The Board approved their request and asked the Secretary to email their approval to the organizers.
u. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: 2010 Governor's Award applications. ANR is looking for an environmental endeavor worthy of recognition. Various categories include Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation, Ecosystem Protection, Land Use & Planning, Sustainability, Education & Outreach, and Youth Environmental Citizenship. Applications will be accepted until December 31, 2009.
v. TRORC - re: Minutes of October 28, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
w. Town of Stockbridge - re: appointment of Mark Doughty to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing. No action taken by the Board.
x. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division - re: receipt of application for project #WW-3-0854-1 (formerly WW-3-1765), Richard Weir, Stonewood Crossing Road #65. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
December 15, 2009
Old Business
a. Appeals to Superior Court - re: six properties are appealing their property value assessments. These are the five Desena properties and J.R. Bullock's Pitt-Stop. Patty said that she has prepared the materials requested and presented them to the Court.
b. Town Buildings - re: snow removal. Patty said that all the exits need to be shoveled after each storm. At this time there is no one available to do the job. Discussion. Patty said that Cullen, who is currently home on Christmas break, has done it after the last two storms. The Board asked if he could continue to do it until he returns to school in early January. In the meantime, the Board will search for someone to do the shoveling.
c. Town Office Building – re: discussion of survey and plan of action. Peter said that he reviewed the comments and felt that voters made it clear what their feelings were and that the majority voted for Plan C. Discussion. Peter made a motion to accept Plan C and move forward with the Bond Vote. Seconded by Mark. The motion passed. It was agreed to do the Bond Vote after Town Meeting. Patty said that an audit would need to be done and that finding someone this time of year might be difficult. She recommended that the Board show clear leadership in this project. It was also suggested that the Board prepare a mailing to the voters explaining how the Bond Vote works and that an audit is required for each Bond Vote. If the Bond Vote fails, an audit would need to be done before a second Bond Vote could be presented to the voters. The Board said they would prepare something.
New Business
a. Asst. Clerk/Treasurer - re: position opening July 2010. Patty said that Mary Lee Stevens plans to retire on July 1st. She said she is not planning to advertise yet, but is just making the position known by word of mouth.
b. Resignation - re: Kris Sperber from Zoning Board of Adjustment. Her resignation was accepted.
c. Appointment - re: Zoning Board of Adjustment. Discussion. The Board will address this at the next meeting.
Other Business.
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing correspondence.
a. Highway - George prepared an emailed response to explain his proposed figures for the Backhoe, Garage Supplies, Miscellaneous, and the Pressure Washer.
Hired Equipment
Backhoe - reduced to $3,000.00
Garage Supplies - reduced to $500.00
Miscellaneous - reduced to $1,000.00
b. General Fund
Interest (Checking/CD's) - reduced to $3,000.00
Dues and Contributions
VLCT - increase to $1,096.00
VT Center for Independent Living - reduce to $75.00
Other Services
Rutland Co. Sheriff - reduce to $3,000.00
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
December 15, 2009
Town Hall - increase to $6,000.00
Band Stand - increase to $2,000.00 (for roof replacement)
Sandshed - reduce to $250.00
Utilities - Town Hall
Electricity - increase to $1,200.00
Fuel - increase to $6,200.00
Utilities - Town Office Building
Fuel - decrease to $3,900.00
Utilities - Garage
Phone - increase to $775.00
LP Gas - increase to $2,500.00
Wages were discussed and there was mixed feelings as to whether to include an increase of freeze wages for another year. Peter asked Patty to prepare a wage presentation for the next meeting with a 2% across the board increase. This issue will be addressed at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 5, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 1, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Peter Fellows, Henry Hotchkiss, Susie Martin, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee, Sharon Mayer, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. November 17, 2009 Regular Meeting
b. November 18, 2009 Special Town Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Peter Fellows – re: energy grant
b. Henry Hotchkiss – re: Trustee of Public Funds concern
a. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Hearing Recess Order #3W-1024, Vermont Country Inn, LLC
b. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Boundary and Annexation Survey Workshop
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Reappraisal Evaluation – 2009 Equalization Study
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division – re: Project ID#WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing), Receipt of Application
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet #WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing)
f. TRORC – re: November 2009 newsletter
g. TRORC – re: “Town Energy and Climate Action Guide”
h. Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC – re: Land America Financial Group, Inc.
i. VT Division of Program Development – re: Vermont Country Inn #3W1024
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project #WW-3-1729/Request to Extend Construction Deadline, John McGarry/Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
k. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Application #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Supplemental Comments/Entry of Appearance
l. VLCT – re: FY11 Dues
m. VT Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) – re: “Clean Energy Guide Book”
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – re: results of survey
b. Town Property – re: basketball court backstop repair update
c. Town Office Building – re: alarm system update
d. Town Office Building – re: hazardous waste removal
e. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant
f. Insurance – re: outside contractors
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Riverside Horse Farm
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Amee Farm
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
December 1, 2009
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Suana and Herb Bicek, Moose Run
d. Ancient Roads – re: “Ancient Roads Act 178 – Primer #2”
Other Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
a. Cemetery
b. Highway
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:52pm. The Minutes of the November 17, 2009 Regular Meeting and November 18, 2009 Special Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Peter Fellows – re: energy grant. Peter said that the final set of energy grants have been released to local governments. Only small towns can apply for these. Grants can be used for energy efficient retrofits to public/school buildings including furnaces. He said that there are some restrictions and went on to explain. There needs to be someone willing to serve as Administrator, there is a 10% match by the Town (which can be “in kind”), grant money cannot be used for the energy audit, and audits must be completed by February 23, 2010. The limit of the grant is $50,000.00. The initial application is due in one week. He said he would need a decision from the Board tonight as to who will administer the grant, what work will be done, and where the matching funds come from. It was decided to insulate both Town Garage and the Town Hall as well as retrofit the furnace and replace the overhead lights in the Town Hall. Patty said she was told that the audits could be done on Thursday. The Board approved going ahead with the grant application.
b. Henry Hotchkiss – re: Trustee of Public Funds concern. Henry explained that there are four accounts (2 checking and 2 money market accounts). There has been an issue with the IRS withholding money from the money market. He said the IRS does not recognize the Scholarship Fund. He suggested closing this account and opening one with another mutual fund company. Discussion. The Board suggested that he contact VLCT’s Legal Assistance department for guidance.
a. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Hearing Recess Order #3W-1024, Vermont Country Inn, LLC. The public hearing held on November 17, 2009 was recessed pending submittal of additional information by the applicant. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. Peter made a motion to appoint Jerry to represent the Selectboard and act on their behalf in this proceeding. Seconded by Mark. The approval was unanimous. The Secretary will send correspondence via mail and email to the parties included on the E-Notification Certificate of Service.
b. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Boundary and Annexation Survey Workshop. The survey is being done to update records regarding changes to legal boundaries, names, and governmental status of all governmental units effective on or before January 1, 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Reappraisal Evaluation – 2009 Equalization Study. Acceptable results were found with regards to three equity measures used by PVR. No action taken by the Board.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
December 1, 2009
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division – re: Project ID#WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing), Receipt of Application. This application is for a one 4-bedroom single family home with individual drilled well and in ground septic system. A replacement area is provided, located on #63 Stonewood Crossing. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet #WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing). This project consists of the construction of a 4-bedroom single family house with an individual drilled well and in ground septic system. A replacement area is provided. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. TRORC – re: November 2009 newsletter. No action taken by the Board.
g. TRORC – re: “Town Energy and Climate Action Guide”. This document contains information on energy committees, energy efficiency programs and resources available to towns interested in improving energy efficiency. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC – re: Land America Financial Group, Inc. This is nothing that pertains to Pittsfield. No action taken by the Board.
i. VT Division of Program Development – re: Vermont Country Inn #3W1024. VTrans is currently reviewing this permit application and information submitted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project #WW-3-1729/Request to Extend Construction Deadline, John McGarry/Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. A deadline extension was approved from November 15, 2009 to July 15, 2010 subject to specification noted in the letter. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Application #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Supplemental Comments/Entry of Appearance. Comments noted in this document include Groundwater Protection, Waste Disposal, and Public Investment. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
l. VLCT – re: FY11 Dues. This letter outlines how the dues are formulated and how they are used. This information will be included in Budget meetings.
m. VT Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) – re: “Clean Energy Guide Book”. This publication helps better understand Vermont’s clean energy resources. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – re: results of survey. Patty handed out the results of the survey and the comments which were included. Plan B received 38 votes and Plan C received 66. Other received 27 votes. It was decided to table discussion until the next meeting after everyone has had a chance to review and process these results.
b. Town Property – re: basketball court backstop repair update. Jerry said that the backstop has been repaired.
c. Town Office Building – re: alarm system update. Jerry said that two contractors have inspected the downstairs for an alarm system.
d. Town Office Building – re: hazardous waste removal. Jerry explained that outside contractors may need to be hired to handle this due to the fact it is a public building.
e. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant. Patty said that Sean Lee has put in about three hours so far working on the computers/phone networking. The fax is currently unable to receive but faxes can be sent. Patty said that Sean felt he would need about two more hours to complete the work. His fee would be $50.00/hour. She asked if the Board would approve what he has done so far. Mark asked about insurance. It was decided to table this until this is determined.
f. Insurance – re: outside contractors. Patty has two forms that need to be completed by any sole proprietor/partner owners of unincorporated businesses hired by the Town. They are the IRS Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) and a Non-
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
December 1, 2009
Employee Work Agreement. Patty said she would check with Carl Oertel and Sean Lee regarding this and report back to the Board.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Riverside Horse Farm. This is for a rehearsal dinner to be held on December 27, 2009. The Board approved this request.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Amee Farm. This is for a wedding scheduled on December 28, 2009. The Board approved this request.
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Suana and Herb Bicek, Moose Run. This driveway will be located near the turnaround on Moose Run. George didn’t feel there would be any issue with it. The Board approved the permit.
d. Ancient Roads – re: “Ancient Roads Act 178 – Primer #2”. This is more information for the Board to help them understand this issue.
Other Business.
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing correspondence.
a. Cemetery
Interest – reduce to $25.00
Dividends – increase to $750.00
Fuel – increase to $210.00
Wages – increase to $5,000.00
b. Highway
Interest – reduce to $200.00
Diesel – decrease to $10,000.00
Hired Equipment
Backhoe – George requested $6,000.00 but the Selectboard decided to wait and have
George show them where it needed to be ditched.
Roadside Mowing – increase to $2,500.00
Trucks – increase to $2,500.00
Gravel – George proposed an increase to $20,000.00.
The Board approved $16,000.00.
Culverts – increase to $1,800.00
International 4900 – increase to $4,500.00
Ford F-450 – increase to $4,500.00
Loader – decrease to $4,500.00
Pressure Washer – decrease to $75.00
Patty will prepare wage figures and the balance of the budget for the next meeting.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
December 1, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 15, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 18, 2009
PRESENT: Selectboard members: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis
Building Committee members: Henry Hotchkiss, Rickard Stevens, Herb Bicek, Chuck Colton, Patty Haskins
Architect: Mark McManus
Moderator: Ron Coughenour
Approximately sixty-four interested parties.
The Moderator called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. The rules for participation were explained and the meeting was turned over to the Selectboard.
Peter welcomed everyone. He introduced the members of the Building Committee who were seated at the front table and thanked them for their years of work. He went on to explain that the purpose of this meeting was to look at the two plans that were selected as a result of the first survey. He then asked Jerry to explain why a new building is needed. Jerry said that the new building needs to conform to ADA rules and provide sufficient room and safe conditions for the people using the building.
Ray Colton asked for more information as to why the office was moved to begin with. The issues with moisture, mold, health issues, etc. were explained. Discussion. There were a few who felt that a new building wasn’t needed and that the problems could be solved for $200,000.00.
The Moderator then introduced Mark McManus who explained what the issues were with the building. He pointed out the water problems, engineer inspection, foundation masonry, cupola repair, and failing roof truss system. In addition, the first floor is not accessible as it is above grade, the windows need repair, and there are electrical and mechanical issues. All these repairs need to be done to today’s codes and he felt that $200,000.00 would not be sufficient. Ron Colton asked if the building was not fixable. Mark said that it was, but would need a lot of work.
Peter asked Mark to outline both Plans B and C and entertain questions.
Mark said that Plan B would be a new building on the site of the existing one. He reviewed the project description, floor plan, and estimate that were in the mailing sent to the voters. Questions were addressed about space for the Historical Society, cost of demolition, and space allotted to the Listers. Mark said that changes in space allotment could be made in the floor plan if needed.
There was discussion as to whether the Town Clerk’s Office could remain in the Town Hall permanently. Patty said that the vault would be an issue. Mark said that this could be addressed. Marion Abrams asked if the Library were left where it is, would the building be dangerous. Mark said there wasn’t any way to predict how long the building could be used before signs of fatigue begin to show. Ron Colton felt that there should be an Option C. He said he would be glad to serve on a committee with Joe Desena and a member of the Selectboard. He asked that he be given two months to look at the two buildings and come back with a recommendation. Sandy Begin asked if the Town Hall was up to code. Peter said that it is being brought up to code. Chuck Colton stated that use of the Town Hall was looked at briefly by a builder from Rutland. An addition would be attached to the rear of the building. It was decided to
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Town Meeting Minutes page 2
November 18, 2009
focus on one building and the idea was dropped due to the cost of studies that would need to be done. The size of the vault was discussed and whether it was really needed. Patty explained that paper records are required to be kept and that they need to be kept in a secure and protected area.
Mark said that Plan C was based on the original concept. The Town Clerk would be relocated to the first floor with the Library moved to the basement. The project description, floor plan, and estimate were explained. Discussion followed addressing questions about whether water would continue to be a problem in the basement, if there was direct access to the Town Clerk’s Office from the Library, and if handicapped parking was to be included.
Peter encouraged everyone to provide input on the recent surveys mailed out. There needs to be a clear direction from the voters. The deadline for their return is December 1st.
The Moderator outlined the steps the Town needs to take before May 1, 2010. These include contacting a qualified local bond counsel, obtaining voter approval (as required by Vermont Statutes), receiving CPA audited financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year, completing a Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) application, and being approved by the VMBB Board for Bond. Once the project is approved by the voters and VMBB Board, the project can go out for bid and grants can be applied for.
There were a few more questions relating to the surveys and who they were sent to and whether it would be difficult to obtain bids on a renovation versus new construction. The result of the failed bond vote was discussed. It was agreed that Option C was what people wanted, but that the price needed was too high.
Patty then asked to give her personal opinion of what plan was best and went on to give her reasons. She felt Plan C was best as it provided adequate space with room for expansion as well as room for groups with the Town Hall still available for meetings and programs. She felt the basement could be repaired and made useable. She explained the historical nature of the building and its site on the Town Green.
In conclusion Peter thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He said that a lot of information was discussed and again encouraged everyone to submit their survey and comments by December 1st.
The meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 1, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 17, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis., Patty Haskins, Howard Burgess, James Cullen
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Howard Burgess – re: Veterans’ Exemptions
a. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated October 29, 3009
b. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 3, 2009
c. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 10, 2009
d. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 12, 2009
e. VNA & Hospice of VT and NH – re: Thank you for donation
f. Fairpoint Communications, Inc. – re: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
g. VLCT – re: Legislative Previews
h. VLCT – re: “Variations on a Theme: Guiding Development Through Planned Unit Development” workshop
i. VLCT – re: “The Essentials of Payroll Management” workshop
j. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions November 2009
k. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2009
l. Lou Lertola – re: Veterans’ Exemptions
m. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Anthony Cotter and Elizabeth Patnode Revocation
n. VT Conservation Commissions – re: Annual Meeting
o. TRORC – re: 2009 Year End Report
p. District 3 Environmental Commission – re: Vermont Country Inn Act 250 Application and Hearing
Old Business
a. Town Office/Town Hall – re: fire safety compliance update
b. Town Library/Basement – re: fire safety compliance update
c. Town Hall – re: broken window in basement
d. Town Hall – re: removal of junk stored in back of building
e. Bandstand – re: roof repair update
f. Special Town Meeting – re: update and agenda
g. Ancient Roads – re: Ancient Roads Primer
New Business
a. Town Highway – re: tree in right-of-way on Parmenter Place
b. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant
Other Business
a. BCA – re: Appeal to Superior Court update
b. State of Municipalities Survey – re: email
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
November 17, 2009
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:56pm. The Minutes of the November 3, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Howard Burgess – re: Veterans’ Exemptions. Mr. Burgess, a self-appointed representative of Vermont’s 50% or greater disabled veterans, passed out information explaining what the impact would be to the taxpayers should the exemption for 50% or greater disabled veterans be increased from the current $10,000.00 per year. He outlined what the State Legislature allows and how the amount has increased over the years from the original amount in the early 1970’s of $6,000.00. In conclusion, he asked the Board to consider adding an Article to the Warning at Town Meeting to allow a vote to increase Pittsfield’s property tax exemption from $10,000 to $40,000 for qualifying veterans. He said that there are others like himself who are traveling to all the Towns in Vermont and presenting this issue to them. The Board thanked Mr. Burgess for coming to the meeting.
a. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated October 29, 2009. This correspondence directed to Linda Matteson addresses various items in the application. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 3, 2009. This packet of correspondence to Linda Matteson includes supplemental application materials such as marked topo maps, a revised list of property owners/abutters, and a Certificate of Service. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 10, 2009. This letter to the Rutland Regional Planning Commission is at the request of the District Coordinator and summarizes the application for an Act 250 permit to conduct a country inn/wedding business and agritourism business. It’s noted that the only portion of the Project having any impact within Rutland’s district is the foot races which occur over Forest Service land in Chittenden and are allowed by special permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 12, 2009. This letter to Linda Matteson provides copies of the Revised List of Special Events and the amended abutter’s list with corrections. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VNA & Hospice of VT and NH – re: Thank you for donation. This donation was approved at Town Meeting last March. No action taken by the Board.
f. Fairpoint Communications, Inc. – re: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. This is for the Board’s information. No action is needed.
g. VLCT – re: Legislative Previews. This is an invitation from the VLCT Public Policy and Advocacy Staff to join them for a discussion of the upcoming legislative session. Two-hour sessions will be held on December 1st in South Burlington, December 2nd in St. Johnsbury, and December 8th in Windsor. For more information and to register visit www.vlct.org/eventscalendar/.
h. VLCT – re: “Variations on a Theme: Guiding Development Through Planned Unit Development” workshop. This workshop is designed for local officials involved in land use planning and regulation. It will be held on December 10th via Vermont Interactive Television. No action taken by the Board.
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November 17, 2009
i. VLCT – re: “The Essentials of Payroll Management” workshop. This workshop will focus on issues and legal requirements related to paying employees. Patty said she also received a copy of this flyer. No action taken by the Board.
j. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions November 2009. No action taken by the Board.
k. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2009. No action taken by the Board.
l. Lou Lertola – re: Veterans’ Exemptions. This letter addresses the same concerns outlined by Howard Burgess under Guests and Committee Reports.
m. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Anthony Cotter and Elizabeth Patnode Revocation. This letter addressed to the Vermont Environmental Court includes a copy of the original petition with attachments and a Request to Find and a Motion to Alter. With respect to the Motion to Stay, it is noted that the Cotter house is occupied. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
n. VT Conservation Commissions – re: Annual Meeting. This will be held on December 5th. No action taken by the Board.
o. TRORC – re: 2009 Year End Report. This report is for inclusion in the Town’s Annual Report. This will be kept on file until preparation of Town Report begins.
p. District 3 Environmental Commission – re: Vermont Country Inn Act 250 Application and Hearing. This information summarizes the application and procedures pertaining to the site visit and public hearing scheduled for November 17, 2009. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. Patty expressed her concern that the State is sending a lot of its notifications via email and that if email service wasn’t available (such as was the case following the move to the Town Hall), this information would not have been received in a timely manner.
Old Business
a. Town Office/Town Hall – re: fire safety compliance update. Compliance must be met by November 27th. This includes a railing in the emergency exit, combustion air for the furnace, the lift inspection, closing the hole in the ceiling of the furnace room, and obtaining a variance for the sprinkler system in the lower level. Jerry said that Charlie from CV Oil will work with Carl Oertel regarding the sheet rocking and combustion air issues. Carl will also install the railing. Patty noted that the lift has been inspected and a certificate is posted. Regarding the variance, Patty said that it needs to be in writing with specific dates and plans as to what will be done. Peter asked Jerry if he would write up the proposal. Jerry agreed.
b. Town Library/Basement – re: fire safety compliance update. The Library side entrance can be opened. Peter said he would install the interior weatherproofing in such a manner that the door can still be opened. The basement would need to be inspected prior to any occupation.
c. Town Hall – re: broken window in basement. This window is located between the basement ceiling and the first floor. Access is difficult. Mark said he would take a look and see what the best way to repair it would be.
d. Town Hall – re: removal of junk stored in back of building. Peter said that he would have the items removed and put out for trash pickup.
e. Bandstand – re: roof repair update. Patty said that Carl would like to do the work while the weather is good. The Board felt that they would like to have all the fire safety compliance issue taken care of before this project. It was decided to revisit this issue after November 27th.
f. Special Town Meeting – re: update and agenda. This meeting will be held tomorrow evening at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall. The agenda was reviewed as well as questions which might be asked. The Selectboard will be hosting the meeting.
g. Ancient Roads – re: Ancient Roads Primer. This Primer was prepared by Sarah Gray and John Dutton and is aimed at helping the reader to better understand the Ancient Roads reports which their committee has been preparing.
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November 17, 2009
New Business
a. Town Highway – re: tree in right-of-way on Parmenter Place. Road Commissioner George Deblon told Patty that normally the Town does not take care of these situations. Mark will make a site visit. It was felt that it might require contracting a tree service if utility wires are involved.
b. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant. Patty said that Sean Lee has spent numerous hours helping get things connected following the move from the old Town Office Building. At this time the fax machine can only send faxes. They cannot be received. Patty said that it has been very helpful having someone local who can do this kind of work. She wondered if the Board would consider compensating him. They asked Patty to speak with Sean to see if he is interested and what he would charge.
Other Business
a. BCA – re: Appeal to Superior Court update. Patty said that so far only JR Bullock’s Pitt-Stop is appealing to Superior Court.
b. State of Municipalities Survey – re: email. Patty said that she had forwarded this to all the Board members. Peter said he would review it.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 1, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 3, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Herb Campbell, Pat Edwards, Tom Macaulay
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Herb Campbell and Pat Edwards – re: WRVA
b, Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network
a. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp – re: 27th Annual Meeting
b. Town of Braintree – re: WRVA concerns
c. VT Division of Fire Safety – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results – Town Hall
d. TRORC – re: New Town Highway Bridge Candidate Process
e. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 23, 2009 meeting
f. TRORC – re: Economic Development District Resolution
g. LEPC #12 – re: Minutes of October 15, 2009 meeting
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results
b. Town Library – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results
c. Building Committee – re: survey and Special Town Meeting update
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways – re: Tozier Hill culvert problem
b. Citizen Complaint – re: dog complaint
c. VLCT – re: PACIF renewal application
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the October 20, 2009 Regular Selectboard meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Herb Campbell and Pat Edwards – re: WRVA. Herb said that he and Pat were here tonight to introduce themselves and address any concerns that the Board might have. The Board was given a handout showing data specific for the Town of Pittsfield. It contained a breakdown of 2008 calls and a budget comparison for 2008/2009. Herb also handed out a copy of WRVA’s 2010 budget. The Board took a moment to review it. It was pointed out that WRVA’s finances and collections were improved over previous years. It was also noted that this year’s increase to the Town was only $410.00. Items discussed included the issue with the Town of Braintree (see Correspondence-b), their relationship with Gifford Hospital, the status of Pittsfield’s First Response, and the current H1N1 crisis and how WRVA is addressing it. In closing Herb said that they have obtained a new ambulance and are expecting another in January. Bethel is currently handling extrication now, so WRVA can better handle patient care. The Board thanked Herb and Pat for attending tonight’s meeting.
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November 3, 2009
b. Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network. Tom handed out copies of the business plan for the creation and operation of a universal, open-access fiber-to-the-premise telecommunications network in Rutland and surrounding communities which the Rutland Redevelopment Authority is proposing. The plan was reviewed and there was discussion. The Board felt this was a positive undertaking and indicated to Tom that the Town was unanimous in their favor of the idea when a similar proposal was made at Town Meeting in the past. Tom said that there would be no risk for the Town’s participation and that there would be revenue sharing to the Town courtesy of the Farm Bill. A contract would be available in the future. For now he is asking permission to access the poles alongside the Town roads, obtain a Letter of Intent from the Selectboard, and once their application is approved, the Town should appoint someone to serve on the Advisory Board He said that once they obtain financing, which he hopes will be in the spring, they will start running lines during the summer. Jerry said he would prepare the Letter of Intent and obtain the Board’s signatures and forward it to Tom.
a. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp – re: 27th Annual Meeting. This invitation is for the event to be held on November 16th in Quechee. No action taken by the Board.
b. Town of Braintree – re: WRVA concerns. This letter, dated October 22nd, was sent to all member Town’s Selectboards, explains their concerns with declining reimbursements, no call volume increases, no other revenue sources, and how annual costs/fees to the eight member towns can be expected to increase. Based on these issues, the Braintree Selectboard and their WRVA Representative have requested a detailed study be initiated to investigate the idea of Gifford Medical Center taking over the ambulance services with a written report of findings to be prepared and shared with the eight member towns by July 1, 2010. Based on WRVA’s presentation at the beginning of the meeting, no action will be taken by the Board at this time.
c. TRORC – re: New Town Highway Bridge Candidate Process. This correspondence discusses VTrans new process to prioritize these projects. No action taken by the Board.
d. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 23, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
e. TRORC – re: Economic Development District Resolution. This correspondence discusses a resolution supporting the formation of the East Central Vermont Economic Development District. Signed Resolutions will help document local support for District designation. The Economic Development Administration wants to see support for a majority of towns in order to approve the application. Discussion. The Resolution was signed by the Board and attested to by the Town Clerk. Jerry added that he has offered to serve with this group.
f. LEPC #12 – re: Minutes of October 15, 2009 meeting. This is a draft of the Minutes. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results. Several violations were noted in the report, some of which have been addressed or will be. These included obtaining a variance for the basement due to the lack of a sprinkler system, handrails and guards for the stairs inside and outside the building, the heating system needs to obtain its combustion air from an approved source, and be separated from the rest of the structure in a specified manner, and the lift needs to be inspected. Patty will contact the Fire Marshall regarding the variance. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Town Library – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results. Of concern with this building is the rear door of the library. Foam and other material needs to be removed from the door so that there is no obstruction to it being used as a required means of egress. This has been addressed and is now useable. It was also noted in the report that the other two floors which are currently not being used would need to be inspected if they become occupied. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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November 3, 2009
c. Building Committee – re: survey and Special Town Meeting update. Patty said that the survey and information for the meeting will be sent out on Wednesday. The meeting date has been changed to Wednesday, November 18th at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall.
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways – re: Tozier Hill culvert problem. This letter from Road Commissioner George Deblon explains a problem he has had with a plugged culvert caused by a driveway culvert installed on the property of Dana Salem. The end result of this issue is that the repair work was performed by Mel Colton on the Town culvert at George’s request as he has having problems with the property owner and his reluctance to repair his driveway culvert. Peter said he approved payment to Mel from Town funds. George said that reimbursement will be attempted from the property owner. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Citizen Complaint – re: dog complaint. An email was received from John Bilunas who resides on Tweed River Drive. He states that there are two dogs constantly loose and notes where they live. He would like to know how this is to be handled. Patty said that she let John know that if he was still having issues with the dogs, that he should contact Second Constable Doug Mianulli. The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to John letting him know that he should contact Second Constable Doug Mainulli with his dog concerns should he continue to have any problems.
c. VLCT – re: PACIF renewal application. Patty said that she has been working on the renewal application. She said that she would like to contact VLCT regarding appraisal figures for Town buildings. There is a sizeable difference between what is currently on the policy and the new appraisal figures from the recent reappraisal. She is also waiting to hear from George regarding vehicles and from Dave Colton regarding the fire department. In addition she has made changes to the contents velue of the Town Hall as a result of the relocation of the Town Clerk’s Office.
The meeting adjourned at 6:35pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 17, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 20, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Henry Hotchkiss, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 6, 2009 Regular meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Henry Hotchkiss and Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads deadline and hike
c. Angelique Lee – re: Library concerns
a. New England Municipal Consultants – re: reappraisal and final payment
b. Green Up Vermont, Inc. – re: request for Coordinator for 2010
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: VT Country Inn WW-3-1383-1 Plan/Design Review Checklist
d. Fairpoint Communications – re: overview of services
e. VLCT – re: Planning and Zoning Forum workshop
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden
g. Rutland Herald – re: article “Counties share $700K in federal stimulus funds”
h. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture – re: Schedule of Proposed Actions for the Green Mountain National Forest
i. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: overview of program and membership information
j. Pittsfield Planning Commission – re: signs advertising the Original General Store
k. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: “illegal signs”
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: WRVA Representative
b. Town Hall – re: access to temporary storage trailer
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering d/b/a The Village Porch x 3
b. Town Hall – re: furnace update
c. Town Buildings – re: Fire Inspector update
d. Town Buildings – re: Electric Inspector update
e. Town Buildings – re: Fire Alarm system
f. Rutland County Superior Court – re: annual budget information
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:58pm. The Secretary noted some changes to the Minutes. The Minutes of the October 6, 2009 Regular meeting were approved with changes.
Guest and Committee Reports
a. Henry Hotchkiss and Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update. Henry said that direction of the project has been more defined due to results of the first survey. Patty handed out a draft of the mailing they would like to have sent out announcing a Special Town Meeting to be held in November.
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October 20, 2009
It was decided to hold the meeting on Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall. The Selectboard will host this meeting and a Moderator will conduct it. Henry reviewed some potential questions that might be asked. He said that the Committee has not been meeting regularly. He added that some people are still not grasping the concepts for the new Town Office Building. It is hoped that this next meeting will draw more people so that things can be clearer. Patty said that they have been meeting with architect Mark McManus and some of the costs have changed a bit. Following the next survey, bids can be obtained for the project. There was discussion as to who would be able to utilize the building and it was agreed that this should be determined prior to the meeting. It was felt that both the Historical Society and Library can be housed in both Plans B and C.
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads deadline and hike. Sarah said she realizes that the Board has been busy with BCA hearings but wanted to remind them that the deadline for this project is February 2010. She also suggested that the next two weekends would be good for taking the hike. Discussion. It was decided to meet this coming Saturday at 8AM at the Town Hall.
c. Angelique Lee – re: Library concerns. Angelique said that there is quite a gap around the emergency door on the side of the library. The Board explained that the door needs to be able to be opened and that they would get some weather stripping to put around the inside of the door. It will be fixed this Saturday. She also suggested contacting Efficiency Vermont and having them do energy audits of both the library and the Town Hall. The Board agreed this was a good idea.
a. New England Municipal Consultants – re: reappraisal and final payment. This letter addresses the resultant CLA and the approach taken by NEMC and PVR. Peter asked Martha what the Listers’ recommendation is regarding payment. It was agreed that the CLA would not change by withholding payment. Therefore the Board approved making the final payment of $9929.50.
b. Green Up Vermont, Inc. – re: request for Coordinator for 2010. Peter said he has not contacted Alison Hans yet but that he would.
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: VT Country Inn WW-3-1383-1 Plan/Design Review Checklist. This correspondence references re-submitted information dated 9/17/09 addressing Wastewater and Water Supply Design. It has been reviewed and determined that there are items not included or insufficient with the submitted. The checklist of these items is attached. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. Fairpoint Communications – re: overview of services. No action taken by the Board.
e. VLCT – re: Planning and Zoning Forum workshop. This workshop will be held on November 10th. No action taken by the Board.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden. This correspondence includes a Motion to Withdraw as counsel for Christopher Murphy filed by Paul Gillies, Esq. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Rutland Herald – re: article “Counties share $700K in federal stimulus funds”. This article published October 14, 2009 states that “four southern Vermont counties will receive nearly $700,000 in economic stimulus money to promote energy efficiency.” TRORC is sharing some of the money to perform energy audits of municipal buildings and provide money for retrofit work. Jerry said that he has been working with Peter Gregory at TRORC regarding obtaining some of this funding.
h. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture – re: Schedule of Proposed Actions for the Green Mountain National Forest. No action taken by the Board.
i. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: overview of program and membership information. Peter said that some of this might be of interest to the Ancient Roads Committee and suggested forwarding this packet to them.
j. Pittsfield Planning Commission – re: signs advertising the Original General Store. This is a copy of correspondence delivered to Joe Desena regarding the Amee Farm and Bikram Yoga properties. They feel that the signs located at the Amee Farm and yoga studio advertising the Original General Store are illegal under the “billboard law.” They request that the signs be removed or altered so that they only advertise “on-premise” business. No action taken by the Board.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
October 20, 2009
k. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: “illegal signs”. This letter is a copy sent to the Planning Commission regarding their contention that the signs at the Amee Farm and yoga studio advertising the Original General Store are illegal. The lawyer feels that the sign trailers are exempt from this law. He adds that these trailers will be put into winter storage shortly. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: WRVA Representative. Peter said that Scott Warren has agreed to accept this position. A Letter of Appointment will be sent to him.
b. Town Hall – re: access to temporary storage trailer. Patty thanked the Board for their quick response in having the access to the trailer improved for better access and safety.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering d/b/a The Village Porch x 3. Two of these were approved by the Board over the phone (Rehearsal Dinner at the Amee Farm on October 10th and the Killington Ambassadors Dinner at the Amee Farm on October 17th). The third, a Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception at Riverside Farm on October 23rd and 24th was approved by the Board.
b. Town Hall – re: furnace update. The furnace has a cracked fire block. This has been patched and should last through the winter; however the Board should consider having the furnace replaced. The Board will consider replacing it next year and address this at budget meetings later this year.
c. Town Buildings – re: Fire Inspector update. Patty said that a full report should be forthcoming but that there were a few concerns to consider. The Fire Marshall said that combustion air for the furnace needs to come from outside air. At present it is coming from between the floors. The basement may need a variance and the lift needs to be inspected annually. Patty said that she has contacted someone regarding the lift as it needs some repair and an inspection will be done at the same time.
d. Town Buildings – re: Electric Inspector update. Patty said that Louis Donnet was present when the inspection was done. It was noted that a GFI outlet is needed in the kitchen and the non-working emergency light over the sink needs to be removed.
e. Town Buildings – re: Fire Alarm system. It has been determined that there doesn’t need to be a dialer. The alarm company has reprogrammed the system and Patty will write to them requesting that monitoring be discontinued as well as the accompanying monthly fee.
f. Rutland County Superior Court – re: annual budget information. Patty said that the Court has asked how the Board would like to receive this information – via mail or email. The Board agreed to regular
The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 3, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Selectboard Emergency Meeting 8 September 2009Present: Peter Borden, Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins.
This emergency meeting was called to order by Peter Borden with regard to the health-related relocation of the Town Office at 7:11 p.m.
The primary topic was the acquisition of a temporary storage vault for town records. Several possibilities had been explored by Peter and Patty. It was unanimously agreed to rent a “Mobile-Mini.”
The rental cost is $160 per month with a $185 delivery fee. The unit will provide the necessary heat and air conditioning to preserve the irreplaceable documents and will be placed at the north side of the building level with the door.
Peter also reported that FairPoint will be at the Town Hall on 23 September to move the telephone lines, etc.
This special meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Jerry Drugonis Acting Secretary
Approved: September 15, 2009
Pittsfield Selectboard – Emergency MeetingAttending: Peter Borden, Mark Begin and Jerry Drugonis.
This emergency meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Chairman Peter Borden at 7:25 a.m. on 5 September, 2009 at the Town Hall building.
Agenda: The status and needs involving the moving of the operations of the Town Clerk from her basement office to the uncontaminated Town Hall.
(1) Peter reported that he finally contacted FairPoint and that the change of the telephone line and number would be done in 7-10 days.
(2) Peter also reported that he is contacting a portable storage company to remove the records from the Town Office. The Selectboard agreed with Patty’s idea to have the container located at the side exit.
(3) Jerry reported that he is scheduled to meet with Patty and the electrician on Monday with regard to the necessary wiring alterations in the hall to accommodate the clerk’s office machinery.
The Board agreed to remove the carpeting from the Town Office once the furniture and equipment have been removed and see to its destruction themselves in order to reduce costs.
Jerry will purchase two new locks for the Town Hall and move a third to allow access to the lower floor.
The emergency meeting was adjourned at 7:46 a.m.
Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
Approved: September 15, 2009
DATE: September 1, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray,
Dot Williamson, John Dutton, Sandra Begin, Attorney James Goss
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. August 4, 2009 Regular Select Board Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Attorney James Goss – re: VT Country Inn Act 250 status
b. Ancient Roads Committee – re: Ancient Roads update
c. Sandra Begin – re: Town Clerk’s Office health issues
a. US Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census New Construction program
b. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden
c. VLCT – re: “Cash Management – Banking and Investments” workshop
d. VLCT – re: Proposed VLCT Bylaw Changes
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, WW-3-1729, John McGarry and Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
f. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Renewal of Motion for Extension of Time and Certificate of Service, Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: (email) Motion to Alter the Memorandum of Decision and Order for the Petition to Revoke Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #EC-166 and all amendments to that permit as it relates to the wastewater system on lot #92
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1381-1, Vermont Country Inn LLC, Mike Halovatch, Conversion of Use
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec
j. Town of Bethel – re: Alliance Solid Waste Management Program Billing and Rate Changes
k. VTrans – re: guidance document “Adding Ancient Roads to the General Highway Maps…”
l. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: (email) Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden, Appeal of Murphy
m. VLCT – re: (email) VLCT Health Trust Communications to Governing Boards
n. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues for January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009
o. Regional Ambulance Service, Inc. – re: Town’s removal from their project list
p. VT Humane Federation – re: “Investigating Animal Cruelty in Vermont, Levels 1, 2, and 3” workshops
q. Roger Clark Memorial Library – re: request for use of library during off-hours
r. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Vermont Country Inn LLC, Application for Act 250 Permit and Municipal Impact Questionnaire
s. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force – re: Dry Hydrants & E911
t. VLCT – re: VLCT News August/September 2009
u. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation – re: Forest Legacy Program
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
September 1, 2009
v. White River Partnership – re: invitation to two public forums about water quality
w. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for VT Country Inn, LLC, WW-3-1383-1, amend previous permit
x. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet, VT Country Inn, LLC, amend previous permit
y. The Independent – re: Summer 2009, publication for elders and people with disabilities
z. TRORC – re: FY10 Annual Dues
Old Business
a. Delinquent Dogs – re: update
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency CD matures and renewal
c. Town Roads - re: Private Road sign replacement update
d. Town Ordinance – re: speed regulation
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: action plan
b. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Robert Williams, Upper Michigan Road
c. Town Office Building – re: dehumidifier problem
d. Town Office Building – re: invoice for front step repair and painting
e. Budget – re: error found
f. Town Funds – re: First Class Savings account
Other Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: Desena lot at 642 Tweed River Drive
b. Select Board – re: meeting schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the August 4, 2009 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Attorney James Goss – re: VT Country Inn Act 250 status. Attorney Goss introduced himself and explained that he has been hired by the VT Country Inn, LLC to untangle the legal/permit issues that have been ongoing and unresolved with the property. He said he has prepared a draft of the Act 250 Permit Application (see Correspondence – r), which basically states that there will be no further construction, use of the property will be properly permitted, the barn side of the property will be primarily used for agriculture and agri-tourism, and outdoor events will be limited to six per year and also limited to 200 participants each. He said that he wanted to present this overview to the Select Board and address any questions or concerns posed to him. Planning Commission member Sarah Gray, Health Officer Sandra Begin, and former Septic Officer Martha Beyersdorf also participated in the discussion.
b. Ancient Roads Committee – re: Ancient Roads update. John presented a brief history of what the committee has been doing and how the legislation originated. The committee has undertaken the task of studying and determining which ancient roads to add to the mapping. Criteria include written records as well as what is visible on the ground. Sarah had presented packets of three roads to the Board plus one more at this meeting. There are six to eight more to present. The Board and visitors expressed interest in visiting the roads. It was decided that October would be the best time and a date/s will be set up.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
September 1, 2009
c. Sandra Begin – re: Town Clerk’s Office health issues. Sandy said that she received a call from Dr. Austin Sumner, an environmental epidemiologist. Based on information provided to him regarding the problems with water, moisture, etc in the office he recommends removing the employees, removing the rugs, and possibly the wall paneling. Patty presented the verbal results of air quality testing performed in the office last month. After much discussion, Jerry made a motion to move the Town Clerk’s Office to the Town Hall as soon as possible based on information presented at this meeting. Peter seconded the motion. The motion was approved. (See New Business – a).
a. US Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census New Construction program. The New Construction program provides an opportunity for officials of local governments to submit a list of city-style addresses for housing units for which basic construction began during or after March 2009 and completion is expected by April 1, 2010. The Census Bureau, using the participant supplied addresses, will visit and attempt to enumerate each newly constructed housing unit that have been identified as missing from their list. Discussion. The Board decided not to participate in this program.
b. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. This letter addressed to the Rutland Superior Court requests permission to appear at the status conference by telephone to accommodate a scheduling conflict. No action needed by the Board.
c. VLCT – re: “Cash Management – Banking and Investments” workshop. This is the first of three financial management workshops that will be conducted this year to provide treasurers/finance officials with information and tools to best serve taxpayers and improve efficiency and effectiveness. The first workshop will be held October 6th in Hartford and October 8th in Milton. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT – re: Proposed VLCT Bylaw Changes. These changes will be voted by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting to be held on October 1st. No action taken by the Board.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, WW-3-1729, John McGarry and Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. This project consists of the replacement of a wastewater system serving an existing 5-bedroom single family residence on 4.3 acres. This permit is approved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Renewal of Motion for Extension of Time and Certificate of Service, Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec. Brian and Joan Spind request a 30-day extension from the date of denial of the Motion to Alter to activate the Appeal deadline requirements. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: (email) Motion to Alter the Memorandum of Decision and Order for the Petition to Revoke Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #EC-166 and all amendments to that permit as it relates to the wastewater system on lot #92. This email was addressed to Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett. The Motion to Alter is denied. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1381-1, Vermont Country Inn LLC, Mike Halovatch, Conversion of Use. This correspondence from Terry Shearer is addressed to the engineer working on the project and includes Plan Review Checklist for missing and/or incorrect items required for this project to meet EPA rules. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec. This letter is addressed to the Vermont Environmental Court and includes a Notice of
Appearance for Catherine Gjessing, Esq., General Counsel for the VT ANR. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
September 1, 2009
j. Town of Bethel – re: Alliance Solid Waste Management Program Billing and Rate Changes. These changes become effective October 1, 2009. It was suggested that this information be included in Town Report.
k. VTrans – re: guidance document “Adding Ancient Roads to the General Highway Maps…” This information provides an overview of Act 178 and ancient roads, the mechanics of adding Class 4 town highways and legal trails to the Mileage Certificates and ultimately to the General Highway Maps. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
l. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: (email) Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden, Appeal of Murphy. This includes a draft of the Stipulated Order of Dismissal for consideration. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
m. VLCT – re: (email) VLCT Health Trust Communications to Governing Boards. This pertains to health benefits cost analysis comparison. No action taken by the Board.
n. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues for January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009. This item was not included in the 2009 budget. The Board decided not to contribute this year.
o. Regional Ambulance Service, Inc. – re: Town’s removal from their project list. Due to a lack of communication between the Town of Pittsfield and RAC, they have removed the Town from their project list. The Board decided not to pursue the possibility of changing ambulance service for the Town.
p. VT Humane Federation – re: “Investigating Animal Cruelty in Vermont, Levels 1, 2, and 3” workshops. No action taken by the Board.
q. Roger Clark Memorial Library – re: request for use of library during off-hours. This letter from Susie Martin states that the library was approached by a representative of Woodstock High School requesting use of library space to tutor a Pittsfield student. It would take place from 8 – 11 or 12 each morning. Peter said that he and Susie discussed this and it was felt that since the Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union has a building here it Town, that site would be more accessible and appropriate. Mark and Jerry agreed.
r. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Vermont Country Inn LLC, Application for Act 250 Permit and Municipal Impact Questionnaire. This packet includes a draft of the application. The Board completed the questionnaire and Peter signed on behalf of the Board.
s. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force – re: Dry Hydrants & E911. This program offers assistance in plan development, engineering and installation. This will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton.
t. VLCT – re: VLCT News August/September 2009. No action taken by the Board.
u. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation – re: Forest Legacy Program. The Board received no response to their invitation for someone to attend a meeting to explain the program. No further action.
v. White River Partnership – re: invitation to two public forums about water quality. More information can be obtained from www.whiteriverpartnership.org.
w. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for VT Country Inn, LLC, WW-3- 1383-1, amend previous permit. This project consists of converting a 12 bedroom single family residence to a 12 bedroom B&B and connect the existing barn to the existing wastewater system and drill a new well, located at 4275 Route 100. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
x. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet, VT Country Inn, LLC, amend previous permit. This follows Correspondence – w. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
y. The Independent – re: Summer 2009, publication for elders and people with disabilities. No action taken.
z. TRORC – re: FY10 Annual Dues. This letter acknowledges receipt of payment and appreciates Pittsfield’s continued support.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
September 1, 2009
Old Business
a. Delinquent Dogs – re: update. Second Constable Doug Mianulli hand delivered the certified mailing to Randy and Barb Wood regarding their unlicensed dog and the imposing of a fine should the dog continue to be unlicensed. Doug stated that Randy said he would take care of this.
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency CD matures and renewal. This CD has $5000.00. The Board decided not to reinvest this at this time as the money would be needed to help offset the relocation of the Town Office.
c. Town Roads - re: Private Road sign replacement update. Patty said that she has not sent out the letters to the property owners involved yet. The subject of liability in the event an emergency vehicle cannot locate a property on one of these roads without a sign was discussed. It was decided not to pursue this.
d. Town Ordinance – re: speed regulation. Patty said that Sheriff Benard has reviewed our ordinance. A section of the ordinance allows the Sheriff to make an internal adjustment so that the ticket funds come back to the Town. She added that they began patrolling on August 5th. Three patrols were scheduled starting in July but were cancelled. Their contract will have them patrolling through foliage season.
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: action plan. Patty said that she could prepare a punch list for what would be needed for the move, however she asked that the Board contact the necessary parties regarding work that would need to be done to prepare the Town Hall. Peter said he would contact Fairpoint Communications regarding the phone/DSL lines needed including changing over the phone number. He would also see about obtaining a temporary vault. Mark said he would contact Lubek Electric for electrical needs and call Carl Oertel about changing the locks on the doors. Patty said she would also check with VLCT to see if insurance would cover any of this. Money needed for this project was discussed. It was agreed that money would come out of the Emergency or Contingency Funds unless it becomes part of the building renovation/project in which case the Building Fund would become involved. As far as the current Town Clerk’s Office, Peter said he would prefer not to spend any money until the building becomes an actual “project.” Mark added that some things would need to be now as far as removing the rugs, paneling, etc., but just the bare minimum.
b. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Robert Williams, Upper Michigan Road. The Board approved the permit. It was noted that construction was begun prior to obtaining the permit.
c. Town Office Building – re: dehumidifier problem. Patty said that the dehumidifier overflowed on August 24th. She said that she has exchanged the reservoir with the one in the Town Hall as that one fits more securely. The one in the Town Hall empties into the sink.
d. Town Office Building – re: invoice for front step repair and painting. Patty presented Carl Oertel’s invoice to the Board. It was felt it was a little high. Mark said he would speak with Carl.
e. Budget – re: error found. Patty said that the Town made it through the temporary crisis and that tax money has started coming in. No money needed to be taken from any of the contingency accounts. She added that she discovered she had made an error in the budget for 2009-2010. The Town Office Building Utilities section totalling $8,971.57 was inadvertently left out. She added that there should not be any problem and that there will be enough money to cover that.
f. Town Funds – re: First Class Savings account. Patty said that she needs the Board’s approval to open this “deposit account.” The Board unanimously approved giving Patty the authority to open this account.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 6
September 1, 2009
Other Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: Desena lot at 642 Tweed River Drive. A resident had a septic concern regarding this lot. Terry Shearer was contacted and advised that documents relating to septic issues are located online at www.septic.vt.gov.
b. Selectboard – re: meeting schedule. The Board will return to their regular meeting schedule of the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 15, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 4, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray,
Gordon Gray, Chuck Colton, Dick Stevens
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 7, 2009 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. July 16, 2009 Emergency Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads
b. Building Committee – re: survey results
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Request for Permit Revocation – Permit EC-166, Anthony & Elizabeth Cotter
b. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Motion to Alter WW-3-1502; EC-166 et seq Lot 92, Dove Drive (Cotter)
c. Anthony Cotter – re: splitting well between two houses
d. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: response to Cotter letter
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Lot #92, Dove Drive (Cotter)
f. TRORC – re: 2010 Municipal Planning Grants
g. TRORC – re: Parcel Data Distribution Options
h. TRORC – re: LEPC#12 April 16, 2009 and June 18, 2009 meeting Minutes
i. Ethan Allen Institute – re: introduction to new website
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – re: introduction to services and invoice for 2010 dues
k. VT Emergency Management – re: EOC Operations Course information
l. VT Energy Investment Corporation – re: introduction to services
m. Channing Bete Company – re: National Preparedness Month
n. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Fiscal Year 2010 Education Tax Rates
o. Smiths Detection – re: threats and solutions
p. Glenn Duruchie – re: Juvenile Diabetes Fund Raising Ride
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services
r. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY-08 Annual Report
s. J.P. Sicard, Inc. – re: introduction to services
t. VLCT – re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting
u. E-911 Board – re: (email) Published Map Files
v. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program
w. Sen. Bernie Sanders – re: (email) Town Meeting Brunch invitation
x. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions July 2009
Old Business
a. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update
b. Reappraisal – re: letter from Listers
c. Delinquent Dogs – re: update
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
August 4, 2009
b. Town Property – re: estimate for Bandstand roof
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Raymond Simonds, Forsha Road
d. Town Property – re: policy regarding table and chair rentals
e. VT Youth Conservation Corps – re: request to use Village Green and Bandstand
Other Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water and other concerns
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency Fund CD matures
c. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: speed enforcement and ordinance
d. BCA – re: appeal hearings
e. Town Property – re: Village Green
f. Select Board – re: meeting schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the July 7, 2009 Regular Meeting and the July 16, 2009 Emergency Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads. Sarah said that she will present reports to the Board for their review prior to the September meeting. She said that she will be available to go over the reports and make site visit to roads as requested by the Board. The Board said they would like to see where some of these roads are.
b. Building Committee – re: survey results. Patty said that volunteers Arlene Drugonis and Sandy Begin tallied the results of the surveys. The results were as follows: Plan A – 22 votes, Plan B – 28 votes, and Plan C – 27 votes. Discussion. Chuck brought up his concern regarding the timeline and costs. It was the decision of the Board to have prepared a second survey requesting a vote between Plan B & C. It will only be sent to registered voters this time. Volunteers will be asked to write up and mail the new survey.
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Request for Permit Revocation – Permit EC-166, Anthony & Elizabeth Cotter. This correspondence dated July 13th and addressed to the Cotters outlines the results of Ralph Michael’s investigation, estimated costs of relocating the well and potential cost-splitting arrangements. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Motion to Alter WW-3-1502; EC-166 et seq Lot 92, Dove Drive (Cotter). This correspondence dated July 16th is addressed to the VT ANR and includes a Motion to Alter and Certificate of Service regarding the Cotter’s permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Anthony Cotter – re: splitting well between two houses. This letter to the Town dated July 20th discusses his solution to the relocation of the well and its cost. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: response to Cotter letter. This letter dated July 22nd is addressed to Anthony Cotter regarding his letter dated July 20th. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Lot #92, Dove Drive (Cotter). This letter addressed to the VT Environmental Court and dated July 30th contains a Motion for Extension of Time, a Notice of Appeal of the memorandum of Decision and Order, and a Certificate of Service to the interested parties. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
August 4, 2009
f. TRORC – re: 2010 Municipal Planning Grants. Online access to the 2010 application will be available this month. More information is available from Chris Sargeant at TRORC.
g. TRORC – re: Parcel Data Distribution Options. The VT Center for Geographic Information (VCGI) is gathering existing Parcel/Tax Map data and making it available on their website. If a Town chooses not to participate, they need to inform Pete Fellows at TRORC in writing by August 15th. No action taken.
h. TRORC – re: LEPC#12 April 16, 2009 and June 18, 2009 meeting Minutes. No action taken.
i. Ethan Allen Institute – re: introduction to new website. Their new website is located at: www.vttransparency.org. The purpose of this site is to empower citizens and taxpayers to review and comprehend state, local and school district taxing and spending, and also legislative performance. They also offer a link to the municipal websites of 130 Vermont cities and towns. They encourage Towns to make this information available on their websites. No action taken.
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – re: introduction to services and invoice for 2010 dues. No action taken.
k. VT Emergency Management – re: EOC Operations Course information. This program will be held on August 11th in WRJ. This information will be forwarded to Emergency Management Co-coordinator Peter Borden.
l. VT Energy Investment Corporation – re: introduction to services. The VEIC is a non-profit organization providing a full range of energy reduction services and is ready to help Vermont communities. No action taken.
m. Channing Bete Company – re: National Preparedness Month. No action taken.
n. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Fiscal Year 2010 Education Tax Rates. The base homestead education tax rate for FY2010 is $.86. This figure is multiplied by the district spending adjustment for our school district. The non-residential rate is $1.35. Both of these figures are adjusted by the Common Level of Appraisal for our Town. Detailed information on education tax rate calculations can be found at: http://www.state.vt.us/tax/pvredtaxrates.shtml. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
o. Smiths Detection – re: threats and solutions. This company provides solutions to the threats of bio-terrorism, suspicious solids and liquids, and hazardous vapors. Contact information to schedule a product demonstration is provided. No action taken.
p. Glenn Duruchie – re: Juvenile Diabetes Fund Raising Ride. This event will take place on Saturday, August 29th. The organizers would like to locate a rest stop in the village. Discussion of possible sites. Since the ride will go in both directions it was decided the Green might be better than the Town Garage. The Board had no objection.
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services. This annual fee is $201.89 this year. The Board approved paying this fee.
r. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY-08 Annual Report. No action taken.
s. J.P. Sicard, Inc. – re: introduction to services. This packet will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon.
t. VLCT – re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting. No action taken.
u. E-911 Board – re: (email) Published Map Files. These free, statewide PMF, called VT E911 PMF Map, can be viewed through the free software ArcReader. Instructions for downloading are available from the E911 website. This will be forwarded to E-911 Co-coordinator Don Flynn.
v. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program. The Board would like some clarification regarding this program. The State Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation will be contacted to invite a representative to the September 1st meeting.
w. Sen. Bernie Sanders – re: (email) Town Meeting Brunch invitation. This event will be held on Saturday, August 15th in Rutland. No action taken.
x. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions July 2009. No action taken.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
August 4, 2009
Old Business
a. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update. Patty presented a handout to the Board outlining the Town’s policy and a letter to affected property owners outlining the costs associated with the sign replacements. Discussion. The Board decided to have George determine the cost of each road sign replacement. This information would be included in the letter. Money for the signs would be given to the Town Clerk. George will order the signs so that they are uniform with the other signs in Town.
b. Reappraisal – re: letter from Listers. The Listers had sent a letter with attachments to the Board members explaining their concerns regarding the recent reappraisal performed by Bill Krajeski’s company New England Municipal Consultants. Discussion. The Board asked Martha and the Listers to follow-up on this issue.
c. Delinquent Dogs – re: update. There are four dogs unlicensed at this time. Two are owned by the Woods on Lower Michigan Road. A certified letter sent to them was returned unclaimed. Second Constable Doug Mianulli was hand delivering this to them. Ralph Burns has been issued a fine for his two dogs. He still has some time to register before further action. This will be tabled until the next meeting.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods. A wedding rehearsal and reception are scheduled for August 7th and 8th to be held at the Riverside and Amee Farms. The times requested were 2pm to midnight. The Board changed the ending time to 10pm and approved the request with this time change.
b. Town Property – re: estimate for Bandstand roof. An estimate for a new roof (shingles) on the Bandstand was received in the amount of $2,040.00. Discussion. It was felt this was a little high and the Board will obtain another estimate from another contractor.
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Raymond Simonds, Forsha Road. George has inspected the site and does not see any problems. The Board approved and signed the permit.
d. Town Property – re: policy regarding table and chair rentals. Jerry said that he had received a request to borrow chairs and tables which were eventually not needed. He asked if there was a policy regarding the use of chairs/tables. Patty said that in the past it had been discouraged as chairs would come back with the rubber tips missing or tables damaged from weather. Discussion. It was decided to require a $50.00 maintenance deposit, which would be refunded if the items were returned undamaged.
e. VT Youth Conservation Corps – re: request to use Village Green and Bandstand. This group would like to use this area for an Open House on August 19th from 5:00 to 7:30pm. The Board had no objection to this.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water and other concerns. Patty said there was water in the office again on August 3rd. She said that there have been water problems in the office almost twice every month this year. Other items discussed included ripping up the carpet to determine the origin of the water problem and remove the odor trapped in the rug, contacting a firm to test air quality, and fixing the gutter. The Board said they would check out the gutter after the meeting. Patty will contact a company regarding an air analysis.
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency Fund CD matures. Patty said that this fund, which has $15,000.00, matured August 1st. The Board agreed to have the money put into a CD for up to 12 months where there is a good rate.
c. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: speed enforcement and ordinance. The Town’s contract was to begin July 1st. The Board would also like someone to come to the next meeting to help draft a Traffic Ordinance. Patty will contact the department.
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August 4, 2009
d. BCA – re: appeal hearings. Patty has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, August 12th at 6pm. This meeting will be organizational and a calendar of appeals will be set up. There are eighteen appeals requested.
e. Town Property – re: Village Green. Jerry said he gave Joe Desena permission to put the large Adirondack chair on the Green. It would be probably be removed after Halloween. The Board had no objection.
f. Select Board – re: meeting schedule. The next meeting will be September 1, 2009. The return to the twice a month meeting schedule will be discussed then.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 1, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 16, 2009
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
ABSENT: Peter Borden, Jr.
AGENDA: Call to Order
New Business
a. 2009 Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate
b. Building Maintenance – re: 2009-2010 fuel oil/kerosene/LP fuel purchase
Old Business
a. General Fund – re: status
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:56pm.
New Business
a. 2009 Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate. Patty presented an outline of the Budget Summary with the final Grand List figures and the School tax rates received from the State. This year the Homestead Education Tax Rate is $1.5317, the Non-Residential Education Tax Rate is $1.6005, and the Municipal Rate is $.4211. Mark made a motion to approve the Municipal Rate of $.4211. Seconded by Jerry. All in favor. The Resultant Tax Rate for Homestead will be $1.9528 and the Non-Residential will be $2.0216.
b. Building Maintenance – re: 2009-2010 fuel oil/kerosene/LP fuel purchase. Last year’s usage was reviewed. It was agreed to purchase the following:
Town Hall - 1000 gal. #2 fuel oil @ $2.49 $2,490.00
Town Office Building - 850 gal. #2 fuel oil @ $2.49 $2,116.50
Town Office Building - 625 gal. kerosene @ $2.99 $1,868.75
Town Garage - 1200 gal. LP Gas @ $2.29 $2,748.00
Subtotal $9,223.25
Credit 2008-2009 (3,751.41)
Total $5,471.84
Mark and Jerry approved this expenditure and the contract was signed.
Old Business
a. General Fund – re: status. Patty presented a review of the funds available to the Town until tax payments come in. After the orders are paid as of July 16th and the fuel prebuy is paid for, there will be $11,242.68 remaining in the General Fund. She also explained that there is some $13,560.00 readily available in the Contingency and Emergency Funds if needed.
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update. Lister Chair Martha Beyersdorf said that following Grievance Hearings, the Grand List was submitted to the State for the determination of the FY10 Education Tax Rates. The Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) has been determined to be 84.35%, which is much lower than expected following the reappraisal. Martha said she has contacted Bill Krajeski with the appraisal company for an explanation as to what happened. She will keep the Board informed.
Pittsfield Select Board Emergency Meeting Minutes page 2
July 16, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 6:11pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved August 4, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 7, 2009
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton
ABSENT: Peter Borden, Jr.
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ancient Roads Committee – re: update
a. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: offer for free services
b. VT Conservation Commissions – re: solicitation for dues and contributions
c. Town of Bethel – re: recertification of the Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1659, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, 460 Tweed River Drive
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Anthony Cotter/Elizabeth Patnode, Lot #92 Dove Drive
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Request for Permit Revocation Permit #EC-166, Decision
g. Anglo-American Environmental – re: asbestos consultation services
h. VLCT – re: Designated Employer Representative Training 101 workshop
i. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 27, 2009 meeting
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program
k. Wright Construction Company, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project
l. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC; alleged violations of Land Use Permit #3W0948
m. VTrans – re: 2010 Transportation Enhancements Program Schedule and Process
n. Naylor & Breen Builders, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project
o. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2009
p. VLCT – re: Group Life, Short Term and Long Term Disability Rates eff. 7/01/09 – 7/01/12
q. VT Center for Geographic Information – re: new home for Vermont Orthophotography
r. Timberline Events – re: thank you to town for cooperation
s. Pittsfield Bike Club/Vermont Mountain Bike – re: Act 250 Land Use Permit Application
Old Business
a. Pittsfield Farmers Market – re: request to waive weekly fee
b. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall update
c. Trash – re: update on commercial concern
d. Town Property – re: playground/soccer goals update
e. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update
f. Town Property – re: playground/dugout status
g. Rutland County Tax – re: request for extension
h. Town Office Building – re: water in office
New Business
a. Town Property – re: installation of permanent phone extension between Town Office Building and Town Hall
b. Driveway Permit – re: AJ and Rebecca Ruben, Upper Michigan Road
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
July 7, 2009
b. Tax Rate – re: set
Jerry called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. The Minutes of the June 16, 2009 Regular Select board meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ancient Roads Committee – re: update. Sarah said that the Committee is getting close to the filing deadline. They have spent the last three years researching these ancient roads. They have found some roads that are mapped and some that aren’t. She said that it is important to have these. She explained that if they are added to the map they are public, but it doesn’t mean they would be accessible to recreational use. The Select Board would have the final decision as to their use, if any. The Committee’s personal deadline is August 1st. Reports on each road will be provided to the Select Board as they are available. Sarah said that they would be given to the Board members prior to the regular meetings and that the Committee would attend the meetings to discuss them. There was some discussion between the Board and the Committee.
a. Pittsfield Farmer’s Market – re: request. Patty said that Alison Hans was unable to attend the meeting but wanted to request a waiving of the $25/week fee for the use of the Village Green. She would like to use the money for advertising to encourage more vendors’ participation. Discussion. It was noted that there was no cleanup required after they use. It was decided to waive the fee and revisit it if and when more vendors are involved or if cleanup by the Town is required.
b. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: offer for free services. This information will be kept until plans for the Town Office Building are decided.
c. VT Conservation Commissions – re: solicitation for dues and contributions. No action taken.
c. Town of Bethel – re: recertification of the Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station. Final certification should be issued on July 10, 2009 without a public informational meeting unless requested.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1659, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, 460 Tweed River Drive. This permit is approved subject to conditions. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Anthony Cotter/Elizabeth Patnode, Lot #92 Dove Drive. This packet includes the Request to Find, Memorandum of Law/Argument and Conclusions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Request for Permit Revocation Permit #EC-166, Decision. The request was denied. This document will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Anglo-American Environmental – re: asbestos consultation services. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for the Town Office Building project.
h. VLCT – re: Designated Employer Representative Training 101 workshop. This workshop pertains to an introduction to responsibilities and procedures. It is being offered on various dates and sites in the state.
i. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 27, 2009 meeting. No action taken.
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program. This program is a partnership between participating states and the USDA Forest Service to prevent important forestlands from conversion to nonforest uses. No action taken.
k. Wright Construction Company, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for the Town Office Building project.
l. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC; alleged violations of Land Use Permit #3W0948. This document addressed to Linda Matteson (Coordinator, District 3 Environmental Commission) pertains to a requested amendment regarding the riparian management plan. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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July 7, 2009
m. VTrans – re: 2010 Transportation Enhancements Program Schedule and Process. This program pertains to an innovative program for non-traditional transportation-related projects managed by VTrans. No action taken.
n. Naylor & Breen Builders, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for the Town Office Building project.
o. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2009. No action taken.
p. VLCT – re: Group Life, Short Term and Long Term Disability Rates eff. 7/01/09 – 7/01/12. This memo states that rates will be held at their current levels for all three products for three years.
q. VT Center for Geographic Information – re: new home for Vermont Orthophotography. Beginning July 1, 2009, the VCGI Imagery Program will begin distributing orthophotos for free via download from their website: www.vcgi.org/dataware.
r. Timberline Events – re: thank you to town. The event organizers thanked the Town for their cooperation and permission to use the Town Garage facilities. They felt the race went very well and received positive feedback from participants. Plans are already underway for next year’s event to be held the third weekend in June.
s. Pittsfield Bike Club/Vermont Mountain Bike – re: Act 250 Land Use Permit Application. This application is for the construction of one public access trail on private land owned by Riverside Horse Farm, LLC in Pittsfield and a trail and two bridges on land owned by Bear Creek II in Stockbridge. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business
a. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall update. Patty said that Trish Spencer told her it would cost $75/floor to clean. This fee was approved by the Board. Patty will contact VLCT with the offer and fee for use of the Town Hall for seminars/workshops.
b. Trash – re: update on commercial concern. Tabled until a full Board meets.
c. Town Property – re: playground/soccer goals update. Tabled until a full Board meets.
d. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update. George reported that signs are missing from: Northern Exposure, Old School House Drive, The Commons, Four Wheel Drive, Dagg Road, and Music Mountain Road. He noted the various costs to replace the signs. The Board asked Patty to send letters to all property owners involved informing them of the replacement policy and cost as well as the importance of having them for emergency services.
e. Town Property – re: playground/dugout status. It was noted that nothing has been done to clean up the area. The Board will look into this.
f. Rutland County Tax – re: request for extension. Patty said that at this time the Town does not have the money to pay this and requested an extension. This extension was approved until money is available to pay this. Patty said this will be paid once tax money starts to be received.
g. Town Office Building – re: water in office. Patty said that water came in again on July 5th with the recent rains. The heat was turned up and fans run to dry out the carpets.
New Business
a. Town Property – re: installation of permanent phone extension between Town Office Building and Town Hall. Offers were expressed by Don Flynn and Howard Gunter to install a permanent overhead line for a telephone extension if the Select Board purchases the materials. Discussion. Patty said that when she spoke with the phone company about this, they said that this would not constitute an “ extension.” It was decided not to take any action on this and run the temporary line as needed.
b. Driveway Permit – re: AJ and Rebecca Ruben, Upper Michigan Road. This permit was approved by the Road Commissioner and the Select Board.
c. Tax Rate – re: set. It was decided not to set the tax rate until after Grievance Hearings have been completed and changes to the Grand List made. In addition, the Education Tax rates will not be available until after the Listers file a form with the State following Grievance. It is hoped that the Board can meet for an Emergency Meeting Tuesday or Wednesday to set the rate if all the information is available. Tax bills are due to be sent out on the 15th, but may have to be delayed a
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
July 7, 2009
day or two. Taxpayers would still be given 30 days to send in their first payment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4th. An Emergency Meeting will be called for a day and time next week for the purpose of setting the tax rate for 2009.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved August 4, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 16, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. Regular Select Board Meeting June 2, 2009
b. Special Town Meeting June 2, 2009
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson – re: trash concerns
b. Angelique Lee – re: playground information
a. VLCT – re: Town property listing for insurance purposes
b. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2009
c. Burlington International Waterfront Festival – re: (email) invitation to join the Champlain 400 Parade
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1684, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road
e. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay information
f. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay EMS and route information
g. VTrans – re: 2010 Municipal Park-and-Ride Program
h. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions June 2009
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: fence repair update
b. Building Committee – re: result of ballots
c. TRORC – re: municipal funding status
d. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood
e. Town Roads – re: Upper Michigan Road, pavement/dirt section status
New Business
a. Resignation – re: April Hayden as Roger Clark Memorial Library Trustee
b. Delinquent Dogs – re: update
c. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement
d. Town Hall – re: request for doorbell on outside of door to lift
e. Town Roads – re: patch hole in pavement in front of Town Office Building
f. Select Board – re: summer schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Select board meeting were approved with no corrections or changes as were the Minutes from the Special Town Meeting also held on June 2, 2009.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson – re: trash concerns. Jerry started off the conversation by asking Jon what Patty could tell people who call that their trash or recycling hasn’t been picked up when the weather is bad or the roads are muddy. Discussion. It was decided that if the weather was inclement enough or the roads muddy enough that the trucks can’t pick up the trash that people could
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
June 16, 2009
set it out the following regular pick-up day. Recycling could probably be picked up thefollowing day. The subject of “commercial” properties and how they should be addressed as discussed. Right now the Town’s taxpayers pay for all of the trash picked up whether it is residential or commercial. At this time there are about four properties that have businesses connected to them, whose trash is being picked up as residential. There are five businesses in town that have dumpsters on their property which Jon also picks up. It was felt that the Town should assess the businesses a little differently than the residences due to the volume. Jon explained that it isn’t possible for him to make a separate trip to pick up the commercial trash. Limiting the number of bags per week per household was also discussed. Jon said that two cans would probably be an average per household. The Board said that they would discuss this further and thanked Jon for his input and for attending the meeting.
b. Angelique Lee – re: playground information. Angelique said that she has been researching soccer backstops for the ball field. It was agreed that 2x4’s set in cement was not a safe method for holding the nets for soccer games as a child could be hurt if they accidently ran into one. She recommended something moveable/removable with replacement nets. Being portable, they can be placed anywhere on the field. The cost for the one she presented to the Board was $1,181.18. She said that there are less expensive ones also available but would have to do a little more searching. Patty said that there is money available in several funds, including the Recreation Fund, the Wray Park Fund, and the Civic Club Fund. Storage in the winter was discussed and it was suggested that the area in the back of the Town Hall could be used if a door is put on. The Board thanked Angelique for her efforts and said they would like to research and discuss this further.
a. VLCT – re: Town property listing for insurance purposes. The figures were reviewed and approved by the Board.
b. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2009. No action taken.
c. Burlington International Waterfront Festival – re: (email) invitation to join the Champlain 400 Parade. This parade will be held on Saturday, July 11th and the organizers would like to include representatives of the 251 towns in the parade. No action taken.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1684, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road. This project consists of the conversion of a seasonal camp to a year round residence, on an existing 1.3 acre parcel. This permit is approved and subject to conditions noted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay information. This correspondence dated Jun 1st wants to thank the Town for making a parking area available as an exchange area for this race being run on Jun 20-21st. The area is located at the Town Garage. Included with this letter is a Certificate of Liability for the event from their insurance carrier.
f. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay EMS and route information. This letter is request that EMS be alerted to this event. The Board asked the Secretary to advise Angela Jackson with the First Response Squad of this event.
g. VTrans – re: 2010 Municipal Park-and-Ride Program. Patty suggested that this grant was one that the Town could possibly obtain as part of the Town Office Building project if it will involve paving. Mendon took advantage of this grant when they did their new Town Office. This information will be forwarded to Henry Hotchkiss for the Building Committee.
h. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions June 2009. No action taken.
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: fence repair update. Jerry said that he checked with numerous sources for the parts to repair the fence. He said he finally found them with a company in Connecticut.
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June 16, 2009
b. Building Committee – re: result of ballots. Today was the deadline for turning in the surveys. The Board asked if there was a determination yet. Patty said that the Committee plans a meeting next week and that they would still collect any surveys that come in during the rest of the week.
c. TRORC – re: municipal funding status. Jerry said that there have been some delays, but the he has been assured by Peter Gregory that Pittsfield is still in the running.
d. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood. The request for this has been withdrawn. No further action.
e. Town Roads – re: Upper Michigan Road, pavement/dirt section status. Several complaints about the condition of the road where the pavement has heaved and cracked and potholes have developed in the dirt have been brought to the Board’s attention. Correspondence received by the Board in 2005 from an attorney representing Bear Creek II, LLC owners requesting approval to have the section of the road by the store was reviewed. It was noted that his client would not maintain or repair this road after the pavement was completed. Discussion. The Board will contact Road Commissioner George Deblon and have him remove the damaged section of pavement and fix the road.
New Business
a. Resignation – re: April Hayden as Roger Clark Memorial Library Trustee. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. No action taken at this time.
b. Delinquent Dogs – re: update. There are currently eleven unlicensed dogs. Discussion. The Board asked Patty to send out a letter to the owners citing a $250/dog fine, if the dogs remain unlicensed.
c. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement. It was brought to the Board’s attention that some of the road signs in town have disappeared. Minutes from January 11, 2000 state: “It was thought that the Town highway signs would be replaced by the town, but Private Road signs would be replaced by the residents of the particular road.” George will be asked to obtain a price for each sign replacement. He will also be asked to make a list of missing signs to present to the Board. A letter will be sent to the property owners informing them of the cost of replacement. Martha asked the Board if there might be liability to the Town for emergency services being unable to find a residence because of the lack of signage. It was felt that most private roads were more like driveways and would not be a problem.
d. Town Hall – re: request for doorbell on outside of door to lift. Peter said he would look for one and have it installed. This would assist anyone having trouble with the door to alert someone inside the building that assistance is needed.
e. Town Roads – re: patch hole in pavement in front of Town Office Building. It was noted that there is a hole in the pavement. George will be asked to check with VTrans to see if they have some unused materials to patch the hole.
f. Select Board – re: summer schedule. The summer meeting schedule will be Tuesday, July 7th and August 4th. Warnings will be posted.
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June 16, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 7, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 2, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jason Hayden
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jason Hayden – re 50-mile ultra marathon
a. Bill Kay – re: Town Office Building comments
b. CBE Educational Services, Inc. – re: Grant Writing Workshop
c. TRORC – re: Minutes of April 29, 2009 meeting
d. Pine Street Elevator Company – re: introduction to services
e. FEMA Map Service Center – re: changes in FEMA’s flood map distribution process
f. VLCT – re: (email) free health screening for covered employees
g. TRORC – re: (email to Jerry) funding available for municipalities
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: General Fund update
b. Act 250 – re: status of recent issues in Town
c. Benson Rubbish Removal – re: discussion with Jon Benson regarding trash policy
d. Rick Schirm – re: update on water issue from May 19th meeting
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods
b. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall for workshops
c. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: status
b. Farmer’s Market – re: status
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:53pm. The Minutes of the May 19, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jason Hayden – re 50-mile ultra marathon. This race is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th and is in its 3rd year. Jason outlined the race course and presented the Select Board with their liability insurance information. This will be kept on file.
a. Bill Kay – re: Town Office Building comments. This letter contained comments and questions regarding the recent mailing and survey. Many of his comments have already been addressed by the Building Committee. He requested that his input be included in the June 2nd Informational Town Meeting on the issue.
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June 2, 2009
b. CBE Educational Services, Inc. – re: Grant Writing Workshop. This workshop is aimed at grant writing through the eyes of a grant reviewer and will include analyzing stimulus funding. It was held on June 1st in Shelburne, but will be held June 9th in Manchester, NH and June 10th in Hyannis, MA. Registration is available at www.cbeeducationalservices.org. No action taken by the Board.
c. TRORC – re: Minutes of April 29, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
d. Pine Street Elevator Company – re: introduction to services. This company is located in Portland, Maine and serves Northern New England. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for future reference if needed.
e. FEMA Map Service Center – re: changes in FEMA’s flood map distribution process. Two changes will occur as of October 1, 2009. The first is that FEMA will only distribute digital mapping products and the second is that while FEMA will continue sending paper mapping products to community officials, distribution will be limited to a single copy of the newly effective maps and Flood Insurance Studies. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VLCT – re: (email) free health screening for covered employees. George is the only employee covered through VLCT/CIGNA Health Insurance. This correspondence will be forward to him for his review.
g. TRORC – re: (email to Jerry) funding available for municipalities. Jerry said that he received this email from Peter Gregory who stated that there is funding available. Peter will be meeting with the State regarding guidelines and regulations for the distribution of this money. Jerry said that Peter felt this would probably cover the weatherization issues at the Town Garage and to let Road Commissioner George Deblon about this.
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: General Fund update. Patty said that there is currently $45,291.41 available in the General Fund until taxes start coming in next month.
b. Act 250 – re: status of recent issues in Town. Peter said that he spoke with Linda Matteson regarding the issues recently brought to the Board’s attention regarding junk vehicles, etc. She explained that nothing could be done at this time unless there is a change to one on the joint properties which enhances a commercial business. She suggested the Board speak with the Agency of Natural Resources for their thoughts. Peter also added that the Vermont Country Inn, LLC (Amee Farm) was cited as of May 6th for several Act 250 violations and fined. That matter appears to have been settled.
c. Benson Rubbish Removal – re: discussion with Jon Benson regarding trash policy. Jon has not responded to the Board’s letter dated March 26th. Jerry said he would try and speak with Jon next Monday.
d. Rick Schirm – re: update on water issue from May 19th meeting. Mark said that he and George met with Rick. It was noted that water was leaking underneath the culvert. This would need to be replaced, but not this year. George will fix it temporarily. He will also dig the berm and fill with stone and extend it to the culvert.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods. This request was for a function to be held on May 29th at Riverside Farm. As this was received late, Peter and Mark were contacted and approved it on May 26th and it is noted in these Minutes.
b. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall for workshops. Patty explained that in a recent issue of VLCT News she saw that sites for workshops were being requested so that they would be more available to other parts of the State. She suggested that the Town Hall be offered to VLCT
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 2, 2009
as a possible site. Discussion. The Board asked Patty to contact Trish Spencer for an estimate for cleaning. This will be readdressed at a future meeting
c. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood. Jerry said that he received a request from a local resident asking for permission to cut dead wood from this lot known as the Brandolini Lot. Discussion. Mark said that he would like to make a site visit to see the lot before a decision is made. This will be readdressed at a future meeting.
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: status. Martha said that the appraisal company was not able to meet the June 4th deadline. A 20-day extension was approved by Property Valuation & Review. She said that Bill Krajeski has presented the Listers with a proposed assessment listing and the Listers will be reviewing it and meeting with him next week. The mailing of the appraisal booklet should be completed in the next few weeks.
b. Farmer’s Market – re: status. The event is on track and an informational meeting is scheduled for June 6th at the Town Hall. The Board approved signs that will be placed on the Village Green regarding the event.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 16, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 19, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, Chuck Colton, Dick Stevens, Henry Hotchkiss, Herb Bicek, Suana Bicek, Rick Schirm
ABSENT: Jerry Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek – re: Bethel Food Shelf
b. Building Committee – re: mailing and plans for upcoming meeting
c. Rick Schirm – re: water problem on his property
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Permit Revocation Request/Permit #EC-166 et seq/Anthony Cotter & Elizabeth Patnode
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Annual CEDS Meeting
c. TRORC – re: New Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
d. VLCT – re: (email) state shift of costs to the Education Fund
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for Project WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt-Stop, 3932 Route 100
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC d/b/a Pitt-Stop, 3932 Route 100
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0061-2, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt-Stop
h. George D. Aiken RC&D Council – re: RC&D Messenger April 2009
i. Dennis Kulesza – re: Application to Extend the Construction Deadline of Land Use Application #3W0092
j. US Dept. of Commerce – re: LUCA program review deadline
k. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Proposed to be Slashed by 50% for April
l. TRORC –re: April 2009 newsletter
m. White River Partnership – re: Currents Spring 2009
n. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2009 Law Enforcement Contract
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road, request for missing/incomplete information
p. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1684, two bedroom septic system design to convert existing seasonal camp to year round occupancy, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road
q. Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. – re: introduction to services
r. VLCT – re: (email) update on Town Highway Aid payments from VTrans
s. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Update
t. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Communication
u. TRORC – re: Minutes of March 25, 2009 meeting
v. VLCT – re: VLCT News May 2009
w. VTrans – re: American Recovery and Investment Act: - Application for Transportation Enhancements and Applications for Non-Class 1 Roadway Paving Projects
x. WRVA – re: National Registry First Responder Course
y. White River Partnership – re: Streams, Trees & Birds Workshop
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
May 19, 2009
z. TRORC – re: Summary of RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting May 7, 2009
aa. VLCT – re: 2009 Town Fair reminder, VLCT 2010 Legislative Policy Development, and VLCT Legislative Policy Committee Nomination Form
bb. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board
cc. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2009
dd. ACS (acleansystem.com) – re: Swine Flu Pandemic
ee. M. Julian Isaacson – re: concern about series of events taking place in Pittsfield that misrepresent our community
ff. The Stanley Works – re: sale of property
gg. VLCT – re: (email) Transportation Bill update
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: Town Band Stand roof repair
b. Town Property – re: Back Stop repair
c. Town Property – re: Dug Out clean up
d. Town Property – re: soft soccer posts
New Business
a. Resignation – re: Planning Commission
b. Appointment – re: Planning Commission
c. Insurance – re: Workers Comp for non-Town employees
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests by Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering d/b/a the Village Porch
e. Town Property – re: request for port-a-john
f. Town Funds – re: financial update
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update
b. Select Board – re: next meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the April 15, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek – re: Bethel Food Shelf. Suana said she would like to start a food donation site in Town to benefit the Bethel Food Shelf and target Pittsfield residents. When a box is filled she would deliver it to Bethel. She received approval to place a box at the Post Office and would like to post signs in Town promoting this project. It was suggested to her that her signs include the towns that benefit from the Bethel Food Shelf. The Board approved her request.
b. Building Committee – re: mailing and plans for upcoming meeting. The mailing has been sent out and the public meeting is set for June 2nd. Ron Coughenour has agreed to act as Moderator for this meeting to be set in a Town Meeting format. Discussion. It was decided to sketch out an agenda with speakers. Patty and Henry will draft one and send it to the Select Board, Architect Mark McManus, and Ron Coughenour. The aim of the meeting is to have people attend to gather information and then complete the survey. Chuck asked about whether Jerry had been able to locate any grant money. Patty said that Peter Gregory at TRORC was looking for money for both the Town Office project and for weatherization of the Town Garage. She has not heard from him as of today.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
May 19, 2009
c. Rick Schirm – re: water problem on his property. Rick presented a history of his property and problems he has had in the past with water, etc. Photographs were presented and explained. One of them showed a cut above his driveway which allowed water to run into the driveway. This recent problem in March precipitated his call to the Town Office. He said that water is also running into his
leach field after a heavy rain. Mark said that the Board would contact Road Commissioner George Deblon and they would all meet with Rick and make a site visit. He suggested one evening next week.
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Permit Revocation Request/Permit #EC-166 et seq/Anthony Cotter & Elizabeth Patnode. In this copy of a letter sent to the Agency of Natural Resources, the parties were unable to reach a satisfactory arrangement concerning a shared well and a Hearing would be necessary. A public space in Pittsfield would need to be obtained. Patty stated that since this letter was received she has been contacted and told that a Hearing will not be necessary. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Annual CEDS Meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 in Windsor. The topic of discussion will be Vermont’s Agricultural Economy. No action taken by the Board.
c. TRORC – re: New Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP). Peter, Mark, and Patty reviewed them. The Board adopted and signed them. These will be returned to TRORC.
d. VLCT – re: (email) state shift of costs to the Education Fund. The legislature is currently considering shifting money from the General Fund to the Education Fund, which would result in higher property taxes. Attached to the email is a letter VLCT Exec. Director Steve Jeffrey wrote to the legislature listing reasons why VLCT opposes this. For more information: www.vlct.org/d/advocacy/5- 1_ed_fund_letter.pdf.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for Project WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt- Stop, 3932 Route 100 was received. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC d/b/a Pitt-Stop, 3932 Route 100. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0061-2, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt-Stop. This permit is approved and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. George D. Aiken RC&D Council – re: RC&D Messenger April 2009. No action taken.
i. Dennis Kulesza – re: Application to Extend the Construction Deadline of Land Use Application #3W0092. His application states that the project has been delayed because of market conditions due to the down turn in the economy. The extension is requested for 24 months. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. US Dept. of Commerce – re: LUCA program review deadline. This correspondence will be forwarded to Don Flynn for his review.
k. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Proposed to be slashed by 50% for April. This email dated April 16th summarizes actions taken by the Senate and House regarding the revised FY09 state budget adjustment. No action taken by the Board.
l. TRORC –re: April 2009 newsletter. No action taken by the Board.
m. White River Partnership – re: Currents Spring 2009. No action taken by the Board.
n. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2009 Law Enforcement Contract. Discussion. It was decided to amend the date of the contract from July 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 due to the current financial situation. The Board approved and signed the contract.
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road, request for missing/incomplete information. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
May 19, 2009
p. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1684, two bedroom septic system design to convert existing seasonal camp to year round occupancy, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
q. Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. – re: introduction to services. No action taken by the Board.
r. VLCT – re: (email) update on Town Highway Aid payments from VTrans. This email dated April 20th states that there is still uncertainty regarding the FY09 transportation budget. No action taken by the Board.
s. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Update. This email dated April 21st states that the House and Senate both approved the FY09 budget adjustment conference committee report that makes the April Town Highway Aid payment in full. An update on the timing of when the April payments will be sent out will be forthcoming. No action taken by the Board.
t. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Communication. This email dated April 22nd states that payments should be received by week’s end. No action taken by the Board.
u. TRORC – re: Minutes of March 25, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
v. VLCT – re: VLCT News May 2009. No action taken by the Board.
w. VTrans – re: American Recovery and Investment Act: - Application for Transportation Enhancements and Applications for Non-Class 1 Roadway Paving Projects. This packet of information will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for his review.
x. WRVA – re: National Registry First Responder Course. This course will run from June 6 – August 6, 2009. Applications are available from WRVA and the cost is $325.00. Deadline for registering is June 1st. This notification will be forwarded to WRVA Representative Mona Colton.
y. White River Partnership – re: Streams, Trees & Birds Workshop. This workshop was held on May 16th on the Tweed River in Stockbridge. No action taken by the Board.
z. TRORC – re: Summary of RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting May 7, 2009. No action taken by the Board.
aa. VLCT – re: 2009 Town Fair reminder, VLCT 2010 Legislative Policy Development, and VLCT Legislative Policy Committee Nomination Form. No action taken by the Board.
bb. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board. This pertains to the update of the Vermont Significant Wetland Inventory Maps. No action taken by the Board.
cc. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2009. No action taken by the Board.
dd. ACS (acleansystem.com) – re: Swine Flu Pandemic. This information on Zimek’s Micro-Mist Treatment system will be forwarded to WRVA Representative Mona Colton.
ee. M. Julian Isaacson – re: concern about series of events taking place in Pittsfield that misrepresent our community. Discussion. Pittsfield does not have any zoning or ordinances that pertain to his concerns. The Secretary was asked to send him a letter thanking him for his letter of concern.
ff. The Stanley Works – re: sale of property. This letter is in response to the Board’s inquiry into possibly purchasing a small portion of the property located between the Parsonage and Tim Lensing’s property. This reply states that at this point they are focusing on the sale of the entire property. The agent adds that he will make every effort to inform potential buyers of the Town’s interest. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
gg. VLCT – re: (email) Transportation Bill update. This email dated May 8th states that both the House and Senate conference committees agreed on a final version of the FY10 transportation bill. The Senate adopted the committee’s report and the House is expected to take up the bill. What the governor will do is unknown at this time. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: Town Band Stand roof repair. An estimate will be obtained from Carl Oertel however it was felt the work would have to wait until after tax money comes in. Carl said it would be better to wait to do the project in the fall.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
May 19, 2009
b. Town Property – re: Back Stop repair. Peter described what needs to be fixed. Mark said he would take a look at it.
c. Town Property – re: Dug Out clean up. This is some wood to dispose of. It was thought that the area could be filled in with dirt and grass planted.
d. Town Property – re: soft soccer posts. Angelique Lee is looking into obtaining these as they would be safer than wooden posts.
New Business
a. Resignation – re: Planning Commission. Robert Charlebois has resigned due to work obligation. His letter of resignation was accepted.
b. Appointment – re: Planning Commission. The Board appointed John O’Donohue to fill this vacancy. He had expressed interest following Town Meeting. A Letter of Appointment will be sent to Jack.
c. Insurance – re: Workers Comp for non-Town employees. Patty said that following the Workers Comp Audit she was informed that anyone hired by the Town, but not considered a Town Employee, must provide a Certificate of Insurance. If this is unavailable, then a Non-Employee Work Agreement and a Liability Hold-Harmless Agreement must be completed, signed and turned into the Town Clerk. Both Road Commissioner George Deblon and Parks & Grounds Commissioner Connie Martin were informed of this change and forms given to them to provide to anyone they hire to do work.
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests by Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering d/b/a the Village Porch. The function dates are: June 12/13, July 10/11, July 17/18, July 25/26, September 4/5, September 11/12, September 18/19, October 10, October 17/18, and October 23/24. All events are being held at Riverside Farm with one event being held at the Aimee Farm. The Board approved all requests.
e. Town Property – re: request for port-a-john. This is usually requested annually and placed behind the Town Hall for the duration of the summer. The Board approved this request.
f. Town Funds – re: financial update. Patty passed out copies of various reports. She explained that at this time there is $46,974.01 remaining after the June 1st Education Tax Liability is paid. She went on to explain that there is money available in the Contingency Fund CD and the Emergency Fund which can be accessed without penalty. An additional Contingency Fund CD matures August 1st and that can be accessed with some penalty if needed.
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update. Martha said that she spoke with Bill Krajeski this week. He felt that his company would not be able to meet the June deadline for the 2009 Grand List. With final calculations to be figures, reports to be reviewed, printing the booklet and mailing it to the property owners, and holding two days of informational meetings he felt he would need more time. He asked that she send a letter to Bill Johnson at PVR and request an extension. Martha said she has composed a letter requesting an extension until June 24th. Martha felt that tax bills could be sent out based on the Abstract of the Grand List which would be lodged on June 24th if approved. Any changes due to errors or grievance would be handled with a revised tax bill. The Board approved the request to send a letter to PVR.
b. Select Board – re: next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for the same day as the Building Committee’s Public Meeting. Their meeting is scheduled for 7pm. It was felt that the Select Board could meet at 6pm as usual and conclude their business in time for the Building Committee’s meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 6
May 19, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 7:36pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 2, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 15, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Chuck Colton, Dick Stevens, Henry Hotchkiss
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Building Committee – re: presentation of proposed plans and survey (drafts) for new Town Office Building
a. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions April 2009
b. VT Electric Power Co., Inc. (VELCO) – re: 2009 Long Range Transmission Plan
c. Cemetery Commissioners – re: Sexton appointment
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road
New Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: water problem on Tweed River Drive by Rick Schirm
b. Town Property – re: request to use Village Green for Bethel School trip
c. VT State Police – re: representative to Community Advisory Board
d. Planning Commission – re: reorganization and request to change number of members
e. VLCT – re: April Town Highway Aid payments
f. Financial Update – re: State Education Tax bill
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the April 7, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Building Committee – re: presentation of proposed plans and survey (drafts) for new Town Office Building. Two handouts were passed out to the Board members. The first was a draft of what will be sent to the voters and non-residents including drawings, estimates, and a survey to be returned. The second contained historical facts and figures pertaining to the Town Office Building as well as ADA history, information regarding permanent records and an excerpt from the Town Plan. The Committee would like to come up with a meeting date some time in May and would like to have it moderated and held in a Town Meeting format. The survey will be color coded for registered Pittsfield voters and non-residents. It was thought that many of the packets of information could be hand delivered locally and also encourage Pittsfield residents to attend the public meeting. Patty went through each plan in more detail as well as the survey. Questions were asked and answered. Jerry asked for the Committee’s recommendation regarding the various plans before he speaks with Peter Gregory at TRORC regarding available grant money. Chuck said that each option has its pros and cons depending upon who you ask. Concern was expressed that the Village Green not lose its central focal point in the Village. There was discussion of whether the project needs to be approved before approaching TRORC. It was felt that this grant money might be different from guidelines in the past and that action should be taken sooner rather than later in attempting to obtain it. Jerry was asked to find out what TRORC might need from the Town for the project and a timeline. The Board expressed their appreciation for the Committee’s presentation and hard work.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
April 15, 2009
a. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions April 2009. No action taken.
b. VT Electric Power Co., Inc. (VELCO) – re: 2009 Long Range Transmission Plan. Six sessions will explore critical issues throughout the state. More information can be obtained at www.velco.com/publicoutreach.
c. Cemetery Commissioners – re: Sexton appointment. The Commissioners have appointed Connie Martin giving her authority to sign and carry out the duties as required. This will be recorded and placed on file at the Town Office.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road. This project consists of a proposed 2-bedroom septic system design to convert an existing seasonal camp to year round occupancy. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
New Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: water problem on Tweed River Drive by Rick Schirm. Rick’s concern deals with water running down his driveway and into his basement. It is thought that water bars might have been cut into the berm designed to protect his driveway from running water. The Board will contact Road Commissioner George Deblon for his recommendation and then have a joint meet with Rick to review the situation.
b. Town Property – re: (email) request to use Village Green for Bethel School trip. The school is attending a concert at the Paramount in Rutland on May 14th and would like to use the Green for a picnic on their return to Bethel. The Board approved their request provided they clean up any trash.
c. VT State Police – re: representative to Community Advisory Board. Lt. David Notte, Station Commander of Troop C Rutland is looking for a representative from Pittsfield to serve on this Board. Meetings are held quarterly and provide the police with an update on the towns as well as making towns aware of what the State Police are doing. Discussion. Peter will speak with Verna Borden to see if she would be willing to accept this position.
d. Planning Commission – re: (email) reorganization and request to change number of members. The Commission reorganized on April 13th: Suana Bicek, Chair, Sara Gray, Vice-Chair, Secretary (shared position). A request was also made to reduce the number of members from 7 to 5 due to a lack of a quorum. They have also received a municipal planning grant and are working with TRORC on a revised Town Plan. With the municipal grant, if they don’t have a quorum at their meetings, the grant money might have to be forfeited. Discussion. Peter made a motion to reduce the number of Planning Commission members from 7 to 5. Seconded by Jerry. The motion passed. The Secretary will inform Suana of the Board’s action.
e. VLCT – re: (email) April Town Highway Aid payments. It appears that the quarterly Town Highway Aid installment due to towns April 15th will not be sent by VTrans. When and if this payment will be made is unknown at this time. As more information is learned, information will be forwarded to the towns. No action taken.
f. Financial Update – re: State Education Tax bill. Patty said that per the Final Cost Flow Sheet for FY2009, the final education tax bill to the State Treasury by the Town will be decreased by $22,419.76. No action taken.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
April 15, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 7:13pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 19, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting – Minutes
7 April 2009
Present: Peter Borden, Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins.
Guests: Angelique Lee.
Agenda: Call to Order & Approval of Minutes. Guest and Committee Reports Correspondence Old Business New Business Other Business Adjourn
Call to Order: 5:57 p.m. – the minutes were accepted without addition or correction.
Guest Comment: Angelique Lee requested Board approval for (1) installation of soccer goals on the ball field and (2) painting a grid on the pavement to permit youngsters to play “Four Square”. There was unanimous approval of her requests.
Correspondence: a. Letter from EC Vermont – project solicitation. No action taken b. VLCT – information on application of the “Red Flag Rule.*” Filed. c. Lorentz-Lorentz regarding shared well. No action taken. d. Nieber Works- re: community Development program. No action taken. e. VLCT – news. No action taken. f. VT Fire Protection. referred to Fire Chief Dave Colton. g. VLOT – re: Training. No action taken. h. Enmen Engineering – announcement. No action taken. i. LEPC 12 – Minutes. Filed. j. VLCT – News. Referred to Dave Colton. k. VLCT re: Hazardous Mitigation Program. Referred to George Deblon. * ID Protection.
Old Business: 1. Sale of Stanley property. Jerry was requested to send a letter re: the lot at the village green and possible acquisition.
2. Water in Town Office again. Mark offered suggestions for a temporary solution.
3. Jerry advised that Two Rivers is willing to assist in obtaining a grant for the town office, but they need some direction as to our desires. Patty will attempt to set up a meeting between the Select Board and the Building Committee at the next Select Board meeting, tentatively set for 17 April.
4. Patty gave a financial update, including a report on the money in the Highway Equipment Fund.
5. After discussion regarding the proposed Farmer’s Market, the Board agreed that there should be sufficient financial compensation to cover maintenance, etc. This issue will be revisited when the Board has some idea as to the number of participants and the scope of the operation.
New Business: 1. Available grant monies for towns. George Deblon was given some information distributed by Senator Leahy’s office with regard to stimulus funds. Jerry will attempt to ascertain if Pittsfield may be eligible under this program.
2. Patty reported that her office has received forms from the State regarding surplus property that is available. In keeping with program regulations, a member of the fire company (Dave Colton), members of the Select Board, and the town road foreman (George Deblon) will be listed as authorized to draw on these items.
3. George reported there have been some complaints regarding the condition asphalt pavement. The Board decided to have him rake it to improve its condition.
4. Mark expressed concern that there is still an issue with regard to ancient road in town that has yet to be resolved. Jerry will attempt to check on the legal requirements to close and abandon the road.
Next Meeting: April 17 (tentative) and May 19.
Recorded by:
________________ Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
DATE: March 24, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Gordon Kohl
ABSENT: Mark Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Gordon Kohl – re: pick-up basketball league
b. Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update
a. VLCT – re: (email) FY10 Town Highway Aid
b. TRORC – re: “Disposition of Dollars and Resources Available to Local Governments” workshop
c. TRORC – re: Grant Agreement
d. VLCT – re: (email) News Bulletin: Unemployment Reform
e. Stanley Tool – re: (email) update on meeting between management and Select Board
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1078-2, Timothy Fegan, River View Trail
g. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: shared well for Spind and Cotter properties on Dove Drive
h. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont – re: “Pinwheel Garden” and “Child Abuse Month”
i. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: services available
j. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Chittenden TH #11 update
k. TRORC – re: Minutes of February 25, 2009 meeting
l. VLCT – re: (email) Action Alert: Town Highway Aid cuts
m. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp (GMEDC) – re: (email) The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG)
Old Business
a. Dogs – re: status of dogs on Lower Michigan Road
b. Regional Ambulance Service – re: update
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water problem March 11 and 18
b. Trash/Recycling Concern – re: pickup after storms
Other Business
a. Grant for Town Office – re: request to research
b. Town Mileage Rate – re: increase
c. General Fund – re: status update
d. Select Board Meeting – re: schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the March 10, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
March 24, 2009
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Gordon Kohl – re: pick-up basketball league. Gordon said that he would like to start a pick-up basketball league in the Village. Peter noted that the basketball court is in poor shape. Gordon said he would like to put notices in the local newspapers and possibly meet on Wednesday nights. The Board approved his request.
b. Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update. Patty said she and Henry Hotchkiss met with the architect to nail down final estimates for the three plans to be presented to the Town. She said she will be emailing the figures to the Committee and asked if the Board would like to receive them as well. The Board indicated they would.
a. VLCT – re: (email) FY10 Town Highway Aid. This email dated March 24, 2009 states that the House Transportation Committee is putting the final touches on a state fiscal year 2010 transportation bill that would restore the $1.85 million cuts in Town Highway Aid in FY10 that are likely to be made to the final two payments in FY09. Additional information was included. No action taken.
b. TRORC – re: “Disposition of Dollars and Resources Available to Local Governments” workshop. This is a workshop regarding the American Recover and Reinvestment Act. It will be held on March 20, 2009 from 5-7pm at all VIT sites. No action taken.
c. TRORC – re: Grant Agreement. This grant for $13,100.00 is between the Town of Pittsfield and the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs and is for a project described as: Municipal Plan Update. Peter signed the agreement on behalf of the Town.
d. VLCT – re: (email) News Bulletin: Unemployment Reform. This correspondence discusses the impact to unemployment insurance as a result of the new American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The State of Vermont has not yet made any decisions however they are considering significant changes to the current system due to challenges faced. No action taken.
e. Stanley Tool – re: (email) update on meeting between management and Select Board. This email from Patty states that she contacted Jerry Kresconko at Stanley Tool. She explained to him what the Board was interested in discussing and he gave Patty the name and number of the person handling the real estate for the Board to contact if they wished to further discuss the lot. No action taken.
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1078-2, Timothy Fegan, River View Trail. This permit for a project consisting of a revision to previously permitted Lot #4, construct one single family residence on Lot #5 and subdividing an existing parcel into two lots, Lot B1 of 4.0+/- acres to be developed with one single family residence and Lot B2 of 6.1 acres to be developed with one single family residence is approved subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: shared well for Spind and Cotter properties on Dove Drive. This is a copy of a letter to Anthony Cotter and Elizabeth Patnode regarding a shared well with the neighboring Spind property. It states that testing would be required to determine if a shared well situation would work. If agreeable, meters could be setup in both houses and a separate electric meter installed. An easement for the pipeline would be necessary. In return, a drainage easement from the Spind to Cotter/Patnode properties could be given at the same time. If this is not agreeable, the hearing officer would be advised to schedule a hearing as soon as possible. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont – re: “Pinwheel Garden” and “Child Abuse Month”. April will be Proclaimed by Governor Douglas as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” on April 9th at the State House. The national symbol for child abuse prevention is the Pinwheel. This correspondence would like to have as many individuals, organizations and agencies as possible show their support by “planting” a “Pinwheel Garden.” Pinwheels can be purchased for $1.00 each from Prevent Child Abuse Vermont. No action taken.
i. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: services available. Discussion. It was agreed to table this until a decision is made regarding renovation/expansion or rebuilding of the Town Office Building.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
March 24, 2009
j. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Chittenden TH #11 update. A meeting was recently held requesting information from the parties. The Board will be advised of any new information as it occurs.
k. TRORC – re: Minutes of February 25, 2009 meeting. No action taken.
l. VLCT – re: (email) Action Alert: Town Highway Aid cuts. This email was dated March 17, 2009. It precedes the email presented under Correspondence (a).
m. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp (GMEDC) – re: (email) The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG). This email discusses the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and how it can be utilized by municipalities. Guidance and instruction for funding application will be available soon. No action taken.
Old Business
a. Dogs – re: status of dogs on Lower Michigan Road. There are two owners non-compliant. April 1st is the deadline for licensing their dogs. No action at this time.
b. Regional Ambulance Service – re: update. Peter said he has been in contact with Jim Finger and will be meeting with him at their facility on Friday. He said that after they meet, if the Board is still interested in proceeding, Jim would like to have all the Board members meet with him. Peter will report to the Board at the next meeting.
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water problem March 11 and 18. Patty said that there seems to be some settling outside the building near where the water has been coming in. The ground had been disrupted when excavation took place for the new well some years ago. Mark looked over the site and recommended that George move the snow away from the building. This was done. The Board said that the situation would be monitored for future problems.
b. Trash/Recycling Concern – re: pickup after storms. Patty said that on March 9th, most of the back roads had no trash/recycling pickup presumably due to the muddy conditions of the roads at that time. She said that she received many phone calls asking when there would be a pickup. Discussion. The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to Jon Benson inviting him to attend a meeting to discuss this. Patty and the Board agreed that they would like to have an answer available to residents who call when this happens. Also up for discussion at that time is the collection of trash from commercial businesses.
Other Business
a. Grant for Town Office – re: request to research. Jerry said that he recently became aware of a municipality in Vermont that was awarded a sizeable grant for a new municipal building but turned it down due to lack of funding on their part. Jerry said he would like to speak with TRORC about this with the Board’s permission. Peter agreed. Jerry will report back to the Board.
b. Town Mileage Rate – re: increase. The IRS has announced a new business mileage rate for 2009. The increase is to $.55/mile effective January 1, 2009. This is up from $.505/mile for 2008. Peter made a motion to accept this new rate. Seconded by Jerry. Approved.
c. General Fund – re: status update. Patty said that the Land Fund CD which currently has $110,000.00 has matured. After researching various banking institutions, she put it into a 1-year CD at Mascoma Bank with a 2.5% yield. She handed out copies of the Monthly Balance Sheet and Income & Expense Report to the Board. After review and discussion it was felt that the Town will probably have to use Emergency or Contingency Fund resources before July 15th unless more delinquent tax money is collected. Currently there is about $71,000.00 outstanding in delinquent taxes.
d. Select Board Meeting – re: schedule. The Board will return to their regular meeting schedule on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month unless otherwise posted. New notices will be posted in the regular areas by the Secretary.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
March 24, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 6:40pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 7, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 10, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Alison Hans
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 17, 2009 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. February 24, 2009 Special Select Board Meeting
c. March 3, 2009 Town Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. George Deblon – re: road status
b. Alison Hans – re: Pittsfield Farmers Market
a. DuBois & King, Inc. – re: Half Century Celebration
b. Howard’s Fire Control – re: new ownership
c. VT Natural Resources Board – re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Jurisdictional Opinion #3-130
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Third Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit workshop
e. Regional Ambulance Service – re: change in Town’s ambulance service update
f. VTrans – re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways
g. John O’Donohue – re: request to serve on Planning Commission
h. TRORC – re: Agreement between Two Rivers and Town for Planning Services
i. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2009
j. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions March 2009
l. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board
m. VLCT – re: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Workshop
n. Girls on the Run – re: Certificate of Insurance
o. Second Constable Doug Mianulli – re: update on unlicensed dogs
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign
c. Appointments - re: 2009 Town Officials
d. Library bequest – re: information
e. Stanley Tool – re: land abutting Village Green
f. Town Office Building – re: water in Town Clerk’s Office March 2nd and 8th
g. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals
- Joy Productions (aka Clear River Tavern) – 1st Class Liquor License
- Casa Bella Inn – 1st Class Liquor License
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Pitt-Stop – 2nd Class Liquor and Tobacco License
h. 2008 Grand List – Certificate-No Appeal or Suit Pending
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
March 10, 2009
Other Business
a. Select Board – re: date for next meeting
b. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.
The Board approved the following positions: Peter will assume Chair, Mark with do the Weekly Orders, and Jerry will be in charge of the Town Buildings.
The Minutes of the February 17, 2009 Regular Select Board Meeting, February 24, 2009 Special Select Board Meeting, and March 3, 2009 Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. George Deblon – re: road status. Peter said that he received phone calls from residents regarding the status of the muddy roads. George stated he did also. It was noted that there were many sections of roads that were in bad shape due to the mud. George was asked if he was planning to bring in stone. He said he wanted to wait. In the meantime he has scraped several sections and plans to see how it goes with the weather, etc. There were cuts to the 2009 Highway Budget, but the Board wanted to assure everyone that road materials are available if they are really needed. George was thanked for coming and explaining what was being done and addressing the Board’s and citizens concern.
b. Alison Hans – re: Pittsfield Farmers Market. Alison said that she would like to organize a Farmers Market in Pittsfield. She said she was considering a Thursday from 4-8pm and have it run from mid June to September. She would like to involve local and neighboring town vendors, live music, the library, and also have renewable energy information available. She would publicize the events that would take place. She asked the Board if there was a fee for using the Village Green. Jerry said that typically there is only a charge if electricity is needed. Alison said she would like to keep it small and minimal to begin with and if it goes well, then expand to include other activities. The Board said they would take her request under consideration and respond to her within a month.
a. DuBois & King, Inc. – re: Half Century Celebration. To celebrate their upcoming 50th anniversary, this firm is donating $10,000.00 of engineering services to a municipality in Vermont and to one in New Hampshire each year until they are 50 in 2012. Interested municipalities are invited to fill out an entry form. No action taken.
b Howard’s Fire Control – re: new ownership. Jane and Marshall Hier of Pittsford, VT purchased this company November 7, 2008. This letter explains changes that will take place with the change of ownership. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. VT Natural Resources Board – re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Jurisdictional Opinion #3-130. This letter from Linda Matteson is in response to the Board’s letter of February 5, 2009. In it she states that it is her understanding that VT Country Inn is going to appeal to the Environmental Board. Until the final decision is made by the Court, the VT Country Inn is operating at their own risk. She states that if the Court rules that a permit is not required, her office will not pursue any enforcement action on this particular violation, however if the Court affirms her decision, then her office will follow through with an enforcement action. She adds
that she will forward a copy of the letter to Bruce Martin, Public Service Department, Division of Fire Safety to address concerns regarding fire marshall inspections. She will also forward a copy to Terry Shearer, Assistant Regional Engineer, with ANR Wastewater Management
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
March 10, 2009
Division to ascertain the septic inspections. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Third Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit workshop. This event will be held March 31st at VTC in Randolph. Brochures are available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Regional Ambulance Service – re: change in Town’s ambulance service update. This letter from James Finger, CEA, informing the Board that their Board of Directors voted on February 17, 2009 for the purpose of discussion to investigate Pittsfield joining Regional Ambulance, to set the initial first year subsidy at a per capita rate of Pittsfield’s current service. Subsequent years assessments would be based on the amount all communities pay. They request that the Select Board come to Regional Ambulance to meet with him, see their operation, and discuss the possibilities. Discussion. The Board would like to pursue this possibility and asked the Secretary to contact James Finger and invite him to contact Peter via email to set up a time.
f. VTrans – re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways. This pertains to road marking. Pittsfield has no roads that apply. No action taken.
g. John O’Donohue – re: request to serve on Planning Commission. Mr. O’Donohue cites the Planning Commission’s report in Town Report inviting people who might be interested in serving on the Commission. Discussion. At present there are five active members. The Board asked the Secretary to send Mr. O’Donohue a letter stating that the Commission presently has a full complement of members, but his letter will be kept on file should a vacancy occur.
h. TRORC – re: Agreement between Two Rivers and Town for Planning Services. This is a copy of the Agreement previously signed. It will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2009. No action taken.
j. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census. The enclosed Complete Count Committee Guide will be forwarded to E911 Coordinator Donald Flynn.
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions March 2009. No action taken.
l. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board. This notice states that the ANR has filed a petition with the Natural Resources Board to update the Vermont Significant Wetland Inventory Maps. The information will be forwarded to the Planning Commission.
m. VLCT – re: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Workshop. This workshop was held on March 6th. No action taken.
n. Girls on the Run – re: Certificate of Insurance. This group has requested the use of the Town Hall for a social function. This Certificate of Insurance will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
o. Second Constable Doug Mianulli – re: update on unlicensed dogs. Doug has spoken with several of the owners regarding their dogs. Discussion. The Board asked Patty to send out letters regarding the Town’s leash law and licensing on their behalf.
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Appointments - re: 2009 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
March 10, 2009
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
John Barrows Fence Viewer one year
Richard Stevens Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
Jerry Drugonis Two Rivers Reg. Plan. Comm. one year
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Arnold Johnson Zoning Board of Adjustment two years
Pat Fuster Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Jennifer Howard Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Arnold Johnson Planning & Zoning Commission two years
Suana Bicek Pla
DATE: January 19, 2011
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
January 4, 2011 Regular Selectboard Meeting
a. VT Dept of Emergency Management - re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
b. VT Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2011
c. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2011 Vermont Point in Time Count
d. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application, sound level report
e. Rutland County Sheriff's Office - re: (email) 2011 contract
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2011
g. VTrans - re: 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage
h. Mark McManus - re: Section 106 Review of Pittsfield Town Office Addition and Renovations 2011
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update
c. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report
d. Ancient Roads - re: discontinuance of roads
a. Warning - re: review and approve
b. Changes in Fund Balance - re: review
c. Revenues and Receipts - re: review
d. Budget Summary - re: review
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm as Peter had not arrived. The Minutes of the January 4, 2011 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. VT Dept of Emergency Management - re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. This will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for review for possible grant money for replacing undersized culverts in Pittsfield.
b. VT Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2011. This organization is offering grants between $250 and $500 to encourage local committees/groups to become Conservation Commissions, increase the functioning capacity of existing Conservation Commissions, and provide funding for specific projects such as land conservation, education/outreach, stewardship and management and planning. No action was taken by the Board.
c. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2011 Vermont Point in Time Count. This pertains to the annual count of the homeless across Vermont. This was completed by Peter Borden as Chair.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
January 19, 2011
d. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application, sound level report. This packet of correspondence includes supporting documents prepared by Long Trail Engineering for filing in response to the Commissioner's Hearing Recess Order. This material will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
e. Rutland County Sheriff's Office - re: (email) 2011 contract. Sheriff Benard indicated that he would be glad to attend a meeting to discuss the contract. He also stated that his department did not provide services for the Town in 2010 which had been contracted. The Secretary will invite him to the next Selectboard meeting.
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2011. No action taken by the Board.
g. VTrans - re: 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage. This certificate must be completed in order to determine Pittsfield's share of state aid for town highways for FY 2012. This will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for his review.
h. Mark McManus - re: Section 106 Review of Pittsfield Town Office Addition and Renovations 2011. This review was performed and submitted by Keefe & Wesner Architects, P.C. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update. No action by the Board as yet. Peter will contact First Constable Tim Hunt.
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update. The Board approved having VLCT review the proposed ordinance and the cost for the review.
c. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report. This report written by Jerry was approved.
d. Ancient Roads - re: discontinuance of roads. The timeline of what needs to be done by the Board was reviewed. The Secretary will prepare the "Notice of Proposed Discontinuation of Town Roads in Pittsfield, and of Site Inspection and Opportunity for Comment" for Peter to sign as Chair. In addition, copies of the Notice will be given to the Planning Commission, posted in the Town Clerk's Office, published in a local newspaper, and sent to residences having interest. It was decided to hold this site visit and comment meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 10AM and meeting at the Town Hall.
a. Warning - re: review and approve. The Warning was approved.
b. Changes in Fund Balance - re: review. This was reviewed.
c. Revenues and Receipts - re: review. This was reviewed.
d. Budget Summary - re: review. This was reviewed. Patty noted that the school figures have not yet been received. In addition, based on the estimated 2011 Grand List, there wouldn't be any change in the municipal tax rate.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
January 19, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 1, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 4, 2011
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
a. VAST - re: The VAST News January 2011
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update
c. Transfer Station - re: billing issue
d. Green Up Day - re: selection of Town coordinator
Executive Session
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noels Specialty Foods and Catering
b. Town Meeting - re: location
a. General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:56pm as Peter had notified the Board he would be late. The Minutes of the December 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. VAST - re: The VAST News January 2011. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' lIcense - re: update. Patty stated she received a call from an ATF representative who didn't see any wrong-doing, but was unable to provide the Board with anything in writing. It was suggested that the Board proceed with their original plan. Therefore, Peter will contact First Constable Tim Hunt and have he speak with the Vermont State Police and request a background check and criminal record check before making any decision on this matter.
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update. It was decided to have Patty forward the draft to VLCT. They will provide an estimate on the cost to review it before proceeding with the review. The review fee is $85.00/hour.
c. Transfer Station - re: billing issue. Patty told the Board that there has been an ongoing issue with invoices being sent to the Town without any backup documentation. She has mentioned this problem to the Board in the past and had been told by Del Cloud that the situation would be corrected. Patty said she would only pay for the amount that has the required backup documentation.
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January 4, 2011
d. Green Up Day - re: selection of Town coordinator. The Secretary contacted Marsha Hopkins but was unable to get a definite response. This was tabled until that is available.
Executive Session
Mark made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:09pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues affecting the Town. Seconded by Jerry. At 6:11pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting. It was decided to approve the settlement agreement with Robert Ashton and to begin the process of discontinuing the Jimmy Dean Brook Road and the 1862 Road. Peter signed the Agreement as representative of the Board.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noels Specialty Foods and Catering. These requests are for a rehearsal dinner at the Amee Farm on January 15, 2011 and a wedding at the Riverside Farm Red Barn on January 16, 2011. The Board had no objections and approved the requests.
b. Town Meeting - re: location. It was agreed that the Firehouse would be the most suitable location again this year. Patty said she would contact Fire Chief Dave Colton for approval.
a. Revenues and Receipts (in Town Report format)
HIghway Fund
State Aid - reduce to $15,000
GMNF - reduce to $10,900
b. 2011 Budget (in Town Report format)
Insurance and Bonds
VLCT Unemployment Trust - increase to $1190.00
Other Services
Bond Counsel Opinion - reduce to $0
Maintenance and Repairs
Office Equipment - increase to $850.00
Utilities - Town Office Building
Phone - reduce to $1000.00
Board of Listers
Computer - increase to $850.00
NEMRC Support - increase to $250
Listers - reduce to $6000.00
Highway Fund
Chloride - increase to $3000.00
c. It was decided that if there were 2010 funds left over in the budget at year end, that $2845.00 would be transferred to the Emergency Fund to replenish the rest of what was borrowed from it in 2009. This would bring the Emergency Fund back up to $8500.00.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
January 4, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 18, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 21, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - re: trash collection contract
a. VT Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: Village Center Designation Renewal for Pittsfield
b. Efficiency Vermont - re: "Better Buildings by Design 2011" conference
c. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2010
d. VLCT - re: VT Association of Chiefs of Police luncheon
e. VLCT - re: subscription online Human Resource tools
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application
g. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value effective 1/1/2011
h. VTrans - re: statutory obligations of reporting special weight limits for highways and bridges
i. American Red Cross - re: AEDs eligible for 2011 PACIF Grants
j. Robert Ball - re: Tim Pin's Act 250 Application (copy of letter to VT District Environmental Commission #3)
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: request to open deposit accounts and change Assistant Treasurer's last name
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Inc. d/b/a The Village Porch
c. Green Up Day - re: Selection of Town Coordinator
Other Business
a. Town Report/Town Meeting - re: time line with various deadlines
b. Rutland County Sheriff - re: budget
c. Town Mileage - re: rate change
a. General Fund
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
December 21, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the December 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - re: trash collection contract. Jon presented a draft of his proposed contract for 2011. Recycling expenses would remain the same however trash collection would increase by approximately $7000.00 due primarily to increases to Workman's Compensation and Vehicle insurance. Discussion. Jon said he would have the contract typed up and mailed to the Board for their approval and signatures
a. VT Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: Village Center Designation Renewal for Pittsfield. This letter serves as formal notification that at its November 22, 2010 meeting, the Downtown Development Board found that Pittsfield's application met the statutory requirements and renewed the designation for Pittsfield. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
b. Efficiency Vermont - re: "Better Buildings by Design 2011" conference. This will be the region's premier design and construction conference, featuring interactive learning about building durability, efficiency and value. It will be held in Burlington February 9th and 10th, 2011. No action taken by the Board
c. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2010. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT - re: VT Association of Chiefs of Police luncheon. This will take place on January 11th in Montpelier. No action taken by the Board.
e. VLCT - re: subscription online Human Resource tools. No action taken by the Board.
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application. This is applicant Timothy Pins' response to Robert Ball's letter filed with the District #2 Environmental Commission (this is a copy addressed to the Environmental Commission)
g. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value effective 1/1/2011. Based on an Equalized Education Property Value of $101,909,000.00 the Coefficient of Dispersion is 9.14% and the Common Level of Appraisal is 99.55%. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. VTrans - re: statutory obligations of reporting special weight limits for highways and bridges.
This packet, addressed to George Deblon, explains Town Highway & Bridge Weight Restriction Filings and account creation instructions to gain access to the THR database. This information will be forwarded to the Road Commissioner.
i. American Red Cross - re: AEDs eligible for 2011 PACIF Grants. This information will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton for his review.
j. Robert Ball - re: Tim Pin's Act 250 Application (copy of letter to VT District Environmental Commission #3). This letter addresses his opposition to Tim Pins operating what he considers an illegal business in a residential neighborhood. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes. This letter dated December 21, 2010 asks for clarification of the Board's letter to him dated December 8th. The Secretary was asked to respond.
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: request to open deposit accounts and change Assistant Treasurer's last name. Patty needs to have Jessica's name on all Town accounts changed to Kuzma, as she recently married. In addition, she would like to open a federal tax deposit account and with money left in the HW Equipment Fund after the recent purchase of machinery, open a checking or money market account. The Board approved all the requests.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
December 21, 2010
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Inc. d/b/a The Village Porch. The first is a rehearsal dinner in the Back Room at the General Store on January 7, 2011 followed by a wedding at the Riverside Farm Red Barn on January 8, 2011. Both requests were approved by the Board.
c. Green Up Day - re: Selection of Town Coordinator. Marsha Hopkins served as Town Coordinator last year. The Secretary will contact her to see if she will be willing to serve in this capacity for 2011.
Other Business
a. Town Report/Town Meeting - re: time line with various deadlines. This provides information
shows the various deadlines beginning with the deadline for Town Report submissions on January 6, 2011 and ending with Town Meeting Day on March 1, 2011. It is for the Board's information.
b. Rutland County Sheriff - re: budget. Last year the Town budgeted $3,000.00 for patrol and speed enforcement. Only $216.00 has been spent. Discussion. The Board asked the Secretary to send the Sheriff a letter indicating their concern regarding the reduction of patrolling in the village. The Board would like to budget $3,000.00 again for next year but would like to have the Sheriff's assurance that a marked increase in services will be provided.
c. Town Mileage - re: rate change. The IRS mileage fee will decrease to $.51/mile for Town business use effective 1/01/2011.
Budget (compared to 2010 Budget)
a. General Fund
Interest (Checking/CD's) - reduce to $2,500.00
Interest (Restricted Funds) - reduce to $2,800.00
Road Fines - reduce to $0
Other Taxes
Rutland County Tax - reduce to $5,778.00
Bonds and Insurance
VLCT Insurance Package - increase to $12,636.00
Dues and Contributions
VLCT - increase to $1,106.00
VT Clerk & Treasurers Association - increase to $55.00
NeighborWorks - reduce to $100.00
Stagecoach (new this year requesting $320.00) - approved $200.00
American Red Cross (new this year requesting $250.00) - approved $100.00
Other Services
Legal - increase to $9,500.00
Ambulance - reduce to $23,109.00
Office Equipment - increase to $600.00
Town Office Building - reduce to $1,000.00
Town Hall - reduce to $5000.00
Band Stand - reduce to $1,000.00
Sand Shed - reduce to $0
Garage - increase to $425.00
Utilities - Town Hall
Electricity - increase to $2,000.00
Fuel - reduce to $3,500.00
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
December 21, 2010
Utilities - Town Office Building
Electricity - increase to $1,500.00
Fuel - reduce to $3,500.00
Phone - reduce to $1,000.00
Utilities - Garage
Electricity - reduce to $600.00
Phone - reduce to $600.00
LP Gas - reduce to $2,300.00
Parks & Grounds
Labor - reduce to $2,000.00
Equipment Maintenance - reduce to $150.00
Supplies - reduce to $200.00
Postage - reduce to $1,300.00
Planning Commission
Printing - increase to $200.00
Budget Disbursements
ADA Fund - reduce to $0
Town Office Building Fund - reduce to $0
Capitol Projects
Town Garage Insulation Project - reduce to $0
Town Hall Fire Alarm System - reduce to $0
Town Hall Furnace - reduce to $0
Tax Administration Software - reduce to $0
Board of Listers
Postage - reduce to $150.00
Marshall & Swift License Fee - increase to $250.00
Storage Unit Rental - increase to $2,016.00
The meeting adjourned at 7:06pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 4, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 7, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bill Oren, Bob Quayle, George Deblon
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. November 16, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - re: application for Pawnbroker's LIcense
b. Bob Quayle - re: future of The Original Vermont Wood Products
c. George Deblon - re: Highway requests
a. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (postcard) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans
b. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (letter) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans
c. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order and Memo #2, Timothy Pins
d. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: "Rolling out Broadband in East Central Vermont" workshop
e. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program
f. Chris Sargent (TRORC) - re: (email) VCDP grant application update
g. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Land Use Permit 3W0948-B, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, sign replacement
h. VT Center for Independent Living - re: Open House Celebrations
i. VAST - re: The VAST News
j. WRVA - re: 2011 Budget and Letter for Town Report
k. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions December 2010
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes
Executive Session
New Business
a. Bill Oren - re: application for State Pawnbroker's License
Other Business
a. Town Report - re: deadline for submitting reports, financial records, etc.
b. Town Office Building Project - re: update
c. Selectboard Secretary - re: additional pay for meeting
a. Cemetery
b. Highway
Pittsfield Selectboard Meeting page 2
December 7, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the November 16, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - re: application for Pawnbroker's LIcense. Bill introduced himself and explained that he would like to apply for a license to operate as a licensed pawnbroker. This application needs to be approved by the Selectboard. Bill went on to provide the Board with some information on his background. Peter said that the Board would discuss this later in the meeting and send a letter to him advising him of the Board's action.
b. Bob Quayle - re: future of The Original Vermont Wood Products. Bob said that he spoke with Joan Goldstein and it's his understanding that she is waiting for the Town to respond. He said that right now the company is making flooring and sheds but that some business decisions need to be made based on what the Town decides. He said that the grant money needs to be designated for a specific purpose (receivables, raw materials, etc.). Peter explained that the application period has expired and that the company would need to begin from the beginning with a business plan, public hearing, etc. Right now he feels that there is little support from the Town for this project. Peter recommended that Bob revamp the business plan before coming before the Board again. He suggested that Bob have a serious conversion with Joan Goldstein on this. It was suggested that Bob wait until after the holidays before approaching the Board. He was thanked for coming.
c. George Deblon - re: Highway requests. George discussed his request to purchase new tires for the grader. After discussion regarding the budget, George decided to wait on this. He then discussed the venting of the power washer to reduce the fumes in the garage now that it has been insulated. He said that Greg Martin can help him with this. The Board approved this project. George was asked to get a price and check into any grant money available for culverts for the replacement of the culvert at the intersection of Crossover Road and Upper Michigan Road. George said that he has constructed a conduit from the garage to the shed for electricity but needs an electrician to complete the project. The Board approved this.
a. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (postcard) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans. This postcard asks that a Warning to increase the property tax exemption of disabled veterans be included at the 2011 Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
b. Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: (letter) property tax exemption increase for disabled veterans. This letter goes into a little more detail than the postcard. He asks that Pittsfield consider increasing the $10,000 exemption. A copy of a proper Warning is enclosed. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order and Memo #2, Timothy Pins. The Commission has determined that Tim Pins' response to Item #2 of the Order is insufficient. They will allow the applicant 45 days from the date of this memo (Nov. 17, 2010) to provide the information regarding noise outlined in the first Hearing Recess Order. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: "Rolling out Broadband in East Central Vermont" workshop. This workshop was held on December 6th. No action taken by the Board.
e. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program. Pittsfield's application request has been selected for full funding. They request that they be notified of the acceptance of this award and upon receipt will forward a grant agreement for the Board's signatures. The
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December 7, 2010
grant is for $29,840.00. The Board unanimously accepted this award and VTrans will be notified.
f. Chris Sargent (TRORC) - re: (email) VCDP grant application update. As of last month the Village Designation was renewed and the Town Plan confirmed. Chris said he would keep the Board informed as things progress. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT District #3 Environmental Commission - re: Land Use Permit 3W0948-B, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, sign replacement. The permittee is obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved with conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. VT Center for Independent Living - re: Open House Celebrations. Open House celebrations have been scheduled at various locations throughout the state. One will be held in Rutland on December 16th. No action taken by the Board.
i. VAST - re: The VAST News. No action taken by the Board.
j. WRVA - re: 2011 Budget and Letter for Town Report. This budget information will be included in Budget sessions
k. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions December 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Dog Concern - re: letter from Ken Hayes. Ken again requests that the Board enforce the Town's Dog Ordinance. The rewriting of the ordinance was discussed. It was decided to table this until the next meeting and Jerry offered to draft a revised ordinance. In the meantime, the Secretary was asked to send a letter to Ken explaining the Board's action and that they will keep him advised.
Executive Session
At 6:45pm Peter made a motion to close the regular meeting and enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation concerns affecting the Town. Seconded by Jerry. At 6:58pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting.
New Business
a. Bill Oren - re: application for State Pawnbroker's License. Copies of the Vermont Statute pertaining to this as well as correspondence from VLCT were reviewed. It was decided to request a background check and a criminal record check from the State Police. Jerry felt that the First Constable should do this. Peter said he would contact Tim Hunt to take care of this.
Other Business
a. Town Report - re: deadline for submitting reports, financial records, etc. Patty said that the date would be January 6, 2011.
b. Town Office Building Project - re: update. Patty said that a full set of final plans have been received along with correspondence related to permitting.
c. Selectboard Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing letters requesting material from various organizations for Town Report.
a. Cemetery
Interest - reduce to $10.00
Dividends - reduce to $250.00
Expenses - keep the same except for:
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December 7, 2010
Wages - reduce to $3800.00
Materials (Gravel) - increase to $400.00 for road project
b. Highway
Gasoline - decrease to $50.00
Lubricants - decrease to $250.00
The meeting adjourned at 7:34pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 21, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 21, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 16, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 19, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. November 2, 2010 Special Meeting
c. November 11, 2010 Special Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Angelique Lee – re: WRVA Budget
a. Ken Hayes – re: dog issue
b. VLCT – re: New Scholarship Program and renamed Grant Program
c. VLCT – re: New Vision Provider for the 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal
d. VLCT – re: VLCT Health Trust Cost Saving Opportunity
e. VLCT – re: Health Advocate – New Member Benefit
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Sign Replacement Act 250 Amendment and Notice of Act 250 Application
g. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Act 250 Permit No. 3W0948, Notice of Act 250 Application
h. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Act 250 Notice Minor Application for Riverside Horse Farm, LLC
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374, Revised Comments
j. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Act 250 Application, Timothy Pins, Response to the Hearing Recess Order
k. Gifford Medical Center – re: ambulance service
l. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 22, 2010 Meeting
m. TRORC – re: Town Plan Approval and Confirmation of Municipal Planning Efforts
n. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #7, Energy
o. VLCT – re: “Ethics and Municipal Land Use Officials” workshop
p. Timberline Events – re: 2011 Green Mountain Relay information
q. 100 on 100 Relay – re: 2011 Event
r. VLCT – re: “Preparing for a Successful Town Meeting” workshop
s. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: use of trail for snowmobiles
t. TRORC – re: renewal of Village Designation status
u. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2010
Old Business
a. Recycling Center – re: status
b. Insurance – re: renewal
c. VCDP Grant – re: update
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: meeting schedule
Executive Session
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page2
November 16, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:51pm.
The Minutes of the October 19, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, November 2, 2010 Special Meeting, and November 11, 2010 Special Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Angelique Lee – re: WRVA Budget. Angelique reviewed with the Board the budget and changes within WRVA. Highlighted were: no change in cost for next year, staff restructuring, local First Responders working with WRVA staff, decrease in calls and reimbursement, and nothing firm in regards to a proposed consortium with Gifford Hospital. She will forward copies of the detailed budget to Patty in preparation for budget meetings. The Board thanked her for her presentation.
a. Ken Hayes – re: dog issue. In his letter he requests an update from the Board on the issue with Peyton’s dog. Discussion. The Board asked the Secretary to send Ken a letter stating that the Sheriff felt a quality video of the dog on the Hayes’ property should be obtained and reviewed by the Board. More compelling documentation including a clear demarcation of the property line is needed.
b. VLCT – re: New Scholarship Program and renamed Grant Program. The PACIF Scholarship Program is designed to help members pay for specialized training that they otherwise couldn’t afford. In addition, the grant program that was introduced last year is now the PACIF Equipment Grant Program. No action taken.
c. VLCT – re: New Vision Provider for the 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal. The Health Trust has partnered with a new vision coverage provider, EyeMed, for the 2011 Health Trust renewal. Patty stated that the Town does not currently offer vision coverage. She also said that she recently attended a seminar on health benefits. The Board asked Patty to invite a representative of the Health Trust to attend a meeting so all benefits can be reviewed. George Deblon will also be invited to attend.
d. VLCT – re: VLCT Health Trust Cost Saving Opportunity. This memo addresses the reasons for the rate increase. No action taken.
e. VLCT – re: Health Advocate – New Member Benefit. This memo explains Health Advocate, Inc. and how they will help the Health Trust membership. No action taken.
f. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Sign Replacement Act 250 Amendment and Notice of Act 250 Application. This material addresses their application for replacement of the existing, unlighted free-standing sign for the Farm with a new unlighted, free-standing sign in approximately the same location with slightly larger dimensions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Act 250 Permit No. 3W0948, Notice of Act 250 Application. This includes a Notice of Act 250 Application regarding the sign replacement, which has been posted by the Town Clerk.
h. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Act 250 Notice Minor Application for Riverside Horse Farm, LLC. This notes that Riverside Horse Farm, LLC has filed an application to replace an existing unlit sign with a new unlit sign with frame dimensions of approximately 10’ by 12’. The project is located on the corner of Route 100 and Tweed River Drive. No Hearing will be held unless on or before November 23, 2010, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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November 16, 2010
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374, Revised Comments. Rich Kirn, Fisheries Biologist with the Agency’s Fish & Wildlife Department visited the property on Lower Michigan Road and concluded that there is very little opportunity for meaningful enhancement with plantings and instead suggests a permit condition to maintain the existing condition and prohibit future encroachments along the stream channels. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Act 250 Application, Timothy Pins, Response to the Hearing Recess Order. Responses regarding noise and truck traffic are presented and this will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. Gifford Medical Center – re: ambulance service. A dinner meeting was held on October 26th at which time discussion was undertaken as to whether there were compelling reasons to change the present ambulance/hospital relationship. It was determined that there were important reasons to continue to discuss this and to open these talks and invite the entire District 8 area. This would include Valley Rescue, First Branch, and WRVA. No action taken by the Board.
l. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 22, 2010 Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
m. TRORC – re: Town Plan Approval and Confirmation of Municipal Planning Efforts. The Commissioners voted unanimously to confirm Pittsfield’s planning process effective November 2, 2010. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
n. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #7, Energy. This publication addresses various energy related issues as well as VLCT’s recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
o. VLCT – re: “Ethics and Municipal Land Use Officials” workshop. This workshop is designed for all local officials involved in land use planning, regulation, and development review. It will be held November 17th via Vermont Interactive Television. No action taken by the Board.
p. Timberline Events – re: 2011 Green Mountain Relay information. This event will be held on the third weekend in June. The Board was asked to reply with the enclosed postcard. The Board felt the date was fine and the postcard will be returned.
q. 100 on 100 Relay – re: 2011 Event. This event will be held on August 13, 2011. Enclosed was a map and expected time the race participants will be in Pittsfield. The Board had no objection to their using the Garage area as they have in the past. Peter signed the permission form and it will be sent.
r. VLCT – re: “Preparing for a Successful Town Meeting” workshop. This workshop is designed to assist local officials in conducting town meeting and will cover various stages of the meeting. It will be held on December 15, 2010. No action taken by the Board.
s. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: use of trail for snowmobiles. This is a copy of a letter addressed to Dot Williamson, Tweed Valley Travelers Snowmobile Club, from Linda Matteson, District 3 Coordinator. In it she discusses use of the existing farm road over the Amee Farm Property to provide a trail to the Swiss Farm Inn. She notes Condition 28 of the Act 250 Permit that was issued to the Vermont Country Inn which addresses noise. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
t. TRORC – re: renewal of Village Designation status. This material contains a letter from the Selectboard, a copy of pertinent Minutes and a draft map containing no boundary changes. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
u. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Recycling Center – re: status. Jerry asked if there was any change in the Board’s previous objections as voiced in a prior meeting. The Board felt their objections remain the same. There are no resources currently available to man/maintain it. Jerry said he will speak with Doug Johnstone who presented the proposal.
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November 16, 2010
b. Insurance – re: renewal. Patty and the Board reviewed the results of the meeting that was held on November 2nd with Cindy Bouchard from VLCT and what changes should be made to the policy renewal. It was felt the only thing to add is the Veterans’ Memorial.
c. VCDP Grant – re: update. Peter said he has spoken with Joan Goldstein at GMEDC. The six-month window has closed. This means that if The Original Vermont Wood Products wishes to pursue this grant, they will have to start from the beginning. He said that Joan will be speaking with Bob Quayle about this.
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: meeting schedule. December meetings will be held on December 7th and 21st.
At 6:15pm Peter made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the Ancient Road litigation. Seconded by Mark.
The Board exited Executive Session at 6:22pm.
The meeting adjourned at 6:24pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 7, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 7, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Date: November 11, 2010
Present for the Site Visit were Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Attorney Chris Sullivan, Robert Ashton, Attorney David Gurtman, Norm Smith, Donnalyn Burch, George Deblon, Jeff Hegewald, Martin McNamara, John Barrows, Mike Kennison
Peter called the meeting to order at 3:04pm and made a motion to enter into Executive Session to review maps and take a walking tour of the Jimmy Dean Road in question. Seconded by Mark. Participating in Executive Session were Peter, Mark, Attorney Chris Sullivan, Robert Ashton, Attorney David Gurtman, and Norm Smith. The parties adjourned from Executive Session at 4:03pm to move to the Town Office for public discussion.
The Selectboard reconvened at 4:15pm. Present were Peter Borden, Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, John Barrows, Mike Kennison, Sarah Gray, Robert Ashton, Norm Smith, and Attorneys Chris Sullivan and David Gurtman.
The Board reviewed the final plans for the new Town Office Building with Patty and they were unanimously approved.
Peter made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 4:17pm to discuss a possible resolution to the litigation. Seconded by Mark. Peter, Mark, and Attorney Chris Sullivan relocated to the basement. Executive Session adjourned at 4:19pm.
Peter opened the Public Meeting at 4:21pm. He stated that at this time the Selectboard has decided to leave a possible resolution to the litigation in the hands of the two attorneys. When a resolution has been finalized, then the settlement will be made public. Peter thanked everyone for coming.
The meeting adjourned at 4:22pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 16, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: 2 November 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Cindy Bouchard (VLCT)
AGENDA: Discussion of town’s insurance coverage
CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM by Jerry.
Cindy went over the insurance options available to the town of Pittsfield and a general discussion took place.
a plan will be considered at the next meeting of the Selectboard at which time necessary actions will be voted and acted upon.
Recorded by
Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
Approved November 11, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: 2 November 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Cindy Bouchard (VLCT)
AGENDA: Discussion of town’s insurance coverage
CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM by Jerry.
Cindy went over the insurance options available to the town of Pittsfield and a general discussion took place.
a plan will be considered at the next meeting of the Selectboard at which time necessary actions will be voted and acted upon.
Recorded by
Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
Approved November 11, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 19, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bob Quayle, Chuck Colton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 5, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. October 6, 2010 Special Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle - re: Original Vermont Wood Products grant update
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News October 2010
b. VTrans - re: 2010 Town Map
c. TRORC - re: Town Plan Review Public Hearing Notice
d. TRORC - re: Draft Pittsfield Town Plan Review and Public Hearing Notice
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374
f. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #6, Water
g. VT District 3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order #3W1037, Timothy Pins
h. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions October 2010
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: review revised floor plan
b. Ancient Roads - re: update from Attorney Sullivan
c. Clerk of the Works – re: interested parties
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways - re: washout at end of Lower Michigan Road
b. Insurance - re: review of renewal policy
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: change of November meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:54pm.
The Minutes of the October 5, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and the October 6, 2010 Special Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle - re: Original Vermont Wood Products grant update. Peter asked Bob to update the Board as to the status of the VCDP Grant and where things stand with his business. Bob said he wasn't sure at this time. He said that he has responded to GMEDC's request for information but hasn't heard anything from Joan Goldstein since. Right now production is slow. If they want to produce for large companies they need the grant to proceed. At this time they are constructing sheds for a Rutland company. No contracts are in place at this time with anyone. Peter explained the Town's concerns and Jerry presented some specific
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
October 19, 2010
concerns that he had. The Board felt they would like to have Bob come back when GMEDC's Joan Goldstein can also attend. He agreed but added that he would be out of town for several weeks. It was decided to try to arrange the next meeting for Thursday, November 11th. Peter said he would contact Joan who in turn will get in touch with Bob. Bob was thanked for attending tonight's meeting and addressing the Board's concerns.
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News October 2010. No action taken by the Board
b. VTrans - re: 2010 Town Map. This map includes road changes reported this year. Town maps can also be viewed at: http://www.aot.state.vt.us/Planning/MapGIS/Town_Maps1.htm. These will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. TRORC - re: Town Plan Review Public Hearing Notice. This is a copy of the Town Plan Review Public Hearing Notice which will be published in two newspapers. It will also be posted in Town.
d. TRORC - re: Draft Pittsfield Town Plan Review and Public Hearing Notice. TRORC has reviewed the proposed Pittsfield Town Plan. They will present this Review to the full Board at their next monthly meeting on October 27th with the recommendation to approve the Plan. Also enclosed is the Public Hearing Notice that was published as a Legal Ad in the Valley News and Randolph Herald. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application #3W10374. This correspondence pertains to a report by a fisheries biologist regarding the Michigan Branch and Act 250 impact. The Agency would like the applicant to complete a riparian management plan for the area involved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
f. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #6, Water. This publication addresses various water related issues as well as VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT District 3 Environmental Commission - re: Hearing Recess Order #3W1037,Timothy Pins.
The Hearing was recessed pending submittal of information by the Applicant as outlined in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions October 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: review revised floor plan. Patty updated the Board on the specific changes the architect has made following the last meeting. A floor plan had been emailed to the Board prior to the meeting for their review. This was reviewed with questions and concerns raised. Patty added that Mark McManus would like to proceed with a final plan. It was decided that Patty would relay the Board's questions to Mark and then contact the Board via email with Mark's response.
b. Ancient Roads - re: update from Attorney Chris Sullivan. Patty said that she has been in contact with Attorney Sullivan who informed her that he has not received a settlement proposal yet. Right now he is waiting for a survey from Bob Ashton's attorney and when that arrives, he recommends that all parties make a site visit. Peter suggested possible times for this visit and Patty will pass this on to Chris and respond to the Board.
c. Clerk of the Works - re: interested parties. There was some discussion as to what the job would involve. Mark said that he would contact both Keith Hopkins and Don Flynn and invite them to the next meeting to discuss the position.
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways - re: washout at end of Lower Michigan Road. It was brought to the Board's attention that a portion of the road beyond where Bruce Shaw lives needs some attention. A section of the road is collapsing into the river. Peter questions the Forest Service's involvement in the repair and maintenance. Mark said he would make a site visit and report back to the Board.
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October 19, 2010
b. Insurance - re: review of renewal policy. Patty said that this year there is a change in the wording regarding "property that's in the open." She explained what that meant. There was discussion as to what this could include and what value to attach. The Board felt that they would like to have VLCT come and meet with them to clarify the statement. Patty said that she would contact them and let the Board know via email when they can come.
Other Business
a. Selectboard - re: change of November meeting. Due to the election and Bob Quayle's schedule, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 11, 2010.
The meeting adjourned at 7:02pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 11, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 6, 2010
PRESENT: Mark McManus (Architect), Patricia Haskins (Town Clerk), Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis (Selectboard), Susie Martin (Library), Chuck Colton, Henry Hotchkiss (Building Committee), Martha Beyersdorf, Donald Flynn (Listers)
AGENDA: Call to Order
Architect Report
Other Business
Jerry called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.
Architect Report:
Mark McManus reviewed the design plans floor by floor with those present. These included:
The Addition:
· The addition has become a little wider and longer, which provides a little more room in the vault.
· Mark presented another thought for the addition, in which the addition is repositioned by 2’. The advantages to this would be that the entrance would come in at grade level, provide a slightly larger lobby, and better accessibility to the basement and second floor. This would eliminate the ramp. The lula should still be able to be used vs. an elevator. Discussion of moving the lula to the addition but it was noted that the roof would need to be raised to accommodate that. Patty expressed concern about her need for extra space which would be available if the lula were moved. Mark said he would look at options. This idea seemed to be agreeable with those present.
The Library:
· The landing on the library level will be a little wider for fire safety codes.
· Susie asked if a sink could be installed, which would be located over the kitchenette are in the Town Clerk’s Office below. Mark noted this.
The Exterior:
· Mark felt that the front doors should be replaced with insulated ones. The moldings would be disturbed as little as possible. Window options were discussed. He will be having window specialists come and make recommendations keeping the historical aspect in mind. The windows will be removed from the back of the building and reused as needed. Energy efficiency is a high priority. Forms of insulation that will be used were discussed.
Cross Sections:
· These drawings were reviewed.
Structural Drawings and Framing Plans:
· The hope is to keep as much of the structure intact as possible. The roof and bell tower will most likely not have to be removed as originally thought. The structural engineer will be looking things over again. The broken truss was the biggest concern.
· These show the water and waste supply design plans.
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Meeting page 2
October 6, 2010
Mechanical Drawings:
· There will be positive ventilation in the basement with hot water baseboard heat.
· The main level will have HW baseboard heat and mini-splits. These aren’t the most cost effective but are the way to go with the existing building. Efficiency Vermont will provide rebates for these. This is the latest technology and includes less duct work, are quiet, less obtrusive, and have individual controls for each area.
Component and BTU Ratings:
· The power will be coming into the building underground. Three-phase from the road would be costly.
Demolition Plan:
· This was explained.
Power Supply Plan:
· These plans include electrical outlets, phone jacks, computer hook-ups, etc.
Lighting Plan:
· The various lighting fixtures were explained. These will be coordinated with Efficiency Vermont.
Fire Alarm:
· This includes smoke, heat, rate of rise, and low temperature alarms. A security system was discussed.
Mark asked if a generator would want to be considered. It can be an option in the bidding. The building could be made “generator ready.” He noted that grants are available for generators. He felt the Town should definitely consider this.
Mark said that he still has some things to finish up, so there is still time for additional input. He said he will make a set of plans with the additional changes and provide a set of plans to be kept at the Town Office for review.
Mark said it is looking more like a spring start for the project.
Drainage and foundation issues were discussed.
Patty added that the Park-and-Ride Grant meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 7th. Mark suggested that she show them the design plans and answer any questions they may have.
Patty also said that she contacted Bob Giroux at the Vermont Bond Bank and advised him of the probable delay and whether this could cause a problem with the Bond. He stated that Pittsfield has three years to spend the bond proceeds. Surveys are periodically sent out requesting status reports. He also advised contacting the Town’s bond counsel and informing him of the delay. She said she contacted Jack Facey with this information.
This portion of the meeting was concluded. The Selectboard remained.
Other Business:
· Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors, Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering d/b/a The Village Porch, a Mixer at the Amee Farm on October 16, 2010 from 5pm to 11pm. The Board approved this request.
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Meeting page 3
October 6, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 5, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Kristin Higgins, Jim LaCroix, George Deblon, Doug Johnstone
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. September 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. September 28, 2010 Public Hearing Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Kristin Higgins and Jim LaCroix – re: Bridge 24 Local Concerns Meeting
b. Doug Johnstone – re: recycling
a. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #4, Public Safety
b. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #5, Health Care
c. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues
d. VLCT – re: 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal
e. VLCT – re: “Planning and Zoning Forum” workshop
f. VT Tennis Court Resurfacing – re: (email) recreation court maintenance
g. TRORC – re: Required Town Highway Signage Upgrades: Retroreflectivity and Breakaway Sign Posts
h. TRORC – re: Highway Construction, Maintenance, and Repair
i. Cassie Lee – re: request for library space
Old Business
a. Clerk of the Works – re: interested parties
b. Town Office (Town Hall) – re: cleaning update
New Business
a. Private Roads – re: sign reported missing
b. Act 250 Hearing/Tim Pins – re: report
c. Town Property/Equipment – re: Town Highway equipment report
c. Town Roads/Highways – re: road report following last week’s heavy rain
Executive Session
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the September 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and the September 28, 2010 Public Hearing Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Kristin Higgins and Jim LaCroix – re: Bridge 24 Local Concerns Meeting. Kristin introduced herself as the VTrans Structures Project Manager and Jim as the Design Engineer for this project. Bridge 24 is located just south of the Town Garage. They provided an overview of the project with the aid of a slide presentation followed by a question and answer period. She pointed out that because this is located on a State highway. There is no Local Share involved. Major concerns would be the relocation of utilities and maintenance of traffic. Three
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October 5, 2010
project scenarios were presented and discussed. These included: 1) road closure, 2) phase construction (one half of the bridge constructed with other half open to traffic, followed by the reverse), and 3) construction of a temporary bridge. It was anticipated that this project would begin in January 2011 with preliminary reports followed by permitting with construction occurring in 2013-14. She said that she would be contacting the Town in January with an Alignment Study presentation. Both Kristin and Jim were thanked for coming and presenting the project.
b. Doug Johnstone – re: recycling. Doug said that he feels the Town should be doing a better job with recycling and proposed having a compartmentalized/mainstream dumpster placed at the Town Garage. Casella or another company could be contacted to come on a scheduled basis or when called. He said he wasn’t sure what arrangement the Town has with Jon Benson of Benson’s Rubbish Removal. Peter said that currently there is no recycling pickup for a few months due to health issues with Jon and his lack of personnel available to pickup recycling but that it should be resuming next month. He also said that in the past when this issue has been presented that concern was expressed about people taking advantage of the receptacles to deposit their trash, which would attract animals and create a mess. Doug thought that this might be something that could be brought up at Town Meeting. Peter said that the Board would consider his idea and thanked him for attending tonight.
a. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #4, Public Safety. This publication addresses various public safety related issues as well as VLCT’s recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
b. VLCT – re: Election 2010 – Issue Paper #5, Health Care. This publication addresses various health care related issues as well as VLCT’s recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues. It was decided earlier not to contribute this year. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT – re: 2011 VLCT Health Trust Renewal. This memo outlines changes to the plan this year, which include changes affecting emergency room, out-patient, and in-patient deductibles as well as a Pharmacy Step-Therapy program. No action taken by the Board.
e. VLCT – re: “Planning and Zoning Forum” workshop. This program to be held on October 28, 2010 is designed to offer participants a chance to discuss pressing issues in municipal planning and zoning with officials from across the state. No action taken by the Board.
f. VT Tennis Court Resurfacing – re: (email) recreation court maintenance. This company offers free site evaluations and estimates. No action taken by the Board.
g. TRORC – re: Required Town Highway Signage Upgrades: Retroreflectivity and Breakaway Sign Posts. A new Federal Highway Administration rule requires that towns must develop a program to inspect and upgrade roadway signs. All signs along public roads must meet the new retroreflectivity sign standards, which increase the amount of light bouncing off of the signs making them easier to read at night. Sign posts must now be designed to “breakaway” when hit by a vehicle. Key compliance dates are noted. Local governments will also be required to regularly update their inventory and upgrade signs in order to maintain compliance. TRORC has been working with various agencies on how to best assist towns in meeting these new requirements. Information on Frequently Asked Questions is included. This correspondence will be forwarded to the Road Commissioner.
h. TRORC – re: Highway Construction, Maintenance, and Repair. Act 110 of the 2010 Legislative session requires VTrans to work with municipal representatives to “”revise the agency’s current recommended Town Road and Bridge Standards to include a suite of practical and cost-effective Best Management Practices in order to address pollution caused by transportation-related stormwater runoff.” A draft document with proposed changes to the
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October 5, 2010
current Town Road and Bridge Standards is included along with a request to review it and make comments. No action taken by the Board.
i. Cassie Lee – re: request for library space. Her letter expresses her disappointment that the Board denied the Library’s request to use a portion of the Town Hall basement as a temporary library while the Town Office Building undergoes renovation.
Old Business
a. Clerk of the Works – re: interested parties. Don Flynn has expressed an interest in the position and Keith Hopkins’ name has also been brought up. The Board asked that they both be invited to the next meeting to meet with the Board.
b. Town Office (Town Hall) – re: cleaning update. Jess provided a cleaning and the Board noted that it was a nice job. She will continue as her previously presented proposal outlined.
New Business
a. Private Roads – re: sign reported missing. It has been reported that the sign for Northern Exposure Road has been stolen. Discussion. The Secretary will contact George regarding any change in sign replacement costs and send letters to property owners affected by this sign as well as signs reported missing last year explaining the Town’s policy on private road sign replacement and how to obtain new ones.
b. Act 250 Hearing/Tim Pins – re: report. Jerry said that he attended the Hearing as a representative of the Selectboard. He reported that there were a few concerns from neighboring properties regarding noise. Previously the Board has indicated that they had no objection to the application as presented. Jerry asked the Secretary to send a letter to Linda Matteson introducing Jerry as the appointed representative to this meeting and noting the Board’s recommendation.
c. Town Property/Equipment – re: Town Highway equipment report. Road Commissioner George Deblon stated that a lot of the Town’s Highway equipment is old. He cited that the plow for the Ford is twelve years old and the tailgate sander on the International is fourteen years old. Both need to be replaced. He said that he obtained costs for their replacement from H.P. Fairfield. He said a new plow could be purchased for $6,950.00 and the tailgate sander could be replaced at a cost of $3,675.00. They will give a trade-in allowance of $750.00 for the plow. Both pieces would cost $9.875.00. The Highway Equipment Fund CD matures this month and there is enough to cover the cost. Discussion. The Board approved the expenditure. George noted that he is still waiting for the new grader which at last report was due for delivery in early October
d. Town Roads/Highways – re: road report following last week’s heavy rain. George reported that most roads handled the heavy rains well with the exception of a 15” culvert on Hawk, which needs to be replaced. He added that Liberty Hill Road, which has had problems in the past, did pretty well.
Peter closed the Regular Meeting at 6:44pm.
Jerry made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss Ancient Roads and the VCDP Grant. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed
The Board entered into Executive Session at 6:44 and exited from Executive Session at 6:58pm.
The Secretary was asked to send a letter to The Original Vermont Wood Products Company inviting them to the next meeting to update them on the status of their application for the VCDP Grant.
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October 5, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 6:59pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 28, 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Public Comments re: proposed revision of Pittsfield Town Plan
Vote on Revision of Pittsfield Town Plan
Executive Session
Mark called the Public Hearing to order at 6:02pm.
There were no public comments. Mark made a motion to close the Public Comments portion of the meeting. Seconded by Jerry. Motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to approve the Revision of the Pittsfield Town Plan as written. Seconded by
Mark. The motion passed. Jerry asked the Secretary to send a letter to TRORC advising them that the Selectboard approved the Revised Pittsfield Town Plan as written.
Mark closed the Public Hearing at 6:05pm.
Jerry made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the pending VCDP Grant. The motion passed.
The Board entered Executive Session at 6:05pm and exited from Executive Session at 6:06pm.
The meeting adjourned at 6:06pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 5, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 21, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jeff Hegewald
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. September 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jeff Hegewald - re: Ancient Road interest
a. Ken Hayes - re: continued dog concern
b. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: draft of proposed Town Plan
c. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission - re: Administrative Land Use Permit Amendment #3W0405-B/Colton and Tweed Valley Travelers Snowmobile Club
d. VLCT - re: VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust 2010 Annual Meeting
e. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden
f. Cartographic Associates, Inc. - re: Query Manager Online
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1729-R, Replaced failed system extension, John and Suzanne McGarry
h. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire - re: thank you
i. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program review
j. Rutland Mental Health Services - re: request for support
k. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #1, Transportation
l. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #2, Education Funding
m. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #3, Land Use
n. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions September 2010
o. Long Trail Engineering, P.C. - re: #3W1037, Timothy Pins
p. TRORC - re: Next "Regular" Commission Meeting Proposed Agenda
q. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commissions - re: Act 250 Notice, Application and Hearing, #3W1037, Timothy Pins, dba Pins Fabricating Systems, Inc.
r. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: invoice for legal services
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup
b. VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update
New Business
a. Town Office Building - re: removal of items in building
b. Town Office (Town Hall) - re: cleaning
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: gravel proposal
d. Town Funds - re: Highway Equipment Fund
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:53pm.
The Minutes of the September 7, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
September 21, 2010
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jeff Hegewald - re: Ancient Road interest. Jeff said that he only recently became aware of the issue with the Jimmy Dean Brook ancient road issue. As he is a property owner on Hadley Lane, he was interested in what the status of the road was and expressed concern for its future and a bridge that needs repair. The Board reviewed what has been happening and said that at this time the situation is pending. The Board said that concerned parties would be notified when the situation is resolved.
a. Ken Hayes - re: continued dog concern. This correspondence from Ken addresses Mr. Peyton's continued non-compliance. He also sent a video of the dog in question to the Town Clerk. The Board reviewed the video. Discussion. It was decided to invite the Sheriff to a meeting to review the video and discuss the issue. The Secretary was asked to send Ken a letter letting him know what the Board plans to do.
b. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: draft of proposed Town Plan. A copy was provided to each Board member in preparation for next week's public hearing regarding this document.
c. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission - re: Administrative Land Use Permit Amendment #3W0405-B/Colton and Tweed Valley Travelers Snowmobile Club. This is a copy of a permit which incorporates the Stream Alteration Permit to allow stabilization of approximately 200 linear feet of streambank with stone fill located on the Tweed River in the area of the VAST snowmobile trail (Route 100 Corridor). The project site is located at 1697 Route 100. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. VLCT - re: VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust 2010 Annual Meeting. Pertinent information regarding this meeting, which will be held on October 7th in Essex Junction, and proposed agenda are outlined. No action taken by the Board.
e. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden. For information purposes, an email dated September 12, 2010 from Chris Murphy is enclosed. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
f. Cartographic Associates, Inc. - re: Query Manager Online. This is an introduction to an interactive cloud-based GIS mapping service for municipalities. Contact information is provided if further information is requested. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1729-R, Replaced failed system extension, John and Suzanne McGarry. A permit was issued for the replacement on 6/29/10. The construction completion date was 9/15/10. The project hasn't been completed and the engineer is requesting an extension until 11/12/10. The request is acceptable and the extension is granted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
h. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire - re: thank you. This letter thanks the Town for its recent check in support of home health and hospice services. This money was approved at Town Meeting.
i. VTrans - re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program review. Wayne Davis and Sue Scribner will be in Pittsfield on October 7, 2010 from 9:45 - 10/05am for the purposes of reviewing the site and application for this grant. Mark said he would attend on behalf of the Board.
j. Rutland Mental Health Services - re: request for support. This year's contribution has been sent to them. The contribution was approved at Town Meeting.
k. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #1, Transportation. This publication addresses various transportation related issues as well as VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
l. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #2, Education Funding. This publication addresses various education funding issues along with VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
September 21, 2010
m. VLCT - re: Election 2010 - Issue Paper #3, Land Use. This publication addresses various land use issues along with VLCT's recommendations. No action taken by the Board.
n. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions September 2010. No action taken by the Board.
o. Long Trail Engineering, P.C. - re: #3W1037, Timothy Pins. This correspondence is a copy sent to Linda Matteson, District 3 Coordinator, responding to concerns generated by her. This discuss noise, the wastewater disposal system, floodplain concerns, primary agricultural soils, and construction of the heated shop. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
p. TRORC - re: Next "Regular" Commission Meeting Proposed Agenda. The meeting is scheduled for September 22nd. Jerry said he plans to attend.
q. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commissions - re: Act 250 Notice, Application and Hearing, #3W1037, Timothy Pins, dba Pins Fabricating Systems, Inc. A public hearing is scheduled for October 5, 2010. The site visit will begin at 9:30am at the property on Lower Michigan Road immediately followed by a hearing at the Pittsfield Town Hall. Jerry said he would attend
r. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: invoice for legal services. Discussion. The invoice was approved for payment.
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup. Jerry said that he made a site visit and noted that the property does not look occupied. He recommended having a trash shed with some method of denoting whether or not there is trash needing pickup. Discussion. The Secretary will send a letter to the property owners advising them of the Board's recommendation and a copy of the letter will be sent to Jon Benson, Benson's Rubbish Removal. Patty added that she has been unable to reach Jon by phone or leave him a message regarding this.
b. VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update. Peter said that he has spoken with Joan Goldstein, GMEDC's Executive Director, and the grant writer for this business. Serious concerns have been expressed. Peter said that she has indicated that she is not comfortable submitting the grant application in its current form. Peter said he wasn't sure what the status of the application is at this time.
New Business
a. Town Office Building - re: removal of items in building. Patty said that there are items
that need to be moved, stored, or purged. These include a number of old school desks in the attic, a fireproof filing cabinet, an upright piano, tables and chairs, Historical Society material, etc. Mark recommended taking an inventory of what is there to determine what the best course of action is. The Board said they would go over after the meeting adjourns and look at what needs to be addressed.
b. Town Office (Town Hall) - re: cleaning. Patty said that Trish Spencer has taken another job and is no longer available to clean the office. She said she has spoke with a few other people but has not been able to find anyone. She did note that Jess, her new assistant, has expressed interest and prepared a proposal for the Board to review. There was discussion of what would be involved. It was decided to have Jess do a full cleaning now and make an evaluation as to whether her proposal could be accepted for future work.
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: gravel proposal. Mark said that Road Commissioner George Deblon would like to use the extra money in the Highway Budget for the purchase of gravel to work on Upper Michigan Road. Mark recommended that George use only half of the surplus. The Board agreed.
d. Town Funds - re: Highway Equipment Fund. Patty said that the fund has matured and explained that she put $42,5000 of it in a 7 day CD so it would be available for the grader purchase. The remainder of the funds were put into a longer term CD for the additional interest.
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September 21, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 6:43pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved October 5, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 7, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Tom Macaulay, Suana Bicek, Cassie Lee, Sarah Gray, Sean Lee, Chris Sargent, Arnold Johnson, Jennifer Howard
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. August 3, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. August 25, 2010 Joint Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: ECFiber.net update
b. Cassie Lee - re: Library request
c. Planning Commission - re: Town Plan
d. Sean Lee - re: request to film Town Office Building Project
e. Chris Sargent - re: Village Designation
a. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: thank you
b. WRVA - re: Monthly Appropriation for Emergency Services
c. Low Sodium Made Easy - re: request for recipes
d. VT Center for Independent Living - re: thank you
e. George D. Aiken Resource Conservation & Development Council - re: thank you
f. Cassie Lee - re: Library request (see Guests and Committee Reports - b)
g. John P. O'Donohue - re: Keyes Road
h. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Permit #SA-5-9017 Tweed River, Bank Stabilization for Colton Enterprises, Inc.
i. VLCT - re: Candidate Forum Tool Kit
j. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Act 250 Application for Tim Pins
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission - re: Act 250 Application #3W1037 for Tim Pins
l. TRORC - re: Letter of Support for Route 100 Scenic Byway Committee
m. Steve Borgerson - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position
n. VLCT - re: draft of 2011 VLCT Municipal Policy
o. Chris Sargent - re: TRORC issues (see Guests and Committee Reports - e)
p. Ralph Cameron - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position, two emails
q. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions Summer 2010
r. VLCT - re: VLCT News August/September 2010
s. New England Air Quality Testing - re: services available
t. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010 workshop and 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training
u. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: Vermont's disabled veterans
v. Park House - re: thank you
w. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services
Old Business
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: Ancient Road issue
b. Town Office Building - re: Clerk of the Works position
c, VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update
d. Library – re: request to use Town Hall basement
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
September 7, 2010
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License - re: Roger and Joyce Stevens (Pitt-Stop)
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup pickup
c. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: John O'Donohue/Keyes Road
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary - re: additional pay for meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:52pm.
The Minutes of the August 3, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and August 25, 2010 Joint Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: ECFiber.net update. Tom said that EC Fibernet did not receive any Federal money for the project, but they plan to go forward with Phase 1. He presented a handout from Loredo Sola, Chair ECFiber. In his letter he indicated that at their July meeting, the Governing Board decided to begin Phase 1, which is an important first step towards providing universal coverage to the 23 member towns. Financing for this phase will be provided solely through private investment in ECF Holding LLC. Further information can be obtained by contacting John Roy, Treasurer of ECF Holding, LLC at 802-685-3151 or [email protected]. Tom was thanked for coming and providing this information.
b. Cassie Lee - re: Library request. Cassie said that she would like the Board to reconsider the Library's previous request to permit the alcove area in the basement be set up with a few book shelves so that the Library can continue to operate until the permanent space is available. She said that it is important to make the Library available. She said the it would be open for four hours/week depending on volunteer availability. The Board commended her on her presentation and thanked her for coming. They said that they would take her request under advisement and will respond in writing.
c. Planning Commission - re: Town Plan. Suana said that the Planning Commission would like to clarify a few things in the draft of the Town Plan. She noted that in previous years each Town Plan was basically a revision of the previous Town Plan. This year, however, the layout and content are different and have been updated. Previous Plans laid groundwork in the event the Town opted for zoning. This Town Plan wants to ensure that the Town has a voice in Act 250. She pointed out three specific areas in the plan: Land Use, Village area, and the Route 100 corridor. The Town Plan is good for five years. Jerry asked some questions which were responded to. Chris Sargent said that the Town can make any changes that they see fit. The Plan would be presented at a public hearing prior to approval by the Selectboard. Discussion. The Board decided to hold the Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 28th at 6:00pm in the meeting area of the Town Hall. Chris said he would work with the Assistant Clerk regarding the Warnings, etc. as the Town Clerk is on vacation for the next two weeks and this matter is time-sensitive. The Planning Commission was also asked if they would be interested in participating in the Route 100 Scenic Byway Committee. Suana and Sarah said that they would but would like more information. The Secretary will email them with the address of the person from Killington who met with the Board and outlined the program.
d. Sean Lee - re: request to film Town Office Building Project. Sean asked if the Board would give their approval for him to set up a camera and take time-lapse photography of the renovation project for the Town Office/Library Building when it gets underway. The Board had no issue with this request and approved it.
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September 7, 2010
e. Chris Sargent - re: Village Designation. Chris, who works at TRORC, said the Pittsfield's Village Designation expires the end of November and needs to be reapplied for. Jerry made a motion to have Pittsfield reapply for the Village Designation. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed. Chris said he would do the preparation work for this.
a. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: thank you. This letter expresses their appreciation for the $200.00 contribution approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
b. WRVA - re: Monthly Appropriation for Emergency Services. This bill for September is in the amount of $1872.19. This money was part of the total previously approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
c. Low Sodium Made Easy - re: request for recipes. This request is from a family in Oregon that is dealing with the aftermath of an auto/pedestrian accident with their daughter who now requires a low sodium diet. They are requesting anyone interested in sending them favorite recipes as well as interesting facts about our community and state. No action was taken by the Board but anyone interested can contact them at [email protected].
d. VT Center for Independent Living - re: thank you. This letter expresses their appreciation for the $75.00 contribution approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
e. George D. Aiken Resource Conservation & Development Council - re: thank you. This letter expresses their thanks for the contribution to their Council. No action taken by the Board.
f. Cassie Lee - re: Library request (see Guests and Committee Reports - b)
g. John P. O'Donohue - re: Keyes Road. See New Business - c.
h. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Permit #SA-5-9017 Tweed River, Bank Stabilization for Colton Enterprises, Inc. This project consists of the stabilization of approximately 200' of streambank with stone fill. The project is approved under named statutes and subject to conditions noted in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
i. VLCT - re: Candidate Forum Tool Kit. This correspondence includes the Candidate Forum Tool Kit in conjunction with its Election 2010 Issue Paper series. No action taken by the Board.
j. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Act 250 Application for Tim Pins. This material includes a copy of the Act 250 Land Use Permit Application, filing fee, and exhibits. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office..
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission - re: Act 250 Application #3W1037 for Tim Pins. This response requests more information from the applicant in order to continue processing the application. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
l. TRORC - re: Letter of Support for Route 100 Scenic Byway Committee. This letter notes that on September 7, 2010, the Board voted to fully support and participate in this Committee in order to obtain Scenic Byway status for Route 100. Jennifer Howard was appointed as Pittsfield's representative on the Committee. The Board approved and signed the letter. It was given to Chris Sargent to take back to TRORC and a copy made to be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
m. Steve Borgerson - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position. This email outlined his qualifications and included his resume. Discussion. The Secretary was asked to send him a note thanking him for his interest and will contact him if more information is needed.
n. VLCT - re: draft of 2011 VLCT Municipal Policy. The policy will be presented at the annual business meeting at Town Fair on October 7th. The request that the draft be reviewed and any comments or recommendations be submitted by September 24th. No action taken by the Board.
o. Chris Sargent - re: TRORC issues (see Guests and Committee Reports - e)
p. Ralph Cameron - re: (email) Clerk of the Works position, two emails. The first email dated August 4th thanked the Board for the opportunity to meet with him. The second dated August
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
September 7, 2010
19th is a follow up to his previous email. The Secretary will send him a note acknowledging his interest and advising him that the Board will contact him if further information is needed.
q. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions Summer 2010. No action taken.
r. VLCT - re: VLCT News August/September 2010. No action taken.
s. New England Air Quality Testing - re: services available. This will be kept on file for possible future needs.
t. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010 workshop and 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training. This program is designed for maintenance, road, and municipal crews that use chain saws to remove trees from the ground without assistance from an aerial lift truck. The instruction focuses on situations like to be encountered in daily activities. The driver training program is available to municipal employees and volunteer firefighters and trains drivers to be more cautious and aware of vehicle limitations in order to reduce potential incidents or accidents. No action taken by the Board.
u. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola, Ret. - re: Vermont's disabled veterans. His letter addresses the voters to consider increasing the $10,000.00 property tax exemption for 50% or greater disabled veterans to $40,000.00. Discussion. The Board felt that this was not a possibility for Pittsfield at this time.
v. Park House - re: thank you. This letter expresses their appreciation for the $500.00 contribution approved at Town Meeting. No action taken by the Board.
w. VT Dept. of Taxes - re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services. This agreement and request for payment of $231.85 for the licensing fee for use of the Marshals and Swift Cost Tables by the Listers was approved by the Board and signed by Peter as Chairman. It will be forwarded to the Town Treasurer for payment.
Old Business
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: Ancient Road issue. Peter made a motion to close the Regular meeting and enter into Executive Session regarding pending litigation regarding ancient roads. Seconded by Jerry. Motion passed. The Regular Meeting adjourned at 6:54pm and the Board entered into Executive Session. Executive Session adjourned at 7:10pm and the Regular Meeting resumed.
b. Town Office Building - re: Clerk of the Works position. The job requirements were discussed and Peter suggested asking the Assistant Town Clerk if she would be interested. It was felt that a look out the window and some brief notations during hours when she is already at work would suffice. Jerry said he would speak with her regarding this and report to the Board.
c. VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products - re: update. Peter reviewed his recent meeting with the operators of the company and Joan Goldstein. He noted he was not adverse to the application being sent to the State for review. If approved by the State, there would need to be a vote taken for further action. Jerry concurred.
d. Library – re: request to use Town Hall basement. The Board discussed the Cassie Lee’s letter and presentation and continued to feel that the basement area should remain open for Town business and functions. The Secretary will send Cassie a letter explaining this.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License - re: Roger and Joyce Stevens (Pitt-Stop). This was approved by the Board prior to tonight's meeting due to a deadline issue.
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: problem with trash pickup. Patty left a note that trash was not picked up at 517 Townsend Brook Road, 66 Dagg Road, and 253 Lookout Road. Repeated calls have been placed to John Benson but have been unanswered. Discussion. The Board was made aware that Jon was having surgery soon and that perhaps he had a substitute driver. The Board had no immediate solution but noted that Patty was continuing to work on the issue.
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September 7, 2010
c. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: John O'Donohue/Keyes Road. Mr. O'Donohue would like to purchase this Class 2 road as it bisects his land. He says that he thinks it's about 500' in length and goes up to the boundary of the Green Mountain National Forest. Discussion. The
Board asked the Secretary to send Mr. O'Donohue a letter stating that the Board will look into his request and will respond to him in writing at a future time.
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary - re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the added time in preparing additional correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 7:16pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 21, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 25, 2010
PRESENT: Mark McManus (Architect), Patricia Haskins (Town Clerk), Peter Borden, Jerry Drugonis (Selectboard), Marion Abrams, Karen Waterworth (Library), Chuck Colton, Henry Hotchkiss (Building Committee)
AGENDA: Call to Order
Architect Report
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:37pm.
Mr. McManus advised that there have been some minor changes in the building plan.
1. The structural engineer advises against cutting into the floor for the stairs so they (the stairs) will be run against the vault.
2. As a result of anticipated occupancy of the building, two (2) lavatories will be required.
3. The Fire Marshall has yet to respond on the plans, including handicap access. This situation has placed the schedule about a month behind what was anticipated.
4. The new stairwell locations will provide some extra space.
5. It was necessary to slightly enlarge the addition, requiring some changes to the roof.
6. The elevator will not rise flush to the ceiling (safety feature) and the vault will be a few inches narrower.
7. General discussion took place re: adequate work and storage space for the Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerk. Mr. McManus will sketch a layout of the planned office and submit same. Provision of windows and shelves for the library was discussed with questions being raised re: monitoring children in the outside play area.
The meeting adjourned at 6:36pm.
Recorded by
Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
Approved September 7, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 3, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Ralph Cameron, Rita Seto, Seth Webb, Richard Garofalo
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 6, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ralph Cameron - re: Clerk of the Works
b. Rita Seto and Seth Webb - re: proposed Route 100 Byway
c. Richard Garofalo - re: Clerk of the Works
d. Jon Benson - re: suspension of recycle pickup in September and October
a. VTrans - re: Bridge #24 of South Branch of Tweed River
b. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Project #WW-3-1684-R, 38 Dagg Road, permit extension
c. TRORC - re: FY11 Annual Dues Thank You
d. Timberline Events - re: Green Mountain Relay Thank You
e. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden status
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 16, 2010)
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010)
h. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010)
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 30, 2010)
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation - re: request of support
k. VLCT - re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting
l. USDA Forest Service - re: (email) 30-Day Comment Period, Forest Wide Non-native Invasive Plant Control Project
m. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: (email) Pittsfield Town Plan
n. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Permit #WW-3-1684-R, Bruce & Alex Czaplicki, 38 Dagg Road
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue
b. Road Commissioner - re: status of health issue
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: options for Bond money
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: bear proof containers for trash
c. Town Plan - re: status
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
August 3, 2010
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm.
The Minutes of the July 6, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ralph Cameron - re: Clerk of the Works. Mr. Cameron described the duties of the Clerk of
the Works and asked questions about the project. Peter and Patty explained where the project stands at now. Discussion. Ralph said he saw the job as about 20 hrs/week at $40/hr and figured the job would take about three months. The Board felt it might be more like six months. It was agreed that the duration might be dependent on the contractor and when they can start work. He also handed out copies of his resume. He felt he could provide the service, but wondered if the architect might be able to do it to save money. Peter felt it might be a good to speak with Mark McManus about more specifics. Ralph said that a Clerk of the Works can be good for certain projects, but he thought that with the scale of this one, it might not be necessary unless there are some financing requirements for one. He said he would be willing to come back and meet with the architect and the Board if requested. The Board thanked him for his interest and attending the meeting.
b. Rita Seto and Seth Webb - re: proposed Route 100 Byway. Rita introduced herself as a Regional Planner with TRORC. She said she has been working with Seth Webb, Director of Economic Development & Tourism for the Town of Killington , on establishing Route 100 as a designated byway. She then introduced him to the Board. Seth explained the project and what its goals are. He said he would like to assemble a coalition of members along Route 100. He added that there is Federal funding available to states for these types of projects. He passed out handouts of information regarding the project and how it can benefit an area. A Corridor Management Plan would need to be prepared and this can be done using information obtained from Town Plans. He noted that he is also working on a Route 4 Byway from West Rutland to Hartford. He would like the Board to appoint a representative to serve on the Coalition. Jerry suggested inviting the Historical Society to become involved in this project. Rita said that right now Pittsfield is on the northern end of Phase 1. Eventually they would like to have a second phase to tie in with Mad River. The Board said they would review the material and thanked Rita and Seth for coming and explaining this program.
c. Richard Garofalo - re: Clerk of the Works. Richard said that Mark had approached him about this position. He explained his background and noted some of the projects he had worked on when he was employed. He said he feels he could do the job but would like to see the plans before presenting any payment figures. He explained what he would expect as a Clerk of the Works and encouraged the Town to hire local contractors for the demolition to save money. Discussion. Peter said they would obtain a copy of the plans for him to review and invite him back for further discussion. Richard was thanked for his interest and coming to the meeting.
d. Jon Benson - re: suspension of recycle pickup in September and October. Jon said that he is scheduled for surgery in mid September and as he is currently shorthanded with the trash and recycling pickups would like to suspend recycling pickup in September and October. He said he would have pamphlets prepared to leave this month explaining the need for this and providing alternative disposal means for the recycling. The Board wished him well and thanked him for coming in. Martha said she would also try and add this information to the Town’s website: www.pittsfieldvt.org.
a. VTrans - re: Bridge #24 of South Branch of Tweed River. This letter requests a meeting with the Selectboard to discuss the project. In addition, the Town should notify each individual property owner that may be affected by the project. Discussion. The Board decided to hold this meeting at their next regular meeting time on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.
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August 3, 2010
b. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Project #WW-3-1684-R, 38 Dagg Road, permit extension. The completed application has been received and will be reviewed. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. TRORC - re: FY11 Annual Dues Thank You. No action taken by the Board.
d. Timberline Events - re: Green Mountain Relay Thank You. The race went extremely well this year and raised $11,700, which was passed on to participating Vermont non-profit organizations identified in the letter. Fifty-two teams and 547 runners came from thirty-two states and Canada. No action taken by the Board.
e. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden status. This letter dated July 9th references an enclosed letter from English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. dated July 2, 2010 addressed to Christopher Murphy states that his clients are agreeable to moving forward with a resolution of the pending appeal and stand ready to participate in mediation. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 16, 2010). This email from Christopher Murphy to Attorney James Carroll indicates that his offer will need to be ratified by the Town of Chittenden by Friday, July 23rd at noon. He will accept the Town's offer of July 2nd in its entirety with exceptions noted in the email. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010). This is a response to (f). Attorney Carroll states he is unable to secure ratification of Mr. Murphy's proposal by the stated timeframe. He also notes that certain components which require further discussion. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
h.. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: (email) TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 21, 2010). This response to (g) by Mr. and Mrs. Murphy extends the deadline until Attorney Carroll is able to present this offer to the Town of Chittenden and formulate a response. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 30, 2010). Attorney Carroll encloses an email dated July 28th from the Murphy’s requesting clarification on some points. Also Attorney Carroll's response. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office. No action taken by the Board.
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation - re: request of support. They are asking that Pittsfield consider becoming a member of GMEDC. The cost is based upon a formula of $.50 per capita using 2008 population figures. The estimated population of 422 would equal $211.00. An invoice is enclosed. Discussion. The Board decided not to join.
k. VLCT - re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting. VLCT would like each municipality's legislative body to designate one official from the town as a voting delegate for the meeting. Brief discussion. No action taken by the Board.
l. USDA Forest Service - re: (email) 30-Day Comment Period, Forest Wide Non-native Invasive Plant Control Project. Information can be obtained by contacting Jay Strand, Project Team Leader at the Rochester Forest Service Office.
m. Pittsfield Planning Commission - re: (email) Pittsfield Town Plan. This email from Chair, Suana Bicek states that the Planning Commission held their public hearing on July 20, 2010. The Commission voted unanimously to pass the Town Plan on to the Selectboard so that the next phase in the process can be completed. This will be discussed under New Business-c.
n. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Permit #WW-3-1684-R, Bruce & Alex Czaplicki, 38 Dagg Road. This Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit for a project, consisting of the amendment to a previous permit, by extending the conversion construction deadline for two more years, for an existing structure is approved and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
August 3, 2010
Old Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue. Peter said he spoke with the Rutland County Sheriff regarding the situation with Richard Peyton’s dog and concerns/complaints expressed by Ken and Sally Hayes. The Sheriff felt that the only way to really move ahead with this would be by viewing video tapes. Photos and journal entries provide information, but not the whole story. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to the Hayes’ requesting they provide surveillance tape of the dog on their property, if this is available.
b. Road Commissioner - re: status of health issue. Jerry asked how George Deblon was doing following his surgery and recuperation. Patty said he is back to work and has been released by the doctor with restrictions as to what duties he can and cannot perform. It was noted that most of the restrictions are jobs that fall under the Road Commissioner’s job description. Mark said George was running the grader on the Rochester side of Liberty Hill recently and experiencing some pain getting in and out of the machine. Discussion. The Secretary was asked to send George a letter explaining their concern and requesting he refrain from doing any work specifically restricted by the doctor for the Town until he is medically released to perform those jobs.
New Business
a. Town Funds - re: options for Bond money. Patty said she has opened a new First Class Savings Account for the Office Building Fund. She asked if the Board wanted to put some of the Bond money in short term CD’s. Mark asked where the Town’s funds were currently located. Patty reviewed the accounts and whether they were in money markets, CD's, etc. and which could be accessed without any penalty. The Board approved putting $300,000 in a 5 month CD and $79,000 in an 8 month CD. She also noted that the Contingency Fund is up for renewal. Discussion. It was decided to put the Contingency Fund into a short-term CD where it can be accessible. The Emergency Fund is in a money market and available.
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: bear proof containers for trash. Patty said that Jennifer Burch called her and said that she has had a bear problem recently. Jennifer said she spoke with the Game Warden who suggested she contact Jon Benson regarding obtaining bear-proof trash containers, and perhaps the Town would subsidize the cost. Since Jon was at the meeting he was asked about this. Jon said he didn’t have any containers, but that one of his customers in Our World has a container with a screw on lid which might hinder the bear from access to the trash. It’s not known where this container came from. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to Jennifer explaining this.
c. Town Plan - re: status. As noted in Correspondence-m, the Town Plan has been forwarded to the Selectboard for further action. Since no member of the Board had received a copy of the plan for review, Patty said she would get copies for them. Peter said that a special meeting could be called if action needs to be taken before the next regular meeting in September.
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August 3, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 7:25pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 7, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 6, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Susie Martin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. June 8, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Susie Martin – re: Library relocation and Movie Night
b. Susie Martin – re: Historical Society request
a. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: Vermont Trail Symposium
b. Colton Enterprises – re: Stream Alteration Permit Application
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Notice of Education Tax Rates for fiscal Year 2011
d. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY’09 Annual Report
e. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2010
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1729-R to amend previous permit, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1729-R, McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road, request for missing and/or incorrect items
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1729-R, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Act 250 Project Review Sheet, Vermont Country Inn, Route 100, Death Race 2010
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024(Altered). Vermont Country Inn, Route 100
k. VT Secretary of State – re: (email) legislative changes regarding Town Constables
l. VLCT – re: VLCT Wellness Incentive Program
m. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated June 15, 2010)
n. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 2, 2010)
o. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 26, 2010 meeting
p. VLCT – re: 2010 VLCT Awards Program
q. VTrans – re: Bridge #24 over South Branch of the Tweed River
r. VTrans – re: Vermont Country Inn, application for permit to work within State highway right-of-way
s. VLCT – re: Legislative Wrap-Up 2010
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: painting estimate
b. Town Office Building – re: asbestos test results
c. Town Office Building – re: Clerk of the Works update
d. Town Highway – re: 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Report
e. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
July 6, 2010
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, June 27, 2010
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, August 15, 2010
c. NEMRC – re: Tax Administration module support
d. Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate
e. Town Hall – re: rental request
f. Library – re: request to use Town Hall Basement
g. Historical Society – re: request for space in TOB basement
h. Town Property – re: prebuy for 2010-11 heating season
i. Appointment – re: Town Health Officer
j. Town Property – re: request to use Bandstand
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting
b. Asst. Town Clerk and Treasurer – re: introduction
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:56pm.
The Minutes of the June 8, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Susie Martin – re: Library relocation and Movie Night. Susie said that at a recent Library Board meeting they discussed the status of the library during the building renovation. It was suggested that the books be boxed up and some of them relocated to the alcove in the Town Hall basement where a table could be set up and a smaller version of the library become operational. The hours would coincide with the Town Office’s hours to allow access to the bathroom. The remainder of the basement space would still allow for functions. The Selectboard said that they would consider their request. Susie also said that the Library would like to hold a Movie Night on July 23rd at 6:30. A potluck dessert would be held followed by a movie projected onto a screen on the backstop in the ball field. Popcorn would be available during the movie. In the event of rain, another date would be announced. Discussion. The Board approved the Library’s request for the Movie Night.
b. Susie Martin – re: Historical Society request. Susie said that it was brought up at their last meeting that they would still like to have some space in the new building with storage and display space in the basement. The Board said that they would discuss this later in the meeting.
a. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: Vermont Trail Symposium. More information can be found at www.vermontrailsandgreenways.org. This event will be held October 16 & 17, 2010. No action taken.
b. Colton Enterprises – re: Stream Alteration Permit Application. This project involves the stabilization of approximately 200’ of stream bank. The reason for this is to protect the VAST snowmobile trail. The work will be performed by members of the VAST local Tweed Valley Travelers snowmobile club. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Notice of Education Tax Rates for fiscal Year 2011. (see New Business – d)
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
July 6, 2010
d. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY’09 Annual Report. No action taken.
e. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2010. No action taken.
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1729-R to amend previous permit, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. This project amends the previous permit changing the conventional mound to a Presby gravity flow mound at the same location. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1729-R, McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road, request for missing and/or incorrect items. This is a copy of correspondence sent to Marsh Engineering Services with an enclosed checklist to identify items required for this project. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1729-R, John & Suzanne McGarry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. This project consisting of amending the previous permit by changing the conventional mound to a Presby system mound, in the same location is approved, subject to conditions. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Act 250 Project Review Sheet, Vermont Country Inn, Route 100, Death Race 2010. ANR reviewed the race course description and has no concerns with the race as presented provided the race is run as described and in compliance with the conditions of Act 250 permit #3W1024. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024(Altered). Vermont Country Inn, Route 100. This permit specifically approves improvements and uses indicated in the document. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. VT Secretary of State – re: (email) legislative changes regarding Town Constables. This correspondence sent at the request of the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that the law regarding training requirements for blue light permits has been delayed and will not take effect in 2012. This legislation does not affect the Town of Pittsfield’s Constables. No action taken.
l. VLCT – re: VLCT Wellness Incentive Program. The enclosed video highlights two wellness programs. No action taken.
m. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated June 15, 2010). This correspondence addresses an email from Chris Murphy to Attorney James Carroll regarding the Green Road Settlement. No action taken.
n. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden (dated July 2, 2010). This correspondence to Chris Murphy from Attorney James Carroll is sent as an offer of compromise regarding this matter. No action taken.
o. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 26, 2010 meeting. No action taken.
p. VLCT – re: 2010 VLCT Awards Program. Nomination forms for the Municipal Service Award and Legislative Service Award are provided. No action taken.
q. VTrans – re: Bridge #24 over South Branch of the Tweed River. This bridge is located near the Town Garage. Work will begin soon on an Alignment and Structure Type study for this bridge. No action taken.
r. VTrans – re: Vermont Country Inn, application for permit to work within State highway right- of-way. This project consists of reconstructing two full-service accesses and a one-way exiting access at the barn. In addition, turf shall be established between the drives. Also included in this permit is a traffic control plan that shall be implemented during special events at the property. A complete description and map is included in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
s. VLCT – re: Legislative Wrap-Up 2010. No action taken.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
July 6, 2010
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: painting estimate. An estimate of $2500.00 was submitted by Don Marshall to address the north and east sides of the building. The Board approved this expense.
b. Town Office Building – re: asbestos test results. As anticipated, the report notes that asbestos was found in the boiler room. The remainder of the building showed little or no signs. A copy was forwarded to Architect Mark McManus.
c. Town Office Building – re: Clerk of the Works update. An email was received from Ralph Cameron of Estimating Concepts, LLC in Ludlow expressing interest in the job and citing previous experience. Mark also noted that Richard Garofalo has expressed interest. Discussion. The Board felt that both parties should be invited to meet with the Selectboard at the next meeting. Patty was asked to contact them.
d. Town Highway – re: 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Report. This report was reviewed by Road Commissioner George Deblon who noted that the bridge on Tweed River Drive will need some attention in the future. The Board signed off on these reports.
e. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: Park Place dog issue. A certified letter dated July 6, 2010 was received from Ken Hayes noting that he has not received any response regarding his previous email of June 8th. The Board had decided to contact the Rutland County Sheriff’s Department for advice before making any decision. Peter said he has called the Sheriff’s Department to speak with the Sheriff, but to date no one has called him back. The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to Mr. Hayes explaining this and indicating that when a decision is made he will be notified.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, June 27, 2010. This request was approved by the Board by email on June 16th but will be included in these minutes.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Brunch, Amee Farm, August 15, 2010. This request was approved by the Board.
c. NEMRC – re: Tax Administration module support. Patty explained that the cost is $500 and includes updates and phone assistance under fifteen minutes. She added that cost could be spread over two years. Discussion. The Board approved this unbudgeted expense. It was also decided that since the tax bills will be printed within the next week, that the cost of networking with the Listers’ computer could wait until they are moved into the new building. In the meantime, any changes made by the Listers will be made known to the Town Clerk.
d. Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate. Patty presented an outline of the Budget summary with the final Grand List figures and the School tax rates received from the State. This year the Homestead Education Tax Rate is $1.4762, the Non-Residential Education Tax Rate is $1.4366, and the Municipal Rate is $.45. Peter made a motion to approve the Municipal Rate of $.45. Seconded by Jerry. All in favor. The Resultant Tax Rates for Homestead will be $1.9262 and the Non-Residential will be $1.8866.
e. Town Hall – re: rental request. A request to rent the Town Hall for a private function on August 21, 2010 by the Hawk Mountain Owners’ Association for a meeting was received. It was noted that rest room facilities are not included and Patty said she would inform HMOA of this. The Board approved the request, however should HMOA decided to withdraw their request, their payment will be returned.
f. Library – re: request to use Town Hall Basement. The Board felt that the Library should box up their books and put them in storage unless they can find another suitable location to run the library. Right now the Town Hall basement is the only available space for Town functions. No money has been budgeted by the Town for the Library for their relocation/storage.
g. Historical Society – re: request for space in TOB basement. It was decided to table this discussion to a future meeting.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
July 6, 2010
f. Town Property – re: prebuy for 2010-11 heating season. Patty prepared a five-year history of usage of the various buildings. Discussion. It was decided to prebuy 800 gallons of LP for the Town Garage and 1200 gallons of #2 fuel oil for the Town Hall. Patty will check with Mark McManus to see if the Town Office Building will need heat this winter during construction. If it
will, the Town will prebuy 300 gallons of #2 fuel oil and 250 gallons of kerosene for the Town Office Building.
g. Appointment – re: Town Health Officer. The Board appointed Sandy Begin to this position. A Letter of Appointment will be sent to her.
h. Town Property – re: request to use Bandstand. Patty said that the Church would like to reserve the bandstand for a concert on the first Saturday in August. Alternate dates include the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays. The Board approved the request.
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting. The next meeting will be held on August 3, 2010. The Secretary will post Warnings as required.
b. Asst. Town Clerk and Treasurer – re: introduction. Patty introduced Jessica Lalumiere as her newly appointed assistant. She replaces Mary Lee Stevens who retired at the beginning of the month. As Assistant Treasurer, Jessica will be an authorized signer on the Town’s accounts.
The meeting adjourned at 6:53pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved August 3, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 8, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Charles Howard
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 18, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. June 3, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting
c. June 4, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting
d. June 4, 2010 Public Hearing Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Charles Howard – re: use of Bandstand on Village Green
a. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2010
b. The Trust for Public Land – re: Land and People Spring/summer 2010
c. VTrans – re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program
d. TRORC – re: Summary of Challenges for Change and Next Steps
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1812, Stephen and Terri Lewis, 110 Hawk Trail
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1812 for Stephen and Terri Lewis, 100 Hawk Trail
g. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay update
h. VTrans – re: 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage (three letters)
i. TRORC – re: Annual CEDS Meeting
j. VMERS – re: Official Notice of Election for Employer and Employee Representatives to the Board of Trustees
k. VTrans – re: Calendar Year 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Reports
l. TRORC – re: (email) May 2010 Newsletter
m. TRORC – re: Representative to the TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee
n. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Land Use Permit # 3W1024
o. TRORC – re: TAC Meeting May 6, 2010 Minutes
p. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan
Old Business
a. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update
b. Town Hall - re: broken step
c. Town Hall – re: exterior painting
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door
h. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: dog problem
i. Town Employees – re: Asst. Clerk/Treasurer position
New Business
a. Bond – re: Bond Vote Reconsideration
b. Grant – re: Municipal Planning Grant
c. Grant – re: ADA Modification Grant
d. Grant – re: VCDP Grant
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
June 8, 2010
e. Town Equipment – re: NEMRC Tax Administration software
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests
g. Delinquent Dogs – re: list of unlicensed dogs
h. Town Office Building – re: AIA Contract
i. Bond – re: Recovery Zone Economic Bonds vs. Tax Exempt Bonds
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the May 18, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, June 3, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting, June 4, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting, and the June 4, 2010 Public Hearing Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Charles Howard – re: use of Bandstand on Village Green. Charlie requested the use of the Bandstand on the Green to play music during the week. Discussion. The Board said they thought it was a good idea and suggested he speak with Alison Hans who is the organizer for the Farmers Market.
a. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2010. Patty pointed out an article regarding Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP). If any non-municipal individual/group rents building or property from the municipality and doesn’t have liability insurance, they can purchase TULIP. TULIP coverage protects both the tenant user and the municipality against claims by third parties who may be injured or have property damage as a result of the activities of the tenant user. Jerry said he would speak with VLCT regarding this and the Farmers Market.
b. The Trust for Public Land – re: Land and People Spring/summer 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VTrans – re: 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program. Proposals are being solicited for the creation of small Park-and-Ride Facilities in Vermont communities. Information for this grant is enclosed.
d. TRORC – re: Summary of Challenges for Change and Next Steps. This memo pertains to support for regional and municipal planning recently and changes that the Legislature passed.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1812, Stephen and Terri Lewis, 110 Hawk Trail. This project is described as the construction of a 3-bedroom single family residence on .9 acres. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1812 for Stephen and Terri Lewis, 100 Hawk Trail. This permit as described in (e) is approved under the requirements of the regulations and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay update. The dates for this event are June 19th – 20th. A Certificate of Liability for the event is enclosed. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. VTrans – re: 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage (three letters). A letter dated April 2, 2010 states that the VTrans Mapping Unit has received and reviewed the Certificate and has
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
June 8, 2010
requested additional documentation and clarification regarding several of the roads that have been submitted. A letter dated May 24, 2010 from Johnathan Croft, GIS Database Administrator, states they have not accepted the addition of 3.07 miles of Class 4 town highways as submitted on the Certificate due to the lack of documentation showing the legal establishment of these highways through the formal laying out process. The changes that were not accepted and listed on the 2010 Certificate may be re-submitted on the 2011 Mapping and GIS Specialist providing a copy of the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage including mileage changes reported. These letters will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. TRORC – re: Annual CEDS Meeting. This meeting is sponsored by the East Central Vermont CEDS Committee and will be held on June 24th. No action taken.
j. VMERS – re: Official Notice of Election for Employer and Employee Representatives to the Board of Trustees. This information outlines eligibility requirements for representative to the Board of Trustees. No action taken by the Board.
k. VTrans – re: Calendar Year 2009 Bridge Inspection Summary Reports. Road Commissioner George Deblon reviewed the reports and felt the bridge deck on Tweed River Drive will need some attention in the future.
l. TRORC – re: (email) May 2010 Newsletter. No action taken by the Board.
m. TRORC – re: Representative to the TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee. This is a copy of a letter to George Deblon, Pittsfield’s representative. No action taken by the Board.
n. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Land Use Permit # 3W1024. This correspondence pertains to a Motion to Alter the Act 250 permit by the Permitee to modify two of the permit conditions pertaining to floor drains and audible noise limit. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
o. TRORC – re: TAC Meeting May 6, 2010 Minutes. No action taken by the Board.
p. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan. A few sections of the plan were updated, it was adopted by the Selectboard and signed by Peter as Chair of the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update. Peter said that adapters can be purchased which would allow the use of energy efficient fluorescent bulbs. Where to purchase them and the size needed will be researched.
b. Town Hall - re: broken step. Peter said he and Mark will repair it next week.
c. Town Hall – re: exterior painting. Patty will call Don Marshall for an estimate for repainting the north and east exteriors and touching up the front of the building.
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift. Carl Oertel will be asked to do this.
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door. Patty said he spoke with George who didn’t know of any businesses in Town that had one. Patty will research the availability and purchase.
h. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: dog problem. An email was received from Ken and Sally Hayes regarding the dog owned by Richard and Cathryn Peyton. It stated several recent instances of concern. Discussion. It was decided to contact a law enforcement agency for guidance in this matter.. Peter said he would call the Sheriff’s Department and report back to the Board.
o. Town Employees – re: Asst. Clerk/Treasurer position. Patty said that she has interviewed several promising candidates and felt she would have the position filled this week.
New Business
a. Bond – re: Bond Vote Reconsideration. The 30-day waiting period has concluded and the project is ready to move forward. A meeting has been scheduled with Architect Mark McManus on Thursday, June 10th at 3:30pm to finalize the preliminary plan.
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June 8, 2010
b. Grant – re: Municipal Planning Grant. Pater, as Grant Administrator, will contact Chris Sargeant at TRORC about closing the Municipal Planning Grant.
c. Grant – re: ADA Modification Grant. Henry Hotchkiss has been working with Sally Hull from TRORC on this grant for the Town Office. She has been approved to write the grant.
d. Grant – re: VCDP Grant. Peter said he would approve Joan Goldstein from GMEDC as the VCDP Grant writer.
e. Town Equipment – re: NEMRC Tax Administration software. Patty said she has been in touch with NEMRC and plans to proceed with obtaining this software program as approved in the budget at Town Meeting.
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests. A request by Noels to cater a rehearsal dinner at the Amee Farm on June 18th was approved with a change in ending time to 10pm. Requests to cater by The Village Porch for the following were reviewed: rehearsal dinner on June 25th,, wedding on June 26th, rehearsal dinner on August 13th, wedding on August 14th, brunch on August 15th, rehearsal dinner on August 20th, wedding on August 21st, rehearsal dinner on September 17th, wedding on September 18th, brunch on September 19th, rehearsal dinner on September 24th, wedding on September 25th, brunch on September 26th, rehearsal dinner on October 1st, wedding on October 2nd, brunch on October 3rd, rehearsal dinner at October 9th, wedding on October 10th, rehearsal dinner on October 15th, wedding on October 16th, brunch on October 17th, rehearsal dinner on October 22nd, and wedding on October 23rd. These events will be held at Riverside Farm. A request to cater a rehearsal dinner on August 27th, wedding on August 28th, rehearsal dinner on September 3rd, and wedding on September 4th will be held at the Amee Farm. All of these requests were approved with the stipulation that AM/PM be added to the requests.
g. Delinquent Dogs – re: list of unlicensed dogs. This list was reviewed and the Board approved sending a letter fining the owner $250 per dog.
h. Town Office Building – re: AIA Contract. This contract was sent by Architect Mark McManus. The contract was reviewed and discussed. Peter made a motion to approve and sign the contract. Seconded by Mark. The motion passed unanimously.
i. Bond – re: Recovery Zone Economic Bonds vs. Tax Exempt Bonds. The Board needed to decide what kind of bonds to offer and let the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank know their decision by June 18 . The differences were discussed. The municipality and its contractor will be required to file a Davis-Bacon Act Compliance Certificate with the VMBB if RZEDBs are issued on behalf of the municipality. The Board voted unanimously to issue the Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds.
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: next meeting. The next meeting will be held on July 6, 2010. The Secretary will post Warnings as required.
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June 8, 2010
The meeting adjourned at 6:55pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 6, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 4, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Blake Quayle, Joan Goldstein, Jim Cullen
AGENDA: Call to Order
VCDP grant for the Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc.
Resolution for VCDP Grant Application Authority
Letter of request for early decision
Peter called the Public Hearing to order at 7:07pm.
Peter asked the public present if there were any questions. Jim Cullen asked what the business was and what they would be doing. Blake responded by stating that they are a wood products manufacturer. He went on to list the products they plan to make and the companies they expect to have contracts with. At this time they are leasing space and equipment from Tim Pins with first right of refusal on the purchase of the machinery and equipment. He said they expect to be starting the business this month with full production underway when the funding has been obtained. Joan explained that the federal government agency Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gives money to the State who then gives it to the Town, who then gives it to the business. Patty asked Joan Goldstein, Exec. Dir. of GMEDC to explain the liability issue to the Town. Joan said that there is none and that there is nothing that states that the Town is required to pay back the money, should the business default on the grant/loan. There will be writing to that effect in the grant contract. Joan explained how various paybacks have been handled in other businesses receiving these grants. The Town can even re-assign the grant to GMEDC, for example, should they not wish to be involved in the oversight process.
Mark made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing portion of the meeting to discuss the Resolution and Letter of Request. Seconded by Jerry. The motion passed.
The Resolution and Letter of Request were reviewed, discussed and signed by all Board members and given to Joan for her to begin the application writing.
The meeting adjourned at 7:46pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 8, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 4, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Blake Quayle, Joan Goldstein
AGENDA: Call to Order
VCDP grant for the Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc.
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:27pm.
Peter welcomed Joan Goldstein, Green Mountain Economic Development Corp.'s (GMEDC) Executive Director to the meeting and made introductions. Joan was asked to explain the grant, which will be an "out of cycle implementation grant." She explained that the money comes from the federal government (HUD) to the State of Vermont and can be used for economic development or housing grants. The Town applies for the grant money from the Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP) and then lends it to the business. The business then repays the grant to the town with interest. The Town is entitled to keep half of the repayment and send the other half to the GMEDC. The money retained by the Town can be put into a revolving loan fund which can then be used to assist other small businesses in town. The benefit to the Town is that it lowers the unemployment and assists moderate income workers. The agency monitors the number of employees and their income status to assure it remains within the guidelines of the grant. Peter asked how much money the grant would be for. Joan and Blake said $600,000.00 based on recent figures. Joan emphasized the importance of the Town being in favor of doing this. Peter asked a number of questions of Blake and Joan regarding the plans for the business, who made up their Board of Directors, and when the anticipated payback to the Town would be, etc. Joan said that the application is very involved and time consuming and the public hearing this evening is only the first of many steps. She also said that GMEDC would be happy to write and administer the grant should the Town wish. Tonight the Selectboard will hold a public hearing and then decide whether it wishes to proceed. Once the Board of the agency meets, they will review the application and render a decision.
The meeting adjourned at 7:06pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 8, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Date: June 3, 2010
Present: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
Agenda: Approving and signing of bond documents
The meeting was called to order at 10 am by Mark Begin in the absence of Chair, Peter Borden. Documents for the $670,000.00 Town of Pittsfield General Obligation Bond were reviewed as prepared by Bond Counsel, Jack Facey. Jerry Drugonis made a motion to approve and sign the following documents as needed:
1. Resolution and Certificate
2. Loan Agreement
3. General Obligation Bond
4. Certificate of Registration
5. Tax Certificate
6. IRC Section 148 and 265 Certification
7. Assignment Separate from Bond
8. Receipt
Seconded by Mark Begin. Motion carried. Jerry noted that Peter Borden is also in agreement and will stop at Patty’s house to sign the documents on his way home from work tonight.
With no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.
Recorded by
Patricia S. Haskins
Town Clerk & Treasurer
Approved June 8, 2010
Jerry Drugonis
Mark Begin
DATE: May 18, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Richard Peyton, Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Linda Hanson
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 4, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. May 12, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton – re: dog problem
b. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Linda Hansen – re: The Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc
a. Tom Macaulay – re: (email) Inter Local Contract with ECFibernet
b. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2010
c. VLCT – re: Dental Insurance Rates for July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011
d. VLCT – re: (email) disregard previous memo, replace with VLCT Health Trust Dental Insurance Through Northeast Delta Dental
e. Joan Goldstein (GDBG) – re: (email) early notification form for possible GDBD application
f. Jeffrey Bradley, CPA – re: Town of Pittsfield Audit Report December 31, 2009
g. Angelique Lee – re: (email) playground information
h. VLCT – re: Municipal Attorneys Forum workshop
i. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1793, Raymond & Cheryl Harvey, 333 Lookout Road
j. VT Dept. of Liquor Control – re: Pitt-Stop in violation for selling tobacco products
k. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
l. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024, Vermont Country Inn
Old Business
a. Town Buildings – re: Bandstand roof repair update
b. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update
c. Town Hall - re: rotted beam
d. Town Hall - re: broken window
e. Town Hall - re: broken step
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door
h. Town Office Building – re: asbestos inspection update
i. Town Office Building – project update; Clerk of the Works
New Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: rat problem
b. Town Property – re: order Porta-Potty
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
May 18, 2010
Other Business
a. Village Green – re: remove cedar trees
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Minutes of the May 4, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, and the May 12, 2010 Emergency Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton – re: dog problem. Mr. Peyton said that he wasn’t happy with the Board’s recent decision. He said that he spoke with the police in Rutland and showed them a copy of the Town’s Dog Ordinance and they felt that Mr. Peyton was doing things properly. He voiced his concerns about what had been said previously by Ken Hayes. Peter said that the Selectboard listened to both sides and felt that the decision they made was based on facts. Mr. Peyton was out of compliance two times and therefore was fined accordingly. Peter said that as far as the Selectboard was concerned, Mr. Peyton is in compliance now.
b. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Linda Hansen – re: The Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc. Bob Quayle introduced Linda Hanson as the Secretary and Treasurer of the company. He said that they would like to apply for a $750,000 grant through GMEDC. It would be a 15- year payback. A three year delay before repayment had been recommended to them although they would like to do a two year delay. To apply for this grant, there needs to be a public meeting scheduled and they would like to have it on June 4th. Jerry explained that the money for the cycle ending June 30th is gone, so by having this meeting they can get a head start on the application process for the next cycle. This grant would be awarded to the Town who would administer it. The company would make payments to the Town with the Town keeping a portion of the money. The Warning needs to be made by May 20th in order to meet the timeline requirements. Board members felt they would like to know more about this grant before committing themselves. Joan Goldstein has indicated to Jerry and Patty that she would be glad to meet with the Board. It was also explained that the Town is under no obligation to repay the grant money should the company default on the loan. Patty said that Joan said that she would help in the application process. Jerry felt that the Town could possibly contract with TRORC to administer the grant.
a. Tom Macaulay – re: (email) Inter Local Contract with ECFibernet. This contract must be signed by a municipality participating. Peter made a motion that the Selectboard, on behalf of the Town of Pittsfield approve the form and content of the “Interlocal Contract Definitive Version as of September 8, 2008” presented to this meeting, and that the Selectboard Chair be authorized to execute and deliver the same. Seconded by Mark. The motion passed unanimously and Peter signed as Chair, on behalf of the Board.
b. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VLCT – re: Dental Insurance Rates for July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT – re: (email) disregard previous memo, replace with VLCT Health Trust Dental Insurance Through Northeast Delta Dental. No action taken.
e. Joan Goldstein (GDBD) – re: (email) early notification form for possible GDBD application. This form was reviewed and Joan will be invited to meet with the Board to discuss the grant in more detail.
f. Jeffrey Bradley, CPA – re: Town of Pittsfield Audit Report December 31, 2009. This was reviewed and the Board was pleased with it.
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May 18, 2010
g. Angelique Lee – re: (email) playground information. The information pertains to the playground and its possible relocation and what can be re-used. This information will be placed in the file for the Clerk of the Works for the Town Office Building Project for future reference.
h. VLCT – re: Municipal Attorneys Forum workshop. This workshop is designed for municipal attorneys and the paralegals and staff who assist them. The goal of the forum is to learn about and discuss emerging issues in Vermont municipal law. No action taken by the Board.
i. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1793, Raymond & Cheryl Harvey, 333 Lookout Road. This project, consisting of the construction of a new 4 bedroom house with onsite water and sewer on an existing undeveloped 1.9 acre +/- lot, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. VT Dept. of Liquor Control – re: Pitt-Stop in violation for selling tobacco products. The report states that on March 15, 2010, an employee was selling tobacco products prior to receiving training as required of Education Regulation #3b. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. TRORC – re: Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP). This was reviewed by the Board and changes made as needed.
l. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Land Use Permit 3W1024, Vermont Country Inn. This permit lists the improvements specifically approved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business
a. Town Buildings – re: Bandstand roof repair update. Carl Oertel submitted an updated quote of $1980.00. The Board approved the amount and said the repairs can move forward.
b. Town Hall - re: lighting issue update. Peter said he hasn’t contacted Efficiency Vermont yet.
c. Town Hall - re: rotted beam. Patty said that David Larkin looked at the beam and felt there was no additional damage.
d. Town Hall - re: broken window. Patty reported that the window has been repaired.
e. Town Hall - re: broken step. Peter said that he and Mark would make repairs.
f. Town Hall - re: lock system change for lift. Peter said that the information he has looked at wouldn’t be appropriate as this is an odd size. He said something custom would probably have to be made. He asked Patty to contact Carl Oertel for his recommendation.
g. Town Hall - re: Knox-box for front door. Patty said she has been unable to speak with Fire Chief David Colton.
h. Town Office Building – re: asbestos inspection update. Patty said that the company is coming Thursday at 10:00AM to do the inspection. Jerry said that he spoke with a family member who has knowledge of this process and advised the Town to proceed cautiously and limit the scope of the inspection. Jerry said that with the Board’s permission he would like to represent the Board when they are here on Thursday. It was suggested that the Health Office be involved. Jerry said he would keep Sandy Begin informed of the results and when the project is underway.
i. Town Office Building – project update; Clerk of the Works. Patty said that Mark McManus recommends that the Town appoint someone as soon as possible. Discussion. Richard Schirm was recommended and Mark said he would speak with him. In addition, Patty will post notices in Town and notice will also be added to the website. She presented copies of the job description for the Winhall Office Building Project Representative for the Board to review.
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May 18, 2010
New Business
a. Citizen Concern/Complaint – re: rat problem. Patty said that Angelique Lee found a dead rat on her doorstep brought home by her cat. She was concerned that there might be more in the area. Discussion. If a second incident is reported, it will be forwarded to Health Officer Sandy Begin for action.
b. Town Property – re: order Porta-Potty. Patty said she would like to order it for the summer months. The Board approved.
Other Business
a. Village Green – re: remove cedar trees. Mark asked if these trees which are located on either side of the memorial could be removed. Connie will replace them with something smaller. The Board approved.
The meeting adjourned at 6:42pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 8, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 12, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
ABSENT: Mark Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
VMBB Loan Application - re: review
Asbestos Inspection - re: information
TRORC - re: VT Economic Incentive Program and local business
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. This meeting was called due to the fact the application needed to be mailed on May 13th.
VMBB Loan Application - re: review. Copies of the completed application were handed to the Board members. Each page was reviewed with discussion about the repayment options available. Patty said that the Town has until the 3rd week in June to decide how much to bond. If grants are anticipated, this could reduce the amount of the bond. Patty will contact Henry Hotchkiss of the Building Committee regarding grant applications. Peter and Jerry both felt that the repayment schedule as outlined was fine. Peter signed the application on behalf of the Selectboard.
Asbestos Testing - re: information. Patty said that Mark McManus recommended a Wilmington, VT company called Catamount Environmental about testing the Town Office Building for asbestos. She said she spoke with them and reviewed their fee schedule with the Board. The Board approved them for the job.
TRORC - re: VT Economic Incentive Program and local business. Jerry said that he received a letter from Peter Gregory expressing TRORC's support for this program's application by the Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc in Pittsfield. Jerry said he has been unable to contact Joan Goldstein with GMEDC to discuss this and wondered if the Board would like to invite her to the next regular Selectboard meeting to learn more about it. Peter agreed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:12pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 18, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 26, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Ron Coughenour, Henry Hotchkiss, Dick Stevens, Chuck Colton, Mark McManus and approximately 32 members of the community
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Building Project – re: information prior to Bond Vote
Town Moderator Ron Coughenour called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Prior to conducting the business of the meeting, he announced that Marsha Hopkins is the Town’s Green-Up Coordinator this year and announced the meeting time on May 1st and activities associated with Green-Up Day. The meeting was then turned over to Selectboard Chair Peter Borden.
Peter provided an historical timeline of the Town Office Building Project that has led up to the Bond Vote. Peter asked that questions and comments be limited to the matter being voted on. He then opened the meeting to the public.
- What change led the decision to move the Library from the basement to the 2nd floor?
Architect Mark McManus said that he overlooked a code issue which would allow the Library to be moved. He said that initially the use of the 2nd floor was not explored for code and structural reasons. He cited the code and the provision. Steel framework inside the wooden frame would support the weight of the books, etc.
- Point of Information: The cost of the project has not changed even though there is a change in the lift.
Mark said that space has been sacrificed inside and the lift would go there instead of in the addition as previously proposed.
- Have the inside stairs to the Library changed?
Mark said that a second stairway has been added in the rear as well as the original stairs in the front of the building. Less materials would be used and as many materials as can be will be reused. The rear staircase will become the main stairway.
- A question about wording in the Article citing the “total project” was questioned. The actual total is $175,000.00 more than the $670,000.00 being voted on.
Petty said that the wording used was recommended by the Bond Counsel.
- Mark was asked where the Selectboard would be meeting in the new building. Also where the mechanics would be.
Mark said that the Selectboard can determine their use of the building.
- What are the plans for keeping moisture out of the basement if plans are for future use?
Mark said that the water problems would be fixed, work would be done on any roof/wall problems, and finishes/surfaces where mold grows would be removed. There would be a re-inspection. All this is included in the budget.
- How soon could ground be broken and the building finished if the vote passes?
Mark said that few permits would be needed. Prepared drawings/specs would be put out to bid. It might be possible to begin late in the summer or early fall for exterior work. Interior work could be continued through the winter months with the building possibly completed this time next year.
- What are the interim plans for the Library while this project is undertaken?
There are none at this time.
- Point of Information: It is suggested that information concerning the project be mailed to all property owners, not just registered voters.
Pittsfield Special Town Meeting Minutes page 2
April 26, 2010
- Is the increased vault space going to be sufficient to last for some time?
Mark and Patty said that it would.
- Would bids for the project go out to local contractors?
Mark said that the project will be advertised. He said that he has already received inquiries. Contractors will need to be prequalified (bonded). This will mean that only certain levels of contractors will be eligible to bid. He said that this insures that the Town’s money is protected.
- Will the stairs from the second floor on the side of the building be removed?
Yes, they will.
Peter announced that the polls would be open from 10am to 7pm in the Town Clerk’s Office. He thanked everyone for coming.
The Moderator adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 4, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 26, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
2010 Liquor License Renewal – re: approve and sign
2010 Tobacco License Renewal – re: approve and sign
Letter of Decision to Richard and Cathryn Peyton – re: sign
Letters of Appointment – re: sign
Town Audit – re: update
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:27pm. This meeting was called due to the lateness in receiving the Liquor and Tobacco License renewal. The current licenses expire May 1st.
2010 Liquor License Renewal – re: approve and sign
The following applications were approved and signed by the Selectboard:
First Class: Joyy Productions d/b/a Clear River Tavern
Second Class: Route 100 Enterprises d/b/a Pittsfield Pitt-Stop
2010 Tobacco License Renewal – re: approve and sign
The following application was approved and signed by the Selectboard:
Route 100 Enterprises d/b/a Pittsfield Pitt-Stop
Letter of Decision to Richard and Cathryn Peyton – re: sign
This letter was signed by the Selectboard.
Letters of Appointment – re: sign
Zoning Board of Adjustment – David Larkin
Planning and Zoning Commission – Marsha Hopkins
Town Audit – re: update
Patty said that signatures of the Town Clerk and Selectboard were needed, but she said she had some questions to ask the auditor, so will bring this before the Board at their next regular meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 4, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 6, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, Jerry Kresconko, Tom Macaulay, Ken and Sally Hayes, Alison Hans
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 23, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. March 30, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, & Jerry Kresconko - re: new business
b. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet update
b. Ken and Sally Hayes - re: dog problem
c. Alison Hans - re: Pittsfield Farmers Market
a. SVE Associates - re: introduction to services
b. VLCT - re: 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training program
c. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - re: 2010 Dry Hydrant Grant Program
d. VLCT - re: Basic Governmental Accounting workshop
e. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation - re: reclassifying/discontinuing town highways
f. TRORC - re: Flood Preparation for Towns disaster simulation
g. VTrans - re: request for additional information on ancient roads
h. VLCT - re: VLCT News April 2010
Old Business
a. Citizen Complaint/Concern - re: continuing dog problem
b. Town Funds - re: GASB34 compliance update
c. Town Personnel - re: : job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer
d. Town Funds - re: CD renewal
e. TRORC - re: appointment of TAC representative
f. Town Office Building - re: project information mailing
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:58pm.
The Minutes of the March 23, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and March 30, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bob Quayle, Blake Quayle, & Jerry Kresconko - re: new business. Bob said that they have been working with the former Stanley tool facility. They have a lease on the building and have hired Jerry as their plant manager. They are hoping to pursue a Community Grant with the Town. He went on to explain the plans and goals for his company called The Original Vermont Products, Inc. They invited the Board to come down and tour their facility.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
April 6, 2010
b. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet update. Tom thanked the Board for his Letter of Appointment, but asked that the Board members sign it. In addition, the Board signed a letter to Mr. Loredo Sola of EC Fibernet declaring the Town's appointment of Tom as a delegate and Susan Davidson as an alternate from the Town of Pittsfield. A second letter to the Rutland Development Authority was signed. This letter requested that the Town 's Letter of Intent to participate in the Rutland Telecom project be withdrawn.
c. Ken and Sally Hayes - re: dog problem. Ken said that they have been keeping abreast of the problem with the Selectboard Minutes but had some concerns with the Minutes and asked for some clarifications. He questioned the wording of the Ordinance with respect to the interpretation of what "keeping the dog under the owners' control" meant. He said that the problems have continued in spite of visits by Second Constable Doug Mianulli and discussions with the Peytons. Peter said that they would have Mr. Peyton attend their next meeting to readdress the problem. The Hayes' said that they feel that they have the right to feel safe on their own property. They said that this has been a problem for the last six months and it is time for some action by the Board. Peter said that the Board will discuss it and advise them of their decision.
d. Alison Hans - re: Pittsfield Farmers Market. Alison said that she has had several phone calls regarding the market and says they plan to set up on Thursdays from 3 - 6pm with the Board's approval. The Board had no objection.
a. SVE Associates - re: introduction to services. This company provides engineering, planning, landscape architecture, and surveying services. No action taken by the Board.
b. VLCT - re: 2010 Stevens Advanced Driver Training program. The program is available to municipal employees and volunteer firefighters in a PACIF municipality. It will be held on multiple dates at the Stowe Mountain Resort. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - re: 2010 Dry Hydrant Grant Program. This information will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton for his review.
d. VLCT - re: Basic Governmental Accounting workshop. This workshop provides an understanding of basic governmental accounting concepts and tools needed to improve communication of financial results. No action taken by the Board.
e. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks & Recreation - re: reclassifying/discontinuing town highways. This letter addresses recent action regarding Ancient Roads. They are asking that they be notified prior to any hearing regarding these matters so that they have an opportunity to provide comment. No action taken by the Board.
f. TRORC - re: Flood Preparation for Towns disaster simulation. LEPC #12 will host this on April 15th from 6-8pm at the Tunbridge Town Hall. No action taken by the Board.
g. VTrans - re: request for additional information on ancient roads. The VTrans Mapping Unit has received and reviewed Pittsfield's 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage and is requesting additional documentation and clarification regarding several of the roads that have been submitted. This was reviewed and the Board asked that it be forwarded to Sarah Gray with the Ancient Roads Committee for their review and response.
h. VLCT - re: VLCT News April 2010. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Citizen Complaint/Concern - re: continuing dog problem. The Board discussed this and will invite Mr. Peyton to attend the next meeting. If the situation is not resolved, then the Board will take action to have the dog impounded.
b. Town Funds - re: GASB34 compliance update. Patty said that Jeff Bradley says a "bare bones" version can be done without additional cost on the audit. Being GASB34 compliant may be a requirement to obtain a federal grant.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
April 6, 2010
c. Town Personnel - re: : job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer. Patty said that she has had a few people interested in the position but has not advertised as yet. She said that her concern was that the benefits be equitable. She explained the vacation policy to the Board. The Board said that they would like to continue reviewing these and will bring this up at the next meeting.
d. Town Funds - re: CD renewal. Patty said that the Highway Equipment Fund is up for renewal. She explained the different options available with the percentages and lengths of term. It was decided to put the money in a 5-month CD at 1.14%.
e. TRORC - re: appointment of TAC representative. This position is to the Transportation Advisory Committee. Mark said he would ask George Deblon if he would accept the appointment and will advise the Board at the next meeting.
f. Town Office Building - re: project information mailing. Patty said that Mark McManus suggested a mailing with information regarding the Bond Vote. Patty explained the items Mark suggested. In addition, she would include a cover letter with pertinent information regarding taxes, etc. to assist the voter in making an informed decision. It was decided to only send the mailing to registered voters. The Bond Vote Informational Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 26th at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall. The Bond Vote will be held on Tuesday, April 27th between 10am - 7pm in the Town Clerk's Office.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 20, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 30, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Building Project - re: revised estimate
Warning, Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - re: approve and sign
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
Town Office Building Project - re: revised estimate. Estimate changes from architect Mark McManus were reviewed. There was some discussion regarding the exterior siding. It was decided to spend the original amount for siding instead of only patching or replacing clapboards. This should save in the long run instead of having to repaint every 4-5 years. The Board approved the revised estimate with this exception and increased the bond to $670,000.00.
Warning, Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - re: approve and sign. The Board had previously signed these at earlier meetings, but with the revised amount, Patty made the requested changes and the Board signed them.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 6, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 23, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Chris Sullivan, Tom Macaulay, Mark McManus, Henry Hotchkiss, Sharon Mayer, Marion Abrams, Dick Stevens, Chuck Colton, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 9, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
b. March 16, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet update
b. Chris Sullivan - re: litigation issues
c. Mark McManus - re: Town Office Building Project
a. VLCT - re: (email) VLCT Wellness Incentives
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: Project Solicitation
c. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010
d. TRORC - re: TAC Representative Appointments
e. TRORC - re: Energy Audit Program
f. VT Tennis Court Surfacing - re: introduction to services
g. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Out of the Blue newsletter Winter 2010
h. US Dept. of Agriculture - re: GMNF grant writing workshops
New Business
a. Town Hall - re: sprinkler system
b. Town Personnel - re: job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: Liberty Hill Road washout
d. Town Roads/Highways - re: dead trees on Upper Michigan Road
e. Highway Department - re: grader update
f. Permit for Driveway Construction - re: Raymond and Cheryl Harvey, Lot 34, Lookout Road
g. Town Funds - re: CD renewals
Old Business
a. Bond Warning - re: approval
b. Citizen Complaints/Concerns - re: (email) Peyton's dog on Park Place
Executive Session with Attorney Chris Sullivan
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:54pm.
The Minutes of the March 9, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting and March 16, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
March 23, 2010
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay - re: EC Fibernet. Tom said that Pittsfield has been accepted into the EC Fibernet telecommunications project effective March 9, 2010. He said that the Selectboard will need to authorize the inter local contract. Copies were made for the Board to review and re-address at the next regular meeting. In addition Tom said that the Town needs to appoint and delegate and alternate to serve on EC Fibernet's Board. The Selectboard appointed Tom Macaulay to serve as delegate and Susan Davidson to serve as alternate. It was explained to the Board that they also need to send the Rutland Redevelopment Authority a letter withdrawing its Letter of Intent to participate in the Rutland Telecom project, effective immediately. The delegate appointment letter and withdrawal letters will be put on Town letterhead and be ready for the Board to sign at the next regular meeting. The Secretary will send out Letters of Appointment to Tom and Susan.
b. Chris Sullivan - re: litigation issues. Jerry made a motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation issues. Seconded by Peter. The Board entered into Executive Session at 6:25pm and adjourned from Executive Session at 6:50pm.
c. Mark McManus - re: Town Office Building Project. Mark presented copies of a revised design for the Town Office Building which would place the library on the second floor instead of the basement. He and Patty checked out the building last week to see what could be reused and he reviewed codes applicable to the project. Discussion. He said that for budgeting purposes, the basement could be left unfinished and the water repair issue could be observed before any finish work is done there. Several other issues were discussed including access to the second floor for patrons with disabilities if only stairs are available, other options to cut costs, etc. The Board asked if Mark could re-examine the estimate figures and see what could be reworked. Mark said he could have them to the Board next week. The Board decided to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 6:00pm for the purpose of reviewing the changes to make sure that they are under the $665,000.00 amount for the Bond vote. Warnings will be posted in the required places.
a. VLCT - re: (email) VLCT Wellness Incentives. This pertains to wellness programs and incentives available to employees on the VLCT/CIGNA health insurance. A copy was given to George.
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region - re: Project Solicitation. This plan comes from the Federal Economic Development Administration and allows the 30 TRORC towns and 10 Southern Windsor County towns to remain eligible for grants. No action taken by the Board.
c. VLCT - re: Chain Saw Safety Training 2010. This program is sponsored by VLCT/PACIF and designed for maintenance, road and municipal crews that use chain saws to remove trees from the ground without assistance from an aerial lift truck. There are three levels of training. No action taken by the Board.
d. TRORC - re: TAC Representative Appointments. To fulfill VTrans federal requirements on local consultation, each regional planning commission must use a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to meet these requirements. There is currently no TAC representative from Pittsfield. They would like one appointed one and then notify them. No action was taken tonight.
e. TRORC - re: Energy Audit Program. This memo applies to Orange and Windsor Counties. No action taken by the Board.
f. VT Tennis Court Surfacing - re: introduction to services. No action taken by the Board.
g. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Out of the Blue newsletter Winter 2010. No action taken by the Board.
h. US Dept. of Agriculture - re: GMNF grant writing workshops. These workshops are free and for anyone in town trying to secure grants for a non-profit organization, the town, or even someone looking to start a business. This flyer will be posted.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
March 23, 2010
New Business
a. Town Hall - re: sprinkler system. Patty will contact the Assistant Fire Marshall regarding obtaining a variance.
b. Town Personnel - re: job descriptions for Town Clerk/Town Treasurer and Assistant Town Clerk/Town Treasurer. Copies of the proposed and current job descriptions were distributed to the Board for their review. This will be addressed at the next regular meeting. There was
discussion on whether the job of Clerk and Treasurer should be on separate descriptions. The Board said they would review them as written at this time.
c. Town Roads/Highways - re: Liberty Hill Road washout. George said that there was a washout up by the Swanson development. He said the culvert was plugged. He cleared the culvert and Mark asked him to take photographs of the damage.
d. Town Roads/Highways - re: dead trees on Upper Michigan Road. George said that there are three trees in the narrow stretch just past Hawk Lane that should be taken down. He noted that there are power lines involved. It was suggested he contact CVPS for assistance.
e. Highway Department - re: grader update. George said that the used grader they were hoping to get from Pittsford is no longer available. The Board asked him to continue looking for one.
f. Permit for Driveway Construction - re: Raymond and Cheryl Harvey, Lot 34, Lookout Road.
George noted that he did not see any problems. The Board approved and signed the permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
g. Town Funds - re: CD renewals. Patty said that the Highway Equipment Fund CD matures on April 9th. In addition the Land Trust CD matured on March 24th. Both will be kept in a 1-year CD.
Old Business
a. Bond Warning - re: approval. Patty said that Attorney Jack Facey is away this week but would like to review the Warning prior to posting/publishing it. It was decided to have him look it over before the Board signs it.
b. Citizen Complaints/Concerns - re: (email) Peyton's dog on Park Place. Ken and Sally Hayes said that the dog continues to be a problem and have included two excerpts from their log for the Board's consideration and discussion. The Board asked that this correspondence be forwarded to Second Constable Doug Mianulli for follow-up.
The meeting adjourned at 7:47pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 6, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 9, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Sarah Gray, Richard Peyton, Robert Ashton, Doug Mianulli, Mike Kenison
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 16, 2010 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. March 4, 2010 Special Select Board Meeting
c. March 2, 2009 Town Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton - re: dog problem
b. Robert Ashton, George Deblon, and Sarah Gray - re: ancient road issue
c. George Deblon - re: grader
a. American Diabetes Association - re: Tour de Cure 2010
b. VLCT - re: National Safety Council Defensive Driving Class
c. TRORC - re: Minutes of January 27, 2010 meeting
d. KONE Elevators Escalators - re: service offerings
e. TRORC - re: February 2010 newsletter
f. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: February/March 2010 newsletter
g. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions March 2010
h. VTrans - re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways
i. VT Conservations Commissions - re: Annual Meeting
j. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2010
k. VT Dept. for Children & Families - re: Town Service Officer appointment
l. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1035-R; receipt of application for project; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road
m. VT Dept of Environment Conservation - re: change of permit application from WW-3-1035-R to WW-3-1035-1R
n. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, Townsend Brook Road
p. Rutland Superior Court - re: Summons: Robert B. Ashton vs Town of Pittsfield
q. VT Dept. of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: (email) Municipal Planning Grant information
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign
b. Selectboard Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign
c. Appointments - re: 2010 Town Officials
d. Liquor/Tobacco License renewal
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
e. Thank you - re: use of Fire House
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, three events
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
March 9, 2010
g. Town Garage - re: contract for insulation project
Old Business
a. EC Fibernet - re: Pittsfield and EC Fibernet inter-local contract
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property assessment appeal update
c. Town Office Building Project - re: date for public hearing and bond vote
d. Town Office Building Project - re: resolution and order of the Selectboard
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
The Board approved the following positions: Peter will assume Chair, Mark with do the Weekly Orders, and Jerry will be in charge of the Town Buildings.
The Minutes of the February 16, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting, March 4, 2010 Special Selectboard Meeting, and March 2, 2010 Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Richard Peyton - re: dog problem. Mr. Peyton introduced himself and said that he and his family moved to Pittsfield in August, 2009 from New Jersey. Doug had been asked by the Selectboard to impound his dog. He said that in the beginning the dog was let loose to play, he wasn't aware that there was a town dog ordinance. He explained that he walks his dog several times a day and the dog is under his control. Mr. Peyton said that he was given verbal permission by neighbor James McAdam allowing him to walk the dog on his property. Mr. Peyton feels the issue with the complaining neighbor is from something prior to the dog issue. Peter asked Second Constable Doug Mianulli for his observations and recommendation. Doug said he has seen the dog and agrees that the issue with the neighbors might stem from something else. He recommended an electric fence and felt that might settle the problem. He suggested to Mr. Peyton that he keep lines of communication open with all the neighbors. Peter asked if the Board was comfortable with how things are at this point. The Board felt they were and asked Mr. Peyton if he understood what was expected from this point on. He said he did. The Board thanked him for attending tonight's meeting.
b. Robert Ashton, George Deblon, and Sarah Gray - re: ancient road issue. Mr. Ashton introduced himself and said that he disagreed with the Ancient Roads Committee and the Selectboard in their approval of the Jimmy Dean Road and its inclusion in the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. He felt that under advice of his attorney, he felt he had no choice but to pursue a legal course of action. He presented his views of land rights and felt that there were facts that the Selectboard might not have been aware of when they approved this road. He thought it might be worth another look before continuing legal action. George expressed his concern as well and explained that a survey shows that he owns quite a bit of the road. Sarah said that it needs to first be determined if it is a public road. She invited both George and Bob to meet with John Dutton on Wednesday morning, they were not going to be available. Peter suggested a comprehensive review of the documentation to see what is correct.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
March 9, 2010
c. George Deblon - re: grader. George said that he received a call from the Pittsford Highway Department asking if Pittsfield would be interested in their grader, which is for sale. George said that it is four years newer than Pittsfield's, which is 31 years old. He said that he and Mel Colton went over to look at it. The service history was reviewed, recommendations were good and George said the preliminary selling price is $45,000 - $50,000 but they may take $40,000. He said that Pittsfield may be able to get $20,000 for ours. He asked if the Selectboard thought he should pursue it. They said yes.
a. American Diabetes Association - re: Tour de Cure 2010. This does not impact our area. No action taken.
b. VLCT - re: National Safety Council Defensive Driving Class. VLCT PACIF is sponsoring this class which will be available in four cities between March 24th and June 16th. No action taken.
c. TRORC - re: Minutes of January 27, 2010 meeting. No action taken.
d. KONE Elevators Escalators - re: service offerings. No action taken.
e. TRORC - re: February 2010 newsletter. No action taken.
f. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: February/March 2010 newsletter. No action taken.
g. VT Secretary of State - re: Opinions March 2010. No action taken.
h. VTrans - re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways. This pertains to road marking. Pittsfield has no roads that apply. No action taken.
i. VT Conservations Commissions - re: Annual Meeting. This will be held at VTC on April 17th. No action taken.
j. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2010. No action taken.
k. VT Dept. for Children & Families - re: Town Service Officer appointment. This will be addressed under New Business.
l. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: WW-3-1035-R; receipt of application for project; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road. This application is for a project that amends the previous permit by subdividing an existing 0.9 acre parcel. The new lot (5) has a garage/barn without plumbing, while the remaining lot (2) has a permit for water and septic but is currently unimproved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
m. VT Dept of Environment Conservation - re: change of permit application from WW-3-1035-R to WW-3-1035-1R. This correspondence as described in (l) will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
n. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, 121 Townsend Brook Road. This project as described in (l) will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1035-1R; Alfred Baldwin, Townsend Brook Road. This project consisting of a two lot subdivision, subdividing previously permitted lot #2 onto lot #2 or 0.6 +/- acres approved for one single family residence and lot #5 of 0.3 +/- acres to remain undeveloped (has a barn with no water or wastewater facilities) located on Townsend Brook Road is approved subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
p. Rutland Superior Court - re: Summons: Robert B. Ashton vs. Town of Pittsfield. This suit pertains to a challenge of the Pittsfield Selectboard's inclusion of the so-called Jimmy Dean Road on Pittsfield's 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage without proper notice to affected landowners; the quieting of title for the purpose of establishing that a town highway does not exist on Mr. Ashton's land; and a determination that the Town's attempt to establish a town highway in a location not properly warned or laid out constitutes an unconstitutional taking. A copy of this summons was sent to Attorney Chris Sullivan as per Selectboard Chairman Peter Borden, Jr.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
March 9, 2010
q. VT Dept. of Economic, Housing and Community Development - re: (email) Municipal Planning Grant information. This information will be forwarded to Suana Bicek, Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Selectboard Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Appointments - re: 2010 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee. Vacant positions will be filled at the next meeting.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
John Barrows Fence Viewer one year
Richard Stevens Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
Jerry Drugonis Two Rivers Reg. Plan. Comm. one year
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Robert Charlebois Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Vacant Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Jennifer Howard Planning & Zoning Commission four years
John O'Donohue Planning & Zoning Commission four years
Patricia Haskins Unemploy. Comp. Coordinator one year
Don Ziegler Septic Officer one year
Angelique Lee WRVA Representative one year
Vacant Green Up Coordinator one year
d. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board.
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
e. Thank you - re: use of Fire House. A note of thanks will be sent to Fire Chief David Colton for the use of the Fire House for Pittsfield's Town Meeting.
f. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, three events. These events are scheduled for March 13, 20, and 27 and are for the evening snowshoe tours held at Riverside Farm from 6-10pm. The Board approved these requests.
g. Town Garage - re: contract for insulation project. The contract from Vermont Foam Insulation, Inc. for the insulation and air barrier job totaling $10,883.00 was signed by Peter on behalf of the Board. The Board approved an order for a deposit payment of $3,265.00 and it was noted that the project can begin on April 5th.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
March 9, 2010
Old Business
a. EC Fibernet - re: Pittsfield and EC Fibernet inter-local contract. This letter is addressed to Mr. Loredo Sola, Chairman of EC Fibernet expresses support by the Town of Pittsfield in joining with EC Fibernet as indicated by a unanimous vote at Town Meeting on March 2, 2010 and previously at the 2008 Town Meeting. Jerry made a motion to sign the letter. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed and each member signed.
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property assessment appeal update. Attorney Chris Sullivan has asked if the Board would like to meet to discuss the upcoming schedule. The Board agreed and asked Patty to invite Chris to the next regular meeting.
c. Town Office Building Project - re: date for public hearing and bond vote. Patty said that a Build America bond can be applied for with USDA Rural Development. She said that she has gathered a lot of information and discussion ensued. It was felt by all that the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank avenue should be pursued.
d. Town Office Building Project - re: resolution and order of the Selectboard. Patty said that Bond Attorney Jack Facey sent her sample of resolutions to review. Peter made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 7:00pm to discuss the potential contract and financing options. Seconded by Jerry. The Board adjourned from Executive Session at 7:12pm. The Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 6:00pm for the purpose of concluding the resolution and order of the Selectboard. The Secretary will post a Warning for the meeting.
Other Business
a. Selectboard Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing letters of appointment and other correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 23, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 16, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Jim Cullen, Judy McConnell, David Larkin, Mark McManus
AGENDA: Call to Order
Old Business
a. George Deblon - re: Grader
b. Public Comments re: Town Office Building Project
Bond Vote
a. Warnings - re: dates
b. Special Meeting - re: date and place
c. Bond Vote - re: date
d. Bond - re: determine the amount
e. Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - re: approve and sign
f. Special Meeting/Bond Vote - re: marketing/advertising
Other Business
a. Attorney Chris Sullivan - re: next meeting
b. Town Funds - re: GASB 34 compliance
c. Town Property - re: request to purchase A-frame sign
d. Mark McManus -re: questions from Board
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.
Old Business
a. George Deblon - re: Grader. George said that Mark Begin and Dave Colton went with him to Pittsford to look at the grader. He said he also checked online for comparables. He said the average price online was around $60,000.00 and Pittsford is asking $45,000.00-50,000.00. A 12' Balderson Wing comes with their grader. Discussion. There is an Equipment Fund CD which matures on April 9th with enough money to pay for the grader. Jerry made a motion to approve the purchase of the used grader from the Town of PIttsford. Seconded by Peter. The motion passed unanimously. Mark suggested offering $42,000.00. George will give them a call. George felt that Pittsfield's grader could sell and suggested $25,000.00 as a starting sale price.
b. Public Comments re: Town Office Building Project. David Larkin said that he Googled Mark McManus on the internet and said the site stated he was an employee of Naylor and Breen. He felt that if this was the case there would be a conflict of interest as the estimate was from Naylor and Breen. The Board said that they were not aware of this and would look into it. David also wanted to know the status of the foundation and if it will be replaced. Mark said that some work has been done around the foundation, but its exact status won't be known until the project is underway. David also brought up the subject of mold and felt that something should be done to assess the situation prior to beginning the project. Mark responded by saying that when the basement is stripped, the extent will be determined. Peter asked Patty if Mark McManus could possibly attend the next meeting and if that would throw off the timeline for the bond vote. She said that Mark was coming over this evening to tour the building to see what features could be saved and incorporated into the renovation and interior look of the building. The Board decided to try and speak with him later in the
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March 16, 2010
meeting. Jim Cullen expressed his concern about the cost of mold remediation without first checking it out. Peter agreed that there are unknowns, but that money could not keep being spent on the building without it moving forward. He said that experts have been consulted and their opinions have been encouraging. The contingency money factored into the cost of the project should cover these concerns.
Bond Vote
a. Warnings - re: dates. Patty said that the Warning will be posted in the required areas in Town and will appear in the 4/6, 4/13, and 4/20 issues of the Rutland Herald.
b. Special Meeting - re: date and place. The meeting will be held at 7:00PM on Monday, April 26, 2010 in the downstairs of the Town Hall.
c. Bond Vote - re: date. The polls will be open from 10:00AM - 7:00PM on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at the Town Office Building. Voting to be by Australian ballot.
d. Bond - determine the amount. Patty presented a breakdown of the estimate with bond, which includes a 15% contingency, soft costs, short term construction financing minus the reserve funds. Discussion. The amount of $665,000.00 was agreed on.
e. Resolution and Order of the Selectboard - approve and sign. This was reviewed and signed by the Board members.
f. Special Meeting/Bond Vote - re: marketing/advertising. Patty said that posters would be placed at various locations around the village as well as Warnings. In addition she is hoping that an article can be written for inclusion in local newspapers.
Other Business
a. Attorney Chris Sullivan - re: next meeting. Patty said that Chris will be at the meeting but that their discussion will be held in Executive Session. It was suggested he arrive around 6:30PM.
b. Town Funds - re: GASB 34 compliance. Patty explained that Jeff Bradley began the municipal audit today. Pittsfield has not been required to become GASB 34 compliant due to its size, but accountant Jeff Bradley recommended moving to that model should the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank change their requirements in the future. Federal money, should it be requested in the future, requires that Town’s be GASB 34 compliant. Discussion. Peter felt that the Town should stay in the format it's in now, but asked how quickly GASB 34 compliance could be obtained if needed. Patty said she would check with Jeff.
c. Town Property - re: request to purchase A-frame sign. Patty said that she would like to order the sign to place out front to announce dog license renewals, voting, etc. The Board approved the purchase.
d. Mark McManus - re: questions from Board. The Board met briefly and asked him if he has any involvement with Naylor and Breen at this time. Mark said that he did not. His only involvement has been the Mendon Town Office project which has been completed. Peter asked him about the concerns expressed previously about the mold and foundation. Mark felt that once the basement is stripped, a good cleaning should remedy the mold problem unless there is wood involved. Flooring is included in the estimate. He said he was comfortable that everything could be removed. Regarding the foundation, he said he didn't remember seeing anything in the structural report pertaining to any problems with that. The Board appreciated his meeting with them on short notice this evening.
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The meeting adjourned at 7:03pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 23, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 4, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, Mark McManus, Henry Hotchkiss, Dick Stevens, Jim Cullen, Sean and Angelique Lee, Judy McConnell, David Larkin, Don and Ann Taylor, Sharon Mayer, Traci Templeton, Nancy Blessing
ABSENT: Jerry Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Public Comments to Architect, Selectboard, and Building Committee
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Peter explained that the purpose of this meeting was discuss the estimate from Naylor & Breen, what changes might be made to the plans and any other concerns the parties might have. Peter said that the first twenty minutes would be a question and answer period where architect Mark McManus could address concerns from the public.
Various concerns and responses were addressed from the public present:
- the proposed relocation of the library to the basement of the new Town Office Building as it was felt the library is a larger part of the community and more community oriented now then when plans were originally designed - would need to start over with new design; basement can be made environmentally friendly
- verifying that Plan C was the favored response of the last survey
- the difference between the plan that was voted down at the last bond vote and what was voted for on the last survey - same plan but new concepts were presented in the survey
- status of Ron Colton's plan for renovation - nothing was presented to the Board
- library vs renovation vs cost - certain portions of the Town will always vote "no"; felt design will address all concerns for the Town Office Building; the addition to the back of the building may allow for the original building to qualify for historical grants from the federal government
- restoration vs renovation - this is an addition/renovation project; not trying to restore; plan to preserve character of building
- windows/lighting in proposed basement - code requires access/egress in case of fire; window area can be built out to provide more light
- estimated cost of mold remediation - none obtained; not adding to expenses at this time; plan to gut building; any mold concern will be addressed as needed
Executive Session opened at 6:40pm. Adjourned at 6:45pm.
Design concerns were addressed with Mark McManus by Patty Haskins and Dick Stevens. These included:
- need for a second lavatory? - yes, due to separate uses, unless relocated to an area accessible by all parties
March 4, 2010
- the location of the fuel tank, inside or out? - recommended using LP gas and bury the tank
- Historical Society looking for a secure door for storage - as storage room is located below the vault, a higher rating is provided for that area with a higher rated door
- stripped paint may contain lead - lead abatement not as costly as asbestos abatement
- replacement of clapboard and trim? - cost in estimate is for window trim replacement
- drainage around ramp and building - install a trench or curtain drain; need to plan for water flow
- remove front porch to feature doors more prominently; relocate entrance to side of building - parking will remain in front of building; fire code may dictate how entrance is handled
- concerns regarding "look" of the library - suggested that the library may obtain grants/fundraising to cover costs of finishing the space as they would like; no sprinkler system needed in that area
Executive Session adjourned at 7:46pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 9, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 16, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Tom Macaulay, George Deblon, Mike Kenison, Ann & Don Taylor, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth, Kelly Ziegler, Traci Templeton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. February 2, 2010 Regular Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network
b. George Deblon – re: Jimmy Dean Road ancient road
c. Marion Abrams et al – re: Library concerns
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. – re: Discovery Schedule for property appeals
b. WRVA – re: 2009 Year End Financials
c. VLCT – re: Municipal Treasurer’s Workshop
d. VLCT – re: (email) Selectboard Institute
e. VLCT – re: The Data Resources Your Town Needs for Comprehensive Planning
f. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn
g. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House – re: Rutland County tax bill
h. Bob Ashton – re: (email) ancient road concern
i. Bob Ashton – re: (email) response to meeting invitation
j. Dinse, Knapp, McAndrew – re: Robert Ashton and Ancient Road
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions February 2010
l. Weapons Systems Training Council – re: AR-15/M16 Armorer Course training seminar
m. Constance Mendell/Occasions Catering – re: request to reconsider two applications
n. Kenlan, Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application #3W1024 – Response to Recess Order No. 2
o. RCML Board of Trustees – re: request to change name of project (see Guests and Committee Reports)
p. U.S. Census Bureau – re: Boundary Validation Program
q. TRORC – re: Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
r. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) – re: Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds
s. RCML – re: community Facility loan program information
t. John Bilunas – re: (email) thank you to Road Commissioner
Old Business
a. Audit for Bond Vote – re: bids received
b. Delinquent Dog – re: update
c. Town Office Building – re: update
New Business
a. Liquor License renewal – re: Casa Bella Inn, 1st Class
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
February 16, 2010
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: change in meeting times in March
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Peter arrived a few minutes later. The Minutes of the February 2, 2010 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network. Tom announced that he is no longer associated with the Rutland Redevelopment Authority that was working on this project. He said he would like to see this type of project move forward and that something needs to be done. He asked if the Selectboard would consider appointing him to serve as the Town’s representative on a volunteer basis on this project. Mark made a motion to appoint Tom. Seconded by Jerry. The motion passed.
b. George Deblon – re: Jimmy Dean Road ancient road. George’s concern was how a decision could be made regarding this road without property owner’s involvement. He presented a survey where he explained that he owns the land that was under consideration. He wanted to know what impact this would have on his ownership and property taxes. Jerry explained that the Town only keeps the right of way, they don’t own the land. George pointed out that Hadley Lane is a private road, not a Town road. George said there are no references in his deed of a Town right of way. Peter suggested inviting the Ancient Roads committee to the next meeting to discuss this. Peter said he would contact Sarah Gray. Robert Ashton will also be invited. The Secretary will send him an email inviting him to attend.
c. Marion Abrams et al – re: Library concerns. Marion said that they had two concerns. They asked if in future communications regarding the Town Office Building that instead of it saying “Town Office Building” that it be more clearly labeled “Town Office and Library Building.” They feel that because so much discussion has focused on the Town Clerk’s Office, they are concerned that some people may not realize that the building in question also houses the Library. Discussion. The Board voted to keep the name as it has been saying that there are enough references to the library in the surveys, etc. Marion also expressed concern about the library being relocated to the basement when/if the new building is approved. Marion said that the library’s position has changed since the initial process began. They don’t want to encourage people to vote against the bond vote if the library is to be in the basement. They would like to encourage the Selectboard to explore options including the library in the final plans. Peter said that he wasn’t sure how they should proceed but would discuss it. All options would be explored. Karen suggested a presentation at Town Meeting to explain how much a bond vote costs to prepare. This might emphasize the seriousness of the vote and encourage more people to take part in the vote. Patty added that Town Meeting will not discuss the Town Office Building project. There will be a separate meeting scheduled for a later date.
a. Kulig & Sullivan, P.C. – re: Discovery Schedule for property appeals. The schedule sets forth some dates by which various actions need to be taken. One of them requires a disclosure of an expert which would be an appraiser to appraise the properties. Discussion. The Secretary will contact Attorney Sullivan with information for NEMC/Bill Krajeski. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. WRVA – re: 2009 Year End Financials. The 2010 Budget represents a decrease of 5.03% for Pittsfield/$119.73 below the 2008 budget.
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February 16, 2010
c. VLCT – re: Municipal Treasurer’s Workshop. This workshop will provide treasurers with the basic tools needed to address daily issues and to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It will be held at two locations in March. No action taken.
d. VLCT – re: (email) Selectboard Institute. This is an annual program designed for both new and seasoned members. It will be held in March in Fairlee. No action taken.
e. VLCT – re: The Data Resources Your Town Needs for Comprehensive Planning. This workshop is also sponsored by Vermont’s Regional Planning Commissions. It is designed for all local officials involved in land use planning and regulations. It will be held in March via Interactive Television. No action taken.
f. VT Districts #2 & #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn. The Commission received the Applicant’s final response to Hearing Recess Order #2. All parties will be allowed until February 19, 2010, to review and submit any response to the final evidence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House – re: Rutland County tax bill. This year’s rate will be $.00651 compared to last year’s tax rate of $.007719. This information will be factored into the 2010 budget.
h. Bob Ashton – re: (email) ancient road concern. This email expresses his concern that a statutory notice period is required and the Town has not met these requirements for notice and public hearing. Discussion. The Board felt that this was a clearly observable road and therefore not obligated to hold a hearing. As noted in Guests and Committee Reports, this will be discussed further at the next meeting.
i. Bob Ashton – re: (email) response to meeting invitation. Bob responded that he would not be able to attend tonight’s meeting.
j. Dinse, Knapp, McAndrew – re: Robert Ashton and Ancient Road. This firm represents Robert Ashton addresses their belief that the Selectboard has failed to provide proper notice of its pending decision to include the road on the town highway map. As noted in Guests and Committee Reports, this will be discussed further at the next meeting.
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions February 2010. No action taken.
l. Weapons Systems Training Council – re: AR-15/M16 Armorer Course training seminar. No action taken.
m. Constance Mendell/Occasions Catering – re: request to reconsider two applications. This letter explains the circumstances pertaining to two events scheduled for February 19th and 20th at the Amee Farm and Riverside Farm and why she is asking the Board to make exceptions to the ending time of both events. Discussion. The Board approved a “one time only exception” for these two events only and changed the ending time from 10pm to 1am based on information supplied by Connie.
n. Kenlan, Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application #3W1024 – Response to Recess Order No. 2. Arrangements have been made with Gramp’s Shuttle to resolve the issue of overflow parking for events as needed.
o. RCML Board of Trustees – re: request to change name of project (see Guests and Committee Reports).
p. U.S. Census Bureau – re: Boundary Validation Program. This information will be forwarded to Donald Flynn for review.
q. TRORC – re: Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization. Comments on this draft prioritization list will be accepted until March 1st. No action taken.
r. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) – re: Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds. Patty explained that this would only be available in 2010. It would need to have voter approval and there are deadlines which could fit into the timeline that has been set up. She felt that this could be a great borrowing opportunity for the Town and could fit the timeline that’s been set up. There could be big savings to the Town if it could be done.
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February 16, 2010
s. RCML – re: community Facility loan program information. Discussion. The Board agreed that nothing could be done with this information at this time as there is no final figure available yet for the project. This will be explained to Susie Martin who prepared this information for the Board.
t. John Bilunas – re: (email) thank you to Road Commissioner. John wanted to have the Board let George know that his knocking down the high snow piles to aid visibility on Tweed River Drive was appreciated.
Old Business
a. Audit for Bond Vote – re: bids received. Patty said that four bids were received with one company not interested. Each bid was reviewed and Jeffrey Bradley’s bid was accepted. Patty will notify all parties.
b. Delinquent Dog – re: update. Patty said that Mr. Peyton came in and licensed his dog. He said he had read the Ordinance and doesn’t feel that there is a problem as his dog is under his control. Discussion. The Board felt that the dog was not under the owner’s control based on documented reports on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. They felt that the dog should be apprehended and asked Patty to contact Second Constable Doug Mianulli. They said that Doug should make arrangements with the Rutland County Sheriff’s Office to impound the dog. The owner will be responsible for all expenses.
c. Town Office Building – re: update. Patty said that she received an email from Architect Mark McManus dated February 12th stating that he has some new figures based on an estimate from Naylor and Breen. He said he’ll copy the estimate and forward it to Patty when he returns to Vermont on the 16th.
New Business
a. Liquor License renewal – re: Casa Bella Inn, 1st Class. This was approved and signed by the Selectboard.
Other Business
a. Selectboard – re: change in meeting times in March. Due to Town Meeting, the March meetings will be rescheduled to the 9th and 23rd. The Secretary will post the Warning.
The meeting adjourned at 7:37pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved March 9, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 26, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton, Mary Lee Stevens, Richard Stevens, Vern Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Ancient Roads - re: proposed changes to certificate of highway mileage
Other Business
a Town Warning - re: approve and sign for posting
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property appeals update
c. Town Buildings - re: water in basements on January 25th
d. Recycling - re: paper; update
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Ancient Roads - proposed changes to certificate of highway mileage. It was decided to discuss and vote on each road individually. With each road, Sarah was asked to outline what each mileage addition involved. Discussion followed which included clarification of their locations using maps and supporting documents included in each report. A copy of these reports are on file at the Town Clerk's Office. The results of the votes are as follows:
1. Jimmy Dean Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .39 miles of Jimmy Dean Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
2. Knight's Hill Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .47 miles of Knight's Hill Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
3. Bailey Road: Jerry made a motion to acknowledge 1.27 miles of Bailey Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Peter seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
4. Rorison Hill Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .29 miles of Rorison Hill Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
5. California Road: Mark made a motion to post signs restricting the use of wheeled motorized vehicles except in the case of an emergency. This could be reviewed by the Town with permission of the Selectboard. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Passed. Dot suggested the USFS place a gate past the land that is privately owned. Peter made a motion to acknowledge .21 miles of California Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
6. Townsend Brook Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .61 miles of Townsend Brook Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
7. Mayo Meadow Road: Peter made a motion to acknowledge .05 miles of Mayo Meadow Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
8. Gokey Road/Parmenter Loop: Peter made a motion to acknowledge 1.28 miles of Gokey Road/Parmenter Loop as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
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January 26, 2010
9. Fisk Road: Jerry made a motion to acknowledge .6 miles of Fisk Road as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Peter seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
10. Mayo Meadow Extension: Peter made a motion to acknowledge 1.21 miles of Mayo Meadow Extension as a Class 4 road to be added to the 2010 Certificate of Highway Mileage. Added to this motion is that the road is to be used as it has been currently for the last decade, specifically for recreational purposes with no access by wheeled motorized vehicles. Jerry seconded. Vote 2 to 1. Adopted.
Other Business
a Town Warning - re: approve and sign for posting. The Warning was approved at the last meeting and was signed by all members tonight.
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: property appeals update. Patty said that Attorney Chris Sullivan will be handling the appeals to Superior Court.
c. Town Buildings - re: water in basements on January 25th. Patty said that there was water in both basements after Monday's rain. Water in the front of the Town Hall basement has dried, but water in the Town Office Building that came in along the northwest corner and north wall is still wet. She encouraged the Board not to ignore this problem. No action taken.
d. Recycling - re: paper; update. Mark said he hasn't been able to catch up with Jon Benson but would try again on Wednesday and report his findings to Patty.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 2, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 19, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Suana Bicek, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 5, 2010 Regular Meeting
b. January 12, 2010 Special Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek - re: food drive
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update
a. Dayco Inc. - re: Insulation Proposal
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: Notice of Hearing
c. Rutland County Sheriff - re: 2009 Statistics and Town Report
d. The Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2010
e. 100 on 100 Relay - re: update on 2010 event
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden
g. Brook Field Service - re: Emergency Shelter Generator grant information
h. VTrans - re: Letter of Intent for Vermont Country Inn, LLC for reconstruction of driveways
i. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Hoop Greenhouse Jurisdictional Opinion
j. TRORC - re: Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning
k. VT District Environmental Commission #3 - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Hearing Recess Order #2 - #3W1024
l. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2010 Vermont Point in Time Count
m. Center for Rural Studies - re: VT Broadband Mapping Initiative
n. Clean Energy Development Fund - re: (email) EECBG applicants
o. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Act 250 Application #3W1024
p. VT Secretary of State - re: 2010 Request for Proposals under the Help America Vote Act
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: (email) comments from architect Mark McManus
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: dog problem in Our World
c. Recycling - re: paper
New Business
a. Appointment – re: Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, four events
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - Noel's Specialty Foods, two events
d. Gerald & Philip Puschel - re: donation of property to Town of Pittsfield
e. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
January 19, 2020
a. Warning
b. Changes in Fund Balance and Comparative Balance Sheets
c. Revenues and Receipts
d. 2010 Budget
e. Budget Summary
f. Anticipated Tax Rate
g. Additional Assets
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the January 5, 2010 Regular Meeting and January 12, 2010 Special Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek - re: food drive. Suana explained that this was going to be a trial year in that just Stockbridge, Pittsfield, Bethel and Barnard are participating. If it proves successful then more towns will become involved next year. She said that she will make the copies and has some volunteers to help place them in Town Report. She also said that she would leave boxes at the Town Office Building and Fire House and then take them to Bethel. She asked again if the Town would donate the ream of paper. Sarah Gray offered to purchase the ream and donate it.
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update. Sarah has prepared a list of all the roads and that nine reports are finished. Mayo Meadow is still incomplete. The timeline for this project was reviewed and Peter asked if there were options available after the February 2010 deadlines. Sarah said there were but they are more involved. Peter said he would like to have that checked. Discussion. It was decided to hold a special meeting next week solely to address the ancient roads project and vote on them. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 6pm at the Town Clerk's Office. The Secretary will post the required Warning.
a. Dayco Inc. - re: Insulation Proposal. This proposal is for the Town Garage. The Board had previously asked George to obtain a second estimate for the project.
b. Rutland Superior Court - re: Notice of Hearing. This pertains to the property appeals for William C. Bullock, Jr. and five Desena related properties scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2010. Attorneys were discussed and Patty was asked to contact VLCT to see who they might suggest. Patty will report back to the Board. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. Rutland County Sheriff - re: 2009 Statistics and Town Report. In 2009, there were a total of 7 incidents/offenses, 1 arrest/offense, 74 tickets/violations, 23 traffic warnings/violations and a total of $11,758.00 collected in traffic fines. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. The Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2010. This grant provides $250 - $500 grants available to local committees/groups. More information can be obtained at http://www.vlct.org/municipalassistancecenter/grants. No action taken.
e. 100 on 100 Relay - re: update on 2010 event. The event will take place on Saturday, August 28th. The letter explains their goal and what can be expected from the relay race organizers. It also explains how this event can help the town. The runners are expected to pass through Pittsfield between 3:40 - 6:30 PM. A response form confirming the Town's permission is included. Peter completed it and it will be returned.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
January 19, 2010
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden. Enclosed is the Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order ordered by the Court on January 4, 2010. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
g. Brook Field Service - re: Emergency Shelter Generator grant information. Federal grant money is available for these generators. Applications are due by January 29, 2010. Brook Field Service would like to be involved in this project for the Town. No action taken by the Board.
h. VTrans - re: Letter of Intent for Vermont Country Inn, LLC for reconstruction of driveways. This highway permit application is for the reconstruction of the driveways to serve as two-way accesses, one to serve as a one-way exiting access, and establish turf between the drives. This has been reviewed and found to meet the requirements for work within the highway right-of-way. This highway permit application will be processed after copies of the Act 250 and/or local approvals, including all conditions, are provided to the Utilities & Permits Unit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
i. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Hoop Greenhouse Jurisdictional Opinion. This is a copy of correspondence sent to the District 3 Environmental Commission. Vermont Country Inn desires to construct a number of additional improvements and structures that will be used exclusively for farming purposes. These improvements consist of: ten to fifteen hoop greenhouses, a composting area, pigpens, fencing for the purpose of hemming in livestock, a covered shed for cow manure, a cheese and root cellar, and an apiary. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
j. TRORC - re: Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning. The draft set of actions to address priority hazards was reviewed by the Board. Enclosed is a memo for posting.
k. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Act 250 Application #3W1024. This is a copy of documentation dated January 7, 2010 sent to the District 3 Environmental Commission in response to the District Commission's Hearing recess Order dated November 24, 2009. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
l. VT District Environmental Commission #3 - re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Hearing Recess Order #2 - #3W1024. The Commission recessed the public hearing on November 17, 2009 and issued a recess memo on November 24, 2009 allowing the Applicant 30 days to fine the requested additional information. The Applicant subsequently requested an extension until January 11, 2010 to file the information, which the Commission granted. The Commission has reviewed the additional submittals and finds that additional information is required. This document is dated January 15, 2010. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
m. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2010 Vermont Point in Time Count. This is for the annual count of the homeless across Vermont. It is conducted over a 24-hour period starting January 27th from 6pm to January 28th at 6pm. A survey is enclosed which Peter will complete on behalf of the Selectboard.
n. Center for Rural Studies - re: VT Broadband Mapping Initiative. The primary goal of this group is to gather and validate information on the availability of broadband internet connections in Vermont. There is an online survey. Peter said he would take the survey on behalf of the Selectboard.
o. Clean Energy Development Fund - re: (email) EECBG applicants. Pittsfield was previously denied this grant. Efficiency Vermont may contact the Town to follow up on the application. Jerry took a copy of the memo and will see if he can contact them regarding any assistance they can provide to the Town.
p. VT Secretary of State - re: 2010 Request for Proposals under the Help America Vote Act. The maximum award per grant is $5,000.00 and is intended to help ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to polling places. Examples of items which may be included are paving parking areas, building ramps inside/outside buildings, building curb cuts, improving lighting and replacing door knobs with lever handles. Patty urged the Board to consider applying for this grant to improve lighting and replace door knobs. She said that the
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
January 19, 2010
Town has applied for and received grant money in the past to purchase new computers for the Town Clerk and Assistant.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building - re: (email) comments from architect Mark McManus. The Board had asked Patty to contact Mr. McManus for a firmer estimate before proceeding to a bond vote. Mark McManus felt that he could have some builders look over the plans and come up with a better estimate. He added that the anticipated the cost for the contractors' estimates would be in the $1,000 - 2,000 range. Patty said that there was money for that and the Board approved the expense.
b. Citizen Concern/Complaint - re: (email) dog problem in Our World. John Bilunas asked that this email be passed onto the Board. It concerns a dog owned by Richard and Cathryn Peyton who own a home on Park Place. The dog has been reported as a nuisance by both John and neighbors Ken and Sally Hayes. Specific instances are mentioned in this correspondence. He is asking for the Board's assistance as the dog appears dangerous. Discussion. Patty said that Second Constable Doug Mianulli has been contacted and addressed the problem in the past with no positive result. The Board approved sending a letter fining the owner as the dog is unlicensed. Mark said he would speak with First Constable Tim Hunt and Patty said she would contact Doug about this next letter. The Secretary will send letters to both John Bilunas and Ken and Sally Hayes indicating their plan to follow up on this problem.
c. Recycling - re: paper. Mark said he would continue to try and speak with Jon Benson regarding this.
New Business
a. Appointment – re: Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library. The Board of Trustees of the Roger Clark Memorial Library would like to nominate Traci Templeton as a Trustee to replace April Hayden. The Selectboard approved their request and the Secretary will send Traci a Letter of Appointment. Her term will expire at Town Meeting 2010.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: The Village Porch, four events. These events include snowshoe tours on January 22 & 23, 2010 and January 29 & 30, 2010 at Riverside Farm, a rehearsal dinner party reception on February 19, 2010 at the Amee Farm, and a wedding party reception on February 20, 2010 at Riverside Farm. The Board approved these requests with the exception that the events occurring on February 19th and 20th conclude at 10pm. These changes were so noted on the requests.
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - Noel's Specialty Foods, two events. These two events include a wedding on February 6, 2010 at Riverside Farm and a rehearsal dinner on March 5, 2010 at Riverside Farm. Both requests were approved by the Board.
d. Gerald & Philip Puschel - re: donation of property to Town of Pittsfield. They would like to donate their property located at 620 Route 100 to the Town to be used for conservation/recreational purposes or anything else that the Town deems appropriate. Discussion. The Board felt that this was something they did not want to do. The Secretary will send a letter to the owners thanking them for their offer.
e. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report. Jerry has written this year's statement for Town Report and had emailed it to the other members. The Board approved the report and thanked Jerry for his efforts.
a. Warning
Article 10 (installation of fire alarm system) was discussed.
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January 19, 2010
b. Changes in Fund Balance and Comparative Balance Sheets
Patty explained how these figures are determined and their average for the last eight years.
c. Revenues and Receipts
These figures were reviewed.
d. 2010 Budget
Miscellaneous Expense
Tax Administration Software - $1,995.00
e. Budget Summary
School figures not available at this time.
f. Anticipated Tax Rate
The figures were reviewed and the anticipated Municipal tax rate was discussed. Without any Warned items approved - $.3996, with Warned item 7 - $.4192, with Warned items 7 & 8 - $.4289, with Warned items 7, 8 & 9 - $.4397, with Warned items 7, 8 ,9, & 10 - $.4431, and with Warned items 7 - 10 & Emergency Fund payback - $.4508. School figures were not available at this time.
g. Additional Assets
These were reviewed.
The Secretary was asked to make a note to discuss further paying back of the Emergency Fund when 2011 Budget meetings take place.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 2, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 12, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
a. Revenue and Receipts
b. 2010 Budget
c. Warning
Other Business
a. Town Buildings - re: snow removal
b. Town Report - re: food donation flier
c. Recycling - re: paper
d. Bethel/Royalton Solid Waste - re: invoices
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Patty presented handouts of the pages as they will appear in Town Report.
a. Revenue and Receipts
This was reviewed.
b. 2010 Budget
Other Services - The following were discussed. It was agreed that the Audit was going to be
necessary regardless of what else happens. Patty reviewed the timeline for the bond hearing, etc.. She added that it would be hard to find an accountant at this time of year who would be willing to do this. It was decided to provide 30 days to respond from the time the letter is sent out. The bond vote will most like take place in July. The Board asked Patty to speak with Architect Mark McManus for specifics in the process.
Audit - $2,250.00
Bond Counsel Opinion - $870.00
Town Officer Education - decrease to $400.00
Furnace Replacement (Town Hall) - $5,442.00
Wages were reviewed and by a majority of the Selectboard there will be an increase of 2%.
c. Warning
The Select Board would like to have the meeting at the Fire House. Patty will check with Fire Chief Dave Colton to see if they will be willing to host the Town Meeting.
Article 9 was added for insulating the Town Garage - $11,000.00.
Article 10 was added for a fire alarm system for the Town Hall - $3,500.00.
Other Business
a. Town Buildings - re: snow removal. Someone to shovel snow is needed to maintain the Town Office Building and Town Hall after snow storms. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
b. Town Report - re: flier about food donation. Suana Bicek request information on where the Town Meeting will be held so there will be boxes available for donations. The Board agreed to providing the copy toner if Suana provides the paper for the flier.
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January 12, 2010
c. Recycling - re: paper. It has been learned that Stockbridge is having their paper/cardboard picked up. Discussion. Mark said he would speak with Jon Benson about Pittsfield also having the same.
d. Bethel/Royalton Solid Waste - re: invoices. Patty explained that there have been ongoing problems with the invoices. The individual slips are not always being sent to provide a way to check the accuracy of the invoices. She informed the Board that she has spoken with Del Cloud regarding this matter and is in hopes that the situation will improve.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 5, 2010
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 15, 2009 Regular Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update
a. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1383-1, Vermont Country Inn
b. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2010
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project ID#WW-3-1771 Receipt of Application, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way
f. VLCT – re: (email) PACIF Financial Loss Coverage Primer
g. Clean Energy Development Fund – re: (email) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) project
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0854-1, Richard W. Weir, Stonewood Crossing
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, correspondence to Paul Gillies and Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order
j. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, proposed Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024-Vermont Country Inn, extension request
l. Marshall’s Alarm Service, Inc. – re: estimate for fire alarm installation
m. VLCT – re: VLCT 2010 Legislative Priorities
n. VLCT – re: New PACIF Grant Funding Program
o. BGNE – re: introduction to their insurance program
p. The Trust for Public Land – re: special print edition of online TPL Near You
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value
r. George Deblon – re: (email) request to insulate Town Garage
s. Suana and Herb Bicek – re: (email) help for Food Bank
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: Zoning Board of Adjustment
a. Highway
b. General Fund
c. Warning
d. Meeting
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January 5, 2010
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the December 15, 2009 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads update. Sarah explained to the Board that they haven’t been able to finish the reports as John Dutton has been ill. She said the only critical one left is Mayo Meadow Road. She said that she became aware of some towns holding public hearings, but it is too late for Pittsfield to do so. She felt that a legal argument can be made for not holding one as all of the roads they have researched are not “clearly unobservable”. Clearly unobservable roads require a hearing. The deadline for the project is February 10th. She asked to be added to the February agenda so that the reports can be finalized. The Board thanked her and her committee for all their hard work on this project.
a. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1383-1, Vermont Country Inn. This project consists of a revision to the previously permitted parcel of 14.18 acres, for a bed & breakfast with no increase in design flow and for a 12.30 acre parcel across Route 100 for a multi use building. This permit is approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project ID#WW-3-1771 Receipt of Application, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way. This project consists of the subdivision of property with existing single family residence on Lot #1 and a proposed single family residence on Lot #2. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way. This project consists of the subdivision of property with existing 3 bedroom single family residence on Lot #1 (175.8 acres) and a proposed 3 bedroom single family residence on Lot #2 (10.1 acres). This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1771, Thomas and Jennifer Littlehales, 220 Emerson Way. This permit is approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VLCT – re: (email) PACIF Financial Loss Coverage Primer. This memo explains bonding and crime coverages provided by PACIF.
g. Clean Energy Development Fund – re: (email) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) project. This email serves as notice that the Town of Pittsfield was not selected to submit a comprehensive application. Jerry said he would contact Efficiency Vermont to see what services they may be able to provide to the Town.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0854-1, Richard W. Weir, Stonewood Crossing. This permit is approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, correspondence to Paul Gillies and Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order. This is a copy of correspondence sent to Christopher Murphy. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: TH#11, Town of Chittenden, proposed Pre-Trial Stipulation and Order. This copy was sent to the scheduling clerk of Rutland Superior Court. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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January 5, 2010
k. VT Districts #2 and #3 Environmental Commission – re: Land Use Permit #3W1024-Vermont Country Inn, extension request. The Commission has granted the extension of time to respond to the recess order to January 11, 2010. Jerry said he will attend the hearing. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
l. Marshall’s Alarm Service, Inc. – re: estimate for fire alarm installation. The estimate is for $3395.00 which includes installation and testing as well as permits and arranging the inspection by the VT State Inspector. This will be discussed with budget items.
m. VLCT – re: VLCT 2010 Legislative Priorities. Enclosed with this memo is a copy of 2010 Municipal Policies Priorities brochure.
n. VLCT – re: New PACIF Grant Funding Program. This program will help members pay for new safety and/or risk management equipment. This grant program awards a 50/50 match up to $5000.00 for specified equipment. This information will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton.
o. BGNE – re: introduction to their insurance program. No action taken by the Board.
p. The Trust for Public Land – re: special print edition of online TPL Near You. No action taken by the Board.
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Certified Equalized Education Property Value. The 2009 equalization study has resulted in a Coefficient of Dispersion (COD) of 11.00% and a Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) of 93.97%. No Petition for Redetermination will be filed this year.
r. George Deblon – re: (email) request to insulate Town Garage. It was hoped that the Town would be able to receive a grant for weatherization, however this did not happen. George asks that the Board consider proceeding with the project as the end result will save money in heating costs. He said the heating energy savings will be 45% and the Town would see a payback in the investment in a little over seven years. George would like to work it into the budget or put it on the Warning as a line item. The Board would like to have George obtain an estimate from another company. In addition they would like to see if the current estimate can be locked in until after Town Meeting.
s. Suana and Herb Bicek – re: (email) help for Food Bank. Suana would like to present an idea that she was made aware of from Jim Burns of Stockbridge regarding adding a flier to the Town Report requesting that Town Meeting attendees bring a food item/s to donate to the Bethel Food Shelf. Discussion. The Board approved her request provided she obtain the copies and assist in stuffing the mailing.
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: Zoning Board of Adjustment. Jerry said he spoke with Erica Hurd who will consider this. This was tabled to the next meeting.
Other Business
a. Storage Unit – re: temperature. Patty said that the humidity in the unit dropped to single digits. After some research she lowered the temperature to 45 degrees to help compensate for the low humidity. Discussion of alternatives to this. Mark said he would check out the situation.
a. Highway
Employee Benefits – Medical Insurance – increase to $7,647.36
b. General Fund
Other Taxes – decrease to $7,606.37 estimated
Bonds & Insurance – VLCT Insurance Package – increase to $11,759.00
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January 5, 2010
Refuse – Solid Waste Charges – increase to $47,265.00
SW Management/Program Fee – decrease
Other Services – Ambulance – decrease to $23,267.00
Budget Disbursements – Historical Society – decrease to $400.00
Board of Listers – Marshall & Swift Licensing Fee – increase to $210.00
c. Additions to Budget
Storage unit rental - $2003.00
Smoke Alarm System - $3,395.00
Furnace replacement – $5442.00 – Table to next meeting
e. Warning – Patty handed out a draft of the Warning for the Board to look over.
d. Meeting – It was decided to meet on Tuesday, January 12th to finalize the budget. The Secretary will prepare a Warning for the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 19, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 15, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Connie Mendell, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 1, 2009 Regular Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Connie Mendell - re: liquor licenses
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2009
b. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: preliminary budget and annual budget meeting schedules
c. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: 2010-2011 Rutland County Budget
d. Housing Trust of Rutland County - re: name change
e. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: change of address for Vermont Country Inn, LLC
f. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Notice of Appeal for five Desena properties
g. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - re: Invitation for Comments Forest-Wide Non-Native Invasive Plant Control Project
h. Town Report/Town Meeting Time Line - re: for information purposes
i. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: applying for DOE grant
j. Ingram Construction Corp. - re: Letter of Interest
k. Town of Bethel - re: Minutes of November 19. 2009 Alliance Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting
l. Town of Pittsfield - re: appointment of Jerry Drugonis to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing
m. Mid Vermont Electric - re: estimate for fire alarm system
n. Countryside Lock & Alarm - re: fire alarm proposal
o. VLCT - re: invitation to luncheon
p. VT Dept. of Public Safety/Division of Fire Safety - re: construction permit
q. VT Dept. of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for replacement of Riverside Farm sign
r. VLCT - re: 2010 Vision Service Plan Renewal
s. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: 2009 Annual Report
t. Timberline Events - re: plans for 2010 Green Mountain Relay
u. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: 2010 Governor's Award applications
v. TRORC - re: Minutes of October 28, 2009 meeting
w. Town of Stockbridge - re: appointment of Mark Doughty to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing
x. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division - re: receipt of application for project #WW-3-0854-1 (formerly WW-3-1765), Richard Weir, Stonewood Crossing Road #65
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
December 15, 2009
Old Business
a. Appeals to Superior Court - re: six properties are appealing their property value assessments
b. Town Buildings - re: snow removal
c. Town Office Building – re: discussion of survey and plan of action
New Business
a. Asst. Clerk/Treasurer - re: position opening July 2010
b. Resignation - re: Kris Sperber from Zoning Board of Adjustment
c. Appointment - re: Zoning Board of Adjustment
Other Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
a. Highway
b. General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:57pm as Peter was running a little late. The Minutes of the December 1, 2009 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Connie Mendell - re: liquor licenses. Connie introduced herself as the owner of Occasions Catering. She said the she had quite a few Requests to Cater and wanted to go over them with the Board. She said that a series of snowshoe tours have been proposed and will be held at Riverside Farms. The plan is to provide, for a fee, a tour, instruction, equipment, and follow the event with a glass of wine. She said she is not sure that the events will be popular but wanted to apply for the requested dates in case. She said that the tour operator would be employed by her. The proposed dates are December 20, 21, and 26 through January 3, 2010. The Board approved the requests.
a. VLCT - re: VLCT News December 2009. No action taken by the Board.
b. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: preliminary budget and annual budget meeting schedules. The preliminary budget meeting is scheduled for noon on Thursday, December 17th. The annual budget meeting will be held at noon on Thursday, January 21st.
c. Superior Court, Rutland County Court House - re: 2010-2011 Rutland County Budget. This packet includes a spreadsheet of the proposed budget, a budget narrative and a sheriff's office budget proposal. The county tax percentage will be established after January 1st, but a proposed county tax rate for budget purposes was enclosed.
d. Housing Trust of Rutland County - re: name change. This organization was formerly known as the Rutland Country Community Land Trust. No action taken by the Board.
e. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: change of address for Vermont Country Inn, LLC. This letter addressed to the District 3 Environmental Commission advises them of a change of address to PO Box 869, Pittsfield. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
f. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Notice of Appeal for five Desena properties. These documents are for Vermont Venture Equities, LLC, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, Bear Creek II, LLC, Vermont Country Inn, LLC, and Courtney Desena properties.
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December 15, 2009
g. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - re: Invitation for Comments Forest-Wide Non-Native Invasive Plant Control Project. Comments are being requested on this project, which consists of management activities on the GMNF to control the spread of non-native invasive plants. No action taken by the Board.
h. Town Report/Town Meeting Time Line - re: for information purposes. No action taken by the Board.
i. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - re: applying for DOE grant. This organization is applying to the Department of Energy on behalf of the Towns in Rutland County for a grant of up to $5 million for a "Retrofit Ramp-Up" program to save energy costs and create jobs through energy efficiency retrofits to residential and municipal properties. The Board felt that this was the same grant that is being applied for by Pittsfield through TRORC.
j. Ingram Construction Corp. - re: Letter of Interest. This letter, addressed to Architect Mark McManus, expresses interest in bidding on the Town Office Building project when it becomes available.
k. Town of Bethel - re: Minutes of November 19. 2009 Alliance Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. No action taken by the Board.
l. Town of Pittsfield - re: appointment of Jerry Drugonis to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing. No action taken by the Board.
m. Mid Vermont Electric - re: estimate for fire alarm system. This estimate is for the installation of a hardwired addressable fire alarm system. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
n. Countryside Lock & Alarm - re: fire alarm proposal. This proposal outlines what they would do to provide this system. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
o. VLCT - re: invitation to luncheon. This luncheon is sponsored by the Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police. It will be held on January 12, 2010. No action taken by the Board.
p. VT Dept. of Public Safety/Division of Fire Safety - re: construction permit. This permit is for the construction of the temporary storage unit attached to the side of the building for record storage. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
q. VT Dept. of Natural Resources - re: Project Review Sheet for replacement of Riverside Farm sign. This sign will be larger than the original sign and will be made of wood and painted the same color and will not be lighted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
r. VLCT - re: 2010 Vision Service Plan Renewal. This plan is not available to Town employees. No action taken by the Board.
s. Central Vermont Council on Aging - re: 2009 Annual Report. This will be kept for Town Report.
t. Timberline Events - re: plans for 2010 Green Mountain Relay. This successful event is scheduled for June 19th and 20th. The organizers would like to use the same facilities as in the past. The Board approved their request and asked the Secretary to email their approval to the organizers.
u. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: 2010 Governor's Award applications. ANR is looking for an environmental endeavor worthy of recognition. Various categories include Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation, Ecosystem Protection, Land Use & Planning, Sustainability, Education & Outreach, and Youth Environmental Citizenship. Applications will be accepted until December 31, 2009.
v. TRORC - re: Minutes of October 28, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
w. Town of Stockbridge - re: appointment of Mark Doughty to represent Town at Vermont Country Inn Act 250 hearing. No action taken by the Board.
x. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division - re: receipt of application for project #WW-3-0854-1 (formerly WW-3-1765), Richard Weir, Stonewood Crossing Road #65. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
December 15, 2009
Old Business
a. Appeals to Superior Court - re: six properties are appealing their property value assessments. These are the five Desena properties and J.R. Bullock's Pitt-Stop. Patty said that she has prepared the materials requested and presented them to the Court.
b. Town Buildings - re: snow removal. Patty said that all the exits need to be shoveled after each storm. At this time there is no one available to do the job. Discussion. Patty said that Cullen, who is currently home on Christmas break, has done it after the last two storms. The Board asked if he could continue to do it until he returns to school in early January. In the meantime, the Board will search for someone to do the shoveling.
c. Town Office Building – re: discussion of survey and plan of action. Peter said that he reviewed the comments and felt that voters made it clear what their feelings were and that the majority voted for Plan C. Discussion. Peter made a motion to accept Plan C and move forward with the Bond Vote. Seconded by Mark. The motion passed. It was agreed to do the Bond Vote after Town Meeting. Patty said that an audit would need to be done and that finding someone this time of year might be difficult. She recommended that the Board show clear leadership in this project. It was also suggested that the Board prepare a mailing to the voters explaining how the Bond Vote works and that an audit is required for each Bond Vote. If the Bond Vote fails, an audit would need to be done before a second Bond Vote could be presented to the voters. The Board said they would prepare something.
New Business
a. Asst. Clerk/Treasurer - re: position opening July 2010. Patty said that Mary Lee Stevens plans to retire on July 1st. She said she is not planning to advertise yet, but is just making the position known by word of mouth.
b. Resignation - re: Kris Sperber from Zoning Board of Adjustment. Her resignation was accepted.
c. Appointment - re: Zoning Board of Adjustment. Discussion. The Board will address this at the next meeting.
Other Business.
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing correspondence.
a. Highway - George prepared an emailed response to explain his proposed figures for the Backhoe, Garage Supplies, Miscellaneous, and the Pressure Washer.
Hired Equipment
Backhoe - reduced to $3,000.00
Garage Supplies - reduced to $500.00
Miscellaneous - reduced to $1,000.00
b. General Fund
Interest (Checking/CD's) - reduced to $3,000.00
Dues and Contributions
VLCT - increase to $1,096.00
VT Center for Independent Living - reduce to $75.00
Other Services
Rutland Co. Sheriff - reduce to $3,000.00
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
December 15, 2009
Town Hall - increase to $6,000.00
Band Stand - increase to $2,000.00 (for roof replacement)
Sandshed - reduce to $250.00
Utilities - Town Hall
Electricity - increase to $1,200.00
Fuel - increase to $6,200.00
Utilities - Town Office Building
Fuel - decrease to $3,900.00
Utilities - Garage
Phone - increase to $775.00
LP Gas - increase to $2,500.00
Wages were discussed and there was mixed feelings as to whether to include an increase of freeze wages for another year. Peter asked Patty to prepare a wage presentation for the next meeting with a 2% across the board increase. This issue will be addressed at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 5, 2010
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 1, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Peter Fellows, Henry Hotchkiss, Susie Martin, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee, Sharon Mayer, Karen Butterhof-Waterworth
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. November 17, 2009 Regular Meeting
b. November 18, 2009 Special Town Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Peter Fellows – re: energy grant
b. Henry Hotchkiss – re: Trustee of Public Funds concern
a. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Hearing Recess Order #3W-1024, Vermont Country Inn, LLC
b. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Boundary and Annexation Survey Workshop
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Reappraisal Evaluation – 2009 Equalization Study
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division – re: Project ID#WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing), Receipt of Application
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet #WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing)
f. TRORC – re: November 2009 newsletter
g. TRORC – re: “Town Energy and Climate Action Guide”
h. Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC – re: Land America Financial Group, Inc.
i. VT Division of Program Development – re: Vermont Country Inn #3W1024
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project #WW-3-1729/Request to Extend Construction Deadline, John McGarry/Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
k. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Application #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Supplemental Comments/Entry of Appearance
l. VLCT – re: FY11 Dues
m. VT Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) – re: “Clean Energy Guide Book”
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – re: results of survey
b. Town Property – re: basketball court backstop repair update
c. Town Office Building – re: alarm system update
d. Town Office Building – re: hazardous waste removal
e. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant
f. Insurance – re: outside contractors
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Riverside Horse Farm
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Amee Farm
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
December 1, 2009
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Suana and Herb Bicek, Moose Run
d. Ancient Roads – re: “Ancient Roads Act 178 – Primer #2”
Other Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
a. Cemetery
b. Highway
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:52pm. The Minutes of the November 17, 2009 Regular Meeting and November 18, 2009 Special Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Peter Fellows – re: energy grant. Peter said that the final set of energy grants have been released to local governments. Only small towns can apply for these. Grants can be used for energy efficient retrofits to public/school buildings including furnaces. He said that there are some restrictions and went on to explain. There needs to be someone willing to serve as Administrator, there is a 10% match by the Town (which can be “in kind”), grant money cannot be used for the energy audit, and audits must be completed by February 23, 2010. The limit of the grant is $50,000.00. The initial application is due in one week. He said he would need a decision from the Board tonight as to who will administer the grant, what work will be done, and where the matching funds come from. It was decided to insulate both Town Garage and the Town Hall as well as retrofit the furnace and replace the overhead lights in the Town Hall. Patty said she was told that the audits could be done on Thursday. The Board approved going ahead with the grant application.
b. Henry Hotchkiss – re: Trustee of Public Funds concern. Henry explained that there are four accounts (2 checking and 2 money market accounts). There has been an issue with the IRS withholding money from the money market. He said the IRS does not recognize the Scholarship Fund. He suggested closing this account and opening one with another mutual fund company. Discussion. The Board suggested that he contact VLCT’s Legal Assistance department for guidance.
a. VT District Environmental Commission #3 – re: Hearing Recess Order #3W-1024, Vermont Country Inn, LLC. The public hearing held on November 17, 2009 was recessed pending submittal of additional information by the applicant. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. Peter made a motion to appoint Jerry to represent the Selectboard and act on their behalf in this proceeding. Seconded by Mark. The approval was unanimous. The Secretary will send correspondence via mail and email to the parties included on the E-Notification Certificate of Service.
b. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Boundary and Annexation Survey Workshop. The survey is being done to update records regarding changes to legal boundaries, names, and governmental status of all governmental units effective on or before January 1, 2010. No action taken by the Board.
c. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Reappraisal Evaluation – 2009 Equalization Study. Acceptable results were found with regards to three equity measures used by PVR. No action taken by the Board.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
December 1, 2009
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation/Wastewater Management Division – re: Project ID#WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing), Receipt of Application. This application is for a one 4-bedroom single family home with individual drilled well and in ground septic system. A replacement area is provided, located on #63 Stonewood Crossing. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet #WW-3-1765, Richard Weir, 1301 Route 100 (#63 Stonewood Crossing). This project consists of the construction of a 4-bedroom single family house with an individual drilled well and in ground septic system. A replacement area is provided. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. TRORC – re: November 2009 newsletter. No action taken by the Board.
g. TRORC – re: “Town Energy and Climate Action Guide”. This document contains information on energy committees, energy efficiency programs and resources available to towns interested in improving energy efficiency. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC – re: Land America Financial Group, Inc. This is nothing that pertains to Pittsfield. No action taken by the Board.
i. VT Division of Program Development – re: Vermont Country Inn #3W1024. VTrans is currently reviewing this permit application and information submitted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Project #WW-3-1729/Request to Extend Construction Deadline, John McGarry/Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. A deadline extension was approved from November 15, 2009 to July 15, 2010 subject to specification noted in the letter. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
k. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Application #3W1024 Vermont Country Inn, LLC, Supplemental Comments/Entry of Appearance. Comments noted in this document include Groundwater Protection, Waste Disposal, and Public Investment. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
l. VLCT – re: FY11 Dues. This letter outlines how the dues are formulated and how they are used. This information will be included in Budget meetings.
m. VT Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) – re: “Clean Energy Guide Book”. This publication helps better understand Vermont’s clean energy resources. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – re: results of survey. Patty handed out the results of the survey and the comments which were included. Plan B received 38 votes and Plan C received 66. Other received 27 votes. It was decided to table discussion until the next meeting after everyone has had a chance to review and process these results.
b. Town Property – re: basketball court backstop repair update. Jerry said that the backstop has been repaired.
c. Town Office Building – re: alarm system update. Jerry said that two contractors have inspected the downstairs for an alarm system.
d. Town Office Building – re: hazardous waste removal. Jerry explained that outside contractors may need to be hired to handle this due to the fact it is a public building.
e. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant. Patty said that Sean Lee has put in about three hours so far working on the computers/phone networking. The fax is currently unable to receive but faxes can be sent. Patty said that Sean felt he would need about two more hours to complete the work. His fee would be $50.00/hour. She asked if the Board would approve what he has done so far. Mark asked about insurance. It was decided to table this until this is determined.
f. Insurance – re: outside contractors. Patty has two forms that need to be completed by any sole proprietor/partner owners of unincorporated businesses hired by the Town. They are the IRS Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) and a Non-
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 4
December 1, 2009
Employee Work Agreement. Patty said she would check with Carl Oertel and Sean Lee regarding this and report back to the Board.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Riverside Horse Farm. This is for a rehearsal dinner to be held on December 27, 2009. The Board approved this request.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, Amee Farm. This is for a wedding scheduled on December 28, 2009. The Board approved this request.
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Suana and Herb Bicek, Moose Run. This driveway will be located near the turnaround on Moose Run. George didn’t feel there would be any issue with it. The Board approved the permit.
d. Ancient Roads – re: “Ancient Roads Act 178 – Primer #2”. This is more information for the Board to help them understand this issue.
Other Business.
a. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing correspondence.
a. Cemetery
Interest – reduce to $25.00
Dividends – increase to $750.00
Fuel – increase to $210.00
Wages – increase to $5,000.00
b. Highway
Interest – reduce to $200.00
Diesel – decrease to $10,000.00
Hired Equipment
Backhoe – George requested $6,000.00 but the Selectboard decided to wait and have
George show them where it needed to be ditched.
Roadside Mowing – increase to $2,500.00
Trucks – increase to $2,500.00
Gravel – George proposed an increase to $20,000.00.
The Board approved $16,000.00.
Culverts – increase to $1,800.00
International 4900 – increase to $4,500.00
Ford F-450 – increase to $4,500.00
Loader – decrease to $4,500.00
Pressure Washer – decrease to $75.00
Patty will prepare wage figures and the balance of the budget for the next meeting.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 5
December 1, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 15, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 18, 2009
PRESENT: Selectboard members: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis
Building Committee members: Henry Hotchkiss, Rickard Stevens, Herb Bicek, Chuck Colton, Patty Haskins
Architect: Mark McManus
Moderator: Ron Coughenour
Approximately sixty-four interested parties.
The Moderator called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. The rules for participation were explained and the meeting was turned over to the Selectboard.
Peter welcomed everyone. He introduced the members of the Building Committee who were seated at the front table and thanked them for their years of work. He went on to explain that the purpose of this meeting was to look at the two plans that were selected as a result of the first survey. He then asked Jerry to explain why a new building is needed. Jerry said that the new building needs to conform to ADA rules and provide sufficient room and safe conditions for the people using the building.
Ray Colton asked for more information as to why the office was moved to begin with. The issues with moisture, mold, health issues, etc. were explained. Discussion. There were a few who felt that a new building wasn’t needed and that the problems could be solved for $200,000.00.
The Moderator then introduced Mark McManus who explained what the issues were with the building. He pointed out the water problems, engineer inspection, foundation masonry, cupola repair, and failing roof truss system. In addition, the first floor is not accessible as it is above grade, the windows need repair, and there are electrical and mechanical issues. All these repairs need to be done to today’s codes and he felt that $200,000.00 would not be sufficient. Ron Colton asked if the building was not fixable. Mark said that it was, but would need a lot of work.
Peter asked Mark to outline both Plans B and C and entertain questions.
Mark said that Plan B would be a new building on the site of the existing one. He reviewed the project description, floor plan, and estimate that were in the mailing sent to the voters. Questions were addressed about space for the Historical Society, cost of demolition, and space allotted to the Listers. Mark said that changes in space allotment could be made in the floor plan if needed.
There was discussion as to whether the Town Clerk’s Office could remain in the Town Hall permanently. Patty said that the vault would be an issue. Mark said that this could be addressed. Marion Abrams asked if the Library were left where it is, would the building be dangerous. Mark said there wasn’t any way to predict how long the building could be used before signs of fatigue begin to show. Ron Colton felt that there should be an Option C. He said he would be glad to serve on a committee with Joe Desena and a member of the Selectboard. He asked that he be given two months to look at the two buildings and come back with a recommendation. Sandy Begin asked if the Town Hall was up to code. Peter said that it is being brought up to code. Chuck Colton stated that use of the Town Hall was looked at briefly by a builder from Rutland. An addition would be attached to the rear of the building. It was decided to
Pittsfield Selectboard Special Town Meeting Minutes page 2
November 18, 2009
focus on one building and the idea was dropped due to the cost of studies that would need to be done. The size of the vault was discussed and whether it was really needed. Patty explained that paper records are required to be kept and that they need to be kept in a secure and protected area.
Mark said that Plan C was based on the original concept. The Town Clerk would be relocated to the first floor with the Library moved to the basement. The project description, floor plan, and estimate were explained. Discussion followed addressing questions about whether water would continue to be a problem in the basement, if there was direct access to the Town Clerk’s Office from the Library, and if handicapped parking was to be included.
Peter encouraged everyone to provide input on the recent surveys mailed out. There needs to be a clear direction from the voters. The deadline for their return is December 1st.
The Moderator outlined the steps the Town needs to take before May 1, 2010. These include contacting a qualified local bond counsel, obtaining voter approval (as required by Vermont Statutes), receiving CPA audited financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year, completing a Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) application, and being approved by the VMBB Board for Bond. Once the project is approved by the voters and VMBB Board, the project can go out for bid and grants can be applied for.
There were a few more questions relating to the surveys and who they were sent to and whether it would be difficult to obtain bids on a renovation versus new construction. The result of the failed bond vote was discussed. It was agreed that Option C was what people wanted, but that the price needed was too high.
Patty then asked to give her personal opinion of what plan was best and went on to give her reasons. She felt Plan C was best as it provided adequate space with room for expansion as well as room for groups with the Town Hall still available for meetings and programs. She felt the basement could be repaired and made useable. She explained the historical nature of the building and its site on the Town Green.
In conclusion Peter thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He said that a lot of information was discussed and again encouraged everyone to submit their survey and comments by December 1st.
The meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 1, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 17, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis., Patty Haskins, Howard Burgess, James Cullen
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Howard Burgess – re: Veterans’ Exemptions
a. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated October 29, 3009
b. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 3, 2009
c. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 10, 2009
d. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 12, 2009
e. VNA & Hospice of VT and NH – re: Thank you for donation
f. Fairpoint Communications, Inc. – re: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
g. VLCT – re: Legislative Previews
h. VLCT – re: “Variations on a Theme: Guiding Development Through Planned Unit Development” workshop
i. VLCT – re: “The Essentials of Payroll Management” workshop
j. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions November 2009
k. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2009
l. Lou Lertola – re: Veterans’ Exemptions
m. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Anthony Cotter and Elizabeth Patnode Revocation
n. VT Conservation Commissions – re: Annual Meeting
o. TRORC – re: 2009 Year End Report
p. District 3 Environmental Commission – re: Vermont Country Inn Act 250 Application and Hearing
Old Business
a. Town Office/Town Hall – re: fire safety compliance update
b. Town Library/Basement – re: fire safety compliance update
c. Town Hall – re: broken window in basement
d. Town Hall – re: removal of junk stored in back of building
e. Bandstand – re: roof repair update
f. Special Town Meeting – re: update and agenda
g. Ancient Roads – re: Ancient Roads Primer
New Business
a. Town Highway – re: tree in right-of-way on Parmenter Place
b. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant
Other Business
a. BCA – re: Appeal to Superior Court update
b. State of Municipalities Survey – re: email
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
November 17, 2009
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:56pm. The Minutes of the November 3, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Howard Burgess – re: Veterans’ Exemptions. Mr. Burgess, a self-appointed representative of Vermont’s 50% or greater disabled veterans, passed out information explaining what the impact would be to the taxpayers should the exemption for 50% or greater disabled veterans be increased from the current $10,000.00 per year. He outlined what the State Legislature allows and how the amount has increased over the years from the original amount in the early 1970’s of $6,000.00. In conclusion, he asked the Board to consider adding an Article to the Warning at Town Meeting to allow a vote to increase Pittsfield’s property tax exemption from $10,000 to $40,000 for qualifying veterans. He said that there are others like himself who are traveling to all the Towns in Vermont and presenting this issue to them. The Board thanked Mr. Burgess for coming to the meeting.
a. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated October 29, 2009. This correspondence directed to Linda Matteson addresses various items in the application. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 3, 2009. This packet of correspondence to Linda Matteson includes supplemental application materials such as marked topo maps, a revised list of property owners/abutters, and a Certificate of Service. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 10, 2009. This letter to the Rutland Regional Planning Commission is at the request of the District Coordinator and summarizes the application for an Act 250 permit to conduct a country inn/wedding business and agritourism business. It’s noted that the only portion of the Project having any impact within Rutland’s district is the foot races which occur over Forest Service land in Chittenden and are allowed by special permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. Kenlan Schwiebert Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: Vermont Country Inn, Act 250 Application 3W1024 letter dated November 12, 2009. This letter to Linda Matteson provides copies of the Revised List of Special Events and the amended abutter’s list with corrections. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VNA & Hospice of VT and NH – re: Thank you for donation. This donation was approved at Town Meeting last March. No action taken by the Board.
f. Fairpoint Communications, Inc. – re: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. This is for the Board’s information. No action is needed.
g. VLCT – re: Legislative Previews. This is an invitation from the VLCT Public Policy and Advocacy Staff to join them for a discussion of the upcoming legislative session. Two-hour sessions will be held on December 1st in South Burlington, December 2nd in St. Johnsbury, and December 8th in Windsor. For more information and to register visit www.vlct.org/eventscalendar/.
h. VLCT – re: “Variations on a Theme: Guiding Development Through Planned Unit Development” workshop. This workshop is designed for local officials involved in land use planning and regulation. It will be held on December 10th via Vermont Interactive Television. No action taken by the Board.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
November 17, 2009
i. VLCT – re: “The Essentials of Payroll Management” workshop. This workshop will focus on issues and legal requirements related to paying employees. Patty said she also received a copy of this flyer. No action taken by the Board.
j. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions November 2009. No action taken by the Board.
k. VLCT – re: VLCT News November 2009. No action taken by the Board.
l. Lou Lertola – re: Veterans’ Exemptions. This letter addresses the same concerns outlined by Howard Burgess under Guests and Committee Reports.
m. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Anthony Cotter and Elizabeth Patnode Revocation. This letter addressed to the Vermont Environmental Court includes a copy of the original petition with attachments and a Request to Find and a Motion to Alter. With respect to the Motion to Stay, it is noted that the Cotter house is occupied. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
n. VT Conservation Commissions – re: Annual Meeting. This will be held on December 5th. No action taken by the Board.
o. TRORC – re: 2009 Year End Report. This report is for inclusion in the Town’s Annual Report. This will be kept on file until preparation of Town Report begins.
p. District 3 Environmental Commission – re: Vermont Country Inn Act 250 Application and Hearing. This information summarizes the application and procedures pertaining to the site visit and public hearing scheduled for November 17, 2009. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. Patty expressed her concern that the State is sending a lot of its notifications via email and that if email service wasn’t available (such as was the case following the move to the Town Hall), this information would not have been received in a timely manner.
Old Business
a. Town Office/Town Hall – re: fire safety compliance update. Compliance must be met by November 27th. This includes a railing in the emergency exit, combustion air for the furnace, the lift inspection, closing the hole in the ceiling of the furnace room, and obtaining a variance for the sprinkler system in the lower level. Jerry said that Charlie from CV Oil will work with Carl Oertel regarding the sheet rocking and combustion air issues. Carl will also install the railing. Patty noted that the lift has been inspected and a certificate is posted. Regarding the variance, Patty said that it needs to be in writing with specific dates and plans as to what will be done. Peter asked Jerry if he would write up the proposal. Jerry agreed.
b. Town Library/Basement – re: fire safety compliance update. The Library side entrance can be opened. Peter said he would install the interior weatherproofing in such a manner that the door can still be opened. The basement would need to be inspected prior to any occupation.
c. Town Hall – re: broken window in basement. This window is located between the basement ceiling and the first floor. Access is difficult. Mark said he would take a look and see what the best way to repair it would be.
d. Town Hall – re: removal of junk stored in back of building. Peter said that he would have the items removed and put out for trash pickup.
e. Bandstand – re: roof repair update. Patty said that Carl would like to do the work while the weather is good. The Board felt that they would like to have all the fire safety compliance issue taken care of before this project. It was decided to revisit this issue after November 27th.
f. Special Town Meeting – re: update and agenda. This meeting will be held tomorrow evening at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall. The agenda was reviewed as well as questions which might be asked. The Selectboard will be hosting the meeting.
g. Ancient Roads – re: Ancient Roads Primer. This Primer was prepared by Sarah Gray and John Dutton and is aimed at helping the reader to better understand the Ancient Roads reports which their committee has been preparing.
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November 17, 2009
New Business
a. Town Highway – re: tree in right-of-way on Parmenter Place. Road Commissioner George Deblon told Patty that normally the Town does not take care of these situations. Mark will make a site visit. It was felt that it might require contracting a tree service if utility wires are involved.
b. Town Personnel – re: local computer consultant. Patty said that Sean Lee has spent numerous hours helping get things connected following the move from the old Town Office Building. At this time the fax machine can only send faxes. They cannot be received. Patty said that it has been very helpful having someone local who can do this kind of work. She wondered if the Board would consider compensating him. They asked Patty to speak with Sean to see if he is interested and what he would charge.
Other Business
a. BCA – re: Appeal to Superior Court update. Patty said that so far only JR Bullock’s Pitt-Stop is appealing to Superior Court.
b. State of Municipalities Survey – re: email. Patty said that she had forwarded this to all the Board members. Peter said he would review it.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved December 1, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 3, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Herb Campbell, Pat Edwards, Tom Macaulay
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Herb Campbell and Pat Edwards – re: WRVA
b, Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network
a. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp – re: 27th Annual Meeting
b. Town of Braintree – re: WRVA concerns
c. VT Division of Fire Safety – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results – Town Hall
d. TRORC – re: New Town Highway Bridge Candidate Process
e. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 23, 2009 meeting
f. TRORC – re: Economic Development District Resolution
g. LEPC #12 – re: Minutes of October 15, 2009 meeting
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results
b. Town Library – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results
c. Building Committee – re: survey and Special Town Meeting update
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways – re: Tozier Hill culvert problem
b. Citizen Complaint – re: dog complaint
c. VLCT – re: PACIF renewal application
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the October 20, 2009 Regular Selectboard meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Herb Campbell and Pat Edwards – re: WRVA. Herb said that he and Pat were here tonight to introduce themselves and address any concerns that the Board might have. The Board was given a handout showing data specific for the Town of Pittsfield. It contained a breakdown of 2008 calls and a budget comparison for 2008/2009. Herb also handed out a copy of WRVA’s 2010 budget. The Board took a moment to review it. It was pointed out that WRVA’s finances and collections were improved over previous years. It was also noted that this year’s increase to the Town was only $410.00. Items discussed included the issue with the Town of Braintree (see Correspondence-b), their relationship with Gifford Hospital, the status of Pittsfield’s First Response, and the current H1N1 crisis and how WRVA is addressing it. In closing Herb said that they have obtained a new ambulance and are expecting another in January. Bethel is currently handling extrication now, so WRVA can better handle patient care. The Board thanked Herb and Pat for attending tonight’s meeting.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
November 3, 2009
b. Tom Macaulay – re: EC Fiber network. Tom handed out copies of the business plan for the creation and operation of a universal, open-access fiber-to-the-premise telecommunications network in Rutland and surrounding communities which the Rutland Redevelopment Authority is proposing. The plan was reviewed and there was discussion. The Board felt this was a positive undertaking and indicated to Tom that the Town was unanimous in their favor of the idea when a similar proposal was made at Town Meeting in the past. Tom said that there would be no risk for the Town’s participation and that there would be revenue sharing to the Town courtesy of the Farm Bill. A contract would be available in the future. For now he is asking permission to access the poles alongside the Town roads, obtain a Letter of Intent from the Selectboard, and once their application is approved, the Town should appoint someone to serve on the Advisory Board He said that once they obtain financing, which he hopes will be in the spring, they will start running lines during the summer. Jerry said he would prepare the Letter of Intent and obtain the Board’s signatures and forward it to Tom.
a. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp – re: 27th Annual Meeting. This invitation is for the event to be held on November 16th in Quechee. No action taken by the Board.
b. Town of Braintree – re: WRVA concerns. This letter, dated October 22nd, was sent to all member Town’s Selectboards, explains their concerns with declining reimbursements, no call volume increases, no other revenue sources, and how annual costs/fees to the eight member towns can be expected to increase. Based on these issues, the Braintree Selectboard and their WRVA Representative have requested a detailed study be initiated to investigate the idea of Gifford Medical Center taking over the ambulance services with a written report of findings to be prepared and shared with the eight member towns by July 1, 2010. Based on WRVA’s presentation at the beginning of the meeting, no action will be taken by the Board at this time.
c. TRORC – re: New Town Highway Bridge Candidate Process. This correspondence discusses VTrans new process to prioritize these projects. No action taken by the Board.
d. TRORC – re: Minutes of September 23, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
e. TRORC – re: Economic Development District Resolution. This correspondence discusses a resolution supporting the formation of the East Central Vermont Economic Development District. Signed Resolutions will help document local support for District designation. The Economic Development Administration wants to see support for a majority of towns in order to approve the application. Discussion. The Resolution was signed by the Board and attested to by the Town Clerk. Jerry added that he has offered to serve with this group.
f. LEPC #12 – re: Minutes of October 15, 2009 meeting. This is a draft of the Minutes. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Hall – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results. Several violations were noted in the report, some of which have been addressed or will be. These included obtaining a variance for the basement due to the lack of a sprinkler system, handrails and guards for the stairs inside and outside the building, the heating system needs to obtain its combustion air from an approved source, and be separated from the rest of the structure in a specified manner, and the lift needs to be inspected. Patty will contact the Fire Marshall regarding the variance. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Town Library – re: Fire Prevention Inspection Results. Of concern with this building is the rear door of the library. Foam and other material needs to be removed from the door so that there is no obstruction to it being used as a required means of egress. This has been addressed and is now useable. It was also noted in the report that the other two floors which are currently not being used would need to be inspected if they become occupied. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
November 3, 2009
c. Building Committee – re: survey and Special Town Meeting update. Patty said that the survey and information for the meeting will be sent out on Wednesday. The meeting date has been changed to Wednesday, November 18th at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall.
New Business
a. Town Roads/Highways – re: Tozier Hill culvert problem. This letter from Road Commissioner George Deblon explains a problem he has had with a plugged culvert caused by a driveway culvert installed on the property of Dana Salem. The end result of this issue is that the repair work was performed by Mel Colton on the Town culvert at George’s request as he has having problems with the property owner and his reluctance to repair his driveway culvert. Peter said he approved payment to Mel from Town funds. George said that reimbursement will be attempted from the property owner. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Citizen Complaint – re: dog complaint. An email was received from John Bilunas who resides on Tweed River Drive. He states that there are two dogs constantly loose and notes where they live. He would like to know how this is to be handled. Patty said that she let John know that if he was still having issues with the dogs, that he should contact Second Constable Doug Mianulli. The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to John letting him know that he should contact Second Constable Doug Mainulli with his dog concerns should he continue to have any problems.
c. VLCT – re: PACIF renewal application. Patty said that she has been working on the renewal application. She said that she would like to contact VLCT regarding appraisal figures for Town buildings. There is a sizeable difference between what is currently on the policy and the new appraisal figures from the recent reappraisal. She is also waiting to hear from George regarding vehicles and from Dave Colton regarding the fire department. In addition she has made changes to the contents velue of the Town Hall as a result of the relocation of the Town Clerk’s Office.
The meeting adjourned at 6:35pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 17, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 20, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Henry Hotchkiss, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 6, 2009 Regular meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Henry Hotchkiss and Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads deadline and hike
c. Angelique Lee – re: Library concerns
a. New England Municipal Consultants – re: reappraisal and final payment
b. Green Up Vermont, Inc. – re: request for Coordinator for 2010
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: VT Country Inn WW-3-1383-1 Plan/Design Review Checklist
d. Fairpoint Communications – re: overview of services
e. VLCT – re: Planning and Zoning Forum workshop
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden
g. Rutland Herald – re: article “Counties share $700K in federal stimulus funds”
h. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture – re: Schedule of Proposed Actions for the Green Mountain National Forest
i. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: overview of program and membership information
j. Pittsfield Planning Commission – re: signs advertising the Original General Store
k. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: “illegal signs”
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: WRVA Representative
b. Town Hall – re: access to temporary storage trailer
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering d/b/a The Village Porch x 3
b. Town Hall – re: furnace update
c. Town Buildings – re: Fire Inspector update
d. Town Buildings – re: Electric Inspector update
e. Town Buildings – re: Fire Alarm system
f. Rutland County Superior Court – re: annual budget information
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:58pm. The Secretary noted some changes to the Minutes. The Minutes of the October 6, 2009 Regular meeting were approved with changes.
Guest and Committee Reports
a. Henry Hotchkiss and Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update. Henry said that direction of the project has been more defined due to results of the first survey. Patty handed out a draft of the mailing they would like to have sent out announcing a Special Town Meeting to be held in November.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
October 20, 2009
It was decided to hold the meeting on Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm in the basement of the Town Hall. The Selectboard will host this meeting and a Moderator will conduct it. Henry reviewed some potential questions that might be asked. He said that the Committee has not been meeting regularly. He added that some people are still not grasping the concepts for the new Town Office Building. It is hoped that this next meeting will draw more people so that things can be clearer. Patty said that they have been meeting with architect Mark McManus and some of the costs have changed a bit. Following the next survey, bids can be obtained for the project. There was discussion as to who would be able to utilize the building and it was agreed that this should be determined prior to the meeting. It was felt that both the Historical Society and Library can be housed in both Plans B and C.
b. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads deadline and hike. Sarah said she realizes that the Board has been busy with BCA hearings but wanted to remind them that the deadline for this project is February 2010. She also suggested that the next two weekends would be good for taking the hike. Discussion. It was decided to meet this coming Saturday at 8AM at the Town Hall.
c. Angelique Lee – re: Library concerns. Angelique said that there is quite a gap around the emergency door on the side of the library. The Board explained that the door needs to be able to be opened and that they would get some weather stripping to put around the inside of the door. It will be fixed this Saturday. She also suggested contacting Efficiency Vermont and having them do energy audits of both the library and the Town Hall. The Board agreed this was a good idea.
a. New England Municipal Consultants – re: reappraisal and final payment. This letter addresses the resultant CLA and the approach taken by NEMC and PVR. Peter asked Martha what the Listers’ recommendation is regarding payment. It was agreed that the CLA would not change by withholding payment. Therefore the Board approved making the final payment of $9929.50.
b. Green Up Vermont, Inc. – re: request for Coordinator for 2010. Peter said he has not contacted Alison Hans yet but that he would.
c. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: VT Country Inn WW-3-1383-1 Plan/Design Review Checklist. This correspondence references re-submitted information dated 9/17/09 addressing Wastewater and Water Supply Design. It has been reviewed and determined that there are items not included or insufficient with the submitted. The checklist of these items is attached. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. Fairpoint Communications – re: overview of services. No action taken by the Board.
e. VLCT – re: Planning and Zoning Forum workshop. This workshop will be held on November 10th. No action taken by the Board.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – re: Town Highway #11, Town of Chittenden. This correspondence includes a Motion to Withdraw as counsel for Christopher Murphy filed by Paul Gillies, Esq. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Rutland Herald – re: article “Counties share $700K in federal stimulus funds”. This article published October 14, 2009 states that “four southern Vermont counties will receive nearly $700,000 in economic stimulus money to promote energy efficiency.” TRORC is sharing some of the money to perform energy audits of municipal buildings and provide money for retrofit work. Jerry said that he has been working with Peter Gregory at TRORC regarding obtaining some of this funding.
h. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture – re: Schedule of Proposed Actions for the Green Mountain National Forest. No action taken by the Board.
i. VT Trails and Greenways Council – re: overview of program and membership information. Peter said that some of this might be of interest to the Ancient Roads Committee and suggested forwarding this packet to them.
j. Pittsfield Planning Commission – re: signs advertising the Original General Store. This is a copy of correspondence delivered to Joe Desena regarding the Amee Farm and Bikram Yoga properties. They feel that the signs located at the Amee Farm and yoga studio advertising the Original General Store are illegal under the “billboard law.” They request that the signs be removed or altered so that they only advertise “on-premise” business. No action taken by the Board.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
October 20, 2009
k. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. – re: “illegal signs”. This letter is a copy sent to the Planning Commission regarding their contention that the signs at the Amee Farm and yoga studio advertising the Original General Store are illegal. The lawyer feels that the sign trailers are exempt from this law. He adds that these trailers will be put into winter storage shortly. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Appointment – re: WRVA Representative. Peter said that Scott Warren has agreed to accept this position. A Letter of Appointment will be sent to him.
b. Town Hall – re: access to temporary storage trailer. Patty thanked the Board for their quick response in having the access to the trailer improved for better access and safety.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering d/b/a The Village Porch x 3. Two of these were approved by the Board over the phone (Rehearsal Dinner at the Amee Farm on October 10th and the Killington Ambassadors Dinner at the Amee Farm on October 17th). The third, a Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception at Riverside Farm on October 23rd and 24th was approved by the Board.
b. Town Hall – re: furnace update. The furnace has a cracked fire block. This has been patched and should last through the winter; however the Board should consider having the furnace replaced. The Board will consider replacing it next year and address this at budget meetings later this year.
c. Town Buildings – re: Fire Inspector update. Patty said that a full report should be forthcoming but that there were a few concerns to consider. The Fire Marshall said that combustion air for the furnace needs to come from outside air. At present it is coming from between the floors. The basement may need a variance and the lift needs to be inspected annually. Patty said that she has contacted someone regarding the lift as it needs some repair and an inspection will be done at the same time.
d. Town Buildings – re: Electric Inspector update. Patty said that Louis Donnet was present when the inspection was done. It was noted that a GFI outlet is needed in the kitchen and the non-working emergency light over the sink needs to be removed.
e. Town Buildings – re: Fire Alarm system. It has been determined that there doesn’t need to be a dialer. The alarm company has reprogrammed the system and Patty will write to them requesting that monitoring be discontinued as well as the accompanying monthly fee.
f. Rutland County Superior Court – re: annual budget information. Patty said that the Court has asked how the Board would like to receive this information – via mail or email. The Board agreed to regular
The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved November 3, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Selectboard Emergency Meeting 8 September 2009Present: Peter Borden, Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins.
This emergency meeting was called to order by Peter Borden with regard to the health-related relocation of the Town Office at 7:11 p.m.
The primary topic was the acquisition of a temporary storage vault for town records. Several possibilities had been explored by Peter and Patty. It was unanimously agreed to rent a “Mobile-Mini.”
The rental cost is $160 per month with a $185 delivery fee. The unit will provide the necessary heat and air conditioning to preserve the irreplaceable documents and will be placed at the north side of the building level with the door.
Peter also reported that FairPoint will be at the Town Hall on 23 September to move the telephone lines, etc.
This special meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Jerry Drugonis Acting Secretary
Approved: September 15, 2009
Pittsfield Selectboard – Emergency MeetingAttending: Peter Borden, Mark Begin and Jerry Drugonis.
This emergency meeting of the Selectboard was called to order by Chairman Peter Borden at 7:25 a.m. on 5 September, 2009 at the Town Hall building.
Agenda: The status and needs involving the moving of the operations of the Town Clerk from her basement office to the uncontaminated Town Hall.
(1) Peter reported that he finally contacted FairPoint and that the change of the telephone line and number would be done in 7-10 days.
(2) Peter also reported that he is contacting a portable storage company to remove the records from the Town Office. The Selectboard agreed with Patty’s idea to have the container located at the side exit.
(3) Jerry reported that he is scheduled to meet with Patty and the electrician on Monday with regard to the necessary wiring alterations in the hall to accommodate the clerk’s office machinery.
The Board agreed to remove the carpeting from the Town Office once the furniture and equipment have been removed and see to its destruction themselves in order to reduce costs.
Jerry will purchase two new locks for the Town Hall and move a third to allow access to the lower floor.
The emergency meeting was adjourned at 7:46 a.m.
Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
Approved: September 15, 2009
DATE: September 1, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray,
Dot Williamson, John Dutton, Sandra Begin, Attorney James Goss
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. August 4, 2009 Regular Select Board Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Attorney James Goss – re: VT Country Inn Act 250 status
b. Ancient Roads Committee – re: Ancient Roads update
c. Sandra Begin – re: Town Clerk’s Office health issues
a. US Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census New Construction program
b. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden
c. VLCT – re: “Cash Management – Banking and Investments” workshop
d. VLCT – re: Proposed VLCT Bylaw Changes
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, WW-3-1729, John McGarry and Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road
f. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Renewal of Motion for Extension of Time and Certificate of Service, Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: (email) Motion to Alter the Memorandum of Decision and Order for the Petition to Revoke Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #EC-166 and all amendments to that permit as it relates to the wastewater system on lot #92
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1381-1, Vermont Country Inn LLC, Mike Halovatch, Conversion of Use
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec
j. Town of Bethel – re: Alliance Solid Waste Management Program Billing and Rate Changes
k. VTrans – re: guidance document “Adding Ancient Roads to the General Highway Maps…”
l. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: (email) Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden, Appeal of Murphy
m. VLCT – re: (email) VLCT Health Trust Communications to Governing Boards
n. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues for January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009
o. Regional Ambulance Service, Inc. – re: Town’s removal from their project list
p. VT Humane Federation – re: “Investigating Animal Cruelty in Vermont, Levels 1, 2, and 3” workshops
q. Roger Clark Memorial Library – re: request for use of library during off-hours
r. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Vermont Country Inn LLC, Application for Act 250 Permit and Municipal Impact Questionnaire
s. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force – re: Dry Hydrants & E911
t. VLCT – re: VLCT News August/September 2009
u. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation – re: Forest Legacy Program
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
September 1, 2009
v. White River Partnership – re: invitation to two public forums about water quality
w. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for VT Country Inn, LLC, WW-3-1383-1, amend previous permit
x. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet, VT Country Inn, LLC, amend previous permit
y. The Independent – re: Summer 2009, publication for elders and people with disabilities
z. TRORC – re: FY10 Annual Dues
Old Business
a. Delinquent Dogs – re: update
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency CD matures and renewal
c. Town Roads - re: Private Road sign replacement update
d. Town Ordinance – re: speed regulation
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: action plan
b. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Robert Williams, Upper Michigan Road
c. Town Office Building – re: dehumidifier problem
d. Town Office Building – re: invoice for front step repair and painting
e. Budget – re: error found
f. Town Funds – re: First Class Savings account
Other Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: Desena lot at 642 Tweed River Drive
b. Select Board – re: meeting schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the August 4, 2009 Regular Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Attorney James Goss – re: VT Country Inn Act 250 status. Attorney Goss introduced himself and explained that he has been hired by the VT Country Inn, LLC to untangle the legal/permit issues that have been ongoing and unresolved with the property. He said he has prepared a draft of the Act 250 Permit Application (see Correspondence – r), which basically states that there will be no further construction, use of the property will be properly permitted, the barn side of the property will be primarily used for agriculture and agri-tourism, and outdoor events will be limited to six per year and also limited to 200 participants each. He said that he wanted to present this overview to the Select Board and address any questions or concerns posed to him. Planning Commission member Sarah Gray, Health Officer Sandra Begin, and former Septic Officer Martha Beyersdorf also participated in the discussion.
b. Ancient Roads Committee – re: Ancient Roads update. John presented a brief history of what the committee has been doing and how the legislation originated. The committee has undertaken the task of studying and determining which ancient roads to add to the mapping. Criteria include written records as well as what is visible on the ground. Sarah had presented packets of three roads to the Board plus one more at this meeting. There are six to eight more to present. The Board and visitors expressed interest in visiting the roads. It was decided that October would be the best time and a date/s will be set up.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
September 1, 2009
c. Sandra Begin – re: Town Clerk’s Office health issues. Sandy said that she received a call from Dr. Austin Sumner, an environmental epidemiologist. Based on information provided to him regarding the problems with water, moisture, etc in the office he recommends removing the employees, removing the rugs, and possibly the wall paneling. Patty presented the verbal results of air quality testing performed in the office last month. After much discussion, Jerry made a motion to move the Town Clerk’s Office to the Town Hall as soon as possible based on information presented at this meeting. Peter seconded the motion. The motion was approved. (See New Business – a).
a. US Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census New Construction program. The New Construction program provides an opportunity for officials of local governments to submit a list of city-style addresses for housing units for which basic construction began during or after March 2009 and completion is expected by April 1, 2010. The Census Bureau, using the participant supplied addresses, will visit and attempt to enumerate each newly constructed housing unit that have been identified as missing from their list. Discussion. The Board decided not to participate in this program.
b. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. This letter addressed to the Rutland Superior Court requests permission to appear at the status conference by telephone to accommodate a scheduling conflict. No action needed by the Board.
c. VLCT – re: “Cash Management – Banking and Investments” workshop. This is the first of three financial management workshops that will be conducted this year to provide treasurers/finance officials with information and tools to best serve taxpayers and improve efficiency and effectiveness. The first workshop will be held October 6th in Hartford and October 8th in Milton. No action taken by the Board.
d. VLCT – re: Proposed VLCT Bylaw Changes. These changes will be voted by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting to be held on October 1st. No action taken by the Board.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, WW-3-1729, John McGarry and Suzanne Parry, 800 Hawk Mountain Road. This project consists of the replacement of a wastewater system serving an existing 5-bedroom single family residence on 4.3 acres. This permit is approved. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Renewal of Motion for Extension of Time and Certificate of Service, Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec. Brian and Joan Spind request a 30-day extension from the date of denial of the Motion to Alter to activate the Appeal deadline requirements. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: (email) Motion to Alter the Memorandum of Decision and Order for the Petition to Revoke Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #EC-166 and all amendments to that permit as it relates to the wastewater system on lot #92. This email was addressed to Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett. The Motion to Alter is denied. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: WW-3-1381-1, Vermont Country Inn LLC, Mike Halovatch, Conversion of Use. This correspondence from Terry Shearer is addressed to the engineer working on the project and includes Plan Review Checklist for missing and/or incorrect items required for this project to meet EPA rules. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Cotter & Patnode Revocation, Docket # 152-7-09 Vtec. This letter is addressed to the Vermont Environmental Court and includes a Notice of
Appearance for Catherine Gjessing, Esq., General Counsel for the VT ANR. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
September 1, 2009
j. Town of Bethel – re: Alliance Solid Waste Management Program Billing and Rate Changes. These changes become effective October 1, 2009. It was suggested that this information be included in Town Report.
k. VTrans – re: guidance document “Adding Ancient Roads to the General Highway Maps…” This information provides an overview of Act 178 and ancient roads, the mechanics of adding Class 4 town highways and legal trails to the Mileage Certificates and ultimately to the General Highway Maps. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
l. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: (email) Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden, Appeal of Murphy. This includes a draft of the Stipulated Order of Dismissal for consideration. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
m. VLCT – re: (email) VLCT Health Trust Communications to Governing Boards. This pertains to health benefits cost analysis comparison. No action taken by the Board.
n. VT Coalition of Municipalities – re: Invoice for Membership Dues for January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009. This item was not included in the 2009 budget. The Board decided not to contribute this year.
o. Regional Ambulance Service, Inc. – re: Town’s removal from their project list. Due to a lack of communication between the Town of Pittsfield and RAC, they have removed the Town from their project list. The Board decided not to pursue the possibility of changing ambulance service for the Town.
p. VT Humane Federation – re: “Investigating Animal Cruelty in Vermont, Levels 1, 2, and 3” workshops. No action taken by the Board.
q. Roger Clark Memorial Library – re: request for use of library during off-hours. This letter from Susie Martin states that the library was approached by a representative of Woodstock High School requesting use of library space to tutor a Pittsfield student. It would take place from 8 – 11 or 12 each morning. Peter said that he and Susie discussed this and it was felt that since the Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union has a building here it Town, that site would be more accessible and appropriate. Mark and Jerry agreed.
r. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Vermont Country Inn LLC, Application for Act 250 Permit and Municipal Impact Questionnaire. This packet includes a draft of the application. The Board completed the questionnaire and Peter signed on behalf of the Board.
s. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force – re: Dry Hydrants & E911. This program offers assistance in plan development, engineering and installation. This will be forwarded to Fire Chief David Colton.
t. VLCT – re: VLCT News August/September 2009. No action taken by the Board.
u. VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation – re: Forest Legacy Program. The Board received no response to their invitation for someone to attend a meeting to explain the program. No further action.
v. White River Partnership – re: invitation to two public forums about water quality. More information can be obtained from www.whiteriverpartnership.org.
w. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for VT Country Inn, LLC, WW-3- 1383-1, amend previous permit. This project consists of converting a 12 bedroom single family residence to a 12 bedroom B&B and connect the existing barn to the existing wastewater system and drill a new well, located at 4275 Route 100. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
x. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet, VT Country Inn, LLC, amend previous permit. This follows Correspondence – w. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
y. The Independent – re: Summer 2009, publication for elders and people with disabilities. No action taken.
z. TRORC – re: FY10 Annual Dues. This letter acknowledges receipt of payment and appreciates Pittsfield’s continued support.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
September 1, 2009
Old Business
a. Delinquent Dogs – re: update. Second Constable Doug Mianulli hand delivered the certified mailing to Randy and Barb Wood regarding their unlicensed dog and the imposing of a fine should the dog continue to be unlicensed. Doug stated that Randy said he would take care of this.
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency CD matures and renewal. This CD has $5000.00. The Board decided not to reinvest this at this time as the money would be needed to help offset the relocation of the Town Office.
c. Town Roads - re: Private Road sign replacement update. Patty said that she has not sent out the letters to the property owners involved yet. The subject of liability in the event an emergency vehicle cannot locate a property on one of these roads without a sign was discussed. It was decided not to pursue this.
d. Town Ordinance – re: speed regulation. Patty said that Sheriff Benard has reviewed our ordinance. A section of the ordinance allows the Sheriff to make an internal adjustment so that the ticket funds come back to the Town. She added that they began patrolling on August 5th. Three patrols were scheduled starting in July but were cancelled. Their contract will have them patrolling through foliage season.
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: action plan. Patty said that she could prepare a punch list for what would be needed for the move, however she asked that the Board contact the necessary parties regarding work that would need to be done to prepare the Town Hall. Peter said he would contact Fairpoint Communications regarding the phone/DSL lines needed including changing over the phone number. He would also see about obtaining a temporary vault. Mark said he would contact Lubek Electric for electrical needs and call Carl Oertel about changing the locks on the doors. Patty said she would also check with VLCT to see if insurance would cover any of this. Money needed for this project was discussed. It was agreed that money would come out of the Emergency or Contingency Funds unless it becomes part of the building renovation/project in which case the Building Fund would become involved. As far as the current Town Clerk’s Office, Peter said he would prefer not to spend any money until the building becomes an actual “project.” Mark added that some things would need to be now as far as removing the rugs, paneling, etc., but just the bare minimum.
b. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Robert Williams, Upper Michigan Road. The Board approved the permit. It was noted that construction was begun prior to obtaining the permit.
c. Town Office Building – re: dehumidifier problem. Patty said that the dehumidifier overflowed on August 24th. She said that she has exchanged the reservoir with the one in the Town Hall as that one fits more securely. The one in the Town Hall empties into the sink.
d. Town Office Building – re: invoice for front step repair and painting. Patty presented Carl Oertel’s invoice to the Board. It was felt it was a little high. Mark said he would speak with Carl.
e. Budget – re: error found. Patty said that the Town made it through the temporary crisis and that tax money has started coming in. No money needed to be taken from any of the contingency accounts. She added that she discovered she had made an error in the budget for 2009-2010. The Town Office Building Utilities section totalling $8,971.57 was inadvertently left out. She added that there should not be any problem and that there will be enough money to cover that.
f. Town Funds – re: First Class Savings account. Patty said that she needs the Board’s approval to open this “deposit account.” The Board unanimously approved giving Patty the authority to open this account.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 6
September 1, 2009
Other Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: Desena lot at 642 Tweed River Drive. A resident had a septic concern regarding this lot. Terry Shearer was contacted and advised that documents relating to septic issues are located online at www.septic.vt.gov.
b. Selectboard – re: meeting schedule. The Board will return to their regular meeting schedule of the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 15, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 4, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray,
Gordon Gray, Chuck Colton, Dick Stevens
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 7, 2009 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. July 16, 2009 Emergency Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads
b. Building Committee – re: survey results
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Request for Permit Revocation – Permit EC-166, Anthony & Elizabeth Cotter
b. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Motion to Alter WW-3-1502; EC-166 et seq Lot 92, Dove Drive (Cotter)
c. Anthony Cotter – re: splitting well between two houses
d. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: response to Cotter letter
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Lot #92, Dove Drive (Cotter)
f. TRORC – re: 2010 Municipal Planning Grants
g. TRORC – re: Parcel Data Distribution Options
h. TRORC – re: LEPC#12 April 16, 2009 and June 18, 2009 meeting Minutes
i. Ethan Allen Institute – re: introduction to new website
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – re: introduction to services and invoice for 2010 dues
k. VT Emergency Management – re: EOC Operations Course information
l. VT Energy Investment Corporation – re: introduction to services
m. Channing Bete Company – re: National Preparedness Month
n. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Fiscal Year 2010 Education Tax Rates
o. Smiths Detection – re: threats and solutions
p. Glenn Duruchie – re: Juvenile Diabetes Fund Raising Ride
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services
r. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY-08 Annual Report
s. J.P. Sicard, Inc. – re: introduction to services
t. VLCT – re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting
u. E-911 Board – re: (email) Published Map Files
v. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program
w. Sen. Bernie Sanders – re: (email) Town Meeting Brunch invitation
x. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions July 2009
Old Business
a. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update
b. Reappraisal – re: letter from Listers
c. Delinquent Dogs – re: update
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods
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August 4, 2009
b. Town Property – re: estimate for Bandstand roof
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Raymond Simonds, Forsha Road
d. Town Property – re: policy regarding table and chair rentals
e. VT Youth Conservation Corps – re: request to use Village Green and Bandstand
Other Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water and other concerns
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency Fund CD matures
c. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: speed enforcement and ordinance
d. BCA – re: appeal hearings
e. Town Property – re: Village Green
f. Select Board – re: meeting schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the July 7, 2009 Regular Meeting and the July 16, 2009 Emergency Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Sarah Gray – re: Ancient Roads. Sarah said that she will present reports to the Board for their review prior to the September meeting. She said that she will be available to go over the reports and make site visit to roads as requested by the Board. The Board said they would like to see where some of these roads are.
b. Building Committee – re: survey results. Patty said that volunteers Arlene Drugonis and Sandy Begin tallied the results of the surveys. The results were as follows: Plan A – 22 votes, Plan B – 28 votes, and Plan C – 27 votes. Discussion. Chuck brought up his concern regarding the timeline and costs. It was the decision of the Board to have prepared a second survey requesting a vote between Plan B & C. It will only be sent to registered voters this time. Volunteers will be asked to write up and mail the new survey.
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Request for Permit Revocation – Permit EC-166, Anthony & Elizabeth Cotter. This correspondence dated July 13th and addressed to the Cotters outlines the results of Ralph Michael’s investigation, estimated costs of relocating the well and potential cost-splitting arrangements. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Lorentz, Lorentz & Harnett – re: Motion to Alter WW-3-1502; EC-166 et seq Lot 92, Dove Drive (Cotter). This correspondence dated July 16th is addressed to the VT ANR and includes a Motion to Alter and Certificate of Service regarding the Cotter’s permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Anthony Cotter – re: splitting well between two houses. This letter to the Town dated July 20th discusses his solution to the relocation of the well and its cost. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: response to Cotter letter. This letter dated July 22nd is addressed to Anthony Cotter regarding his letter dated July 20th. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Lot #92, Dove Drive (Cotter). This letter addressed to the VT Environmental Court and dated July 30th contains a Motion for Extension of Time, a Notice of Appeal of the memorandum of Decision and Order, and a Certificate of Service to the interested parties. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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August 4, 2009
f. TRORC – re: 2010 Municipal Planning Grants. Online access to the 2010 application will be available this month. More information is available from Chris Sargeant at TRORC.
g. TRORC – re: Parcel Data Distribution Options. The VT Center for Geographic Information (VCGI) is gathering existing Parcel/Tax Map data and making it available on their website. If a Town chooses not to participate, they need to inform Pete Fellows at TRORC in writing by August 15th. No action taken.
h. TRORC – re: LEPC#12 April 16, 2009 and June 18, 2009 meeting Minutes. No action taken.
i. Ethan Allen Institute – re: introduction to new website. Their new website is located at: www.vttransparency.org. The purpose of this site is to empower citizens and taxpayers to review and comprehend state, local and school district taxing and spending, and also legislative performance. They also offer a link to the municipal websites of 130 Vermont cities and towns. They encourage Towns to make this information available on their websites. No action taken.
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – re: introduction to services and invoice for 2010 dues. No action taken.
k. VT Emergency Management – re: EOC Operations Course information. This program will be held on August 11th in WRJ. This information will be forwarded to Emergency Management Co-coordinator Peter Borden.
l. VT Energy Investment Corporation – re: introduction to services. The VEIC is a non-profit organization providing a full range of energy reduction services and is ready to help Vermont communities. No action taken.
m. Channing Bete Company – re: National Preparedness Month. No action taken.
n. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Fiscal Year 2010 Education Tax Rates. The base homestead education tax rate for FY2010 is $.86. This figure is multiplied by the district spending adjustment for our school district. The non-residential rate is $1.35. Both of these figures are adjusted by the Common Level of Appraisal for our Town. Detailed information on education tax rate calculations can be found at: http://www.state.vt.us/tax/pvredtaxrates.shtml. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
o. Smiths Detection – re: threats and solutions. This company provides solutions to the threats of bio-terrorism, suspicious solids and liquids, and hazardous vapors. Contact information to schedule a product demonstration is provided. No action taken.
p. Glenn Duruchie – re: Juvenile Diabetes Fund Raising Ride. This event will take place on Saturday, August 29th. The organizers would like to locate a rest stop in the village. Discussion of possible sites. Since the ride will go in both directions it was decided the Green might be better than the Town Garage. The Board had no objection.
q. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Letter of Agreement for Computer Appraisal Services. This annual fee is $201.89 this year. The Board approved paying this fee.
r. VT Center for Independent Living – re: FY-08 Annual Report. No action taken.
s. J.P. Sicard, Inc. – re: introduction to services. This packet will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon.
t. VLCT – re: Voting Delegates at the VLCT Annual Business Meeting. No action taken.
u. E-911 Board – re: (email) Published Map Files. These free, statewide PMF, called VT E911 PMF Map, can be viewed through the free software ArcReader. Instructions for downloading are available from the E911 website. This will be forwarded to E-911 Co-coordinator Don Flynn.
v. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program. The Board would like some clarification regarding this program. The State Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation will be contacted to invite a representative to the September 1st meeting.
w. Sen. Bernie Sanders – re: (email) Town Meeting Brunch invitation. This event will be held on Saturday, August 15th in Rutland. No action taken.
x. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions July 2009. No action taken.
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August 4, 2009
Old Business
a. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update. Patty presented a handout to the Board outlining the Town’s policy and a letter to affected property owners outlining the costs associated with the sign replacements. Discussion. The Board decided to have George determine the cost of each road sign replacement. This information would be included in the letter. Money for the signs would be given to the Town Clerk. George will order the signs so that they are uniform with the other signs in Town.
b. Reappraisal – re: letter from Listers. The Listers had sent a letter with attachments to the Board members explaining their concerns regarding the recent reappraisal performed by Bill Krajeski’s company New England Municipal Consultants. Discussion. The Board asked Martha and the Listers to follow-up on this issue.
c. Delinquent Dogs – re: update. There are four dogs unlicensed at this time. Two are owned by the Woods on Lower Michigan Road. A certified letter sent to them was returned unclaimed. Second Constable Doug Mianulli was hand delivering this to them. Ralph Burns has been issued a fine for his two dogs. He still has some time to register before further action. This will be tabled until the next meeting.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods. A wedding rehearsal and reception are scheduled for August 7th and 8th to be held at the Riverside and Amee Farms. The times requested were 2pm to midnight. The Board changed the ending time to 10pm and approved the request with this time change.
b. Town Property – re: estimate for Bandstand roof. An estimate for a new roof (shingles) on the Bandstand was received in the amount of $2,040.00. Discussion. It was felt this was a little high and the Board will obtain another estimate from another contractor.
c. Permit for Driveway Construction – re: Raymond Simonds, Forsha Road. George has inspected the site and does not see any problems. The Board approved and signed the permit.
d. Town Property – re: policy regarding table and chair rentals. Jerry said that he had received a request to borrow chairs and tables which were eventually not needed. He asked if there was a policy regarding the use of chairs/tables. Patty said that in the past it had been discouraged as chairs would come back with the rubber tips missing or tables damaged from weather. Discussion. It was decided to require a $50.00 maintenance deposit, which would be refunded if the items were returned undamaged.
e. VT Youth Conservation Corps – re: request to use Village Green and Bandstand. This group would like to use this area for an Open House on August 19th from 5:00 to 7:30pm. The Board had no objection to this.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water and other concerns. Patty said there was water in the office again on August 3rd. She said that there have been water problems in the office almost twice every month this year. Other items discussed included ripping up the carpet to determine the origin of the water problem and remove the odor trapped in the rug, contacting a firm to test air quality, and fixing the gutter. The Board said they would check out the gutter after the meeting. Patty will contact a company regarding an air analysis.
b. Town Funds – re: Contingency Fund CD matures. Patty said that this fund, which has $15,000.00, matured August 1st. The Board agreed to have the money put into a CD for up to 12 months where there is a good rate.
c. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: speed enforcement and ordinance. The Town’s contract was to begin July 1st. The Board would also like someone to come to the next meeting to help draft a Traffic Ordinance. Patty will contact the department.
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d. BCA – re: appeal hearings. Patty has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, August 12th at 6pm. This meeting will be organizational and a calendar of appeals will be set up. There are eighteen appeals requested.
e. Town Property – re: Village Green. Jerry said he gave Joe Desena permission to put the large Adirondack chair on the Green. It would be probably be removed after Halloween. The Board had no objection.
f. Select Board – re: meeting schedule. The next meeting will be September 1, 2009. The return to the twice a month meeting schedule will be discussed then.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved September 1, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 16, 2009
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
ABSENT: Peter Borden, Jr.
AGENDA: Call to Order
New Business
a. 2009 Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate
b. Building Maintenance – re: 2009-2010 fuel oil/kerosene/LP fuel purchase
Old Business
a. General Fund – re: status
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:56pm.
New Business
a. 2009 Tax Rate – re: setting the tax rate. Patty presented an outline of the Budget Summary with the final Grand List figures and the School tax rates received from the State. This year the Homestead Education Tax Rate is $1.5317, the Non-Residential Education Tax Rate is $1.6005, and the Municipal Rate is $.4211. Mark made a motion to approve the Municipal Rate of $.4211. Seconded by Jerry. All in favor. The Resultant Tax Rate for Homestead will be $1.9528 and the Non-Residential will be $2.0216.
b. Building Maintenance – re: 2009-2010 fuel oil/kerosene/LP fuel purchase. Last year’s usage was reviewed. It was agreed to purchase the following:
Town Hall - 1000 gal. #2 fuel oil @ $2.49 $2,490.00
Town Office Building - 850 gal. #2 fuel oil @ $2.49 $2,116.50
Town Office Building - 625 gal. kerosene @ $2.99 $1,868.75
Town Garage - 1200 gal. LP Gas @ $2.29 $2,748.00
Subtotal $9,223.25
Credit 2008-2009 (3,751.41)
Total $5,471.84
Mark and Jerry approved this expenditure and the contract was signed.
Old Business
a. General Fund – re: status. Patty presented a review of the funds available to the Town until tax payments come in. After the orders are paid as of July 16th and the fuel prebuy is paid for, there will be $11,242.68 remaining in the General Fund. She also explained that there is some $13,560.00 readily available in the Contingency and Emergency Funds if needed.
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update. Lister Chair Martha Beyersdorf said that following Grievance Hearings, the Grand List was submitted to the State for the determination of the FY10 Education Tax Rates. The Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) has been determined to be 84.35%, which is much lower than expected following the reappraisal. Martha said she has contacted Bill Krajeski with the appraisal company for an explanation as to what happened. She will keep the Board informed.
Pittsfield Select Board Emergency Meeting Minutes page 2
July 16, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 6:11pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved August 4, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 7, 2009
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, Sarah Gray, Dot Williamson, John Dutton
ABSENT: Peter Borden, Jr.
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ancient Roads Committee – re: update
a. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: offer for free services
b. VT Conservation Commissions – re: solicitation for dues and contributions
c. Town of Bethel – re: recertification of the Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1659, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, 460 Tweed River Drive
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Anthony Cotter/Elizabeth Patnode, Lot #92 Dove Drive
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Request for Permit Revocation Permit #EC-166, Decision
g. Anglo-American Environmental – re: asbestos consultation services
h. VLCT – re: Designated Employer Representative Training 101 workshop
i. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 27, 2009 meeting
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program
k. Wright Construction Company, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project
l. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC; alleged violations of Land Use Permit #3W0948
m. VTrans – re: 2010 Transportation Enhancements Program Schedule and Process
n. Naylor & Breen Builders, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project
o. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2009
p. VLCT – re: Group Life, Short Term and Long Term Disability Rates eff. 7/01/09 – 7/01/12
q. VT Center for Geographic Information – re: new home for Vermont Orthophotography
r. Timberline Events – re: thank you to town for cooperation
s. Pittsfield Bike Club/Vermont Mountain Bike – re: Act 250 Land Use Permit Application
Old Business
a. Pittsfield Farmers Market – re: request to waive weekly fee
b. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall update
c. Trash – re: update on commercial concern
d. Town Property – re: playground/soccer goals update
e. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update
f. Town Property – re: playground/dugout status
g. Rutland County Tax – re: request for extension
h. Town Office Building – re: water in office
New Business
a. Town Property – re: installation of permanent phone extension between Town Office Building and Town Hall
b. Driveway Permit – re: AJ and Rebecca Ruben, Upper Michigan Road
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July 7, 2009
b. Tax Rate – re: set
Jerry called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. The Minutes of the June 16, 2009 Regular Select board meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ancient Roads Committee – re: update. Sarah said that the Committee is getting close to the filing deadline. They have spent the last three years researching these ancient roads. They have found some roads that are mapped and some that aren’t. She said that it is important to have these. She explained that if they are added to the map they are public, but it doesn’t mean they would be accessible to recreational use. The Select Board would have the final decision as to their use, if any. The Committee’s personal deadline is August 1st. Reports on each road will be provided to the Select Board as they are available. Sarah said that they would be given to the Board members prior to the regular meetings and that the Committee would attend the meetings to discuss them. There was some discussion between the Board and the Committee.
a. Pittsfield Farmer’s Market – re: request. Patty said that Alison Hans was unable to attend the meeting but wanted to request a waiving of the $25/week fee for the use of the Village Green. She would like to use the money for advertising to encourage more vendors’ participation. Discussion. It was noted that there was no cleanup required after they use. It was decided to waive the fee and revisit it if and when more vendors are involved or if cleanup by the Town is required.
b. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: offer for free services. This information will be kept until plans for the Town Office Building are decided.
c. VT Conservation Commissions – re: solicitation for dues and contributions. No action taken.
c. Town of Bethel – re: recertification of the Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station. Final certification should be issued on July 10, 2009 without a public informational meeting unless requested.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1659, Riverside Horse Farm, LLC, 460 Tweed River Drive. This permit is approved subject to conditions. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Petition of Revocation of Permit EC-166 et seq, Anthony Cotter/Elizabeth Patnode, Lot #92 Dove Drive. This packet includes the Request to Find, Memorandum of Law/Argument and Conclusions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Request for Permit Revocation Permit #EC-166, Decision. The request was denied. This document will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Anglo-American Environmental – re: asbestos consultation services. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for the Town Office Building project.
h. VLCT – re: Designated Employer Representative Training 101 workshop. This workshop pertains to an introduction to responsibilities and procedures. It is being offered on various dates and sites in the state.
i. TRORC – re: Minutes of May 27, 2009 meeting. No action taken.
j. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Forest Legacy Program. This program is a partnership between participating states and the USDA Forest Service to prevent important forestlands from conversion to nonforest uses. No action taken.
k. Wright Construction Company, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for the Town Office Building project.
l. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, PC – re: Riverside Horse Farm, LLC; alleged violations of Land Use Permit #3W0948. This document addressed to Linda Matteson (Coordinator, District 3 Environmental Commission) pertains to a requested amendment regarding the riparian management plan. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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July 7, 2009
m. VTrans – re: 2010 Transportation Enhancements Program Schedule and Process. This program pertains to an innovative program for non-traditional transportation-related projects managed by VTrans. No action taken.
n. Naylor & Breen Builders, Inc. – re: interest in Town Office Building project. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for the Town Office Building project.
o. VLCT – re: VLCT News July 2009. No action taken.
p. VLCT – re: Group Life, Short Term and Long Term Disability Rates eff. 7/01/09 – 7/01/12. This memo states that rates will be held at their current levels for all three products for three years.
q. VT Center for Geographic Information – re: new home for Vermont Orthophotography. Beginning July 1, 2009, the VCGI Imagery Program will begin distributing orthophotos for free via download from their website: www.vcgi.org/dataware.
r. Timberline Events – re: thank you to town. The event organizers thanked the Town for their cooperation and permission to use the Town Garage facilities. They felt the race went very well and received positive feedback from participants. Plans are already underway for next year’s event to be held the third weekend in June.
s. Pittsfield Bike Club/Vermont Mountain Bike – re: Act 250 Land Use Permit Application. This application is for the construction of one public access trail on private land owned by Riverside Horse Farm, LLC in Pittsfield and a trail and two bridges on land owned by Bear Creek II in Stockbridge. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business
a. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall update. Patty said that Trish Spencer told her it would cost $75/floor to clean. This fee was approved by the Board. Patty will contact VLCT with the offer and fee for use of the Town Hall for seminars/workshops.
b. Trash – re: update on commercial concern. Tabled until a full Board meets.
c. Town Property – re: playground/soccer goals update. Tabled until a full Board meets.
d. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement update. George reported that signs are missing from: Northern Exposure, Old School House Drive, The Commons, Four Wheel Drive, Dagg Road, and Music Mountain Road. He noted the various costs to replace the signs. The Board asked Patty to send letters to all property owners involved informing them of the replacement policy and cost as well as the importance of having them for emergency services.
e. Town Property – re: playground/dugout status. It was noted that nothing has been done to clean up the area. The Board will look into this.
f. Rutland County Tax – re: request for extension. Patty said that at this time the Town does not have the money to pay this and requested an extension. This extension was approved until money is available to pay this. Patty said this will be paid once tax money starts to be received.
g. Town Office Building – re: water in office. Patty said that water came in again on July 5th with the recent rains. The heat was turned up and fans run to dry out the carpets.
New Business
a. Town Property – re: installation of permanent phone extension between Town Office Building and Town Hall. Offers were expressed by Don Flynn and Howard Gunter to install a permanent overhead line for a telephone extension if the Select Board purchases the materials. Discussion. Patty said that when she spoke with the phone company about this, they said that this would not constitute an “ extension.” It was decided not to take any action on this and run the temporary line as needed.
b. Driveway Permit – re: AJ and Rebecca Ruben, Upper Michigan Road. This permit was approved by the Road Commissioner and the Select Board.
c. Tax Rate – re: set. It was decided not to set the tax rate until after Grievance Hearings have been completed and changes to the Grand List made. In addition, the Education Tax rates will not be available until after the Listers file a form with the State following Grievance. It is hoped that the Board can meet for an Emergency Meeting Tuesday or Wednesday to set the rate if all the information is available. Tax bills are due to be sent out on the 15th, but may have to be delayed a
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
July 7, 2009
day or two. Taxpayers would still be given 30 days to send in their first payment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4th. An Emergency Meeting will be called for a day and time next week for the purpose of setting the tax rate for 2009.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved August 4, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 16, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson, Angelique Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. Regular Select Board Meeting June 2, 2009
b. Special Town Meeting June 2, 2009
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson – re: trash concerns
b. Angelique Lee – re: playground information
a. VLCT – re: Town property listing for insurance purposes
b. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2009
c. Burlington International Waterfront Festival – re: (email) invitation to join the Champlain 400 Parade
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1684, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road
e. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay information
f. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay EMS and route information
g. VTrans – re: 2010 Municipal Park-and-Ride Program
h. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions June 2009
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: fence repair update
b. Building Committee – re: result of ballots
c. TRORC – re: municipal funding status
d. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood
e. Town Roads – re: Upper Michigan Road, pavement/dirt section status
New Business
a. Resignation – re: April Hayden as Roger Clark Memorial Library Trustee
b. Delinquent Dogs – re: update
c. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement
d. Town Hall – re: request for doorbell on outside of door to lift
e. Town Roads – re: patch hole in pavement in front of Town Office Building
f. Select Board – re: summer schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the June 2, 2009 Regular Select board meeting were approved with no corrections or changes as were the Minutes from the Special Town Meeting also held on June 2, 2009.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson – re: trash concerns. Jerry started off the conversation by asking Jon what Patty could tell people who call that their trash or recycling hasn’t been picked up when the weather is bad or the roads are muddy. Discussion. It was decided that if the weather was inclement enough or the roads muddy enough that the trucks can’t pick up the trash that people could
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June 16, 2009
set it out the following regular pick-up day. Recycling could probably be picked up thefollowing day. The subject of “commercial” properties and how they should be addressed as discussed. Right now the Town’s taxpayers pay for all of the trash picked up whether it is residential or commercial. At this time there are about four properties that have businesses connected to them, whose trash is being picked up as residential. There are five businesses in town that have dumpsters on their property which Jon also picks up. It was felt that the Town should assess the businesses a little differently than the residences due to the volume. Jon explained that it isn’t possible for him to make a separate trip to pick up the commercial trash. Limiting the number of bags per week per household was also discussed. Jon said that two cans would probably be an average per household. The Board said that they would discuss this further and thanked Jon for his input and for attending the meeting.
b. Angelique Lee – re: playground information. Angelique said that she has been researching soccer backstops for the ball field. It was agreed that 2x4’s set in cement was not a safe method for holding the nets for soccer games as a child could be hurt if they accidently ran into one. She recommended something moveable/removable with replacement nets. Being portable, they can be placed anywhere on the field. The cost for the one she presented to the Board was $1,181.18. She said that there are less expensive ones also available but would have to do a little more searching. Patty said that there is money available in several funds, including the Recreation Fund, the Wray Park Fund, and the Civic Club Fund. Storage in the winter was discussed and it was suggested that the area in the back of the Town Hall could be used if a door is put on. The Board thanked Angelique for her efforts and said they would like to research and discuss this further.
a. VLCT – re: Town property listing for insurance purposes. The figures were reviewed and approved by the Board.
b. VLCT – re: VLCT News June 2009. No action taken.
c. Burlington International Waterfront Festival – re: (email) invitation to join the Champlain 400 Parade. This parade will be held on Saturday, July 11th and the organizers would like to include representatives of the 251 towns in the parade. No action taken.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1684, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road. This project consists of the conversion of a seasonal camp to a year round residence, on an existing 1.3 acre parcel. This permit is approved and subject to conditions noted. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay information. This correspondence dated Jun 1st wants to thank the Town for making a parking area available as an exchange area for this race being run on Jun 20-21st. The area is located at the Town Garage. Included with this letter is a Certificate of Liability for the event from their insurance carrier.
f. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay EMS and route information. This letter is request that EMS be alerted to this event. The Board asked the Secretary to advise Angela Jackson with the First Response Squad of this event.
g. VTrans – re: 2010 Municipal Park-and-Ride Program. Patty suggested that this grant was one that the Town could possibly obtain as part of the Town Office Building project if it will involve paving. Mendon took advantage of this grant when they did their new Town Office. This information will be forwarded to Henry Hotchkiss for the Building Committee.
h. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions June 2009. No action taken.
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: fence repair update. Jerry said that he checked with numerous sources for the parts to repair the fence. He said he finally found them with a company in Connecticut.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 16, 2009
b. Building Committee – re: result of ballots. Today was the deadline for turning in the surveys. The Board asked if there was a determination yet. Patty said that the Committee plans a meeting next week and that they would still collect any surveys that come in during the rest of the week.
c. TRORC – re: municipal funding status. Jerry said that there have been some delays, but the he has been assured by Peter Gregory that Pittsfield is still in the running.
d. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood. The request for this has been withdrawn. No further action.
e. Town Roads – re: Upper Michigan Road, pavement/dirt section status. Several complaints about the condition of the road where the pavement has heaved and cracked and potholes have developed in the dirt have been brought to the Board’s attention. Correspondence received by the Board in 2005 from an attorney representing Bear Creek II, LLC owners requesting approval to have the section of the road by the store was reviewed. It was noted that his client would not maintain or repair this road after the pavement was completed. Discussion. The Board will contact Road Commissioner George Deblon and have him remove the damaged section of pavement and fix the road.
New Business
a. Resignation – re: April Hayden as Roger Clark Memorial Library Trustee. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office. No action taken at this time.
b. Delinquent Dogs – re: update. There are currently eleven unlicensed dogs. Discussion. The Board asked Patty to send out a letter to the owners citing a $250/dog fine, if the dogs remain unlicensed.
c. Town Roads – re: Private Road sign replacement. It was brought to the Board’s attention that some of the road signs in town have disappeared. Minutes from January 11, 2000 state: “It was thought that the Town highway signs would be replaced by the town, but Private Road signs would be replaced by the residents of the particular road.” George will be asked to obtain a price for each sign replacement. He will also be asked to make a list of missing signs to present to the Board. A letter will be sent to the property owners informing them of the cost of replacement. Martha asked the Board if there might be liability to the Town for emergency services being unable to find a residence because of the lack of signage. It was felt that most private roads were more like driveways and would not be a problem.
d. Town Hall – re: request for doorbell on outside of door to lift. Peter said he would look for one and have it installed. This would assist anyone having trouble with the door to alert someone inside the building that assistance is needed.
e. Town Roads – re: patch hole in pavement in front of Town Office Building. It was noted that there is a hole in the pavement. George will be asked to check with VTrans to see if they have some unused materials to patch the hole.
f. Select Board – re: summer schedule. The summer meeting schedule will be Tuesday, July 7th and August 4th. Warnings will be posted.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
June 16, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 7, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 2, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Jason Hayden
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jason Hayden – re 50-mile ultra marathon
a. Bill Kay – re: Town Office Building comments
b. CBE Educational Services, Inc. – re: Grant Writing Workshop
c. TRORC – re: Minutes of April 29, 2009 meeting
d. Pine Street Elevator Company – re: introduction to services
e. FEMA Map Service Center – re: changes in FEMA’s flood map distribution process
f. VLCT – re: (email) free health screening for covered employees
g. TRORC – re: (email to Jerry) funding available for municipalities
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: General Fund update
b. Act 250 – re: status of recent issues in Town
c. Benson Rubbish Removal – re: discussion with Jon Benson regarding trash policy
d. Rick Schirm – re: update on water issue from May 19th meeting
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods
b. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall for workshops
c. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: status
b. Farmer’s Market – re: status
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:53pm. The Minutes of the May 19, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jason Hayden – re 50-mile ultra marathon. This race is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th and is in its 3rd year. Jason outlined the race course and presented the Select Board with their liability insurance information. This will be kept on file.
a. Bill Kay – re: Town Office Building comments. This letter contained comments and questions regarding the recent mailing and survey. Many of his comments have already been addressed by the Building Committee. He requested that his input be included in the June 2nd Informational Town Meeting on the issue.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
June 2, 2009
b. CBE Educational Services, Inc. – re: Grant Writing Workshop. This workshop is aimed at grant writing through the eyes of a grant reviewer and will include analyzing stimulus funding. It was held on June 1st in Shelburne, but will be held June 9th in Manchester, NH and June 10th in Hyannis, MA. Registration is available at www.cbeeducationalservices.org. No action taken by the Board.
c. TRORC – re: Minutes of April 29, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
d. Pine Street Elevator Company – re: introduction to services. This company is located in Portland, Maine and serves Northern New England. This information will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for future reference if needed.
e. FEMA Map Service Center – re: changes in FEMA’s flood map distribution process. Two changes will occur as of October 1, 2009. The first is that FEMA will only distribute digital mapping products and the second is that while FEMA will continue sending paper mapping products to community officials, distribution will be limited to a single copy of the newly effective maps and Flood Insurance Studies. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VLCT – re: (email) free health screening for covered employees. George is the only employee covered through VLCT/CIGNA Health Insurance. This correspondence will be forward to him for his review.
g. TRORC – re: (email to Jerry) funding available for municipalities. Jerry said that he received this email from Peter Gregory who stated that there is funding available. Peter will be meeting with the State regarding guidelines and regulations for the distribution of this money. Jerry said that Peter felt this would probably cover the weatherization issues at the Town Garage and to let Road Commissioner George Deblon about this.
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: General Fund update. Patty said that there is currently $45,291.41 available in the General Fund until taxes start coming in next month.
b. Act 250 – re: status of recent issues in Town. Peter said that he spoke with Linda Matteson regarding the issues recently brought to the Board’s attention regarding junk vehicles, etc. She explained that nothing could be done at this time unless there is a change to one on the joint properties which enhances a commercial business. She suggested the Board speak with the Agency of Natural Resources for their thoughts. Peter also added that the Vermont Country Inn, LLC (Amee Farm) was cited as of May 6th for several Act 250 violations and fined. That matter appears to have been settled.
c. Benson Rubbish Removal – re: discussion with Jon Benson regarding trash policy. Jon has not responded to the Board’s letter dated March 26th. Jerry said he would try and speak with Jon next Monday.
d. Rick Schirm – re: update on water issue from May 19th meeting. Mark said that he and George met with Rick. It was noted that water was leaking underneath the culvert. This would need to be replaced, but not this year. George will fix it temporarily. He will also dig the berm and fill with stone and extend it to the culvert.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noel’s Specialty Foods. This request was for a function to be held on May 29th at Riverside Farm. As this was received late, Peter and Mark were contacted and approved it on May 26th and it is noted in these Minutes.
b. VLCT – re: rental of Town Hall for workshops. Patty explained that in a recent issue of VLCT News she saw that sites for workshops were being requested so that they would be more available to other parts of the State. She suggested that the Town Hall be offered to VLCT
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 2, 2009
as a possible site. Discussion. The Board asked Patty to contact Trish Spencer for an estimate for cleaning. This will be readdressed at a future meeting
c. Town Property – re: request to cut dead wood for firewood. Jerry said that he received a request from a local resident asking for permission to cut dead wood from this lot known as the Brandolini Lot. Discussion. Mark said that he would like to make a site visit to see the lot before a decision is made. This will be readdressed at a future meeting.
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: status. Martha said that the appraisal company was not able to meet the June 4th deadline. A 20-day extension was approved by Property Valuation & Review. She said that Bill Krajeski has presented the Listers with a proposed assessment listing and the Listers will be reviewing it and meeting with him next week. The mailing of the appraisal booklet should be completed in the next few weeks.
b. Farmer’s Market – re: status. The event is on track and an informational meeting is scheduled for June 6th at the Town Hall. The Board approved signs that will be placed on the Village Green regarding the event.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 16, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 19, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Patty Haskins, Chuck Colton, Dick Stevens, Henry Hotchkiss, Herb Bicek, Suana Bicek, Rick Schirm
ABSENT: Jerry Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek – re: Bethel Food Shelf
b. Building Committee – re: mailing and plans for upcoming meeting
c. Rick Schirm – re: water problem on his property
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Permit Revocation Request/Permit #EC-166 et seq/Anthony Cotter & Elizabeth Patnode
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Annual CEDS Meeting
c. TRORC – re: New Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
d. VLCT – re: (email) state shift of costs to the Education Fund
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for Project WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt-Stop, 3932 Route 100
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC d/b/a Pitt-Stop, 3932 Route 100
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0061-2, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt-Stop
h. George D. Aiken RC&D Council – re: RC&D Messenger April 2009
i. Dennis Kulesza – re: Application to Extend the Construction Deadline of Land Use Application #3W0092
j. US Dept. of Commerce – re: LUCA program review deadline
k. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Proposed to be Slashed by 50% for April
l. TRORC –re: April 2009 newsletter
m. White River Partnership – re: Currents Spring 2009
n. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2009 Law Enforcement Contract
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road, request for missing/incomplete information
p. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1684, two bedroom septic system design to convert existing seasonal camp to year round occupancy, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road
q. Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. – re: introduction to services
r. VLCT – re: (email) update on Town Highway Aid payments from VTrans
s. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Update
t. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Communication
u. TRORC – re: Minutes of March 25, 2009 meeting
v. VLCT – re: VLCT News May 2009
w. VTrans – re: American Recovery and Investment Act: - Application for Transportation Enhancements and Applications for Non-Class 1 Roadway Paving Projects
x. WRVA – re: National Registry First Responder Course
y. White River Partnership – re: Streams, Trees & Birds Workshop
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
May 19, 2009
z. TRORC – re: Summary of RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting May 7, 2009
aa. VLCT – re: 2009 Town Fair reminder, VLCT 2010 Legislative Policy Development, and VLCT Legislative Policy Committee Nomination Form
bb. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board
cc. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2009
dd. ACS (acleansystem.com) – re: Swine Flu Pandemic
ee. M. Julian Isaacson – re: concern about series of events taking place in Pittsfield that misrepresent our community
ff. The Stanley Works – re: sale of property
gg. VLCT – re: (email) Transportation Bill update
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: Town Band Stand roof repair
b. Town Property – re: Back Stop repair
c. Town Property – re: Dug Out clean up
d. Town Property – re: soft soccer posts
New Business
a. Resignation – re: Planning Commission
b. Appointment – re: Planning Commission
c. Insurance – re: Workers Comp for non-Town employees
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests by Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering d/b/a the Village Porch
e. Town Property – re: request for port-a-john
f. Town Funds – re: financial update
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update
b. Select Board – re: next meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the April 15, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Suana Bicek – re: Bethel Food Shelf. Suana said she would like to start a food donation site in Town to benefit the Bethel Food Shelf and target Pittsfield residents. When a box is filled she would deliver it to Bethel. She received approval to place a box at the Post Office and would like to post signs in Town promoting this project. It was suggested to her that her signs include the towns that benefit from the Bethel Food Shelf. The Board approved her request.
b. Building Committee – re: mailing and plans for upcoming meeting. The mailing has been sent out and the public meeting is set for June 2nd. Ron Coughenour has agreed to act as Moderator for this meeting to be set in a Town Meeting format. Discussion. It was decided to sketch out an agenda with speakers. Patty and Henry will draft one and send it to the Select Board, Architect Mark McManus, and Ron Coughenour. The aim of the meeting is to have people attend to gather information and then complete the survey. Chuck asked about whether Jerry had been able to locate any grant money. Patty said that Peter Gregory at TRORC was looking for money for both the Town Office project and for weatherization of the Town Garage. She has not heard from him as of today.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
May 19, 2009
c. Rick Schirm – re: water problem on his property. Rick presented a history of his property and problems he has had in the past with water, etc. Photographs were presented and explained. One of them showed a cut above his driveway which allowed water to run into the driveway. This recent problem in March precipitated his call to the Town Office. He said that water is also running into his
leach field after a heavy rain. Mark said that the Board would contact Road Commissioner George Deblon and they would all meet with Rick and make a site visit. He suggested one evening next week.
a. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: Permit Revocation Request/Permit #EC-166 et seq/Anthony Cotter & Elizabeth Patnode. In this copy of a letter sent to the Agency of Natural Resources, the parties were unable to reach a satisfactory arrangement concerning a shared well and a Hearing would be necessary. A public space in Pittsfield would need to be obtained. Patty stated that since this letter was received she has been contacted and told that a Hearing will not be necessary. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Annual CEDS Meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 in Windsor. The topic of discussion will be Vermont’s Agricultural Economy. No action taken by the Board.
c. TRORC – re: New Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP). Peter, Mark, and Patty reviewed them. The Board adopted and signed them. These will be returned to TRORC.
d. VLCT – re: (email) state shift of costs to the Education Fund. The legislature is currently considering shifting money from the General Fund to the Education Fund, which would result in higher property taxes. Attached to the email is a letter VLCT Exec. Director Steve Jeffrey wrote to the legislature listing reasons why VLCT opposes this. For more information: www.vlct.org/d/advocacy/5- 1_ed_fund_letter.pdf.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application for Project WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt- Stop, 3932 Route 100 was received. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-0061-2, amend previous permit by adding grease trap for a restaurant and adding 24 seats, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC d/b/a Pitt-Stop, 3932 Route 100. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0061-2, Pittsfield Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Pitt-Stop. This permit is approved and subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. George D. Aiken RC&D Council – re: RC&D Messenger April 2009. No action taken.
i. Dennis Kulesza – re: Application to Extend the Construction Deadline of Land Use Application #3W0092. His application states that the project has been delayed because of market conditions due to the down turn in the economy. The extension is requested for 24 months. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
j. US Dept. of Commerce – re: LUCA program review deadline. This correspondence will be forwarded to Don Flynn for his review.
k. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Proposed to be slashed by 50% for April. This email dated April 16th summarizes actions taken by the Senate and House regarding the revised FY09 state budget adjustment. No action taken by the Board.
l. TRORC –re: April 2009 newsletter. No action taken by the Board.
m. White River Partnership – re: Currents Spring 2009. No action taken by the Board.
n. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2009 Law Enforcement Contract. Discussion. It was decided to amend the date of the contract from July 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 due to the current financial situation. The Board approved and signed the contract.
o. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road, request for missing/incomplete information. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
May 19, 2009
p. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Project Review Sheet WW-3-1684, two bedroom septic system design to convert existing seasonal camp to year round occupancy, Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
q. Knight Consulting Engineers, Inc. – re: introduction to services. No action taken by the Board.
r. VLCT – re: (email) update on Town Highway Aid payments from VTrans. This email dated April 20th states that there is still uncertainty regarding the FY09 transportation budget. No action taken by the Board.
s. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Update. This email dated April 21st states that the House and Senate both approved the FY09 budget adjustment conference committee report that makes the April Town Highway Aid payment in full. An update on the timing of when the April payments will be sent out will be forthcoming. No action taken by the Board.
t. VLCT – re: (email) Town Highway Aid Communication. This email dated April 22nd states that payments should be received by week’s end. No action taken by the Board.
u. TRORC – re: Minutes of March 25, 2009 meeting. No action taken by the Board.
v. VLCT – re: VLCT News May 2009. No action taken by the Board.
w. VTrans – re: American Recovery and Investment Act: - Application for Transportation Enhancements and Applications for Non-Class 1 Roadway Paving Projects. This packet of information will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for his review.
x. WRVA – re: National Registry First Responder Course. This course will run from June 6 – August 6, 2009. Applications are available from WRVA and the cost is $325.00. Deadline for registering is June 1st. This notification will be forwarded to WRVA Representative Mona Colton.
y. White River Partnership – re: Streams, Trees & Birds Workshop. This workshop was held on May 16th on the Tweed River in Stockbridge. No action taken by the Board.
z. TRORC – re: Summary of RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting May 7, 2009. No action taken by the Board.
aa. VLCT – re: 2009 Town Fair reminder, VLCT 2010 Legislative Policy Development, and VLCT Legislative Policy Committee Nomination Form. No action taken by the Board.
bb. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board. This pertains to the update of the Vermont Significant Wetland Inventory Maps. No action taken by the Board.
cc. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions May 2009. No action taken by the Board.
dd. ACS (acleansystem.com) – re: Swine Flu Pandemic. This information on Zimek’s Micro-Mist Treatment system will be forwarded to WRVA Representative Mona Colton.
ee. M. Julian Isaacson – re: concern about series of events taking place in Pittsfield that misrepresent our community. Discussion. Pittsfield does not have any zoning or ordinances that pertain to his concerns. The Secretary was asked to send him a letter thanking him for his letter of concern.
ff. The Stanley Works – re: sale of property. This letter is in response to the Board’s inquiry into possibly purchasing a small portion of the property located between the Parsonage and Tim Lensing’s property. This reply states that at this point they are focusing on the sale of the entire property. The agent adds that he will make every effort to inform potential buyers of the Town’s interest. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
gg. VLCT – re: (email) Transportation Bill update. This email dated May 8th states that both the House and Senate conference committees agreed on a final version of the FY10 transportation bill. The Senate adopted the committee’s report and the House is expected to take up the bill. What the governor will do is unknown at this time. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Town Property – re: Town Band Stand roof repair. An estimate will be obtained from Carl Oertel however it was felt the work would have to wait until after tax money comes in. Carl said it would be better to wait to do the project in the fall.
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May 19, 2009
b. Town Property – re: Back Stop repair. Peter described what needs to be fixed. Mark said he would take a look at it.
c. Town Property – re: Dug Out clean up. This is some wood to dispose of. It was thought that the area could be filled in with dirt and grass planted.
d. Town Property – re: soft soccer posts. Angelique Lee is looking into obtaining these as they would be safer than wooden posts.
New Business
a. Resignation – re: Planning Commission. Robert Charlebois has resigned due to work obligation. His letter of resignation was accepted.
b. Appointment – re: Planning Commission. The Board appointed John O’Donohue to fill this vacancy. He had expressed interest following Town Meeting. A Letter of Appointment will be sent to Jack.
c. Insurance – re: Workers Comp for non-Town employees. Patty said that following the Workers Comp Audit she was informed that anyone hired by the Town, but not considered a Town Employee, must provide a Certificate of Insurance. If this is unavailable, then a Non-Employee Work Agreement and a Liability Hold-Harmless Agreement must be completed, signed and turned into the Town Clerk. Both Road Commissioner George Deblon and Parks & Grounds Commissioner Connie Martin were informed of this change and forms given to them to provide to anyone they hire to do work.
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: multiple requests by Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering d/b/a the Village Porch. The function dates are: June 12/13, July 10/11, July 17/18, July 25/26, September 4/5, September 11/12, September 18/19, October 10, October 17/18, and October 23/24. All events are being held at Riverside Farm with one event being held at the Aimee Farm. The Board approved all requests.
e. Town Property – re: request for port-a-john. This is usually requested annually and placed behind the Town Hall for the duration of the summer. The Board approved this request.
f. Town Funds – re: financial update. Patty passed out copies of various reports. She explained that at this time there is $46,974.01 remaining after the June 1st Education Tax Liability is paid. She went on to explain that there is money available in the Contingency Fund CD and the Emergency Fund which can be accessed without penalty. An additional Contingency Fund CD matures August 1st and that can be accessed with some penalty if needed.
Other Business
a. Reappraisal – re: update. Martha said that she spoke with Bill Krajeski this week. He felt that his company would not be able to meet the June deadline for the 2009 Grand List. With final calculations to be figures, reports to be reviewed, printing the booklet and mailing it to the property owners, and holding two days of informational meetings he felt he would need more time. He asked that she send a letter to Bill Johnson at PVR and request an extension. Martha said she has composed a letter requesting an extension until June 24th. Martha felt that tax bills could be sent out based on the Abstract of the Grand List which would be lodged on June 24th if approved. Any changes due to errors or grievance would be handled with a revised tax bill. The Board approved the request to send a letter to PVR.
b. Select Board – re: next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for the same day as the Building Committee’s Public Meeting. Their meeting is scheduled for 7pm. It was felt that the Select Board could meet at 6pm as usual and conclude their business in time for the Building Committee’s meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 6
May 19, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 7:36pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 2, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 15, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Chuck Colton, Dick Stevens, Henry Hotchkiss
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Building Committee – re: presentation of proposed plans and survey (drafts) for new Town Office Building
a. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions April 2009
b. VT Electric Power Co., Inc. (VELCO) – re: 2009 Long Range Transmission Plan
c. Cemetery Commissioners – re: Sexton appointment
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road
New Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: water problem on Tweed River Drive by Rick Schirm
b. Town Property – re: request to use Village Green for Bethel School trip
c. VT State Police – re: representative to Community Advisory Board
d. Planning Commission – re: reorganization and request to change number of members
e. VLCT – re: April Town Highway Aid payments
f. Financial Update – re: State Education Tax bill
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the April 7, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Building Committee – re: presentation of proposed plans and survey (drafts) for new Town Office Building. Two handouts were passed out to the Board members. The first was a draft of what will be sent to the voters and non-residents including drawings, estimates, and a survey to be returned. The second contained historical facts and figures pertaining to the Town Office Building as well as ADA history, information regarding permanent records and an excerpt from the Town Plan. The Committee would like to come up with a meeting date some time in May and would like to have it moderated and held in a Town Meeting format. The survey will be color coded for registered Pittsfield voters and non-residents. It was thought that many of the packets of information could be hand delivered locally and also encourage Pittsfield residents to attend the public meeting. Patty went through each plan in more detail as well as the survey. Questions were asked and answered. Jerry asked for the Committee’s recommendation regarding the various plans before he speaks with Peter Gregory at TRORC regarding available grant money. Chuck said that each option has its pros and cons depending upon who you ask. Concern was expressed that the Village Green not lose its central focal point in the Village. There was discussion of whether the project needs to be approved before approaching TRORC. It was felt that this grant money might be different from guidelines in the past and that action should be taken sooner rather than later in attempting to obtain it. Jerry was asked to find out what TRORC might need from the Town for the project and a timeline. The Board expressed their appreciation for the Committee’s presentation and hard work.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
April 15, 2009
a. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions April 2009. No action taken.
b. VT Electric Power Co., Inc. (VELCO) – re: 2009 Long Range Transmission Plan. Six sessions will explore critical issues throughout the state. More information can be obtained at www.velco.com/publicoutreach.
c. Cemetery Commissioners – re: Sexton appointment. The Commissioners have appointed Connie Martin giving her authority to sign and carry out the duties as required. This will be recorded and placed on file at the Town Office.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Application #WW-3-1684 by Robert Butler, 38 Dagg Road. This project consists of a proposed 2-bedroom septic system design to convert an existing seasonal camp to year round occupancy. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
New Business
a. Citizen Concern – re: water problem on Tweed River Drive by Rick Schirm. Rick’s concern deals with water running down his driveway and into his basement. It is thought that water bars might have been cut into the berm designed to protect his driveway from running water. The Board will contact Road Commissioner George Deblon for his recommendation and then have a joint meet with Rick to review the situation.
b. Town Property – re: (email) request to use Village Green for Bethel School trip. The school is attending a concert at the Paramount in Rutland on May 14th and would like to use the Green for a picnic on their return to Bethel. The Board approved their request provided they clean up any trash.
c. VT State Police – re: representative to Community Advisory Board. Lt. David Notte, Station Commander of Troop C Rutland is looking for a representative from Pittsfield to serve on this Board. Meetings are held quarterly and provide the police with an update on the towns as well as making towns aware of what the State Police are doing. Discussion. Peter will speak with Verna Borden to see if she would be willing to accept this position.
d. Planning Commission – re: (email) reorganization and request to change number of members. The Commission reorganized on April 13th: Suana Bicek, Chair, Sara Gray, Vice-Chair, Secretary (shared position). A request was also made to reduce the number of members from 7 to 5 due to a lack of a quorum. They have also received a municipal planning grant and are working with TRORC on a revised Town Plan. With the municipal grant, if they don’t have a quorum at their meetings, the grant money might have to be forfeited. Discussion. Peter made a motion to reduce the number of Planning Commission members from 7 to 5. Seconded by Jerry. The motion passed. The Secretary will inform Suana of the Board’s action.
e. VLCT – re: (email) April Town Highway Aid payments. It appears that the quarterly Town Highway Aid installment due to towns April 15th will not be sent by VTrans. When and if this payment will be made is unknown at this time. As more information is learned, information will be forwarded to the towns. No action taken.
f. Financial Update – re: State Education Tax bill. Patty said that per the Final Cost Flow Sheet for FY2009, the final education tax bill to the State Treasury by the Town will be decreased by $22,419.76. No action taken.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
April 15, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 7:13pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 19, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting – Minutes
7 April 2009
Present: Peter Borden, Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins.
Guests: Angelique Lee.
Agenda: Call to Order & Approval of Minutes. Guest and Committee Reports Correspondence Old Business New Business Other Business Adjourn
Call to Order: 5:57 p.m. – the minutes were accepted without addition or correction.
Guest Comment: Angelique Lee requested Board approval for (1) installation of soccer goals on the ball field and (2) painting a grid on the pavement to permit youngsters to play “Four Square”. There was unanimous approval of her requests.
Correspondence: a. Letter from EC Vermont – project solicitation. No action taken b. VLCT – information on application of the “Red Flag Rule.*” Filed. c. Lorentz-Lorentz regarding shared well. No action taken. d. Nieber Works- re: community Development program. No action taken. e. VLCT – news. No action taken. f. VT Fire Protection. referred to Fire Chief Dave Colton. g. VLOT – re: Training. No action taken. h. Enmen Engineering – announcement. No action taken. i. LEPC 12 – Minutes. Filed. j. VLCT – News. Referred to Dave Colton. k. VLCT re: Hazardous Mitigation Program. Referred to George Deblon. * ID Protection.
Old Business: 1. Sale of Stanley property. Jerry was requested to send a letter re: the lot at the village green and possible acquisition.
2. Water in Town Office again. Mark offered suggestions for a temporary solution.
3. Jerry advised that Two Rivers is willing to assist in obtaining a grant for the town office, but they need some direction as to our desires. Patty will attempt to set up a meeting between the Select Board and the Building Committee at the next Select Board meeting, tentatively set for 17 April.
4. Patty gave a financial update, including a report on the money in the Highway Equipment Fund.
5. After discussion regarding the proposed Farmer’s Market, the Board agreed that there should be sufficient financial compensation to cover maintenance, etc. This issue will be revisited when the Board has some idea as to the number of participants and the scope of the operation.
New Business: 1. Available grant monies for towns. George Deblon was given some information distributed by Senator Leahy’s office with regard to stimulus funds. Jerry will attempt to ascertain if Pittsfield may be eligible under this program.
2. Patty reported that her office has received forms from the State regarding surplus property that is available. In keeping with program regulations, a member of the fire company (Dave Colton), members of the Select Board, and the town road foreman (George Deblon) will be listed as authorized to draw on these items.
3. George reported there have been some complaints regarding the condition asphalt pavement. The Board decided to have him rake it to improve its condition.
4. Mark expressed concern that there is still an issue with regard to ancient road in town that has yet to be resolved. Jerry will attempt to check on the legal requirements to close and abandon the road.
Next Meeting: April 17 (tentative) and May 19.
Recorded by:
________________ Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
DATE: March 24, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Gordon Kohl
ABSENT: Mark Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Gordon Kohl – re: pick-up basketball league
b. Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update
a. VLCT – re: (email) FY10 Town Highway Aid
b. TRORC – re: “Disposition of Dollars and Resources Available to Local Governments” workshop
c. TRORC – re: Grant Agreement
d. VLCT – re: (email) News Bulletin: Unemployment Reform
e. Stanley Tool – re: (email) update on meeting between management and Select Board
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1078-2, Timothy Fegan, River View Trail
g. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: shared well for Spind and Cotter properties on Dove Drive
h. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont – re: “Pinwheel Garden” and “Child Abuse Month”
i. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: services available
j. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Chittenden TH #11 update
k. TRORC – re: Minutes of February 25, 2009 meeting
l. VLCT – re: (email) Action Alert: Town Highway Aid cuts
m. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp (GMEDC) – re: (email) The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG)
Old Business
a. Dogs – re: status of dogs on Lower Michigan Road
b. Regional Ambulance Service – re: update
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water problem March 11 and 18
b. Trash/Recycling Concern – re: pickup after storms
Other Business
a. Grant for Town Office – re: request to research
b. Town Mileage Rate – re: increase
c. General Fund – re: status update
d. Select Board Meeting – re: schedule
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the March 10, 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
March 24, 2009
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Gordon Kohl – re: pick-up basketball league. Gordon said that he would like to start a pick-up basketball league in the Village. Peter noted that the basketball court is in poor shape. Gordon said he would like to put notices in the local newspapers and possibly meet on Wednesday nights. The Board approved his request.
b. Patty Haskins – re: Building Committee update. Patty said she and Henry Hotchkiss met with the architect to nail down final estimates for the three plans to be presented to the Town. She said she will be emailing the figures to the Committee and asked if the Board would like to receive them as well. The Board indicated they would.
a. VLCT – re: (email) FY10 Town Highway Aid. This email dated March 24, 2009 states that the House Transportation Committee is putting the final touches on a state fiscal year 2010 transportation bill that would restore the $1.85 million cuts in Town Highway Aid in FY10 that are likely to be made to the final two payments in FY09. Additional information was included. No action taken.
b. TRORC – re: “Disposition of Dollars and Resources Available to Local Governments” workshop. This is a workshop regarding the American Recover and Reinvestment Act. It will be held on March 20, 2009 from 5-7pm at all VIT sites. No action taken.
c. TRORC – re: Grant Agreement. This grant for $13,100.00 is between the Town of Pittsfield and the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs and is for a project described as: Municipal Plan Update. Peter signed the agreement on behalf of the Town.
d. VLCT – re: (email) News Bulletin: Unemployment Reform. This correspondence discusses the impact to unemployment insurance as a result of the new American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The State of Vermont has not yet made any decisions however they are considering significant changes to the current system due to challenges faced. No action taken.
e. Stanley Tool – re: (email) update on meeting between management and Select Board. This email from Patty states that she contacted Jerry Kresconko at Stanley Tool. She explained to him what the Board was interested in discussing and he gave Patty the name and number of the person handling the real estate for the Board to contact if they wished to further discuss the lot. No action taken.
f. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Wastewater System & Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-1078-2, Timothy Fegan, River View Trail. This permit for a project consisting of a revision to previously permitted Lot #4, construct one single family residence on Lot #5 and subdividing an existing parcel into two lots, Lot B1 of 4.0+/- acres to be developed with one single family residence and Lot B2 of 6.1 acres to be developed with one single family residence is approved subject to conditions. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Lorentz, Lorentz, & Harnett – re: shared well for Spind and Cotter properties on Dove Drive. This is a copy of a letter to Anthony Cotter and Elizabeth Patnode regarding a shared well with the neighboring Spind property. It states that testing would be required to determine if a shared well situation would work. If agreeable, meters could be setup in both houses and a separate electric meter installed. An easement for the pipeline would be necessary. In return, a drainage easement from the Spind to Cotter/Patnode properties could be given at the same time. If this is not agreeable, the hearing officer would be advised to schedule a hearing as soon as possible. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont – re: “Pinwheel Garden” and “Child Abuse Month”. April will be Proclaimed by Governor Douglas as “Child Abuse Prevention Month” on April 9th at the State House. The national symbol for child abuse prevention is the Pinwheel. This correspondence would like to have as many individuals, organizations and agencies as possible show their support by “planting” a “Pinwheel Garden.” Pinwheels can be purchased for $1.00 each from Prevent Child Abuse Vermont. No action taken.
i. VT Tennis Court Surfacing – re: services available. Discussion. It was agreed to table this until a decision is made regarding renovation/expansion or rebuilding of the Town Office Building.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
March 24, 2009
j. English, Carroll & Boe, PC – re: Chittenden TH #11 update. A meeting was recently held requesting information from the parties. The Board will be advised of any new information as it occurs.
k. TRORC – re: Minutes of February 25, 2009 meeting. No action taken.
l. VLCT – re: (email) Action Alert: Town Highway Aid cuts. This email was dated March 17, 2009. It precedes the email presented under Correspondence (a).
m. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp (GMEDC) – re: (email) The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG). This email discusses the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and how it can be utilized by municipalities. Guidance and instruction for funding application will be available soon. No action taken.
Old Business
a. Dogs – re: status of dogs on Lower Michigan Road. There are two owners non-compliant. April 1st is the deadline for licensing their dogs. No action at this time.
b. Regional Ambulance Service – re: update. Peter said he has been in contact with Jim Finger and will be meeting with him at their facility on Friday. He said that after they meet, if the Board is still interested in proceeding, Jim would like to have all the Board members meet with him. Peter will report to the Board at the next meeting.
New Business
a. Town Office Building – re: water problem March 11 and 18. Patty said that there seems to be some settling outside the building near where the water has been coming in. The ground had been disrupted when excavation took place for the new well some years ago. Mark looked over the site and recommended that George move the snow away from the building. This was done. The Board said that the situation would be monitored for future problems.
b. Trash/Recycling Concern – re: pickup after storms. Patty said that on March 9th, most of the back roads had no trash/recycling pickup presumably due to the muddy conditions of the roads at that time. She said that she received many phone calls asking when there would be a pickup. Discussion. The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to Jon Benson inviting him to attend a meeting to discuss this. Patty and the Board agreed that they would like to have an answer available to residents who call when this happens. Also up for discussion at that time is the collection of trash from commercial businesses.
Other Business
a. Grant for Town Office – re: request to research. Jerry said that he recently became aware of a municipality in Vermont that was awarded a sizeable grant for a new municipal building but turned it down due to lack of funding on their part. Jerry said he would like to speak with TRORC about this with the Board’s permission. Peter agreed. Jerry will report back to the Board.
b. Town Mileage Rate – re: increase. The IRS has announced a new business mileage rate for 2009. The increase is to $.55/mile effective January 1, 2009. This is up from $.505/mile for 2008. Peter made a motion to accept this new rate. Seconded by Jerry. Approved.
c. General Fund – re: status update. Patty said that the Land Fund CD which currently has $110,000.00 has matured. After researching various banking institutions, she put it into a 1-year CD at Mascoma Bank with a 2.5% yield. She handed out copies of the Monthly Balance Sheet and Income & Expense Report to the Board. After review and discussion it was felt that the Town will probably have to use Emergency or Contingency Fund resources before July 15th unless more delinquent tax money is collected. Currently there is about $71,000.00 outstanding in delinquent taxes.
d. Select Board Meeting – re: schedule. The Board will return to their regular meeting schedule on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month unless otherwise posted. New notices will be posted in the regular areas by the Secretary.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
March 24, 2009
The meeting adjourned at 6:40pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved April 7, 2009
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 10, 2009
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, Alison Hans
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 17, 2009 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. February 24, 2009 Special Select Board Meeting
c. March 3, 2009 Town Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. George Deblon – re: road status
b. Alison Hans – re: Pittsfield Farmers Market
a. DuBois & King, Inc. – re: Half Century Celebration
b. Howard’s Fire Control – re: new ownership
c. VT Natural Resources Board – re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Jurisdictional Opinion #3-130
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Third Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit workshop
e. Regional Ambulance Service – re: change in Town’s ambulance service update
f. VTrans – re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways
g. John O’Donohue – re: request to serve on Planning Commission
h. TRORC – re: Agreement between Two Rivers and Town for Planning Services
i. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2009
j. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions March 2009
l. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board
m. VLCT – re: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Workshop
n. Girls on the Run – re: Certificate of Insurance
o. Second Constable Doug Mianulli – re: update on unlicensed dogs
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign
c. Appointments - re: 2009 Town Officials
d. Library bequest – re: information
e. Stanley Tool – re: land abutting Village Green
f. Town Office Building – re: water in Town Clerk’s Office March 2nd and 8th
g. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals
- Joy Productions (aka Clear River Tavern) – 1st Class Liquor License
- Casa Bella Inn – 1st Class Liquor License
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Pitt-Stop – 2nd Class Liquor and Tobacco License
h. 2008 Grand List – Certificate-No Appeal or Suit Pending
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
March 10, 2009
Other Business
a. Select Board – re: date for next meeting
b. Select Board Secretary – re: additional pay for meeting
Peter called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.
The Board approved the following positions: Peter will assume Chair, Mark with do the Weekly Orders, and Jerry will be in charge of the Town Buildings.
The Minutes of the February 17, 2009 Regular Select Board Meeting, February 24, 2009 Special Select Board Meeting, and March 3, 2009 Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. George Deblon – re: road status. Peter said that he received phone calls from residents regarding the status of the muddy roads. George stated he did also. It was noted that there were many sections of roads that were in bad shape due to the mud. George was asked if he was planning to bring in stone. He said he wanted to wait. In the meantime he has scraped several sections and plans to see how it goes with the weather, etc. There were cuts to the 2009 Highway Budget, but the Board wanted to assure everyone that road materials are available if they are really needed. George was thanked for coming and explaining what was being done and addressing the Board’s and citizens concern.
b. Alison Hans – re: Pittsfield Farmers Market. Alison said that she would like to organize a Farmers Market in Pittsfield. She said she was considering a Thursday from 4-8pm and have it run from mid June to September. She would like to involve local and neighboring town vendors, live music, the library, and also have renewable energy information available. She would publicize the events that would take place. She asked the Board if there was a fee for using the Village Green. Jerry said that typically there is only a charge if electricity is needed. Alison said she would like to keep it small and minimal to begin with and if it goes well, then expand to include other activities. The Board said they would take her request under consideration and respond to her within a month.
a. DuBois & King, Inc. – re: Half Century Celebration. To celebrate their upcoming 50th anniversary, this firm is donating $10,000.00 of engineering services to a municipality in Vermont and to one in New Hampshire each year until they are 50 in 2012. Interested municipalities are invited to fill out an entry form. No action taken.
b Howard’s Fire Control – re: new ownership. Jane and Marshall Hier of Pittsford, VT purchased this company November 7, 2008. This letter explains changes that will take place with the change of ownership. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. VT Natural Resources Board – re: Vermont Country Inn, LLC Jurisdictional Opinion #3-130. This letter from Linda Matteson is in response to the Board’s letter of February 5, 2009. In it she states that it is her understanding that VT Country Inn is going to appeal to the Environmental Board. Until the final decision is made by the Court, the VT Country Inn is operating at their own risk. She states that if the Court rules that a permit is not required, her office will not pursue any enforcement action on this particular violation, however if the Court affirms her decision, then her office will follow through with an enforcement action. She adds
that she will forward a copy of the letter to Bruce Martin, Public Service Department, Division of Fire Safety to address concerns regarding fire marshall inspections. She will also forward a copy to Terry Shearer, Assistant Regional Engineer, with ANR Wastewater Management
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
March 10, 2009
Division to ascertain the septic inspections. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
d. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: Third Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit workshop. This event will be held March 31st at VTC in Randolph. Brochures are available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Regional Ambulance Service – re: change in Town’s ambulance service update. This letter from James Finger, CEA, informing the Board that their Board of Directors voted on February 17, 2009 for the purpose of discussion to investigate Pittsfield joining Regional Ambulance, to set the initial first year subsidy at a per capita rate of Pittsfield’s current service. Subsequent years assessments would be based on the amount all communities pay. They request that the Select Board come to Regional Ambulance to meet with him, see their operation, and discuss the possibilities. Discussion. The Board would like to pursue this possibility and asked the Secretary to contact James Finger and invite him to contact Peter via email to set up a time.
f. VTrans – re: Class 1 & 2 Town Highways. This pertains to road marking. Pittsfield has no roads that apply. No action taken.
g. John O’Donohue – re: request to serve on Planning Commission. Mr. O’Donohue cites the Planning Commission’s report in Town Report inviting people who might be interested in serving on the Commission. Discussion. At present there are five active members. The Board asked the Secretary to send Mr. O’Donohue a letter stating that the Commission presently has a full complement of members, but his letter will be kept on file should a vacancy occur.
h. TRORC – re: Agreement between Two Rivers and Town for Planning Services. This is a copy of the Agreement previously signed. It will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. VLCT – re: VLCT News March 2009. No action taken.
j. U.S. Dept. of Commerce – re: 2010 Census. The enclosed Complete Count Committee Guide will be forwarded to E911 Coordinator Donald Flynn.
k. VT Secretary of State – re: Opinions March 2009. No action taken.
l. VT Agency of Natural Resources – re: Notice of Petition to the Natural Resources Board. This notice states that the ANR has filed a petition with the Natural Resources Board to update the Vermont Significant Wetland Inventory Maps. The information will be forwarded to the Planning Commission.
m. VLCT – re: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Workshop. This workshop was held on March 6th. No action taken.
n. Girls on the Run – re: Certificate of Insurance. This group has requested the use of the Town Hall for a social function. This Certificate of Insurance will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
o. Second Constable Doug Mianulli – re: update on unlicensed dogs. Doug has spoken with several of the owners regarding their dogs. Discussion. The Board asked Patty to send out letters regarding the Town’s leash law and licensing on their behalf.
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Appointments - re: 2009 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
March 10, 2009
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
John Barrows Fence Viewer one year
Richard Stevens Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
Jerry Drugonis Two Rivers Reg. Plan. Comm. one year
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Arnold Johnson Zoning Board of Adjustment two years
Pat Fuster Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Jennifer Howard Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Arnold Johnson Planning & Zoning Commission two years
Suana Bicek Pla