Pittsfield Select Board Regular 90-minute Meeting
Tuesday Sept 26, 2017, 6 p.m.
Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Sept 12, 2017
Public Present: Able Waste; Erica Hurd; Snowmobile club members
1. TRORC Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Watershed Management
2. VLCT Health Officer Training
3. VCIL Thank you for donation
4. MRGP Public notice PDF
5. MSK Notice of amendment application. Ref Naser
6. BCBS Breakfast
Old Business:
1. Follow-up Paving project
2. Loader info
3. Playground inspection
4.Discussion Basketball court grant and plans
5. Signage Park and Ride, Playground, Village Green purchase of signs
6. Custodian for town buildings
7. EC Fiber Fire department update
8. Update on securing Town’s internet
9. Review VHCB sample management plan
10. Parmenter Place, Tweed River Drive, snowmobile trail updates
New Business:
1. Able Waste
2. Update budget conference
3. Tree removal and up righting of maple tree Rt 100
4. Clerk Treasurer Report
a. Bond debt service – federal sequestration
b. PACIF Insurance Renewal
5. Artist exhibit town office building
Next Meeting Date: TBD, 2017