December 16, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 16, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson
Agenda Modifications
§ New business #3 – Town Hall rental
Public Present
1. Jon Benson re: VT Universal Recycling Law - Act 148 Rubbish removal options & recycling
2. Suana Bicek re: Municipal Planning Services agreement with TRORC
1. ANR Shoreland & Lake Encroachment Permit Program
2. VLCT re: Act 148 Workshop
3. Invitation to Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police luncheon
4. State Liquor Control Hearing re: Joyy Productions
5. Rutland County 2014-2015 budget
6. VLCT News
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator appointed
2. TRORC Municipal Shared Services Survey
3. Building Performance Services LLC re: final audit and invoice
4. Dubois & King re: Design and Cost Estimating Project for FEMA Buyout Sites
5. Snow shoveling position re: Interim solution
New Business
1. 2015 General Fund Budget preparation
2. Town Meeting Warning review
3. Town Hall rental inquiry
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:57 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Jerry motioned to approve the December 2, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
Public Present
1. Act 148 Vermont Universal Recycling Law - Jon Benson would be able to set up individual contracts with any resident that would like to use his service for rubbish removal. He anticipates the fee will be $4.00 per 30 gallon bag and the collectors will keep track of the pick-ups for billing purposes. The fee will be higher for larger bags although they prefer to keep the bag size at 30 gallon. Recyclables would be on a separate run and depending on volume they would collect once or twice a month. He will put a flyer together with pricing and recycle list that could be shared at Town Meeting. Pittsfield would continue to have pick-up on Mondays except when there is a holiday. They observe Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and New Year’s. For any citizen concerns Jon recommends Patty send him a note so he can follow-through on any issues. The Board anticipates starting the new trash collection process effective June 1, 2015 to meet the State deadline of July 1, 2015 and will budget accordingly. Don looked into combination trash and recyclable units and reports there is a wide range of styles and prices. Patty asked Chet at the Alliance what other towns are doing and he said several towns plan to eliminate trash barrels in public spaces. Chet also said the price to dispose of a 30-gallon bag at their facility is $3.50 and anticipates this will be the rate in 2015. Chet will know more information on Act 148 after this week’s meeting.
2. Via e-mail Suana Bicek is requesting the Board sign the agreement between TRORC and Pittsfield for Municipal Planning Services. Mark signed the agreement.
1. VT Agency of Natural Resources notice of contact changes effective December 1, 2014 for VT Shoreland & Lake Encroachment Permit Program. The program applies to lakes and ponds greater than 10 acres in size. No action required.
2. VLCT will be conducting a workshop January 28, 2015 for Municipal Solid Waste Management - Act 148. Mark may attend and will discuss at next Select Board meeting on January 6, 2015. Patty has form.
3. Invitations to attend luncheon sponsored by the Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police January 13, 2015. No action required.
4. Notice of Hearing from State Liquor Control regarding first and third class licenses held by Joyy Productions of Pittsfield, VT, also known as The Clear River Tavern. The hearing is scheduled for January 14, 2015 and alleges the licensee is not in good standing with respect to any and all taxes payable to the Commissioner of taxes in violation of General Regulation Number 10.
5. Received a copy of the Rutland County 2014-2015 budget.
6. December 2014 VLCT News received.
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator will be Eliana Ruben. Patty will complete form.
2. Patty filled out the TRORC Municipal Shared Services Survey and reviewed with the Board for approval. Survey is complete and will be returned to TRORC.
3. Brad Cook, Building Performance Services LLC submitted his final energy audit and improvement report. Patty has filed the rebate request with Efficiency Vermont and noted the improvements have made a difference in the building temperature.
4. Dubois & King’s agreement for engineering services for the Design and Cost Estimating Project for FEMA Buyout Sites is valid from December 9, 2014 through January 31, 2015. Mark signed for the Board and Patty will return to Dubois & King.
5. No one has applied for the snow shoveling job. Until someone is hired Soo will take care of it on the days she works. She typically works Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Don Bass will cover the remaining four days. Patty will contact Evan Patch to ask if he would be interested in covering Friday through Monday. Jerry motioned to set the rate for this task at $10 per shovel and Mark seconded.
New Business
1. 2015 General Fund Budget preparation is almost complete. Waiting for information on a few lines such as the bond repayment; band stand repairs that Don will follow up on; pricing on new energy efficient light fixtures for the Town hall that Don will follow up on with Louie Donnet of Lubek Electrical. Mark will contact the Rutland County Sheriff’s. The Board will keep the Veteran’s Exemption at 10%. Patty had Soo prepare a comparison on wages between current Pittsfield rates and the Vermont Municipal Compensation Report to give the Board information to determine possible changes for the upcoming year. The Board will review the information and decide at the next meeting.
2. The Board reviewed first draft of the Town Meeting Warning. Patty noted the Eunice cannot be a town officer as she is not a legal voter. This leaves the Delinquent Tax Collector position open as well as a position on the Library Board.
3. Patty received an e-mail from the Killington Mountain School inquiring about the use of the Town Hall for their Annual Dance on January 4, 2015. The Board decided the Town Hall is not suited for this type of function. Patty will inform KMS.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
December 2, 2014 Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 2, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications
§ New business #4 – Name for naturalized area at buyout properties
§ New business #5 – Efficiency Vermont incentive form
1. TRORC RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes
2. VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Announcement
3. TRORC survey for municipal shared services
4. E-mail from Mr. Robert Giolito to Representative Haas re: Part Time Police
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator & Assistant appointed
2. Snow Removal position to be filled; Soo to continue for interim
A. No one under 14 can fill this position
B. Rate at $11.50 per day
C. Patty will post position
3. Vermont Universal Recycling Law – Act 148
A. Implement a variable rate pricing system
B. Containers for listed recyclables
4. Original General Store re: Motion to Alter Act 250 Permit #3W1060
5. Estimate of $715 to strip and wax the Town Office floors
6. Audit of Federal Grants
7. Reallocate funds from the Federal Buyout Grant to help pay for the single audit
8. Bid award letters re: Design Plan for Buyout Properties
9. Board approved Select Board statement for town report
New Business
1. Approved and signed the Municipal Planning Grant Agreement
2. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – November financials
3. 2015 Budget Proposals: Cemetery, Parks & Grounds, Highway
4. Name the naturalized area for the buyout properties
5. Efficiency Vermont incentive rebate
6. Secretary request for an additional $25 of pay re: Town report project
7. Don Bass tendered his resignation from the Select Board
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Jerry motioned to approve the November 18, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
1. TRORC RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from 11/13/14. Next meeting is January 8, 2015. FY17 VTrans projects list for prioritization may be available at this meeting.
2. VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Announcement – this plan will help guide improvements along Vermont state highways to work better and be safer for all bicyclists. Public meetings are scheduled and there’s an on-line map for input as well. Important for public to participate and input will be collected over the next six months.
3. TRORC survey for municipal shared services received. Patty will fill-out for Board review.
4. Copy of e-mail Mr. Robert Giolito sent to Representative Haas regarding his concerns about part-time police certifications and the efforts of current Chief of Police in Killington to create a regional police force.
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator will be Eliana Ruben and Assistant will be Katie Covell. Patty will complete form.
2. Snow Removal position needs to be filled. The Board agreed to allow Soo to continue doing for $10 per shovel until someone is hired for the position.
A. Patty verified with State and Federal government offices that no one under 14 can fill this position.
B. Discussion on wage for position resulted in setting the rate at $11.50 per day. It rarely takes more than an hour to do the job. This rate is in line with the regular Custodial position. Jerry motioned to approve the rate change to $11.50 per day; Mark seconded.
C. Patty will put up an ad for the position with the rate of $11.50 per day
3. Vermont Universal Recycling Law – Act 148
A. Town needs to implement a variable rate pricing system or unit-based pricing by July 1, 2015. Need to provide information to town residents and adjust budget accordingly. Board directed Tyna to send a letter to Mr. Jon Benson letting him know they have more questions and would like him to attend the next meeting.
B. Town must provide containers for listed recyclables alongside all trash containers in public spaces. Don will look into pricing for receptacles to handle regular trash and recyclables. Pricing is needed for budgeting purposes.
4. Original General Store submitted a Motion to Alter their Act 250 Permit #3W1060. Primarily adjust wording for permitted use, hours of operation, use of the word “event”, and treat residence and commercial aspects of the building separately.
5. Don has a verbal estimate of $715 to strip and wax the Town Office floors. The project will require three to four coats of wax. The Board would like the estimate in writing and Don will pursue.
6. The on-site audit of Federal Grants took place on 11/20/14. The auditor complimented Don Flynn for his thorough recordkeeping. There were no findings which is the desired result of the audit. The auditor recommended a few procedures and policies should be written. Patty does work on these when time allows. These are suggestions and are not required; with majority of recommendations directed towards federally awarded funds.
7. The auditor did advise Patty the town could request reallocation of funds from the Federal Buyout Grant to help pay for the single audit. Mark motioned to have Patty send a letter requesting the funds to be reallocated for the single audit; Jerry seconded the motion.
8. The Board directed Tyna to send a letter awarding the Buyout Properties design program to Dubois & King; and to also send letters to the other bidders thanking them however bid awarded to another firm.
9. The Board approved the Statement from the Select Board Jerry circulated for the Town Report.
New Business
1. The Board approved and signed the Municipal Planning Grant Agreement. TRORC will administer.
2. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – reviewed the November financials and all were in order.
3. 2015 Budget Proposals Reviewed: Cemetery similar to last year; Parks and Grounds similar to last year; Mark motioned to approve and Jerry seconded. Highway budget basically level with last year. George added a guardrail for section near Dugway; Board approved the proposal. The General Fund budget proposal will be reviewed at the 12/16/14 meeting.
4. Sarah Gray e-mailed the Board suggesting the town name the naturalized area for the buyout properties be named in honor of Don Flynn. The Board is in favor of this idea and would like the Planning Commission provide some suggested names for consideration.
5. The final blower door test qualified the town for Efficiency Vermont incentive rebate. The Board signed the form. Patty said EV usually conducts an inspection before issuing the check.
6. The Board approved Tyna’s request for an additional $25 of pay for preparing letters for the town report, department funding and budget requests.
7. Don Bass tendered his resignation from the Select Board effective Town Meeting Day, March 3, 2015. He has learned a great deal however does not feel he is fully qualified for the position.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: December 16, 2014 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair Secrtary
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
November 18, 2014 Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: November 18, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Public Present: Suana Bicek – Planning Commission, Mary Russ from White River Partnership
Agenda Modifications
§ Old business #7 – Land Use Permit – Original General Store
§ Old business #8 – Floor waxing
§ Old business #9 – Trash collection
§ New business #5D – Buyout audit
§ New business #6 – Hooks driveway permit
§ New business #7 – Buyout properties design proposals
1. Green Mountain Relay changed dates to June 27 and 28, 2015.
2. VLCT has merged the Health Insurance Trust and the Unemployment Trust into one program.
3. VLCT notice on Vision coverage now available for employees.
4. Dimmick Septic Service information
5. Secretary of State “Opinions” newsletter
6. VLCT Municipal Policy papers #5 and #6
7. VTrans 2014 Town Highway Map
8. VLCT News November 2014 newsletter
9. VLCT 2014 Vermont Municipal Benefits Report
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator needs to be appointed
2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance and health equity account renewal
3. Town Highway #11 Town of Chittenden
4. Snow removal worker still needed
5. Brad Cook Energy Efficiency Report
A. Boiler not on recall
B. Estimate from GSK Climate Control
C. November 15, 2014 Blower Door Test
D. Town Office Project fund update
E. Board approval for GSK to adjust climate controls; Library not to change thermostats
6. Ayer Tax Sale completed
7. Land Use Permit #3W1060 for the Original General Store was issued
Executive Session
New Business
1. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from VT Farms Catering LLC
2. Outside storage area in the back of the Town Hall to be secured
3. TRORC Culvert Inventory Grant Contract
4. TRORC Public Facilities Design Grant Contract
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. October financial reports
B. Town Report and Town Meeting Time Line
C. Tyna to prepare letters to Town Officials and service organizations requesting reports
D. State of Vermont conducting an audit on the buyout properties November 20, 2014
6. Hooks property at 1060 Hawk Mountain Road driveway permit
7. Bid opening for Parmenter buyout properties design proposals
8. Update on floor waxing
9. Trash collection discussion tabled until December 2, 2014 meeting
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:57 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Jerry motioned to approve the October 21, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
1. Green Mountain Relay changed dates to June 27 and 28, 2015.
2. VLCT has merged the Health Insurance Trust and the Unemployment Trust into one program. It is now the Vermont Employment Resource and Benefits Trust (VERB).
3. VLCT notice on Vision coverage now available for employees. The Board voted not to add to town’s benefit plan.
4. Dimmick Septic Service dropped off brochures and information at the Town Office.
5. Secretary of State “Opinions” newsletter for November 2014 received.
6. VLCT Municipal Policy papers #5 Self-Governments and #6 Vermont Infrastructure received.
7. VTrans distributed 2014 Town Highway Maps. No changes to Pittsfield roads.
8. VLCT News November 2014 newsletter received.
9. VLCT 2014 Vermont Municipal Benefits Report received and is on file at Town Office.
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator needs to be appointed. Don spoke to Katie Covell. She already helps with another one however she was willing to help with Pittsfield’s. Or her sister will help. Don is to confirm so paperwork can be completed.
2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance and health equity account renewal. Board approved Platinum plan and $1,250 in the HRA each year maximum.
3. Town Highway #11 Town of Chittenden – Court ordered stipulated dismissal with prejudice 10/27/14. Each party to bear their own costs and attorney’s fees.
4. Snow removal worker still needed. Mark and Jerry voted to change the pay from $9.44 per storm to $10.00 per shovel. Don recused himself from the vote. Don has agreed to do until someone is found. Patty will post the position and will check the wage guidelines.
5. Brad Cook Report
A. The Town Office boiler is not on the recall list.
B. He sent a letter to GSK Climate Control stating HVAC is still not working properly after two years. They estimate it will cost $300 to $500 to make the climate control adjustments. GSK is available the first week of December and will contact Mark.
C. Blower Door Test was done again on 11/15/14 and there was an increase of 30% energy efficiency.
D. Patty presented an updated Income and Expense report for the Town Office Building project. There are funds available to pay for Brad Cook’s services with some being offset by rebates offered through Efficiency Vermont.
E.The Board approved GSK Climate Control to make necessary HVAC adjustments and TOB project funds will be used. The Board does not want the Library changing the thermostat.
6. Ayer Tax Sale has been completed and he has signed required documents.
7. Land Use Permit #3W1060 for the Original General Store was issued November 14, 2014 with terms and conditions stipulated. Construction site work is to be completed by 10/15/16.
Executive Session
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Jerry moved to adjourn regular Select Board meeting and into Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. Motion seconded by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
There was a discussion on how to proceed with Watkins property tax sale The Board will discuss with town legal counsel.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 7:13 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Jerry and a second by Mark. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
1. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC at Amee Farm on 11/8/14 was approved by the Board via e-mail.
2. Outside storage area in the back of the Town Hall needs to be secured. Jerry motioned to have Doug Johnstone incorporate this with the building siding project. Mark seconded and he will talk to Doug about the modification.
3. TRORC Culvert Inventory Grant Contract has an in-kind match with the town providing manpower and equipment. Mark signed the contract.
4. TRORC Public Facilities Design Grant Contract is for the buyout properties design project. Mark signed the contract.
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. October financial reports for the general, highway and cemetery funds were reviewed.
B. Town Report and Town Meeting Time Line for budget preparations and reports was distributed. Patty met with the town auditors to prepare the time line.
C. Tyna will prepare and send letters to Town Officials and service organizations requesting reports by December 16, 2014 and financials by January 8, 2015.
D. Patty received a call from the State of Vermont advising they would be conducting an audit on the buyout properties as required by FEMA on November 20, 2014. They need to certify the town is in compliance.
6. Hooks property at 1060 Hawk Mountain Road applied for new driveway permit as existing drive is partially on neighbor’s property. George reviewed application and site; and he approved. The Board approved and signed permit.
7. Suanna Bicek and Mary Russ present for the opening of the Parmenter buyout properties design proposals. Three bids were received. The town has to accept the lowest reasonable and responsible bid as long as it addresses the scope of work. Bidders were Broadleaf Landscape Architecture, Landworks and DuBois & King. The two lowest bids were only $220 apart and the Board would like to award to DuBois & King as they have worked with the town in the past and are currently working on similar projects in surrounding towns. Mary will contact TRORC to find out if the town can select the slightly higher bid. Jerry motioned to provisionally award bid to DuBois & King contingent on opinion from TRORC.
8. Don has arranged for Frances Brown to stop in to review the floor waxing project in the Town Office with a colleague on November 19, 2014.
9. Trash Collection discussion has been tabled for the December 2, 2014 meeting.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Mark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: December 2, 2014 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
October 21, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: October 21, 2014
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications
Old business #7 – Ayer property tax sale update
New business #2 – Health Insurance and HRA Renewal
1. VLCT News for October 2014 received
2. 2014 Vermont Municipal Compensation Report received
Old Business
1. Stumpf property buyout
2. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation re: Permit on-site drilled well, Steven and Donna Brown at 202 Tweed River Drive
3. Original General Store Act 250 Permit
A. Hearing Recess Order
B. Marsha Hopkins submitted seating evidence
C. David Cooper of Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss P.C., Original General Store attorney submitted responses to the Recess Order
4. Brad Cook, Building Performance Services LLC re: follow-up report and proposal for energy efficiency improvements
5. Floor waxing re: Town Office Building
6. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. A-133 Audit complete
B. September financial reports
7. Ayer Tax Sale dispute re: settlement and pursue reimbursement of legal fees
New Business
1. Coordinator for Green Up Day
2. Town Health Insurance Plan and Health Reimbursement Account
1. Tickle November meeting Trash Collection under Old Business
2. Tickle the thermostat issue when the Board meets to prepare the budget
Don motioned to open the meeting at 5:55 p.m. and Jerry seconded the motion. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Don motioned to approve the October 7, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Jerry seconded the motion.
1. VLCT News for October 2014 received; no action required.
2. 2014 Vermont Municipal Compensation Report received and is on file for reference in the Clerk’s office.
Old Business
1. Stumpf property buyout continues. Lauren Oates, Hazard Mitigation Planner from the State e-mailed Jim Carroll, Esq. at English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. with approval from FEMA to move forward on pursuing a new appraisal for the portion of the parcel in Pittsfield along with any title search work needed. Completed report should be forwarded to Ms. Oates who will send onto FEMA. Mr. Carroll responded that they will begin to get the appraisal and title search in process.
2. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation is in receipt of the application from Steven and Donna Brown requesting a permit to install a new on-site drilled well at 202 Tweed River Drive, Pittsfield, dated October 7, 2014. Permit WW-3-2366 was issued October 20, 2014 for this project.
3. Original General Store Act 250 Permit
A. Hearing Recess Order dated October 6, 2014 was issued pending receipt and review of additional information listed by Tim Taylor, Chairman of District 3 Environmental Commission.
B. Marsha Hopkins submitted evidence via e-mail on October 15, 2014 regarding seating count.
C.David Cooper of Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss P.C. the attorney for Original General Store submitted responses to the Recess Order in a letter dated October 15, 2014. The responses addressed: Parking Site Plan, Noise Report, Parking Signage, Event Day Promotions, and Hours of Operation.
4. On October 10, 2014 Brad Cook of Building Performance Services LLC submitted a follow-up report and proposal for energy efficiency he performed as well as additional work for the Board to consider. The proposal cost is $4,642.00 and the town already qualifies for $1,000 in incentives from Efficiency Vermont. The town could also qualify for another $750 in incentives thus reducing the cost further. Jerry motioned to accept the full proposal of energy efficiency work. Don seconded the motion; and Jerry signed the contract.
5. Patty has tried to find someone to wax the Town Office Building in the basement and entryway. Green Mountain Flooring has the ability to do but they do not want to take on the job. Patty also called Corey Novotny for a possible contact. He was going to call her back if he could think of anyone. Don will check with Francis Brown who does the floors at elementary school.
6. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. The A-133 Single Audit has been completed. The final report indicates the town is in compliance and has no deficiencies.
B. September financial reports for the general, highway and cemetery funds were reviewed along with the quarterly Income and Expense Budget Comparison. Patty noted the energy efficiency work will put the Town Office Building line item over-budget. This could be offset with EVT incentives and possibly some of the Town Office Building project fund once it is finalized.
7. Ayer Tax Sale dispute has reached a settlement and Marylou Scofield, legal counsel for the town will prepare a mutual release. Eunice MacDonald-Rice, Delinquent Tax Collector, is requesting the Board to authorize Ms. Scofield to pursue recovery of legal fees in this case. Don motioned to authorize Ms. Scofield to proceed with pursuing reimbursement of legal fees; Jerry seconded the motion.
New Business
1. The town needs to select a Coordinator for Green Up Day scheduled for May 2, 2015. Patty will contact Becky Ruben to find out if any of her children are interested.
2. Town has the Platinum Health Insurance Plan and there are no changes to the plan for the upcoming year. A small increase is expected and will be finalized in November. Renewal information is to be ready by the end of October and open enrollment is November. The Board needs to decide on the amount of funds to allocate to the Health Reimbursement Account. Last year the Board approved $1,250 and VLCT recommended the amount should be $2,500. Table for November meeting when all three Selectman are present to discuss and vote.
1. Tickle the topic of Trash Collection under Old Business for November 18, 2014 meeting.
2. Tickle the thermostat issue when the Board meets to prepare the budget.
Don motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 11/18/14 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
October 7, 2014 Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: October 7, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Jon Benson, Bob Ennis
Agenda Modifications - None
Public Present: Jon Benson, Benson’s Rubbish Removal; Bob Ennis, TRORC
1. John Benson discussed Act 148 Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law with the Select Board
1. VLCT Fall Select Board Institute November 8, 2014
2. TRORC 2014 Regional Plan CD in Town Office
3. VLCT Fall Planning and Zoning Forum October 29, 2014
4. VLCT Municipal Paper #3 Land & Water; and #4 Public Safety
Old Business
1. TRORC agreement for final buyout project administration
2. PACIF (Property & Casualty Insurance) renewal questionnaire
3. Jerry still investigating a long-term solution to rid bell tower of pigeons
4. Mark gave status of Brad Cook energy improvements in Town Office
New Business
1. Jim Beyersdorf verbal complaint re: parking on Upper Michigan Road by RCWA
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report tabled until next meeting
3. Doug Johnstone re: North wall completed; will do an estimate for the East wall
1. One meeting in November on the 18th
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:55 p.m. and Don seconded the motion. Jerry motioned to approve the September 23, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded the motion.
Public Present:
1. Jon Benson of Benson’s Rubbish Removal discussed various issues concerning Act 148 with the Select Board. Jon provided copies of the Universal Recycling Timeline and a recycling chart with details on acceptable items and condition of the items. The ‘variable rate pricing system’ goes into effect July 1, 2015 and the town needs to decide on how to meet this requirement. Jon offered two suggestions: a.) the town could sell colored trash bags; and these could be in different sizes with different prices; and he would only pick up the specific colored bag the town selects, or b.) individuals can contract directly with Jon (or another hauler) to pick up their trash; he would handle all the billing. The cost of collecting recyclables from residents can be included in trash collection fees. There are no plans on ‘policing’ Act 148 for compliance. Action required: Evaluate options and decide on a plan before town meeting.
1. VLCT Fall Select Board Institute at Lake Morey on Saturday November 8, 2014. Jerry and Mark are not going. Don will review materials to decide if he wants to attend.
2. TRORC 2014 Regional Plan CD will be available in the Town Office. The plan was adopted June 25, 2014 and effective July 25, 2014.
3. VLCT Fall Planning Zoning Forum is October 29, 2014. Forward information to Planning Commission.
4. VLCT Municipal Policy papers #3 Land and Water; and #4 Public Safety for Town Fair have been received. No action necessary.
Old Business
1. Bob Ennis from TRORC present to discuss the final buyout property for Pittsfield at 113 Park Place. TRORC can do most of the administrative work to process this buyout. Bob would keep the town informed of the progress, when the closing is set, he can work with the owner and the state, handle monthly FEMA reports, etc. – basically pick up from where Don Flynn was in the process. TRORC has agreement for Select Board to review and approve if the Board would like TRORC to take over this final buyout. TRORC requests the 2% Administrative Grant pay for their time. This equals $3,843 which is 2% of the HMGP payment of $192,173 for the property. Jerry motioned that the Board approve and sign the agreement. Don seconded the motion.
2. PACIF (Property & Casualty Insurance) renewal questionnaire completed by Select Board.
3. Jerry has investigated options for eliminating the pigeons and so far all the solutions are short-term. Jerry will continue to seek other remedies.
4. Mark spoke with Brad Cook on improving energy efficiencies in the Town Office. Brad has completed several projects and performed a follow-up Blower Door Test that shows significant improvement. Brad will provide a complete report shortly.
New Business
1. Jim Beyersdorf made a verbal complaint to the Town Office stating it is difficult to get around Gerald Shortcuts truck/trailer when it is parked along Upper Michigan Road in front of Robert Carl Williams home/business. The Board appreciates Mr. Beyersdorf concern and has made a note of it.
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report tabled until next meeting when Patty can be present.
3. Doug Johnstone has completed the wall/insulation work on the north side of the Town Hall and it will be slightly under the original estimate. The Board would like to continue this project and has requested Mr. Johnstone to provide an estimate for the east side of the building so it can be put in the 2015 budget for Town Meeting.
1. Due to Election Day on November 4th and Veteran’s Day on November 11th, there will only be one Select Board meeting in November and it will be on the 18th.
Mark made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
September 23, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: September 23, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko
Agenda Modifications
a. Old Business #3 – Peyton Buyout
b. Old Business #4 – Town Office Building re: Main entrance lock
c. Old Business #5 – Incident Command System Training seminar
d. Old Business #6 – Control Technologies invoice
e. Old Business #7 – Appoint new buyout coordinator
f. New Business #3 – Pristine Mountain Springs of VT re: final draft report & hearing
g. New Business #4 – Pigeons
Public Present: Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko
1. VLCT Municipal Policy Papers No. 1 and No. 2
2. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes
3. 100 on 100 Thank You
4. Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) re: State Government Municipal Day
5. Emergency Management & Homeland Security re: FEMA Assistance Programs
Old Business
1. Act 250 Notice & Hearing re: VT Farms Catering
2. Appoint new 911 coordinator
New Business
1. Clerk/Treasurer Report re: 2013 A-133 single Audit
2. VLCT Health Insurance renewal information
1. Update on energy improvements
Agenda Modifications
Additional agenda items were added to the meeting schedule. Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. and Don seconded.
Jerry motioned to approve the September 9, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded the motion.
1. VLCT Municipal Policy Papers No. 1 and No. 2 on Transportation and Education Funding received for review prior to Town Fair. No action required; no one attending from town.
2. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes received. There’s $99,900 in grant funds for culvert inventories. Pittsfield is included in group of towns participating in the program
3. 100 on 100 Relay 10th anniversary in 2014 and thank Pittsfield for continued support of event.
4. Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) is sponsoring another State Government Municipal Day with workshops for local town officials on November 13, 2014. Pre-registration required. No action.
5. Emergency Management & Homeland Security notice on various public assistance programs when disaster strikes including FEMA Assistance Programs. Patty will pass along copies to the Planning Commission and to Peter Borden – Emergency Management Coordinator.
Old Business
1. Act 250 Notice and Hearing for Vermont Farms Catering/Vermont Ventures LLC is scheduled for October 2, 2014. There will be a walk through and then a meeting at the Town Office. The Notice is posted.
2. The Board has approved the appointment of Martha Beyersdorf to serve out Don Flynn’s term as 911 Coordinator until Town Meeting in March 2015. An appointment letter will be mailed.
3. The State has approved the buyout of 113 Park Place, property owned by Richard and Cathryn Peyton. Martha Beyersdorf is not able to take on the task to continue with the work on this buyout. The Board has asked Marsha Hopkins to consider taking on this task. Marsha would like to know what is involved and has agreed to a meeting on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 7:30 a.m. to review with the Board. The buyout is part of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program with 75% covered by FEMA and 25% covered by a CDBG Grant through TRORC. No work is to begin as the sub-grant needs to be completed.
4. Several keys for the Town Office Building main entrance lock do not work. Royal Glass will be by next week to fix the problem. Patty has the keys that are not working.
5. ICS 402 (Incident Command System) training is October 8, 2014 in Rutland from 9-11:30 a.m. Mark is registered to attend. Don would like to attend and will let Patty know.
6. Control Technologies invoice for $259.23 approved by the Board.
7. Martha Beyersdorf does not feel she is qualified for the Buyout Coordinator position. The Board would like to appoint Marsha Hopkins and will discuss with Marsha at the 9/26/14 meeting.
New Business
1. Clerk/Treasurer Report re: 2013 A-133 Single Audit – this has been tabled until next meeting.
2. VLCT Health Insurance Renewal information indicates the program the town uses will increase 7.7%. Additional information will be coming January 2015.
3. Notice of Hearing on the Draft of Final Report for Pristine Mountain Springs of Vermont is scheduled for October 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Stockbridge Town Office. The Report submitted to ANR Drinking Water Program is the proposed continuation of the groundwater withdrawal from a spring borehole at 93 Schaff-Haus Drive in Stockbridge. Comments on the report may be submitted until October 24, 2014.
4. Patty has noticed a flock of pigeons on the bell tower of the Town Office building and they are creating a mess on the roof. Jerry will look into how to get rid of the pigeons.
1. Mark has not heard back from Brad Cook on starting energy improvements projects. Mark will contact again this week.
2. The next scheduled meeting is October 7, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Jerry made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: October 7, 2014 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
September 9, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: September 9, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Sandy Begin, Suana Bicek, Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifications
a. New Business - Sandy Begin, re: Don Flynn
b. New Business – Appointment of interim 911 coordinator
c. Old Business – Town Attorney, Marylou Scofield invoice
1. Sandy Begin re: Don Flynn passed away 9/8/14; service information
2. Suana Bicek, Planning Commission re: Municipal Planning Grant application
3. Katie Stiles and Kevin Lasko re: Business permits
Executive Session
Old Business
1. Permit for Wastewater System and Potable Water to Bear Creek II LLC
2. Act 250 application for the Original General Store August 25, 2014 received
New Business
1. Sandra Begin re-appointed as Town Health Officer
2. Vermont Center for Independent Living letter of appreciation
3. Housing Trust of Rutland County Annual Report
4. Patty and Soo attending VLCT seminar: VT Public Records Act & Open Meeting Law
5. US Forest Service Open House schedule re: Comprehensive Trail Strategy
6. VLCT Town Fair October 9, 2014
7. TAP the Valley website update
8. VTrans re: Transportation Alternatives (TA) program funding
9. VTrans notice on Site Plan Review
10. VLCT Delegate designation form for Annual Business meeting
11. VLCT Municipal Budget workshop notice
12. Dan Shoemaker re: aggressive bear
13. Ten requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
14. See Public #2
15. Susan and Franco Cacozza of Casa Bella Inn re: Parking Issue
16. FY2015 Building Communities Grant opportunities
17. VLCT Newsletter
18. VLCT PACIF (Property & Casualty Inter-Municipal Fund) Annual Meeting
19. VLCT Municipal Policy Committee re: recommendations for review
20. VLCT Health Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc.
21. VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Health Trust Inc.
22. A. August financial reports
B. Control Technologies thermostats and HVAC system
C. Front door of Town Office Building fixed
D. Invoice from town attorney
23. Martha Beyersdorf appointed interim 911 Coordinator
1. Susie Martin re: Motorbike concerns in cemetery
2. Pittsfield Women’s Club re: request to use the Town hall for the Annual Bazaar
Agenda Modifications
Don motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. and Mark seconded. Jerry is chairing the meeting as Mark was not sure he would be back in town in time. Additional agenda items were added to the meeting schedule.
Mark motioned to approve the August 12, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded the motion.
1. Sandy Begin informed the board that Don Flynn passed away on 9/8/14. There will be a service on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The family is requesting the use of the Town Hall for a luncheon to follow the service. The Board approved the request and it may need to be cleaned. The family is requesting donations to benefit various town groups such as the historical Society, Women’s Club, Fire Department, Library, etc. They are seeking advice on how to collect funds via credit card type payments as many of Don’s friends live overseas. It was suggested they look on-line, perhaps some type of fundraising application is available. Martha Beyersdorf spoke with Don regarding Lister duties before he passes away and she will go through materials such as Buyout projects to keep the office running. Martha has asked Dennis O’Brien to cover the vacant Lister position until Town Meeting and she is waiting to hear his answer.
2. Suana Bicek present for the Planning Commission. She has the Municipal Planning Grant application prepared by Chris Sargent of TRORC for the Select Board to review and sign. The Grant is matching funds and the town portion will be $904 to be added to the 2015 Budget proposal. Jerry motioned to approve the application and Don seconded the motion.
3. Katie Stiles and Kevin Lasko present for business related to Bear Creek II LLC, Original General Store and Vermont Farms Catering LLC.
Executive Session
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield (Town Attorney)
Don moved to adjourn regular Select Board meeting and into Executive Session at 6:18 p.m. Motion seconded by Mark. Motion carried unanimously.
There was a discussion of ongoing legal issues regarding the Watkins tax sale; release of covenants on Peyton property; and final payments for Town Office Building project. The Board has given the attorney guidance on how to proceed.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 6:34 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Mark and a second by Jerry. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
1. Agency of Natural Resources, Dept. of Environmental Conservation has approved permit WW-3-0122-5R Wastewater System and Potable Water to Bear Creek II LLC for creation/construction of a catering component.
2. The law firm of Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss P.C. submitted copy of Act 250 application on behalf of the Original General Store August 25, 2014.
New Business
1. Sandra Begin re-appointed as Town Health Officer as of 9/1/2014.
2. Vermont Center for Independent Living letter of appreciation for the town donation of $75.
3. Housing Trust of Rutland County Annual Report received.
4. Patty and Soo are attending VLCT presentation on Vermont’s Public Records Act and Open Meeting Law on 9/10/14. Martha Beyersdorf will staff the town office during their absence.
5. US Forest Service, Green Mountain National Forest notice of Public Open Houses on Comprehensive Trail Strategy scheduled throughout the state August 19 – Sept. 11, 2014.
6. Notice for VLCT Town Fair October 9, 2014 in Essex Jct. received. No interest in attending.
7. Randolph Area Community Development Corp letter updating area businesses and towns about the status for launching TAP the Valley website. Goal is to complete by the end of the year.
8. Notice from VT Agency of Transportation regarding funding for Transportation Alternatives (TA) program. Listing of eligible activities provided. Not relative to the town, no action required.
9. VTrans notice on Site Plan Review reminders. Patty will forward to Planning Commission.
10. VLCT Delegate designation form for Annual Business meeting Oct. 9, 2014. No action taken.
11. VLCT Municipal Budget workshop scheduled for 9/30/14. Patty is thinking about attending.
12. Dan Shoemaker reported aggressive bear at his property. Bear has torn off siding to his house. Game Warden is aware of situation.
13. Ten requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC. All events will end by 10:00 p.m. The dates are: September 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27 & 28; and October 3 & 4. Select Board approved all requests.
14. See Public #2.
15. Letter from Susan and Franco Cacozza of Casa Bella Inn regarding employees and patrons of Original General Store using their parking lot as there is not enough space at the store. Katie Stiles and Kevin Lasko said there was a misunderstanding and they have apologized to the Cacozzas. Ms. Stiles and Mr. Lasko have also offered to have a sign made for the Inn’s parking lot. The two parties are working out the situation.
16. Letter from Dept of Buildings and General Services outlining FY2015 Building Communities Grant opportunities. Patty will pass along to Erica Hurd for Recreation Area.
17. VLCT Newsletter received.
18. VLCT PACIF (Property & Casualty Inter-Municipal Fund) Annual Meeting at Town Fair 10/9/14.
19. VLCT Municipal Policy Committee distributed recommendations for review. Amendments are due 10/3/14. These will be discussed at the Municipal Legislative Priorities meeting at Town Fair 10/9/14. No action taken.
20. VLCT Health Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc. Merger documents distributed to member cities and towns for review.
21. VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Health Trust Inc. Merger documents distributed to member cities and towns for review.
22. A. Patty reviewed the August financial reports for the general, highway and cemetery funds. Items of note: Audit has been completed and report has been sent to the State and FEMA; CV Oil inspected, cleaned and/or tested heating units in Town Office and Town Garage; Highway Fund received annual “Payment in Lieu of Taxes”. Jerry informed Board one of Benson’s trucks slipped out of gear on Trillium and rolled over edge of road. George had to make repairs to the road damage.
B. Control Technologies checked Town Office HVAC system and found one of the modulators was not working properly. The tech fixed it. He informed Patty that it is not unusual for both the heat and air conditioning to run as the two systems compensate for desired temperature.
C. Royal Group fixed the main door lock; it was missing pins from the factory.
D. Invoice from Marylou Scofield for services rendered since April and includes Town Office Building, Ayer property, Andrews Buyout and Peyton property for a total of $2,910. Some of these expenses may be recouped with tax sale of the Ayer property. Board approved payment.
23. Martha Beyersdorf has offered to serve out Don Flynn’s term as 911 Coordinator. The Board approved this appointment.
1. Jerry shared letter from Susie Martin alerting the Board to a child riding a motor bike through the lower cemetery section. Patty stated the same child had also ridden through the playground and ball field while there were other children using the recreation area. The Board asked Patty to give the letter to Doug Mianulli and she will also tell him about her observation.
2. Don has a request from the Pittsfield Women’s Club to use the Town hall for the Annual Bazaar. The Board approved the request.
Mark made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 9/23/14 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
August 12, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: August 12, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifcations
1. Don Flynn, re: Highwood Owner’s Association Waiver for FEMA and TRORC
2. Joyce Stevens, re: e-mail involving Swiss Farm Market on Route 100 modifications
3. Town Office Building
a. Don Flynn re: Draft Waiver Highwood Owner’s Association 113 Park Place
b. Marylou Scofield, town attorney, re: Watkins Tax Sale; and Town Office Building
Executive Session
Old Business
a. Swiss Farm Market re: Route 100 modifications
b. Joyce Stevens re: Swiss Farm Market and Route 100 modifications discussions
New Business
a. Monthly financial reports
b. VTrans and ACCD (Commerce & Community Development) grants
c. Gifford Medical Center “Last Mile Ride” fundraiser August 16, 2014
d. Town of Chittenden draft of Local Hazard Mitigation Plan available for comment
e. Martha Beyersdorf re: concerns about growth of grass on the former Halligan property
f. New Flood Ready Vermont website
g. Public Service Board soliciting public comment on definitions
h. TRORC TAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) Meeting notes for July 10, 2014
i. VLCT newsletter
j. Howard Gunter Farewell Party August 13, 2014
k. Patty will contact Control Technologies
l. Mark will contact Brad Cook re: energy modifications
m. Patty will contact Cory Novotny re: sealing new basement tiles
n. Contact Ken and Sally Hayes re: Remove blockade from drive to town property
o. September Select Board Meetings on 9th and 23rd
Agenda Modifications
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. and Don seconded. Additional agenda items:
1. Don Flynn, re: Highwood Owner’s Association Waiver for FEMA and TRORC
2. Joyce Stevens, re: e-mail involving Swiss Farm Market on Route 100 modifications
3. Town Office Building
Don motioned to approve the July 8, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes and the July 16, 2014 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; Jerry seconded the motion.
a. Don Flynn presented a draft of Highwood Owner’s Association Waiver of Rents, Taxes and Assessments concerning the property located at 113 Park Place, Highwood, Pittsfield Vermont. This is required for the town to enter a buyout agreement with FEMA and TRORC for the property that suffered irreparable damage from Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. The board reviewed and has asked town attorney Marylou Scofield to work on revisions.
b. Marylou Scofield, town attorney, re: Watkins Tax Sale; and Town Office Building.
Executive Session
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield (Town Attorney)
Mark moved to adjourn regular Select Board meeting and into Executive Session at 6:07 p.m. Motion seconded by Jerry. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussed ongoing legal issues regarding Watkins tax sale and Town Office Building; and what the next steps are in dealing with these issues.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 6:54 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Jerry and a second by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
a. Correspondence between Joyce Stevens, Swiss Farm Market and Paul Libby, VTrans regarding status of Route 100 modifications. As of July 28, 2014 the state was investigating property lines and working with access management group to review standards (utilities and permits).
b. E-mail dated August 10, 2014 from Joyce Stevens requesting advanced notification of any planned Select Board discussions regarding Route 100 modifications.
New Business
a. Patty distributed and reviewed the monthly financial reports and there were no questions.
b. VTrans and ACCD (Commerce & Community Development) has grants available for connecting land use and transportations investments. No action required.
c. Gifford Medical Center “Last Mile Ride” fundraiser will be Saturday, August 16¸ 2014. The motorcycle route will travel through Pittsfield and they are notifying all towns along the route.
d. Rutland Regional Planning Commission notice on Town of Chittenden draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan is available on-line for public comment from July 29 to August 12, 2014.
e. E-mail dated July 17, 2014 from Martha Beyersdorf concerning the growth of grass on the former Halligan property along Route 100. She asked if the town will contract someone to mow. The board will have the property mowed in the fall if needed. Decision will be sent to Martha in a letter.
f. E-mail notice from Dept of Environmental Conservation promoting their new Flood Ready Vermont website. It provides tools and data for communities to be flood resilient.
g. E-mail notice dated July 10, 2014 from the Public Service Board soliciting public comment on definitions to be included in their Amended Standards and Procedures Order. No action taken.
h. TRORC TAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) Meeting notes for July 10, 2014 received.
i. VLCT newsletter received.
j. Farewell party scheduled for Howard Gunter in the Town Hall August 13, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
k. Patty will contact Control Technologies about Town Office Building thermostats.
l. Mark will contact Brad Cook to start the Town Office Building energy modifications.
m. Patty will contact Cory Novotny about sealing the new basement tiles in the Town Office Building. If Cory cannot do the work, Patty will ask him for a recommendation.
n. Mark noted the drive past Ken and Sally Hayes to the former McAdams property (now town property) has been blocked to vehicular traffic. Board will send a letter requesting the Hayes to remove the materials blocking the drive.
o. September Select Board meetings will be on the 9th and 23rd of the month.
Jerry made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: September 9, 2014 Recorded by:
___________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
July 16, 2014 Select Board Special Meeting Minutes
Purpose: Consideration of four malt catering applications.
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins.
Action Mark called the meeting to order at9:58 a.m.
Taken: Patty read off the applications from Noel Catering for events scheduled
for 1 August 2014; 2 August, 2014; 9 August 2014 & 22 August 2014 –
each event to close at 10: oo p.m.. Three to be held at the Amee Farm and
one at the Red Barn (Horse Farm)
Mark moved to approve each and Jerry seconded. Action approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
Select Board
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
July 8, 2014 Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: July 8, 2014
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Suana Bicek, Marsha Hopkins, Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko, Ellis Ray of TRORC, Marylou Scofield, Daniel Ewald
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Hazard Mitigation Public Informational Meeting
b. Planning Commission parking issue with Act 250 Application re: Vermont Farms Catering LLC
c. Marsha Hopkins concerns re: Parking issues at Original General Store; requesting town to seek Party Status to Act 250 Application for Vermont Farms Catering LLC
Executive Session
Old Business
a. Act 250 Application re: Vermont Farms Catering LLC & Vermont Ventures LLC
b. Revised Act 250 draft permit re: Vermont Farms Catering LLC & Vermont Ventures LLC
c. VTrans re: Revised Pitt-Stop Access Management Plan
d. Planning Commission re: Buyout and Reuse Letter of Intent grant request
e. Late dog licenses
f. LEOP update and approval
New Business
a. Marshall’s Alarm Service re: Annual service contract
b. ANR re: Vermont Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) requirements
c. VT Dept of Taxes re: Education Tax Rate
d. VTrans re: 2015 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant program
e. VT Dept. Housing & Community Development re: Municipal Planning Grants FY 2015
f. Planet Aid re: Donation bin request
g. Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors requests
h. Pittsfield Picnic re: Request to expand to Town Green
i. Monthly Financials
j. New State Rules re: posting meeting notices, agendas and minutes
k. Driveway Permit Application for 416 Liberty Hill by Matthew Corron
l. VLCT Legislative Wrap-Up 2014 publication
m. Website domain name transfer fee
n. CV Oil Pre-Buy
Don motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. and Jerry seconded. Don motioned to approve the June 10, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes and the July 2, 2014 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; Jerry seconded the motion.
Guest and Committee Reports
a. Public Information Meeting for the proposed Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) was presented by Ellie Ray of TRORC. The 5-year plan addresses a range of natural and man-made hazards. The plan is required for the town to be eligible for FEMA grants. The HMP has to be in the revised Town Plan for state and comply with the new ERAF (Emergency Assistance and Relief Fund) rules. Ellie reviewed the hazard mitigation strategies for various types of hazards. The strategies include tasks and time frames. The HMP requires State approval after Select Board approves. The State will forward to FEMA for approval and this takes approximately three to six months.
b. Planning Commission Chair, Suana Bicek, states the commission has a major issue with the Act 250 application for Vermont Farms Catering LLC in terms of parking. (Site of Original General Store). They do not understand how 25 (twenty-five) seats can be added to the building capacity due to lack of parking spaces. The next Act 250 meeting has to be set.
c. Marsha Hopkins, a concerned citizen voiced her concerns regarding the parking issues at the Original General Store site. The lack of parking spaces is causing hazardous conditions. Delivery trucks are blocking Upper Michigan Road and the Stop sign. When someone is trying to use the road they cannot see oncoming traffic, nor can they see the Stop sign. Also pedestrians are walking out into the road from between cars and drivers cannot see them. Marsha urges the Select Board to request party status at the Act 250 hearing. Don motioned to request the town have party status and Jerry seconded the motion.
Executive Session
Attending: Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield (Town Attorney), Daniel Ewald (Property Owner Attorney)
Jerry moved to go into Executive Session at 7:00 p.m. to discuss resolution of property sold at tax sale. Motion seconded by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 7:50 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session made by Jerry and a second by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
The Town Attorney will investigate values and any possible liabilities further and will inform the Select Board of her findings.
Old Business
a. Environmental Commission Act 250 Minor Application #3W1060 dated June 18, 2014 filed by Vermont Farms Catering and Vermont Ventures LLC to expand existing wastewater system; construct 6-foot by 10-foot bathroom; and renovation of a catering and kitchen area was received. The purpose is to provide on-site demonstrations, cooking classes and tastings.
b. Environmental Commission Act 250 Application #3R1060 dated June 24, 2014 filed by Vermont Farms Catering and Vermont Ventures LLC was received. This is a revised draft permit as project will require a revised Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply permit.
c. VTrans, Paul Libby, correspondence regarding the Pitt-Stop Access Management Plan dated June 2, 2014. Revised plan takes concerns raised at the May 6, 2014 into consideration for review by all parties involved. The Select Board needs to respond to this correspondence.
d. Suana Bicek, Planning Commission Chair, reviewed information she included in the Buyout and Reuse Letter of Intent for three properties needing Planning and Design grant monies. The Planning and Design phase will take place in 2014 and 2015; the Construction Phase is slated for 2015 and it is estimated to cost $25,000 to $75,000. Items include tree plantings, parking, riparian buffer and bank stabilization. The request deadline was June 27, 2014 and Suana did speak with mark Begin before sending in the request.
e. Three late dog licenses remain after Patty sent certified/return receipt letters. Two are believed to be renters and may not be in town anymore. Doug Mianulli will follow-up on these. One is the Desena’s dog and Patty left a phone message but no one has called her back. Patty will try to reach Peter Borden to find out if he knows whether or not the Desena’s still have a dog.
f. LEOP (Local Emergency Operating Plan) has been updated by Patty and Peter Borden, including new appendices. Don motioned to approve the plan and Jerry seconded the motion. Mark Begin will need to sign as he is the only ICS trained member.
New Business
a. Marshall’s Alarm Service annual service contract renewal received and approved by board.
b. Agency of Natural Resources information letter on Vermont Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) listing key requirements for municipalities has been received. Included a Summary and FAQ flyer for municipalities and for residents. Towns are to implement a variable rate pricing system (a.k.a. unit based pricing) by July 1, 2015; and are required to provide a “recyclables” container alongside any trash containers in public spaces. Jerry directed Tyna to write a letter to Jon Benson to attend a Select Board meeting to discuss the requirements further.
c. VT Dept of Taxes Notice for Fiscal Year 2015 Educations Tax Rates has been received.
d. VTrans soliciting proposals for 2015 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant program. No action required.
e. Vermont Dept. of Housing and Community Development notice for Fiscal Year 2015 Municipal Planning Grants (MPG) received. Patty will forward to Planning Commission.
f. Planet Aid representative asked if town would approve the placement of a donation bin. The Select Board is not interested.
g. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC on July 18, 25 & 26, 2014; and Occasion Catering on August 17, 2014 approved by the Board. All events will end by 10:00 p.m.
h. Erica Hurd, Pittsfield Picnic Coordinator, is requesting permission to expand the picnic activities to the Town Green. The event is scheduled for Sunday August 24, 2014. Approved by Select Board.
i. Patty distributed the monthly financial reports and there were no questions. On a quarterly basis she will include an Income and Expense Budget Comparison that shows the percentage the dollar figures represent.
j. New State requirements that went into effect July 1, 2014 for posting meeting notices, agendas and minutes were reviewed. Regular meeting Notices with an Agenda must be posted 48-hours in advance in three locations. Special meetings are to be warned 24-hours in advance. The three posting locations are: Town Office bulletin board in entryway (inside); Town Office bulletin board outside the building; and bulletin board outside U.S. Post Office in Pittsfield. Notices are to be posted on town websites as well. Minutes from meetings are to be posted 5 days after the meeting on the website and these minutes will be noted as “DRAFTS”.
k. Driveway Permit Application for 416 Liberty Hill by Matthew Corron received. Current driveway entrance is in a blind location. George reviewed request and approved new location. Don motioned to approve the application and Jerry seconded. Permit granted.
l. VLCT Legislative Wrap-Up 2014 publication has been received and is filed in town office.
m. Patty requests Board approval for $30 domain name transfer fee from KeVaCo to the new website. Don motioned to approve expense and Jerry seconded.
n. CV Oil Pre-Buy application received. Patty provided usage history back to 2005-06 for town facilities. The Board determined quantities to pre-buy and Patty will submit. The Board also approved preventative maintenance for town furnaces/boilers and Patty will notify CV Oil.
Don made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: August 12, 2014 Recorded by:
____________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
DATE: December 16, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson
Agenda Modifications
§ New business #3 – Town Hall rental
Public Present
1. Jon Benson re: VT Universal Recycling Law - Act 148 Rubbish removal options & recycling
2. Suana Bicek re: Municipal Planning Services agreement with TRORC
1. ANR Shoreland & Lake Encroachment Permit Program
2. VLCT re: Act 148 Workshop
3. Invitation to Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police luncheon
4. State Liquor Control Hearing re: Joyy Productions
5. Rutland County 2014-2015 budget
6. VLCT News
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator appointed
2. TRORC Municipal Shared Services Survey
3. Building Performance Services LLC re: final audit and invoice
4. Dubois & King re: Design and Cost Estimating Project for FEMA Buyout Sites
5. Snow shoveling position re: Interim solution
New Business
1. 2015 General Fund Budget preparation
2. Town Meeting Warning review
3. Town Hall rental inquiry
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:57 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Jerry motioned to approve the December 2, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
Public Present
1. Act 148 Vermont Universal Recycling Law - Jon Benson would be able to set up individual contracts with any resident that would like to use his service for rubbish removal. He anticipates the fee will be $4.00 per 30 gallon bag and the collectors will keep track of the pick-ups for billing purposes. The fee will be higher for larger bags although they prefer to keep the bag size at 30 gallon. Recyclables would be on a separate run and depending on volume they would collect once or twice a month. He will put a flyer together with pricing and recycle list that could be shared at Town Meeting. Pittsfield would continue to have pick-up on Mondays except when there is a holiday. They observe Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and New Year’s. For any citizen concerns Jon recommends Patty send him a note so he can follow-through on any issues. The Board anticipates starting the new trash collection process effective June 1, 2015 to meet the State deadline of July 1, 2015 and will budget accordingly. Don looked into combination trash and recyclable units and reports there is a wide range of styles and prices. Patty asked Chet at the Alliance what other towns are doing and he said several towns plan to eliminate trash barrels in public spaces. Chet also said the price to dispose of a 30-gallon bag at their facility is $3.50 and anticipates this will be the rate in 2015. Chet will know more information on Act 148 after this week’s meeting.
2. Via e-mail Suana Bicek is requesting the Board sign the agreement between TRORC and Pittsfield for Municipal Planning Services. Mark signed the agreement.
1. VT Agency of Natural Resources notice of contact changes effective December 1, 2014 for VT Shoreland & Lake Encroachment Permit Program. The program applies to lakes and ponds greater than 10 acres in size. No action required.
2. VLCT will be conducting a workshop January 28, 2015 for Municipal Solid Waste Management - Act 148. Mark may attend and will discuss at next Select Board meeting on January 6, 2015. Patty has form.
3. Invitations to attend luncheon sponsored by the Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police January 13, 2015. No action required.
4. Notice of Hearing from State Liquor Control regarding first and third class licenses held by Joyy Productions of Pittsfield, VT, also known as The Clear River Tavern. The hearing is scheduled for January 14, 2015 and alleges the licensee is not in good standing with respect to any and all taxes payable to the Commissioner of taxes in violation of General Regulation Number 10.
5. Received a copy of the Rutland County 2014-2015 budget.
6. December 2014 VLCT News received.
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator will be Eliana Ruben. Patty will complete form.
2. Patty filled out the TRORC Municipal Shared Services Survey and reviewed with the Board for approval. Survey is complete and will be returned to TRORC.
3. Brad Cook, Building Performance Services LLC submitted his final energy audit and improvement report. Patty has filed the rebate request with Efficiency Vermont and noted the improvements have made a difference in the building temperature.
4. Dubois & King’s agreement for engineering services for the Design and Cost Estimating Project for FEMA Buyout Sites is valid from December 9, 2014 through January 31, 2015. Mark signed for the Board and Patty will return to Dubois & King.
5. No one has applied for the snow shoveling job. Until someone is hired Soo will take care of it on the days she works. She typically works Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Don Bass will cover the remaining four days. Patty will contact Evan Patch to ask if he would be interested in covering Friday through Monday. Jerry motioned to set the rate for this task at $10 per shovel and Mark seconded.
New Business
1. 2015 General Fund Budget preparation is almost complete. Waiting for information on a few lines such as the bond repayment; band stand repairs that Don will follow up on; pricing on new energy efficient light fixtures for the Town hall that Don will follow up on with Louie Donnet of Lubek Electrical. Mark will contact the Rutland County Sheriff’s. The Board will keep the Veteran’s Exemption at 10%. Patty had Soo prepare a comparison on wages between current Pittsfield rates and the Vermont Municipal Compensation Report to give the Board information to determine possible changes for the upcoming year. The Board will review the information and decide at the next meeting.
2. The Board reviewed first draft of the Town Meeting Warning. Patty noted the Eunice cannot be a town officer as she is not a legal voter. This leaves the Delinquent Tax Collector position open as well as a position on the Library Board.
3. Patty received an e-mail from the Killington Mountain School inquiring about the use of the Town Hall for their Annual Dance on January 4, 2015. The Board decided the Town Hall is not suited for this type of function. Patty will inform KMS.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
December 2, 2014 Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 2, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications
§ New business #4 – Name for naturalized area at buyout properties
§ New business #5 – Efficiency Vermont incentive form
1. TRORC RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes
2. VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Announcement
3. TRORC survey for municipal shared services
4. E-mail from Mr. Robert Giolito to Representative Haas re: Part Time Police
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator & Assistant appointed
2. Snow Removal position to be filled; Soo to continue for interim
A. No one under 14 can fill this position
B. Rate at $11.50 per day
C. Patty will post position
3. Vermont Universal Recycling Law – Act 148
A. Implement a variable rate pricing system
B. Containers for listed recyclables
4. Original General Store re: Motion to Alter Act 250 Permit #3W1060
5. Estimate of $715 to strip and wax the Town Office floors
6. Audit of Federal Grants
7. Reallocate funds from the Federal Buyout Grant to help pay for the single audit
8. Bid award letters re: Design Plan for Buyout Properties
9. Board approved Select Board statement for town report
New Business
1. Approved and signed the Municipal Planning Grant Agreement
2. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – November financials
3. 2015 Budget Proposals: Cemetery, Parks & Grounds, Highway
4. Name the naturalized area for the buyout properties
5. Efficiency Vermont incentive rebate
6. Secretary request for an additional $25 of pay re: Town report project
7. Don Bass tendered his resignation from the Select Board
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Jerry motioned to approve the November 18, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
1. TRORC RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from 11/13/14. Next meeting is January 8, 2015. FY17 VTrans projects list for prioritization may be available at this meeting.
2. VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Announcement – this plan will help guide improvements along Vermont state highways to work better and be safer for all bicyclists. Public meetings are scheduled and there’s an on-line map for input as well. Important for public to participate and input will be collected over the next six months.
3. TRORC survey for municipal shared services received. Patty will fill-out for Board review.
4. Copy of e-mail Mr. Robert Giolito sent to Representative Haas regarding his concerns about part-time police certifications and the efforts of current Chief of Police in Killington to create a regional police force.
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator will be Eliana Ruben and Assistant will be Katie Covell. Patty will complete form.
2. Snow Removal position needs to be filled. The Board agreed to allow Soo to continue doing for $10 per shovel until someone is hired for the position.
A. Patty verified with State and Federal government offices that no one under 14 can fill this position.
B. Discussion on wage for position resulted in setting the rate at $11.50 per day. It rarely takes more than an hour to do the job. This rate is in line with the regular Custodial position. Jerry motioned to approve the rate change to $11.50 per day; Mark seconded.
C. Patty will put up an ad for the position with the rate of $11.50 per day
3. Vermont Universal Recycling Law – Act 148
A. Town needs to implement a variable rate pricing system or unit-based pricing by July 1, 2015. Need to provide information to town residents and adjust budget accordingly. Board directed Tyna to send a letter to Mr. Jon Benson letting him know they have more questions and would like him to attend the next meeting.
B. Town must provide containers for listed recyclables alongside all trash containers in public spaces. Don will look into pricing for receptacles to handle regular trash and recyclables. Pricing is needed for budgeting purposes.
4. Original General Store submitted a Motion to Alter their Act 250 Permit #3W1060. Primarily adjust wording for permitted use, hours of operation, use of the word “event”, and treat residence and commercial aspects of the building separately.
5. Don has a verbal estimate of $715 to strip and wax the Town Office floors. The project will require three to four coats of wax. The Board would like the estimate in writing and Don will pursue.
6. The on-site audit of Federal Grants took place on 11/20/14. The auditor complimented Don Flynn for his thorough recordkeeping. There were no findings which is the desired result of the audit. The auditor recommended a few procedures and policies should be written. Patty does work on these when time allows. These are suggestions and are not required; with majority of recommendations directed towards federally awarded funds.
7. The auditor did advise Patty the town could request reallocation of funds from the Federal Buyout Grant to help pay for the single audit. Mark motioned to have Patty send a letter requesting the funds to be reallocated for the single audit; Jerry seconded the motion.
8. The Board directed Tyna to send a letter awarding the Buyout Properties design program to Dubois & King; and to also send letters to the other bidders thanking them however bid awarded to another firm.
9. The Board approved the Statement from the Select Board Jerry circulated for the Town Report.
New Business
1. The Board approved and signed the Municipal Planning Grant Agreement. TRORC will administer.
2. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – reviewed the November financials and all were in order.
3. 2015 Budget Proposals Reviewed: Cemetery similar to last year; Parks and Grounds similar to last year; Mark motioned to approve and Jerry seconded. Highway budget basically level with last year. George added a guardrail for section near Dugway; Board approved the proposal. The General Fund budget proposal will be reviewed at the 12/16/14 meeting.
4. Sarah Gray e-mailed the Board suggesting the town name the naturalized area for the buyout properties be named in honor of Don Flynn. The Board is in favor of this idea and would like the Planning Commission provide some suggested names for consideration.
5. The final blower door test qualified the town for Efficiency Vermont incentive rebate. The Board signed the form. Patty said EV usually conducts an inspection before issuing the check.
6. The Board approved Tyna’s request for an additional $25 of pay for preparing letters for the town report, department funding and budget requests.
7. Don Bass tendered his resignation from the Select Board effective Town Meeting Day, March 3, 2015. He has learned a great deal however does not feel he is fully qualified for the position.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: December 16, 2014 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair Secrtary
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
November 18, 2014 Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: November 18, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Public Present: Suana Bicek – Planning Commission, Mary Russ from White River Partnership
Agenda Modifications
§ Old business #7 – Land Use Permit – Original General Store
§ Old business #8 – Floor waxing
§ Old business #9 – Trash collection
§ New business #5D – Buyout audit
§ New business #6 – Hooks driveway permit
§ New business #7 – Buyout properties design proposals
1. Green Mountain Relay changed dates to June 27 and 28, 2015.
2. VLCT has merged the Health Insurance Trust and the Unemployment Trust into one program.
3. VLCT notice on Vision coverage now available for employees.
4. Dimmick Septic Service information
5. Secretary of State “Opinions” newsletter
6. VLCT Municipal Policy papers #5 and #6
7. VTrans 2014 Town Highway Map
8. VLCT News November 2014 newsletter
9. VLCT 2014 Vermont Municipal Benefits Report
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator needs to be appointed
2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance and health equity account renewal
3. Town Highway #11 Town of Chittenden
4. Snow removal worker still needed
5. Brad Cook Energy Efficiency Report
A. Boiler not on recall
B. Estimate from GSK Climate Control
C. November 15, 2014 Blower Door Test
D. Town Office Project fund update
E. Board approval for GSK to adjust climate controls; Library not to change thermostats
6. Ayer Tax Sale completed
7. Land Use Permit #3W1060 for the Original General Store was issued
Executive Session
New Business
1. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from VT Farms Catering LLC
2. Outside storage area in the back of the Town Hall to be secured
3. TRORC Culvert Inventory Grant Contract
4. TRORC Public Facilities Design Grant Contract
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. October financial reports
B. Town Report and Town Meeting Time Line
C. Tyna to prepare letters to Town Officials and service organizations requesting reports
D. State of Vermont conducting an audit on the buyout properties November 20, 2014
6. Hooks property at 1060 Hawk Mountain Road driveway permit
7. Bid opening for Parmenter buyout properties design proposals
8. Update on floor waxing
9. Trash collection discussion tabled until December 2, 2014 meeting
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:57 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Jerry motioned to approve the October 21, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
1. Green Mountain Relay changed dates to June 27 and 28, 2015.
2. VLCT has merged the Health Insurance Trust and the Unemployment Trust into one program. It is now the Vermont Employment Resource and Benefits Trust (VERB).
3. VLCT notice on Vision coverage now available for employees. The Board voted not to add to town’s benefit plan.
4. Dimmick Septic Service dropped off brochures and information at the Town Office.
5. Secretary of State “Opinions” newsletter for November 2014 received.
6. VLCT Municipal Policy papers #5 Self-Governments and #6 Vermont Infrastructure received.
7. VTrans distributed 2014 Town Highway Maps. No changes to Pittsfield roads.
8. VLCT News November 2014 newsletter received.
9. VLCT 2014 Vermont Municipal Benefits Report received and is on file at Town Office.
Old Business
1. Green-Up Coordinator needs to be appointed. Don spoke to Katie Covell. She already helps with another one however she was willing to help with Pittsfield’s. Or her sister will help. Don is to confirm so paperwork can be completed.
2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance and health equity account renewal. Board approved Platinum plan and $1,250 in the HRA each year maximum.
3. Town Highway #11 Town of Chittenden – Court ordered stipulated dismissal with prejudice 10/27/14. Each party to bear their own costs and attorney’s fees.
4. Snow removal worker still needed. Mark and Jerry voted to change the pay from $9.44 per storm to $10.00 per shovel. Don recused himself from the vote. Don has agreed to do until someone is found. Patty will post the position and will check the wage guidelines.
5. Brad Cook Report
A. The Town Office boiler is not on the recall list.
B. He sent a letter to GSK Climate Control stating HVAC is still not working properly after two years. They estimate it will cost $300 to $500 to make the climate control adjustments. GSK is available the first week of December and will contact Mark.
C. Blower Door Test was done again on 11/15/14 and there was an increase of 30% energy efficiency.
D. Patty presented an updated Income and Expense report for the Town Office Building project. There are funds available to pay for Brad Cook’s services with some being offset by rebates offered through Efficiency Vermont.
E.The Board approved GSK Climate Control to make necessary HVAC adjustments and TOB project funds will be used. The Board does not want the Library changing the thermostat.
6. Ayer Tax Sale has been completed and he has signed required documents.
7. Land Use Permit #3W1060 for the Original General Store was issued November 14, 2014 with terms and conditions stipulated. Construction site work is to be completed by 10/15/16.
Executive Session
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Jerry moved to adjourn regular Select Board meeting and into Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. Motion seconded by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
There was a discussion on how to proceed with Watkins property tax sale The Board will discuss with town legal counsel.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 7:13 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Jerry and a second by Mark. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
1. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC at Amee Farm on 11/8/14 was approved by the Board via e-mail.
2. Outside storage area in the back of the Town Hall needs to be secured. Jerry motioned to have Doug Johnstone incorporate this with the building siding project. Mark seconded and he will talk to Doug about the modification.
3. TRORC Culvert Inventory Grant Contract has an in-kind match with the town providing manpower and equipment. Mark signed the contract.
4. TRORC Public Facilities Design Grant Contract is for the buyout properties design project. Mark signed the contract.
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. October financial reports for the general, highway and cemetery funds were reviewed.
B. Town Report and Town Meeting Time Line for budget preparations and reports was distributed. Patty met with the town auditors to prepare the time line.
C. Tyna will prepare and send letters to Town Officials and service organizations requesting reports by December 16, 2014 and financials by January 8, 2015.
D. Patty received a call from the State of Vermont advising they would be conducting an audit on the buyout properties as required by FEMA on November 20, 2014. They need to certify the town is in compliance.
6. Hooks property at 1060 Hawk Mountain Road applied for new driveway permit as existing drive is partially on neighbor’s property. George reviewed application and site; and he approved. The Board approved and signed permit.
7. Suanna Bicek and Mary Russ present for the opening of the Parmenter buyout properties design proposals. Three bids were received. The town has to accept the lowest reasonable and responsible bid as long as it addresses the scope of work. Bidders were Broadleaf Landscape Architecture, Landworks and DuBois & King. The two lowest bids were only $220 apart and the Board would like to award to DuBois & King as they have worked with the town in the past and are currently working on similar projects in surrounding towns. Mary will contact TRORC to find out if the town can select the slightly higher bid. Jerry motioned to provisionally award bid to DuBois & King contingent on opinion from TRORC.
8. Don has arranged for Frances Brown to stop in to review the floor waxing project in the Town Office with a colleague on November 19, 2014.
9. Trash Collection discussion has been tabled for the December 2, 2014 meeting.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Mark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: December 2, 2014 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
October 21, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: October 21, 2014
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications
Old business #7 – Ayer property tax sale update
New business #2 – Health Insurance and HRA Renewal
1. VLCT News for October 2014 received
2. 2014 Vermont Municipal Compensation Report received
Old Business
1. Stumpf property buyout
2. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation re: Permit on-site drilled well, Steven and Donna Brown at 202 Tweed River Drive
3. Original General Store Act 250 Permit
A. Hearing Recess Order
B. Marsha Hopkins submitted seating evidence
C. David Cooper of Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss P.C., Original General Store attorney submitted responses to the Recess Order
4. Brad Cook, Building Performance Services LLC re: follow-up report and proposal for energy efficiency improvements
5. Floor waxing re: Town Office Building
6. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. A-133 Audit complete
B. September financial reports
7. Ayer Tax Sale dispute re: settlement and pursue reimbursement of legal fees
New Business
1. Coordinator for Green Up Day
2. Town Health Insurance Plan and Health Reimbursement Account
1. Tickle November meeting Trash Collection under Old Business
2. Tickle the thermostat issue when the Board meets to prepare the budget
Don motioned to open the meeting at 5:55 p.m. and Jerry seconded the motion. Agenda modifications added to agenda. Don motioned to approve the October 7, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Jerry seconded the motion.
1. VLCT News for October 2014 received; no action required.
2. 2014 Vermont Municipal Compensation Report received and is on file for reference in the Clerk’s office.
Old Business
1. Stumpf property buyout continues. Lauren Oates, Hazard Mitigation Planner from the State e-mailed Jim Carroll, Esq. at English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. with approval from FEMA to move forward on pursuing a new appraisal for the portion of the parcel in Pittsfield along with any title search work needed. Completed report should be forwarded to Ms. Oates who will send onto FEMA. Mr. Carroll responded that they will begin to get the appraisal and title search in process.
2. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation is in receipt of the application from Steven and Donna Brown requesting a permit to install a new on-site drilled well at 202 Tweed River Drive, Pittsfield, dated October 7, 2014. Permit WW-3-2366 was issued October 20, 2014 for this project.
3. Original General Store Act 250 Permit
A. Hearing Recess Order dated October 6, 2014 was issued pending receipt and review of additional information listed by Tim Taylor, Chairman of District 3 Environmental Commission.
B. Marsha Hopkins submitted evidence via e-mail on October 15, 2014 regarding seating count.
C.David Cooper of Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss P.C. the attorney for Original General Store submitted responses to the Recess Order in a letter dated October 15, 2014. The responses addressed: Parking Site Plan, Noise Report, Parking Signage, Event Day Promotions, and Hours of Operation.
4. On October 10, 2014 Brad Cook of Building Performance Services LLC submitted a follow-up report and proposal for energy efficiency he performed as well as additional work for the Board to consider. The proposal cost is $4,642.00 and the town already qualifies for $1,000 in incentives from Efficiency Vermont. The town could also qualify for another $750 in incentives thus reducing the cost further. Jerry motioned to accept the full proposal of energy efficiency work. Don seconded the motion; and Jerry signed the contract.
5. Patty has tried to find someone to wax the Town Office Building in the basement and entryway. Green Mountain Flooring has the ability to do but they do not want to take on the job. Patty also called Corey Novotny for a possible contact. He was going to call her back if he could think of anyone. Don will check with Francis Brown who does the floors at elementary school.
6. Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. The A-133 Single Audit has been completed. The final report indicates the town is in compliance and has no deficiencies.
B. September financial reports for the general, highway and cemetery funds were reviewed along with the quarterly Income and Expense Budget Comparison. Patty noted the energy efficiency work will put the Town Office Building line item over-budget. This could be offset with EVT incentives and possibly some of the Town Office Building project fund once it is finalized.
7. Ayer Tax Sale dispute has reached a settlement and Marylou Scofield, legal counsel for the town will prepare a mutual release. Eunice MacDonald-Rice, Delinquent Tax Collector, is requesting the Board to authorize Ms. Scofield to pursue recovery of legal fees in this case. Don motioned to authorize Ms. Scofield to proceed with pursuing reimbursement of legal fees; Jerry seconded the motion.
New Business
1. The town needs to select a Coordinator for Green Up Day scheduled for May 2, 2015. Patty will contact Becky Ruben to find out if any of her children are interested.
2. Town has the Platinum Health Insurance Plan and there are no changes to the plan for the upcoming year. A small increase is expected and will be finalized in November. Renewal information is to be ready by the end of October and open enrollment is November. The Board needs to decide on the amount of funds to allocate to the Health Reimbursement Account. Last year the Board approved $1,250 and VLCT recommended the amount should be $2,500. Table for November meeting when all three Selectman are present to discuss and vote.
1. Tickle the topic of Trash Collection under Old Business for November 18, 2014 meeting.
2. Tickle the thermostat issue when the Board meets to prepare the budget.
Don motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 11/18/14 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
October 7, 2014 Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: October 7, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Jon Benson, Bob Ennis
Agenda Modifications - None
Public Present: Jon Benson, Benson’s Rubbish Removal; Bob Ennis, TRORC
1. John Benson discussed Act 148 Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law with the Select Board
1. VLCT Fall Select Board Institute November 8, 2014
2. TRORC 2014 Regional Plan CD in Town Office
3. VLCT Fall Planning and Zoning Forum October 29, 2014
4. VLCT Municipal Paper #3 Land & Water; and #4 Public Safety
Old Business
1. TRORC agreement for final buyout project administration
2. PACIF (Property & Casualty Insurance) renewal questionnaire
3. Jerry still investigating a long-term solution to rid bell tower of pigeons
4. Mark gave status of Brad Cook energy improvements in Town Office
New Business
1. Jim Beyersdorf verbal complaint re: parking on Upper Michigan Road by RCWA
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report tabled until next meeting
3. Doug Johnstone re: North wall completed; will do an estimate for the East wall
1. One meeting in November on the 18th
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:55 p.m. and Don seconded the motion. Jerry motioned to approve the September 23, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded the motion.
Public Present:
1. Jon Benson of Benson’s Rubbish Removal discussed various issues concerning Act 148 with the Select Board. Jon provided copies of the Universal Recycling Timeline and a recycling chart with details on acceptable items and condition of the items. The ‘variable rate pricing system’ goes into effect July 1, 2015 and the town needs to decide on how to meet this requirement. Jon offered two suggestions: a.) the town could sell colored trash bags; and these could be in different sizes with different prices; and he would only pick up the specific colored bag the town selects, or b.) individuals can contract directly with Jon (or another hauler) to pick up their trash; he would handle all the billing. The cost of collecting recyclables from residents can be included in trash collection fees. There are no plans on ‘policing’ Act 148 for compliance. Action required: Evaluate options and decide on a plan before town meeting.
1. VLCT Fall Select Board Institute at Lake Morey on Saturday November 8, 2014. Jerry and Mark are not going. Don will review materials to decide if he wants to attend.
2. TRORC 2014 Regional Plan CD will be available in the Town Office. The plan was adopted June 25, 2014 and effective July 25, 2014.
3. VLCT Fall Planning Zoning Forum is October 29, 2014. Forward information to Planning Commission.
4. VLCT Municipal Policy papers #3 Land and Water; and #4 Public Safety for Town Fair have been received. No action necessary.
Old Business
1. Bob Ennis from TRORC present to discuss the final buyout property for Pittsfield at 113 Park Place. TRORC can do most of the administrative work to process this buyout. Bob would keep the town informed of the progress, when the closing is set, he can work with the owner and the state, handle monthly FEMA reports, etc. – basically pick up from where Don Flynn was in the process. TRORC has agreement for Select Board to review and approve if the Board would like TRORC to take over this final buyout. TRORC requests the 2% Administrative Grant pay for their time. This equals $3,843 which is 2% of the HMGP payment of $192,173 for the property. Jerry motioned that the Board approve and sign the agreement. Don seconded the motion.
2. PACIF (Property & Casualty Insurance) renewal questionnaire completed by Select Board.
3. Jerry has investigated options for eliminating the pigeons and so far all the solutions are short-term. Jerry will continue to seek other remedies.
4. Mark spoke with Brad Cook on improving energy efficiencies in the Town Office. Brad has completed several projects and performed a follow-up Blower Door Test that shows significant improvement. Brad will provide a complete report shortly.
New Business
1. Jim Beyersdorf made a verbal complaint to the Town Office stating it is difficult to get around Gerald Shortcuts truck/trailer when it is parked along Upper Michigan Road in front of Robert Carl Williams home/business. The Board appreciates Mr. Beyersdorf concern and has made a note of it.
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report tabled until next meeting when Patty can be present.
3. Doug Johnstone has completed the wall/insulation work on the north side of the Town Hall and it will be slightly under the original estimate. The Board would like to continue this project and has requested Mr. Johnstone to provide an estimate for the east side of the building so it can be put in the 2015 budget for Town Meeting.
1. Due to Election Day on November 4th and Veteran’s Day on November 11th, there will only be one Select Board meeting in November and it will be on the 18th.
Mark made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
September 23, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: September 23, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko
Agenda Modifications
a. Old Business #3 – Peyton Buyout
b. Old Business #4 – Town Office Building re: Main entrance lock
c. Old Business #5 – Incident Command System Training seminar
d. Old Business #6 – Control Technologies invoice
e. Old Business #7 – Appoint new buyout coordinator
f. New Business #3 – Pristine Mountain Springs of VT re: final draft report & hearing
g. New Business #4 – Pigeons
Public Present: Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko
1. VLCT Municipal Policy Papers No. 1 and No. 2
2. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes
3. 100 on 100 Thank You
4. Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) re: State Government Municipal Day
5. Emergency Management & Homeland Security re: FEMA Assistance Programs
Old Business
1. Act 250 Notice & Hearing re: VT Farms Catering
2. Appoint new 911 coordinator
New Business
1. Clerk/Treasurer Report re: 2013 A-133 single Audit
2. VLCT Health Insurance renewal information
1. Update on energy improvements
Agenda Modifications
Additional agenda items were added to the meeting schedule. Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. and Don seconded.
Jerry motioned to approve the September 9, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded the motion.
1. VLCT Municipal Policy Papers No. 1 and No. 2 on Transportation and Education Funding received for review prior to Town Fair. No action required; no one attending from town.
2. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting minutes received. There’s $99,900 in grant funds for culvert inventories. Pittsfield is included in group of towns participating in the program
3. 100 on 100 Relay 10th anniversary in 2014 and thank Pittsfield for continued support of event.
4. Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) is sponsoring another State Government Municipal Day with workshops for local town officials on November 13, 2014. Pre-registration required. No action.
5. Emergency Management & Homeland Security notice on various public assistance programs when disaster strikes including FEMA Assistance Programs. Patty will pass along copies to the Planning Commission and to Peter Borden – Emergency Management Coordinator.
Old Business
1. Act 250 Notice and Hearing for Vermont Farms Catering/Vermont Ventures LLC is scheduled for October 2, 2014. There will be a walk through and then a meeting at the Town Office. The Notice is posted.
2. The Board has approved the appointment of Martha Beyersdorf to serve out Don Flynn’s term as 911 Coordinator until Town Meeting in March 2015. An appointment letter will be mailed.
3. The State has approved the buyout of 113 Park Place, property owned by Richard and Cathryn Peyton. Martha Beyersdorf is not able to take on the task to continue with the work on this buyout. The Board has asked Marsha Hopkins to consider taking on this task. Marsha would like to know what is involved and has agreed to a meeting on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 7:30 a.m. to review with the Board. The buyout is part of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program with 75% covered by FEMA and 25% covered by a CDBG Grant through TRORC. No work is to begin as the sub-grant needs to be completed.
4. Several keys for the Town Office Building main entrance lock do not work. Royal Glass will be by next week to fix the problem. Patty has the keys that are not working.
5. ICS 402 (Incident Command System) training is October 8, 2014 in Rutland from 9-11:30 a.m. Mark is registered to attend. Don would like to attend and will let Patty know.
6. Control Technologies invoice for $259.23 approved by the Board.
7. Martha Beyersdorf does not feel she is qualified for the Buyout Coordinator position. The Board would like to appoint Marsha Hopkins and will discuss with Marsha at the 9/26/14 meeting.
New Business
1. Clerk/Treasurer Report re: 2013 A-133 Single Audit – this has been tabled until next meeting.
2. VLCT Health Insurance Renewal information indicates the program the town uses will increase 7.7%. Additional information will be coming January 2015.
3. Notice of Hearing on the Draft of Final Report for Pristine Mountain Springs of Vermont is scheduled for October 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Stockbridge Town Office. The Report submitted to ANR Drinking Water Program is the proposed continuation of the groundwater withdrawal from a spring borehole at 93 Schaff-Haus Drive in Stockbridge. Comments on the report may be submitted until October 24, 2014.
4. Patty has noticed a flock of pigeons on the bell tower of the Town Office building and they are creating a mess on the roof. Jerry will look into how to get rid of the pigeons.
1. Mark has not heard back from Brad Cook on starting energy improvements projects. Mark will contact again this week.
2. The next scheduled meeting is October 7, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Jerry made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: October 7, 2014 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
September 9, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: September 9, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Sandy Begin, Suana Bicek, Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifications
a. New Business - Sandy Begin, re: Don Flynn
b. New Business – Appointment of interim 911 coordinator
c. Old Business – Town Attorney, Marylou Scofield invoice
1. Sandy Begin re: Don Flynn passed away 9/8/14; service information
2. Suana Bicek, Planning Commission re: Municipal Planning Grant application
3. Katie Stiles and Kevin Lasko re: Business permits
Executive Session
Old Business
1. Permit for Wastewater System and Potable Water to Bear Creek II LLC
2. Act 250 application for the Original General Store August 25, 2014 received
New Business
1. Sandra Begin re-appointed as Town Health Officer
2. Vermont Center for Independent Living letter of appreciation
3. Housing Trust of Rutland County Annual Report
4. Patty and Soo attending VLCT seminar: VT Public Records Act & Open Meeting Law
5. US Forest Service Open House schedule re: Comprehensive Trail Strategy
6. VLCT Town Fair October 9, 2014
7. TAP the Valley website update
8. VTrans re: Transportation Alternatives (TA) program funding
9. VTrans notice on Site Plan Review
10. VLCT Delegate designation form for Annual Business meeting
11. VLCT Municipal Budget workshop notice
12. Dan Shoemaker re: aggressive bear
13. Ten requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
14. See Public #2
15. Susan and Franco Cacozza of Casa Bella Inn re: Parking Issue
16. FY2015 Building Communities Grant opportunities
17. VLCT Newsletter
18. VLCT PACIF (Property & Casualty Inter-Municipal Fund) Annual Meeting
19. VLCT Municipal Policy Committee re: recommendations for review
20. VLCT Health Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc.
21. VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Health Trust Inc.
22. A. August financial reports
B. Control Technologies thermostats and HVAC system
C. Front door of Town Office Building fixed
D. Invoice from town attorney
23. Martha Beyersdorf appointed interim 911 Coordinator
1. Susie Martin re: Motorbike concerns in cemetery
2. Pittsfield Women’s Club re: request to use the Town hall for the Annual Bazaar
Agenda Modifications
Don motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. and Mark seconded. Jerry is chairing the meeting as Mark was not sure he would be back in town in time. Additional agenda items were added to the meeting schedule.
Mark motioned to approve the August 12, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded the motion.
1. Sandy Begin informed the board that Don Flynn passed away on 9/8/14. There will be a service on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The family is requesting the use of the Town Hall for a luncheon to follow the service. The Board approved the request and it may need to be cleaned. The family is requesting donations to benefit various town groups such as the historical Society, Women’s Club, Fire Department, Library, etc. They are seeking advice on how to collect funds via credit card type payments as many of Don’s friends live overseas. It was suggested they look on-line, perhaps some type of fundraising application is available. Martha Beyersdorf spoke with Don regarding Lister duties before he passes away and she will go through materials such as Buyout projects to keep the office running. Martha has asked Dennis O’Brien to cover the vacant Lister position until Town Meeting and she is waiting to hear his answer.
2. Suana Bicek present for the Planning Commission. She has the Municipal Planning Grant application prepared by Chris Sargent of TRORC for the Select Board to review and sign. The Grant is matching funds and the town portion will be $904 to be added to the 2015 Budget proposal. Jerry motioned to approve the application and Don seconded the motion.
3. Katie Stiles and Kevin Lasko present for business related to Bear Creek II LLC, Original General Store and Vermont Farms Catering LLC.
Executive Session
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield (Town Attorney)
Don moved to adjourn regular Select Board meeting and into Executive Session at 6:18 p.m. Motion seconded by Mark. Motion carried unanimously.
There was a discussion of ongoing legal issues regarding the Watkins tax sale; release of covenants on Peyton property; and final payments for Town Office Building project. The Board has given the attorney guidance on how to proceed.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 6:34 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Mark and a second by Jerry. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
1. Agency of Natural Resources, Dept. of Environmental Conservation has approved permit WW-3-0122-5R Wastewater System and Potable Water to Bear Creek II LLC for creation/construction of a catering component.
2. The law firm of Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss P.C. submitted copy of Act 250 application on behalf of the Original General Store August 25, 2014.
New Business
1. Sandra Begin re-appointed as Town Health Officer as of 9/1/2014.
2. Vermont Center for Independent Living letter of appreciation for the town donation of $75.
3. Housing Trust of Rutland County Annual Report received.
4. Patty and Soo are attending VLCT presentation on Vermont’s Public Records Act and Open Meeting Law on 9/10/14. Martha Beyersdorf will staff the town office during their absence.
5. US Forest Service, Green Mountain National Forest notice of Public Open Houses on Comprehensive Trail Strategy scheduled throughout the state August 19 – Sept. 11, 2014.
6. Notice for VLCT Town Fair October 9, 2014 in Essex Jct. received. No interest in attending.
7. Randolph Area Community Development Corp letter updating area businesses and towns about the status for launching TAP the Valley website. Goal is to complete by the end of the year.
8. Notice from VT Agency of Transportation regarding funding for Transportation Alternatives (TA) program. Listing of eligible activities provided. Not relative to the town, no action required.
9. VTrans notice on Site Plan Review reminders. Patty will forward to Planning Commission.
10. VLCT Delegate designation form for Annual Business meeting Oct. 9, 2014. No action taken.
11. VLCT Municipal Budget workshop scheduled for 9/30/14. Patty is thinking about attending.
12. Dan Shoemaker reported aggressive bear at his property. Bear has torn off siding to his house. Game Warden is aware of situation.
13. Ten requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC. All events will end by 10:00 p.m. The dates are: September 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27 & 28; and October 3 & 4. Select Board approved all requests.
14. See Public #2.
15. Letter from Susan and Franco Cacozza of Casa Bella Inn regarding employees and patrons of Original General Store using their parking lot as there is not enough space at the store. Katie Stiles and Kevin Lasko said there was a misunderstanding and they have apologized to the Cacozzas. Ms. Stiles and Mr. Lasko have also offered to have a sign made for the Inn’s parking lot. The two parties are working out the situation.
16. Letter from Dept of Buildings and General Services outlining FY2015 Building Communities Grant opportunities. Patty will pass along to Erica Hurd for Recreation Area.
17. VLCT Newsletter received.
18. VLCT PACIF (Property & Casualty Inter-Municipal Fund) Annual Meeting at Town Fair 10/9/14.
19. VLCT Municipal Policy Committee distributed recommendations for review. Amendments are due 10/3/14. These will be discussed at the Municipal Legislative Priorities meeting at Town Fair 10/9/14. No action taken.
20. VLCT Health Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc. Merger documents distributed to member cities and towns for review.
21. VLCT Unemployment Insurance Trust Inc. Annual Meeting 10/9/14 and proposed merger with Health Trust Inc. Merger documents distributed to member cities and towns for review.
22. A. Patty reviewed the August financial reports for the general, highway and cemetery funds. Items of note: Audit has been completed and report has been sent to the State and FEMA; CV Oil inspected, cleaned and/or tested heating units in Town Office and Town Garage; Highway Fund received annual “Payment in Lieu of Taxes”. Jerry informed Board one of Benson’s trucks slipped out of gear on Trillium and rolled over edge of road. George had to make repairs to the road damage.
B. Control Technologies checked Town Office HVAC system and found one of the modulators was not working properly. The tech fixed it. He informed Patty that it is not unusual for both the heat and air conditioning to run as the two systems compensate for desired temperature.
C. Royal Group fixed the main door lock; it was missing pins from the factory.
D. Invoice from Marylou Scofield for services rendered since April and includes Town Office Building, Ayer property, Andrews Buyout and Peyton property for a total of $2,910. Some of these expenses may be recouped with tax sale of the Ayer property. Board approved payment.
23. Martha Beyersdorf has offered to serve out Don Flynn’s term as 911 Coordinator. The Board approved this appointment.
1. Jerry shared letter from Susie Martin alerting the Board to a child riding a motor bike through the lower cemetery section. Patty stated the same child had also ridden through the playground and ball field while there were other children using the recreation area. The Board asked Patty to give the letter to Doug Mianulli and she will also tell him about her observation.
2. Don has a request from the Pittsfield Women’s Club to use the Town hall for the Annual Bazaar. The Board approved the request.
Mark made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 9/23/14 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
August 12, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: August 12, 2014
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifcations
1. Don Flynn, re: Highwood Owner’s Association Waiver for FEMA and TRORC
2. Joyce Stevens, re: e-mail involving Swiss Farm Market on Route 100 modifications
3. Town Office Building
a. Don Flynn re: Draft Waiver Highwood Owner’s Association 113 Park Place
b. Marylou Scofield, town attorney, re: Watkins Tax Sale; and Town Office Building
Executive Session
Old Business
a. Swiss Farm Market re: Route 100 modifications
b. Joyce Stevens re: Swiss Farm Market and Route 100 modifications discussions
New Business
a. Monthly financial reports
b. VTrans and ACCD (Commerce & Community Development) grants
c. Gifford Medical Center “Last Mile Ride” fundraiser August 16, 2014
d. Town of Chittenden draft of Local Hazard Mitigation Plan available for comment
e. Martha Beyersdorf re: concerns about growth of grass on the former Halligan property
f. New Flood Ready Vermont website
g. Public Service Board soliciting public comment on definitions
h. TRORC TAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) Meeting notes for July 10, 2014
i. VLCT newsletter
j. Howard Gunter Farewell Party August 13, 2014
k. Patty will contact Control Technologies
l. Mark will contact Brad Cook re: energy modifications
m. Patty will contact Cory Novotny re: sealing new basement tiles
n. Contact Ken and Sally Hayes re: Remove blockade from drive to town property
o. September Select Board Meetings on 9th and 23rd
Agenda Modifications
Jerry motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. and Don seconded. Additional agenda items:
1. Don Flynn, re: Highwood Owner’s Association Waiver for FEMA and TRORC
2. Joyce Stevens, re: e-mail involving Swiss Farm Market on Route 100 modifications
3. Town Office Building
Don motioned to approve the July 8, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes and the July 16, 2014 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; Jerry seconded the motion.
a. Don Flynn presented a draft of Highwood Owner’s Association Waiver of Rents, Taxes and Assessments concerning the property located at 113 Park Place, Highwood, Pittsfield Vermont. This is required for the town to enter a buyout agreement with FEMA and TRORC for the property that suffered irreparable damage from Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. The board reviewed and has asked town attorney Marylou Scofield to work on revisions.
b. Marylou Scofield, town attorney, re: Watkins Tax Sale; and Town Office Building.
Executive Session
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield (Town Attorney)
Mark moved to adjourn regular Select Board meeting and into Executive Session at 6:07 p.m. Motion seconded by Jerry. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussed ongoing legal issues regarding Watkins tax sale and Town Office Building; and what the next steps are in dealing with these issues.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 6:54 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Jerry and a second by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
a. Correspondence between Joyce Stevens, Swiss Farm Market and Paul Libby, VTrans regarding status of Route 100 modifications. As of July 28, 2014 the state was investigating property lines and working with access management group to review standards (utilities and permits).
b. E-mail dated August 10, 2014 from Joyce Stevens requesting advanced notification of any planned Select Board discussions regarding Route 100 modifications.
New Business
a. Patty distributed and reviewed the monthly financial reports and there were no questions.
b. VTrans and ACCD (Commerce & Community Development) has grants available for connecting land use and transportations investments. No action required.
c. Gifford Medical Center “Last Mile Ride” fundraiser will be Saturday, August 16¸ 2014. The motorcycle route will travel through Pittsfield and they are notifying all towns along the route.
d. Rutland Regional Planning Commission notice on Town of Chittenden draft Local Hazard Mitigation Plan is available on-line for public comment from July 29 to August 12, 2014.
e. E-mail dated July 17, 2014 from Martha Beyersdorf concerning the growth of grass on the former Halligan property along Route 100. She asked if the town will contract someone to mow. The board will have the property mowed in the fall if needed. Decision will be sent to Martha in a letter.
f. E-mail notice from Dept of Environmental Conservation promoting their new Flood Ready Vermont website. It provides tools and data for communities to be flood resilient.
g. E-mail notice dated July 10, 2014 from the Public Service Board soliciting public comment on definitions to be included in their Amended Standards and Procedures Order. No action taken.
h. TRORC TAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) Meeting notes for July 10, 2014 received.
i. VLCT newsletter received.
j. Farewell party scheduled for Howard Gunter in the Town Hall August 13, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
k. Patty will contact Control Technologies about Town Office Building thermostats.
l. Mark will contact Brad Cook to start the Town Office Building energy modifications.
m. Patty will contact Cory Novotny about sealing the new basement tiles in the Town Office Building. If Cory cannot do the work, Patty will ask him for a recommendation.
n. Mark noted the drive past Ken and Sally Hayes to the former McAdams property (now town property) has been blocked to vehicular traffic. Board will send a letter requesting the Hayes to remove the materials blocking the drive.
o. September Select Board meetings will be on the 9th and 23rd of the month.
Jerry made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Don seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: September 9, 2014 Recorded by:
___________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
July 16, 2014 Select Board Special Meeting Minutes
Purpose: Consideration of four malt catering applications.
Attending: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins.
Action Mark called the meeting to order at9:58 a.m.
Taken: Patty read off the applications from Noel Catering for events scheduled
for 1 August 2014; 2 August, 2014; 9 August 2014 & 22 August 2014 –
each event to close at 10: oo p.m.. Three to be held at the Amee Farm and
one at the Red Barn (Horse Farm)
Mark moved to approve each and Jerry seconded. Action approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Jerry Drugonis, Acting Secretary
Select Board
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
July 8, 2014 Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: July 8, 2014
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Suana Bicek, Marsha Hopkins, Katie Stiles, Kevin Lasko, Ellis Ray of TRORC, Marylou Scofield, Daniel Ewald
Approve Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Hazard Mitigation Public Informational Meeting
b. Planning Commission parking issue with Act 250 Application re: Vermont Farms Catering LLC
c. Marsha Hopkins concerns re: Parking issues at Original General Store; requesting town to seek Party Status to Act 250 Application for Vermont Farms Catering LLC
Executive Session
Old Business
a. Act 250 Application re: Vermont Farms Catering LLC & Vermont Ventures LLC
b. Revised Act 250 draft permit re: Vermont Farms Catering LLC & Vermont Ventures LLC
c. VTrans re: Revised Pitt-Stop Access Management Plan
d. Planning Commission re: Buyout and Reuse Letter of Intent grant request
e. Late dog licenses
f. LEOP update and approval
New Business
a. Marshall’s Alarm Service re: Annual service contract
b. ANR re: Vermont Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) requirements
c. VT Dept of Taxes re: Education Tax Rate
d. VTrans re: 2015 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant program
e. VT Dept. Housing & Community Development re: Municipal Planning Grants FY 2015
f. Planet Aid re: Donation bin request
g. Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors requests
h. Pittsfield Picnic re: Request to expand to Town Green
i. Monthly Financials
j. New State Rules re: posting meeting notices, agendas and minutes
k. Driveway Permit Application for 416 Liberty Hill by Matthew Corron
l. VLCT Legislative Wrap-Up 2014 publication
m. Website domain name transfer fee
n. CV Oil Pre-Buy
Don motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57 p.m. and Jerry seconded. Don motioned to approve the June 10, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes and the July 2, 2014 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; Jerry seconded the motion.
Guest and Committee Reports
a. Public Information Meeting for the proposed Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) was presented by Ellie Ray of TRORC. The 5-year plan addresses a range of natural and man-made hazards. The plan is required for the town to be eligible for FEMA grants. The HMP has to be in the revised Town Plan for state and comply with the new ERAF (Emergency Assistance and Relief Fund) rules. Ellie reviewed the hazard mitigation strategies for various types of hazards. The strategies include tasks and time frames. The HMP requires State approval after Select Board approves. The State will forward to FEMA for approval and this takes approximately three to six months.
b. Planning Commission Chair, Suana Bicek, states the commission has a major issue with the Act 250 application for Vermont Farms Catering LLC in terms of parking. (Site of Original General Store). They do not understand how 25 (twenty-five) seats can be added to the building capacity due to lack of parking spaces. The next Act 250 meeting has to be set.
c. Marsha Hopkins, a concerned citizen voiced her concerns regarding the parking issues at the Original General Store site. The lack of parking spaces is causing hazardous conditions. Delivery trucks are blocking Upper Michigan Road and the Stop sign. When someone is trying to use the road they cannot see oncoming traffic, nor can they see the Stop sign. Also pedestrians are walking out into the road from between cars and drivers cannot see them. Marsha urges the Select Board to request party status at the Act 250 hearing. Don motioned to request the town have party status and Jerry seconded the motion.
Executive Session
Attending: Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Marylou Scofield (Town Attorney), Daniel Ewald (Property Owner Attorney)
Jerry moved to go into Executive Session at 7:00 p.m. to discuss resolution of property sold at tax sale. Motion seconded by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 7:50 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session made by Jerry and a second by Don. Motion carried unanimously.
The Town Attorney will investigate values and any possible liabilities further and will inform the Select Board of her findings.
Old Business
a. Environmental Commission Act 250 Minor Application #3W1060 dated June 18, 2014 filed by Vermont Farms Catering and Vermont Ventures LLC to expand existing wastewater system; construct 6-foot by 10-foot bathroom; and renovation of a catering and kitchen area was received. The purpose is to provide on-site demonstrations, cooking classes and tastings.
b. Environmental Commission Act 250 Application #3R1060 dated June 24, 2014 filed by Vermont Farms Catering and Vermont Ventures LLC was received. This is a revised draft permit as project will require a revised Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply permit.
c. VTrans, Paul Libby, correspondence regarding the Pitt-Stop Access Management Plan dated June 2, 2014. Revised plan takes concerns raised at the May 6, 2014 into consideration for review by all parties involved. The Select Board needs to respond to this correspondence.
d. Suana Bicek, Planning Commission Chair, reviewed information she included in the Buyout and Reuse Letter of Intent for three properties needing Planning and Design grant monies. The Planning and Design phase will take place in 2014 and 2015; the Construction Phase is slated for 2015 and it is estimated to cost $25,000 to $75,000. Items include tree plantings, parking, riparian buffer and bank stabilization. The request deadline was June 27, 2014 and Suana did speak with mark Begin before sending in the request.
e. Three late dog licenses remain after Patty sent certified/return receipt letters. Two are believed to be renters and may not be in town anymore. Doug Mianulli will follow-up on these. One is the Desena’s dog and Patty left a phone message but no one has called her back. Patty will try to reach Peter Borden to find out if he knows whether or not the Desena’s still have a dog.
f. LEOP (Local Emergency Operating Plan) has been updated by Patty and Peter Borden, including new appendices. Don motioned to approve the plan and Jerry seconded the motion. Mark Begin will need to sign as he is the only ICS trained member.
New Business
a. Marshall’s Alarm Service annual service contract renewal received and approved by board.
b. Agency of Natural Resources information letter on Vermont Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) listing key requirements for municipalities has been received. Included a Summary and FAQ flyer for municipalities and for residents. Towns are to implement a variable rate pricing system (a.k.a. unit based pricing) by July 1, 2015; and are required to provide a “recyclables” container alongside any trash containers in public spaces. Jerry directed Tyna to write a letter to Jon Benson to attend a Select Board meeting to discuss the requirements further.
c. VT Dept of Taxes Notice for Fiscal Year 2015 Educations Tax Rates has been received.
d. VTrans soliciting proposals for 2015 Municipal Park-and-Ride Grant program. No action required.
e. Vermont Dept. of Housing and Community Development notice for Fiscal Year 2015 Municipal Planning Grants (MPG) received. Patty will forward to Planning Commission.
f. Planet Aid representative asked if town would approve the placement of a donation bin. The Select Board is not interested.
g. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC on July 18, 25 & 26, 2014; and Occasion Catering on August 17, 2014 approved by the Board. All events will end by 10:00 p.m.
h. Erica Hurd, Pittsfield Picnic Coordinator, is requesting permission to expand the picnic activities to the Town Green. The event is scheduled for Sunday August 24, 2014. Approved by Select Board.
i. Patty distributed the monthly financial reports and there were no questions. On a quarterly basis she will include an Income and Expense Budget Comparison that shows the percentage the dollar figures represent.
j. New State requirements that went into effect July 1, 2014 for posting meeting notices, agendas and minutes were reviewed. Regular meeting Notices with an Agenda must be posted 48-hours in advance in three locations. Special meetings are to be warned 24-hours in advance. The three posting locations are: Town Office bulletin board in entryway (inside); Town Office bulletin board outside the building; and bulletin board outside U.S. Post Office in Pittsfield. Notices are to be posted on town websites as well. Minutes from meetings are to be posted 5 days after the meeting on the website and these minutes will be noted as “DRAFTS”.
k. Driveway Permit Application for 416 Liberty Hill by Matthew Corron received. Current driveway entrance is in a blind location. George reviewed request and approved new location. Don motioned to approve the application and Jerry seconded. Permit granted.
l. VLCT Legislative Wrap-Up 2014 publication has been received and is filed in town office.
m. Patty requests Board approval for $30 domain name transfer fee from KeVaCo to the new website. Don motioned to approve expense and Jerry seconded.
n. CV Oil Pre-Buy application received. Patty provided usage history back to 2005-06 for town facilities. The Board determined quantities to pre-buy and Patty will submit. The Board also approved preventative maintenance for town furnaces/boilers and Patty will notify CV Oil.
Don made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: August 12, 2014 Recorded by:
____________________________________ Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair Secretary
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass