2011 Selectboard Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 20, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 1, 2011 Select Board Monthly Construction Meeting Minutes
b. December 1, 2011 Select Board Budget Special Meeting Minutes
c. December 6, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
a. Aaron Guyette, VHB – Bridge #11, Update
b. CVPS/Efficiency Vermont – Municipal Street Lighting Program
c. VLCT – 2012 PACIF Equipment Grant Program
d. Rita Seto, Two Rivers – Scenic Route 100 Byway
e. State of VT Dept of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value
f. Highwood – Thank You Letter
g. VLCT News – December 2011
h. VHB – Invoice
Old Business
a. Update from Chris Sullivan – Tax Appeals
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
c. Letter to Mr. Desena – For use of Bridge
d. Colton River Project – Update
e. Donations – River Restoration
Other Business
a. Stephanie Smith, VLCT – Pawn Brokers & Licensing
b. Computer Issues – IT help from Sean Lee
c. Vacation time for George/Patty – Rollover
d. Paving – On the Village Green
Budget – General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. The Minutes of the December 1, 2011 Select Board Monthly Construction Meeting Minutes, the minutes of the December 1, 2011 Select Board Budget Special Meeting Minutes, and the December 6, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. Aaron Guyette, VHB – Bridge #11, Update. Aaron sent the Town an email giving an update on the status of construction and schedule of the Bridge #11 project. Aaron informed the board that it does not look realistic that the bridge will be open to traffic by December 23rd. His projection for opening the bridge to traffic is on Friday December 30. The town has an agreement with the Desenas for use of their covered bridge as a detour until December 23rd. The board discussed their options and decided that Mark and George would go talk to Mr. Desena tomorrow morning to discuss extending the contract. Aaron also stated that it is
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unlikely that the bridge will be able to be paved this winter due to paving plants shutting down across the state. In the email Aaron attached an Amendment to the original contract (Amendment No. 1) for providing services beyond their original scope. Mark made a motion to accept the Amendment, seconded by George and passed.
b. CVPS/Efficiency Vermont – Municipal Street Lighting Program. Efficiency VT and CVPS announced that their Municipal Street Lighting Initiative is moving forward. The Vermont Public Service Board recently approved the CVPS street lighting tariff, which includes new LED lease rates that offer municipalities the opportunity to reduce electricity costs and save energy. Efficiency VT and CVPS are partnering to replace all street lights in CVPS territory over the next four years. Replacement with LEDs will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The board agreed that this is something that would be worth looking into, and asked George if he could respond and set up a time for them to come and take a look at the current lights and give suggestions on how we could be more efficient.
c. VLCT – 2012 PACIF Equipment Grant Program. PACIF members are eligible to win an award of up to 50% of the anticipated cost of qualifying equipment up to a maximum of $5,000 per grant. Patty suggested this would be worth looking into for the building project next door. The board agreed and asked Patty if she could look into it further.
d. Rita Seto, Two Rivers – Scenic Route 100 Byway. An email was received from Rita Seto stating that there are several more towns that are potentially interested in joining the byway. A copy of the Draft #8 for the Scenic Byway Route was also presented. No action taken.
e. State of VT Dept of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value. A letter was received from the VT Dept of taxes notifying the Town of the results of the Division’s 2011 equalization study. For Pittsfield these values are: Equalized Education Property Value: $97,373,000, Coefficient of Dispersion: 11.57%, Education Grand List (from 411): $1,019,449, Equalized Education Grand List: $973,730, and Common Level of Appraisal: 104.70%. No action taken.
f. Highwood – Thank You Letter. A letter was received from Highwood Owners Association discussing their appreciation and gratitude for the use of Mr. Desena’s Covered Bridge as a detour while repairing Bridge #11. The board decided that the letter should be forwarded to Mr. Desena.
g. VLCT News – December 2011. No action taken.
h. VHB – Invoice. VHB sent the town an invoice for professional services from October 30, 2011 to November 26, 2011 for $4,774.98. The board unanimously approved payment.
Old Business
a. Update from Chris Sullivan – Tax Appeals. Patty informed the Board that she had been contacted by Town Attorney, Chris Sullivan, in regard to tax appeals. He stated that with the board’s permission he could try to negotiate. After some discussion the Board agreed that Chris Sullivan should not negotiate, and he should discuss the situation with the listers first. The board asked Patty if she could talk to Mr. Sullivan and have him send over the information from George Sargeant so that the Town can have a chance to look it over. Patty agreed that she would do this.
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. A letter was cc’d to the board which had been sent to Sheriff Benard at the Rutland County Sheriff’s Office. Mr. Hayes writes that the Peyton dog is running at large not under the owner’s control. No action taken.
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c. Letter to Mr. Desena – For use of Bridge. The board wrote a letter to the Desenas thanking them for the use of their bridge as a detour during the construction on Bridge #11. The letter was approved and signed by the board.
d. Colton River Project – Update. Mark gave the board a brief update on the Colton river restoration project. He is currently waiting for the State to get back to him in regard to some questions that he posed. The board briefly discussed the payment of the project but no decisions were made.
Other Business
a. Stephanie Smith, VLCT – Pawn Brokers & Licensing. Stephanie Smith from VLCT sent the Town an email in response to inquiries regarding pawnbrokers licensing and bonds. In her email she suggests contacting the town attorney for further guidance. Jerry made a motion to contact the Town attorney Chris Sullivan for further guidance, motion seconded by George and passed.
b. Computer Issues – IT help from Sean Lee. Patty informed the board that recently there have been several computer issues in the Town Office. The company that the town previously used for Tech support has recently dissipated and Patty has been calling Sean Lee (the local computer expert) in to help with various issues. Patty and Sean figured that the town could benefit buy having a more formal business relationship with Sean. Sean sent the Select Board his credentials and proposed rate of pay, and the board unanimously approved it.
c. Vacation time for George/Patty – Rollover. Patty and George both had vacation time that they planned on using in the fall, but were unable to because of the additional and unexpected duties that they had to fulfill after Tropical Storm Irene hit. They both asked the board if this year an exception could be made to have those unused hours roll over into next year. This was unanimously approved.
d. Paving – On the Village Green. John Wietman asked about paving in front of the Town Office building and how much pavement will be laid. He needs to know so that he can appropriately plan where to put the steps. The Board discussed the probably thickness of the pavement and the possibility of combining two projects together. No decision was made.
e. Donations – River Restoration. Mark informed the Board that the Town received two donations to be used for river restoration. No action taken.
Budget – General Fund
Interest – Checking/CD’s – reduced to $1,800.00
Interest – Restricted Funds – reduced to $1,500.00
Photo Copies – reduced to $30.00
Rutland County Tax – Increased to $6,000.00
VLCT Insurance Package – increased to $13,650.00
VLCT Dues – increased to $1197.00 because of population increase
Two Rivers Planning Commission – increased to $683.00 due to population increase
Quin Town Seniors – Increase to $2,623.00
Ambulance – increase to $30,223.00 due to population increase
Town Office Building – decrease to $200.00
Town Hall – decrease to $2,000.00
Band Stand – Decrease to $200.00
Fire Alarm – decrease to - $160.00
Electricity (Town Hall) – increase to $2,250.00
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Garage – Electricity – Increased to $680.00
Garage – Phone – Decreased to $540.00
Street Lights – Increased to $3,250.00
The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved January 3, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 6, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Robert Salmeri, Angelique Lee, Bill Oren, Sarah Gray, Marion Abrams
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. November 15, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri – Covered Bridge
b. Angelique Lee – WRVA, Population Increase
c. Bill Oren – Fireworks
d. Bill Oren – Pawnbrokers License
e. Bill Oren – Lettering for Vehicles with Municipal Plates
f. Marion Abrams – EWP update
a. Agency of Transportation – No-Parking Signs on Route 100
b. Vermont Lottery Commission – Zoning Requirements for Signage Survey
c. Efficiency Vermont – Incentive Agreement
d. TRORC (Emma Zavez) – Community Recovery Meeting
e. TRORC (Rita Seto) – Next TAC Meeting Agenda, Flume Demonstration
f. Pittsfield Planning Commission – Offer to Help (Flood Related Projects)
g. Vermont Trails & Greenways – Membership Application
h. Ted Bradley, Field Rep., Office of Sen. Patrick Leahy – Overweight Traffic
i. Angelique Lee – White River Partnership and Buyouts
j. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola – Reminder, Disabled Veterans
k. TRORC – Municipal Survey
Old Business
a. Donation Check from Pierce Hall – Hurricane Relief
b. Ray Colton – River Project
c. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
d. Bridge #11 – Update
e. Guernsey Hollow Bridge - Update
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Noel’s Specialty Foods and Catering.
b. Michael Wuerthele – Permit for Driveway Construction
c. Susan Davidson – ECFiber Delegate Resignation
Other Business
a. TRORC – Contract for Administrative Services
b. VLCT – Builders Risk Coverage
c. Patty Haskins- FEMA Project Worksheets Update
d. Select Board Secretary - Additional pay for meeting
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Mark called the meeting to order at 5:53pm. The Minutes of the November 15, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri – Covered Bridge. Mr. Salmeri let the board know about a few concerns he had regarding the covered bridge on the Riverside Horsefarm property. He believes that the bridge was built in a different “footprint” than it was in before Hurricane Irene. He believes that because of the bridge’s new size that if there is another flood, that it could create a bottleneck situation. All of the low-lying properties, including Mr. Salmeri’s could be affected in the future. Mr. Salmeri is also worried about any liability on his part if something does go wrong in the future because it shows that particular part of land as his on the site plans in the Town Office. He wanted to make it clear in any case, that he had nothing to do with the bridge. He also wanted to inform the board that he has given permission to the Town to use his property for Bridge #11 related work, etc. The board thanked Mr. Salmeri for the generous offer of using his property and let him know that at this point there is nothing that they can do regarding the covered bridge, but that they would look into it.
b. Angelique Lee – WRVA, Population Increase. Angelique informed the board that she is concerned about the cost for Ambulance service rising significantly because of the latest census figures. The population in the town (according to the latest census) has risen from 414 (from the last census) to 546. This changes the cost of service from $23,109.00 to $30,205.39. She stated that she is hopeful that with new, more balanced billing practices that funding can be increased. Patty then asked if we could budget off if this new figure, Angelique answered yes.
c. Bill Oren – Fireworks. Mr. Oren came to the board with a concern about fireworks being set off close to his residence on November 19th at 8:30pm. At this time Mr. Oren was in bed sleeping and the sudden noise outside of his residence startled him. Being so started about the fireworks display, Mr. Oren sought help to ensure that he, and other residents would be warned ahead of time of future such occurrences. He also wanted to make sure that the Fire Chief was following protocol in giving permission to set off said fire works. He heard that the Fire Chief had only given verbal permission, but should have in fact given written permission. After some discussion the board agreed that they would speak with Dave Colton and have him look into it. They will ask Dave to write the Desena’s a letter discussing the exact rules and regulations required for setting off a fireworks display.
d. Bill Oren – Pawnbrokers License. Mr. Oren informed the board that he had given Patty a copy of his passport so that they could perform a background check for the purpose of obtaining a pawnbroker license. The board thanked Mr. Oren for furnishing them with this tool to perform said background check, and informed Mr. Oren that they would need some time before they could give him an answer as to their decision on whether or not to issue the license.
e. Bill Oren – Lettering for Vehicles with Municipal Plates. Mr. Oren informed the board that all town vehicles with municipal plates must be clearly identified as being Town vehicles. George said that he had called the DMV in Rutland, and they said it wasn’t necessary. Mr. Oren said that the DMV was mistaken, and he has been thoroughly researching this issue and the Town vehicles clearly need to be labeled. The board told Mr. Oren that they would look into it, and George said he’d call the DMV again tomorrow.
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f. Marion Abrams – EWP update. Marion Abrams wanted the board to know that things are moving along rather nicely with the EWP program. Ray Godfrey from the State is also willing to come down and help go through the required paperwork with her. She briefly went over the status of the sites that were approved and on hold and one that was moving forward. She shared the design estimates and contractor specifications with the board. Construction cannot begin before all of the proper documents have been filled out. It can also be put out to bid now if we want to. The board asked Marion if she knew of any deadline because of the winter season so close around the corner. She stated that she didn’t know of one but would look into it. The board’s concern was that contractors are far and few between right now and are charging a lot more than if it could wait until spring.
a. Agency of Transportation – No-Parking Signs on Route 100. The board received another letter from the State of VT about the parking issues on VT Route 100 in the vicinity of the Vermont Country Inn. In this letter they stated that they were going to discuss officially making that area a signed non-parking zone at their next traffic Committee Meeting on December 14th, 2011. The board reiterated that they believed it would be unfair to single out one section of road. They asked the secretary to send the AOT a letter stating their position in this matter.
b. Vermont Lottery Commission – Zoning Requirements for Signage Survey. The VT Lottery is conducting a survey regarding zoning requirements for signage in VT. The board agreed that because there were no traditional zoning laws in Pittsfield, that this didn’t affect the town. No action taken.
c. Efficiency Vermont – Incentive Agreement. The agreement between Efficiency Vermont and the Town for the Town Office Renovation Project, where the town agrees to purchase, install, and operate certain efficiency improvements at 40 Village Green, was approved by the board and signed by Mark.
d. TRORC (Emma Zavez) – Community Recovery Meeting. Locked in on Monday, January 30th for a Community Recovery Meeting. The session will be 1-4pm with local leaders from Rochester, Pittsfield, Hancock, Granville and Stockbridge, and then a 6-8pm meeting is open to anyone else in these communities. No action taken.
e. TRORC (Rita Seto) – Next TAC Meeting Agenda, Flume Demonstration. Agenda for the next Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting being held on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at the Thetford Town Hall. No Action taken.
f. Pittsfield Planning Commission – Offer to Help (Flood Related Projects). At the Pittsfield Planning Commission’s last meeting held on November 8th, 2011, they had a discussion regarding the flood and how it has affected the Town of Pittsfield. They wanted to let the Select Board know they are ready, willing and eager to work with the Select Board to help where they may be needed. The board agreed that there was nothing that they could help with at this time, and asked that they be made aware of this, and that we may be contacting them in the future if needed.
g. Vermont Trails & Greenways – Membership Application. Membership Application and Renewal Form for 2012. No interest by the board. No action taken.
h. Ted Bradley, Field Rep., Office of Sen. Patrick Leahy – Overweight Traffic. Congress sent a bill past President Obama’s desk that includes a Leahy authorized provision to include “overweight” trucks from the state roads to Vermont’s Interstates. No action taken by the board.
i. Angelique Lee – White River Partnership and Buyouts. Angeliue forwarded an email with an article from the Burlington Free Press stating that Mary Russ,
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executive director of the White River Valley Partnership, said that there are two standard culverts in Vermont. The Transportation agency requires culverts to meet a 25-year flow. ANR calls for culverts about twice the size, she said. Russ said her organization is raising money to help towns in the area to pay for the larger culverts. The group is also raising money to help the town pay their 25 percent share to take advantage of a federal program to buy flooded property. No action taken.
j. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola – Reminder, Disabled Veterans. Reminder to have a proper warning for Town Meeting, 2012 for the disabled veteran’s exemption. No action taken.
k. TRORC – Municipal Survey. Vermont’s regional planning commissions engaged the National Association of Development Organizations to asses their collective and individual performance, consistency in delivery and quality of product. That being said, they would like the town to fill out the attached survey, and send in out before December 31st. Jerry said that he would fill the survey out.
Old Business
a. Donation Check from Pierce Hall – Hurricane Relief. The Town received a donation check for $1,500 from Pierce Hall for Hurricane Relief. George made a motion to make the check payable to the Pittsfield Hurricane Relief Fund, the motion was seconded by Mark and passed.
b. Ray Colton – River Project. Mark gave the board an update as to what was going on concerning the river project behind Ray Colton’s Mill. He stated that things were moving along nicely, and that he had spoken with Nancy Caparell. Nancy was concerned about the river behind her house, which is right next to the Colton river project. Mark let Nancy know how the project had progressed and that it would be helpful to the Town if she made a donation to the project as it benefited her property as well. She agreed to that, and Mark stated the check was on the way. The state is paying the biggest share, but Mark hasn’t seen the final figures yet.
c. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes forwarded the board a letter regarding his concerns about the Hennie dog running loose on common land, the original letter was sent to Sheriff Benard at the Rutland County Sheriffs Office. This was noted by the board. No action taken.
d. Bridge #11 – Update. Mark gave a brief update on the progress of Bridge #11. So far the project is running on schedule. The Town will need to contact VHB however, about paving the bridge. The town will need to send them a letter asking for an addendum to the contract to add the paving. George agreed that he would take care of it.
e. Guernsey Hollow Bridge – Update. Mark gave an update on the bridge project over on Guernsey Hollow. He stated that residents could come and go now, via his property. Next week they should be putting the footings in.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Noel’s Specialty Foods & Catering. Rehearsal Dinner at the Amee Farm on 1/14/12 and Wedding reception on 1/15/12. The request was approved by the board and signed by the Town Clerk.
b. Michael Wuerthele – Permit for Driveway Construction. Application for Permit for Driveway Construction from Michael Wuerthele on Trillium Hill Rd. George took a look at the proposed driveway and saw no issues. The board approved the Application.
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c. Susan Davidson – ECFiber Delegate Resignation. Susan Davidson sent the Board a letter of Resignation for her ECFiber Delegate position. She stated that Matthew and Rebecca Humora have agreed to take over as delegates for the
remainder of her term. The board agreed that this would be fine, and asked the Secretary to send out appointment letters to the Humoras.
Other Business
a. TRORC – Contract for Administrative Services. Contract between TRORC and the Town of Pittsfield for professional services for the administration of the Grant Agreement AM-2010-Pittsfield-00004. The contract was approved by the board, and signed by Mark.
b. VLCT – Builders Risk Coverage. An endorsement was received which would change coverage. The Property Schedule was amended to include Builders Risk Coverage, and an invoice was received. Jerry made a motion to pay the invoice, seconded by George. Motion passed.
c. Patty Haskins- FEMA Project Worksheets Update. Patty gave the board an update on the status of the FEMA project worksheets. Four projects have been turned in so far. Bakers Rd. Parmenter Pl. and CAT A and CAT B. One sheet was returned (CAT A) from FEMA questioning the mobilization and fuel fees on one of the bills. This can be appealed, but a certain dollar amount will be needed before that can happen. There are four more roads that will be finished today. There was also an issue with one of the invoices for South Hill Rd., the work done on the bill needs to be broken up by date. All in all, things are moving along nicely with the paperwork.
d. Select Board Secretary - Additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to additional time in preparing letters requesting material from various organizations for Town report.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved December 20, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 1, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield 2012 Budget Meeting
Dog Update – Hayes/Peyton Dog issue
Category A – Debris Size
Bridge Update
Mark called the meeting to order at 4:12pm for the purpose of going over next years budget for the Cemetery and Highway Funds.
Pittsfield 2012 Budget Meeting:
Cemetery Fund - There were not many changes to be made in Cemetery. The first change was in section 4-12 - Wages. Wages had gone up slightly from 2011 so the budged amount was raised to $4,000, up from $3,800.
Connie Martin, requested $1,000 for stone cleaning. She plans on cleaning one section a year at the cost of $1,500 per section. $500 in the Dumas Fund can offset the first years cost. The board was fine with this.
Highway fund was gone over next, with a few changes. 4-16b (Backhoe) will be going up from $3,000 in 2011 to $3,500 because of some bad culverts that will need replacing. 4-16e (all other) will also be going up. It will be going from $500 to $1,000.
4-17d (Chloride) will be going up, from $3,000 in 2011 to $4,600, and this is because chloride has gone up so much in price. 4-17e (culverts) will be going up from $1,800 to $2,400 because several culverts still need replacing. This amount will fund approximately four culvert projects.
4-19a (medical insurance) will be going down from $9,072.00 to $8,424.00 because of the new health care plan.
4-20 (miscellaneous) was lowered from $1,000 to $500.
Several changes were made in the repair section. 4-22b (Ford F-550) was lowered from $4,500 to $2,500, because the truck is new and repair money will likely be more needed on the older vehicles. 4-22d (grader) was raised from $3,000 to $7,000. The reason why it is being raised so much is because a lot of work is going to need to be put into it next year. It is going to need new tires, the windshield is broken and the blade is loose. 4-22e (rake) was lowered from $400 to $100. 4-22h (international Swenson sander) was lowered from $1,500 to $750. 4-22i (ford Swenson sande) was increased from $200 to $750. 4-22o (pressure washer) was increased from $100 to $200 because it is going to need a new wand.
Patty then pointed out the $19,696.47 showing up in section 4-25 (interfund transfer). She made the board aware that this transfer money is related to deposits that are being put into the Highway fund incorrectly by the state. That money is intended for the General fund.
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Patty then informed the board that everything related to the new Ford F-550 has been coming out of 4-29b (capital projects). The total is $74,246.06. Everything left over went into a Highway Equipment Fund CD.
Dog Update – Hayes/Peyton Dog issue
George informed the board that he has spoken with Sheriff Benard again regarding the Hayes/Peyton dog situation. Sheriff Benard cleared up any confusion there was as to what is going on. The Sheriffs Office will be taking care of the situation going forward. They are just going to count it as one of their normal patrols. He stated that they are going to fine the Peytons and take it from there.
Bridge Update
Mark gave the board a brief update as to the progress on the Bridge on Guernsey Hollow. He let the board know that a section of road will need to be shut down for a couple of weeks and this will affect people on Pine Needle Drive and Guernsey Hollow. He will be allowing the few people that it does affect go through his property to get in and out for the duration of the project. He believes the project should take about two weeks.
Category A – Debris Size
Patty informed the board that she has four project worksheets completed and ready to hand over to FEMA. There was just one small issue with the Category A project and that is that FEMA needs to know the amount of debris that was moved. They need to know where it was and how much. FEMA suggested the best way to measure is by height x length x width. The board discussed the size of the debris piles and came up with some figures.
The meeting adjourned at 5:25pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved December 20, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 1, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:05pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
Mark McManus opened up the meeting by briefly going over some of the changes that had been made to the plans regarding the widening of the stairs. These changes had been discussed at the previous meeting. He then went over the Application and Certification for payment. McManus only had one minor concern with the application, and that was regarding the amount requested for concrete, he asked that they not take out so much for it. Other than that everything else was fine. Wright Construction applied for $70,584.00 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. He also reminded those present about the 10% retainage fee again, which is being taken out in each payment. After the change to the amount requested for concrete, and the retainage fee, the current amount due for work done this period came to $62,525.60. There were no questions or concerns from those present. McManus then approved and signed the Certification for Payment.
McManus asked Joe about the status of some change orders. Joe informed Mark that he has been waiting on some sub-contractors, but he should have them soon.
Patty posed a question about ground water in the basement and was wondering if anything else needed to be done to prevent future water issues. Joe and John both responded that the drainage in there looks great. With all of the current rain we’ve been getting the water has been disappearing about as quickly as it’s been coming in.
McManus then asked Joe a few questions regarding hardware, specifically door closers. McManus stated that door closers were on all doors on the specs, but they weren’t on the schedule. Joe said that he’d be hearing back from the sub contractor on that issue tomorrow. More than likely there will be a little bit of an up charge on those, but not much.
McManus then brought everyone’s attention to the door going underneath the landing (in the new part of the building.) The electrician will be putting electrical panels in there, and his concern is that the sump-pump will also be in there. He would like to have a partition put in with drywall, etc.
Patty then brought up the electrical panel going on the outside of the building. There was a lot of discussion on whether or not to put it on the front of the building or the side and to have an enclosure built around it. The board ultimately made the decision to put the electrical panel on the front of the building.
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John then voiced a couple of concerns regarding the building swaying since the windows had been taken out. He requested putting in plywood instead of wallboard to help sturdy the building a bit. Everyone was in agreement that that would be fine.
McManus then brought up putting in another window in the Library side of the building to add a little extra light, and to help balance everything out. After discussion with the board it was decided that it would be best not to have an extra window there.
There was also a bit of discussion about taking out the small closet that was going to be in the front part of the Library level of the building. The closet door would potentially be an issue when opening. McManus said he’d look into changing the design.
McManus then stated that there would be some electrical changes. The two vaults would need to be rewired. Originally the vault lights shared a circuit with other lights in the building. He wanted the vault lights to be on their own individual circuit. He said that this shouldn’t affect the electrician’s price very much because everything can still run from the same panel.
Patty then brought up an incentive agreement that the Town received from Efficiency Vermont. The Town has until the 18th to sign it. McManus said that the list was compiled from our specifications so it shouldn’t be a problem and it would be in the Town’s best interest to sign it.
McManus agreed to come to the Town Office on December 8th to go over color options with Patty.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Thursday January 5th, 2011 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved December 20, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 15, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Dave Colton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. November 1, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. November 2, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dave Colton – False Alarm Policy/Fire Dept
a. Susan Scribner – Bike Racks
b. State of VT Utilities & Permits Unit – Safety Concerns/Parking – Amee Farm
c. Michele Cyr – Murphy v. Chittenden Mediation
d. Casella – Ribbon Cutting Event
e. USDA/NRCS – Eligibility for Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Old Business
a. Line of Credit for Tropical Storm Irene Repair – Update
b. River Restoration Behind Colton’s Mill – Update
c. Hayes – Dog Issue
New Business
a. Town Report – Who will put it together
b. Budget Meeting – Schedule
c. Construction Update – CVPS Meter
d. Health Insurance – Plan Choices
e. Post-Tropical Strom Irene Cost Update
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:15pm. The Minutes of the November 1, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting and the November 2, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dave Colton – False Alarm Policy/Fire Dept. Dave informed the board that he was thinking about putting into effect a false alarm policy similar to the one that Killington has adopted. The Pittsfield Fire Department has had over 20 false alarms from the General Store in the last two years. This policy would require fines to be paid when a false alarm goes off. Jerry suggested that since the false alarms are coming from only one location, to sit down with Joe Desena and discuss some alternative options and to let him know that the town is looking into this false alarm policy. The rest of the board and Dave agreed that this would be the best course of action.
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November 15, 2011
a. Susan Scribner – Bike Racks. Susan Scribner from the State of VT sent a reminder to the board about bike racks, which will be available for Park & Ride Facilities. The board agreed that they still had no interest. No action taken.
b. State of VT Utilities & Permits Unit – Safety Concerns/Parking – Amee Farm. The State of VT sent the board a letter informing them that they are considering petitioning the Vermont Traffic Committee to create a “No Parking” zone along the segment of VT Route 100 near the Amee Farm property. There are safety concerns with vehicles being parked along both sides of the road during special events held at the Amee Farm property. The State would like to know the Board’s position on this proposed action before they decide to file a petition. After some discussion the Board decided that it wouldn’t be fair to single anyone out. They asked the secretary to write a letter stating this.
c. Michele Cyr – Murphy v. Chittenden Mediation. An email was received from Michele Cyr informing the board that Murphy v. Chittenden has been scheduled for mediation on December 30, 2011 at 10:00am at the Wing Mediation Center. No action taken by the board.
d. Casella – Ribbon Cutting Event. Casella sent an invitation to the ribbon-cutting event for their Zero-Sort Recycling Facility in Rutland. The event is scheduled for November 18th at 1:00pm. No action taken by the board.
e. USDA/NRCS – Eligibility for Emergency Watershed Protection Program. Patty presented the board with a letter that was received by Marion Abrams from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. They have made preliminary determination of eligible sites in Pittsfield for the EWP program. Threes sites have been determined as Eligible and Exigent, and one site has been determined Eligible and Non-Exigent. Their preliminary technical determination will become final 30 calendar days after receiving this letter, unless a field visit is requested. Patty suggested that Doris Davis is interested in this program. Patty will speak with Marion about getting in touch with Doris Davis and to see if anyone wants to appeal the decision made by NRCS.
Old Business
a. Line of Credit for Tropical Storm Irene Repair – Update. Patty informed the board that we have not yet touched our line of credit with Mascoma Savings Bank. She suggested that because the 1% line of credit will be available to towns for the next year that we should stick with the $750,000 until, or unless we need more. The board unanimously agreed that staying at $750,000 would be the best course of action at this time.
b. River Restoration Behind Colton’s Mill – Update. After meeting with Ray Colton regarding the situation in the river behind his mill, the board had agreed to pay 1/3 of the cost to put the river back in it’s original condition. Mark was informed yesterday however, that Ray would now only agree to paying $2,000 of his share and no more. Mark estimated that each share would be somewhere between $2,000 - $4,000. After some discussion the board agreed that the town would not pay any more than 1/3 of whatever the cost would be.
c. Hayes – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes forwarded the board a letter, which was also sent to Sheriff Benard, regarding the Peyton dog running at large again on common land. After some discussion it was decided that the board would look into contracting with the Sheriff’s Department at the upcoming budget meeting to help solve this problem.
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November 15, 2011
New Business
- Town Report – Who will put it together. Patty informed the board that Pat Fuster (who usually puts the town report together) will be away this year when the report gets put together. She has a couple of other people in mind that she could ask that may be interested. The board approved getting help with the town report. The auditors approved budget could fund it.
- Budget Meeting – Schedule. Patty reminded the board that budgeting time is coming up and wanted to know if it would be ok to schedule it after the next construction meeting. The board agreed that they could all meet then.
- Construction Update – CVPS Meter. Joe Poston from Wright Construction said that CVPS informed them that the meter can’t be mounted under the eave side of the building as shown in the drawing, that it either has to go on the front or the back. He also stated that if they can get CVPS to buy in to what the electrical inspector says, it can be left on the eave side and build an enclosure over it to protect it, otherwise the line will have to be buried underground. The board agreed that the best option would be to have an enclosure built for the meter.
- Health Insurance – Plan Choices. Patty informed the board that they are going to have to choose a health insurance plan, and presented the board with three different health insurance plan options offered by VLCT. After some discussion, Jerry made a motion to go with Option #1 (AIVIS VHP POS $10/$20), the motion was seconded by Mark and passed.
- Post-Tropical Strom Irene Cost Update. Patty informed the board that the total post-Tropical Storm Irene project cost to date is around $300,000. No action taken by the board.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved December 6, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 2, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Clifton Hebert (Witt Associates), Rita Seto (Two Rivers Regional Planning Commission), David Thomas (FEMA PA), Kevin Walkes (FEMA), Lee Lacy (FEMA), Natalie Calderone (FEMA)
AGENDA: Call to Order
Post-Tropical Storm Irene FEMA Q & A
Mark called the meeting to order at 9:10am.
Post-Tropical Storm Irene FEMA Q & A
The meeting started off with a motion by George to have Witt Associates help the Town put together the FEMA project worksheets. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed.
Dave then asked how many road projects the town has. Kevin responded that FEMA went out and did some of their own surveys and it looks like there are 18 sites. Clifton then spoke up and said that he believed there were a total of 20 individual assessments. Dave then asked how many miles of town road the Town is maintaining. George responded that the Town is maintaining roughly 18 miles of roads.
Dave then asked how many repairs have been completed to date. George responded that most roads have been repaired and gave an overview as to what has been done and what few things still need to be completed.
There are some concerns regarding category B and FEMA funding. What Dave would like to do because of this, is write in the projects as permanent work. What’s done is done and this would allow additional work to be completed on the projects. If the Town puts these projects in as permanent work we will have 18 months to complete them. The town now just needs to capture dimensionally what still needs to be done, and then the Town can either use historic local costs or FEMA costs codes. The cost codes have been adjusted to our region, and he believes that they are considerably higher than the national cost codes.
Dave suggested that if we have a good idea of the work that needs to be done on a particular site, if we have the material costs and all labor costs together, that they could put an estimate on it. He stated that everything should be put together by project. The better these costs are documented the better chance the Town has of being reimbursed. Patty then stated that we have been putting a lot of this information together already; we just need to be able to sit down with someone who can guide us in the right direction.
Dave then stated that FEMA is going to try to do their best to get the Town back together and get the Town what we deserve within the limits of the law. They have to stick by the book, and not everything is within FEMA’s control. There are a lot of other agencies at play here that they are coordinating with. One is responsible for banks (NRCS), one is responsible for in stream work (Army Core of Engineers), Federal Highways, etc.
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November 2, 2011
Dave then gave the board a brief overview on the grant process and stressed that we need to try to be as thorough and have as much complete information as possible. Everything will be subject to review and roughly 8-10 people will see each project during the review process and before it can be funded.
Dave stated that in regard to Bridge#11 that the abutments will be changing the footprint of the bridge and that could potentially be an issue. However, if all the engineering reports and geotechnical reports show that this is the only way that the bridge can be repaired properly then they may be able to write it as-is. What FEMA normally does is reimburse for structures being put back into the original condition that they were in, but if there is no other way with bridge #11, they can write in their reports that there was no other way for the bridge to function in the way that it did before. Kevin said ultimately it will come down to whether or not this is a mandatory or a recommended thing, FEMA doesn’t want to have to come back.
Patty then asked if after the meeting we would have something in writing. Dave answered that yes there will be a project worksheet written up. He discussed that Natalie will be working on our workbook. Patty then asked for some clarification as to whether or not that would include all the reasons for Bridge#11 not being put back to the exact same way it was before Irene and why FEMA could accept it. Dave said that it would include all of that information. Dave then talked a little bit about reimbursement and stated that FEMA will pay what it actually costs within the scope of work.
Regarding Bridge #11, Dave then asked the board whether or not the bid included the geotechnical study. The board responded yes, and Patty added that it includes the oversight of the project as well. Dave then explained to the board that the engineering costs are all built in to the one line cost. Then regarding the bid itself, Dave stated that the board is probably going to have to help them justify why the bid is what it is and document the procurement process that the Town went through to obtain that bid. Everything such as advertising, bid spreadsheet, who took the packages, etc… The board responded that the engineering company took care of that for the Town, and all of the FEMA representatives agreed that that would make things a lot simpler.
George then brought up the potential detour on the private temporary bridge that is currently under construction. He stated that there are some costs that the town will need to pay the owner. All of the FEMA reps responded to get it in writing, have an agreement. Make sure that he gives the Town an invoice for the work done, and sign a contract. Also, a weight limit will need to be posted as well as clearance heights.
Patty then stated that the owner of the bridge asked that the bridge be put under the Town’s insurance for the duration of the detour. George then stated that the Town doesn’t actually have insurance on any of its roads. Dave responded that the town should probably look into getting a bond in the Town’s insurance package for 90 days or so.
Dave then asked if anyone had any questions for him. Rita stated that she had a question regarding roads. She wanted to know if there are any sites that could become an issue during the spring thaw and could they pose a threat to finishing the project worksheets. George responded that he doesn’t think so; everything is looking pretty good.
Kevin stated that FEMA would start dividing by road. They will go through each location, and look at each site individually. He stressed the importance of including as many details as possible. He would like to see a better damage description of each site. Rita responded that the first week after the storm that the RPCs went around to all of their towns and filled out damage assessment forms, she has that compiled and she can get those to FEMA. George
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November 2, 2011
stated that there were some sites that were missed. Kevin responded that he wants to come back, sit down with George and confirm that list. Dave stated that before and after pictures will be needed for each site. Also, in regards to culverts and pipes, if the town puts back a culvert that is the same size as the one originally there, but hydraulic studies indicate that a larger one is needed, FEMA will likely not reimburse if that needs to be taken out and upsized.
Mark asked if it would be ok to go forward with the Bridge#11 contract. Should we sign it? Dave said to go for it, FEMA will put funding into it. The dollar amount may not cover the entire bid amount. He also stated that they will need the geotechnical report to be able to move forward.
Patty then informed Dave that Clifton from Witt Associates is going to be working with the Town to help fill out the project worksheets. Clifton gave the FEMA representatives a bit of a background as to how he is going to try and help the Town. Witt Associates has been brought in by the Governor to work very closely with Towns in getting through all of this paperwork. They are disaster recovery specialists. They will help the town enter the data into templates and get it over to FEMA more quickly. After some discussion, it turned out that the templates Clifton had were a little out of date. Dave said he’d give him the most recent ones with the updated cost codes for VT.
Mark then made a motion to go sign the paperwork for Bridge#11 at VHB headquarters. The motion was seconded by George. Motion passed. Mark was also given authority to sign the contract.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15am. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved November 15, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: November 1, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Don Flynn, Howard Gunter
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 18, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. October 20, 2011 “Good Night Irene” Town Meeting Minutes
c. October 27, 2011 Bridge #11 Meeting Minutes
d. October 27, 2011 Town Office Building Renovation Project Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Howard Gunter – Donation from Pierce Hall
b. Don Flynn – Hazard Mitigation Grant Buyout Program
a. Park House – Thank You
b. REDC (Rutland Economic Development Corporation) – 74th Annual Meeting
c. VCIL (Vermont Center for Independent Living) – Thank You
d. Heart of Vermont Productions – Relay Race
e. Terry Shearer, ANR – High and Medium Risk Debris Jam Locations
f. Kevin Geiger, Two Rivers – VT Watershed Grants
g. David Gunn, VLCT – Gravel and Rock Fill (Act 250)
h. David Gunn, VLCT – List of Proposals for Legislation Related Recovery Efforts
i. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – Annual Meeting
j. Kris Sperber – Temporary Bus Stop
k. Pete Fellows, Two Rivers – FEMA Anticipated Payment Schedule
l. Karen Horn, VLCT – Work in Streams
Old Business
a. Line of Credit for Tropical Storm Irene Repair – Increase
b. Chair and Table Policy – Revised
c. Ray Colton – River Project
d. Bridge #11 - Update
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering at the Amee Farm, Mixer
b. 2011 Census Figures – Population Growth
c. Invoice from Joe Desena – Bridge Upgrades
d. FEMA Meeting – 11/2/11
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:50pm. The Minutes of the October 18, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting, October 20, 2011 “Good Night Irene” Town Meeting, October 27, 2011 Bridge #11 Meeting and the October 27, 2011 Town Office Building Renovation Project Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
November 1, 2011
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Howard Gunter – Donation from Pierce Hall. A donation was received from Pierce Hall Community Center for $1,500. With it was a letter stating that the money is to be utilized as the Select Board and/or Relief Committee deems most appropriate. Howard stated that he would like very much for the check to go to the Stumpfs who lost their home to Tropical Storm Irene. The Stumpfs own a small piece of land in Pittsfield, but because their house was located in Stockbridge, the Pittsfield Hurricane Relief Fund has not been able to grant them any donated monies thus far because of the way their bylaws are set up. The check however, is written out to the Town of Pittsfield. The board unanimously agreed that they would also like to see the Stumpfs receive the check, and after some discussion decided that the easiest way to do this would be for the Pierce Hall Community Center to write the check out directly to the Stumpfs. A letter will be sent to Pierce Hall Community Center asking them to re-write the check out directly to the Stumpfs.
b. Don Flynn – Hazard Mitigation Grant Buyout Program. Don informed the board that there will be a meeting at 11:00am in Stockbridge this Sunday about the buyout program. There are a total of three families in town that are currently interested in the program. Don wanted to elaborate on exactly how the program works. He reminded the board that if the Town decides to go through with the buyout program, that it would have those properties forever. The board discussed the potential uses for these properties and ultimately decided that the Town has no reason not to go forward with the program. Mark made a motion to go forward with the FEMA buyout program, seconded by George. Motion passed.
a. Park House – Thank You. Park House sent a letter to thank the Town for sending an allocation to them for 2011. No action taken by the board.
b. REDC (Rutland Economic Development Corporation) – 74th Annual Meeting. Rutland Economic Development Corporation will be holding their 74th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 12:00pm at the Rutland Country Club. No action taken by the board.
c. VCIL (Vermont Center for Independent Living) – Thank You. VCIL sent a letter expressing their appreciation to the Town for sending a donation of $75.00 for their FY 2011. No action taken by the board.
d. Heart of Vermont Productions – Relay Race. On Saturday, August 18th 2012 Heart of VT Productions plans on holding their annual charity relay race. They would like to confirm permission for the runners and race volunteers to pass through Pittsfield. They enclosed an approval form, which should be sent back with a decision. The board agreed that it would be fine for the runners and race volunteers to pass through Pittsfield and asked that the Secretary fill out the form and send it back in.
e. Terry Shearer, ANR – High and Medium Risk Debris Jam Locations. As part of the ongoing flood recovery work, the River Management Program is working with the regional Planning Commissions and partners to help document where there are high and medium risk debris jam locations that need to be removed to protect critical infrastructure and public safety. They are asking that if the board is aware of any potential debris jam, to let them know. The board discussed this and decided that they would need to do some research before they could respond.
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November 1, 2011
f. Kevin Geiger, Two Rivers – VT Watershed Grants. An email was forwarded from Kevin Geiger at TRORC that originated from Marie Caduto from the State of VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation. The email talked about VT Watershed
Grants and an opportunity for Ecosystem Restoration Program specifically for land conservation/easement acquisition. Kevin wanted the town to know that this could be used as a potential match source for HMGP. No action taken by the board.
g. David Gunn, VLCT – Gravel and Rock Fill (Act 250). To assure availability of material requested by the state and towns during the post-Irene emergency period, the Natural Resources Board (Act 250) temporarily suspended enforcement extraction limits and trucking and allowed closed gravel pits and rock quarries to be reopened on an as-needed basis. By November 15, 2011, quarries that are operating outside of permitted hours, extraction limits or other conditions must return to permitted levels. No action taken by the board.
h. David Gunn, VLCT – List of Proposals for Legislation Related Recovery Efforts. The VLCT Board of Directors distributed a list of proposals for legislation related recovery efforts from Tropical Storm Irene at the VLCT Annual Meeting on October 6 in Killington. The VLCT Board is looking for suggestions from local officials for legislation as the need becomes apparent. No action taken by the board.
i. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – Annual Meeting. The GMEDC Annual Meeting will be held on November 14, 2011 at The Quechee Club in Quechee VT, from 5:00 – 7:00. No action taken by the board.
j. Kris Sperber – Temporary Bus Stop. Kris Sperber received an email from Sheila Pilsmaker from Killington Elementary School who wanted to inform the town that there are a lot of “unsafe” practices occurring at the new Firehouse Bus Stop. They are asking bus stop parents to please live park in the Fire House Parking Lot and wait in the car for their children to load/unload the bus, or park alongside the Fire House on the road that leads to Stanley Tool and walk their children to and from the bus or the Pitt Stop. Kris sent this email to the board asking if the bus stop could move back to the green when the foundation work is finished for the Town Office Building Renovation Project. The board agreed that it would be too dangerous to have busses coming in and out and children around the construction at any time during the project, therefore it would not be safe to move the school bus stop back to the green until after the construction is completed. The board asked that Patty send an email back to Kris Sperber informing her of this decision.
k. Pete Fellows, Two Rivers – FEMA Anticipated Payment Schedule. Two River’s has asked the State’s Public Assistance coordinators when towns should anticipate receiving payments from FEMA. The response they received from AOT is “There is no definitive answer to the timing of FEMA payments. The earliest that applicants would see any payments for Irene is around January 2012.” No action taken by the board.
l. Karen Horn, VLCT – Work in Streams. Second phase guidelines are available on the VLCT website. No action taken by the board.
Old Business
a. Line of Credit for Tropical Storm Irene Repair – Increase. The board decided that the line of credit from Mascoma Savings Bank for $750,000 would likely not be enough to cover the cost of repairs after Tropical Storm Irene. After some discussion it was decided that $1,500,000.00 should be enough to cover everything and it’s better to have more available even if the Town doesn’t use it.
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November 1, 2011
Jerry made a motion to change the amount on the line of credit to $1,500,000.00, the motion was seconded by George. Motion passed.
b. Chair and Table Policy – Revised. Patty showed the board the revised Chair and Table Policy that was proposed at the last regular Select Board meeting. The board approved of the policy.
c. Ray Colton – River Project. The river project to put the river back to where it was behind Ray Colton’s Mill is underway. Mark informed the board that the Town will be paying for 1/3 of the cost of the project. The State and Ray Colton will pick up the other two thirds.
d. Bridge #11 – Update. Patty voiced some concern that Two Rivers Planning Commission has about the acquisition process for the bid on the project for Bridge#11. They are concerned that down the road, FEMA may not approve of the way it was done. Mark stated that the Town used the same process that we always would in that particular situation. The board agreed that time is of the essence and the bridge must be completed before winter starts. The Town did their best within the time constraints posed. The board will make a final decision about moving forward after meeting with FEMA on November 2.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering at the Amee Farm, Mixer. Permit approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
b. 2011 Census Figures – Population Growth. Patty informed the board that the census figures for 2010 seem very high. The population according to the census rose from 424 in 2009 to 546 in 2010. She discussed the possibility of the town possibly appealing the figure. The board discussed who the additional people may be. There are more apartments in town now then there were in the past, which could account for some of that number. No action taken by the board.
c. Invoice from Joe Desena – Bridge Upgrades. Patty stated that Clifton Hebert from Witt Associates as well as the FEMA representatives advised her that there should be a written agreement between Joe Desena and the Town for the use of his covered bridge as a temporary detour during the bridge#11 project. Patty drafted an agreement and showed it to the board. She also informed the board that a few hours earlier the town received an invoice for upgrades from Mr. Desena for work that will need to be done on the bridge to get it ready. Mark said that he would like to speak with Mr. Desena first to clarify some things. George and Mark decided that they would stop by and talk to Mr. Desena tomorrow morning at 7:30 to clear up those questions.
d. FEMA Meeting – 11/2/11. Patty reminded the board that there would be a meeting with representatives from FEMA as well as Cliffton from Witt Associates and Rita from Two Rivers Planning Commission on Wednesday morning at 9:00am.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
November 1, 2011
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved November 15, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 27, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Chuck Colton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:07pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
Mark opened up the meeting by going over the Application and Certification for payment with the board. Wright Construction applied for $32,805.00 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project thus far. Mark went over the breakdown of work done up to this point and how much Wright was asking for each item. He also reminded the board that a 10% retainage fee is being taken out. Before the retainage fee the total requested was $36,450.00. There were no questions or concerns from the board. McManus then approved and signed the Certification for Payment.
McManus then had a few things to go over with the board. The first was regarding the fire rating for the treasurer’s vault. He spoke with the Fire Marshall and the Fire Marshall stated that there are no standards for Vermont. The responsibility for determining the amount of fire protection needed is on the owner, in this case being the Town. McManus stated that he believes four-hour protection should be fine.
McManus stated that when talking to the Fire Marshall the subject of the width of the stairs came up as a potential issue. The stairs that are on the plan are not quite wide enough for two people carrying someone on a stretcher. There are two options that the Fire Marshall recommended to rectify the situation. The first option would be for him to write up a statement and sign off on it, the second would be to widen the stairs to 48’’. Joe stated that it would not cost much more at all to widen them, just a little bit of extra materials cost. The board said to go ahead and widen them. McManus then stated that he would adjust the drawings to include the widened stairs at no additional cost.
McManus informed the board that the call button for the elevator needs to go into a 6’’ block wall and will need to adjust where it will be slightly.
McManus then brought up the subject of humidity in the new vault and asked whether or not the Town would be interested in putting a vent in the vault to try to speed the concrete curing process. He recommended it not only for the main floor Treasurer’s vault, but the one in the basement as well. He asked Joe if he could get a price on it. Joe said he’d look into it.
On the same subject of moisture, McManus also proposed that instead of installing new fiberglass insulation in the basement, that rigid foam with sheetrock should be installed instead. This would greatly help to combat the moisture issues. Joe said he’d check into a price on that as well.
McManus also wanted to inform the board that there are no major rot issues on any of the upper levels of the building and the Town can safely tap into the contingency fund if needed, but should do so carefully.
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October 27, 2011
The next point McManus brought up was concerning the windows. Originally the plan was to use Green Mountain Windows, but after further research it seemed that the windows were not what he expected. The windows were the wrong kind, specifically they are the kind where you have to take out the entire storm window and screens in fall/spring. He found that Marvin Windows has windows with panels that slide up and down and would be wood framed. Joe priced out the extra cost for these windows to be approximately $2,639.00, and the board was fine with the change.
Mark then reviewed some of the fixtures, including the sinks and toilets and drinking fountains. He also went over some color samples of the vinyl that will be covering the stairs as well as the tile, which will be in the lobby, air locks, both bathrooms and the landing on the second floor. He recommends picking something light that will hide the dirt. He went over the color options for the elevator as well and recommended either white or black. The board all agreed on white for the inside cab. McManus said he would check on the options for the outside. McManus then went over some hardware options including door handles. He said that for one of the next meetings that he would get together a more complete board of potential colors to choose from.
Chuck Colton asked a few questions regarding the steel support system. McManus replied that it will be going in; the building is being brought up to code. All existing rafters will also be getting 2x10’s nailed on either side of them for extra support.
Chuck then asked about the drainage and what the plans were for that. McManus responded that new perimeter drains are going to be put in and it will be back filled with stone. Any rain should go right down to that gravel level.
Patty then asked what the plans were for the large pile of foundation cement. There was some discussion and it was decided that the State of VT may be able to use it for road construction or rip-rap. Joe said that he’d ask around and try to find someone interested.
The meeting adjourned at 3:58pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved November 1, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Select Board Special Meeting Minutes
Date: October 27, 2011
Present: Mark Begin – Select Board, George Deblon – Select Board, Clifton Hebert - Witt Associates, Kevin Walkes - FEMA PA, Dave Conger - AOT PA, Natalie Calderone - FEMA Bridge Specialist, Aaron Guyette - VHB, Scot Burbank - VHB, Patty Haskins - Town Clerk
Agenda: Bridge #11, Tweed River Drive
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm and asked for a report from Aaron Guyette, VHB Project Manager. Aaron gave a summary of the procurement procedure for the bridge work. VHB was engaged by the town for an emergency project after the flood of August 28, 2011. The Tweed River Drive Bridge was heavily compromised by the flood and needed immediate attention. The bridge services about 50 homes and there is no other way in or out of the Tweed River Drive community. Nothing has been done to the bridge other than backfilling the washed out road leading to the bridge and limiting traffic to one lane passenger traffic. VHB developed plans and specs. The opportunity to bid was given to 4 area contractors that were already working in the area. Draft plans and quantities were sent to all four contractors on Tuesday, October 18 and all were informed that the project would go out to bid on Wednesday October 19. One immediately said they would not be able to get to the project this year. Three contractors actively took the specs. The public bid opening occurred at 4 pm on Monday, October 24, 2011. Only one bid was received.
Aaron described the damage at the bridge and what needs to be done. A scour hole was created at one of the western abutments. The abutment sunk. VHB has taken borings. VHB believes the bridge can be rehabilitated. The bridge will be raised, a new abutment installed, bridge placed back on the abutment, will need fill and rip rap. There does not seem to be actual bridge damage at this time.
Everything included in the design specs are in accordance with what VTrans would normally do. The engineer estimate was a little over $400,000. The one bid received is from the Kubricky Construction Corporation and came in at $587,975. Everyone agreed that this seemed a little high but the time frame is the problem. The bridge needs to be done before winter in order to service the homes beyond the bridge. There are extra costs built in for the cold weather. There is also a materials shortage at this point in the area. Gravel backfill is approximately three times the normal rate. Local suppliers are out of material and so it needs to be trucked in. Time is definitely the biggest issue. Pittsfield needs to get something in there as soon as possible. It is the only way in or out of the Tweed River Drive community.
There is a neighboring property owner, Joe Desena, who is rebuilding a covered bridge that was destroyed by the flood. He has offered the use of his covered bridge and his driveway as an alternate route during construction of the Tweed River Drive Bridge.
The plans and specs were reviewed by Natalie Calderone and Kevin Walkes. They agreed the price seemed high but understand the necessity of moving the project ahead as soon as possible. Alternatives were discussed such as a temporary bridge for the winter so that the project could be delayed and perhaps get a better price. It was noted that easements would be required, a temporary bridge would need to be located, abutments poured, etc. It would be an approximately 70 foot bridge. The cost for a one year rental would be approximately $100,000 to $150,000. Regulators would not allow temporary piles in the river over the winter. The total cost would probably end up much higher than the proposed solution with the received bid. The town will be paying at least 10% of the project and so this greatly affects the town as well. The town has tried to make sure all of the possibilities have been explored.
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Natalie Calderone and Kevin Walkes agreed that they could not give the town a definite okay that the project would be covered by FEMA. They will contact their higher ups to try to get an okay. They agreed that it looked like the town had followed proper procurement procedures. The best they could do in these emergency circumstances. Mark Begin remarked again that the town wants to make sure this is an eligible project for FEMA. Kevin said that determination could not be made until a full pack of information had been completed and turned in. Mark asked what the time frame for that was. Kevin said that couldn’t be done until after the project was done. It was agreed that it was necessary to continue to move forward with this project because it has to get done in order for residents to continue to get in and out of the Tweed River Drive community.
A full replacement of the bridge was discussed. VHB estimated a full replacement would cost approximately $1,500,000.
The alternate route was discussed again. It was asked if it would be possible for the covered bridge to be used for an extended period of time as the route in and out of the Tweed River Drive community. It was explained that it is a private bridge that uses the Desena driveway. The driveway literally ends up in their dooryard. The speed limit would need to be only 10mph. It would be approved for 20 tons, basically passenger vehicles. Limited traffic only. It could only be a very temporary route. The town will need to maintain the stone driveway. The owner has also requested some rip rap. This will all need to be spelled out in an agreement.
Natalie requested the bridge inspection report by VTtrans which is undertaken every other year. This was provided by Patty.
FEMA explained that the bridge is in large project Category C. The emergency engineering work done by VHB will be included in Category C as well, not Category B. The bridge potentially has unknown damage as well. If any unknown damage is found the town will need to notify the state for a change of scope on the project.
George Deblon noted that this project is too big for the town to undertake themselves. VTrans normally helps the town with procurement for a project of this size. Because of the current circumstances from Tropical Storm Irene, VTrans could not fill that role. VTrans recommended the town contact VHB. VHB has worked for the state of Vermont and is currently working in the area. The town followed its normal procurement procedure by hiring an outside entity to do the procurement for the town for this large project.
Kevin and Natalie will check into the town’s process and get back to the town within a couple of days, if possible, with a sense of if the project is okay or not. Kevin will contact Patty with any info.
With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 pm.
Approved, November 1, 2011 Recorded by:
Pittsfield Select Board
Patricia S. Haskins
Mark Begin, Chair Town Clerk & Treasurer
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 20, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Doug Mianulli, Bruce Nichols, Mark Colgan, Terry Shearer, Michael O’Brien, Richard Downer, Toby Rice, Tate Jeffrey, Jeff Gephard and approximately 80 members of the community
AGENDA: Call to Order
Local Updates
a. Roads
b. Constables
c. Administrative
Guest Speakers
a. Bruce Nichols (VTrans)
b. Mark Colgan (VHB, representing VTrans)
c. Terry Shearer (State of VT, Water/Wastewater Management)
d. Michael O’Brien (Rutland Mental Health)
e. Richard Downer (FEMA Hazard Mitigation Engineer)
f. Toby Rice (FEMA Supervisor Community Relations)
g. Tate Jeffrey (USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service)
h. Jeff Gephart (Efficiency Vermont)
George called the meeting to order at 6:08pm.
Local Updates
a. Roads – A road update was given by Road Commissioner George Deblon. He stated that the roads are coming along very nicely and that several damaged roads are now complete. The only two roads that still need a lot of work are Forsha Rd. and Liberty Hill Rd.
b. Constables – Doag Mianulli graced the Town with a delightful jingle in song about curfews and how confusing they can be. A lot of laughing and clapping ensued.
c. Administrative – Patty gave an update regarding the administrative side of the Tropical Storm Irene aftermath. Business in the Town Office is still going on as usual but things may take a little longer to get done due to all of the paperwork that Irene created. Patty also stated that just after the flood the Town was lent several hand radios from Killington and one is still missing. A watch has also been found that was left on the Village Green. If you can describe the watch to Patty, the watch is yours. Patty also announced that anyone with significant damage or a total loss of property that is planning to rebuild needs to talk to Sarah Gray, the Flood Plain Administrator.
Guest Speakers
a. Bruce Nichols (VTrans) – Bruce gave an update on the work that has been completed so far on VT Route 100 and plans for the continued reconstruction of the road. He also stated that the temporary bridge by the town garage will likely be there for approximately 2-3 years before the damaged bridge can be repaired.
b. Mark Colgan (VHB, representing VTrans) – Mark gave an update on the progress of VT Route 73 and VT Route 107. Route 103 has been an 8-mile project and it is currently about 90% complete. Route 107 has required a lot more work. It has been a 10-mile project with 41 separate repair sites, with 6 of them considered major repairs. The target date of completing and re-opening of the road is sometime in December. They will keep Towns posted when they hear updates from contractors. Mark also gave an update on the plans for the bridge on Tweed River Dr. The
Town of Pittsfield “Good Night Irene” Meeting Minutes Page 2
October 20, 2011
bridge will be closed during construction, which will begin within the next few weeks. There will be a detour during construction.
c. Terry Shearer (State of VT, Water/Wastewater Management) – Terry gave some information on compromised wells and septic systems. Permits may be needed for replacement. A licensed designer will need to be contracted for the first part of the process but he did have contact info for people doing free design work for flood victims. There are also exemptions depending on the situation, and exemption forms can be found on the state website. Patty also stated that there is only one water test kit left in the Town Office, but more have been ordered if people need them.
d. Michael O’Brien (Rutland Mental Health) – Michael spoke a bit about the emotional impact as a result of the trauma due to the flood and managing these emotions. His office is in Rutland and he would be glad to speak with anyone who seeks their services.
e. Richard Downer (FEMA Hazard Mitigation Engineer) – Richard gave same information on the property acquisition program that FEMA offers as well as some other mitigation measures that FEMA can help with. The program is voluntary and the deadline to apply is January 20th 2012. He also mentioned mitigation measures that FEMA can help with such as: raising the elevation of your home or relocating your home to a higher elevation/further from the river.
f. Toby Rice (FEMA Supervisor Community Relations) – Toby gave a few updates regarding several different FEMA related subjects. He stated that the recovery center in Rutland is now closed as of today, however anyone still needing recovery assistance can call the FEMA hotline. He also reminded everyone about FEMA’s different deadlines regarding applying for loans, unemployment assistance, etc. He also wanted to make people aware that there are a few attorneys that he’s been in contact with who are giving pro bono legal advice, and to contact him for their contact information. He will be in the area for the next week to answer questions.
g. Tate Jeffrey (USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service) – Tate spoke about some river mitigation programs to protect against future damage for those whose property is threatened by water. There have been four properties in Pittsfield that have been eligible thus far, and they currently have funding for two of them. Anyone interested in the program should talk to Marion Abrams.
h. Jeff Gephart (Efficiency Vermont) – Jeff spoke about a “Button Up After the Flood” workshop, which will be held on October 26, 2011 in the basement of the Town Hall. The workshop will entail such things as how to keep your home safe and efficient, and it will be modified to Tropical Storm Irene Recovery.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm, moments after the Town joined together in singing their own version of “Good Night Irene”.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved November 1, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 18, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patricia Haskins, Jessica Kuzma
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. October 4, 2001 Regular Select Board Meeting
a. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Irene Recovery Update 9/30/11
b. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont – Thank You Letter
c. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Irene Recovery Update 10/7/11
d. Peter Welch, US. Congress – Federal Grants Workshop
e. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Large Bridge Project Management Information
f. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT and NH – Thank You Letter
g. Mike Kline, State of VT Rivers Program Manager – Guidelines for Instream Work
h. Green Up Day – Selection of Coordinator
i. Pete Fellows – Bridge on Tweed River Drive
j. Mike Brouillette, Senior GIS Project manager, VT Center for Geographic Information – The Highwater Vermont Website
k. Pete Fellows – Town Aggregate Resource Needs Through Winter and Spring
Old Business
a. Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue – Update
b. Bridge #11 – Update
c. Road Update – Forsha & Liberty Hill
d. Town Meeting – Speaker Update
New Business
a. Chair/Table Usage/Rental Policy – Proposed for Town Hall
b. Invoice for Robert Baker – For use of property after Tropical Storm Irene
c. Gordon Merrill Invoice – Wooden Bridge
d. Donation Check from Suzanne Massoneau – Where to put it
e. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Recovery Specialist
Other Business
a. Town HW #11 – Appeal of Murphy
b. Status of Invoice – Joe Desena
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the October 4, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with one minor correction.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
October 18, 2011
a. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Irene Recovery Update 9/30/11. This update covered Project management, Federal Aid Highway information, Temporary vs. Permanent Fixes, Reimbursement for In-stream Work, FEMA 404 & 406 Mitigation and FEMA Mitigation Grants Workshops. No action taken by the board.
b. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont – Thank You Letter. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont sent a letter thanking the Town for the donation of $100 on October 5, 2011. No action taken by the board.
c. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Irene Recovery Update 10/7/11. This update covered TRORC’s Role, FEMA and/or FHWA reimbursement for temporary and permanent bridges, Covered Bridges, iron Bridges and Other Historic transportation Infrastructure, Large Bridge Project Management Information, Rivers and Streams and More FEMA Mitigation Grants Workshops. No action taken by the board.
d. Peter Welch, US. Congress – Federal Grants Workshop. On Monday, October 31, 2011, Peter Welch is hosting a federal grants Workshop for Vermont organizations that have limited experience with federal government grant applications or are new to the grant process. The workshop will be in Rutland at the Rutland Free Library from 1-3pm. No action taken by the board.
e. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Large Bridge Project Management Information. To make the process simpler TRORC included a listing of potential bridge contractors, listing of potential municipal project managers, sample request for municipal project manager, sample procurement for residential engineering services and a sample simple bridge contractor RFP. No action taken by the board.
f. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT and NH – Thank You Letter. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT and NH sent a letter thanking the Town for their recent donation of $940 in support of home health and hospice services. No action taken by the board.
g. Mike Kline, State of VT Rivers Program Manager – Guidelines for Instream Work. Mike Kilne sent Guidelines, which are consistent with the ANR Secretary’s Press Release. The guidelines included points such as: expedited assistance and approvals for emergency situations, non-emergency related flood work, stream alteration work not related to flood disaster recovery, recommendations for instream work alternatives, etc. No action taken by the board.
h. Green Up Day (Green Up Vermont) – Selection of Coordinator. It’s time to verify the Green Up Day Coordinator for May 5, 2012. The board agreed that Peyton Veilleux did a great job this past Green Up Day and asked Jess Kuzma if she could call Peyton and ask if she would be interested again. Jess said that she would.
i. Pete Fellows – Bridge on Tweed River Drive. Pete Fellows sent the Town an email inquiring about the status of the bridge on Tweed River Drive. Patty responded to him saying that the Stockbridge Town Clerk would be notified when there are definite plans for the bridge so that she can notify Stockbridge residents residing above the bridge. Patty will notify Pittsfield residents. It will also be posted around town so that residents can plan ahead. No action taken by the board.
j. Mike Brouillette, Senior GIS Project manager, VT Center for Geographic Information – The Highwater Vermont Website. The website provides information about where high water mapping is already happening, as well as an interface for citizens collecting High Water Mark data with high-accuracy GPS receivers. No action taken by the board.
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October 18, 2011
k. Pete Fellows – Town Aggregate Resource Needs Through Winter and Spring. Towns need to communicate with their ACT 250 District Coordinators regarding their current and anticipated aggregate and gravel needs for the continued relaxation of the regulations governing pit operations. No action taken by the board.
Old Business
a. Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue – Update. Mr. Hayes sent a letter informing the board that Corporal Fox did meet with him regarding the Peyton dog situation. The corporal informed him that he was going to deliver a notice to Mr. Peyton; and he also requested that all future correspondences from Mr. Hayes regarding this issue be sent to both the Select Board and the Sheriff’s Office. The board noted this.
b. Bridge #11 – Update. Patty stated that Pete Fellows from VLCT suggested that the Town should get a temporary bridge for the project. The board discussed the prospect of a temporary bridge and decided because of the time constraints that other options should also be explored. Use of the private covered bridge as a detour was discussed again with insurance and liability being the main focus of conversation. Mark suggested that the town call VLCT to see if it would be possible to get insurance on the private bridge for the duration of the project. Patty said that she would call and ask.
c. Road Update – Forsha & Liberty Hill. George informed the board that he did receive an estimate from Marcowski for fixing Forsha Rd. and Libery Hill Rd. The price was almost twice as much as what Ray Harvey quoted, so the project has been awarded to Harvey.
d. Town Meeting – Speaker Update. Patty informed the board of all the speakers who are lined up for Thursdays “Good Night Irene” Town Meeting. There will be representatives from organizations such as: VTrans, VHB, State of VT Watewater/Water, Rutland Mental Health, FEMA Hazard Mitigation, FEMA Supervisor Community Relations, USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service and Efficiency Vermont. Each was asked to speak for 2-3 minutes. No action taken by the board.
New Business
a. Chair/Table Usage/Rental Policy – Proposed for Town Hall. Patty presented a potential Chair & Table Usage/Rental Policy that she and Jessica came up with for the tables and chairs in the Town Hall. Borrowing of chairs/tables would require prior permission from the Select Board and a $50.00 refundable deposit would have to be paid before taking them out. Patty and Jess also believed it would be a good idea to have a sign out sheet for the tables and chairs. The board agreed that the policy was a good idea but asked that the deposit be lowered to $25.00 and for some of the wording to be changed. The board also agreed that the locks should be changed to the downstairs door, and only a few keys made for those who need them.
b. Invoice for Robert Baker – For use of property after Tropical Storm Irene. Robert Baker’s property was used to store river debris and gravel during the emergency phase of Tropical Strom Irene. A verbal agreement was made between Mr. Baker and the Town. The agreement was $200.00. Patty will make up an invoice reflecting what was agreed upon. The board agreed that would be the best course of action.
c. Gordon Merrill Invoice – Wooden Bridge. Mark ran across a questionable line item on an invoice from Gordon Merrill when working on the orders this past week. He pointed out that one of the line items was for work done on a wooden bridge, which he believed, was a private road. George pointed out that it is in fact Lower Michigan Road, which is a class 3 road and it is our responsibility.
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October 18, 2011
d. Donation Check from Suzanne Massoneau – Where to put it. Patty informed the board that the Town received a donation check from Suzanne Massoneau for $500.00 but did not know what fund she should deposit it into. The board agreed that the Emergency Fund would be the best place to put it.
e. Two River-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Recovery Specialist. Patty let the board know that this Friday October 21st, she would be meeting with a recovery specialist (Clifton Hebert) and she has a very long list of questions for him. Specifically she is going to need the “Scope of Work”. There was some discussion as to what the “Scope of Work” actually entails. The board agreed however, that most of the “emergency” work has already been completed.
Other Business
a. Town HW #11 – Appeal of Murphy. Patty informed the board that she received a call from Chris Sullivan the Town Attorney regarding the Appeal of Murphy ongoing lawsuit. Chris wanted to know if the Town wanted to go through VLCT to solve the matter. The board agreed that going through VLCT would be fine. Patty wrote up a letter stating that the Town will now confer authority to VLCT in the matter of the resolution of Town Highway No.11, Town of Chittenden – Appeal of Murphy. The board approved and signed the letter.
b. Status of Invoice – Joe Desena. Patty asked the board what the status was on the invoice for Joe Desena for work done during the emergency period of the flood. Mark said that he needed to get together with Bob Blair and crosscheck and that he would then talk to Joe.
The meeting adjourned at 7:42pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved November 1, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: October 4, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patricia Haskins, Ray Colton, Jessica Kuzma
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. September 20, 2001 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. September 27, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes
c. September 29, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ray Colton – Road and River Status Inquiries
a. Better Backroads – 2012 Vermont Better Backroads Small Grants Program
b. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Public Assistance process Overview and Mitigation and Recovery Information
c. Heart of Vermont Productions Inc – Thank You
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources – Project Review Sheet RE: Richard Schrim
e. Timberline Events – Green Mountain Relay Race
f. VLCT – Planning and Zoning Forum I
g. VLCT – Managing the Municipal Budget Workshop
h. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank – Financing Tropical Storm Recovery Efforts
Old Business
a. Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue – Update
b. Bridge #11 – Update
c. Line of Credit – Legal Opinion
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering at the River Side Farm and Amee Farm, Rehearsal Dinners & Wedding Receptions
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Vedia, Inc at the River Side Farm, Rehearsal Dinner & Wedding Reception
c. Town Wide Meeting – Follow Up after Irene
d. Hiring a FEMA Administrator – Discussion
e. Proposed Personnel Policy – for Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances
f. Oil Tank in River – Behind Stanley Tool
g. Lift in Town Hall – Out of Order
h. Parking for School Buses – Moved to Fire House
Other Business
a. Speed Limit Signs on RT 100 – What to do with them
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
October 4, 2011
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:52pm. The Minutes of the September 20, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting, the September 27, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting and the September 29, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Ray Colton – Road and River Status Inquiries. Ray asked the board what the status of Forsha Rd. was and what is being done about it. George responded that nothing has been done yet but he is currently looking into it. He has gotten a few quotes so far, he was hoping to get more, but most contractors are exceptionally busy right now. An estimate was received from Ray Harvey and Craig Mosher has been up twice to look at it Forsha Rd, an estimate has not been received. Ray then stated that time is getting short and something needs to be done before the winter. The board agreed and decided that if we don’t hear from anyone else by the end of the week to go with Ray Harvey. Ray also pointed out that the river by Bakers Bridge is a mess. Gravel was taken out hoping that someone would come in behind them and relocate the stream. Right now the water is just all over the place. Mark stated that they could go take a look at it. Ray inquired if Jim Ryan would be the one he needed to deal with. George then stated that Jim Ryan is the person that he should contact.
a. Better Backroads – 2012 Vermont Better Backroads Small Grants Program. The Program’s goal is to promote the use of erosion control and maintenance techniques that save money while protecting and enhancing Vermont’s lakes and streams. Funds, subject to availability, will be distributed as small grants to municipalities and local organizations to address town or private road erosion problems. Applications will be accepted until October 28, 2011. No action taken by the board.
b. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Public Assistance Process Overview and Mitigation and Recovery Information. The Public Assistance Process Overview is an outline consisting of helpful tips for the town to go through the process in several different categories including: Debris Removal, Emergency Protective Measures, Permanent Work, Small vs. Large Projects, Time Limits, Improved Projects and Alternate Projects. There were also some special considerations such as Hazard Mitigation, Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance, Environmental Protection, Floodplain and Wetland Management and Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources. No action taken by the board.
c. Heart of Vermont Productions Inc – Thank You. Thank You for supporting the Boys & Girls Clubs in Vermont, the Green Mountain Club, and the 100 on 100 Relay and wishes for a speedy recovery after Tropical Storm Irene. No action taken by the board.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources – Project Review Sheet RE: Richard Schirm. The project is generally described as: Replace connection to public community water supply with individual drilled well for existing single family residence, Lot 5 Our World Association. No action taken by the board.
e. Timberline Events – Green Mountain Relay Race. This year, the summer solstice falls closer to the fourth weekend of so the planned date so the planned dates of the relay are June 23rd & 24th 2012. They requested permission to use the maintenance yard parking area as an exchange again. The board had no issues or concerns and agreed that that would be fine.
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October 4, 2011
f. VLCT – Planning and Zoning Forum I. This workshop is designed for all local officials involved in the planning and development review process. The workshop will be held
on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Montpelier VT. No action taken by the board.
g. VLCT – Managing the Municipal Budget Workshop. This workshop is designed for select board members, town managers and administrators, treasurers, finance directors, and auditors. The workshop will take place on Wednesday October 26, 2011 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Montpelier VT. No action taken by the board.
h. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank – Financing Tropical Storm Recovery Efforts. Given the uncertainty related to the timing and amount of funds to be received from FEMA or private insurance, governmental units may want to consider working with local banks to issue Current Expense Notes, structured as lines of credit, to cover the full amount of such costs. No action taken by the board.
Old Business
a. Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue – Update. Jessica informed the board that an officer from the Rutland County Sheriffs Office stopped by the town office to give the town an update on the Hayes/Peyton dog issue. He stated that he was on his way to the Peyton’s house to issue them a written warning; and that he would inform them that any future infractions of the Pittsfield Dog Ordinance would result in them receiving a fine. He also stated that he would stop by Mr. Hayes’ house to keep him apprised of the situation.
b. Bridge #11 – Update. Patty stated that Pete Fellows and Kevin Geiger from Two Rivers feel that for Bridge #11 that it is very important that the town stay on top of VHB now to get the design and engineering done so that we can put it out to bid and get an accelerated bid. They also recommend that the town get a resident engineer to oversee the project, it could be VHB. This person would oversee the bidding process and the construction process. Pittsfield should call at least three people (and document it). Two Rivers sent over a list of resident engineers. The updated contract with VHB was looked over and it was apparent that there needed to be some clarification as to whether or not someone from VHB could or would be the resident engineer. George said that he would call them to verify. The contract with VHB for the engineering was also signed.
c. Line of Credit – Legal Opinion. We received the legal opinion from the town attorney and can now move forward with the line of credit with Mascoma Savings Bank. The town now needs to fill out the paperwork that comes from the bank. The board signed the paperwork. Patty also informed the board that she will be moving money from the General Fund to the Highway Fund to cover the costs of road repairs, so that we don’t have to draw from the line of credit as soon, to save money on interest.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering at the River Side Farm and Amee Farm, Rehearsal Dinners & Wedding Receptions. Rehearsal dinners 10/14, 10/28 & 11/11. Weddings 10/15, 10/29, 11/12 & 11/19. Approved by the board and signed by the Town Clerk.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Vedia, Inc at the River Side Farm, Rehearsal Dinner & Wedding Reception. Reception 10/21 and Wedding 10/22. Approved by the board and signed by Town Clerk.
c. Town Wide Meeting – Follow Up after Irene. Patty thought that it would be a good idea to have a follow-up Town-wide meeting to help close out some Hurricane Irene Related stuff. It would be a good place for people to ask questions and voice concerns. There could be several speakers there to give helpful info; George could
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October 4, 2011
give road updates; etc. Patty suggested we could have representatives there from the Agency of Transportation, Rutland Mental Health, “the river guy” Pat Ross, FEMA, Efficiency VT, etc. The meeting would have to be at least a few weeks in advance to have time to prepare. The board were all in favor of holding the meeting on Thursday October 20, 2011 at 6:00pm in the Church.
d. Hiring a FEMA Administrator – Discussion. Patty stated that she had been speaking with Two Rivers Planning Commission and that they recommend the town should look into hiring a FEMA Administrator. The Administrator would take care of the significant amount of FEMA related paper work that could last anywhere from the next 6 – 18 months depending on how long projects take. Patty then stated that Killington has hired an assistant to help with all of the FEMA related paper work and that Pittsfield could benefit from one as well. George stated that the town will have to do some research before we can hire someone. Jerry said that he would talk to Rita Seto from Two Rivers and ask her what she suggests and get back to the board.
e. Proposed Personnel Policy – for Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances. Patty has been discussing the Tropical Storm Irene Administration with Two Rivers regarding the unusually high amount of man-hours that have been worked by salaried personnel. Two Rivers recommended drafting a policy that would cover such unusual circumstances and that it can be retroactive. Patty developed a policy that would help compensate for any hours worked over 40 in one week. The amount would depend on the average number of hours worked per week during the last calendar year. In order for the proposed Policy to go into effect the board would need to approve it. For the Policy itself to go into effect for any emergency the board would need to vote to put it into effect each time. Jerry made a motion to accept the new Personnel Policy for Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances, seconded by George. Motion passed and adopted. George then made a motion to put the policy in effect beginning August 28th 2011, motion seconded by Jerry. Motion passed.
f. Oil Tank in River – Behind Stanley Tool. Patty wanted to inform the board that there is an oil tank still in the river behind Stanley Tool. They thought that maybe the Fire Department could come and remove it. Patty sent an email to the Fire Department to ask if they could.
g. Lift in Town Hall – Out of Order. Patty let the board know that it is time for the annual inspection on the lift in the Town Hall. When she talked to the lift company they informed her that the battery is probably drained from the power being out so long right after Tropical Storm Irene and should not be used. The battery will be tested during the yearly inspection.
h. Parking for School Buses – Moved to Fire House. Patty wanted to let the board know that the temporary location for pickup and drop-off for school children would be in front of the Fire Department during the duration of the Town Office Renovation Project starting on October 10, 2011.
Other Business
a. Speed Limit Signs on RT 100 – What to do with them. The speed limit signs that were made during the Tropical Storm Irene Emergency are conflicting with the new speed limit signs posted by the AOT. Nobody knows where they came from or who made them but they need to come down. George stated that he would go around and take them down before the weekend.
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October 4, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 7:24pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved October 18, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 29, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston (Wright Construction), John Weitman, Mark McManus
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Pre-Construction Meeting
Mark called the meeting to order at 2:05pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Pre-Construction Meeting:
Mark McManus gave the board a brief description of what the meeting would cover. Joe then stated that construction will begin the week of October 10th 2011 and that it should be about a six-month project. Some spring work will be required such as exterior painting.
McManus asked if the playground would be used much more at this time of the year. The concern being that the playground will have a lot of construction equipment in close proximity to it during the length of the project George stated that the weekend of October 8th will be the fall bazaar, but after that it shouldn’t be used too much.
McManus then asked the board if they knew of any weight restrictions on the roads that would prevent Wright Construction from being able to get trucks in. George stated that many different types of heavy vehicles including semi trucks have been passing through town so that won’t be an issue. Also, the new temporary bridge down by the town garage should be up and running by this weekend and that can hold somewhere around 100,000lbs.
McManus asked the board if the addendums to the building contract had been discussed. The board agreed that they had. Joe than pointed out that the most important change to the contract was dealing with the elevator shaft. Now that the project is being delayed a few weeks because of Tropical Storm Irene some heating will be required. Some snow removal may also be required and more than likely about an additional month of heating costs that they weren’t originally planning on.
McManus then brought up some concerns about the vault. He stated that there are no official vault construction regulations in the State of Vermont. The vault that will be going in is a four-hour vault. He checked the latest National Fire Protection Association guidelines for 2012 and the new regulations state that for any combustible construction that they want a six-hour vault. Although we are not governed by that he wanted to run it by the board and make sure that the four-hour vault is ok. Mark also stated that another regulation that the NFPA wants to see are sprinkler systems in vaults. He reminded the board that these are only guidelines and that he is not necessarily recommending that a sprinkler system be added into the vault.
McManus informed the board that another thing that the NFPA recommends is putting a closer on the vault door. The closer would have an automatic hold-open
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device (usually with a magnet), then if a fire alarm goes off a sensor trips and it closes the door. These are generally meant for larger facilitates and operations.
Another point that McManus brought up was moisture in the vault. He informed the board that the vault will have a much higher moisture level just after the project is completed lasting several months. The moisture comes from the concrete and new concrete needs time to cure. The state archivist states that concrete should have at least six months to cure. McManus did not agree that this was enough time though. He stated that temporary vents could always be put into the vault and taken out at a later time once the concrete has cured. He talked to a structural engineer and asked if there was any way to help the concrete dry faster. The engineer suggested that when the concrete is finished being poured to run a fan over it 24 hours a day to circulate the air over it and to leave the vault door open once the door is installed. Humidity will be very hard to control for a while. Every time the vault door is closed, the humidity will rise until it is opened again. McManus also recommended to keep the thermostat around the same level as much as possible and to not let it fluctuate too much.
McManus then informed the board that the town should get some money back from Efficiency Vermont because of the efficient lighting that will be installed. They also plan to put in occupancy censors, which should save the town some money over the years in electricity. McManus stated that if money becomes tight toward the end of the project that the censor lights can be scrapped. Overall, all of the board members liked the idea of the censor lights.
McManus then informed the board that there will be regular once a month meetings. The board, McManus and Joe all agreed that the meetings should take place the last Thursday of each month at 3pm. Before the meeting McManus will review the payment application from Wright Construction so that he will have time to review it. They will only be paid for work completed, including parts of work completed. They can also be paid for any materials purchased that may not be on-site yet but will be used exclusively by Wright Construction for the Pittsfield Town Office Renovation project. Once approved, the payment application will be turned over to the town.
McManus then addressed a question asked by Patty regarding the grant money. McManus stated that the grant money is there so that the town doesn’t use all of their own money. The town has the money for the project. McManus believes that the town has the option to draw on some of that grant money as some of the work is completed or drawing on the grant money at the very end, and will likely be easiest in his opinion to use it at the end when the elevator goes in. The bulk of the elevator should be paid in February.
McManus then stated that he had a few questions regarding the Davis Bacon wage related stuff, as he had never done it before. (The Davis–Bacon Act is a United States federal law, which established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects.) Joe then stated that they do a lot of Davis Bacon related projects and that he is familiar with the process. Patty pointed out that at some point the town needed to sign the Davis Bacon Affidavit, which was included in the contract. Joe looked through the contract and noted that it couldn’t be completed on his end because there was still some information missing on the town’s side regarding loan agreements. Patty said she would look up the date of the loan agreement.
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McManus then asked the board if there was anywhere on the schedule that they needed something in particular done by, such as milestones, like an open house to show progress. The board agreed that no such thing would be necessary. It can be open for people to look at when it’s complete.
McManus wanted the board to know that safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. If the town notices anything dangerous, make Wright Construction aware of it but do not try to fix the situation. People will need to check in at the job site.
Joe wanted to let the board know that he had been talking with a site work sub who advised putting in a brand new septic tank. It would be cheaper and easier to abandon the old one and just put a new one on top of it.
McManus then asked the board if they wanted to reuse the old vault door in the basement. The door in the basement is rated as a two-hour door. It was originally thought that the storage area created would be used by the Historical Society. The board agreed that it would make sense to re-use the door rather than buy a new one. McManus asked Joe if it could be done and Joe said that he would look into it.
The meeting adjourned at 2:55pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved October 4, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 27, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Aaron Guyette, Dave Conger, Pete Fellows
AGENDA: Call to Order
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tweed River Bridge #11 – How to proceed concerning FEMA reimbursements
Other Business
a. $750,000 Line of Credit – Attorney Choice
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering at the River Side Farm, Two Rehearsal Dinners & Wedding Receptions
Mark called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Tweed River Bridge #11 – How to proceed concerning FEMA reimbursements. In order to ensure that the Bridge #11 project coincides with FEMA guidelines for reimbursement. The Board met with Dave Conger (consultant working with VTrans), Pete Fellows (Two Rivers Regional Planning Commission) and Aaron Guyette (Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.) for a question and answer session.
The Board began the session by talking with Aaron Guyette as neither Dave nor Pete had arrived yet. Aaron gave the board a rundown as to what has been happening so far with the design process and his contact with other external agencies involved. They have had contact with the state disaster relief officer from VTrans and they want to see the plans before construction begins. They also had a site meeting yesterday with Jim Ryan from ANR where they outlined their work plan. Jim Ryan was in agreement with the plan. From there they agreed to send Jim Ryan an outline of the construction staging sequence (which was passed around at the meeting) so that Jim could voice any concerns that he may have. Aaron then briefly described to the board how the timeline for the construction of the bridge would look.
George then asked Aaron if VHB would be doing all of the work for the bridge project and Aaron responded that they are just doing the engineering. Aaron stated that this would likely need to go out to bid for a contractor.
At this point Pete Fellows arrived and asked Aaron exactly what they have done regarding the project. His main concern is the town getting reimbursed. At this point in the disaster it’s all about following FEMA protocol and the project may potentially have to go out to bid. Pete stated that the town may be able to use VHB just to get an initial “scope” and design of the project. Pete then asked Aaron approximately how much they had invested in the project so far as professional fees. Aaron stated that it was somewhere between $5,000 - $10,000. Pete said that was good because that could still fall under emergency pretty easily. The way he understands it is that everything that happens generally the first couple of weeks after a disaster still falls under an “emergency” situation so it is unclear
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whether or not the engineering portion of the project will need to go out to bid. Pete then stated that more then likely though, the actual construction of the project would have to go out to bid because that will be taking place further down the road.
After Pete’s discussion, Dave Conger arrived and told the Board what he would be doing in town today. He wants to sit down with a town official and go over some paperwork to go over summaries of labor, equipment, and those types of things. He also wants to scope out the town by driving around with George and then doing some follow-up.
Aaron then asked Dave if he was just hired by VTrans as a district representative and not in fact the project specialist for FEMA. Dave responded that at this point there is no project specialist for Pittsfield. Aaron then turned to the board and stated that the person who will shepherd the town through all of the FEMA paperwork and through the entire process will be the FEMA specialist. At this point in time the town can look to Dave to serve as the temporary FEMA specialist. Dave also wanted to make it very clear to the board that FEMA is not here to tell the town “how” to do anything. They are here as a reimbursement program. The town are sub-applicants through VTrans and should be saying “Here is what we did, and this is what we want to get reimbursed for.” Dave can collect the data and ask whether or not something is reimbursable but he cannot tell the town what to do.
Mark then turned the conversation back to Bridge #11. He stated that it services many homes in town and we need to move quickly to get it done. Aaron then asked Dave if the town would need to go out to bid beyond the initial engineering assessment. Dave responded that the town is now in the phase where they should be using standard procurement procedures, even for the engineering. As far as the engineering goes, it is still kind of a gray area. There should be an effort to meet your procurement procedures. The most important thing is to document everything that is being done and why, especially if it falls beyond Pittsfield’s normal procedure.
Aaron then stated that he thinks that the bridge situation falls into a different category altogether, it is dangerous and could give out at any time. Pete responded that George could state that we are still having a partial emergency situation and could make a few calls around to other engineers for opinions. They will likely not be familiar with the project and turn it down, but rough accelerated standard procurement practices would have been followed. There is a chance that the town may not be reimbursed with the cost if those procedures aren’t followed. The most important thing is to document everything.
Pete then stated that to close out the bridge discussion that we need to get a final assessment and design recommendations from VHB and then the town needs to decide whether or not to go out to bid. Dave then added that the town should be following Pittsfield’s own procurement guidelines to do this. If the town deviates from their own guidelines it needs to be documented and why. George’s response is that the town is doing is exactly what we would have done anyway in regard to the Bridge #11 project. He believes that VHB has done a lot of work so far and should continue and the rest of the board agreed.
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Other Business
a. $750,000 Line of Credit – Attorney Choice. The town needs a legal opinion in order to get the $750,000 line of credit with Mascoma Savings Bank. The town clerk wanted to know if the Select Board wanted to use Chris Sullivan for the legal opinion or if they had someone else in mind. Jerry made a motion to use Chris Sullivan for the legal opinion; the motion was seconded by George and passed.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell’s Occasions Catering at the River Side Farm, Two Rehearsal Dinners & Wedding Receptions. Rehearsal Dinners: September 30, 2011 & October 7, 2011. Wedding receptions: October 1, 2011 & October 8, 2011. Permits approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
The meeting adjourned at 9:32am. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved October 4, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: September 20, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patricia Haskins, Marion Abrams
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. August 16, Regular Select Board Meeting
b. September 8, Special Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marion Abrams – Emergency Watershed Protection/Damage Survey Reports
a. VTrans – Pittsfield-Stockbridge STP 022-1(22) VT Route 100, Bridge 127 over Guernsey Brook
b. VT Agency of Transportation – Pittsfield VT100, Amee Farm – Violation of Condition of HW Permit
c. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. – Tim Pins, Land Use Permit #3W1037
d. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – David Schirm, Project ID#: WW-3-1977, Drilled Well
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, David Schirm
f. Vermont Tennis Court Surfacing – Tennis Related Solicitation
g. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – TRORC Local Road Response Resource Coordination Center, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
h. Leslie Wright with the Natural Resources Conservation Service – Possible Federal Assistance for Flood Repairs through EWP
i. Email from Wendy Tudor (Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Affairs) – Deadline for Municipal Planning Grant application
j. FEMA Intergovernmental Affairs – “Managing Disaster Generated Debris” –Requests for Dumpsters
k. Mark McManus (email) – Pittsfield A1A 201 Proposed Changes & Revised Revisions
l. VLCT Workshop – Weathering Storm(s): Land, Water, and the Local Role
m. Vermont Municipal Clerks Treasurers Association – Financial Concerns for Towns with Damage
n. Vermont Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund State Share – Match Incentives – FEMA-4022-DR-VT
o. Email from Rob & Stacey Nardelli – Driveway Washout
New Business
a. Excess MRE’S – What to do with them
b. Mark Peyton – Madison Brook full of Trees
c. Line of Credit – Mascoma Savings Bank
d. Tweed River – Assessment & Clean up
e. Tim Pins – Liability Concerns (Wood Pile)
f. Road Update – Status of Road Construction/Clean-Up
g. Hand-Held Radios – 4 Missing
h. Town Equipment Used on RT100 – How to Bill the State
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i. Jack Conboy – Time Sheets.
j. Payroll – Hurricane Irene Related Jobs
k. Two Rivers (Rita Seto) – Town Project Manager for FEMA related business.
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. The Minutes of the August 16th, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting and the September 8th, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marion Abrams – Emergency Watershed Protection/Damage Survey Reports. Program by the USDA that does flood mitigation, rip-rap, shoring up banks, etc. In order to be eligible for assistance there are a few criteria that must be met. The town needs to apply for assistance; she filled out the form but didn’t want to send it in until the board had read it. Tate Jeffrey, a Civil Engineer with NRCS sent her an outline of what the Town needs to be aware of before filling out the DSR’s and a list of sites that are tentatively eligible thus far. There are two rounds of funding, exigent and non-exigent sites. There are 3 exigent sites that are tentatively eligible, 2 in Pittsfield and 1 in Stockbridge. She than explained a little about the program. If the town qualifies and is chosen the government will pay for 75% and the homeowner will pick up 25%. Marion also volunteered to be the Town Contact for this program. The board had no objections. Mark then signed off on the letter to the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
a. VTrans – Pittsfield-Stockbridge STP 022-1(22) VT Route 100, Bridge 127 over Guernsey Brook. Mark stated that he believes the temporary bridge should be in place in 2-3 weeks. There were some concerns about property lines being difficult to find due to pins being washed away during Hurricane Irene. George stated though that it has likely been surveyed by the state at some point and hopefully they have the locations on GPS. No action taken by the board.
b. VT Agency of Transportation – Pittsfield VT100, L.S. Amee Farm – Violation of Condition of HW Permit. Complaint about parking. Violation of the conditions of highway permit. During the period from June 24-26, 2011, a special event known as “The Death Race”, was held at the Amee Farm. During this event it was documented that vehicles were parked along both sides of Route 100, many of which spanned over the while edge line thereby narrowing the traveled way. This notice stated that all future special events are required to adhere to the terms and conditions of the permit. No action was taken by the board.
c. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. – Tim Pins, Land Use Permit #3W1037 (KSF&G File No.:2506-300). Planting Plan (to plant hemlock and spruce staggered in the open area along the river) prepared by Trombly’s landscaping as required by Paragraph 11 of the above referenced permit. No action taken by the board.
d. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – David Schirm, Project ID#: WW-3-1977, Drilled Well. Replace connection to public community water supply with individual drilled well for an existing SFR, located at 348 Tweed River Dr. Receipt of application from the State of VT. No action taken by the board.
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (see above), David Schirm. Permit was approved under the requirements of the regulations and conditions stated within the permit. The permit will be filed at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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f. Vermont Tennis Court Surfacing – Tennis Related Solicitation. No action taken by the board.
g. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – TRORC Local Road Response Resource Coordination Center, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Patty explained that the town does have to apply for this. Two Rivers Planning Commission will help the town with it. Marion stated that she received a call yesterday from Richard Downer who is a FEMA Mitigation Engineer. He had a lot of answers for her. The VT Dept of Emergency Management administers the program. What they want to know is who from the Town of Pittsfield is interested in getting a buyout. Anyone who is interested should contact him, the sooner the better. It’s a competitive grant process. The Town needs to apply by May 1st. Homeowners are then up against other homeowners in the state, and a committee decides who gets bought out. Patty then stated that at the FEMA meeting that she attended they highly encouraged that towns apply. Patty then suggested that since Jerry has had experience working with the Regional Planning Commission before and that he take on this project. Jerry said he’d be glad to do it and that he would send Rita Seto at Two Rivers an email tomorrow.
h. Leslie Wright with the Natural Resources Conservation Service – Possible Federal Assistance for Flood Repairs through EWP. See Guests and Committee Reports section A.
i. Email from Wendy Tudor (Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Affairs) – Deadline for Municipal Planning Grant application. Because so many municipalities were affected by the flooding from Hurricane Irene, the FY12 Municipal Planning Grant (MPG) application deadline has been extended from September 30 to October 31, 2011. They expect to announce grant decisions by mid-December. No action taken by the board.
j. FEMA Intergovernmental Affairs – “Managing Disaster Generated Debris” –Requests for Dumpsters. Patty informed the board that she had a couple of landowners ask if the town is going to provide a dumpster for the flood debris that they are cleaning out of their houses. The board discussed some options and decided that due to the nature of the debris (potentially hazardous materials) and associated costs that the town would not obtain a temporary dumpster for this purpose. The board agreed that if residents need large materials picked up that they should contact John Benson.
k. Mark McManus (email) – Pittsfield A1A 201 Proposed Changes & Revised Revisions. Patty let the board know that Mark Begin signed off on the A1A documents where the town had asked for three revisions. She also informed the board that they want to have a pre-construction meeting possibly the week of the 26th. The date of commencement for the project will be pushed back due to the road conditions. She also stated that she had been told that the potential for additional winter condition costs is somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 but it’s hard to know for sure. George made a motion to move forward with the project, and if funds get low during the project we can choose to cut something. Jerry seconded the motion. The motion was passed.
l. VLCT Workshop – Weathering Storm(s): Land, Water, and the Local Role. Workshop being held on October 19, 2011 at the Capitol Hotel and Conference Center in Montpelier, VT. This workshop offers participants a chance to hear about and discuss timely water resource management issues facing municipal officials. No action taken by the board.
m. Vermont Municipal Clerks Treasurers Association – Financial Concerns for Towns with Damage. Patty let the board know that she had been contacted by Mascoma bank, and they informed her that due to the recent tropical storm that they could offer the Town a line of credit at 1%. The board agreed that 1% was a very good deal.
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n. Vermont Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund State Share – Match Incentives – FEMA-4022-DR-VT. Patty informed the board that Vermont Emergency Relief and Assistance sent us a form dealing with the State share and match incentives. The town meets the two minimum standards for eligibility. In addition to the two minimum standards, the town also needs to adopt 3 hazard mitigation measures. Pittsfield has adopted an emergency rapid response plan; a driveway curb ordinance and watershed protection and wetland preservation plan components. This makes the town eligible to pay only 10% as opposed to 12.5%. Mark initialed, signed and dated the form.
o. Email from Rob & Stacey Nardelli – Driveway Washout. The town received an email from the Nardelli’s asking if anything could be done about the runoff that has washed out their driveway on several occasions. The board agreed that because the water was coming from Hawk common land that it was not an issue that the board could address. The board asked the Secretary to write a letter to the Nardelli’s advising them to contact the Hawk Homeowner’s Association.
New Business
a. Excess MRE’S – What to do with them. There are a lot of extra MRE’s, other food, baby diapers, water, cat & dog food, etc. left from the donations sent after Tropical Storm Irene and they are taking up a lot of room. George stated that the fire department is looking into giving them back to where they came from and that Sara Hunt is going to take the cat & dog food to the Humane Society. Patty then suggested that Edna Gunter expressed an interest in helping distribute the food to the residents in town who were displaced. The board agreed that this would be the best course of action.
b. Mark Peyton – Madison Brook full of Trees. Mark Peyton contacted the town to inform that a great number of trees are stuck in Madison Brook. The board was concerned that this could become a public safety issue. Mark and George decided that they would assess the situation together so that they can decide how to proceed from there.
c. Line of Credit – Mascoma Savings Bank. (In reference to Correspondence m.) The board decided to obtain a line of credit to help fund the flood recovery expenses while waiting for FEMA reimbursement. George made a motion to take out a $750,000 line of credit with Mascoma Savings Bank; Jerry seconded the motion. Motion passed.
d. Tweed River – Assessment & Clean up. Patty received information from Two Rivers that she thought would be helpful. She read “VTrans has released guidance regarding debris removal from rivers, streams and shorelines affected by Tropical Storm Irene. If logs, trees and other debris is building up against public infrastructure and or blocking stream flow in such a way to threaten public infrastructure, it should be removed with an excavator and logs cut and removed.” Patty suggested that the board take a look over this document before assessing the tree issue at Madison Brook. No action taken by the board.
e. Tim Pins – Liability Concerns (Wood Pile) Tim Pins inquired about some liability concerns relating to the woodpiles being stacked on his property. He had seen someone cutting wood on his property on wet logs without proper gear. The board agreed that the best course of action would be to get a log truck in and get the logs out. Mark said he would make the call and take care of it.
f. Road Update – Status of Road Construction/Clean-Up. George stated that yesterday they got Fifield’s mostly finished up, all it needs now is crushed gravel. Bakers has been fixed around the bridge, all that needs now is crushed gravel and grading. Also, as far as hauling out river gravel, he thinks we won’t need any more. The other side of Liberty Hill still needs some attention, it needs another culvert. George then stated
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that they have a big project on Forsha Rd and on Liberty Hill and he is looking into options as far as contractors for the job.
g. Hand-Held Radios – 4 Missing. Patty informed the board that the radios that came from Killington during the storm had four missing. There were sign-out sheets for people to fill out, but four hadn’t been filled out or returned. She suggests that someone local had taken them either the first or second week after the disaster. George said he would call Tim Hunt and see if he knew anything about the situation.
h. Town Equipment Used on RT100 – How to Bill the State. Patty asked the board how the town was going to bill the State of Vermont for using town equipment to work on State Highways to make them passable after Irene. Mark suggested that Patty call Bob Blair from the District 3 AOT and ask him exactly how to go about this.
i. Jack Conboy – Time Sheets. Patty informed the board that Jack had organized volunteer time sheets on excel spreadsheets by date and job for the FEMA in kind match. No action taken by the board.
j. Payroll – Hurricane Irene Related Jobs. Patty asked George if the exact roads that were being worked on were indicated in the time sheets. George said that every week he would be sending an itemized list of exactly what was done, where they were, what they used, etc…
k. Two Rivers (Rita Seto) – Town Project Manager for FEMA related business. Patty informed the board that she had been contacted by Rita, who asked if Pittsfield was going to assign a town Project Manager for any FEMA related business. Rita said that we don’t need one; she just wanted to know if we wanted to assign one. George then stated that this isn’t something that we need to worry about right now.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved October 4, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: 8 September 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patricia Haskins, Jerry Drugonis
NEW: The meeting was called to order at 0800 for the purpose of discussion
- of the status of the town with respect to flood damage and related matters.
- The Board approved an application to serve liquor at a wedding reception that had been adversely affected by the flooding.
- Town Clerk/Treasurer Patricia Haskins reported on the large volume of records that have to be kept regarding road repairs, service in kind hours and related matters. The offer of Jack Conboy to assist her was gratefully accepted. She was also able to report that FEMA will be setting up a temporary office (30 day period) in Killington. Pittsfield residents will be able to file the necessary paperwork regarding losses and damage there.
- After discussion the Board determined that with the clinic opening in Rochester, the town would no longer have to maintain its emergency medical operations.
- George Deblon advised that he was able to obtain a truck-load of culverts for the repair of our local roads. No more will be available for at least two weeks. He further advised that travel into Rutland on Rte 4 will only be permitted at 0600 and 1800 and that the 100 yard foot-traffic by-pass will be more like 5 miles on Friday and Saturday.
- The Board further decided to proceed with the contract regarding the construction work on the old town office and library as expeditiously as possible.
- The Board will meet on Saturday at 0700 prior to the informational meeting at 0730.
- Meeting adjourned at 0800 following a motion by Mark Begin and a second by Jerry Drugonis.
- _____________________________
- Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
- _________________ __________________ ________________
- Mark Begin George Deblon Jerry Drugonis
DATE: August 16, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Joe Poston, Donna Wilson
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 5, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. July 21, Special Select Board Meeting
c. July 27, Special Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Donna Wilson (State of Agency of Transportation) – Pittsfield-Stockbridge STP 022-1(22)S Parcel No. 1 Right-of-Way Project Explanation
b. Joe Poston/Mark McManus – Pittsfield Town Office Reconstruction Project Contract Review Q&A
a. U.S. Dept of Homeland Security/FEMA – Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
b. VT Dept of Health – Health Officer Appointment
c. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – Request for Support
d. Two Rivers – Mutual Aid Agreement – Town listing
e. Two Rivers – Thank You for FY 12 Annual Dues
f. State of VT Dept of Taxes – Penalties for Late Filed Homestead Declarations
g. VLCT PACIF - $10,000,000 Casualty Coverage Purchased
h. Timeberline Events – Thank You (Green Mountain Relay Event)
i. State of VT Dept of Building and General Services – Human Services & Educational Facilities Grant Program applications
j. VLCT – Broker of Record (Health Insurance)
k. State of VT Agency of Transportation – Bike Racks
l. Martha Beyersdorf – Town Website
m. Two Rivers – Scenic Byway RT100 Draft Bylaws
n. VLCT – 2011 Town Fair
Old Business
a. Letter from Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
New Business
a. Town Highway Dept – Springs for New Town Truck
b. Town Hall Chairs/Tables – Request & Usage
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – River Side Farm Rehearsal Dinner & Wedding Reception
d. Grant Agreement and Grant Agreement Resolution – VCDP Grant
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:40pm. The Minutes of the July 5th, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting, July 21st 2011 Special Select Board Meeting, and the July 27th 2011 Special Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
August 16, 2011
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Donna Wilson (State of Agency of Transportation) – Pittsfield-Stockbridge STP 022-1(22)S Parcel No. 1 Right-of-Way Project Explanation. In order to construct the referenced project the VT Agency of transportation desires to obtain certain rights from the town. The Board decided at the last meeting that in order to make an informed decision that they wanted to speak with Donna personally about the project. Donna informed the board that the towns of Pittsfield and Stockbridge have a common Right of Way on Guernsey Hollow Rd. The State is asking for these rights to ensure that this project can begin. There is a permanent easement planned as well as a temporary one. Mark asked if there would be a culvert going in and if the road would move at all or stay in the same location. Donna said that there will be a box culvert going in and that the road will not be moving, they need to work within the “footprint” of the road that is already in place. Mark asked Donna if she could send more detailed information regarding the project to the town office, she said that she would. With no objections by the board, George made a motion to elect Mark Begin to sign the Deed and Property Transfer Tax forms on behalf of the town. The motion was seconded by Jerry. Mark then signed both documents.
b. Joe Poston/Mark McManus – Pittsfield Town Office Reconstruction Project Contract Review Q&A. Joe Poston, Senior Project Manager from Wright Construction and Mark McManus Architect met with the board to answer questions and address concerns that the board may have before signing the contract. McManus asked Joe how he felt about the 10% contingency. McManus would have been more comfortable seeing it around 15% because of issues that may crop up during construction such as framing issues, rot, etc. Joe stated that the 10% contingency is fine because the project is pretty straight forward, even if something does crop up that will require contingency money it should still be enough to cover the costs because most issues are already known. McManus then stated that about 2-3 months into the project that Wright Construction should be far enough into the project to have found any potential issues. George asked Joe if the town is responsible for the removal of the fire system, and Joe responded that Wright Construction would be responsible for removing anything that is attached to the building including the fire system. McManus then asked Joe if any of the alternate bids could be added in during the construction if no issues arise to eat up the contingency. Joe responded that yes, alternate bids can be added in up to a certain point in construction which he estimated to be around October 15th. McManus then asked Joe about how payments would work as far as a schedule and when the first payment would be due. Joe said that if they start in August that they want to get paid at least for bonds, they will need mobilization money to start the project which is roughly 10 grand. October and November he estimates will be the largest billing periods for the town but once he lays out the schedule he’ll have a better idea. He estimates that in these two months that the bills to the town will be approximately $150,000 - $200,000. McManus then asked Joe how he felt about the April 1st 2012 deadline and Joe responded that the building will be move-in ready on April 1st. There may be some touch-ups needed such as paint, etc, but it will be usable. The board then asked Joe who would be sub-contracted to install the lift. Joe informed the board that it would be the same company that installed the one in the Town Hall building. The board voiced concerns about the lack of service from that company but Joe assured them that they’ve had good luck with them in the past. McManus also pointed out that the cost for this company to install the lift is far less than any of the other companies that could do it. McManus reminded the board that the septic tank will need to be pumped before construction starts. He then asked the board if they would be
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August 16, 2011
interested in having a groundbreaking ceremony. The board responded with a unanimous no. Patty informed Joe that a buyer had been found for the safe in the basement and asked if Wright would help in removing it and getting it on the buyer’s truck. Joe said that that would not be a problem. Patty then added in that the piano doesn’t have a buyer yet and wanted to know if Wright could also move that. Joe said that they would “take care of it” at no additional cost. McManus then asked Joe about the staging grounds. Joe stated that they will have a 20ft storage container on site. McManus then address how payment would work to the board. He stated that every time Wright Construction requests a payment that the town needs to retain 10% of that amount each time up to the 50% completion point of the project. After the 50% completion point the town can keep taking 10% or stop taking it. When Wright requests a payment the forms will go to McManus for approval, they will then be turned over to the Treasurer for processing. The Town has 15 days to make payment once a request has been put in and requests will be made on the 1st of each month. Wright can only be paid for work completed, for materials on site or in a warehouse with the town’s name on it. Don then talked briefly about the Clerk of the Works position with the board. He stated that he would be on site daily to check up on the project. Patty reported that Attorney Chris Sullivan stated that the fastest way to get the contract signed would be to authorize one member of the board to review and sign for the board, as long as there were no problems with the contract. George made a motion to elect Mark Begin to sign the contract once Chris Sullivan approves it. Jerry seconded the motion.
a. U.S. Dept of Homeland Security/FEMA – Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Rita Seto from two Rivers forwarded the town a letter which was sent to them from the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security. The DHS, FEMA Region I has evaluated the plan for compliance with 44 CFR Part 201 and it has met all of the mandatory requirements. With this plan approval the Town of Pittsfield is eligible to apply for Mitigation Grants administered by FEMA. No action taken by the board.
b. VT Dept of Health – Health Officer Appointment. The Board received a packet of information regarding the Town Health Officer position including a manual, certificate of appointment and a letter. The letter stated that the State never received a recommendation for a Health Officer and has hereby appointed the Chair of the Select Board as the new Health Officer. Patty and Jessica both stated that they were certain that the appropriate forms had been filled out and sent in naming Sandra Begin as the appointed Health Officer, but would call the State Health Department to see how the situation could be rectified.
c. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation – Request for Support. GMEDC sent in a letter asking for support to help fund their organization which views its role as fostering the growth of higher quality jobs, as well as the broader goal of building and maintaining a strong diversified economy in Vermont. No action taken by the board.
d. Two Rivers – Mutual Aid Agreement – Town listing. A mutual aid agreement was created in 2006 by the Orange/Windsor County Road Foreman group. At this time TRORC is updating the equipment list to their mutual aid agreement as well as reaching out to those towns that did not participate then. An agreement was included for signing if Pittsfield is interested in participating. No action was taken by the board.
e. Two Rivers – Thank You for FY 12 Annual Dues. TRORC sent a letter thanking the town for the check to the Regional Commission for the FY 12 Annual Dues, they look forward to another productive year with Pittsfield. No action taken by the board.
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August 16, 2011
f. State of VT Dept of Taxes – Penalties for Late Filed Homestead Declarations. Electronic information from the Tax Department concerning who is subject to a late filing penalty will be sent to municipalities throughout the period from April 18, 2011 until September 15, 2011. Town Treasurer’s can use this information to issue revised tax bills that can, at the town’s discretion, include a penalty amount. Since this decision affects town revenues, it is recommended that the Select Board set a consistent policy regarding the circumstances under which penalties may or may not be waived. The Board decided to continue in the same vein as tax collection. If it is late the penalty is due. There is no gray area that way.
g. VLCT PACIF - $10,000,000 Casualty Coverage Purchased. PACIF Member Memo including a summary of coverage and an endorsement illustrating the increase in the casualty coverage limit for the town for the period 4/1/11 to 12/31/11.
h. Timeberline Events – Thank You (Green Mountain Relay Event). Timberline Events sent a letter thanking the Select Board for cooperation and permission to use town facilities for the Green Mountain relay event. No action taken by the board.
i. State of VT Dept of Building and General Services – Human Services & Educational Facilities Grant Program applications. The State of VT Dept of Building & General Services is asking for support in getting these applications distributed within the community. The goal of the program is to provide competitive grants to municipalities and to non-profit organizations to stimulate the creation and development of recreational opportunities in Vermont Communities. No action taken by the board.
j. VLCT – Broker of Record (Health Insurance). If the town wants to stay with VLCT Health Trust, Inc. for health insurance in 2012, a Broker of Record letter (included in the email correspondence) needs to be signed and sent back to VLCT. Once VLCT receives the BOR they can begin mapping the town’s existing CIGNA plan to the most comparable and relevant health insurance plans on the market. Jerry made a motion to continue working with VLCT Health Trust, Inc. for 2012, seconded by Mark. Mark then signed the Broker of Record letter.
k. State of VT Agency of Transportation – Bike Racks. VTrans has funding that has been appropriated for purchasing bicycle racks and is reaching out to owners of municipal park and ride facilities to see if there is interest in receiving a rack(s) at no cost. The application form was due August 10th, but if the board were interested we could see if it would be possible to get some sort of waiver since our Park & Ride won’t be built until next spring or summer. The board agreed that the proposed bicycle racks could create too much liability for the town. No action taken.
l. Martha Beyersdorf – Town Website. Martha sent an email expressing interest in updating the town’s website. She would like to add more pictures and work on the Lister’s page. She also would like to upload the Grand list and tax rate information to it as well. The board agreed that they have no objections with Martha working on the website but would like to see some examples of what she would like to do first.
m. Two Rivers – Scenic Byway RT100 Draft Bylaws. The RT100 Byway Committee met a few weeks ago to go over a draft Bylaws document. This will help define the function of the group in how it is run. The board members were each given a copy of the document for review and then began discussions about appointing a representative and an alternate to represent the town on the committee. George stated that he would ask Chuck and Stephanie Colton if they would be interested.
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n. VLCT – 2011 Town Fair. Flier pertaining to the 2011 Town Fair. The Fair will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at the Killington Grand Hotel, Killington, VT. The Fair is Vermont’s premier conference for municipal officers, employees, and volunteers. No action taken by the board.
Old Business
a. Letter from Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes sent in a letter citing violations of the dog ordinance as well as asking the board if they had heard anything from Sheriff Benard about the situation. The board decided to forward the Letter from Mr. Hayes to Sheriff Benard. The board also decided to send Mr. Hayes a letter advising him to send any future dog ordinance violation correspondences directly to the Sheriff’s Office.
New Business
- Town Highway Dept – Springs for New Town Truck. George stated that the springs on the new town truck are going to need to be beefed up before winter. When the plow and rake are put on it takes the truck down far too low. He said the coil springs in the front are currently rated to carry 600lbs but should be 1000lbs to safely be able to hold up the plow and rake. George also said that the rear suspension should have an extra leaf per side. George said the cost for increasing the suspension would be around $1,600 and suggested taking the money out of the equipment fund to pay for it. Jerry made a motion to accept George’s request so long as the funds are available in the equipment fund. Mark seconded the motion.
- Town Hall Chairs/Tables – Request & Usage. George informed the board that his neighbor is going to be married and he requested the use of approximately 100 chairs for the event. It was then brought up that people often take the chairs from the Town Hall without permission. Patty suggested putting up a sign outside of the Town Hall that informs people that they need permission from the Select Board to use the tables/chairs. The board agreed with Patty’s idea and said that George’s neighbor could use the chairs as long as George is ok with it.
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – River Side Farm Rehearsal Dinner & Wedding Reception. Wedding reception, November 17, 2011. Permit approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
- Grant Agreement and Grant Agreement Resolution – VCDP Grant. The board received from the State of VT a Grant Agreement Resolution (Form PM-1), which requires one person to be designated to have overall responsibility and authority to execute all appropriate documents. The board unanimously agreed that Patty Haskins would be the person designated. The board then signed the resolution. Then the Grant Agreement between the State of VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Town of Pittsfield was approved and signed by the board.
August 16, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved September 20, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 27, 2011
PRESENT: Earl Laviana (Giancola), Diane Graves (Russell), Fred Laramie (Quinn Co.), Christine (Wright), Thomasina Magoon (Naylor and Breen), Ernie Smalley (Smalley), Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Don Flynn, James Cullen, Patty Haskins, Jess Kuzma, Mark McManus.
AGENDA: Call to Order
Bid Opening
a. Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Bid opening
Executive Session
Old Business
a. Town Hall Contents/Removal – Storage Container
Other Business
a. Reapportionment Meeting – BCA Emergency Meeting
Mark McManus, Architect called the bid opening portion of the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.
Bid Opening
a. McManus briefed the bidders on the bid opening procedure; no announcement or award would be made, and only the base bids and alternate bids would be made public.
Bids were opened by Patty Haskins in a random order and read aloud by McManus. There were no questions from the bidders, or requests for bids to be re-read. Copies of the bid results were distributed as requested. Bidders were thanked and dismissed at 2:10 pm.
Executive Session
Jerry made a motion to enter into executive session at 2:10pm for the purpose of discussing the proposed bids. Seconded by Mark Begin. At 2:50 the Board ended executive session and Mark made a motion to accept the bid from Wright Construction and begin preliminary discussions with them. Jerry seconded the motion.
Old Business
a. Town Hall Contents/Removal – Storage Container. Patty passed around a list that she put together containing many different trailer/container rental/purchase options for storing the items still in the Town Office Building. The board decided on the 20ft storage container from Lucky’s so long as it could be confirmed that it is lockable and water tight. Patty said she would call Lucky’s to confirm. The trailer would be delivered on a tilt bed truck and placed behind the Town Hall.
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July 27, 2011
Other Business
a. Reapportionment Meeting – BCA Emergency Meeting. Patty reminded the board that there would be an emergency BCA meeting tomorrow July 28. She then passed out to everyone a newspaper article regarding reapportionment for those attending the meeting to read before the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:02pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved August 16, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 21, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Angelique Lee, Martha Beyersdorf
AGENDA: Call to Order
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Angelique Lee – White River Valley Ambulance
New Business
a. Tax Bill Revision
b. Apex Software Approval
c. IRS Increase in Standard Mileage Rate
d. Town Office Building Contents/Removal
Other Business
a. Request to Use Town Hall Basement – White River Partnership
b. State of VT Program Development – “Right of Way Acquisition Procedures in Vermont” Pittsfield – Stockbridge STP 022-1(22)S Parcel No. 1
Mark called the meeting to order at 7:30am.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Angelique Lee – White River Valley Ambulance. Angelique gave the Select Board an update on the Town of Pittsfield ambulance coverage.
New Business
e. Tax Bill Revision – A small revision was required in the 2011 tax bills this year. A $40,000 disabled veteran’s tax exemption was approved by the Select Board and was added to the tax bills in error. It will need approval at the town meeting in March 2012. Fortunately there were only two tax bills that were affected by the error. A letter was written to the Select Board by Martha Beyersdorf explaining the situation. This letter will be attached to these minutes. She also presented the Board a letter to be sent to the two disabled veterans in town explaining that their first tax bills contained an error. This letter would go out with their revised tax bills. The board unanimously approved what was presented.
f. Apex Software Approval – A bill and contract was sent to the town for Apex Software, which needed to be approved by the Select Board. The board approved.
g. IRS Increase in Standard Mileage Rate – The IRS has increased the standard mileage rate to 55.5 cents per mile for business miles driven from July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. The Board unanimously agreed with this.
h. Town Office Building Contents/Removal – The board went over to the town office building to inspect the contents and decide what will be done with the contents. Patty suggested putting some of the old school desks in the new town hall lobby. George said that he would take the filing cabinet for the town garage. Mark suggested putting everything in a storage trailer and the board unanimously agreed that this would be the best course of action. Patty said that she would make some calls and see who had the best pricing.
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July 21, 2011
Other Business
c. Request to Use Town Hall Basement – White River Partnership. White River Partnership contacted Patty inquiring if they could have use of the Town Hall basement for an all day seminar in September. The board agreed that because they are a non-profit organization, and if they can show proof of insurance, they can use it at no cost. Patty agreed that she would call White River Partnership and inform them
d. State of VT Program Development – “Right of Way Acquisition Procedures in Vermont” Pittsfield – Stockbridge STP 022-1(22)S Parcel No. 1. In order to construct the above referenced project the VT Agency of Transportation desires to obtain certain rights. In their letter they stated that if the Select Board would like to have Agency presence to discuss the project at the next meeting on August 16th that they would like to know. The board agreed that it would be beneficial to the town if the State could be present and explain the project in detail. Patty said that she would respond and let them know that their presence would be desired.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30am. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved August 16, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: July 5, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Lou Lertola, Jessica Kuzma
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. June 21, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola – Disabled Vets Property Tax Exemption
a. Janice Sotirakis – Project Review Sheet 295 Townsend Brook Rd.
b. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spiritous Liquors - Rehearsal Dinner 7/22/11, Amee Farm
c. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spiritous Liquors - Wedding Dinner 7/23/11, Amee Farm
d. Angelique Lee – Act 250 Non Compliance and Hazardous Parking at Amee Farm
e. VLCT PACIF - CDL Drug Testing & Alcohol Training
f. Benson’s Rubbish Removal, Inc – Contract for Refuse Disposal
g. Delinquent Dogs – Dog Licensing
h. Don Flynn – Daily Report for Town Office Renovation Project
i. Martha Beyersdorf – Concerns Regarding the Death Race
j. Application for Driveway Permit (Czaplecki) – Letter of Denial
Old Business
a. Letter from Sheriff Benard – Dog Issue
b. Letter from Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
c. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – TH #11
d. EC Fiber – Alternate Delegate
New Business
a. Fuel Pre-Buy – CV Oil
b. Highway Dept – New Town Truck
c. Set Tax Rate – for 2011
d. Unclaimed Property – Letter to Claim Unclaimed Money
e. Vermont Country Inn – Project Review Sheet
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:50pm. The Minutes of the June 21st, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola – Disabled Vets Property Tax Exemption. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola presented the board with many facts and figures supporting raising the Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans in Pittsfield up to the $40,000 exemption. He asked the Town to please consider putting it on the warning for the 2012 Town Meeting to allow the town’s people to vote on raising the exemption in Pittsfield. He also presented the
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July 5, 2011
board with a worksheet describing how much raising the Disabled Veteran’s Exemption would raise people’s taxes. For every $100,000 property assessment it would add approximately 10 cents to the tax bill. The board unanimously agreed to vote on raising the exemption at next years town meeting.
a. Janice Sotirakis – Project Review Sheet 295 Townsend Brook Rd. Pre-Application review for WW-3-2950, to remove the existing single family residence and replace with new single family residence. This correspondence will be kept on file at the town clerk’s office.
b. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spiritous Liquors - Rehearsal Dinner 7/22/11, Amee Farm. Approved by the Select Board, signed by Patty.
c. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spiritous Liquors - Wedding Dinner 7/23/11, Amee Farm. Approved by the Select Board, signed by Patty.
d. Angelique Lee – Act 250 Non Compliance and Hazardous Parking at Amee Farm. The Board was forwarded a letter from Angelique Lee that also went to the State of VT Natural Resource Technician regarding Act 250 Non-Compliance and Hazardous Parking for the 2011 Death Race at the Amee Farm. Included in the correspondence were pictures of the parking situation, twitter feed and blog posts pointing out the hazards. Mark suggested that a letter be sent to Joe DeSena advising him to have someone directing traffic in the future to prevent congestion on RT 100. The board unanimously agreed that this was the best course of action.
e. VLCT PACIF - CDL Drug Testing & Alcohol Training. This course will help fulfill the DOT 49 CFR Section 382.603 minimum training requirement that all persons designated to supervise CDL drivers must receive at least “60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and 60 minutes controlled substance use.” The closest training location will be in Killington on Wednesday Sept. 14 at 8:30am. Mark and George decided that they would both go.
f. Benson’s Rubbish Removal, Inc – Contract for Refuse Disposal. Patty presented the current contract with Benson’s to the Board. It outlines all of the holidays that they observe, terms, rights, assignability etc.. The board approved and signed the contract. It will remain on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
g. Delinquent Dogs – Dog Licensing. Patty informed the Board that the last known unlicensed dog in town was licensed today. As far as she knows all dogs (that the town has on file) have been licensed.
h. Don Flynn – Daily Report for Town Office Renovation Project. Don gave the board an example of the form that he would like to use for the Clerk of the Works daily report. The board unanimously approved the report.
i. Martha Beyersdorf – Concerns Regarding the Death Race. Martha emailed the Board to voice her concerns about the hazardous traffic conditions and excessive trash during the Death Race at the Amee Farm. The board agreed that both Martha’s concerns and Angelique’s would be addressed in the letter proposed earlier in the meeting being sent to Joe DeSena.
j. Application for Driveway Permit (Czaplecki) – Letter of Denial. Patty presented the Board with a letter of denial for Mr. Czaplecki in regard to the application he sent in for a driveway permit. The board approved and signed the letter.
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July 5, 2011
Old Business
a. Letter from Sheriff Benard – Dog Issue. The town received a copy of the letter from Sheriff Benard that was sent to Mr. Peyton regarding his dog. In the letter Sheriff Benard informs Mr. Peyton that there have been several complaints regarding his dog and that he would like to give Mr. Peyton an opportunity to explain the events in question before he simply mails out a ticket. No action was taken by the board.
b. Letter from Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes sent in a letter citing a few more violations of the dog ordinance as well as asking the board if they had heard from Sheriff Benard. The board decided that George would forward the Letter from Mr. Hayes to Sheriff Benard as well as contact Mr. Hayes to keep him apprised of the situation.
c. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – TH #11. This correspondence was an updated status report in connection with Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. – Appeal of Murphy. There were no questions or concerns from the board. No action was taken.
d. EC Fiber – Alternate Delegate. Jessica asked the board if they had found an alternate delegate yet for EC Fiber. Mark stepped up and said that he would be glad to be the new alternate delegate.
New Business
a. Fuel Pre-Buy – CV Oil. Patty informed the board that the fuel pre-buy for the coming year is due on July 31st. She presented the board with the town’s pre-buy history dating back to 2005. Judging by the amount of fuel used in the past, the board decided to purchase: 600 gal of propane for the highway department and 1100 gal of #2 fuel oil for the Town Hall. It was decided that before the board could make a decision about fuel oil and kerosene for the town hall that Patty would need to call Mark McManus and ask for his opinion as to what the heating usage and needs will be during the building project.
b. Highway Department – New Town Truck. George stated that he will be picking up the new town truck in the next week or two, and the board discussed selling the old truck to Ken Hurley for the amount of $12,000.00. That money will go into the equipment fund.
c. Set Tax Rate – for 2011. Patty presented the board with the budget summary and anticipated tax rate for the town. The 2011 homestead education rate is 1.5595 and the 2011 non-residential education rate is 1.3661. The Select Board set the 2011 municipal rate at .47. This makes a total homestead rate of 2.0295 and total non-residential rate of 1.8361. The board unanimously agreed on the new rate.
d. Unclaimed Property – Letter to Claim Unclaimed Money. Patty informed the board that she found $8 in unclaimed property due to the Town of Pittsfield. In order to claim the money she needed a letter from the board. She presented the board with a pre-written letter of approval and the board approved and signed the letter.
e. Vermont Country Inn – Project Review Sheet. Review sheet for a project described as: Interior construction to install a “clean” production area in the lower level of the previously permitted barn. The “clean” station is for washing produce grown on the farm to meet health code. No action was taken by the board.
The meeting adjourned at 7:04pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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July 5, 2011
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved August 16, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 21, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Dennis O’Brien, John Benson, Chris Sullivan, Bill Scranton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. June 7, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
b. June 20, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. John Benson – Trash Pick-Up Contract
a. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola – Disabled Veterans
b. Jayne Major – Dog Fight
c. BCA Reapportionment – Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB)
d. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit
e. VT Natural Resources Board – Land Use Permit (Death Race)
f. Land Use Permit – Tim Pins
g. Driveway Permit Application – Alex Czaplicki
h. VTrans – Park and Ride Grant Program
i. VLCT – Health Trust Partners with Hickok & Boardman Group Benefits
j. Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Development – FY12 Municipal Planning Grants.
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes, Letter – Dog Issue
b. 911 Numbers on Houses – Jerry Drugonis.
c. State of VT Dept of Health – State and Fed. Regulations for Demolition & Renovation Activities
d. Certificate of Appreciation – Susie Martin
Executive Session
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the June 7th, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting and the June 20th, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. John Benson – Trash Pick-Up Contract. John informed the Board that he could not find a current written contract for trash pick-up with the town. He said the most recent one that he could find was from 2009. The board asked if he could be sure to clearly outline in the new contract what the holiday schedule will be and how they will affect trash pick-up. John agreed that he would have the holidays in the contract and that he would bring it by on Thursday.
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June 21, 2011
a. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola – Disabled Veterans. Cmd Sgt Major Lou Lertola wrote the board informing them that he would like to be added to the agenda of the July 5, 2011 Select Board meeting to discuss increasing disabled veterans property tax exemptions. The board decided to table this until the next meeting on July 5, 2011.
b. Jayne Major – Dog Fight. Jayne informed the board that her dog had been in a fight and had been badly wounded. The dog is currently on a lot of medication. Her dogs cannot get their rabies shots until they have healed. Therefore they cannot be licensed at this time. This situation will be revisited at the next Select Board meeting on July 5th.
c. BCA Reapportionment – Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB). The legislative Apportionment Board is notifying towns that the BCA’s may need to meet regarding reapportionment. No action was taken by the board.
d. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit. Permit number WW-3-0257-R (Town of Pittsfield). This project, consisting of the relocation of existing septic tank in conjunction with renovations to the Pittsfield Town Office, located on 40 Village Green in Pittsfield, Vermont, is approved under the requirements of the regulations and conditions listed in said permit. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VT Natural Resources Board – Land Use Permit (Death Race). Jurisdictional Opinion #3-141-Corrected, Pittsfield/Land Use permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race. Goldfish are a restricted species in Vermont. If the goldfish part of the challenge were to be eliminated and the athletes were instead required to legally catch a fish, then there would be no material change and a permit amendment would not be required for this year’s Death Race. No action was taken by the board.
f. Land Use Permit – Tim Pins. Case No. 3W1037. This permit specifically approves the previous construction of a metal roofing shop, storage building and a single-family home which includes facilities for the metal fabrication business. The project is located at 610 Lower Michigan Rd in Pittsfield. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Driveway Permit Application – Alex Czaplicki. Mr. Czaplicki sent in an application for a permit for construction on his driveway located at 38 Dagg Road, Pittsfield. The board discussed the proposed driveway and decided that it was unnecessary as one already exists. The Driveway Permit Application was denied.
h. VTrans – 2012 Municipal Park and Ride Grant Program. VTrans is soliciting proposals for the creation of small Park-and-Ride Facilities in Vermont Communities. The board decided to forward this to the Planning Commission.
i. VLCT – Health Trust Partners with Hickok & Boardman Group Benefits. The VLCT Health Trust Board of Directors recently voted to bring health insurance carrier choice to membership beginning January 1, 2012 renewal. The Trust has partnered with Hickok & Boardman Group Benefits to facilitate this process. No action taken by the board.
j. Dept of Economic, Housing and Community Development. FY12 Municipal Planning Grants. This grant program funds planning and implementation projects aimed at revitalizing communities and guiding future development.
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes, Letter – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes sent in a letter describing several more incidences regarding the Peyton dog and Hennie dogs running at large on common and private land. He also asks if the Select Board has heard anything from Sheriff Benard. George said he had spoken with Sheriff Benard on Monday the 13th and that
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 21, 2011
the Sheriff said he would take care of the problem that day. George stated that he had heard nothing since that call, and he has left him several messages. The board asked if George wouldn’t mind calling him again. George agreed he would call him
b. 911 Numbers on Houses – Jerry Drugonis. Jerry passed around a small flyer that he proposed be sent out with the tax bills requesting that people clearly identify the numbers on their homes. The board approved of the flyer.
c. State of VT Dept of Health – State and Fed. Regulations for Demolition & Renovation Activities. The Asbestos & NESHAP, 40 CFR part 61, Subpar M, requires written notification of demolition or renovation operations under Section 61.145. The NESHAP Notification Form is to be used to notify the EPA of any renovation or demolition project at least 10 days prior to the start of work. Not being aware of any asbestos in the Town Office Building, the board agreed to hold onto this information in case an issue were to arise in the future regarding asbestos.
d. Certificate of Appreciation – Susie Martin. The board looked over the proposed certificate of appreciation to be presented to Susie Martin for her hard work and her many contributions to the Roger Clark Memorial Library. The board approved of the certificate and asked that a letter be sent to Susie inviting her to the next Select Board meeting where they can present her the certificate.
Executive Session
George made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:15pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues regarding tax appeals. Seconded by Mark. The town Attorney gave the board some recommendations on how to proceed. The Board then came out of Executive Session at 7:08pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved July 5, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: June 7, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Dennis O’Brien, James Gallagher, Kristin Higgins, Jim Lacroix
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 17, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Kristin Higgins and Jim Lacroix – Overview of Bridge Project BRF 022-1 (23)
a. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont – H.E.A.T. Squad
b. Two Rivers – Brownfields Reuse Workbook
c. Two Rivers – TRORC Board Meeting Minutes
d. Timberline Events – Green Mountain relay
e. State of VT Dept of Health – State and Fed. Regulations for Demolition & Renovation Activities
f. Visiting Nurse & Hospice – Schedule of Meetings
g. Visiting Nurse & Hospice – Annual Meeting
h. Two Rivers – Legislation on new Planning Requirements
i. LEPC#12 – Bylaw Change
j. Jim McAdam – Park Place Trash Container
k. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Project WW-3-1950, 295 Townsend Brook Rd
l. Roger Clark Memorial Library – Susie Martin
m. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Project WW-3-1950 (Sotirakis), 295 Townsend Brook Rd, Law & Regulations Involved
n. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Project WW-3-0257-R, Pittsfield Town Office Septic Tank
o. VLCT – Carrier Choices
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes, Letter – Dog Issue
b. Bethel Royalton Solid Waste – Update
c. ECFiber – Alternate Deligate
New Business
a. 911 Numbers on Houses – Jerry Drugonis.
b. Village Green Drive Experiment – George Deblon
c. Sand Shed – George Deblon
d. Delinquent Dog List – Fine Letter
e. Refuse Contract – Current Status
f. Jack O’Donahue – Cell Tower
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the May 17, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
June 7, 2011
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Kristin Higgins – Overview of Bridge Project BRF 022-1 (23). Kristin gave a very thorough overview of what the town can expect leading up to the bridge project, the project itself, and what the results of the project will be. Permanent impacts include road widening, access for maintenance and utility relocation. Temporary impacts will include a temporary bridge. The project will widen the road by about a foot on each shoulder. The grade of the road will remain virtually the same; it will only be raised by three inches. George also asked if there is a way that a fix for the current drainage problem could be incorporated into the project. Kristin said it is a possibility and asked for George to show her where the problem is when she next goes to look at it. A copy of the slideshow shown at the meeting and information on the Right-of-Way Acquisition Process in Vermont will be available to view at the Town Clerk’s Office.
- NeighborWorks of Western Vermont – H.E.A.T. Squad. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont and their H.E.A.T. squad will be awarding two Rutland County Towns grants of $10,000 to be used for energy efficiency projects. No action taken by the board.
- Two Rivers – Brownfields Reuse Workbook. TRORC has funding from the US EPA to conduct environmental assessments at Brownfields sites in our region, and they are seeking candidate projects. Attached was an informational flyer on a new workbook to help local governments evaluate acquisition and reuse of Brownfields properties. No action taken by the board.
- Two Rivers – TRORC Board Meeting Minutes. Minutes for the meeting held on April 27, 2011 at the King Farm in Woodstock. No action taken by the board.
- Timberline Events – Green Mountain relay. The Green Mountain Relay long distance team running relay race will be staged on Saturday – Sunday June 18th – 19th. No action taken by the board.
- State of VT Dept of Health – State and Fed. Regulations for Demolition & Renovation Activities. The Asbestos & NESHAP, 40 CFR part 61, Subpar M, requires written notification of demolition or renovation operations under Section 61.145. The NESHAP Notification Form is to be used to notify the EPA of any renovation or demolition project at least 10 days prior to the start of work. No action taken by the board.
- Visiting Nurse & Hospice – Schedule of Meetings. Conversations in Your Community. June 8th Schedule of Meetings. No action taken by the board.
- Visiting Nurse & Hospice – Annual Meeting. Annual Meeting will be held on June 22, 2011 at Masonic Lodge in Bellows Falls, VT. No action taken by the board.
- Two Rivers – Legislation on new Planning Requirements. Memo concerning three changes to 24 V.S.A., Chapter 117, the Title and section that contains requirements related to municipal and regional planning and to indicate TRORC’s offer to work with each of their towns to address the change. No action taken by the board.
- LEPC#12 – Bylaw Change. LEPC#12 would like to change the Territory boundary to include the towns of Hartford and Norwich, which joined EPC in June 2009. This requires a bylaw amendment. The proposed amendment will be voted on at the June 16, 2011 LEPC meeting. No action taken by the board.
- Jim McAdam – Park Place Trash Container. Jim would like to put a trash container on either the right or left side of Park Place, it would be made of wood construction. His concern is to keep the area clean. The board thought that it was a good idea and George suggested that the left side of the road would work best. The board agreed to have the secretary send Mr. McAdam a letter informing him that a member of the board will contact him to set up a time to take a look at the area to pick an acceptable place to put it.
June 7, 2011
- State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Project WW-3-1950, 295 Townsend Brook Rd. The project is to remove existing house and replace with new house and new water and wastewater systems. Under the performance standards for this program, the
- Roger Clark Memorial Library – Susie Martin. Karen Waterworth, a Trustee of the Roger Clark Memorial Library wanted to inform the board that Susie Martin has received a Trustee of the Year Award from the Vermont Library Association. The board agreed to send Susie a certificate of appreciation as well for all of her efforts.
- State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Project WW-3-1950 (Sotirakis), 295 Townsend Brook Rd, Law & Regulations Involved. This project, consisting of removing the existing residence and replace with a new single family residence and construct new water supply and wastewater systems has been approved under the requirements of the regulations and conditions listed in the correspondence. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
- State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Project WW-3-0257-R, Pittsfield Town Office Septic Tank. Under the performance standards for this program the Dept of Environmental Conservation has a maximum of 45 days of “in-house” time to review the application. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
- VLCT – Carrier Choices. Memo: VLCT Trust Board Decides to Provide Carrier Choices. The choices will focus on the three core carriers in Vermont: Blue Cross/Blue Shield, CIGNA and MVP. No action taken by the board.
a. Ken Hayes, Letter – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes informed the board that he is still having issues with the Peyton dog running at large on his property and on common land. He also noted that there is another dog in the neighborhood that has also been allowed to run at large recently owned by a Mr. Hennie. The board said that they would send a letter out to the owners of that dog with a copy of the new dog ordinance. George also said he would give Sheriff Benard a call to get an update on the situation.
b. Bethel Royalton Solid Waste – Update. Patty said she talked to Dell Cloud again regarding billing issues. He stated there had been a glitch in their computer and that they were currently working on it. Patty also noted that the town received a bill from them today with matching slips.
c. ECFiber – Alternate Delegate. No action taken by the board.
New Business
- 911 Numbers on Houses – Jerry Drugonis. Jerry said that a health officer contacted him to identify who owned a dog that had bitten someone on Parmenter Place. The health officer had difficulty locating the place based on the house number as the house did not have an identifying number. Jerry then noticed there were many houses in Pittsfield without numbers on them, making it hard to identify which house is which. George agreed that that is indeed the case, and it makes it very difficult for the fire department, ambulances and other emergency vehicles to find people. Patty suggested sending out a notice in people’s tax bills stating that all homes should have numbers on them. The board agreed that would be the best course of action, and that Jerry would compose the notice.
- Village Green Drive Experiment – George stated that the dips on the Village Green are an issue. A few people slow down to go over them, but most still speed by at unsafe speeds. He suggested blocking off park of the Village Green Drive entrance so that people would have to slow down and take a 90-degree turn to get into the Village Green. The board agreed that this would be a great idea and asked George if he could contact the state to see if any special signage is needed and to only do it on the south side of the green. George agreed he would contact the state before proceeding.
May 17, 2011
- Sand Shed – George Deblon. George reported some damage to the sand shed. It will be repaired in the spring when the shed is empty.
- Delinquent Dog List – Fine Letter. Patty informed the board that there were a few people in the town that still had not licensed their dogs. This list was reviewed and the Board approved sending a letter fining the owners $250 per dog.
- Refuse Contract – Current Status. Patty let the board know that she had been looking through all of the files in the Town Office relating to refuse contracts and noted that the town currently doesn’t have a signed written contract with John Benson for trash pick up.
- Jack O’Donahue – Cell Tower. Jack contacted the Town Office regarding a communication with Vermont Telecommunications Authority proposing a potential telecommunication site on his property. Jack wanted to let the board know that he was not interested at this time, but to make the town aware of it. He said to please let him know if there would be any huge benefit to the town as a whole. No action taken by the board.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved June 21, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 17, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 3, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Don Flynn – Clerk of the Works Position
a. Two Rivers – RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda
b. VT Agency of Transportation – 2012 Enhancement Program Schedule and Process
c. VLCT – Dental Insurance Rates
d. Mark McManus – Plans and Specs
e. Mark McManus – Agreement & Building Accessibility Certification
f. Jennifer Varin (NRCS) – Emergency Watershed Protection
g. VTrans – Pittsfield BRF 022-1(23) - Conceptual Plans
h. Two Rivers – Terms and Conditions Contract
Old Business
a. Patty Haskins – Dog Ordinance
b. Bethel Royalton Solid Waste – Update on Billing Problems
New Business
a. Don Bank – Trees
b. George Deblon – Chloride Spreader
c. George Deblon – Winter Sand
d. Robert Ball - Response to Hearing
e. Judy Manley – Stumps on the Town Green
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:50pm. The Minutes of the May 3, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Don Flynn – Clerk of the Works Position. The board went over the common job description of the Clerk of the Works position as well as the goals and duties that would specifically be required for the renovation project. Don gave the board an overview of his qualifications and said that he would be very comfortable completing the tasks required by the position. Jerry made a motion to hire Don Flynn for the position, George seconded it and the motion was passed.
i. Two Rivers – RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda. Agenda for RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting held on May 18, 2011 in the Hartford Municipal Building. The next meeting is scheduled for July 14, 2011. No action taken by the board.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
May 17, 2011
j. VT Agency of Transportation – 2012 Enhancement Program Schedule and Process. The VT Transportation Enhancement Program is for non-traditional transportation- related projects managed by the Vermont Agency of Transportation. Attached with the letter was a program summary. No action was taken by the board.
k. VLCT – Dental Insurance Rates. Dental Insurance Rates for July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012. No action taken by the Board.
l. Mark McManus – Plans and Specs. Mark sent an email stating that he will try to have the plans and specs ready for bidding by the beginning of June. He will keep the town posted on the progress. No action taken by the Board.
m. Mark McManus – Agreement & Building Accessibility Certification. Agreement: Mark McManus Architect, Inc. agrees to provide Program Management and General Administration Services as required by the Town’s acceptance of award conditions for a Vermont Community Development Program Accessibility Modification Grant. Building Accessibility Certification: for Pittsfield Town Office & Library Project Addition & Renovations to Existing Building. Both documents were approved my the Board and signed by Mark.
n. Jennifer Varin (NRCS) – Emergency Watershed Protection. The US Dept. of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service may have assistance available through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program for eligible public and private landowners experiencing flood damage. Enclosed was a brochure with information on type of work authorized, eligibility information, criteria for assistance and how to get assistance. No action was taken by the Board.
o. VTrans – Pittsfield BRF 022-1(23) - Conceptual Plans. A Public Information Meeting is currently scheduled for the Select Board Meeting on June 7, 2011. The Board reviewed the plans and had no issues or concerns. The board agreed to send a response letter stating their approval.
p. Two Rivers – Terms and Conditions Contract. Contract for Administrative Services, Terms and Conditions of Contract Between the Town of Pittsfield, VT and the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission. The total cost for these general administrative tasks equaled $3,750.00. The Contract was reviewed, approved and signed by the Board.
Old Business
a. Patty Haskins – Dog Ordinance. Patty informed the Board that she has been speaking with Sheriff Benard at the Rutland County Sheriff’s Dept regarding the town’s new Dog Ordinance. Sheriff Benard stated that if the Select Board would like him to get involved with any particular dog situation in town that he will need the name and address of the dog owner in question as well as a brief description of the problem. Sheriff Benard will send a letter asking for cooperation from the dog owner and let them know that they will be ticketed if they do not cooperate. Sheriff Benard will continue to handle the situation from there. The board unanimously agreed that this would be the best course of action and George stated that he would write letters to Sheriff Benard and the rest of the parties involved informing them of the action that will be taken.
b. Bethel Royalton Solid Waste – Update on Billing Problems. Patty gave the Board an update to the billing problems that have been ongoing with Bethel Royalton Solid Waste since 2006. The statements that the town has been receiving every month rarely match up to the tickets that come with them. There is a balance that remains on the statements, which the town is willing to pay, so long as sufficient back up can be provided to match what is owed. The Board discussed the situation and decided that it would be best if Mark and Patty could go and talk to Dell Cloud in person to come up with a solution.
New Business
- Don Bank – Trees. Don Bank contacted the town concerned about the trees across the street from him falling on the power lines. George stated that the town can only cut the
May 17, 2011
trees down if they become a hazard. George said he would talk to Don and let him know that he will need to contact his neighbor, as the trees are located on his property.
- George Deblon – Chloride Spreader. George informed the Board that the Chloride Spreader is in really rough shape. Mark suggested checking into getting a new spreader. George said he spoke with Jim Leno who said he just got a new spreader and will be selling theirs for $1,000. The board agreed that Mark and George would go look at it together before making a final decision to purchase it or not.
- George Deblon – Winter Sand. Sand prices have gone up since last year because of gas prices. Last year the town paid $15.75/yd. George did some shopping around and found that Casella’s is charging $16.40/yd and Markowski’s is charging $18.09/yd. The board unanimously agreed to use Casella’s for this years sand.
- Robert Ball - Response to Hearing. Enclosed was Mr. Robert Ball’s response to the hearing recess order regarding NRB application #3w1037. No action was taken by the board.
- Judy Manley – Stumps on the Town Green. Judy contacted the town office to voice her concern about four unsightly stumps located on the town green. The board decided that Mark would call Vaillancourt Tree service in Pittsford VT to discuss their removal.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved June 7, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 3, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Jessica Kuzma
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. April 5, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
Amend Minutes
a. March 22, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
a. VCDP Grant –Town Financial Officer
b. VCDP Grant - Municipal Policies and Codes
c. Vermont Community Development Program - Residential Anti-Displacement Plan
d. VELCO Archaeology – Native American Archaeological Sites Handbook
e. VTrans – Rt 100 Bridge, Proposed Project
f. Long Trail Engineering – Site Plan for Town Office Building
g. Two Rivers Ottauquechee – Carbon Pollution
h. Two Rivers Ottauquechee - Basic Energy Operation Plan
i. Tim Pins – Hearing Notice, Roof
j. US Census Bureau – Opportunity to Challenge
k. Deerfield Valley Energy – Fuel
l. VT Animal Cruelty – Cruelty to Animals
m. All Pro Communications – Telecommunications Supplier
n. Rutland County Sheriff’s Office – Patrols
o. Don Flynn – Clerk of the Works
p. Two Rivers Ottauquechee – Rt 100 Scenic Byway
q. VT Secretary of State – Opinions Newsletter, May 2011
r. CVOEO – Fair Housing
s. George Aiken – Budget Cuts
t. Trees Inc – Tree Services
u. Pamela Shambo – Low Income Families
v. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Stream Alterations Grant Permit
Old Business
a. Lighting Update – Town Hall Lights
b. EC Fiber – Alternate Delegate
c. Ken Hayes – Letter, Dog Issue
New Business
a. Accessibility Grant – Press Release
b. Bullock Tax Appeal – Re-sign Document
c. Municipal Plates – Town Vehicles
d. Liquor License Renewal – Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern)
e. George Deblon - Highway Annual Financial Plan
f. Driveway Permit – South Hill
g. George Deblon – Updated Road and Bridge Standards
h. Property Damage Payment – VLCT
i. Portable Toilet – Outside Town Hall
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
May 3, 2011
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. The Minutes of the April 5, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. The minutes of the March 22, 2011 Regular Select Board minutes were amended and re-approved. The changes were as follows: “The Board then came out of Executive Session at 6:30pm and voted unanimously in favor of the discontinuance of 1) Jimmy Dean Brook Road as first added to the Town’s Certificate of Highway Mileage in 2010 and 2) Jimmy Dean Brook Road, the road laid out by the Town Selectman in 1862 which may also be referred to as the “1862 Road”.
- VCDP Grant –Town Financial Officer. Patty was appointed as the financial officer for the VCDP Grant.
- VCDP Grant - Municipal Policies and Codes. Consistent with the provisions of the Vermont Community Development Program the Town of Pittsfield adopted Form MP-1 Municipal Policies and Codes. Motion made by Mark, seconded by Jerry. Policies and Codes adopted and signed.
- Vermont Community Development Program - Residential Anti-Displacement Plan. The plan is required by the provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and as a condition of receiving funding under the Vermont Community Development Program. Mark made a motion to adopt the plan, George seconded the motion. The plan was approved and signed.
- VELCO Archaeology – Native American Archaeological Sites Handbook. The Archaeology of Native People in the Champlain Lowlands. Native American archaeological sites along the VELCO Northwest Reliability Project corridor in Chittenden, Addison and Rutland Counties. It was decided that the booklet would be passed on to the town library.
- VTrans – Rt 100 Bridge, Proposed Project. Re: Pittsfield – Stockbridge STP 022-1(22) VT Route 100, Bridge 127 over Guernsey Brook. Preliminary plans were received for the above mentioned project. It is a state-owned structure so no local funds are required. During the construction of the bridge they propose the town maintains two-way traffic using phased construction. No action was taken by the board.
- Long Trail Engineering – Site Plan for Town Office Building. The Agency of Natural Resources informed LTE that relocation of the existing septic tank requires an amended Potable Wastewater Disposal Permit from the Wastewater Management Division. Enclosed was a permit amendment application for review and signing. Also, the WWMD typically requires that they submit something noting that Mark Begin, the chair of the Select Board has the authority to sign the application. Patty typed up a letter stating that Mark did in fact have the authority to sign. This was signed by the board and Mark then signed the application.
- Two Rivers Ottauquechee – Carbon Polution. Registration is now open for the seventh annual Way to Go! Commuter Challege, which will take place May 16-20, 2011. This event encourages the use of healthier, more earth-friendly transportation, and less expensive alternatives to driving alone. Promotional materials will be displayed in the town office.
- Two Rivers Ottauquechee - Basic Energy Operation Plan. As one of the requirements of the Vermont Energy Relief and Assistance Fund, each town in Vermont is expected to have a Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) that has been formally adopted by the Select Board. This plan can be used as a true municipal response guide; as a planning and notification tool for local emergencies and disasters; and as a reference guide for VEM. The plan was approved and signed by the board.
- Tim Pins – Hearing Notice. Re: Hearing Notice of Land Use Application #3W1037. On August 13, 2010, Timothy Pins filed the referenced application for the previous
May 3, 2011
construction of a metal roofing shop, storage building and single-family home. The project is located at 610 Lower Michigan Rd. The District Environmental Commission has received a request to reconvene the hearing to review the evidence submitted since the
last hearing. The hearing was held on April 19, 2011 at 9:30 am in the Pittsfield Town Office. No action taken by the board.
- US Census Bureau – Opportunity to Challenge. The U.S. Census Bureau will be conducting the 2010 Census Count Question Resolution Program between June 1, 2011 and June 1, 2013. The 2010 Census CQR Program provides an opportunity to challenge the 2010 Census counts of housing units and group quarters. No action was taken by the board.
- Deerfield Valley Energy – Fuel. Deerfield Valley Energy would appreciate the opportunity to speak with a representative about the town’s energy needs and to be able to bid on fuel products. No action was taken by the board.
- VT Animal Cruelty – Cruelty to Animals. The Vermont Animal Cruelty Response Coalition was recently contacted about concerns over the alleged drowning of an unclaimed stray cat by municipal officials. They are sending this letter to every municipality in order to clarify what methods are considered acceptable-and unacceptable-for the humane euthanasia of unclaimed strays. No action was taken by the board.
- All Pro Communications – Telecommunications Supplier. All Pro sent a letter stating that they could possibly lower the cost of the town’s communication services. No action was taken by the board.
- Rutland County Sheriff’s Office – Patrols. In 2009 the Rutland County Sheriff’s Department was awarded a federal grant to provide funding for one additional full time Deputy Sheriff Position as a community resource position to supplement the services their department provides to their contract town patrols and surrounding communities. This has benefited the town in many ways including additional patrols at no extra cost and focused criminal investigation and case follow up and more. Their next step is to create and organize community wide neighborhood watch meetings for each town. They plan on having a “South region” meeting and a “Central region” meeting sometime in late/early summer of 2011. No action was taken by the board.
- Don Flynn – Clerk of the Works. Don wrote a letter and sent in a resume discussing his interest in the Clerk of the Works position. The board decided that they would ask Don to come to the next Select Board meeting so they could discuss the position with him.
- Two Rivers Ottauquechee – Rt 100 Scenic Byway. An email was received from Rita Seto informing the town that Route 100 has been approved as Vermont’s 8th Scenic Byway. No action was taken by the board.
- VT Secretary of State – Opinions Newsletter, May 2011. No action Taken by the board.
- CVOEO – Fair Housing. April is Fair Housing Month. All municipalities receiving community development grants from the Vermont Community Development Program must complete a Fair Housing Training as a condition of funding. George attended a session in Bethel on April 28th.
- George Aiken – Budget Cuts. The George D. Aiken Resource, Conservation & Development Council announced that it has been removed as a Federal program due to recent budget cuts. They will no longer be operating by the end of May 2011 and essentially will be closing. The board decided to send them a letter thanking them for everything they’ve done in the past for the town.
- Trees Inc – Tree Services. Advertising brochure. No action taken by the board.
- Pamela Shambo – Low Income Families. Pamela wrote asking the town to contact Vermont’s Congressional delegation to voice their opposition to the drastic cuts proposed to the Community Services Block Grant. No action taken by the board.
- VT Agency of Natural Resources – Stream Alterations Grant Permit. This is to provide notice of the final adoption of a Stream Alteration General permit by the Agency of Natural Resources. No action taken by the board.
May 3, 2011
Old Business
a. Lighting Update – Town Hall Lights. Jessica informed the board that Dave Eddy had gotten back to her with an estimate for the replacement lighting cost for the town hall building. The cost for sixteen 85 watt lights (compact fluorescents) and labor, which would be equal to or greater than the amount of light currently in the town office building would be $242.70. The board agreed that the cost would be far less than the amount saved in electricity and decided to move forward with the replacement.
b. EC Fiber – Alternate Delegate. The board is still looking for an alternative delegate for EC Fiber. Mark said that he would call Tom Macaulay to see if he’d be interested in the position.
c. Ken Hayes – Letter, Dog Issue. A letter was received from Mr. Hayes on April 19th stating that the Peyton dog continues to run at large on common land and wants to know what is going to be done about it. The board agreed that a letter would be sent to Mr. Peyton with a copy of the new dog ordinance.
New Business
- Accessibility Grant – Press Release. Patty showed the board a copy of the Certificate for the $50,000 Accessibility Grant that has been awarded to the town for the town office building project. Patty mentioned that the people of the town should be informed and the best way to do it would probably be a press release in the three local newspapers. The board unanimously approved.
- Bullock Tax Appeal – Re-sign Corrected Document. There were errors on the original stipulated order for the Bullock tax appeal. The town’s attorney sent a corrected stipulated order to be re-signed by the chair. Mark signed the corrected document.
- Municipal Plates – Town Vehicles. George stated that a concerned citizen informed the town that any vehicle with municipal plates needed to have the town name on the side of the vehicle somewhere. George and Patty both called and spoke with the DMV regarding this issue.
- Liquor License Renewal – Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern). 1st Class Liquor License – approved and signed by the board.
- George Deblon - Highway Annual Financial Plan. The 2012 Annual financial plan for the town highway department was approved and signed by the Select Board.
- Driveway Permit – South Hill. Andrew Silwanowicz sent in a Permit for Driveway Construction on South Hill Rd. George recommended the project be approved. The board approved and signed off on the permit.
- George Deblon – Updated Road and Bridge Standards. George presented the Board with revised Road and Bridge Standards. George made a motion to accept the new standards, Jerry seconded the motion. The revised Road and Bridge Standards were approved and signed by the board.
- Property Damage Payment – VLCT. Patty received a “property damage payment” from VLCT for $1,429.00 and wanted to know if that was to cover the tire chains that had been stolen from the town garage. George confirmed that the chains were worth $1,929, so with the $500.00 deductible that was definitely for the chains. Patty will deposit the check in the highway account.
- Portable Toilet – Outside Town Hall. Patty wanted to know if it would be acceptable to order the portable toilet for the park area outside the town hall. The board agreed that it would be fine for Patty to order it.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
May 3, 2011
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved May 17, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 5, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Jessica Kuzma
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 22, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
a. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – Transportation Advisory Committee Representative Appointments
b. VLCT – Chainsaw Safety Training
c. State of VT Environmental Commission – Hearing Notice, Tim Pins
d. Marshall’s Alarm Service – Test and Inspection Agreement
e. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force – Dry Hydrant Program
f. Stagecoach Transportation Services – Thank You Letter
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News April 2011
Old Business
a. George Deblon – Update on truck/equipment options
b. Patty Haskins – Update on Grant for Building Project
New Business
a. George Deblon – Stolen Tire Chains
b. George Deblon – Chloride Options
c. Recyclables – Trash Issue
d. Patty Haskins – Broken Steps on Emergency Stairs of Town Hall
e. Patty Haskins – Circuit Breaker in Town Hall
f. Patty Haskins – Burning Smell in Town Hall
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. The Minutes of the March 22, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – Transportation Advisory Committee Representative Appointments. To fulfill VTrans federal requirements on local consultation, each regional planning commission must use a Transportation Advisory Committee to meet these requirements. The TAC’s purpose is to address regional transportation issues as well as advise and recommend plans, activities and projects to both the member municipalities and the state, as well as articulating regional transportation policy by state. There is currently no TAC representative for the Town of Pittsfield and TRORC wanted to know if someone had been appointed to the position. The Board decided that this didn’t pertain to the town and took no action.
b. VLCT – Chainsaw Safety Training. Courses for PACIF member employees whose work requires using a chain saw. Training will be held at the Chester Highway Garage on May 16, 17 & 18. No action was taken by the board.
c. State of VT Environmental Commission – Hearing Notice of Land Use Application #3W1037, Tim Pins. The Commission has received a request from a party to reconvene the hearing to review the evidence submitted since the last hearing. The hearing will be held on April 19, 2011 at 9:30 am at the Pittsfield Town Office.
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April 5, 2011
d. Marshall’s Alarm Service – Test and Inspection Agreement. Periodic Inspection and Test – requires the inspection and tests of fire suppression, alarm, detection and any other fire protection systems, devices and equipment for the owner by a technically qualified person. Marshall’s Alarm enclosed an agreement form to have this done for the Town Hall. Patty suggested signing a contract for them to come on a regular basis. The Board approved and signed the test and inspection agreement.
g. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force – Dry Hydrant Program. The Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force is pleased to announce their 14th year of funding to enable towns to improve fire suppression capabilities and implement their water supply plans. The application and all associated correspondence will be forwarded to Dave Colton for review.
h. Stagecoach Transportation Services – Thank You Letter. Stagecoach Transportation Services, Inc. gratefully acknowledges receipt of $200 appropriated by the Town of Pittsfield in support of services provided to its residents.
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News April 2011. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. George Deblon – Update on truck/equipment options. George stated that last week he and Mark went to look at equipment for the Highway Department. George Discussed some truck options again and mentioned that we are currently below budget. Mark suggested that George choose which ever he thinks is best.
b. Patty Haskins – Update on Grant for Building Project. The $50,000 grant is going through a grant review committee and before they can approve it they wanted to know what grants the library has applied for. Patty contacted Susie Martin. Susie would like to remind the Select Board that Nancy Georgette left money to the Library for use only on capitol projects. Susie thought that perhaps the library board would be willing to use part of that money for the building project.
New Business
a. George Deblon – Stolen Tire Chains. George informed the board that a set of new tire chains had been stolen from the town highway shed. He noticed they were missing on the morning of Thursday March 31st. He informed the police and filed an insurance claim.
b. George Deblon – Chloride Options. George informed the board that he had been speaking with the town of Hancock VT who has been looking into purchasing 18 pallets of Chloride. Hancock wanted to know if the Pittsfield Highway Dept would be interested in splitting the purchase with them. George noted that we usually go through about 6 pallets a year and currently have 1 pallet left. The board agreed that splitting a load with Hancock would be a reasonable agreement to pursue.
c. Recyclables – Trash Issue. Patty let the board know that there had been calls into the town office about their recyclables being tossed into the garbage truck with the normal trash. Mark said that he had been in contact with Benson’s, and apparently they have been having trouble telling the difference between recyclables and trash as neither were clearly marked. Benson’s suggested people need to sort the two and identify them more clearly.
d. Patty Haskins – Broken Steps on Emergency Stairs of Town Hall. Patty informed the board that a huge icicle over the emergency stairs to the Town Hall building broke a couple of steps when it fell. George said he would take a look at it.
e. Patty Haskins – Circuit Breaker in Town Hall. Patty informed the board that the circuit breaker in the Town Hall building often times “pops” when she turns on the lights in the morning. She believed that the wattage of the light bulbs might be the cause. The board asked Jessica for an update on the status of the Town Hall lighting. She let the board members know that she has someone working on the problem right now. He’s looking into several different options and should hopefully be back in touch with her soon with different solutions to present.
f. Patty Haskins – Burning Smell in Town Hall. Patty let the board know that she has been noticing a burning smell at times when the heat turns on in the Town Hall building. She
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April 5, 2011
notices it mostly in the evening. Jessica mentioned she had noticed it too one afternoon when the town office was open. George said he would call CV Oil to come and take a look at the heating system to see if they could find the problem.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica Kuzma
Approved May 3, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 22, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Martha Beyersdorf, Donald Flynn, Dennis O’Brien, Chris Sullivan, Jessica Kuzma
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 8, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
a. Patrick Leahy – Overweight traffic in town
b. Northeast Organic Farming Assoc. of VT- Supporting Your Farmers Market: A Guide for Municipalities
c. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Proposed General Permit for Stream Alterations
d. State of VT Environmental Commission – Arthur and Sandra Begin, Land Use Permit
e. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources – Arthur and Sandra Begin, E-Notification Certificate of Service File #3W0548-3
f. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – 2012 Transportation Enhancement Grant Applications
g. VT Secretary of State – Opinions Newsletter, March 2011
h. Marry Ellen Parkman – Resume (Civil/Environmental Engineer)
New Business
a. Jessica Kuzma – Town Hall Lighting
b. Letter to William Oren – Pawnbrokers License
c. Green Up Coordinator – Peyton Veilleux
d. VT. Telecom Authority – Peter LaMontagne
e. Steve Borgerson – Driveway drainage problem
Executive Session
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the March 8, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting and the March 10, 2011 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. Patrick Leahy – Overweight traffic in town. Senator Patrick Leahy is joining with Susan Collins – a Republican from Maine – to introduce a bipartisan bill that would allow Vermont and Maine to set up appropriate weight limits on their interstates, which would ultimately reduce the number of overweight trucks rumbling through our historic towns and villages. The board responded in favor of this bill.
b. Northeast Organic Farming Assoc. of VT- Supporting Your Farmers Market: A Guide for Municipalities. This guide provides an overview of the benefits that farmer’s markets bring to their host communities, and answers some of the common questions that municipalities have about farmers markets. No action was taken by the Board.
c. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation – Public Notice for a proposed General Permit for Stream Alterations – the permit will provide authorization of activities that may change, alter, or modify the course, current, or cross section of any watercourse within or along the
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March 22, 2011
boundaries of Vermont either by movement, fill, or by excavation of ten cubic yards or more in a year. The Public Notice will be posted at the town office.
d. State of VT Environmental Commission – Arthur and Sandra Begin, Land Use Permit #3W0548-3. This permit specifically authorizes the permittees to subdivide a 67.77-acre tract of land with a previously permitted gravel pit into three lots consisting of Lot 1 with 3.27 acres to remain undeveloped; lot 2 with 5.82 acres to be developed with a single-family home; and lot 3 with 58.6 acres to remain undeveloped. The project is located off Route 100 in Stockbridge. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
e. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources – Arthur and Sandra Begin, E-Notification Certificate of Service File #3W0548-3, Agency Comments and Entry of Appearance. Because certain portions of this subdivision contain deer wildlife habitat, the agency requests that certain conditions be added to the permit for these lots. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
f. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – 2012 Transportation Enhancement Grant Applications. The TE program at VTrans offers unique funding opportunities for non-traditional transportation-related projects such as new sidewalks, bike paths, salt sheds, historic preservation, environmental mitigation, and more. Enclosed was a summary of the TE grant program and eligible activities. Applications will be available next month. A letter of intent to apply is due in June and the application in August. No action was taken by the board.
g. VT Secretary of State – Opinions Newsletter, March 2011. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
h. Marry Ellen Parkman – Resume (Civil/Environmental Engineer) This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s office.
New Business
a. Jessica Kuzma – Town Hall Lighting. Jessica informed the board that she has been looking into some alternative energy-efficient lighting solutions for the Town Hall. She has been working with efficiency VT and has been in touch with a contractor who will do some research into finding adequate replacement light bulbs. She should have more information regarding replacement costs within the next couple of weeks. The board approved this.
b. Letter to William Oren – Pawnbrokers License. George drafted a letter to Mr. William Oren denying his request for a pawnbroker’s license. The board reviewed, approved and signed the letter.
c. Green Up Coordinator – Peyton Veilleux. The Select Board Secretary informed the board that Peyton Veilleux has volunteered for the position of Green Up Coordinator. The board approved.
d. VT. Telecom Authority – Peter LaMontagne. The VTA is looking for a 100’ x 100’ area along with a 20’ wide access/utility easement for a telecommunications tower. No action was taken by the board.
e. Steve Borgerson – Driveway drainage problem. Steve Borgerson contacted the board to ask if anything could be done about the lack of drainage at the end of his driveway. He noted that whenever there is a thaw that water creates a trench deep enough that he cannot get a car across. George said he would take a look at it and see if he could come up with any inexpensive solutions.
Executive Session
Mark made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:05pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues regarding tax appeals and roads. Seconded by George. The board gave the town Attorney instructions on how to proceed. The Board then came out of Executive Session at 6:30pm and voted unanimously in favor of the discontinuance of 1) Jimmy Dean Brook Road as first added to the Town’s Certificate of Highway
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Mileage in 2010 and 2) Jimmy Dean Brook Road, the road laid out by the Town Selectman in 1862 which may also be referred to as the “1862 Road”.
The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 5, 2011 (Amended and Re-Approved on May 3, 2011)
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: March 8, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Alison Hans
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 15, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Alison Hans - Farmer’s Market
a. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont – Pinwheel Garden
b. VLCT – Select Board Institute I & II
c. Irving – Fuel Contract Solicitation
d. VT Dist 3 – Act 250 Application, Arthur Begin
e. VT Dept of Children and Families – Appointment of Town Service Officer
f. EC Fiber – Replacement for Tom Macaulay
g. VT Agency of Transportation – Letter of Intent
h. Goss – Pins Noise Abatement Plan, Tim Pins
i. Email, Peter LaMontagne – VTEL Broadband Service
j. TRORC, Rite Seto – Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
k. Bluegrass Playgrounds – Equipment Advertisement
l. University of VT Ext. – Town Officer’s Education Plan
m. Blow & Cote – Advertisement
n. VLCT – VLCT News March 2011
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals:
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Swiss Farm Inn (Pittstop) – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Casabella Inn & Restaurant – 1st Class Liquor License
b. Town Highway CD – New Maturity Date
c. 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage – Approve and Sign
d. Conflict of Interest Policy – re: approve and sign
e. Select Board Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign
f. Appointments - 2011 Town Officials
Old Business
a. William Oren – Pawnbroker’s License Letter
Executive Session
Other Business
a. South Hill Washout
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March 8, 2011
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:57pm.
The Board approved the following positions: Mark will assume Chair, Jerry will do the Weekly Orders, and George will be in charge of the Town Buildings.
The Minutes of the February 15, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting and the March 1, 2011 Annual Town Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Alison Hans – Farmers Market. Alison asked the Board if it would be ok if the Farmer’s Market could meet on the Town Green on Fridays this year instead of Thursdays. She also wanted to know if it would be all right if the Farmer’s market were to start earlier as well, on May 20th. The Board approved of everything she presented.
a. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont – Pinwheel Garden. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont sent an invitation to the Statehouse in Montpelier where the Governor will proclaim April as “Child Abuse Prevention Month”. They suggested the Town put up a pinwheel to show support for the cause. No action taken.
b. VLCT – Select Board Institute I & II. VLCT will be presenting two workshops for selectmen. The first one will be on Saturday, March 26, 2001 at the Holiday Inn and Rutland, VT. The second will be on Saturday, April 30, 2011 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Montpelier, VT. This correspondence was given to George to take home and look over and will be filed in the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Irving – Fuel Contract Solicitation. Jerry stated that he wanted to stay with a local company. George said that CV Oil had the best prices around after shopping around. No action was taken.
d. VT Dist 3 – Act 250 Notice Minor Application, 10 V.S.A., Sections 6001-6092. Arthur and Sandra Begin. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. VT Dept of Children and Families – Appointment of Town Service Officer. See New business section f.
f. EC Fiber – Replacement for Tom Macaulay. See New business section f.
g. VT Agency of Transportation – Letter of Intent, RE: Stockbridge, VT100, L.S. 14+65LT, Sandra and Arthur Begin. The highway permit application submitted by Arthur and Sandra Begin requesting to use existing access, at the location referenced above, to serve a 3-lot subdivision, has been reviewed and found to meet the requirements for the work within the highway right-of-way. This will be placed on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
h. Goss – Pins Noise Abatement Plan, RE: Timothy E. Pins – Act 250 Application (KSF&G File No.: 2506-300) Response to Recess Order No. 3. In addition to the noise mitigation measures previously proposed, Mr. Pins will purchase electric forklifts to replace the existing gas-powered forklifts. The forklift will be outfitted with an OSHA-approved backup buzzer that sound only if there is someone behind the forklift backing up. This correspondence will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
i. Email, Peter LaMontagne – VTEL Broadband Service. No action was taken by the board.
j. TRORC, Rite Seto – Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. Rita Seto sent the Board a digital version of the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan and a Certificate of Adoption for the Board to review and formally adopt. Mark wanted more time to read over the plan, so a follow-up meeting was scheduled for Thursday March 10, 2011 at 9:00am in the Town Clerk’s Office where the Board will make their decision.
k. Bluegrass Playgrounds – Equipment Advertisement for playground equipment. No action taken by the board.
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March 8, 2011
l. University of VT Ext. – Town Officer’s Education Plan. 66th Annual Town Officer’s Education Conference Spring 2011. Registration begins March 4th, the flyer contained dates and locations of workshops. No action taken by the Board.
m. Blow & Cote – Advertisement for building repairs. No action taken by the Board.
n. VLCT – VLCT News March 2011. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board.
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Swiss Farm Inn (Pittstop) – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Casabella Inn & Restaurant – 1st Class Liquor License
b. Town Highway CD – Patty let the Board know that there is currently $53, 940. 30 in the Town Highway CD. The CD will mature on 3/11/11 and will renew on a one-month term ending 4/10/11. George provided information regarding his research on new trucks and equipment. He also presented information regarding a side wing for the new truck. He discussed the advantages it would provide the town including saving gas and time, as he would have to make many less passes of the same roads and it would provide additional safety because he would be able to stay away from the ditches. The Board gave George permission to order a truck from ted green Ford.
c. Certificate of Highway Mileage – Approved and Signed
d. Conflict of Interest Policy – approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
e. Select Board Rules of Procedure – re: approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. Appointments - re: 2011 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee. Vacant positions will be filled at the next meeting.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
George Deblon Fence Viewer one year
Richard Stevens Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year
Jerry Drugonis Two Rivers Reg. Plan. Comm. Rep four years
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Arnold Johnson Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Arnold Johnson Planning & Zoning Commission four years
Patricia Haskins Unemploy. Comp. Coordinator one year
Don Ziegler Septic Officer one year
Angelique Lee WRVA Representative one year
Vacant Green Up Coordinator one year
Susan Davidson EC – Fibernet one year
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March 8, 2011
Vacant EC – Fibernet, Alt. Delegate one year
Sarah Gray Zoning Administrator three years
Donald Flynn E911 Coordinator three years
Old Business
a. William Oren – Pawnbroker’s License Letter. Jerry wrote a letter in response to the letter received from Mr. Oren Dated 2/28/11. The board reviewed, approved and signed the letter.
Executive Session
Mark made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 7:25pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues regarding tax appeals. Seconded by Jerry. At 7:37pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting.
Other Business
a. South Hill Washout – Jerry brought up the water issue with South Hill Rd. George noted it was not the first time that South Hill Rd. was washed out and that there were other washouts in town as well. George mentioned that he was looking into a no cost hydraulic study on the culverts, which would help get to the bottom of the underlying problem.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved March 22, 2011
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: February 15, 2011
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Henry Hotchkiss, Sally Hull,
Rita Seto
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. February 1, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Rita Seto – Route 100 Byway Designation, Accessibility Grant for Schoolhouse Building
b. Sally Hull - Accessibility Grant for Schoolhouse Building
a. VLCT – Training
b. Efficiency VT – Rebates
c. VLCT – News
d. Two Rivers – Economic Development Strategy
e. DuBois & King, Inc. – Contest
f. Act 250 Land Use Permit – Arthur & Sandra Begin
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - update
Executive Session
Jerry called the meeting to order at 5:55pm as Peter had notified the Board he would not be able to make the meeting. The Minutes of the February 1, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Rita Seto from Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – Route 100 Byway Designation. Rita gave the board an overview of the Scenic Route 100 Byway Corridor Management Plan. The vision of the project is to protect, promote and create awareness of all the intrinsic resources along the Byway while recognizing the significant role that they play in both the characters and economic health of the individual Byway communities. Their first goal is to promote and enhance tourism opportunities. Their second goal is to increase and improve access to recreational opportunities and provide amenities for the public. Their third goal is to preserve and protect the scenic and natural resources that are unique to each corridor. Their fourth goal is to preserve historic, archaeological and cultural resources. Their fifth and final goal is to support safe, multi modal transportation, focusing on improvement of existing infrastructure. Rita asked the board if they could write another letter of support for the project, and it was agreed that the board would put together said letter.
b. Rita Seto & Sally Hull from Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Accessibility Grant for Schoolhouse Building. Sally and Rita gave the board an overview of the grant process and the next steps that the town would need to take. Sally noted that a public warning had been published in the Rutland Herald on Sat. February 12. Sally informed the board that the town can apply for up to $50,000 with a 1:1 matching ratio.
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February 15, 2011
Patty asked if the reserve fund set aside for the schoolhouse building would suffice and Sally agreed that it would. A site meeting has been scheduled for February 24th at 1pm with Lisa, Ray (compliance officer), Patty, Mark (architect) and Rita. There will be a public hearing on Mon. February 28th, then 5 days after the hearing an application will need to be submitted to VCDP. The application will be reviewed at VCDP Board meeting in April. It will then take about 3 weeks to be notified of award and award conditions. Award conditions include: environmental review, various forms to be completed online. Award contract needs to be finalized before starting any construction work. Sally asked if the board would pass the resolution. Jerry moved to pass, Mark seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
a. VLCT Training – (Public Service Board Proceedings and the Municipal Role) Workshop designed for all local officials involved in land use planning, regulation, and development review. Workshop will take place on Thursday, March 10, 2011. No action taken by the Board.
b. Efficiency VT – Flyer: How to reduce energy costs, rebates, upgrades, etc. No action taken by the board.
c. VLCT – VLCT News February 2011. No action taken by the board.
d. Two Rivers –Ottauquechee Regional Commission – Draft of East Central Vermont Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) now available for review. The purpose of the CEDS is to help coordinate the efforts of regional planning commissions, economic development agencies, local governments, and private industry concerning the economic health and development of the 40 town East Central Vermont region. The CEDS is also available for public review online at http://www.trorc.org/events.html. No action taken by the board.
e. Dubois & King – To celebrate their upcoming 50 yr anniversary, Dubois & King is donating $10,000 of engineering services to a municipality in VT and NH each year until they’re 50. The donated services will total $50,000, for each state, over the course of the celebration. Interested municipalities are invited to fill out an entry form. No action taken by the board.
f. Act 250 Land Use Permit - Arthur & Sandra Begin. This will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license – The board has still not received the requested information from Mr. William Oren in order to complete the background check required to get a pawnbroker’s license. Until the board receives this information they will take no further action in this matter.
Executive Session
Jerry made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:49pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues affecting the Town. Seconded by Mark. At 6:52pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting. The Settlement Agreement re: Robert B. Ashton v. Town of Pittsfield will be filled in the Town Clerks Office.
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February 15, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:53pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved March 8, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 1, 2010
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Blake Quayle, Sheriff Bernard
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 19, 2010 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Blake Quayle - VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc.
b. Sheriff Bernard – Rutland County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Contract
a. William Oren- Pawn Broker License
b. State of VT Natural Resources Board - Timothy Pins, Hearing Recess Order #3
c. Robert Ball - Request for second hearing
d. V Trans - Bridge Options (VT Route 100, Bridge 124 over Tweed River)
e. VT Dept of Taxes - 2011 Property Valuation and Review Annual Report
f. Two Rivers - VTrans Fact Book for 2011
g. Two Rivers - TRORC FY’13 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
Old Business
a. Dog Ordinance – re: email correspondence from Abigail Friedman
New Business
a. Plans for building next door - re: closing off building/floors
b. Park & Ride Grant - re: 2011 Municipal Park & Ride Grant #MP0057
Jerry called the meeting to order at 6:07pm. The Minutes of the January 19, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Blake Quayle - re: VCDP Grant for The Original Vermont Wood Products, Inc. Blake presented the board with an updated business plan in regard to the VCDP grant application for VT Original Wood Products, Inc. He is hoping the Select Board will support the plan so that they can move forward with the grant and stressed the time sensitive nature of their decision. The Select Board agreed that they couldn’t give a final decision until they talk with Joan Goldstein about the financials. It was agreed that Peter would talk with Joan and proceed from there.
b. Sheriff Bernard – re: Rutland County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Contract. Sheriff Bernard went over the new Law Enforcement Contract between Rutland County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Pittsfield, which is in effect from February 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. The contract is for the same rate as last year ($3,000). He stressed the emphasis the Department would be placing on motor vehicle enforcement, including speed control via RADAR and stop sign enforcement. Jerry moved to approve; it was seconded and approved.
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February 1, 2010
a. William Oren- re: Pawn Broker License. In Mr. Oren’s letter he asked for an update on his Pawn Broker License. A letter was sent out on Thursday Jan. 27th from the Select Board asking Mr. Oren to give them his Date of Birth and full given name. The board agreed that they could not proceed any further until they received the requested information from Mr. Oren.
b. State of VT Natural Resources Board- re: Timothy Pins, Hearing Recess Order #3. The study dated Jan 5, 2011 confirms that the noise operations exceeds the 55dbaLmax standard at the Rogan and Ball residences. The report is not specific as to what is actually causing the noise; it needs to be effectively mitigated. It is up to the applicant to develop and present a noise effective mitigation plan. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
c. Robert Ball - re: Request for second hearing. This letter addresses application #3w1037. Mr. Ball believes that the report contains many items that need to be further discussed and requested another hearing to present further information to the board. This letter will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
d. VTrans- re: Bridge Options (VT Route 100, Bridge 124 over Tweed River) The Alignment/Structure Study to provide a safe highway crossing for VT Route 100 (Pittsfield) over the Tweed River, that is capable of supporting all of the anticipated vehicular traffic, has been completed. Their recommendation is to build a new steel rolled beam bridge on existing horizontal and vertical alignment with a two-way temporary bridge used for maintaining traffic. A detailed report of the study was given to each member of the Select Board for review. It was agreed that upon review they will email Kristin Higgins their response.
e. VT Dept of Taxes - re: 2011 Property Valuation and Review Annual Report. The 2011 Property Valuation and Review Annual Report was received, and is also available online at http://tax.vermont.gov as of January 15th, 2011. This report contains important statewide information regarding property values and taxes for the 2010 tax year. The report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk’s Office.
f. Two Rivers - re: VTrans Fact Book for 2011. The VTrans Fact Book is a very resourceful book giving an overview of the various VTrans Divisions. The book is also available online found on the VT agency of Transportation website and will be kept on file at The Town Clerk’s Office.
g. Two Rivers - re: TRORC FY’13 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization. The Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization examines Two River’s list of VTrans projects and rank orders them based on their project criteria. Included is an explanation of their project prioritization process and a listing of the draft 2011 project ranking. Each member of the board took a copy to review.
Old Business
a. Dog Ordinance – re: email correspondence from Abigail Friedman. A revised dog ordinance was received from Abigail Friedman with suggested changes. Peter made a motion to accept the proposed ordinance; it was seconded and approved. (Please see Attachment A.)
New Business
a. Plans for the schoolhouse building - re: closing off building/floors. The board discussed whether or not to close down the schoolhouse building entirely for the next two months or just close off the third floor. Mark pointed out that the pressure tank served both the School House and the Town Hall. Patty stressed the importance of keeping the heat on in the School House so that the Town Hall would also have water. Mark agreed and suggested that the third floor be discontinued for the time being. The board agreed that closing the third floor off and installing blue board on the back of the emergency exit in the library would be a sensible option at this time. Patty was asked to call Mark Pelletier to help complete this process.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
February 1, 2010
b. Park & Ride Grant - re: 2011 Municipal Park & Ride Grant #MP0057. This is a Grant Agreement for services between the State of VT, Agency of Transportation, and the Town of Pittsfield, VT. The subject of the Agreement is the construction of a Municipal Park-and-Ride facility under the 2011 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant Program. The location would be at the site of the Town Hall/Offices on VT Route 100 and consist of constructing a 10 to 20 parking spaces Municipal Park-and-Ride Facility including grading and gravel, paving, markings, signs and other amenities. Peter reviewed and signed the Grant Agreement.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 15, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Attachment A:
Pittsfield, Vermont 05762
Pittsfield Select Board
This ordinance is adopted by the Select Board of the Town of Pittsfield, Vermont under authority of 20 V.S.A. § 3549, 24 V.S.A. §§ 2291 (10), (14) & (15), and 24 V.S.A. Chapter 59.
It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to permit or allow his or her dog or dogs to run at large within the Town of Pittsfield. All dogs in said town when off the property of the owner(s) shall be controlled on a leash; or electronic control device such as a training collar and firmly under the control of its owner or handler. The foregoing shall not apply to any dogs used by the owner or person in control of such dog(s) for legal hunting purposes.
Dogs found running at large off said owner(s) property in violation of Sec. 2 hereof may be taken up by a police officer, constable or other duly authorized agent and impounded. Notice of such impoundment shall promptly be given to the owner, if such person(s) can be determined. An owner may reclaim his dog(s) after paying an apprehension fee of $15.00 to said Town of Pittsfield and reimbursing said Town for actual expenses incurred for care and maintenance of the impounded dog(s). If the apprehension fee and/or care and maintenance expenses are not paid after three (3) days from the time the owner has been notified, or if a dog(s) remains unclaimed after three (3) days from the time the owner has been notified, the dog shall be humanely disposed of.
This is a civil ordinance. Tickets issued under this ordinance shall be enforced by the Vermont Judicial Bureau in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §§ 1974a et seq.
In addition to the apprehension fee and care and maintenance expenses described in Section 3, any person who violates this ordinance shall be fined $25.00 for the first offense, and $35.00 for a second offense. For any third or subsequent offense said person shall be fined $50.00. The waiver fee shall be $15.00 for the first offense, $20.00 for the second offense and $30.00 for any third and subsequent offense.
This ordinance is in addition to all other ordinances of the Town of Pittsfield and all applicable laws of the State of Vermont.
If any section of this ordinance is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such finding shall not invalidate any other part of this ordinance.
This ordinance shall become effective 60 days after its adoption by the Pittsfield selectboard. If a petition is filed under 24 V.S.A. § 1973, that statute shall govern the taking effect of this ordinance.
Approved by the Pittsfield Select Board at a meeting held on the 1st day of February 2011
_____________________ _____________________ ____________________
Peter J. Borden Arthur Begin Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 19, 2011
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. VT Dept of Emergency Management - re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
b. VT Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2011
c. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2011 Vermont Point in Time Count
d. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application, sound level report
e. Rutland County Sheriff's Office - re: (email) 2011 contract
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2011
g. VTrans - re: 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage
h. Mark McManus - re: Section 106 Review of Pittsfield Town Office Addition and Renovations 2011
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update
c. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report
d. Ancient Roads - re: discontinuance of roads
a. Warning - re: review and approve
b. Changes in Fund Balance - re: review
c. Revenues and Receipts - re: review
d. Budget Summary - re: review
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm as Peter had not arrived. The Minutes of the January 4, 2011 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. VT Dept of Emergency Management - re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. This will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for review for possible grant money for replacing undersized culverts in Pittsfield.
b. VT Conservation Commissions - re: Tiny Grant Program 2011. This organization is offering grants between $250 and $500 to encourage local committees/groups to become Conservation Commissions, increase the functioning capacity of existing Conservation Commissions, and provide funding for specific projects such as land conservation, education/outreach, stewardship and management and planning. No action was taken by the Board.
c. Rutland County Housing Coalition - re: 2011 Vermont Point in Time Count. This pertains to the annual count of the homeless across Vermont. This was completed by Peter Borden as Chair.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
January 19, 2011
d. Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. - re: Timothy Pins Act 250 Application, sound level report. This packet of correspondence includes supporting documents prepared by Long Trail Engineering for filing in response to the Commissioner's Hearing Recess Order. This material will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
e. Rutland County Sheriff's Office - re: (email) 2011 contract. Sheriff Benard indicated that he would be glad to attend a meeting to discuss the contract. He also stated that his department did not provide services for the Town in 2010 which had been contracted. The Secretary will invite him to the next Selectboard meeting.
f. VLCT - re: VLCT News January 2011. No action taken by the Board.
g. VTrans - re: 2011 Certificate of Highway Mileage. This certificate must be completed in order to determine Pittsfield's share of state aid for town highways for FY 2012. This will be forwarded to Road Commissioner George Deblon for his review.
h. Mark McManus - re: Section 106 Review of Pittsfield Town Office Addition and Renovations 2011. This review was performed and submitted by Keefe & Wesner Architects, P.C. This report will be kept on file at the Town Clerk's Office.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update. No action by the Board as yet. Peter will contact First Constable Tim Hunt.
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update. The Board approved having VLCT review the proposed ordinance and the cost for the review.
c. Selectboard - re: Selectboard Statement for Town Report. This report written by Jerry was approved.
d. Ancient Roads - re: discontinuance of roads. The timeline of what needs to be done by the Board was reviewed. The Secretary will prepare the "Notice of Proposed Discontinuation of Town Roads in Pittsfield, and of Site Inspection and Opportunity for Comment" for Peter to sign as Chair. In addition, copies of the Notice will be given to the Planning Commission, posted in the Town Clerk's Office, published in a local newspaper, and sent to residences having interest. It was decided to hold this site visit and comment meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 10AM and meeting at the Town Hall.
a. Warning - re: review and approve. The Warning was approved.
b. Changes in Fund Balance - re: review. This was reviewed.
c. Revenues and Receipts - re: review. This was reviewed.
d. Budget Summary - re: review. This was reviewed. Patty noted that the school figures have not yet been received. In addition, based on the estimated 2011 Grand List, there wouldn't be any change in the municipal tax rate.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
January 19, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved February 1, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 4, 2011
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Jr., Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting
a. VAST - re: The VAST News January 2011
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' license - re: update
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update
c. Transfer Station - re: billing issue
d. Green Up Day - re: selection of Town coordinator
Executive Session
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noels Specialty Foods and Catering
b. Town Meeting - re: location
a. General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:56pm as Peter had notified the Board he would be late. The Minutes of the December 21, 2010 Regular Selectboard Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a. VAST - re: The VAST News January 2011. No action taken by the Board.
Old Business
a. Pawnbrokers' lIcense - re: update. Patty stated she received a call from an ATF representative who didn't see any wrong-doing, but was unable to provide the Board with anything in writing. It was suggested that the Board proceed with their original plan. Therefore, Peter will contact First Constable Tim Hunt and have he speak with the Vermont State Police and request a background check and criminal record check before making any decision on this matter.
b. Dog Ordinance - re: update. It was decided to have Patty forward the draft to VLCT. They will provide an estimate on the cost to review it before proceeding with the review. The review fee is $85.00/hour.
c. Transfer Station - re: billing issue. Patty told the Board that there has been an ongoing issue with invoices being sent to the Town without any backup documentation. She has mentioned this problem to the Board in the past and had been told by Del Cloud that the situation would be corrected. Patty said she would only pay for the amount that has the required backup documentation.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 2
January 4, 2011
d. Green Up Day - re: selection of Town coordinator. The Secretary contacted Marsha Hopkins but was unable to get a definite response. This was tabled until that is available.
Executive Session
Mark made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:09pm for the purpose of discussing litigation issues affecting the Town. Seconded by Jerry. At 6:11pm the Board adjourned from Executive Session and reopened the regular meeting. It was decided to approve the settlement agreement with Robert Ashton and to begin the process of discontinuing the Jimmy Dean Brook Road and the 1862 Road. Peter signed the Agreement as representative of the Board.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors - re: two requests by New England Smoked Seafood, Inc. d/b/a Noels Specialty Foods and Catering. These requests are for a rehearsal dinner at the Amee Farm on January 15, 2011 and a wedding at the Riverside Farm Red Barn on January 16, 2011. The Board had no objections and approved the requests.
b. Town Meeting - re: location. It was agreed that the Firehouse would be the most suitable location again this year. Patty said she would contact Fire Chief Dave Colton for approval.
a. Revenues and Receipts (in Town Report format)
HIghway Fund
State Aid - reduce to $15,000
GMNF - reduce to $10,900
b. 2011 Budget (in Town Report format)
Insurance and Bonds
VLCT Unemployment Trust - increase to $1190.00
Other Services
Bond Counsel Opinion - reduce to $0
Maintenance and Repairs
Office Equipment - increase to $850.00
Utilities - Town Office Building
Phone - reduce to $1000.00
Board of Listers
Computer - increase to $850.00
NEMRC Support - increase to $250
Listers - reduce to $6000.00
Highway Fund
Chloride - increase to $3000.00
c. It was decided that if there were 2010 funds left over in the budget at year end, that $2845.00 would be transferred to the Emergency Fund to replenish the rest of what was borrowed from it in 2009. This would bring the Emergency Fund back up to $8500.00.
Pittsfield Selectboard Minutes page 3
January 4, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm. The next Regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved January 18, 2011
Peter Borden, Jr., Chair
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis