2013 Selectboard Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 30, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: A., B. & C. Review budget items in preparation of Town Meeting
D. Other Business
1. Select Board statement for Town Report
2. Insurance adjustment follow-up for plow
3. Mark to contact Brad Cook to start on energy-saving projects
George motioned to open the meeting at 4:00 p.m. and Jerry seconded.
A. Cemetery Fund – Connie Martin submitted budget requests totaling $8,800. Noteworthy items include increase for fuel and wages, purchase of two year supply of flags and an additional $1,000 for stone cleaning project. The Select Board approved the proposal.
B. Highway Fund – Patty Haskins and George Deblon submitted budget requests based on current year and anticipated for supply cost increases. Noteworthy items include a slight increase for Temporary Help, as well as modest increases for gravel, sand and culverts. There is a culvert on Hawk Lane needing replacement.
C. General Fund – Patty Haskins provided Select Board with possible recommendations based on current year and submitted requests from various entities (such as Ambulance assessment, VLCT assessment, etc.)
1. Items requiring additional information include: Interest on bank accounts, solid waste charges, final utility bills, budget requests from town services due January 7, 2014, etc.
2. Patty will check into FEMA Buyout as to where to budget this item.
3. Town Hall Maintenance – Mark will arrange to meet with Doug Johnstone to review what projects should be addressed and obtain a quote for budgeting purposes.
4. Mark would like Patty to put together a list of all Dues & Contributions noting what each organization provides to the town. This will be a handout at town meeting.
5. Website creation and maintenance will be added as line items under Other Services.
6. Select Board was in agreement on proposed budgets submitted for Parks & Recreation, Board of Listers and Planning Commission.
7. Select Board would like to warn $15,000 for the Highway Equipment Fund. This is up from $10,000.
8. Select Board would like to warn $10,000 for the Contingency Fund.
9. Patty submitted request for $1,000 for computer as her CPU needs to be replaced and Quickbooks Pro software needs to be updated.
10. Salaries – Patty will go through and adjust all salaries by 1.5% which is figure Social Security is using. She will present at the next meeting for Select Board review.
D. Other Business
1. Jerry will prepare a draft for the Select Board statement in the Town Report.
2. Insurance company has not met with George yet to prepare adjustment for the snowplow damage. Patty and George will call to follow-up.
3. Mark spoke with Marylou Scofield who said it was okay to go ahead with some of the projects Brad Cook recommended in his Energy Assessment. Mark will get in touch with Brad.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:23 p.m. and George seconded.
Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by
Approved: January 7, 2014
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: December 17, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
New Business
- New snow plow for smaller truck
- Building assessment work projects
- Restore Habitat program
a. Additional pay for Town Report
b. Meeting to review budgets
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mark seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the December 3, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Mark seconded the motion.
New Business
a. The damaged snow plow is on the smaller truck. George obtained pricing for a new plow which is available right away at a cost of $6,295. George also priced out just a new barrel which will run $5,200 - $5,500 and take 6-8 weeks. Mark made a motion for George to order the new plow and Jerry seconded the motion. George will also follow through with the insurance claim and confirmed with Mark and Jerry that he should order the plow before the adjuster examines the claim. George was told to go ahead with the new plow. The cost of the plow will come out of the equipment fund.
Old Business
a. Mark asked members if they thought any of the work recommendations from the Building Assessment should be started. Jerry suggests contacting Marylou Scofield to get her guidance on whether the town should move forward on any of the items. Mark will contact Marylou tomorrow
a. E-mail from Colleen Balch of Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation looking for volunteers for the “Restore Habitat” program. The e-mail outlines who, what, where and when. Select Board would like Patty to post the e-mail/flyer at the Town Office and at Swiss Farm Market.
a. Select Board approved Tyna’s request for an additional $25 for Town Report work.
b. Mark will contact Patty to set up another meeting to review budget materials.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 6:20 p.m.
Approved January 7, 2014 Recorded by
_______________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: December 3, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Angelique Lee, Marylou Scofield
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Dot Williamson re: Article on Ancient Roads
- Angelique Lee re: Website proposal
- Patty Haskins, Treasurer report on monthly financials
- Executive Session re: Town Office Building - it was decided to proceed with legal action
- Flood Hazard Area Regulations hearing 2/4/14 at 6:00 pm to be warned
- HRA account application for town health insurance plan
- Snow shoveling personnel for Town Office and Town Hall
- Audit 2013 quote and FEMA Buyout administrative costs
- Delinquent dog licenses
- Replacement estimate for Gazebo
- Killington Police Dept. re: Services for hire pending
a. Grant application for guardrails on Upper Michigan Road
b. Culvert on Hawk Lane re: Pricing to be obtained
c. VTRANS notified of Mr. Oren’s concerns over large trucks in front of Swiss Farm Market
d. Road surface on Tweed River Drive needs patching
e. Town sand shed to be gated/chained and locked
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:58 p.m. George seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2013 Select Board Meeting. George seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dot Williamson provided an article with updated information on Ancient Roads in Vermont. No action required.
b. Angelique Lee presented her proposal for creating a new website for the town including maintenance. She estimates 13-15 hours to set it up for a cost of $780 to $900; the monthly hosting fee is $8 per month. Select Board reviewed materials and are in favor of it. This will go in the proposed 2014 for town approval.
c. Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reviewed the November financials for the General Fund (GF), the Highway Fund (HF) and the Cemetery Fund. Patty noted the final payment was made to the school district from GF and the Butternut Ln EWP project and guardrails on Upper Michigan were paid from the HF.
d. Jerry made a motion to enter an Executive Session to discuss how to proceed with the ongoing unresolved issues with the town office renovations with attorney Marylou Scofield. George seconded. The Select Board entered into executive session at 6:30 p.m. George made a motion to come out of executive session. Jerry seconded. The Select Board came out of executive session at 7:08 p.m. A decision was made on legal action.
New Business
a. The hearing for Flood Hazard Area Regulations is set for Tuesday, February 4, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The regular Select Board meeting will follow the hearing.
b. Patty reviewed questions she had on the application for setting up the HRA account for the employee health insurance plan. Mark and Jerry decided there would be no rollover of funds in the account from one year to the next; approved the inclusion of IRS Code 213(d) Eligible Medical Expenses; and approved the inclusion of Prescriptions. George abstained for reasons of conflict of interest.
c. Matt Simpson who has performed the job in the past and Nicole Begin are both interested in shoveling snow at the Town Office building and the Town Hall. Nicole will need to stop by the office to fill out an application.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
December 5, 2013
Old Business
a. Jeff Bradley, CPA, quoted $4,500 - $4,700 to conduct the 2013 audit that is required due to the town receiving more than $500,000 in federal funds. It requires close to the same amount of time to conduct a year 2 audit as it does to conduct the first year audit. The administrative budget for the FEMA Buyout program is $8,970. Assuming the audit comes in at $4,500 it would leave $4,470 for time Don put into the project. Mark will discuss the costs with Don Flynn tomorrow.
b. All delinquent dog licenses have been resolved except for one. Doug Mianulli was able to track down the one owner who has since licensed his two dogs. No one has been able to get an address for the remaining unlicensed dog owner.
c. The Listers were not able to provide a replacement cost on the Gazebo however they asked Doug Johnstone to provide an estimate which came to $29,000. The Select Board asked Patty to contact VLCT to get a cost to insure the gazebo.
d. Still no response from Killington Police Department re: Attending Select Board meeting to present services they can provide.
a. George has completed and submitted grant paperwork for the guardrails on Upper Michigan Road.
b. The study for a new culvert on Hawk Lane has been complete. George will get pricing on the various options.
c. George has spoken with Tom Roberts at VTRANS regarding Mr. Bill Oren’s concerns over large trucks pulling off Route 100 in front of the Swiss Farm Market a.k.a. Pitt-Stop. Mr. Roberts was not aware of this issue however he will look into it.
d. Mark told George the Tweed River Drive bridge needs to be patched again. George will work on this.
e. Mark stated he saw two different trucks at the sand shed loading up. Mark told George to gate/chain off the shed entrance and lock it to keep others from taking sand in this manner.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:45 p.m.
Approved December 17, 2013 Recorded by
_______________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: November 19, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Suana Bicek, Sarah Gray, Peter Fellows, Bill Oren
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Don Flynn re: Administrative remuneration
- Planning Commission re: Flood Hazard Regulations
- Bill Oren re: Status of Engine Brake Ordinance
- Bill Oren re: Tractor trailers parking on Route 100 in front of Swiss Farm Market
- Stagecoach services continue as planned
- Joe and Pat Fuster Act 250 Land Use Permit re: Sand shed activities
- Joe Poston re: Status of heating issues
- Partnership for Rural America re: letters of support for forest management
- CV Oil re: Cleaning TOB furnace recommendation and pricing
- Town Hall re: Furnace warning light
- TOB Basement tile floor re: Tiles lifting up
- Storage of horseshoe pit equipment; create storage at back of Town Hall
- George re: Dates he will be out of town and coverage
- Brad Cook re: Energy Assessment report
- Delinquent dog licenses re: Discuss remaining two with Doug Mianulli at next meeting
- Replacement door handle from Royal Lock & Glass re: Entrance of TOB
- Killington Police Dept. re: Services for hire pending
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. George seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2013 Select Board Meeting and the November 12, 2013 Special Meeting. George seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Don Flynn was present to explain his request for remuneration for administrative costs related to the FEMA Buyout program. FEMA set the administrative budget at $8,970 which is 1.47 percent of the $606,970 project budget. He has spent a great deal of time over the past 24 months on the buyout program and is requesting $7,500. Don’s contact with FEMA, Kevin Geiger, recommended setting aside $1,000 incase there is an audit. Patty stated an audit is required whenever $500,000 or more in federal funds are used in a fiscal year. The town recently had an audit for funds expended in 2012 and it cost $5,500. Mark requests that Patty get a quote for the audit so the Select Board can decide how to proceed. Patty called Marsha Hopkins to ask if she is expecting payment for her time and effort working on the Hazard Mitigation Projects. Marsha did not put in for administrative costs and does not expect to be paid. The deadline for finalizing the buyout paperwork is September 2015.
b. Suana Bicek and Sarah Gray, members of the Planning Commission, and Peter Fellows of TRORC were present to answer questions the Select Board had regarding the proposed Flood Hazard Regulations. The “Erosion Hazard” designation is new and applies to steep, mountainous areas. There are six properties in the Erosion Hazard zone eligible to purchase the federal flood insurance however they are not required to get flood insurance. The proposed Flood Hazard Regulations meet FEMA’s minimum requirements and adopting the regulations allows the town to apply and participate in federal disaster assistance programs. If Pittsfield did not have Flood Hazard Regulations in place when TS Irene struck the town would not have been eligible for the buyout program. A Public Hearing is required and Peter will forward the details on posting the hearing to Patty. Once the plan is adopted it is valid for five years.
c. Bill Oren inquired about the status of an Engine Brake Ordinance. The Jerry explained the State of Vermont does not allow prohibiting the use of engine brakes as it is a safety issue.
d. Bill presented the issue of tractor trailers pulling off Route 100 in front of the Swiss Farm Market (aka Pitt-Stop). He believes it is a hazard as you cannot see past the truck to get out of the parking lot onto the roadway. He contacted the State and was told to bring the issue to the town. George will contact Tom Roberts of VTRANS to discuss this issue.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 19, 2013
a. E-mail from Stagecoach informing town that David Palmer resigned and services will continue as planned.
b. Letter dated 11/18/13 from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., the law firm representing Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting Linda Matteson, District #3 Environmental Coordinator for determination that activities related to sand shed on the Fuster’s property do not constitute a material change to Land Use Permit #3W1073.
c. Patty received e-mail from Joe Poston inquiring about the status of the heating issues. The Board asked Patty to respond no progress at this time.
d. E-mail from “Partnership for Rural America” asking towns to send letters to their state senators to support their initiative to promote forest management. No action taken.
New Business
a. Patty asked Greg Martin of CV Oil to look at the Town Office Building furnace. CV Oil can service the furnace but no repairs. Greg recommends cleaning it once or twice a year. The unit is very tight thus more corrosive. Cost is approximately $300 per cleaning. The Board has asked Patty to arrange for CV Oil to clean TOB furnace.
b. CV Oil had to service the Town Hall furnace in the past week as it was not working. George will get the warning light set-up again.
c. Floor tiles in the basement of TOB are lifting up. The Board asked Patty to inform Joe Poston of the situation.
d. Erica Hurd cleaned up the horseshoe pits and needs a place to store materials. There is a space at the back of the Town Hall however it needs doors. The Board will address this during the budgeting sessions. For now, George will move the materials to the shed on the former Halligan property.
e. George reviewed with the Board dates that he would be out of town. Coverage has been arranged.
Old Business
a. Brad Cook, Building Performance Services, LLC, sent in the energy assessment report along with a proposal for addressing issues and an invoice for his services. The Board would like to review and discuss materials with Marylou Scofield, Attorney at Law, before making any decisions on energy improvements.
b. All delinquent dog licenses have been resolved except for two. Doug Mianulli has tried to hand-deliver the letters as neither owner has a current mailing address. The Board asked Patty to invite Doug to the next meeting to discuss.
c. George found the same front door handle at Royal Lock and Glass. The handle is $187 and installation is $50. Mark made a motion to purchase the new door handle and have Royal install it. George seconded. George will contact Royal to do the work. Royal install it next time they go through Pittsfield.
d. No response from Killington Police Department re: Attending Select Board meeting to present services they can provide.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:18 p.m.
Approved 12/3/13 Recorded by
_______________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: November 5, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Treasurer Report re: October financials
- Road Commissioner re: guardrails at Culvert #18 & hazard mitigation repair at Garofalo property
- Town highway map with mileage
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noels Catering
- Delegate of Green-Up Coordinator
- Don Flynn re: Request for remuneration for Administrative costs related to the FEMA Buyout program
- HRA accounts for health insurance plans
- Rutland County Sheriff’s Dept re: patrols in Pittsfield
- Flood Hazard Area Regulations re: discuss with Planning Commission
- Pittsfield Women’s Alliance re: Town sign on Route 100 South payment
- Heating system in Town Office Building re: Contact attorney to discuss
- Town website re: update
- Town Bandstand re: need value from Listers for insurance purposes
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. George seconded. George motioned to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Jerry seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reviewed the October financials for the General Fund (GF), the Highway Fund (HF) and the Cemetery Fund (CF) noting the following:
1. GF – Second installment of taxes are coming in, Inter-fund transfer from HF to GF for paving of Parmenter Place, TRORC payment demolition of storm damaged properties, payment to Harvey’s for demolition of buy-out properties.
2. HF – Culvert #18 payment, payback to Emergency and Contingency funds, correct State of VT error where funds due to GF were deposited to HF.
3. CF – Transfer from Trustee of Public Funds for stone cleaning
b. George reported the guardrails at Culvert #18 should be installed next week. Also Rich Garofalo has paid his portion towards the repair of the Hazard Mitigation project on his property and work has begun.
a. Reviewed and approved State of VT map of town highways. There were no changes from 2012.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering at Riverside Farm on November 14, 2013 from 4-6 p.m. was approved by Select Board.
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noel Catering at Riverside Red Barn on December 7, 2013 from 3-10 p.m. was approved by Select Board.
d. Delegate for Green-Up coordinator needs to be named. Mark is checking with Payton Veilleux.
New Business
a. Don Flynn has requested remuneration for Administrative costs related to the FEMA Buyout program in a letter dated October 22, 2013. $8,970 was included in the Buyout budget for administrative costs and Mr. Flynn is requesting $7,500 for his time over the past 24 months, thus leaving $1,470 should there be an audit. He also noted there will be more time spent on this program as it is not completely finished. Items to consider include the cost of an audit based on this year is $5,500+/-; detailed accounting of all tasks and time will most likely be required; the Select Board had to implement an emergency policy to Patty for additional time spent working on FEMA projects and paperwork; should time invested by Marsha Hopkins be included as well. Patty will contact Marsha for input and Select Board will re-visit this request at the next meeting when more information is known.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 5, 2013
b. VLCT does not administer HRA accounts for health insurance plans. Blue Cross Blue Shield does offer this service and Mark has directed Patty to set this up with BCBS for employee health plan.
c. Mark has been in contact with Lt. Hanson of the Rutland County Sheriff’s department and he will start patrolling every other week. They will patrol 4 hours every 2 weeks unless the Select Board requests a change. The patrol was delayed as Lt. Hanson was not aware the contract had been signed.
d. Discussion on the town Flood Hazard Area Regulations has been delayed until the Planning Commission can be present to discuss. The Select Board wants to meet the basic regulations. Patty will invite the Planning Commission to the next Select Board meeting.
Old Business
a. Pittsfield Women’s Alliance will pay for the invoice submitted by Otel for materials to complete the town sign located south of town.
b. Heating system in Town Office Building continues to be an issue. Mark made a motion to contact attorney Mary Lou Scofield to review and discuss the situation with the Board. Jerry seconded the motion. Patty will contact Mary Lou to set up a meeting.
c. Martha and Jim Beyersdorf have decided not to pursue a proposal for the town’s website. Mark will talk to Angelique about the project.
d. Vicki Abare of VLCT informed Patty that it would be difficult for them to estimate the value of the Bandstand. The Board requested Patty ask the Listers to estimate the value.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 6:45 p.m.
Approved: November 19, 2013 Recorded by
_______________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 16, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Treasurer Report – no financials at this meeting
- Invoice from Otel for new town sign
- Contingency and Emergency fund accounts
- PACIF insurance renewal
- Park and Ride project is complete
- NeighborWorks $50 rebate check
- KeVaCo redesigning website $500 plus $195 per year maintenance
- Mascoma Savings now offers HAS accounts
- Paving of north end of the Green drive
- Wasp nest on Town Hall
- Health insurance plan
- Rubbish Ordinance tabled until meeting with Killington Police Dept.
- Invitation to the Killington Police Department to attend a Select Board meeting
- Wright Construction punch list
- Letter to Wright for radiator cover replacement
- Results of the Blower Door Test
- Vault clean out for Historical Society
- Guardrails at Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road
- Hazard Mitigation Plan meeting Oct. 23, 2013 at 6:30 pm
- George updated Board on his schedule
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Mark seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Mark seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reminded the board that financials are reviewed at the beginning of the month.
b. Patty received an invoice from Otel for labor and materials related to the new town sign. Mark will check with Susie Martin about payment. The sign is located on Ken Hurley’s property south of town and looks very nice.
c. Patty is ready to pay back both the Contingency Fund ($15,000) and the Emergency Fund ($8,900) in the total amount of $23,900. Currently two separate accounts with the Contingency Fund as a CD and the Emergency Fund as a Money Market. Select Board would like to continue to keep them separate. They would also like to increase the amount by $10,000 so this will be tickled during budget preparations.
a. PACIF insurance renewal received. Bandstand has to be appraised to add to the insurance. Patty will ask VLCT if they can do this. Value differences between the Town Hall and Town Office are due to square footage and type of occupancy. Insurance for the mower is covered under “portable equipment” section. Patty noted the renewal notice now has a section on Employment Law related to Personnel Policies and Cyber Threats.
b. The Park and Ride project is complete. George made a motion to sign letter requesting final payment in the amount of $52,462.75 and Jerry seconded the motion. Mark signed the letter.
c. Patty drafted a letter to NeighborWorks of Western Vermont with supporting documents in order to deposit the $50 energy rebate check. Mark signed the letter. The check goes into office building fund.
d. KeVaCo, website designer and host for the town website, is re-designing their sites and the cost is $500 for the site development plus $195 per year to maintain it. Martha and Jim Beyersdorf are interested in putting in a proposal and Patty will invite them to attend Select Board meeting to discuss.
e. Mascoma Savings now offers HAS accounts. No action required.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
October 16, 2013
New Business
a. The Select Board would like to have the north end of the Green drive paved. George will keep an ear open on when Route 100 will be paved in order to get a quote to do this section for the town.
b. Jerry alerted George about wasp nest on Town Hall. Mark recommends waiting for colder weather to take it down.
Old Business
a. Discussion on health insurance plan for Town of Pittsfield Full Time Employees. The Select Board agreed the BCBS Platinum Plan ($6,993.48) along with partial funding to a HRA ($1,250) is the pan most similar to the plan that Pittsfield currently uses for health insurance. This was also noted as the similar plan by Larry Smith of VLCT and is also utilized by Stockbridge and Rochester. The amount of the plan is less than what the town is currently paying by $180. Jerry made a motion to approve the funding in the amount of $6,993.48 for health insurance for Town of Pittsfield Full Time Employees plan and Mark seconded. George recused himself from the vote. Jerry also made a motion to approve the partial funding of the HRA in the amount of $1,250 and Mark seconded. George recused himself from the vote.
b. Rubbish Ordinance - Patty read the state statute she had from VLCT which covers the draft ordinance. A brief discussion ended with the board tabling it until they meet with the Killington Police Department to find out about enforcement.
c. Tyna will send an invitation to the Killington Police Department to attend a Select Board meeting in order to share the type of services the department could provide.
d. Reviewed punch list that was discussed with Wright Construction on October 2, 2013. Rocks were picked up; radiator dent was filled and painted; clear sealer on foundation was not included in contract; door knob on main entry locks accidently and George will look into finding a replacement that does not do this and still meets ADA; screws coming through ceiling in stairwell at front entry have been fixed although after Select Board inspected one can still see some pushing out.
e. Select Board does not like how the repaired radiator cover looks and asked Tyna to send a letter to Joe Posten at Wright to replace it with factory finish.
f. Mark McManus will follow-up with Brad Cook concerning results of the Blower Door Test.
g. Reviewed materials in basement vault that need to be saved and stored; and items for the trash. Patty moved all the leftover paint onto a rolling cart and put in downstairs closet. They will enlist help from the Historical Society to move some items up to the attic.
h. George contacted Tom Roberts at the State about guardrails for Upper Michigan Rd at culvert #18. Tom amended grant request to include guardrails and concrete anchors. The grant will pay 90% of the project that is estimated at $4,800. This makes the town contribution $480+/- versus quote from Lafayette to install used guardrails (no concrete anchors) for $2,294. Mark motioned to pursue grant and Jerry seconded.
a. Jerry reported the town Hazard Mitigation plan needs to be updated. TRORC encourages better public participation at the meeting scheduled for Oct. 23, 2013 at 6:30 pm the Town Hall. Peter Borden and Dave Colton should attend. George and Mark will ask more people to attend. Jerry cannot attend meeting however he will submit comments. FEMA looks at how many people attend.
b. George reviewed with the Board dates that he would be out of town.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:20 p.m.
The Board will go back to the regular meeting schedule of 1st and 3rd Tuesday for November.
Approved ____________ Recorded by
_______________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 1, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Marsha Hopkins re: Garofalo project through NRCS
- Authorization for Marsha Hopkins as EWP Coordinator
- Clerk/Treasurer Report re: Monthly Fund Balances and notes
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noels Catering
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering
- FairPoint broadband expansion to 190 homes in local area
- Vermont Telecommunications Authority meeting at the Huntington House October 4, 2013
- VT Natural Resources Board decision re: Land Use Permit #3W1073 Fuster Trucking
- VLCT Fall Selectboard Institute Meeting dates
- VT Dept of Natural Resources issued permit WW-3-2244 to Judy Livesey re: failed leach field
- Rutland County Sheriff’s Office invitation to attend two hour training on September 25, 2013
- REDC Annual Meeting October 24, 2013 invitation
- VLCT newsletter
- Vermont Trails and Greenways Manual to Dot Williamson
- Neighborworks of Western Vermont re: check for $50.00 to apply towards energy saving projects.
- Guardrails on Upper Michigan Road by Culvert #18
- Bob Giolito the new part-time police officer in Killington possible services for town
- Quotes to repair and/or replace basketball surface
- New health insurance rates and plans
- Wright Construction will meet on October 2, 2013 re: Punch list and heat
- Historical Society move into the vault
- Install door bell at town office entrance as the door still randomly locks system
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. Mark seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2013 Select Board Meeting, September 23, 2013 Special Meeting regarding Trash & Rubbish Ordinance, and September 24, 2013 Special Meeting with VLCT on Health Insurance programs. Mark seconded all three motions.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins reported on the partially failed EWP project at the Garofalo property on Butternut Lane. Maximum for project is $20,000 and landowner’s pay 10%. NRCS has provided plans for the project which will address issues on Garofalo’s property as well as the town road. Mark moved to have Mosher Excavating as the contractor and Jerry seconded. Patty will contact Mosher. Mosher must track each piece of the project incase there are any overages. Marsha is submitting request for an extension on the project until October 31, 2013. Government furlough could affect paperwork. Project work cannot begin until extension is approved. Either Marsha or George will contact Mr. Garofalo as to the status and 10% payment.
b. Marsha submitted authorization to Select Board to have her continue as the coordinator for EWP. Select Board approved and signed.
c. Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty distributed monthly Balance Sheets and Income & Expense Reports for the General Fund, Highway Fund and Cemetery Fund. There is nothing unusual in the Highway or Cemetery reports. The General Fund, line item 4-44f, has a journal entry to write off the tax due for the buyout properties. A corresponding journal entry has been made on line item 3-1 as well.
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noel Catering at Riverside Farm and Amee Farm on October 4 and 5, 2013 was approved by Select Board.
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering at Riverside Farm brown barn on October 19, 2013 was approved by Select Board.
c. Notice received From FairPoint Communications re: broadband has been expanded to 190 homes and businesses in Bethel, Pittsfield, Rochester and Stockbridge.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
October 1, 2013
d. Vermont Telecommunications Authority meeting at the Huntington House October 4, 2013 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm to provide information on broadband internet expansion projects in the local area.
e. VT Natural Resources Board, Districts 2 & 3, re: Land Use Permit #3W1073 Fuster Trucking, Memorandum of Decision dated September 13, 2013. The Commission Has considered the Permittees’ request and has determined that it will not alter Condition 8.
f. VLCT Fall Selectboard Institute meetings are being offered October 19, 2013 in Killington and November 2, 2013 in South Burlington. No one from the Select Board is attending.
g. VT Dept of Natural Resources issued permit WW-3-2244 to Judy Livesey of 3664 Route 100 in Pittsfield to replace failed leach field.
h. Rutland County Sheriff’s Office invitation to attend two hour training on September 25, 2013 to interface with the staff, share concerns and learn about their new GPS mapping system. This correspondence was shared via e-mail and Select Board members declined the invitation.
i. REDC (Rutland Economic Development Corp.) invitation to attend their annual meeting at Mountain Top Inn on October 24, 2013. No action taken.
j. Current issue of VLCT newsletter has been received and is available for review.
k. Vermont Trails & Greenways Manual, September 2007 received & will be given to Dot Williamson.
l. Neighborworks of Western Vermont has issued the town a check for $50.00 (fifty dollars) to apply towards energy saving projects. They had a contest encouraging homeowners to sign up for energy audits. This will be applied towards the energy improvements made at the town office.
New Business
a. George reported via e-mail that Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road is complete however it is in need of guardrails. The trees acted as guardrails and are now gone. Price from Lafayette is $2,294.25 to install used guardrails. Jerry motioned to approve the installation of guardrails and Mark seconded. Patty will notify George.
b. Bob Giolito the new part-time police officer in Killington stopped by the town office to introduce himself. They are able to provide coverage to nearby towns. He is willing to meet with the Select Board to discuss further. No action taken at this time.
c. Erica Hurd has checked into pricing to repair the basketball surface. Vermont Recreational Surfacing and Fencing of Barnet VT proposed repairing existing surface with two options, priced at $6,679 and $8997. Another idea is to replace the existing surface and she received a quote from Versacourt. The estimate for this option is $18,716. It is too late to pursue a grant now however this may be possible next year. No action taken at this time.
d. Reviewed health insurance rates and plans provided by Larry Smith of VLCT at the special September 24, 2013 meeting. Discussion has been tabled until next meeting when George will be present to provide input.
Old Business
a. Wright Construction will meet on October 2, 2013 at the town office to review the January 30, 2013 punch list. Many items have been resolved however the heat is still an issue along with some other items.
b. Historical Society would like to start moving into the vault. Patty has moved some items out however windows need to go to the attic and there are other items that need to go elsewhere. Mark will look into this further when they meet with Wright Construction on October 2, 2013.
c. Patty asked if a door bell could be installed at the entrance as the door still randomly locks. Mark wants Wright to fix door if possible. If not, then they will consider a door bell.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mark seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:18 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Approved ____________ Recorded by
_______________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: September 23, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Sandy Begin, Arline Drugonis, Lew & Elaine Sackrider, Susan & Franco Cacozza, Greg Picarello, Joyce Stevens, Patty Haskins, Lynda Colton, Ray Colton, Joe Fuster, Peter Borden, Keith Hopkins, Larry Lanpher, Mel Colton
AGENDA: Draft Trash and Rubbish Ordinance
Jerry Drugonis motioned to call the meeting to order. George Deblon seconded. Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Mark explained the purpose of the meeting was to solicit input on a possible trash and rubbish ordinance and discuss the differences between residential properties and commercial properties. He stated two bags per residential household might be considered a reasonable amount.
Various concerns and responses were addressed from the public present:
- Specifically what properties are included as commercial enterprises; concern that not all businesses are included.
- Some commercial properties are also a residence; concern on how these would be separated.
- Several businesses pay a larger tax bill and feel this service is included; they feel singled out and should not bear the burden.
- Many questions on what the costs are now; has there been a large increase; what type of savings would be associated with this change; what is the breakdown of costs; has the service gone out to bid recently.
- Patty Haskins explained the costs for trash removal include a management fee to the Bethel/Royalton Alliance, a monthly fee to Benson’s for trash removal, a monthly fee to Benson’s for recycling, and the tonnage fee from the Alliance that varies depending the weight.
- The original ordinance started with the scattered trash issue from animals getting into it before Benson’s could pick up the bags. It is not related to the state mandate for recycling by 2014.
- It was noted that controlling animals to stay out of the trash is difficult. Responsibility of resident/landowner to contain trash properly and habitual offenders should be fined.
- Current dumpster renters noted other (outside) people place their trash in the receptacle. They allow it because it keeps the trash off the ground. Keeping the town litter-free is key to staying attractive to tourists.
- One suggestion is to look at what other towns are doing for trash removal and look to save money for everyone.
- It was noted that everyone in Killington has to hire someone to pick up trash or resident/business has to take trash to the town trash center for a fee. Someone else noted Rochester residents also have to arrange for individual trash removal, that it is not a town service.
- Benson’s does commingle trash between towns due to routes, for example the other side of Liberty (Pittsfield property) is included in the Rochester route.
- Some businesses have very little trash while others have large amounts. Some residents have a lot of trash while others do not.
- Questions on how the amount of trash and size of bags will be regulated and policed.
- Some properties, commercial and/or residential, currently place trash in a common area to make removal easier for Benson’s.
- Suggestion to have a public dumpster installed prompted concerns over outsiders dumping, especially items that are not allowable such as tires, batteries and so on. It is difficult to control public dumpsters.
- Can businesses opt out of using the town’s service and hire someone else; if so, will they get a credit for doing this?
- It was suggested to conduct a study on amount of trash to determine potential savings. Ray Colton offered the use of his scales to weigh Benson’s truck in and out of town; and compare to weight from Bethel/Royalton Alliance.
Special Pittsfield Select Board Meetings Page 2
September 23, 2013
On a separate note, Lynda Colton stated that Benson’s is still not picking up their recyclables, even though she has brought it to the town’s attention several times. Mark wants to follow-up on this issue at the next regular Select Board meeting.
Mark thanked the participants for time and input. The meeting adjourned 6:35 p.m.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: September 4, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Caleb Hawley, Dawn Wetzel, Marsha Hopkins via telephone
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Caleb Hawley re: Street Light Project
- Caleb Hawley re: Light at Fire House
- Clerk/Treasurer Report re: Monthly Fund Balances and notes
- Dawn Wetzel re: Use of Town Hall for Yoga classes
- Marsha Hopkins re: Garofalo project through NRCS
- Kelly Avery re: Mandated Notice on Health Care Coverage
- David Gunn e-mail re: 2014 VLCT Municipal Policy
- Peter K. Vollers re: Jurisdictional Opinion #3-159 for Act 250
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Delicata LLC
- Hunter Rieseberg, President of VLCT Board of Directors re: Voting Delegates
- TRORC Notice re: Lake Shoreland Protection Commission Meeting
- TRORC Notice re: RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting
- Dept of Environmental Conservation, Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division with Notice
- Jack Conboy re: Report on Storage Vault for Historical Society Archives
- Jack Conboy re: Thermistor
- VT Elevator Inspection Services re: Schedule regular inspections
- Computer tech resources for Town Office
- Sept. 17, 2013 Select Board meeting canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
- Delinquent Dog Licenses – 8 notices to be sent.
- Park & Ride Project complete; use of funds
- Larry Smith of VLCT to meet with town regarding health care system reform
- Pittsfield Picnic successful. Letter of appreciation to Erica Hurd.
- Brad Cook of Building Performance Services re: Blower Door test at Town Office
- TRORC update on the Andrews and McAdams properties
- Jeffrey Bradley, CPA re: A133 Audit update
- Trash Ordinance discussion meeting set for 9/23/13 at 6 pm in Town Hall
- NRCS plans for Garofalo project & adjacent town road
- Mosher Excavation re: Upper Michigan Rd culvert project 9/23/13; notices to residents
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. George seconded. George motioned to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2013 Select Board Meeting and Jerry seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Caleb reported on the Street Light project. He and George did a review of existing lights and created list on which ones to keep and eliminate for Efficiency Vermont agreement. The residual value of the lights is $321 and Efficiency Vermont will send incentive directly to utility. There is no cost to the town for the new lights which are scheduled for installation in 2014. If there is an issue with any discontinued lights, the town can request a replacement at a later date. Select Board agrees with the terms and signed Efficiency Vermont agreement so Caleb can submit this week.
b. Caleb researched lighting at the Fire House and found the town owns it. Caleb obtained pricing on a new LED light. Mark asked Caleb to present to Fire Department so they can add to their 2014 budget.
c. Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty distributed monthly Balance Sheets and Income & Expense Reports for the General Fund, Highway Fund, Cemetery Fund and Recreation Fund. Highlights include tax collections, budgeted contributions distributed, budgeted disbursements made, Park & Ride expenses, and overage in Cemetery maintenance expense.
d. Dawn Wetzel, guest, currently holds yoga classes outside and is looking for indoor space in Pittsfield. Others utilize their town hall and she is asking permission to use the Pittsfield Town Hall for classes. She does charge a fee for her classes. The Select Board has concerns with someone using town resources for private enterprise therefore her request was denied.
e. Marsha Hopkins returned call from Select Board to discuss additional plans to work on Garofalo property. See Old Business (i) for more information. Marsha will try her contact Michael LaPointe again to follow up on this project. The project had an extension through September 30, 2013 for completion. She will call the State on 9/5/13 and then will contact George with an update. George is to keep Mark informed on status.
a. Kelly Avery sent information on mandated notice on health care coverage offered by employer for qualified employees. Patty will hold onto information for meeting with Larry Smith from VLCT.
b. E-mail from David Gunn, with draft of 2014 VLCT Municipal Policy, to be voted on October 3, 2013 at Town Fair in Killington is seeking a delegate from each town. Mark may attend, will decide at a later date.
c. Letter from Linda Matteson, District 3 Coordinator, Natural Resources Board to Peter K. Vollers re: Jurisdictional Opinion #3-159; 23.8 acres at 237 Hadley Lane in Pittsfield. Opinion that Act 250 jurisdiction does not and never did attach to the 23.80 acres on Hadley Lane in Pittsfield, VT.
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Delicata LLC at Riverside Farm on September 28, 2013 from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm was approved by Select Board.
e. Hunter Rieseberg, President of VLCT Board of Directors, memo dated 8/14/13 requesting one official from town as a Voting Delegate at the VLCT Annual Meeting October 3, 2013 at Killington Grand Hotel. Mark may attend, will decide at a later date.
f. TRORC Notice re: Lake Shoreland Protection Commission Meeting September 12, 2013 at Lake Morey Inn from 6-8 p.m. Specific to lake shore lands, not applicable to Pittsfield.
g. TRORC Notice re: RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting in Bethel September 12, 2013 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. No action taken.
h. Letter dated 8/19/13 from Department of Environmental Conservation, Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division with Notice to be posted for the public until close of business 9/24/13. Draft for General Permit for Indirect Discharge of Sewage 9-9001 which the Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources proposes to issue. Patty posted 8/21/13.
i. Jack Conboy, report on Storage Vault for Historical Society Archives. Based on his evaluation and findings he recommends the Historical Society maintain the existing storage within the town hall and use the vault in the town office for storage of non-destructible material.
j. Jack Conboy looked at the Thermistor in the Town Office and concluded it was a sensor, not a control unit.
New Business
a. VT Elevator Inspection Services, Inc. checked Town Office elevator which was due for inspection August 6, 2013 and the Town Hall elevator was due October 2012. They told Patty the elevator installer cannot do the inspections. She will confirm this information. They will put clients on a regular schedule for inspections and Patty has requested pricing.
b. Patty is looking for computer tech resources as Sean Lee lives too far away now. She will contact Becky Donnet in Rochester and Vermont Digital in Rutland. Needs a video card installed for monitor to work properly.
c. Due to scheduling conflicts the September 17, 2013 Select Board Meeting has been canceled. The next regular meeting will be October 1, 2013.
Old Business
a. There are 8 delinquent dog license renewals. Patty will send certified/return receipt letters to the owners stating they have 21 (twenty-one) days to license their dogs or request a hearing. Non- compliance can result in fines.
b. The Park & Ride project is complete with one more invoice due from the architect Mark McManus. The balance of $3,722.25 in grant funds can be used for other items associated with the project per Wayne Davis, such as bike racks, trees, benches, etc. Otherwise unused funds remain with the State. Select Board decided there were no additional items needed for the project therefore the balance will remain with the grantor after Mark McManus is paid.
c. Patty contacted Larry Smith of VLCT to meet with town regarding health care system reform. He is available September 17, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. George has a conflict and it is important for him to be present. Patty will check on alternate dates and times.
d. Pittsfield Picnic was successful despite lighter turnout compared to last year. Profit & Loss Statement has Net Income of $2,766.75 of which $754.16 came from the old Playground account that was closed out and rolled into the Recreation Fund. Select Board will send a letter of appreciation to Erica Hurd for all the time and effort she put into this event for the town.
e. Brad Cook of Building Performance Services conducted a Blower Door test at the Town Office on September 2, 2013. He may test again the week of 9/9/13 and then will provide a report.
f. Don Flynn contacted Bob Ennis at TRORC for an update on the Andrews and McAdams properties 9/4/13. Bob responded these are moving forward with the required environmental reviews. When this is complete they can move onto the title work and closing documents.
g. A133 Audit is being conducted by Jeffrey Bradley, CPA and is due September 30, 2013. Mark and Patty signed contract for Mr. Bradley’s services; signed letter stating materials the town would provide for the audit; and letter reviewing his findings, nothing unusual was found, sound accounting practices were followed and a wrap-up of the project.
h. Trash Ordinance discussion meeting set for Monday, September 23, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. List of recipients reviewed and approved by Select Board along with the meeting notice. These will be sent out by Saturday 9/7/13 and a notice posted in town.
i. NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service, Dept. of Agriculture) provided George with plans for repairs/upgrades to Garofalo property and the town road that includes culvert work. George gave a set to Craig Mosher who said he could do the project at the same time the Upper Michigan Road culvert is replaced. Funding for this project requires a 10% match and is estimated at $12,000 making the match $1,200. Mark wants George to set up a meeting with NRCS contact person as soon as possible to review project and ensure funding procedures are being handled properly. See Guests and Committee Reports (e) for additional information.
j. Mosher Excavating is scheduled to start culvert replacement on Upper Michigan Road Monday, September 23, 2013. The road will be closed from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. One lane will be open before and after this time slot. Letters to affected residents will be sent out next week with certificate of mailing.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 8:07 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: August 13, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Mary Lou Scofield
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Mary Lou Scofield, attorney in Killington, interviewed and hired as town counsel
- Clerk/Treasurer Report:
- Two payments received from State for FEMA projects
- Mascoma Savings Bank invitation to view video re: TS Irene
- TRORC reminder the Town Plan will expire in September of 2015
- English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. e-mailed Entry Order from the court re: Chittenden Highway #11
- Thank you from TRORC for 2014 Annual dues
- Vermont Telecommunications Authority funding for municipalities to improve business internet service
- Reminder from C.V. Oil to clean furnace
- Attorneys for Fuster’s Act 250 Land Use Permit Application #3W1073 submitted a ‘Permittees Motion to Alter’ to District Environmental Commission 3.
- William Oren’s Objection letter to the Fuster’s Permittees Motion to Alter
- VLCT Workshop on VT Public Records Act scheduled for 9/26/13
- American Red Cross information re: Local Disaster Shelter Initiative
- VLCT members can get advise on the health system reform
- Air filtration inspection of Town Office Building
- Park and Ride field reports #3 and #4
- Park & Ride 5 foot backing/turning area
- Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering for 7/27/13
- Andy Silwanowicz trash and recycling pickup to be changed back to Mondays
- Wastewater Permit WW3-2222 to Joseph Naser for Town parcel 32-02-56
- 10-question survey from VT Health Dept. completed
- Highwood Homeowners Association follow-up on December 2012 road sign request
New Business
- Demolition bids for flood damaged homes
- Visibility of oil stand pipes at Town Hall
- Dawn Wetzel’s request for Town Hall
- Trash & Rubbish Ordinance re: commercial property owners
George motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. Jerry seconded. George motioned to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2013 Select Board Meeting and Jerry seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Mary Lou Scofield, an attorney in Killington was interviewed and hired by the Select Board to be the town counsel as needed.
b. Clerk/Treasurer Report –
1. Monthly Balance Sheets and Income & Expense Reports for the General Fund, Highway Fund, Cemetery Fund and Recreation Fund were distributed to Select Board for review.
2. The town received two payments from the state, $38,628.16 and 23,913, based on the final FEMA paperwork Patty submitted. Patty will review the report to verify the amounts match.
a. Mascoma Savings Bank invitation to attend viewing of the video “Vermont A Community Bank and Hurricane Irene” on August 29, 2013 at the Bethel Town Hall. Please RSVP if interested.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes August 13, 2013
Page 2
b. TRORC reminder the Town Plan will expire in September of 2015. Patty will forward to Suana and the town Planning Commission.
c. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. e-mailed Entry Order from the court on July 31, 2013 granting their motion to set aside or amend order re: for Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden.
d. Thank you from TRORC for 2014 Annual dues.
e. E-mail from Vermont Telecommunications Authority announcing opportunity for municipalities or districts to apply for funding to improve internet service for businesses in underserved areas. Application is available on-line. No action taken.
f. Reminder from C.V. Oil to clean furnace. Patty will arrange to have Town Hall furnace cleaned.
g. Letter from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., law firm retained by Joe and Pat Fuster, re: Act 250 Land Use Permit Application #3W1073 job. Attorney has submitted a ‘Permittees Motion to Alter’ to Linda Matteson, District Environmental Commission #3. This motion requests amending Condition 8 of the Permit to allow one truck to return to the property between 10:00p.m. and 6:00 a.m., allow permittee to plug in the truck during cold weather, no jake brakes are used, headlights do not shine in Mr. Oren’s residence, truck will be parked promptly, no lading/unloading or extended idling.
h. William Oren’s Objection letter to the Fuster’s Permittees Motion to Alter received August 8, 2013.
i. VLCT will be hosting a workshop on the topic ”What Vermont Municipal Officials need to know about the Vermont Public Records Act” Thursday, September 26, 2013 in Montpelier. Cost is $60 for VLCT PACIF members. Patty may attend.
j. American Red Cross information re: Local Disaster Shelter Initiative - offers communities training and equipment to open and sustain a disaster shelter for up to 72 hours when assistance is either unavailable or delayed. Contact Larry Kupferman, coordinator of the program, for more information at 802-660-9130 x113. No action taken.
k. David Dunn e-mail re: VLCT members can get advise on the health system reform. Patty will ask if someone can come to a Select Board meeting to explain the program.
l. Mark McManus e-mail re: air filtration inspection during 7/25/13 site visit. This was prompted by Mark Vincello’s observations of 7/22/13. There are large air gaps at the top of the basement window (1/2 inch or more; there are other air gaps between the existing sheathing, sills and foundation wall. He recommends having Wright Construction or an energy/insulation specialist fix the gaps with foam insulation. It can be done anytime. He also suggests waiting until after the blower test so other problem areas can be determined and addressed.
m. Park and Ride field reports #3 and #4 received. George made a motion to approve Wilk Paving to take care of the various items that cropped up during this project. Jerry seconded the motion. The Select Board approved payment for Wilk Paving.
n. Mark McManus e-mailed recommendation on July 26, 2013 to add just 5 feet to the parking area, which leaves a 5-foot backing/turning area. This will alleviate anyone thinking this is another parking space.
o. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering at Amee Farm on July 27, 2013 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm was approved by Select Board members George and Jerry via e-mail on 7/16/13.
p. E-mail from Andy Silwanowicz dated 8/6/13 stating they are wondering when a bin will be placed at the end of Camp 12 for re-cycling as that is what the letter stated. The letter also stated they would be on the Stockbridge schedule. Mark Begin will contact Jon Benson to tell him the town wants Pittsfield properties on South Hill to be picked up on Mondays like the rest of Pittsfield. Tyna is to send a letter to Mr. Silwanowicz with this information.
q. Dept. of Environmental Conservation issued Wastewater Permit WW3-2222 to Joseph Naser for Town parcel 32-02-56 for new on-site water and wastewater systems on existing 1 acre lot, previously permitted under EC543, lot #104 at 280 Tweed River Drive.
r. Patty and Sandy Begin completed a 10-question survey received via e-mail from the VT Dept.of Health on 8/13/13.
s. Highwood Homeowners Association following up on e-mail of December 2012 inquiring about road sign replacements. When 911 was instituted new signs were installed in Highwood, however the community wanted their wooden signs, so George removed the metal signs. George will get a price for new metal signs including any necessary hardware and will contact Chris Brun via e-mail. Highwood would have to pay for the materials and the town will install. In addition, the signs are not to be removed without town approval.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes August 13, 2013
Page 3
New Business
a. Don Flynn shared with Patty he sent out three requests for the demolition of the flood damaged properties and it looks like only two companies are interested in bidding. The environmental review has not come back yet therefore the bids cannot be completed. Once the bids are received, two Select Board members will review.
b. Don Flynn expressed concern that the oil stand pipes at the town hall could be a hazard especially when someone backs into the parking space. George will paint the pipes with a bright color for visibility.
c. George reported that Dawn Wetzel who conducts Yoga classes in town inquired about using the Town Hall for classes. The Select Board agreed that she would need to attend a meeting to make this request.
Old Business
a. Discussion on the Trash & Rubbish Ordinance re: Commercial property owners. Select Board started a list of possible contacts and roughed out a draft of notice to the list. They will finish the list and notice at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Tyna will send out a draft for review.
George made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jerry seconded. The meeting adjourned 8:02 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: July 9, 2013
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Don Flynn re: Peyton buyout request
- Clerk/Treasurer re: monthly financials; municipal attorney; posting flood damaged homes; TOB issues.
- Road Commissioner re: Review & final inspection with VTRANS on flood damage projects
- Mascoma Savings Bank report
- VTRANS re: Bridge 126 public hearing review report
- Craig Westling re: Application for Wastewater Permit
- Permit for Project# WW-3-2203 re: Westling property
- English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. re: Chittenden Town Highway 11
- VT Agency of Commerce & Community Development for Public Hearing re: disaster recovery
- Marsha Hopkins re: disaster recovery and time constraints
- Vermont Secretary of State newsletter Opinions
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program re: $11 million in funds available
- Project Review Sheet – Act 250 re: Spring Death Race
- VT Department of Taxes re: Educational tax rates
- VT Program Dev Commission re: Soliciting for proposals of small Park and Ride facilities
- Municipal Planning Grants in 2014
- Wilk Paving re: Park and Ride bid
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
- Wilk Paving re: Park & Ride pre-project meeting
- Neighborworks Annual Report
- Rutland County Sheriff’s Department re: fingerprinting
- Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation request for financial support
- VLCT Newsletter
- Representative from Bernie Sanders re: veterans
- BEOP – Basic Emergency Operation Plan complete
- VT Auditor’s Office – Financial Management questionnaire
- C.V. Oil Pre-Buy options and contract
- VTRANS Quit Claim Deed for property by town garage
Old Business
- Trash & Rubbish Ordinance re: commercial property owners
George motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. Jerry seconded. George motioned to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2013 Select Board Meeting and July 3, 2013 Special Select Board Meeting to set the Municipal tax rate. Jerry seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Don Flynn, Coordinator of FEMA Buyout Program, presented request from the Peytons seeking a buyout for their damaged property. Jerry motioned the town will sponsor the application; George seconded.
b. Clerk/Treasurer Report –
1. Monthly Balance Sheets and Income & Expense Reports for the General Fund, Highway Fund and Cemetery Fund were distributed to Select Board for review.
2. Patty contacted numerous towns in the area to find out who they use for their attorney. Select Board is interested in meeting Mary Lou Scoffield in Killington and asked Patty to invite Ms. Scoffield to the next board meeting.
3. Contacted Doug Mianulli about kids playing in flood damaged homes. Doug is going to post signs at the properties to discourage this activity.
4. Town Office heating issue meeting to be set for the week of July 22, 2013. Mark McManus, Wright Construction and the Select Board to attend. Patty will set up the meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
July 9, 2013
c. Road Commissioner – George will be meeting with Eric House of VTRANS to review and conduct final inspection of Tropical Storm Irene projects for the state’s portion of FEMA funding.
a. Received 2012 Annual Statement of Condition report from Mascoma Savings Bank, no action required.
b. Letter dated June 19, 2013 from VTRANS re: Pittsfield BHF 022-1(24) Vermont Route 100 Bridge 126 over the West Branch of the Tweed River received. They conducted a review of the May 22, 2013 public hearing transcript and subsequent written comments concerning the project. Two main concerns: 1. Impacts on house located at 15+15 (owner Larry Lanpher) and 2. Access to drives and roads within detour area while traffic is maintained on the temporary bridge. No action required.
c. Letter dated June 17, 2013 from Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation re: receipt of application from Craig Westling, Project# WW-3-2203; Parcel ID #: Pittsfield 11-020-00 at 230 Butternut Lane. Existing house with onsite water and wastewater systems has a failed leach field; applying for permit to replace with new onsite wastewater system.
d. Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation granted a permit for Project# WW-3-2203 (Westling at 230 Butternut Ln) on June 30, 2013.
e. Letter dated June 5, 2013 from the law firm of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. requesting Select Board Chairman to initial a slight change on page 4 of the Stipulated Order of Dismissal re: Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. Mark Begin initialed change.
f. E-mail dated June 12, 2013 from VT Agency of Commerce & Community Development for Public Hearing on June 27, 2013 in White River Junction seeking input on unmet and remaining disaster recovery needs to assist Dept. of Housing and Community Development with an Action Plan. No action taken.
g. Marsha Hopkins received same information as outlined in “f.” and forwarded to the town recommending Peter Borden touch with people who have property issues and post a notice of the 6/27/13 public hearing. No action was taken on this. Marsha also informed Select Board she was starting a new job July 8, 2013 and cannot commit time for town issues until she gets established in her new job.
h. In receipt of June issue of the Vermont Secretary of State newsletter Opinions.
i. Jim Burke of VLCT forwarded e-mail on June 17, 2013 from Mark Bosma, Public Information Officer for the VT Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security. There is $11 million dollars in federal funds for Vermont communities Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Application is on-line and the deadline is July 12, 2013. Patty will pass along to the Planning Commission.
j. In receipt of Project Review Sheet – Act 250 dated May 31, 2013 for Vermont Country Inn’s Summer Death Race. Permit not required.
k. VT Department of Taxes re: Educational tax rates for 2014 received July 1, 2013. Non residential $1.2967 and homestead $1.5221.
l. VT Program Development Commission re: Soliciting for proposals of small Park and Ride facilities. Applications due by August 30, 2013. $250,000 is available for projects. No action required.
m. E-mail for Municipal Planning Grants in 2014 received. Applications are due September 30, 2013. Patty will pass along to Planning Commission.
n. Wilk Paving e-mail dated June 22, 2013 with new bid pricing of $47,574.00 for Park and Ride project.
o. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noels Catering at Riverside Farm on August 9 and 10, 2013 form 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm approved by Select Board.
p. Wilk Paving e-mail dated July 9, 2013 from Tim Rice requesting a pre-project meeting to review plans July 11 or 12 so they can begin excavating. Select Board suggests July 11, 2013 at 3:00 pm and Patty will confirm with Wilk Paving and Mark McManus. Tim has already submitted a DigSafe request.
q. Neighborworks Annual Report received. No action needed.
r. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department provides civilian fingerprinting for $25.
s. Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation request for financial support denied.
t. VLCT Newsletter received.
u. Representative from Bernie Sanders office stopped in with brochures focused on helping veterans.
v. BEOP (Basic Emergency Operation Plan) is complete. Angelique Lee will serve as the Town Hall manager. Jerry signed off on the plan and Patty will submit to TRORC.
w. VT Auditor’s Office is requiring a Financial Management questionnaire to be filed. Patty has answered and submitted the document. It is help cut down on improper accounting practices and embezzlement.
Pittsfield Select Board Meeting Page 3
July 9, 2013
x. C.V. Oil Pre-buy is due by August 1, 2013. Select Board reviewed pre-buy history report and authorized Patty to buy 550 gallons of propane for Town Garage.; 740 gallons of #2 Fuel Oil for the Town Hall; and 1,100 gallons of propane for the Town Office.
y. VTRANS Quit Claim Deed for property at bridge by town garage to accommodate new bridge abutments. Jerry and George signed document.
Old Business
a. Discussion on the Trash & Rubbish Ordinance re: Commercial property owners, has been tabled until all three Select Board members are present.
George made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jerry seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:10 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, August 6, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: June 4, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Marsha Hopkins, Howard Gunter
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Marsha Hopkins re: additional work at Garofalo property
- Marsha Hopkins re: driveway washout and flooding
- Clerk/Treasurer re: Town Office Building Project financial update; monthly financials; municipal attorney; AC in office; and unlicensed dogs
- Road Commissioner re: horseshoe pits; stone wall in Hawk Mountain; culvert grant; fuel tank at Fire House; and storm damage
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
- Noel’s Catering Festival Permit request
- Vermont Adaptive Sports request permission to use Green
- Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., letter re: Act 250 permit for Joe & Pat Fuster
- VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force re: Dry Hydrant grants
- Chuck and Sandie Adams letter re: house at 17 Lower Michigan Rd possible Historical Site
- Permit Renewal from VT Agency of Natural Resources for Highwood Sewer Association, Inc.
- Marshall’s Alarm Service, Inc. re: test alarm systems for Town Hall and Town Office
- Bethel Mills invoice re: park benches
- Mills Hardware invoice re: park benches and window panes
- VLCT Newsletter
- E-mails received for surplus office equipment and zero-turn mower
- Park and Ride project re: final plan and follow-up notes
- Reviewed the Trash & Rubbish Ordinance re: commercial property owners
- BEOP Town Hall shelter managers
- Jerry Drugonis re: Hancock Planning Commission
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. George seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2013 Select Board Meeting. George seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins reports Natural Resources & Conservation Service has some funding available to shore up the Garofalo property that has since eroded from the repair in the Fall of 2013. Engineers will develop a site plan and this will determine if abutters need to be notified.
b. Marsha reports run-off on Upper Michigan Road is washing out the end of her driveway and flooding it. George will look into this to determine a remedy.
c. Clerk/Treasurer – Patty provided a financial update on the Town Office Building Project. Voters approved $845,000 and expenses since the bond vote are $823,583.16. The remaining amount of $21,416.84 is slated to cover remainder of Wright Construction contract, contingency expenses, TRORC grant administration, architect and Fire Marshall fees.
1. Monthly Balance Sheets and Income & Expense Reports for the General Fund, Highway Fund and Cemetery Fund were distributed to Select Board for review.
2. The School Board will need a municipal attorney for their legal review of the loan. Patty has asked the board for ideas on who to contact.
3. Technician to address air conditioning issue is scheduled to be at the town office on Wednesday June 5, 2013 at 8 a.m.
4. There are 13 (thirteen) unlicensed dogs in town. Patty will contact Doug Mianulli and provide a list of owners for him to contact.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
June 4, 2013
d. Road Commissioner – George contacted other towns re: horseshoe pits; and Patty contacted VLCT. The horseshoe pits are covered under the playground/recreation area insurance and other towns have not had issues with their pits. George will let Erica know that she can submit a proposal for the addition of horseshoe pits.
1. There is a new stone wall in Hawk Mountain community that needs to be addressed in terms of the road right-of-way. George will draft a letter to the property owner.
2. George spoke to Tom Roberts at VTrans and grants for culverts will be awarded July 1, 2013. Mosher Excavating is the low bidder for the culvert project on Upper Michigan Road. George has started a list of residents that will be affected by this project and he will contact Craig Mosher to discuss possible dates for the project.
3. Insurance agent contacted George about removal of the fuel tank at the Fire House. It has not been removed yet and George will contact Dave Colton about this.
4. Damage from most recent storm includes a washout at Butternut Lane, 6-8 trees down throughout town including one in the town green which Asplundh will chip for the town as a courtesy.
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering for thirteen events at Riverside Farm have been approved by Select Board. All events will end by 10:00 p.m. and include the following dates: August 31, 2013; Sept. 1, 2013; Sept. 6 & 7, 2013; Sept. 13 & 14, 2013; Sept. 21, 2013; Sept. 27 & 28, 2013; Oct. 11 & 12, 2013; and Nov. 1 & 2, 2013.
b. Noel’s Catering has submitted an application for a Festival Permit for the Death Race June 21 & 22, 2013 at the Amee Farm and Riverside Farm. The Select Board approved.
c. Vermont Adaptive Sports request permission to place a portable toilet and a table with tools & water for riders in their Long Trail Century Ride on the green. Approximately 20 riders expected to use this rest stop. The Select Board approved the group to use the existing portable toilet for a fee versus bringing in a second toilet and to set up a table.
d. Received letter dated 5/24/13 from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, to Linda Matteson of District 3 Environmental Commission for Act 250 Land Use Permit Application #3W1073. The letter provides responses to the commission regarding washing vehicles and access/egress issues that were raised during the application process.
e. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force sent reminder re: Dry Hydrant Grants of $1,000-$2,500 are still available. Dave Colton is working on this and the applications are due 6/28/2013.
f. Chuck and Sandie Adams copied the town on their letter to VTrans in response to the Public Hearing for Pittsfield BHF 022-1(24) (bridge on Route 100 at intersection of Lower Michigan Road.) The Adams are the current owners of the house on the corner (formerly Frank Sulham’s home) and are concerned the state might tear down the structure. The house dates back to 1794 and the Adams would consider gifting it to the State for the town to use for the Historical Society. The town is not aware of any plans to tear down the house and will send a letter to the Chuck and Sandie.
g. Permit Renewal from VT Agency of Natural Resources for Highwood Sewer Association, Inc. Permit ID-9-0206 for indirect Discharge to be posted until 7/2/13.
h. Marshall’s Alarm Service, Inc. of Middlebury, Vermont contract to conduct mandatory alarm system test in Town Hall is $160. Approved by Select Board as well as having Patty contact the service to test Town Office building.
i. Bethel Mills invoice for materials to build four park benches approved by Select Board. Secretary to send Thank You letter to Otel for the work he performed.
j. Mills Hardware invoice for materials to repair window panes and parts for park benches approved by Select Board.
k. VLCT Newsletter received and available in town office.
l. E-mails received for surplus office equipment and zero-turn mower. No action required.
Old Business
a. Reviewed plan for Park and Ride project and noted: 1.) Catch basin should be in the general vicinity of playground but not at the end of the slide or within the wooden border of the playground, 2.) Verify type of cover that will be used, 3.) Paving needs to be even with the cement sidewalk to provide a smooth transition. George will oversee the project.
b. Reviewed the Trash & Rubbish Ordinance and decided to invite commercial property owners to a special meeting to discuss ordinance. A list will be drafted for the Select Board to review so a letter can be mailed with a meeting date and time.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
June 4, 2013
c. Mark Begin will relay shelter manager duties to Connie Martin and Angelique Lee for 2013 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP).
Other Business
a. Jerry Drugonis will sit on the Hancock Planning Commission at the urging of TRORC.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:12 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: May 21, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Karen Waterworth,
Eric Lantiegne, Erica Hurd
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Clerk/Treasurer: Blue Cross/Blue Shield webinar
- Eric Lantiegne re: Energy Coordinator appointment
- Karen Waterworth on behalf of the Library – key situation & punch list items
- Erica Hurd re: horseshoe pit request; funds for annual town event
- Annual Highway Safety Forum scheduled for Wednesday May 29, 2013
- Paige Anne Crickard invitation to Art Show at Pierce Community Hall
- Kenneth Hayes re: Dog ordinance complaint
- “Rivers & Streams” informational meeting June 21, 2013 at 6:30 pm
- TRORC memo re: trainings for Municipal Officials
- Kenneth Hayes re: Dog ordinance complaint
- Charlie Martin offer to replace and maintain the Pittsfield town
- Quote to repair and restore the park benches from Otel
- Quote to scrape/sand and paint/stain the Bandstand from Don Marshall
- Generator for Town Hall and Town Office
- Insurance for town parks/buyout sites
- Park and Ride project to start end of June or early July
- Littering & Rubbish Ordinance discussion
- Punch List for Wright Construction to be updated
- U 1st Plumbing-Heating-Cooling proposal for addressing the heat issues in town office building
- BEOP Town Hall shelter managers
- Hazard Mitigation meeting at the Town Office on May 22, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. and VTrans bridge
meeting at 7:00 p.m. - Select Board to meet once a month during the summer months starting in June
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. Mark seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Mark seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Clerk/Treasurer – Patty received information from Blue Cross/Blue Shield for a live webinar on Vermont Health Exchange. No one interested, no action taken.
b. Eric Lantiegne – attending to learn more about the Energy Coordinator appointment. Select Board shared that Caleb Hawley will be following through on the Street Light replacement project and George will ask Caleb to touch base with Eric; the position is to look into efficiencies to save the town money such as changing out the lights in the Town Hall. Eric has agreed to accept.
c. Karen Waterworth – attending on behalf of the Library. Sharing keys among the trustees and volunteers is a challenge. The Library proposes purchasing a coded key box and request permission from the Select Board to do so. The Select Board agrees to try this solution first as the other options are expensive. Karen also requests permission to place the Book Drop Box in front of the building stating the Library is looking into a new waterproof drop box. The select board approved request. Karen also listed several Punch List items that need attention.
d. Erica Hurd – Following up on the status of installing horseshoe pits in the recreation area. George will check with other towns on type of pits and any liability issues. Erica proposes using the Annual town event to raise funds for replacing some of the playground equipment. She would like to send a flyer out to all residents for the event and is requesting reimbursement for this expense. The Select Board agrees Erica can submit receipts for these expenses for the town to reimburse.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
May 21, 2013
a. Annual Highway Safety Forum is scheduled for Wednesday May 29, 2013. George is not attending this year.
b. The Select Board received an invitation from Paige Anne Crickard to attend an Art Show at Pierce Community Hall in Rochester June 1, 2013 at 4 p.m. for her Senior Project. No board members are planning on attending at this time.
c. 2013 VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program soliciting applications for projects this year. Attendance to the workshops is mandatory for any entity planning on applying. Applications are due July 26, 2013. There are no plans to apply.
d. TRORC and Redstart Consulting will be hosting an informational meeting in the Town Hall on Friday, June 21, 2013 at 6:30 pm titled “Rivers & Streams”. The discussion includes the Tweed and other Pittsfield streams, potential plans for the Lower Village, buyout property and flood protections.
e. TRORC memo regarding trainings for Municipal Officials received. The memo outlines a variety of categories to choose from and TRORC strives to offer these trainings at no charge. Member towns are encouraged to contact TRORC to schedule trainings.
f. Kenneth Hayes letter dated May 8, 2013 re: Peyton dog was received. He received Patty’s phone message to contact the Sheriff directly. Mr. Hayes would like the Select Board to contact the sheriff’s department as he believes the town has a relationship/contract with the Sheriff. Mark will contact Sheriff Bernard or Lt. Craig Hanson on this issue.
New Business
a. Charlie Martin has offered to replace and maintain the Pittsfield town sign south of town near the “S” curves that was destroyed during TS Irene. Mark will discuss this in further detail with Charlie and report back to the board.
b. Otel of Small World Woodworks submitted a quote to repair and restore the park benches for $1,620. The Select Board approved funds to be used from the “Civic, Sign & Bench” fund.
c. Don Marshall submitted a quote to scrape/sand and paint/stain the Bandstand as needed for $1,050. Funds for this project will come from the Women’s Club - $350; the Historical Society $350; and town’s Civic Fund $350.
d. Mark Begin has a generator that could handle both the Town Hall and Town Office. He will have the generator serviced and then present a proposal to the town for consideration.
e. The Planning Commission asked about insurance for town parks/buyout sites. Patty inquired and was informed the land is covered by the existing policy; the only additional cost would be if any building(s) are added.
f. The Park and Ride project is moving forward. Revised plans for the engineer Frank Parent have been received and include a catch basin for run-off. The grant is $55,660 and Wilk’s Paving bid price is $41,614. Wilk would like to start by the end of June or early July. The Select Board approved.
Old Business
a. Littering & Rubbish Ordinance discussion. Garrett Baxter of VLCT recommends comparing draft to the state ordinance, clearly review “residential” versus “commercial”, and review contract with Benson. Jerry will work on defining “commercial” and Patty provided Jerry with a copy of Benson’s contract. The Board will discuss further when Jerry has revised materials ready.
b. Punch List for Wright Construction to be updated as there are still several items that need to be addressed including items brought up by the Library. This is to be discussed with Mark McManus when the board meets with him at a time to be determined.
c. U 1st Plumbing-Heating-Cooling has provided a proposal for addressing the heat issues in the Town Office. Mark Vincello, the engineer, thinks the pricing is high and has provided recommendations. Mark Begin would like Patty to arrange a meeting with Mark McManus and the Select Board to review this information as well as update the Punch List.
d. 2013 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) is complete except for Town Hall shelter managers. Connie Martin and Angelique Lee would like to know what their responsibilities would be if they are the managers. The Select Board determined the shelter managers would need to open the building and manage what is needed in terms of the people entering the shelter. Mark will let them know so Patty can complete the form and return to TRORC.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
May 21, 2013
Other Business
a. There is a Hazard Mitigation meeting at the Town Office on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. and VTrans meeting regarding the new bridge on Route 100 near Lower Michigan Road at 7:00 p.m.
b. Mark proposes the Select Board meet once a month during the summer months starting in June. The Select Board approved.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:45 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: May 7, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Howard Gunter, Patty Haskins,
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Clerk/Treasurer: Tenants using town property; Grand List final; financial reports; interest on bond
- Howard Gunter correspondent for The Herald of Randolph
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
- Clear River Tavern liquor license renewal
- Kenneth Hayes re: Dog ordinance complaint
- Dates for Green Mountain Relay Race
- Historical information request from Russian school boy
- TRORC Route 100 Byway Update
- Joe & Pat Fuster Act 250 land use permit application re: Attorney’s request for extension to respond
- William Oren’s letters and documents re: Fuster’s Act 250 land use permit application
- District 3 Environmental Commission memo re: final extension granted for May 28, 2013
- Fuster’s attorney’s request to ‘exclude and/or strike’ submissions from William Oren
- Agency of Natural Resources re: Joyce & Roger Stevens application for failed wastewater system
- ANR permit issued for Joyce & Roger Stevens wastewater disposal system improvements
- Clerk’s request for additional pay for Custodian for cleaning town office building
- Clerk’s request for portable toilet for recreation area
- Engine Brake ordinance discussion and decision
- Fill for Halligan property
- TRORC request for town to review 2013 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
- McKinney request to use town bandstand
- Arnold Johnson’s resignation from Planning Commission
- Sketches for proposed heating solution for town office building
- VLCT input on draft of Trash Ordinance
a. Jerry will invite Eric Lantiegne to next meeting re: Energy Coordinator position
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Mark seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the April 16, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Mark seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Clerk & Treasurer Report –
1. Kris Sperber contacted Clerk re: Tenants on the Green using town property for tenting and bonfire. Mrs. Sperber has informed the tenants this activity is not allowed on town property.
2. The Grand List is now final. The “Certificate No Appeal or Suit Pending” has been signed.
3. Patty provided Monthly Balance Reports for the various town funds and will update monthly for the Select Board. She can also produce other reports when requested.
4. Vermont Municipal Bond Bank update – Congress has not resolved federal sequestration problem therefore it is likely the town will receive a supplemental invoice for interest on the bond payment of $548.16.
b. Howard Gunter is attending the meeting as the correspondent for The Herald of Randolph for local news.
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering for July 20, 2013 at Riverside Farm approved by Select Board.
b. Clear River Tavern Liquor License Renewal received and approved by the Select Board.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
May 7, 2013
c. Received a letter from Kenneth Hayes, 140 Park Pl, Pittsfield VT dated May 7, 2013 notifying the Select Board of 8 incidences where Mr. Peyton’s dog was in violation of the Pittsfield Dog Ordinance. Mr. Hayes wants Mr. Peyton to be fined and would like to be kept apprised of the situation. It is up to the Sheriff’s department to enforce the ordinance therefore Mark has directed Patty to let Mr. Hayes know he should send the letter to Sheriff Bernard.
d. Select Board discussed possible dates for Timberline Events Green Mountain Relay race to respond to Mr. Vanderherden’s request for input. Due to Labor Day Weekend, the Annual Bazaar and busy road traffic for fall foliage the board agreed the weekends of September 14/15 and 21/22 would be okay; as well as after Columbus Day which is October 14, 2013. Tyna will send a letter to Mr. Vanderherden with these date options.
e. Patty received an e-mail from Russian school boy gathering historical information about towns in the U.S. Patty will scan some of the historical information and send via e-mail.
f. Route 100 Byway update from TRORC now includes 20 towns from Granville to Stamford for 138 miles crisscrossing along the spine of the Green Mountains from Mad River Byway to the MA border. Some participating towns want to get the ball rolling to set a meeting or two to get started on some projects.
g. Letter dated 4/25/13 from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster request another extension for 30 days to 5/28/13 to provide responses to District 3 Environmental Commission for Act 250 Land Use Permit Application.
h. Letters and documents submitted by William Oren on April 26, 2013 to Linda Matteson, District 3 Environmental Commission re: Fuster Act 250 Land Use Permit Application.
i. District 3 Environmental Commission Memo dated 4/26/13 re: Extension date to respond to the commission’s Hearing Recess Order issued February 11, 2013. The commission grants this final request and will extend the response date to May 28, 2013. If response is not received by 5/28/13 the commission will adjourn the hearing and issue a decision on the evidence of record.
j. Letter dated 4/29/13 from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster re: Land Use Permit #3W1073. The firm has filed an “Applicants Objection to Submissions of William Oren and Motion to Exclude and /or Strike” to District 3 Environmental Commission.
k. Letter from the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) - Dept. of Environmental Conservation re: In receipt of application from Joyce & Roger Stevens for replacement of failed wastewater disposal system dated 4/24/13. The application is in the review process and the department has 45 days to make a decision.
l. ANR Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #WW-3-0061-3 issued to Joyce and Roger Stevens for Wastewater Disposal System Improvements dated 4/26/13.
New Business
a. Patty requesting additional pay for custodian for town office cleaning. It had been 8 weeks since a thorough cleaning thus it took Edna four hours versus the usual two hours. The board approved.
b. Patty requested a portable toilet for the recreation area. Jerry motioned to approve; Mark seconded.
c. Select Board reviewed the Engine Brake Ordinance report provided by George Deblon. George spoke with TRORC, Dept. of Motor Vehicles (commercial) and VLCT to gather information. Representatives from all three organizations said any engine brake ordinance would be very difficult to enforce and discouraged any town from adopting such an ordinance because: 1.) engine brakes are a safety device and aid heavier vehicles to slowdown and allow regular brakes to work more effectively, 2.) the noise may not be from engine brakes, it could be from a defective exhaust system, and 3.) there is a federal law that may limit authority to regulate engine brakes. Jerry motioned not to pursue an engine brake ordinance; Mark seconded.
d. Don Flynn contacted Sandra Maxwell a Financial Recovery Specialist from SAIC.com re: using fill from one project to fill large hole at another project, specifically the Halligan property. Mark Begin has spoken to Brian Halligan and he is agreeable to having the fill. Patrick Ross of ANR has looked at the property and has approved as long as it is sloped properly. Mosher Excavating will be moving the 5,500 yards of fill to the Halligan property.
e. Emma Zavez of TRORC requesting input for the town’s 2013 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP). Mark Begin will ask Connie Martin and Angelique Lee to be the shelter managers for the Town Hall area. The board reviewed list of at-risk population and potential hazard/vulnerable areas in the town.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
May 7, 2013
Old Business
a. Tim and Julie McKinney request to use town Bandstand for their Christian Speaking Tour later in 2013 tabled until next meeting.
b. Mark Begin will speak with Arnold Johnson about his resignation from the Planning Commission.
c. Mark McManus has forwarded three mechanical sketches from WVA Engineering for proposed solution to heating issue in basement and clerk’s office in Town Office dated 4/23/13.
d. Garrett Baxter of VLCT addressed the Trash Ordinance. Jerry would like to table discussion until all three board members are present.
Other Business
a. Jerry will invite Eric Lantiegne to attend the next Select Board meeting to discuss the Energy Coordinator position.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mark seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:07 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: April 16, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Bill Oren, Erica Hurd
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
- Bill Oren re: Event and concession wagon permits; engine brake ordinance; Pawnbroker’s license
- Erica Hurd re: Annual town picnic/event
- Treasurer’s Report
- Road Commissioner’s Report
- Sheriff’s contract for 2013
- Edna Gunter re: office cleaning
- Vermont Tennis Court Re-Surfacing re: basketball court
- Timberline Events is canceling the Green Mountain Relay race
- TRORC 3-year Sustainable Regional Community Planning Grant meeting
- VTRANS will hold a public hearing for Bridge #126
- Vermont Local Roads re: generators available for sale
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
- VLCT re: initial review of the Trash Ordinance
- Candidate for Energy Coordinator position
George motioned to call the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Jerry seconded. George motioned to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Jerry seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren inquiring what the town requires for event permits and concession wagons. The town does not require permits for either as long as it is not on town property. Mr. Oren has requested that the Select Board look into an Engine Brake Ordinance because he is disturbed by the noise from the brakes on a regular basis. Mark said the board will look into it; George will contact the state. Mr. Oren also informed the board that as of July 1, 2013 the state will handle Pawnbroker’s licenses.
b. Erica Hurd shared information on possible dates for the Annual Town Event, including August 17, 24 or 25; will depend on what works for the Old Town Fiddlers and pig roast donor. The theme this year may be Potluck Pig Roast. She suggests mailing a “Save the Date” postcard to second home owners to be sure they are aware of the event. She asked about the possibility of setting up a couple of horse shoe pits next to the basketball court so there could be a tournament. The board has some concerns about liability related to the posts and will check with other towns. Another idea for entertainment is a talent show.
c. Treasurer’s Report –
1. Funds to pay for the Chloride Spreader will come from the Highway Fund. When the Highway Equipment CD matures the funds will be re-paid to the Highway Fund. Jerry motioned to purchase the spreader for $1,000.00. Mark Begin seconded.
2. Patty received another letter stating the bond payment may be higher due to the Sequestration. Funds have been budgeted for this.
3. Mark McManus is pursuing a solution on the Town Office heating issues. He contact Mark Vincello of WV Engineering with information U First Plumbing, Heating and Cooling has provided indicating additional baseboard is needed to heat the building properly.
4. Frank Parent, engineer for Park and Ride Grant project wants to check the drainage again.
5. Richard Garofalo’s bank stabilization project is not moving forward per Marsha Hopkins. Mr. Garofalo is not willing to pay 10% towards the additional work and the federal agency will not pay 100% of the project costs. The ANR believes that the house is not in danger.
6. Finalizing Grand List still pending. Spinello and O’Leary Property still pending. They have until April 25, 2013 to appeal to the Supreme Court. Will re-visit this at next Select Board meeting.
7. Received an e-mail from Tim and Julie McKinney asking about the use of the Bandstand. They will be on a Christian Speaking Tour later in 2013 and they are looking for venues that are free or low cost. There is no fee to attend the event. Patty will check with VLCT regarding insurance. Jerry will check with Howard Gunter to find out if there is a connection with the church.
8. VLCT is sponsoring Health Reform Update seminars around the state. It will affect small towns more than large towns. VLCT encourages select board members and/or administrative town personnel to attend. West Rutland is closest location, May 14, 2013 2-4 pm. Mark, George and Patty plan to attend.
d. Road Commissioner’s Report – George is expecting quotes from Casella’s and Champlain Construction for the culvert on Upper Michigan Road. This project will require the road to be closed during the day and this will need to be addressed with residents living above the project site. George will not be here for the May 7, 2013 meeting.
a. Received Sheriff’s contract for 2013. Jerry motioned to accept contract; George seconded.
b. Mary Lee Stevens has decided not to take on the office cleaning duties. Edna Gunter is willing to give it a try. A letter will be sent to Edna confirming
c. In receipt of a letter from Vermont Tennis Court Re-Surfacing out of St. Johnsbury, VT. Mark will look into grants that could help with re-surfacing the basketball court area.
d. Timberline Events is canceling the Green Mountain Relay race due to low registration numbers. The Race Director hopes to revive it, possibly in September or October. He would like input from the Select Board via e-mail on changing to a fall event by the end of April.
e. TRORC has a 3-year Sustainable Regional Community Planning Grant and they are seeking representatives from the towns in the region to participate in their meetings. The next meeting is April 30, 2013, 9:30-11:30 am at the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction. The letter will go to the Planning Commission.
f. VTRANS will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall May 22, 2013 at 6:30 pm regarding Bridge #126 Route 100 and Lower Michigan Road. Right of way BHF 022-1(24).
g. Vermont Local Roads e-mail re: generators available for sale to municipalities. No action taken.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Occasions Catering for April 26 & 17, 2013 at Riverside Farm approved.
Other Business
a. Patty stated VLCT has made an initial review of the Trash Ordinance and they have questions that need to be answered before providing a quote.
b. Jerry has been in touch with Eric Lantiegne regarding the Energy Coordinator position and will be back in Vermont sometime in May. At that time Eric will plan to attend a select board meeting to find out more about the position.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned 7:12 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: April 2, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Lt. Craig Hanson
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
March 25, 2013 Select Board Meeting Minutes approved.
Guests and Committee Reports
- Lt. Craig Hanson, Rutland County Sheriff’s Department re: Patrol Contract
- Road Commissioner’s report re: Condition of roads and culvert replacement quote
- Dry Hydrant Grant information
- Arnold Johnson resignation; Don Flynn appointment re: Planning Commission
- Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting extension from District 3 Environmental Commission for Act 250 permit until April 26, 2013
Other Business
- Mary Lee Stevens will clean office while Jessica Kuzma is unable to do
- Candidate for Energy Coordinator position
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
April 2, 2013
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57p.m. George seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the March 25, 2013 Select Board Meeting. George seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Lt. Craig Hanson from the Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – he is second in command and handles Patrol and Court for the department. He gave the Select Board his cell phone number as well as Sgt. David Fox’s cell phone number so the town would be able to communicate with the department. Pittsfield did not have a contract last year and would like one for this year. Lt. Hanson will have one to the Select Board in two weeks based on a budget of $3,500 for the term of January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. He was told to set-up patrols during peak travel times by his boss and that is why they had two patrols in January 2013. The Board approved payment of the January 2013 invoices. Lt. Hanson will set-up a patrol for a couple of hours per week between now and May 15, 2013 at no cost to the town as it is funded by a grant. After May 15, 2013 he will dispatch patrols at his discretion mixing up the days and times per the request of the Select Board.
b. Road Commissioner’s Report – George states roads seem to be holding up well. He received a quote from Mosher for the culvert on Upper Michigan Road so he can complete and submit the grant. George will obtain two more bids for this project. Traffic through this area will be a challenge and will need to come up with a plan.
a. Received information on Dry Hydrant Grants and George will forward to Dave Colton for review.
b. Arnold Johnson has submitted a letter of resignation from the Planning Commission. Tyna will send a letter to Mr. Johnson thanking him for his services to the town. The Select Board has approved the appointment of Don Flynn to fulfill Mr. Johnson’s term through March 2015. Tyna will send a confirmation letter to Mr. Flynn.
c. In receipt of a letter dated March 27, 2013 from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting District 3 Environmental Commission to continue the recess until April 26, 2013 while the applicant obtains additional information.
Other Business
a. Patty Haskins submitted request to approve Mary Lee Stevens to clean the Town Office twice a month for $40.00 per cleaning while Jessica Kuzma is unable to perform and is on leave. Jerry made a motion to approve and George seconded the motion. Tyna will send a letter of confirmation to Mary Lee.
b. The Select Board discussed possible candidates to fill the Energy Coordinator opening. Jerry will check with Eric Lantiegne who is an electrician in town.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and George seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:43pm.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 25, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon , Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins,
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
March 8, 2013 Select Board Meeting Minutes approved.
New Business
- Town Meeting Minutes accepted.
- Johnstone Carpentry, Inc. quote to make repairs at Town Hall
- Susie Martin’s key request for Historical Society
- Town Clerk & Treasurer report
2. Office cleaner search
3. Auditing services
4. Sign for Town Hall re: Falling snow and ice
5. FEMA Payment Tracking report
6. Rob and Stacy Nardelli driveway damage returned letter
7. Re-pay loan to General Fund
8. Heating issue; temperatures being monitored
9. Possible leak on upper floor near attic area
- Road Commissioner’s report
- State Annual Financial Aid form
- Town and Road Standards from VTRANS
- Certificate of Compliance
- Quote from Mosher re: Culvert replacement on Upper Michigan Road
- Scheduling of bridge replacements
- Bump in road at bridge transition by Yoga studio/Lower Michigan Road
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
- William Oren party status letter re: Act 250 Permit Application #3W1073 (Fuster)
- VTRANS memo re: Centerline Marking of Class 1 and 2 paved roads
- Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting extension from District 3 Environmental Commission for Act 250 permit
- VTel update re: Internet Access Investment Projects
Other Business
- Sheriff’s department scheduled to attend April 2, 2013 meeting
- Wall clock for downstairs function room
- Silwanowicz re: South Hill recycling collection
- Wright Construction payment application response letter
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
March 25, 2013
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55p.m. George seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2013 Select Board Meeting. George seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Jerry motioned to accept the Town Meeting minutes. George seconded the motion.
b. Johnstone Carpentry, Inc. provided a quote for repairs and maintenance on the Town Hall. The estimate of $4,300 addresses the following items: 1.) siding above lift entrance, 2.) install diverters on main roof for rainwater, 3.) install/repair siding around door on north side of meeting room, 4.)replace and repair front stairs as needed, 5.)new frames on some basement windows, 6.)improve fit and seal of doors from foyer to meeting room and exterior staircase, 7.) address rear stairwell issue by sealing gaps, replace hollow core door with solid core, install weather stripping, insulate walls and ceiling, and use water stopping pain on concrete walls. Jerry motioned to accept the quote. George seconded the motion.
c. Susie Martin asked George for a key to the Town Office so the Historical Society can move items to be stored in the old vault. The Board authorized Patty to supply Susie with a key. Patty will need to know when they will be moving items in as there are items currently in the old vault that need to be relocated.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer’s Report:
1. Patty forwarded the Trash Ordinance to VLCT. They will review and submit a price.
2. Still looking for someone to clean town office. Patty has contacted several people and is waiting to hear back.
3. Patty spoke to Jeff Bradley re: Bid for Auditing Services. He believes the project will take the 50 hours quoted however if it is less the price will be $110 less per hour under the 50 hours. Jerry motioned to hire Jeff for the job. George seconded the motion.
4. It was brought to Patty’s attention that signs re: “falling snow and ice” need to be installed in the parking area by the Town Hall building. This will be done during the Park and Ride project.
5. Review of FEMA Payment Tracking reveals the Federal share has been paid. The State still owes $4,472.27. It is possible the town will be responsible for the minimum amount of 5% when all projects and payments are done. Patty provided an itemized Profit and Loss report for the TS Irene.
6. A letter to Rob and Stacy Nardelli re: driveway damage from TS Irene was mailed 9/23/11 and was never picked up at the post office. The post office returned to Patty this on 3/12/13.
7. The board approved Patty’s recommendation to pay back the $125,000 loan made to the Highway Fund from the General Fund.
8. Patty continues to monitor temperatures in the building and shares the information with the contractor and engineer. The engineer Mark Vincello is still working with the plumber on resolving.
9. Patty noticed a water mark on the ceiling on the Library front entrance side on the upper level. She is not sure if it is bleed through the paint or if it is still leaking in this area. George and Mark will stop by the office Tuesday March 26, 2013 to check on this issue as a ladder is needed.
b. Road Commissioner’s Report:
1. George received the State Annual Financial Aid form. The Board approved and signed.
2. George reviewed the revised Town and Road Standards from the state and if the Board does not accept the new standards it could cost the town more should there be a disaster. The Board approved.
3. The Certificate of Compliance was approved and signed.
4. George met with Craig Mosher to provide a quote on replacing the culvert on Upper Michigan Road by the Crossover Road so the town can apply for a grant that is due April 12, 2013.
5. George asked Tom Roberts of VTRANS about scheduling the bridge replacements. Tom cannot change the dates. The road repair and the bridge by the town garage is scheduled to bid in September 2013 and will be awarded in October. The bridge by Lower Michigan Road and the Yoga Studio may not happen until 2015 or 2016.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
March 25, 2013
6. Mark state there is a bump in the bridge transition by the Yoga Studio that needs to be fixed. George will check on this.
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Delecata Catering (Wilder VT) Catering for August 16 & 17, 2013; August 23 & 24, 2013; and October 5, 2013 at Riverside Farm was approved by select board.
b. A letter from William Oren to the District Environmental Commission #3 re: Act 250 Land Permit Application #3W1073 (Fuster). Mr. Oren has party status and has issues with the application in regards to Waste Disposal, Traffic Safety and Congestion, and Aesthetics.
c. VTRANS memo re: Marking Centerlines on all paved Class 1 and 2 Town Highways. Pittsfield has none, so no response required.
d. In receipt of a letter dated Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting District 3 Environmental Commission to allow an additional week to respond to the commission’s requests for additional information re: Application #3W1073. The applicant intends to respond to the commission’s requests and comments by William Oren by March 27, 2013.
e. VTel sent an e-mail update re: Internet Access Investment Projects. They are on time and on budget.
Other Business
a. Due to the re-scheduling of the March 19,2013 meeting a representative from the Sheriff’s department will meet with the board at the April 2, 2013 meeting.
b. George will pickup a wall clock for the downstairs function room.
c. Recycling pickup for the Silwanowicz property will be the second Monday of the month (regular Pittsfield pickup schedule). However they will need to bring their recycling to the bottom of South Hill Road by Camp 12 where there is a large white bin. Tyna will send a letter to inform them of their trash pickup and recycling location.
d. Tyna to update letter for Wright Construction payment application request for board signatures.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mark seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 8, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon , Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins,
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
February 19, 2013 Select Board Meeting Minutes approved.
New Business
- Select Board Chair and Vice- Chair nominated and accepted.
- The Board adopted the Select Board Rules of Procedure
- The Board adopted the Conflict of Interest Policy
- Lt. Greg Hanson of the Rutland Sheriff’s department will attend the March 19, 2013 meeting.
- Bids from Auditing RFP opened and reviewed.
- 2013 Town Officials appointments
- Town Clerk & Treasurer report
2. Search for office cleaner is ongoing
- Liquor and Tobacco licenses for the Original General Store approved
- Caleb Hawley has resigned as the town Energy Coordinator
- VT Certificate of Highway Mileage signed and returned
- Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting extension from District 3 Environmental Commission for Act 250 permit
- District 3 Environmental Commission extended date to March 20, 2013 for Joe and Pat Fuster
- VT Dept. for Children & Families Town Service Officer appointment letter received
- WV Engineering letter re: Town Office Heat outlines items discussed with John Moody of Control Technologies
- VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #WW-3-2170 for Kellyann Friend
- TRORC memo FY 2015 Projects Prioritization – Town Highway Bridge Pre-Candidate List and draft of Regional Transportation Chapter
- Wright Construction Payment Application letter wait until Corey Novotny finishes floor
- VAOT Standards for Bridges and Roads
- Silwanowicz re: South Hill trash collection
- Any feedback on the Trash Ordinance draft from VLCT
- Duties of Select Board are to be kept separate from Road Commissioner duties
- George to work on cutting back trees and/or limbs along the roads
- Tyna requested $25.00 additional pay to complete extra work
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
March 8, 2013
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55p.m. George seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the February 19, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Mark seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Mark Begin was nominated and accepted as Select Board Chairman. Jerry Drugonis was nominated and accepted as Select Board Vice Chairman.
b. The Board adopted the Select Board Rules of Procedure.
c. The Board adopted the Conflict of Interest Policy.
d. Lt. Greg Hanson of the Rutland Sheriff’s department will attend the March 19, 2013 meeting to discuss services for the town. The Board will ask about the January 3, 2013 and January 5, 2013 invoices at the meeting.
e. Patty received six responses to the request for quote on providing auditing services to the town for fiscal year 2012. The last audit was in 2009 and the town is required to conduct an audit because the town received more than $500,000 in federal funds due to Tropical Storm Irene. The results of the bid opening are as follows:
1. Angolano & Co. of Shelburne VT Flat $4,500 plus $400/meeting
2. Jeffrey Bradley, CPA of Mendon VT $5,500
3. Fothergill, Segale & Valley of Montpelier VT $14,000
4. Batchelder Assoc., Barre VT $15,500
5. Pace & Hawley, Montpelier VT $12,550
6. Sullivan & Powers, Montpelier VT $18,500
Patty will contact Angolano & Co. and Jeff Bradley to clarify a few items in their quotes before a final decision is made on awarding the bid.
f. Appointments - 2013 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee. Vacant positions will be filled at the next meeting.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
George Deblon Fence Viewer one year
Mark Begin Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year
Greg Martin Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Robert Charlebois (2016) Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
David Larkin (2016) Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Sarah Gray (2017) Planning & Zoning Comm. four years
Patricia Haskins Unemploy. Comp. Coordinator one year
Don Ziegler Septic Officer one year
Mona Colton WRVA Representative one year
Ray Colton Fire Warden five years
Payton Veilleux Green Up Coordinator one year
Matthew Humora EC – Fibernet one year
Rebecca Humora EC – Fibernet, Alt. Delegate one year
Jerry Drugonis TRORC Representative one year
VACANT Energy Coordinator one year
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
March 8, 2013
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer’s Report:
1. Renewed Land Trust CD of $109,000+ at Northfield Savings for 10 months at .6%.
2. Still looking for someone to clean town office. Patty will try Carol Zeglen. Tyna will get another name for Patty to contact.
a. Select Board approved renewal of Liquor and Tobacco licenses for the Original General Store.
b. Caleb Hawley has resigned as the town Energy Coordinator and has offered to see the street light LED conversion through to completion. A thank you letter will be sent.
c. VT Certificate of Highway Mileage signed and returned.
d. In receipt of a letter dated February 25, 2013 from Hershenson, Carter, Scott and McGee, P.C., attorneys for Joe and Pat Fuster, requesting District 3 Environmental Commission to allow three more weeks to respond to the commission’s requests for additional information re: Application #3W1073.
e. Memo received from District 3 Environmental Commission dated February 28, 2013 extending date to respond to the Hearing Recess Order issued on February 10, 2013 to March 20, 2013
re: Fuster Act 250 Application #3W1073.
f. VT Dept. for Children & Families emailed Town Service Officer appointment letter for 2013-14. Sandra Begin has been appointed by the Select Board. Form signed and mailed back to DCF.
g. Letter from WV Engineering, Mark Vincello re: Town Office Heat. The letter outlines items discussed with John Moody of Control Technologies during his on-site visit February 26, 2013. Thermostats were checked and reset as needed. Pump and boiler adjusted. A spot check of the radiation element lengths found all were shorter than specified on the drawings. Patty also spoke with Craig Billings and he had FW Webb calculate the amount of baseboard needed. FW Webb estimated that more baseboard was needed to make the building warmer. Joe Poston wants to have a meeting to resolve.
h. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #WW-3-2170 for Kellyann Friend, Parcel ID # Pittsfield: 01-1711 received February 21, 2013.
i. TRORC memo dated February 25, 2013 re: FY 2015 Projects Prioritization – Town Highway Bridge Pre-Candidate List and draft of Regional Transportation Chapter received. Comments due 3/13/13. Next TAC meeting is 3/14/13. Mark would like to find out if the State can move up the replacement date for the bridge by the Town Garage. George will call Tom Roberts the District Engineer with VTRANS to setup a meeting.
Other Business
a. Tyna to wait on finishing letter to Wright Construction re: Payment Application #201107013 until Corey is done with the flooring. Discuss at next meeting.
b. VAOT Standards for Bridges and Roads – George will review again and discuss at the next meeting.
c. Jerry brought up the two-year rotation for Constables for discussion. This will need to be warned at next Town Meeting. Tyna will put in the Tickler File for December 2013.
d. Andrew and Margaret Silwanowicz re: South Hill trash collection will be on the same schedule as Stockbridge due to how the contractor drives the route. Trash will be collected on Thursday and we need to find out when recycling will be picked up. Tyna will send a letter when specifics are known. Mark to find out when recycling is picked up so this information can be included in the letter.
e. Jerry will check with Patty to find out if VLCT has any feedback on the Trash Ordinance draft.
f. Mark reviewed keeping duties of Select Board separate from Road Commissioner duties.
g. Mark asked George to work on cutting back trees and/or limbs along the roads to keep from scratching and damaging the town trucks.
h. Tyna requested $25.00 additional pay to produce the Town Appointment letters. George made a motion to accept and Jerry seconded. The request was approved.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 4
March 8, 2013
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mark seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:05pm.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: February 19, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Corey Novotny
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:52 p.m.
Approve Minutes
February 5, 2013 Select Board Meeting Minutes approved.
Guests and Committee Reports
- Corey Novotny re: Quote to refinish wood floor
- Town Clerk & Treasurer report
2. VLCT Quarterly Benefits report claim to be investigated
New Business
- AFLAC Benefits Program – not enough interest
- Rutland County Sheriff contract
- Wright Construction Payment Application wait until Punch List completed in spring
- Town Office HVAC issues need to be resolved; ask for extension on building warranty
- Letter to Lantiegne re: Trash collection time frame
- Trash and recycling for Silwanowicz home on South Hill will be on Stockbridge schedule
- Board to review procedures for representing the board at other meetings
- VTRANS Town Roads and Bridge Standards received. George to review.
- VT Environmental Districts #2 and #3 Commission re: Fuster Trucking - hearing recess order
- Notice from VT Agency of Natural Resources re: Application to construct 4-bedroom home w/well and septic needs to be re-submitted with additional information #ww-3-2170
- English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. re: Chittenden Town Highway #11 re: Murphy’s need to sign
- Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) re: Funding to update. TRORC will work with committee.
- TRORC Draft of Fiscal Year 2015 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization & High Risk Rural Roads – report received.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office due to Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2013.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
February 19, 2013
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 5:52p.m. Jerry motioned to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2013 Select Board Meeting. Mark seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Corey Novotny presented a quote of $706.20 to screen and re-coat the main level wood floor in the town office with “Last and Last” commercial finish. He would apply three coats and expects it to last for a long time. Jerry made a motion to approve and Mark seconded. Corey will work with Patty to schedule the work after March 5, 2013.
b. Town Clerk & Treasurer’s Report –
1. Received approval from the State for a time extension to complete Tweed River Drive, South Hill and Parmenter Place projects by March 31, 2014.
2. Patty found a claim in the Quarterly VLCT Benefits report that needs to be investigated. Patty is waiting to hear back on her inquiry.
New Business
a. AFLAC Benefits Program – Jerry and Mark are neutral, Patty and Jessica are not interested. There’s not enough interest at this time so Patty will contact Chuck Johnson.
b. Rutland Sheriff Department re: Invoice for services January 3 and 5, 2013. The town does not have a current contract with the Sheriff. The last contract ended 12/31/11. The town did send a letter to the Sheriff dated 12/21/11 requesting a contract for 2012 but never heard back. Mark will set up a meeting with the Sheriff to set-up 2013 contract and resolve the January invoice. The budget includes $3,000 for the Sheriff’s Department to provide traffic services.
Other Business
a. Wright Construction Payment Application #201107013 – Mark McManus recommends paying the request less $1,500 to cover the cost of the remaining punch list items as outlined on the Final Punch List dated 1/30/13. Mark motioned to wait on paying Wright Construction until all the Punch List items are complete in the spring as some tasks cannot be worked on until then. Jerry seconded the motion. Tyna will draft a letter to this effect for Wright Construction with a copy to Mark McManus.
b. Mark Begin wants the HVAC System issues to be resolved as it has been ongoing since the building was turned over to the town. Jerry agrees. Patty has made phone calls to Tyler at Control Technologies to no avail. She has asked Joe Poston and Mark McManus to help with the issue because Tyler has not responded. Patty will contact Joe and Mark to request that the warranty on the building begins when the HVAC issue is resolved because cold temperatures will be over soon thus making it difficult to determine the proper settings.
c. Mark Begin and Jerry Drugonis signed the Lantiegne letter re: Trash pick-up. It recommends they place their trash and recycling out earlier in the day before the contractor goes through on their route.
d. Andrew and Margaret Silwanowicz re: South Hill trash collection will be on the same schedule as Stockbridge due to how the contractor drives the route. Trash will be collected on Thursday and we need to find out when recycling will be picked up. Tyna will send a letter when specifics are known.
e. Jerry Drugonis suggests the board review procedures for representing the Select Board at meetings when only one member is present. This is to be discussed at a future meeting.
a. VTRANS Town Roads and Bridge Standards received. Pittsfield had adopted the updated VTRANS Town Road and Bridge Standards prior to Tropical Storm Irene. The standards have changed since TS Irene. George will review the document and update the Select Board at the next meeting.
b. VT Environmental Districts #2 and #3 Commission re: Fuster Trucking. Hearing recess order due to additional information required for #3W1073.
c. VT Agency of Natural Resources re: Application #WW-3-2170 4-bedroom home on Upper Michigan Road is missing key information and applicant needs to complete and re-submit.
d. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. re: Chittenden Town Highway #11. The Murphy’s have a limited amount of time to contact James Carroll to sign the stipulated agreement and file same with the court.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
February 19, 2013
e. Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) re: Funding to update. The town’s HMP expires September 30, 2013 and TRORC recommends the town establish a volunteer committee by 3/1/13 to work with tem to update the plan. Patty will submit the following names: Dave Colton, Planning Commission members, George Deblon, Don Flynn and Peter Borden. The plan identifies hazards that may arise as a result of natural occurrences and provide hazard-specific mitigation measures to reduce property losses and human injuries and/or fatalities. It is important to have the HMP adopted by the local legislative body.
f. TRORC Draft of Fiscal Year 2015 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization & High Risk Rural Roads - report for road and bridge projects provides priority ranking for the various projects. The bridge by the Town Garage has moved up from last year and is moving forward; the bridge near the Yoga Studio and Lower Michigan Road is currently slated for 2015. Priorities can shift and TRORC is soliciting comments until 3/13/13.
The meeting adjourned at 7:53pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: February 5, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Chuck Johnson, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:53 p.m.
Approve Minutes
January 22, 2013 Select Board Meeting and January 29, 2013 Special Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
- Chuck Johnson, AFLAC, voluntary employee benefits program
- Marsha Hopkins re: NRCS funding for incomplete water mitigation projects
- Town Clerk & Treasurer report
2. Status of trash pick-up at Silwanowicz on South Hill
3. Replacement copies for town office
4. Vermont Subgrant agreement accepted and valid through 12/31/13
5. Final Punch List for Town Office Building project
6. Wood floor finishing pricing
7. Wright Construction application for Payment
8. Renewal of Liquor and Tobacco licenses at Pitt-Stop
9. Bid for auditing services
- Application to construct 4-bedroom home w/well and septic, Parcel 01-711
- Heart of Vermont 100x100 Relay Race permission and contact form
- Pierce Hall in Rochester ribbon cutting event this year
- State Appraiser hearings of Spinello and O’Leary properties in March
- “2 Community Wildfire Protection Plans” meeting 2/12/13 invite from Pete Fellows
- VTRANS notice for completion and acceptance of Guernsey Hollow project
- “Annual Financial Plan for Town Highways” received and given to George Deblon
- “Complete Street – A Guide for VT Communities” booklet received and on file
- Board approved the “Scenic Route 100 Byway Corridor Management Plan”
- Received 2013 Property Valuation and Review Annual Report for Listers
- Office cleaning – temporary help
- Wilk Paving price to pave Parmenter Place at same time as Park and Ride project
- Quote to be obtained from Giddings for new signs in Highwood development
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
February 5, 2013
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 5:53p.m. Mark motioned to approve the minutes of January 22, 2013 Select Board Meeting and January 29, 2013 Special Select Board Meeting. George Deblon seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Chuck Johnson, AFLAC, presented their voluntary employee benefits program. There is no cost to the town for the program and currently 70+ towns in VT use this program. 3 people needed to open a plan and get the discounts. He is the point of contact for everything. Geared towards individuals who are sick or injured and income is affected. Pricing is guaranteed and you cannot be dropped as long as you stay current with premium payments. Claims are paid directly to insured, tax-free and plan is portable. Info packets distributed for review by select board to determine if they want to move forward. Chuck will follow-up with Patty after the next board meeting.
b. Marsha Hopkins – stated the Natural Resource and Conservation Service will be sponsoring more funds to complete water mitigation projects. It is for existing projects only that may need additional work such as the Garofalo property. He would have to pay 10% of the project cost should he decide to pursue. The select board gave Marsha the go ahead to draw up the paperwork.
c. Town Clerk & Treasurer’s Report –
1. Patty received an e-mail from Rita at TRORC re: ICS 402 Class. This is a free 2 hour course on Incident Command System (ICS) principles and their role in supporting incident management. It is part of a Town’s requirement to be NIMS (National Incident Management Systems) compliant. This is important for towns when being deemed eligible for FEMA funding and Homeland Security grants. Patty and a select board member plan to attend weather permitting. It is on February 21st at the Pomfret fire house from 7-9 p.m.
2. Margaret Silwanowicz on South Hill called the town to inform their trash had been picked up once since the previous call. She would like to know why it is not being picked up or if it is to be picked up on a different day. Mark Begin spoke to Jon Benson about this and Jon was going to talk to the driver. Mark will contact Jon again to find out if the trash will be picked up on the Pittsfield schedule or the Stockbridge schedule. When Mark confirms, he will let Tyna know so she can send a letter to the Silwanowicz’s. The board asked Tyna to send a letter to Eric and Tara Lantiegne of Dagg Rd as a follow-up to their trash and recycling complaint.
3. The town office copier has major problems and will cost $700-800 to repair. Peter Welch of Vermont Copier provided a quote on leasing a new copier that has the same or better functions as the current copier (including networking, copy, fax, scan, print). Purchase outright for $3,534 or lease for 48 months at $85 per month. The maintenance contract is 1.5 cents per copy, billed quarterly, and includes everything except paper. Jerry made a motion to lease the new copier; George seconded.
4. Received amendment for the standard Vermont Subgrant agreement valid through 12/31/13.
5. Mark McManus re: Final Punch List. Reviewed by select board and looks okay. It includes: rock removal, lobby radiator, foundation holes and sealer, paint on railings/brackets, fix rusted siding nails/re-finish, extend and tilt exhaust vent pipe, screen and one coat of poly on wood floor (hold), weather-stripping library front entry, touch-up paint window in library, interior sill stops and gaskets for two south side windows in office, check all storm windows for proper fit and seal, complete HVAC balancing, provide instructions, research options for entry lock (eliminate push-in feature).
6. Patty received a quote of $1,898 from Joe Poston to apply another coat of poly to the wood floor and then a follow-up quote of $1,668. All the furniture would need to be moved and no traffic on the floor for a few days. The floor already has 3 coats of poly. Mark Begin would like to check with contractors and will invite Cory Novotny to attend a meeting to get his opinion. Hold off on having Wright handle the wood floor issue for now.
7. Wright Construction – Application for Payment. Mark McManus recommends paying all except for $1,500 (the estimated amount needed to finish Punch List items). The Select
Board wants Patty to wait on the final payment until all the items are finished as several cannot be done until the spring.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
February 5, 2013
8. 2013 Liquor and 2013 Tobacco License Renewals for Pittsfield Pitt-Stop #7366-001-SECN-01 received. Jerry motioned to approve both applications; George seconded.
9. Patty has sent out a request for bids for auditing services due to funds received for FEMA projects.
a. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation is in receipt of an application to construct a 4-bedroom sfr home with drilled well and septic system on existing lot. Project ID: WW-3-2170;
Parcel: Pittsfield 01-711. This is a lot on Upper Michigan Road just past Mary Lee Stevens.
b. Heart of Vermont sent form to be completed by board granting permission to use the Town Garage parking lot as an exchange location for the 100x100 Relay charity race scheduled for August 17, 2013. George will be the contact. Form completed and mailed.
c. Received notice regarding ribbon cutting for Pierce Hall in Rochester to be held this year. No date set yet. Pittsfield will be invited. No action required at this time.
d. Michael Bernhardt, State Appraiser, responded on 1/25/13 to appeals regarding Spinello property and O’Leary property. Patty will meet with Listers next week to pull together paperwork needed for the hearings scheduled at the town office: O’Leary 3/6/13 at 9:30 a.m.; and Spinello 3/12/13 at 9:30 a.m.
e. Pete Fellows sent e-mail inviting select board to attend meeting scheduled for 2/12/13 at 2:00 p.m. regarding the “2 Community Wildfire Protection Plans”. PVFD and Stockbridge FD and fire wardens will attend meeting.
f. Tracy Harrington, VTRANS, e-mail re: Completion and Acceptance of the Pittsfield-Stockbridge STP 022-1(22) S project (Guernsey Hollow). Completed 7/5/12 and accepted 1/23/13.
g. Received Annual Financial Plan for Town Highways. George will handle.
h. Received “Complete Streets – A Guide for VT Communities” from VTRANS. There is a reporting form available in the guide to submit for consideration during relevant projects. This will be on file at the town office.
i. Mark motioned to accept the “Scenic Route 100 Byway Corridor Management Plan” with the title of Pittsfield representative corrected. Jerry seconded. A copy of these minutes will be forwarded to TRORC to show the select board has approved the plan.
j. VT Dept. of Taxes sent a copy of the 2013 Property Valuation and Review Annual Report to have on file at the town office. The report contains important statewide information regarding property values and taxes for the 2012 tax year. The report may be viewed on-line or additional copies may be purchased for $8.00. Patty will give report to the Listers.
k. Patty will contact Kerry re: Office cleaning while Jessica Kuzma is out. A temporary helper is needed from March to mid-June.
Other Business
a. George received a revised quote from Wilk Paving for Parmenter Place. The new quote is $8,830 versus the previous quote of $9,890. Wilk would do the paving when they do the Park and Ride project in the spring.
b. George will get a quote from Giddings for new signs for Highwood Homeowner’s Association.
The meeting adjourned at 7:53pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: January 29, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Guests and Committee Reports
- Town Clerk & Treasurer report
2. Updated Budget Summary, Anticipated Expenses and estimated tax rate
3. Extension to complete FEMA projects: Parmenter Place, Bridge #11 and South Hill
New Business
- Re-appointment of Ray Colton as Fire Warden for 5 years
- TRORC re: Route 100 Byway Corridor plan needs Planning Commission approval
Other Business
- Final Punch List for January 30, 2013 meeting
January 29, 2013 Special VCDP Select Board Meeting minutes approved by Select Board
Meeting Adjourned 6:43 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Special Select Board Minutes Page 2
January 29, 2013
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 6:05p.m. after completing the VCDP Public Hearing held prior to regular Select Board matters.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer’s Report –
1. Patty presented the Warning for Town Meeting which included Article #7 requesting voters to authorize $10,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Mark motioned to accept the warning; George seconded.
2. Patty presented updated Budget Summary and Anticipated Expense report that included the School Budget. The estimated 2013 tax rate is lower than 2012 with the Homestead rate at 2.0658 compared to 2.1766 in 2012; and Non-Residential at 1.8077 compared to 1.8281 in 2012. If Article #7 is approved each rate will increase by 1 cent.
3. Project Worksheets (PW) re: Time extension. Patty has letter ready to submit request for a time extension for Bridge #11, South Hill and Parmenter Place. In reviewing the list Patty discovered Parmenter Place still needs to be paved and you cannot close out projects unless all projects are complete if it was part of the scope of work. The time extension allows the town to complete projects by March 31, 2014. The estimates for paving Parmenter Place came in much higher than the FEMA estimate and it is too late to change the scope of work where you can ask for more funding. The Select Board signed the letter and the difference for paving will have to come from the contingency fund if necessary.
New Business
a. Fire Warden appointment recommendation received from Lars Lund of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. Mr. Lund sent a letter indicating that the Pittsfield Fire Warden term expired on June 30, 2012 and he recommends the town to re-appoint Ray Colton for another 5 year term. George motioned to appoint Ray Colton to the position; seconded by Mark.
b. The Route 100 Byway Corridor Plan needs each town’s approval and it was due January 28, 2013. Rita Seto of TRORC contacted Patty to determine the status of the approval. The Select Board would like the Planning Commission to meet and approve the plan. Patty will contact the Planning Commission.
Other Business
a. New Punch List reviewed for meeting on January 30, 2013. After walking through the building these are the items to discuss: paint on railings and brackets, bolts on railing brackets, rusted nail heads on siding, heat vent pipe continuing to cause icicles, HVAC system issues, screws for baseboard heat covers, cold air in front entry areas especially on the library side, south side windows on office level still not weather tight – when shades are down the air coming in blows them (north side windows are fine), floor finish to be addressed. Mark will try to speak with Cory Novotny about the flooring prior to the meeting.
Approve Minutes
The Select Board reviewed and approved the minutes of January 29, 2013 Special VCDP Select Board Meeting as the deadline for submitting paperwork for the VCDP Grant is January 30, 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 6:43pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: January 29, 2013
PRESENT: Patty Haskins, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Mark Begin
Purpose: Final Public Hearing for VCDP Funds
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mark Begin, Select Board Chair
Statement of Purpose:
Patty Haskins read the notice of the hearing and description of the project. The Town of Pittsfield received
$50,000 from the State of Vermont for a grant under the Vermont Community Development Program.
A public hearing will be held at the Pittsfield Town Office at 40 Village Green on January 29, 2013 at
6:00 p.m. to obtain the views of citizens on community development activities that have been undertaken
under this program, and to give affected citizens the opportunity to examine a statement of the use
of these funds. The VCDP Funds received was used to purchase the LULA lift. The remaining $15,000
was used to fund the project’s Program Management overseen by Mark McManus.
There was no discussion, nor were any written comments submitted regarding this project at this hearing.
The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: January 22, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Caleb Hawley
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:53 p.m.
Approve Minutes
January 8, 2013 Select Board Meeting and January 18, 2013 Special Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
- Energy Coordinator - Caleb Hawley re: Street Light efficiency program
- Caleb Hawley re: Elevator key
- Town Clerk & Treasurer report
2. Final public hearing re: VCDP grant funds 1/29/13
3. HVAC re-scheduled meeting 1/30/13 and final punch list meeting
4. Assistant Town Clerk & Treasurer maternity leave
5. Office cleaning
6. Extension to complete paperwork for FEMA projects; Bridge #11 and South Hill
New Business
- Eric Lantiegne, Dagg Rd, trash and recycling not being picked up consistently
- Andy Silwanowicz, South Hill, trash and recycling not being picked up so far in January
- Renewal of Casa Bella liquor license
- Plans for Bridge #126 near Yoga Studio from VTRANS
- TRORC re: Planning Grant for flood plain planning & zoning buy-out properties
- TRORC re: Route 100 Byway Corridor plan available at town office
- Health Officer hourly pay rate set
- Update on town budget preparation for Town Meeting
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
January 22, 2013
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 5:53p.m. Jerry Drugonis motioned to approve the minutes of January 8, 2013 Select Board Meeting and January 18, 2013 Special Select Board Meeting. George Deblon seconded the motion.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Caleb Hawley, Energy Coordinator for the town, presented a Memorandum of Agreement for the Select Board chair to sign. This is required by Efficiency Vermont to start the process for grants and to work with the town representative on improving Municipal Street and Public Lighting. It delineates the roles and responsibilities. They have a website as a resource and Caleb found it was geared towards much larger towns with significantly more lighting than Pittsfield; hundreds of street lights compared to a dozen. An inventory of lights will need to be done along with sizes; the town currently leases the lights and Green Mountain Power will provide a cost comparison between leasing and purchasing. George motioned to sign the agreement; Jerry seconded; Mark signed.
b. As a member of PVFD Caleb said they need to know how the elevator key works. The installer would not tell or show Patty stating the fire department is to handle elevator emergencies. Caleb will talk to Killington Fire Department as they have several elevators in their district.
c. Town Clerk & Treasurer’s Report –
1. Patty presented draft of Warning for Town Meeting seeking any changes and shared that Martha Beyersdorf asked if Veteran’s Exemption would be warned. The Select Board voted no on warning the exemption. Martha can do a petition and submit with appropriate paperwork by 1/24/13 to include. The meeting has to be warned between 1/25/13 and 2/3/13; Select Board has to sign off before it can be published.
2. Final Public Hearing for VCDP (Vermont Community Development Program) is scheduled for Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
3. Meeting regarding the HVAC system has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. and includes Select Board, Mark McManus, Joe Poston, the plumber and HVAC engineer. Mark McManus is requesting the final punch list for this meeting. Some items that Patty currently has are: HVAC system, rust and bolts on handrails, heat cover screws, front entry for Library is freezing cold – possible weather stripping issue, floor finish seems insufficient as it is absorbing water rather than repelling it, rusty nails on outside of building, and heat vent pipe needs to be moved out further.
4. Jessica Kuzma, Assistant Town Clerk & Treasurer, will be taking a two month maternity leave in April. Mary Lee Stevens will cover in Jess’s absence and will spend some time before the leave to train.
5. Jess has asked the town to find someone else to clean the town office starting in March. Patty states it takes a couple of hours and is not sure if this is temporary or permanent. She will find out and then proceed to find someone to do the cleaning and is seeking suggestions.
6. Patty needs to request an extension on FEMA projects Bridge #11 and South Hill through 12/31/13. Mark Begin will sign once paperwork is ready.
New Business
a. Eric Lantiegne, Dagg Road (two houses up) contacted town office to ask why their trash and recycling is not being picked up regularly. Patty has tried to contact Jon Benson however is unable to leave a message.
b. Andy Silwanowicz, South Hill, contacted town office to report his trash has not been picked up in January so far, nor his recycling. George has noticed that trash on South Hill is not always picked up. Mark Begin will contact Jon Benson on Wednesday 1/23/13 and will inform Patty.
c. Renewal for Liquor License at Casa Bella received, #4788-001-1HTC-01. Jerry motioned to approve; George seconded.
a. Plans for Bridge #126 (Yoga Studio) have been received from VTRANS and a public hearing will be set in the future for comments.
b. Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission re: Planning Grant Agreement. Suana Bicek could not attend tonight’s meeting to explain. The grant will help with flood plain zoning,
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
January 22, 2013
provide a flood plain architect and hold town forums for the buy-out properties due to Tropical Storm Irene.
c. Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission re: Vermont Route 100 Byway Corridor Plan. The plan will be available at the town office. Patty will ask Planning Commission if they want a copy.
Other Business
a. Health Officer hourly rate of pay was discussed. George and Jerry reviewed the VLCT hourly rates and town wage guidelines. Jerry motioned the rate be set at $10.50 per hour; George seconded. Annual pay for this position is capped at $500.
b. Budget – Patty stated there were only minor changes to the budget otherwise it was the same as determined by the Select Board at the January 18, 2013 meeting. The only information missing is the school budget.
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: January 18, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 3:55 p.m.
Purpose: Continue reviewing budget items in preparation of Town Meeting. It has to be warned between January 24, 2013 and February 3, 2013.
- Income and Expense report for Town Office Building Project
- Changes in Fund Balance and Comparative Balance Sheets
- Revenues and Receipts
- Anticipated Tax Rate
- Anticipate a loan to cover expenses in April/May 2013
- State of Vermont Amendment to SubGrant Agreement
- Auditors starting Monday, January 21, 2013
- Health Officer compensation
- Heating issue meeting scheduled for Monday, January 21, 2013
- Income and Expense report for Town Office Building Project
- Remaining balance after paying Wright contract, contingency costs and other anticipated costs is $15,124.81. This figure does not include any additional architect fees that will be forthcoming.
- The balance in the Office Building fund as of 7/26/12 is $70,131.75 and in the Reserve Fund (Land Sale Acct) is $14,748.44. Patty requests permission to transfer the Land Sale funds into the office building fund. Select Board approved the request. The funds in this account can only be used for the Office Building. This account will have a balance of $84,880.19 once the two accounts are combined.
- Changes in Fund Balance and Comparative Balance Sheets
- General Fund has an adjusted balance of $213,640.35 Note $125,000 is on loan to the Highway Fund for Irene expenses.
- The Highway Fund has negative balance due to the $125,000 loan that has to be paid back to the General Fund. Adjusted change in fund balance is ($22,266.83).
- Cemetery Fund has a negative balance of $725.12 as of December 31, 2012.
- Revenues and Receipts
- General Fund – Office Building Bond payment of $52,097.00 will come from the Office Building Fund account. The balance in this account will be used in 2014 towards the Bond payment. It is a 20-year Bond.
- Highway Fund – The ($95,000) in Undesignated Fund Balance is necessary to pay off the loan from TS Irene. This may need to be adjusted once all the figures are entered and Select Board reviews.
- The FEMA and State of Vermont payments do not include Bridge #11.
- Patty is concerned the estimated Fuel cost is too low based on expenses so far this winter. Select Board increased the proposed amount from $3,000 to $4,000.
- Salaries – keep Custodian as zero; Listers requested $5,000 for this line; approved by Select Board.
- Library requested $940 for their budget; approved by Select Board.
- Total proposed General Fund less Highway, School and Cemetery Fund “budget disbursements’, the Funds Disbursed category, and the State Education Fund-Statewide Property Tax Liability is $375,550. This compares to 2012 Budget of $402,680 and 2012 Actual of $332,068.64.
- The total proposed Highway Fund is $290,448; and Cemetery Fund is $6,956.
Special Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
January 18, 2013
- Anticipated Tax Rate is .52 based on $525,329 needed for municipal budgets. Grand List estimated at $1,011,638 divided by $525,329 = .52
- A loan may be needed to cover expenses in April/May due to timing of property tax bill receipts and payments due in from FEMA.
- Select Board chair, Mark Begin, signed State of Vermont Amendment to SubGrant Agreement. The State subgrants FEMA funds to towns.
- Patty reports the Auditors will be at the Town Office on Monday, January 21, 2013.
- Health Officer compensation – Patty researched VLCT and provided the information to the Select Board. George and Jerry will review to determine how much to budget for this line item and how it will be disbursed for the next meeting. Summary of the data for 46 towns with a population of 1,000 or less: 10 towns pay a yearly stipend ranging from $50 to $2,000; 5 towns pay hourly rates ranging from $10 per hour to $35 per hour; and 31 towns had volunteer Health Officers.
- A meeting regarding the heating issue in the town office is scheduled for Monday, January 21, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. Patty would like the Select Board to attend. Other anticipated attendees include: Mark McManus, Joe Posten, the plumber and HVAC engineer.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: January 8, 2013
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
December 4, 2012 Select Board Meeting, December 12, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting and December 14, 2012 Select Board Meeting
New Business
- Position to shovel snow at town buildings to be offered to Matt Simpson
- Act 250 Review Sheet re: Winter Death Race at Amee Farm
- Thank you card from VHB
- Superior Court of Rutland County re: Warning of budget hearing
- Highwood Homeowner’s Association road sign request
- Forest Service, Rochester District re: planting and re-planting of riparian areas
- PACIF 2013 Grant Program
- Clerk/Treasurer report:
- Webinar for 4th round of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
- Green Mtn National Forest re: Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA)
- Town Office Building re: heating issues
- Window for door between library and reading alcove
- Budgeting process continues
- Special Select Board meeting Monday, January 14, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 14, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
January 8, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 5:57p.m. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of December 4, 2012 Select Board Meeting, December 12, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting and December 14, 2012 Select Board Meeting. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Patty has requested hiring someone to shovel the snow at the town buildings. Matt Simpson has performed these duties in the past. Jerry with ask Matt’s mother Nancy if he would like to do again this year. If so, then Matt will need to fill out the employment paperwork.
a. Act 250 Project Review Sheet for VT Country Inn to host a “Winter Death Race” February 1, 2013 through February 4, 2013 has been received. Conditions of Land Use Permit #3W1024 will be complied with. No action required.
b. Thank you card received from VHB; the firm worked on Bridge #11.
c. Received notice from Superior Court of Rutland County warning hearing for proposed budget on January 24, 2013 at noon in the Rutland County courthouse. No action required.
d. E-mail and attachment dated December 21, 2012 has been received from Chris Brun, Vice President of Highwood Homeowners Association, requesting town to replace the original road signs, or replace with the new reflective type signs. The Association decided a few years ago to install signs that matched their welcome sign and are finding the signs are not holding up and are unreadable. Select Board has requested Patty to see if the town has a copy of the Association’s covenants so they can review before responding to Mr. Brun.
e. USDA Forest Service, Rochester Ranger District notice dated December 17, 2012 re: Planting and re-planting of riparian areas along the White River. They are moving ahead with this project in Rochester, Stockbridge and Pittsfield which will commence on or about March 15, 2013. No action required.
f. 2013 PACIF (VLCT Property and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund) Equipment Grant Program announcement dated January 1, 2013 received. It is a 50% grant to a maximum of $5,000 to help members with equipment purchases that will have a significant and direct impact on future workers’ compensation, property/casualty, or liability insurance claims. A list of examples is provided and George will review incase there is any value for the town.
g. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
1. The town has received notice from the State re: Webinar for the 4th Round of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Patty has forwarded this to Don Flynn. The webinar will be January 15, 2013 at 1 p.m. and the HMGP applications are due to the State by February 1, 2013. The webinar will help town consider projects that might have been overlooked but may still be eligible in the area.
2. E-mail notice from Green Mountain National Forest re: Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA) for January 1 – March 31, 2013 now available on-line (to save paper, publishing and distribution costs) for review by interested parties.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building – ongoing heat issue discussed. Patty has been keeping Mark McManus, Joe Poston and Select Board apprised of the situation. The thermostat is set at 72 degrees. The room temperature often times only reaches mid-60’s several hours after boiler is set to kick in at 5 a.m.. When the sun comes out, it does help to warm up the office, along with the small space heater. It appears some of the settings are not correct and the engineer or a heating contractor needs to resolve, as it is not the clerk’s responsibility to adjust the boiler pump speeds. Patty is still waiting to hear back from Mark McManus as to who is going to address this issue and resolve it.
b. Library re: door between the library and reading alcove needs to have a window installed to avoid hitting someone on the other side of the door. Mark will check with Doug Johnstone for his recommendation.
c. Budget – Patty updated the budget with data from previous meetings for the board’s review. Some lines cannot be updated until other items are decided or data received.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
January 8, 2013
1. FEMA Estimated Payment will not include Bridge #11 additional payment. Patty will provide an explanation in the town report. There is some question as to whether procurement procedures were followed according to FEMA requirements.
2. Budget $3,500 for Sheriff services as Mark will contact again about setting up a contract.
3. Budget $7,500 for Audit services as the town will be required to perform an audit due to the amount of federal funds received.
4. Budget $8,000 for Town Hall repairs as this process need to begin before the building gets worse. Start with the window casings.
5. Patty received a request from Sandy Begin as the Health Officer for $500 to be budgeted for this position. Mark withdrew from the discussion. A line item for $500 was added and a wage category needs to be identified from the Wage Guidelines. The officer would need to submit hours for pay.
6. Patty unsure on how to budget the FEMA Buyout costs. All costs will be reimbursed but Patty is not sure of the timeframe. The board agreed not to budget and wait to see what happens.
7. The board approved adding $15,000 to the Highway budget to payback the Contingency Fund.
8. The board approved adding $8.900 to the Highway budget to payback the Emergency Fund.
9. Funding to re-surface the basketball court has not been added yet pending possible grant money. Mark has a grant to investigate and will have an answer within a week of tonight’s meeting.
10. Cost of Living Adjustment – after reviewing information Patty provided on COLA, Mark and Jerry agreed on a 2% COLA increase. George withdrew from the discussion.
11. Reviewed 2012 town meeting warning and Article 8 and Article 9 have been deleted. More changes pending.
d. Special Select Board meeting set for Monday, January 14, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. to continue work on
the budget. The Town Meeting has to be warned between January 24, 2013 and February 3, 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. The Select Board will meet again Monday, January 14, 2013 at 4:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon