2012 Selectboard Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 12, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Joe Poston, Don Flynn & Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Renovation Project – Review Change Order #: 006, with Joe Poston from Wright Construction.
Before we opened the meeting at 8:00 am, the select board met with Joe Poston down in the basement of the town office building to go over a couple items. One was the windows and one was leveling of the floor. Joe mentioned that leveling was probably not the correct word, it should have been “smoothing.” The floor had to be smoothed out for the final floor covering. He also mentioned that there is no charge for the refurbishing of the basement windows, just for the installation of the new storm windows. Don Flynn joined us downstairs as well.
The group moved upstairs into the town office, where Patty Haskins joined us.
Pete, from Pete’s painting came in and the paint issues on the heat registers were reviewed. The paint is not sticking to them. He said he will remove the covers and take them home over the Christmas holiday, sand them down, repaint them and then reinstall them when completed.
It was mentioned that the heater in the lobby has a dent in it. This will be brought to Craig Billings (plumber) attention. Still waiting for buttons for a storm window in the library, Joe mentioned that he is waiting for R.K. Miles for them. The door in the lobby does not always shut tight and sometimes it locks if the lock is at all bumped. Also discussed was the poor landscape around the building, still a lot of rocks.
Again we had sewer gas smells coming from the bathrooms; this will be brought to Craig Billings attention.
The select board voted to approve the change order in the amount of $4,320.00. Mark Begin, Select Board chair, signed the order.
Adjourned at 8:45 am.
Recorded by,
George Deblon
_______________________________________ Approved January 8, 2013
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: December 4, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
November 20, 2012 Select Board Meeting
New Business
a. Highway Budget re: State Aid estimate is $20,000
b. Audit by end of September 2013 due to Federal funding in excess of $500,000
c. General Funds Budget review:
1. Town Hall needs repairs
2. Patty to ask CV Oil for heating fuel usage for Town Office and Town Hall
3. Street Lights re: new LED lighting programs?
4. Computers and back-up system will need updating
5. Sheriff budget re: Mark will get in contact with sheriff
6. George will talk to Dave Colton re: budget/funding for Fire Department and First Response
7. Other departments are asked to submit funding requests by 1/10/13
d. Tyna Gallagher requests additional $25 for extra work
Meeting Adjourned 8:07 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
December 4, 2012
Mark Begin motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57pm; George seconded the motion. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of November 20, 2012. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Select Board Meetings January 2013 – Due to New Year’s Day occurring on the first Tuesday of the month, the board has decided to hold the January meetings on the 8th and 22nd of January.
b. Patty received a check from Zachary Sebo for trash clean-up from David Easum rental property. She is waiting for this check to clear before refunding David his tax overpayment.
c. Patty received the invoice from the Library for the new sign in the amount of $90. The Select Board approved splitting the cost 50/50 with the Library.
d. Patty stated the town now has a False Alarm Ordinance as no one contested it during the 60-day notice. She will inform Fire Chief Dave Colton.
e. Marsha Hopkins submitted the forms for EWP projects to the state for payment to the town. Carbone/Sell project was finished October 23, 2012 in the amount of $14,583; Grindel project was finished October 25, 2012 in the amount of $19,752; and the erosion issue at Garofalo’s was addressed and the state will play 90% with Garofalo to pay 10%. It is too late for any additional EWP projects, past the deadline.
f. George Deblon will be at a convention February 16-20, 2013 in Kansas City and David Colton will cover road maintenance in George’s absence.
a. Quin-Town Center for Senior Citizens is requesting a donation of $2,767.00 from the town for 2013 to cover a portion of their operating budget that provides quality meals and social enrichment. The Select Board approved $2,000 to be added as a line item for Town Meeting. A letter to this effect will be sent to Shirley White at Quin-Town.
b. The town received a Notice of Act 250 Application dated November 27, 2012 submitted to the District 3 Environmental Commission regarding the Fuster property. The Notice is posted at the Town Office.
c. Central Vermont Council on Aging has distributed their 2012 Annual Report along with a donation envelope. There is a $500 line item in the 2013 proposed budget for Town Meeting.
d. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section is requesting whether or not the town wants to meet re: Bridge #124 (by the town garage) on December 17, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. to discuss the project. Patty will fax back a reply that the town will meet with the project manager at that time.
e. Request for $500 for Town Health Officer received. Patty as was asked to hold this request to be discussed when the Board gets to that portion of the budget.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – Punch List items continue to be addressed:
1. Stain and rusty nail heads down side of building from water that came from vent
2. Pipe stair railings have rust spots coming through again
3. HVAC system squeaking again; not sure if recommended adjustments from engineer have been made
4. Large icicle now forms beneath the vent
5. Baseboard upstairs needs to be looked at
6. Paint on heater covers is still not holding
7. Wright Construction did work on scraping and cleaning windows as the painter did not want to come back.
8. Mark McManus agreed to wait until satisfied with all the work before making the final payment.
9. Howard Fire Service inquired about alarm system. Joe Posten has and will return.
10. Wright Construction AIA Change Order #06, dated November 20, 2012. There are items on the list that need to be discussed further with Joe Posten and the Select Board would like a meeting set-up for next week. Patty will arrange for a meeting.
11. Final walk through will be determined by the town and will inform Mark McManus.
b. Jerry drafted a Littering and Rubbish Ordinance for review by the Select Board. Jerry will forward it to VLCT for input and report back to the board.
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December 4, 2012
Other Business
The board continued to work on budget estimates for 2013 in preparation for Town Meeting:
a. Highway Budget – Patty added that the estimate for State Aid should be $20,000.
b. An audit will be required before the end of September 2013 as the town will have received more than $500,000 in federal funds.
c. General Funds Budget – Reviewed Income and Expense lines
1. Numerous projects at the Town Hall need to be addressed and include items such as window repairs (rotting sills in basement), front stairs are rotting, building needs to be painted, etc.
2. Patty will ask CV Oil for heating fuel usage at the Town Hall and the Town Office to determine a budget amount.
3. Street Lights – any programs that provide the new LED lights to save money in the future?
4. Patty brought up the fact that both office computers will need to be replaced along with the back-up system in the near future.
5. Sheriff budget – Mark will talk to sheriff before estimating a budget amount
6. George will talk to Dave Colton about putting together budget items for the Fire Department and First Response.
7. Other departments are being asked to submit their funding requests by January 10, 2013.
d. Tyna Gallagher requested an additional $25.00 to produce letters to various departments for Town Report and funding information. The request was approved by Select Board.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: November 20, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
October 30, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting; November 7, 2012 Select Board Meeting; November 13, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting
New Business
a. Guardrails on Liberty Hill Rd at intersection of Spring Hill Road
b. Pothole on Tweed River Drive, Bridge #11
c. December Select Board Meetings: Tuesday December 4, 2012 and Friday December 14, 2012
d. 12 Fire Department volunteers fitted with new turnout gear
e. 2013 Budgeting Process has begun; Patty presented draft of Highway Budget
1. More money coming in from the State
2. Pursue Structure Grant for Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road
3. Switch to liquid chloride on hold until 2014
4. $4,000 increase for gravel to be decided at next meeting
5. Cemetery and General Fund 2013 draft budgets are in the works
6. Mark requests proposed budgets to be distributed at least the day before the meeting
Meeting Adjourned 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 20, 2012
Mark Begin motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57pm; Jerry seconded the motion. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of October 30, 2102, November 7, 2012 and November 13, 2012; Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Board of Listers – Errors or Omissions request to correct the Grand List to show Richard Fifield eligible for Veteran’s exemption. He will get a refund on his tax payment. Mark motioned to accept; George seconded. Select Board approved.
b. Special Select Board Meeting via telephone conference on November 13, 2012 to resolve the HVAC condenser unit location. The units will be moved to the right front corner of the town office building towards the stairs to avoid falling snow and ice from the roof that could cause damage. Wright will not charge the town to move. The town will assist in the removal of the concrete slab.
c. Patty received a request from Liz Cotter to send a “Second Notice” for tax payments. Tax payers receive a tax invoice with payment coupons marked with the due date and it would be costly to mail a second notice. Mark motioned to not mail a “Second Notice”; Jerry seconded.
a. Scenic Route 100 Byway Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2012 received. The group is moving forward on several items to help promote the Scenic Route 100 Byway including signage, maps and listings.
b. Stipulated Order of Dismissal Pursuant to V.R.C.P. 41(a)(1) – Christopher and Jane Murphy (appellants) and the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsfield and Pittsford agree to certain stipulations in regards to Town Highway #11. The town of Chittenden shall pay the Murphys $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars). Officials from all three towns are required to sign the order. Jerry motioned to sign the order; George seconded. Mark signed the document to be returned to the law firm of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C.
c. Yoneko Davis received confirmation dated November 7, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation that her application for a new waste water system is in process.
d. Yoneko Davis received a Permit dated November 8, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for a new waste water system and potable water supply.
e. VLCT distributed an updated brochure titled “Policing Options for Local Governments” that provides an overview for local governments to consider when determining the type of policing needed in their jurisdiction. Outlines what authority a constable may exercise. Helpful reference brochure.
f. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section, provided 2 sets of Preliminary Plans for Pittsfield BRF 022-1(23) that is bridge #124 on Route 100 by the Town Garage for town review. This is a state-owned bridge therefore no local funding. The project is scheduled for advertisement in September 2013 with construction anticipated to begin April 2014. George will review a copy of the plans and will discuss at the next Select Board meeting on 12/4/12. The State has requested comments to be submitted to Kristin Higgins, Structures Project Manager by December 14, 2012.
Old Business
a. Trash policy draft reviewed by the Select Board. Jerry will write it up as an ordinance and have it sent to VLCT for review/recommendations. Patty did call VLCT to ask what do other towns regarding excessive trash, specifically commercial properties. VLCT stated many handle differently and suggested the town contact their Solid Waste District and/or trash hauler. VLCT also supplied a website as a reference and Jerry will check it out for additional information and ideas.
b. Town Office Building – Punch List items continue to be addressed:
1. Exterior walls – Wright did come back and fix both sides of the exterior walls. Mark will check out the work tomorrow in the daylight.
2. Stair railing has been braced.
3. Painters scraped inside windows but could not open to do outside. Joe Posten wants it done and will follow-up on this.
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November 20, 2012
4. Heater covers were re-painted however the paint scratches too easily. Joe will verify that the correct paint is used. He would have preferred new heater covers because the factory finish holds better than re-painted metal.
5. Windows – one of the new ropes on the South side came apart (it was knotted) and was fixed. All South side windows need to be checked. The North side windows did not have the ropes replaced. Patty would like them replaced to avoid having them break. Joe Posten gave an estimate of $472 to do the job. The North side windows were not part of the original job, only the South side windows. Mark will ask Doug Johnstone about fixing the ropes on the North side when he meets with Doug on November 26, 2012. Patty will let Joe know a decision has not been made yet.
6. Condenser units have been moved and George will move the concrete pad 11/21/12.
7. Mark McManus asked Mark Vincello (engineer) about icicles forming. This was due to vents installed backwards. Craig Billings (heating/plumbing contractor) fixed the vents and it appears to be working. The incorrectly installed vents have caused nails to rust and stains on the building – Patty will tell Joe Posten about this.
8. The cost to re-furbish the basement windows is estimated at $365. Wright Construction did bill the town for caulking storm windows in the basement however some were never caulked or tightened up. It was assumed all the windows would have been sealed properly. Mark will bring this up when he meets with Doug Johnstone.
9. Sash locks cost $206 as custom fitting was required. Wright has 14 units installed.
10. A light should have been installed in the crawl space along with an outlet. The outlet was installed but the light was not and will require additional electrical work to accomplish. Select Board decided not to install the light.
11. Mark Vincello of WV Engineering Associates visited the Town Office November 14, 2012 to investigate the issues with the HVAC system. They changed the variable speed setting to 50% (it was on full) and the water noise abated considerably. Based on their observations and how the system works he has made the following recommendations:
i. Boiler reset schedule should be adjusted so the 0 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 170 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply and 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 100 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply.
ii. Variable speed pumps need to be factory setup to maintain system pressure as intended, pumps should slow down or speed up as the building’s requirement for heat varies.
12. The new Town Office and library sign has been delivered. George will get help from the fire department to install on the building.
Other Business
a. George got pricing from two companies on guardrails for Liberty Hill Rd at the intersection of Spring Hill Road. One company quoted $4,300 and Lafayette who is in the area installing guardrails along Route 100 quoted $1,800 if they could do within the next week. The Select Board approved to go ahead with Lafayette now.
b. The pothole on Tweed River Drive (bridge 11) is open again. George will patch this again and said the State recommends using blacktop to alleviate the pothole. George will ask WILK Paving to do an estimate when they are here in the Spring of 2013 to work on the Park & Ride paving project.
c. Jerry requested the Select Board change the meeting schedule for December. The Board decided to hold two meetings in December on Tuesday the 4th and Friday the 14th.
d. George reported 12 fire department volunteers were fitted with new turnout gear on 11/19/12 that was awarded to PVFD by the manufacturer Globe. The turnout gear is valued at $25,000.
e. Highway Budget – Patty presented a draft of the 2013 budget.
1. More money is coming in from State Aid and she has more paperwork to finish for Bridge #11. The State will not pay until all the projects are completed.
2. Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road (near the Crossover Road) needs to be replaced. The Select Board would like to pursue a Structure Grant. The Hydraulic study is already done.
3. George would like to switch to liquid chloride. There is a cost associated with the initial set-up however in the long run it will be less expensive. In addition
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November 20, 2012
chloride in flakes is getting more difficult to acquire. Mark Begin would like to wait until the following year to discuss further.
4. George provided 2013 Proposed Budget for Fuel, Hired Equipment, Materials, Garage Supplies, Miscellaneous and Repairs with increases and decreases noted. Mark questioned the $4,000 increase for gravel and would like to decide at the next meeting.
5. Connie Martin will be in next week to go over the cemetery budget. Patty still has to work on the General Fund Budget.
6. Mark requested the proposed budgets get distributed at least the day before the meeting to be able to review in advance. Patty will try to accommodate this request.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: November 20, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
October 30, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting; November 7, 2012 Select Board Meeting; November 13, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting
New Business
a. Guardrails on Liberty Hill Rd at intersection of Spring Hill Road
b. Pothole on Tweed River Drive, Bridge #11
c. December Select Board Meetings: Tuesday December 4, 2012 and Friday December 14, 2012
d. 12 Fire Department volunteers fitted with new turnout gear
e. 2013 Budgeting Process has begun; Patty presented draft of Highway Budget
1. More money coming in from the State
2. Pursue Structure Grant for Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road
3. Switch to liquid chloride on hold until 2014
4. $4,000 increase for gravel to be decided at next meeting
5. Cemetery and General Fund 2013 draft budgets are in the works
6. Mark requests proposed budgets to be distributed at least the day before the meeting
Meeting Adjourned 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 20, 2012
Mark Begin motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57pm; Jerry seconded the motion. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of October 30, 2102, November 7, 2012 and November 13, 2012; Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Board of Listers – Errors or Omissions request to correct the Grand List to show Richard Fifield eligible for Veteran’s exemption. He will get a refund on his tax payment. Mark motioned to accept; George seconded. Select Board approved.
b. Special Select Board Meeting via telephone conference on November 13, 2012 to resolve the HVAC condenser unit location. The units will be moved to the right front corner of the town office building towards the stairs to avoid falling snow and ice from the roof that could cause damage. Wright will not charge the town to move. The town will assist in the removal of the concrete slab.
c. Patty received a request from Liz Cotter to send a “Second Notice” for tax payments. Tax payers receive a tax invoice with payment coupons marked with the due date and it would be costly to mail a second notice. Mark motioned to not mail a “Second Notice”; Jerry seconded.
a. Scenic Route 100 Byway Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2012 received. The group is moving forward on several items to help promote the Scenic Route 100 Byway including signage, maps and listings.
b. Stipulated Order of Dismissal Pursuant to V.R.C.P. 41(a)(1) – Christopher and Jane Murphy (appellants) and the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsfield and Pittsford agree to certain stipulations in regards to Town Highway #11. The town of Chittenden shall pay the Murphys $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars). Officials from all three towns are required to sign the order. Jerry motioned to sign the order; George seconded. Mark signed the document to be returned to the law firm of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C.
c. Yoneko Davis received confirmation dated November 7, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation that her application for a new waste water system is in process.
d. Yoneko Davis received a Permit dated November 8, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for a new waste water system and potable water supply.
e. VLCT distributed an updated brochure titled “Policing Options for Local Governments” that provides an overview for local governments to consider when determining the type of policing needed in their jurisdiction. Outlines what authority a constable may exercise. Helpful reference brochure.
f. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section, provided 2 sets of Preliminary Plans for Pittsfield BRF 022-1(23) that is bridge #124 on Route 100 by the Town Garage for town review. This is a state-owned bridge therefore no local funding. The project is scheduled for advertisement in September 2013 with construction anticipated to begin April 2014. George will review a copy of the plans and will discuss at the next Select Board meeting on 12/4/12. The State has requested comments to be submitted to Kristin Higgins, Structures Project Manager by December 14, 2012.
Old Business
a. Trash policy draft reviewed by the Select Board. Jerry will write it up as an ordinance and have it sent to VLCT for review/recommendations. Patty did call VLCT to ask what do other towns regarding excessive trash, specifically commercial properties. VLCT stated many handle differently and suggested the town contact their Solid Waste District and/or trash hauler. VLCT also supplied a website as a reference and Jerry will check it out for additional information and ideas.
b. Town Office Building – Punch List items continue to be addressed:
1. Exterior walls – Wright did come back and fix both sides of the exterior walls. Mark will check out the work tomorrow in the daylight.
2. Stair railing has been braced.
3. Painters scraped inside windows but could not open to do outside. Joe Posten wants it done and will follow-up on this.
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November 20, 2012
4. Heater covers were re-painted however the paint scratches too easily. Joe will verify that the correct paint is used. He would have preferred new heater covers because the factory finish holds better than re-painted metal.
5. Windows – one of the new ropes on the South side came apart (it was knotted) and was fixed. All South side windows need to be checked. The North side windows did not have the ropes replaced. Patty would like them replaced to avoid having them break. Joe Posten gave an estimate of $472 to do the job. The North side windows were not part of the original job, only the South side windows. Mark will ask Doug Johnstone about fixing the ropes on the North side when he meets with Doug on November 26, 2012. Patty will let Joe know a decision has not been made yet.
6. Condenser units have been moved and George will move the concrete pad 11/21/12.
7. Mark McManus asked Mark Vincello (engineer) about icicles forming. This was due to vents installed backwards. Craig Billings (heating/plumbing contractor) fixed the vents and it appears to be working. The incorrectly installed vents have caused nails to rust and stains on the building – Patty will tell Joe Posten about this.
8. The cost to re-furbish the basement windows is estimated at $365. Wright Construction did bill the town for caulking storm windows in the basement however some were never caulked or tightened up. It was assumed all the windows would have been sealed properly. Mark will bring this up when he meets with Doug Johnstone.
9. Sash locks cost $206 as custom fitting was required. Wright has 14 units installed.
10. A light should have been installed in the crawl space along with an outlet. The outlet was installed but the light was not and will require additional electrical work to accomplish. Select Board decided not to install the light.
11. Mark Vincello of WV Engineering Associates visited the Town Office November 14, 2012 to investigate the issues with the HVAC system. They changed the variable speed setting to 50% (it was on full) and the water noise abated considerably. Based on their observations and how the system works he has made the following recommendations:
i. Boiler reset schedule should be adjusted so the 0 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 170 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply and 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 100 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply.
ii. Variable speed pumps need to be factory setup to maintain system pressure as intended, pumps should slow down or speed up as the building’s requirement for heat varies.
12. The new Town Office and library sign has been delivered. George will get help from the fire department to install on the building.
Other Business
a. George got pricing from two companies on guardrails for Liberty Hill Rd at the intersection of Spring Hill Road. One company quoted $4,300 and Lafayette who is in the area installing guardrails along Route 100 quoted $1,800 if they could do within the next week. The Select Board approved to go ahead with Lafayette now.
b. The pothole on Tweed River Drive (bridge 11) is open again. George will patch this again and said the State recommends using blacktop to alleviate the pothole. George will ask WILK Paving to do an estimate when they are here in the Spring of 2013 to work on the Park & Ride paving project.
c. Jerry requested the Select Board change the meeting schedule for December. The Board decided to hold two meetings in December on Tuesday the 4th and Friday the 14th.
d. George reported 12 fire department volunteers were fitted with new turnout gear on 11/19/12 that was awarded to PVFD by the manufacturer Globe. The turnout gear is valued at $25,000.
e. Highway Budget – Patty presented a draft of the 2013 budget.
1. More money is coming in from State Aid and she has more paperwork to finish for Bridge #11. The State will not pay until all the projects are completed.
2. Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road (near the Crossover Road) needs to be replaced. The Select Board would like to pursue a Structure Grant. The Hydraulic study is already done.
3. George would like to switch to liquid chloride. There is a cost associated with the initial set-up however in the long run it will be less expensive. In addition
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 4
November 20, 2012
chloride in flakes is getting more difficult to acquire. Mark Begin would like to wait until the following year to discuss further.
4. George provided 2013 Proposed Budget for Fuel, Hired Equipment, Materials, Garage Supplies, Miscellaneous and Repairs with increases and decreases noted. Mark questioned the $4,000 increase for gravel and would like to decide at the next meeting.
5. Connie Martin will be in next week to go over the cemetery budget. Patty still has to work on the General Fund Budget.
6. Mark requested the proposed budgets get distributed at least the day before the meeting to be able to review in advance. Patty will try to accommodate this request.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
Pittsfield Select Board
P.O. Box 691
Minutes: Special Meeting, 13 November 2012
Special meeting called regarding problems at the Town Office/Library building project.
In Attendance: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis. Mark McManus on speakerphone.
The special meeting/teleconference with architect Mark McManus was called to order at 11:58 A.M.
Mark Begin bought up the status of the location of the conditioning units. Wright Const. agreed to relocate them and they request that the desired location be staked out. Mark Begin will see to it.
The Board then questioned the ¾ + inch floor depression in front of the old vault in the basement. Mark McManus indicated he thought it had been addressed and will look into it.
Mark Begin advised Mr. McManus that the Select Board’s position is that the bulging siding on the addition must be replaced and that the Board does not believe it is an added cost the town should not have to bear. This will be looked into.
The final item was the problem of ice forming over the entrance in t he form of long dirty icicles. Mark Begin also pointed out that the siding is being discolored by things. Mr. McManus will also look into this situation.
The conference adjourned at 12:18 P.M.
Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
Mark Begin
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
Page 1 of 1
DATE: November 7, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. October 23, 2012 Select Board Meeting
New Business
a. Town Office Building - Punch List Addendum 4 dated November 8, 2012 reviewed and request another meeting with Mark McManus on following items:
1. Icicles on north side
2. Wavy/bulging walls need to be repaired
3. Review new punch list
4. HVAC condenser unit must be moved
b. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report
1. New PC monitor
2. Voters positive comments on new elevator
3. Park and Ride Grant Amendment
4. David Easum tenant re: dumping issue
5. Budget information for the next Select Board meeting
c. Road Commissioner – Inquiry about town taking over Parmenter Place
Other Business
a. Select Board reviewed and discussed the first draft for Pittsfield Trash Removal Service
b. Coverage in George’s absence
c. Work performed at bottom of Art Reill’s driveway
d. Separation of Select Board duties and Road Commissioner duties
Meeting Adjourned 6:52 p.m.
Next meeting Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 7, 2012
George Deblon motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55pm and approve the minutes of October 23, 2102. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Press Release for VT Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation seeking public comment on updates to the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Plan, 2005-2009 which has expired. Any suggested changes, additions, corrections, etc. are to be submitted to Ed O’Leary before November 30, 2012. A webinar will be held November 14, 2012 from 6:30-7:30 pm for a quick review of the process that led up to the development of this Draft SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan). This plan is a requirement for the state to receive Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) dollars. This fund has allowed Vermont to develop hundreds of recreational facilities throughout the state and it is possible the town could get assistance to repair and/or upgrade the athletic fields/facilities. Mark will follow up on this. The SCORP may be reviewed at:http://www.vtfpr.org/recreation/scorp/info/cfm
b. Green-Up Vermont – Payton Veilluex will coordinate this project again for the town and Patty returned the form 11/1/12.
c. Erik Wells e-mailed document titled: Join the VT Local Roads List.pdf George will review this document to determine if it is something of value to the town.
d. Notice from Green Mountain Power re: GMP Smart Power is coming to town. The Select Board has approved to change to a smart meter for the town facilities.
Committee Reports
a. Town Office Building - Patty distributed Punch List Addendum 4 dated November 8, 2012 to the
Board for review before forwarding to Joe Posten. It was noted to add the Library windows have
condensation and this needs to be investigated.
The Select Board would like Patty to set up another meeting with Mark McManus to discuss the following items:
1. Icicles are forming on the North side of the building – why is this happening.
2. Wavy/bulging walls need to be repaired. Joe offered $1,800 as a credit for this in exchange for the extra work on the counter that had to be re-done due to the wrong height. The Select Board does not agree with this credit. Mark Begin spoke with Doug Johnstone who estimates the cost to be approximately $10,000 - $15,000. The Select Board wants the walls repaired.
3. Review new punch list.
4. HVAC condenser unit must be moved.
b. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report by Patty Haskins
1. Monitor on town clerk’s computer no longer works, new one ordered for $140.
2. Several voters commented they liked the new elevator – much easier to use
3. Park and Ride Grant Amendment for the additional funds for a total of $55,660 signed by Mark Begin.
4. David Easum tenant re: dumping issue. The Game Warden was paid the fine for the illegal dumping. The father of the tenant contacted Patty stating the town fine was too harsh. Patty explained that was the cost of the clean-up and disposal and suggested his son could come before the Select Board to discuss.
5. Patty will have budget information for the next Select Board meeting.
c. Road Commissioner - George reported that Jennifer Howard on behalf of Dick Fifield approached him about the town taking over Parmenter Place. There are specs that have to be met and George will give Jennifer the information. It is important for the residents on Parmenter Place to be aware that if the town takes over the road it will no longer be a private road.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
November 7, 2012
Other Business
a. Select Board reviewed and discussed the first draft for Pittsfield Trash Removal Service from Jerry Drugonis. The Board agreed it was a good start and the commercial aspect of the issue needs to be addressed. Jerry will provide another draft that will include some ideas on how to address the commercial businesses for discussion at the next meeting.
b. Mark Begin asked that George notify him or someone else in the town when out of town. This is just incase any of George’s responsibilities need to be addressed.
c. Mark inquired about work George was performing at a residence. This was town work at the bottom of Art Reill’s driveway at Route 100. George was supplying gravel for a dry fire hydrant, “in kind”, for the Pittsfield Fire Department.
d. Mark told George to be aware of keeping Select Board duties separate from his time performing road/highway duties.
The meeting adjourned at 6:52pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 30, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Mark McManus, Joe Posten, Don Flynn
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 2:55 p.m.
a. Mark McManus presented a 3-ring binder with all the Davis-Bacon Wage Reports to Patty Haskins to keep at the Town Office as required by the Grant. It is organized by company with the General Contractor by date, then the sub-contractors by date. Joe has one more to submit.
b. Operating and Maintenance manuals for HVAC and record drawings have been provided to the town clerk for the office.
c. Punch Lists from 9/18/12, 10/10/12, 10/16/12 and 10/30/12 were reviewed in detail. The following items remain on the list:
1. Additional rocks need to be removed from the site.
Have Mechanical Contractor set-up appointment to review heat and a/c controls. The contact is Tyler Johnson of Technology Controls.
e. Electrical:
Relocate floor outlet in clerk’s office as directed by owner. To be done after 11/6/12 Election Day.
Pittsfield Special Select Board Meeting Page 2
October 30, 2012
f. Restroom Privacy Locks:
The restroom privacy locks can be released by inserting a flathead screwdriver or similar item into the slot. There are no keys to operate this feature. This was tested and it worked fine.
g. Windows:
Mark McManus reviewed the decision of keeping the old windows to preserve the look of the town office versus putting in new aluminum windows. He explained the storm windows are set in tight and the screen is removable for access to the glass. The storm windows are set in foam to reduce any drafts. Mark will review his photos to make sure the windows are installed correctly.
h. HVAC System:
The system is noisy and runs continuously. The noise is due to one pump running the system and if reduced it may not circulate properly. The system has to be balanced. Patty would like a wider range of temperatures before the A/C kicks in or the Heat comes on. She has noticed the electric bill is higher. It was suggested the Energy Efficiency Code may be dictating how the system is set for temperature. The mechanical contractor is to meet with Patty and one of the Select Board members to review how the system works. Mark McManus will contact the mechanical engineer about this as well.
i. Elevator Phone Line:
Mark McManus says the code states a dedicated line is required. Using line seizure was suggested by the electrical engineer but this will not work with the office phone. If the Select Board can come up with an effective plan to present to the Elevator Board for a variance, then Mark will present it to them. A final decision on how to proceed has not been made.
j. Exterior Walls:
The wavy and bulging walls along the south and east sides of the building were discussed. Joe will look into a price to fix the problem areas and then the board can discuss options with Joe about how to deal with the cost. Mark Begin suggested a value of $10,000 and Mark McManus said he would need details supporting this amount.
k. Additional Items:
Change orders – Joe is reviewing them. Patty requested a credit for the Knox Box.
The goal is to finish the Punch List items by Thanksgiving 2012.
l. Other Business:
The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 23, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf,
Susie Martin,
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:50 p.m.
Approve Minutes for October 9, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report – Patty Haskins
1. Structures Grant for Tozier Hill culvert
2. Timeline of Events for Bridge #11 – Tweed River Drive for FEMA close-out
3. Municipal Procurement Policy
4. Elevator telephone line, variance required
5. TOB budget has $20,435.39 remaining
6. VT Municipal Bond Bank
7. TRORC Energy Analysis Report – next step
8. Blue Cross/Blue Shield renewal
9. David Easum tax overpayment and tenant trash issue
b. Trash Removal policy draft – Jerry Drugonis
c. Pittsfield Historical Society – Susie Martin
1. Request for front door key
2. Request to store items in Town Office basement vault
3. Request to use Town Hall on Nov. 29, 2012 to start cleaning up the stage area
d. Listers – Martha Beyersdorf
1. Clarification on accounting of hours worked
2. Request to change new work station in Town Office
New Business
a. WRVA representative – Mona Colton appointed
b. Select Board mail folders inside front doors
c. Town Office and Library sign samples
d. Labels for elevator buttons
a. VLCT – VT Transportation Board upcoming public hearings
b. Senator Bernie Sanders re: Award of 12 new sets of turnout gear for PVFD
c. VTrans updated Pittsfield Road Maps
d. Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station reply letter
e. Thank you letter from 100 by 100 Relay
f. Green-Up Vermont May 2013 - coordinator request
g. Wilk Paving letter agreeing to hold bid prices for June 2013 project
h. James Carroll, Esquire – final document re: Murphy property
i. Alpine Snow Guards for TOB – information and pricing
j. Green Mtn. Economic Dev. Corp request for letters of support for business assistance
k. TRORC – Moving from Audit to Implementation meeting invite for 11/1/12
l. Rutland Economic Dev. Corp. 75th year celebration invite
m. Central Corridor Trail Coalition resolution request
n. Timberline Events request for permission to use town garage parking lot June 22-23, 2013 for Green Mountain Relay
o. VLCT Election 2012 paper on Education Funding
p. TRORC Transportation Advisory Meeting Minutes
q. HMGP resubmitted claims for Andrews and McAdam properties
r. State of VT, PDD/Structures Design Section – public hearing Nov. 28, 2012 at 6:30 pm re: Bridge #126 (intersection VT Route 100 and Lower Michigan Rd)
Meeting Adjourned 7:50 p.m.
Next meeting Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
October 23, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:50pm. The Minutes of the October 9, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report by Patty Haskins
1. Submitted document from VTRANS, Tom Roberts, Structures Grant for Tozier Hill culvert. Select Board signed.
2. Submitted Timeline of Events for Bridge #11 (Tweed River Drive) required by FEMA to close-out project. Select Board approved and signed.
3. Submitted Municipal Procurement Policy for approval and signatures. Board approved and signed.
4. Elevator telephone line. Patty spoke with Bob Weber (elevator installer) and he said a “line seizure” variance is required from the Elevator Review Board to share the phone line between the elevator and the office. Patty will contact Mark McManus to check into the variance process.
5. Town Office Building (TOB) budget – clarified that the budget has $20,435.39 remaining.
6. VT Municipal Bond Bank notice of possible increase due to Federal Government trying to balance the budget. Bottom line: possible increase of $519.08 in expense to the town.
7. Patty noted from TRORC Energy Analysis Report there is an Energy Efficiency meeting at King Farm in Woodstock on November 1st and one in Rutland November 8th and suggests that Caleb Hawley, the town Energy Coordinator, attend one if possible to help prioritize items to address for the town.
8. Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance through VLCT is coming up for renewal December 1st and pricing remains the same. Select Board approved renewal.
9. David Easum overpaid his tax bill by $500+ as he did not receive actual invoice. He is the landowner whose tenants were caught dumping trash at Camp 12. Mr. Easum was billed $444.80 for clean-up of trash by the Town of Pittsfield. He has asked the town to bill the tenants and if they do not pay, he will take care of it.The Select Board agreed to billing the tenants direct with remittance due in 30 days. Patty will bill the tenants direct and will ask Mr. Easum if the town can hold the overpayment while waiting for the tenants to pay.
b. Jerry Drugonis handed out a Draft for Pittsfield Trash Removal Service for all to review and it will be discussed at a future meeting.
c. Pittsfield Historical Society – Susie Martin
1. Requested a front door key to the Town Hall so they can have access. Martha Beyersdorf has a key and will turn it into Patty so it can be re-issued to Susie.
2. Requested permission to store items in a secure space in the Town Office basement vault; request approved by the Board.
3. Requested permission to use the Town Hall November 29, 2012 in order to clean up the stage area; request approved by the Board.
d. Listers – Martha Beyersdorf
1. Martha requested clarification on policy change for Listers to log-in and log-out to account for their hours. Patty requested this to tighten up controls for hourly staff and is asking Listers to provide date and hours for time being submitted rather than just a lump sum of hours for the month. George suggested using a form similar to the one he and Connie Martin use. The Board agreed to have Listers utilize a similar form.
2. Requested replacing new work table with their old desk as new station is too high for computer work. It was determined the old desk is too rickety and after some review of the work station the Select Board approved contacting Doug Johnstone to make necessary modifications. George will speak with Doug. Martha will remove the old desk from the Town Hall.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
October 23, 2012
New Business
a. White River Valley Ambulance representative – Mona Colton has accepted the Select Board’s appointment as the town’s representative to replace Angelique Lee. The Select Board will send a letter to Mona and to WRVA.
b. Select Board mail – Patty has set-up folders inside the front door so the Board can pick up mail when convenient. Keys will be issued for access.
c. Sign Samples from Sharon Mayer – Select Board reviewed samples and selected the version with Times New Roman type font without dots/scrolls on either side of address. The Board approved $75 for the sign and Patty will follow-up with Sharon. It will be ½” MDO plywood painted white with black vinyl letters. George will ask the Fire Department for help to install on the building.
d. Patty brought up the suggestion to label the buttons in the elevator. George will ask Caleb Hawley to make these.
a. VLCT e-mail re: VT Transportation Board upcoming public hearings throughout the state for public comment on six issues: Transportation Revenues, Bike & Pedestrian Issues, The Future of Passenger Railroad & Inter-City Bus Services, Climate Change – Resilience & Adaptation of the Transportation Network, VTrans Accelerated Bridge Program, Roadway Safety. No one attending as dates conflict with schedules.
b. Senator Bernie Sanders office, Steve Robertson re: Award of 12 new sets of turnout gear for Pittsfield Volunteer Fire Department. Steve will visit Pittsfield in November to meet with Fire Chief Dave Colton.
c. VTrans re: 3 copies of Pittsfield Road Maps with updates reported in 2012. Additional updates may be submitted in January 2013 during annual mileage certificate.
d. Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station, re: Letter from Jeanne Eppich in response to Patty’s letter about the missing ticket. Jeanne’s response did not directly answer Patty’s letter. It is more of an outline of the process.
e. Thank you letter from 100 by 100 Relay
f. Green Up Vermont requesting contact information for Town Coordinator for May 4, 2013 event. Mark will ask Stacy Veilleux if Peyton would like to do again. A co-coordinator may also be listed and is due 11/30/12.
g. Wilk Paving letter from Timothy J. Rice, Vice President, re: Wilk will hold their bid prices for the Pittsfield Park & Ride Paving Project submitted 7/31/12. The project is expected to start in June 2013 when paving conditions are better.
h. James Carroll, Esquire e-mail of final document re: Murphy property. The Town of Chittenden will pay the Murphys a sum of $20,000 in full satisfaction of any and all claims held or asserted by the Murphys against the Defendants. When the document is finalized Mr. Carroll will need to collect the signature of the duly authorized agents of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield.
i. Alpine Snow Guard e-mail from Mark McManus re: pricing and options. Select Board tabled this for TOB construction meeting later in the month.
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp., Joan Goldstein e-mail, re: Request for letter of support for disaster assistance for businesses for their application. Tyna will draft a letter for Mark to send.
k. Moving from Audit to Implementation meeting invite from TRORC scheduled for Nov. 1st at King Farm in Woodstock and also Nov. 8th in Rutland at RRMC. George will ask Caleb to attend the Nov. 8th meeting.
l. Rutland Economic Development Corp. 75th Year Celebration invitation. Select Board declining.
m. The Central Corridor Rail Coalition from Palmer MA, Blake Lamothe – 2nd solicitation requesting support from towns along the corridor. They are asking towns to sign a resolution to re-instate passenger rail service between Brattleboro VT and New London, CT. No action to be taken.
n. Timberline Events requesting permission to once again use the town garage parking area for the Green Mountain Relay scheduled for June 22-23, 2013. Exchange time slot is 6/22/13 from 8:15 pm to 6/23/13 until 12:45 am Approved by the Select Board.
o. VLCT Election 2012 informational paper on Education Funding received. No action required.
p. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from Oct. 16, 2012 received. No action required.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 4
October 23, 2012
q. HMGP Pittsfield e-mail from Don Flynn, Lister, dated 10/17/12 re: Letters of Intent for Andrews and McAdam homes. Claims have been re-submitted to FEMA for both properties and Don is asking for stronger evidence that may help the claims such as photos, and/or a report from the Health Officer on the health and safety issues at the properties. It is believed Johanna Buker (Andrews) has photos. Don will follow-up.
r. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section letter re: Pittsfield BHF 022-1(24) VT Route 100, Bridge #126 over the West Branch of the Tweed River. This is the bridge by the Yoga Studio at the intersection of VT Route 100 and Lower Michigan Road. The Structures Section will hold a Regional Concerns Meeting at the Pittsfield Town Hall on Wednesday, November 29, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Two copies of the Scoping Report were received and George is reviewing one copy and the other is available in the Town Office for the public to review. The bridge is part of the State Bridge Program and will not require Town funding. The State handles the newspaper notices for this meeting.
Mark Begin requested holding the next regular Select Board meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 due to Election Day on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. All agreed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office. New notices will be posted with this change
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 9, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf, Sharon Mayer, John Benson
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. September 18, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Errors and Omission request presented by Martha Beyersdorf re: Payette property
b. Library Update presented by Sharon Mayer
c. Jon Benson re: Excessive trash
d. Jon Benson re: Leaking truck update
a. HMGP re: Properties approved
b. USDA 30 Day Notice re: Planting of riparian vegetation and site-suitable trees
c. TRORC Report – re: Baseline Energy Analysis report of town infrastructures
d. VT Emergency Mgmt – re: Approval of town’s HMGP acquisition and demolition application
e. State of Vermont – re: Building Communities Grants Programs – overview of grant programs
f. TRORC e-mail – re: 3rd Round HMGP instructions
Other Business
a. Park & Ride Grant – re: Amended and proceed in the Spring of 2013
b. Town Office Building – re: Condenser Cover options; schedule next building committee meeting
c. Town Office Building – re: Punch list items
d. Town Treasurer – re: TOB budget update; maturing CD’s
e. Recycling Center – re: Letter to Del Cloud for process
f. Salimeri property – re: George will meet with Sal about property issues
g. EWP Projects – re: George provided updates on various projects
h. Town Hall Emergency Exit Stairs – re: Need to fix once vault is removed
i. TRORC Renewal – re: Jerry motioned to include for town meeting vote
Meeting Adjourned 7:40 p.m.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
October 9, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the September 18, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Errors or Omission - Martha Beyersdorf presented a request to the Select Board re: Payette property. The Board of Listers is requesting to reduce the value of the property from $27,000 to $1,000 to keep consistent with values of adjacent lots. Mark motioned to accept the request; George seconded.
b. Library – Sharon Mayer gave an update on the status of the library.
1. Their sign is being refurbished and they plan to mount it under the Town Office sign at the entrance. Sharon requested an interior sign directing patrons to the 2nd floor – similar to the temporary sign directing visitors to the town office. She offered to get both signs through the Killington Sign Shop. The group then discussed options for sign needed on the front of building. Patty sketched out an idea for the sign recommending they include the street number on it. The group looked at the space on the front of the building and estimates the sign will need to be approximately 5 feet long and 3 feet high. Mark asked that the library help pay for the sign and Sharon did not think this would be a problem. Sharon will chair a committee to sort out ideas for the sign and obtain several quotes. George will ask Stephanie or Chuck Colton to be on the committee as well as Susie Martin.
2. Keys – Each trustee has a key and volunteers will need to get the key from a trustee.
3. They will be having a work day Oct. 13, 2012 to install shelving and move books back in.
4. The Halloween Book Giveaway will be held again this year.
5. Patty informed Sharon that the Library’s sandwich board and letters are in the Town Hall basement.
c. Jon Benson – re: Excessive Trash. Jon explained that many commercial properties have containers in Pittsfield ranging from 3 yards to 6 yards in size. Approximately 200 pounds of household trash equals one yard. Many containers are rented directly from Jon however the properties do not pay for the removal of the trash. There are other commercial properties that do not use containers however some use the large “contractor-size” trash bags ranging from 10-20 bags a week. The town pays $145 per ton at the recycling center. Jerry Drugonis volunteered to draft an outline of ideas to discuss this issue further at the next Select Board meeting.
d. Jon Benson – re: Garbage Truck leaving liquid and broken glass. Jon plans to get the truck fixed the week of October 15, 2012.
a. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) re: e-mail from Ray Doherty, Vermont Emergency Management forwarded by Don Flynn. FEMA approved the buy out for four properties: Halligan (2335 Route 100); Payette (11 Parmenter Place); Pins (6 Parmenter Place); and Turnbull (3604 Route 100). The secondary home at 3148 Route 100 (Andrews property) was not approved for acquisition however the state office has requested that FEMA reconsider the decision. Mr. Doherty also noted the property may be considered for acquisition under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) or through funds provided by VT Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB). The town will receive the sub-grant agreement for the home buy-outs from DPS Finance in the near future; once the town has signed and returned a copy of the sub-grant agreement to the state, the town may implement the property acquisition with the homeowners.
b. USDA Notice for 30-Day Comment Period – re: Proposed action for authorization to plant riparian vegetation and site-suitable trees beside the White River. Tupper Terraces are in Pittsfield and this area was planted approximately six years ago and was damaged by Tropical Storm Irene. The 30 days begin the day following the notice in the Rutland Herald for comment. No action taken by the Select Board.
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) – re: Baseline Energy Analysis Report of Pittsfield’s Municipal Infrastructure. The report summarizes the 2008 energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and costs associated with all town infrastructure they received data for. A printed report, as well as a USB Disk, has been provided for use by the town officials. The report contains an Executive Summary, findings, recommendations – both general and specific, and resources. These materials will be kept on file at the town office.
d. Vermont Emergency Management – re: Letter approving the town’s HMGP Acquisition and Demolition (buy-out) application; plus a checklist to begin the property acquisition process. The original letter has been given to Don Flynn.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
October 9, 2012
e. State of Vermont – Building Communities Grants Programs document reviewed by Select Board. None of the programs apply to the town at this time. No action needed by Select Board.
f. TRORC e-mail dated September 25, 2012 – re: 3rd Round Hazard Mitigation Grant Program forwarded to the town by TRORC from Vermont Emergency Management. Letters of intent are due September 28, 2012. Some properties may have been waived off the applications earlier and TRORC recommends trying again. The 3rd Round of HMGP also addresses remaining culvert and bridge projects and possible stone line ditching areas. Patty forwarded the e-mail to the Listers for review.
Other Business:
a. Park and Ride Grant has been amended to increase the grant total to $55,660. The Grant Agreement ending date is February 8, 2014. George made a motion to wait until the Spring of 2013 to start the project and it will go to Wilk Paving as long as they hold their price otherwise the project will have to go out for re-bidding. Jerry seconded the motion; so moved by the Select Board.
b. Town Office Building – re: Condenser Cover. Options and pricing were discussed and ranged from a few hundred dollars to $2,000+. The Select Board would like to pursue this issue further with the architect and contractor possibly at or before the next scheduled board meeting on October 23, 2012.
c. Town Office Building – re: Punch List items. Patty has a list of items to be addressed at the next building meeting including windows not closing, dead bolts not working, vault light only on a 5 minute timer, landscaping issues ( weeds coming up through white stone outside perimeter of the building), safe lever very difficult to move and the seal is not tight, paint on vault door still speckled, fire extinguishers need to be installed upstairs, rubber baseboard downstairs not installed properly, window sills not painted, broken window downstairs, keys for bathroom doors needed, numerous windows need to be scraped (paint and/or labels), paint issue on elevator at ground level, and possible other items. Select Board would like to review all of these items along with the Condenser Cover issue at the same meeting.
d. Town Treasurer’s Report – re: Town Office Building budget reviewed. Funds remaining after estimated costs deducted is $20,435.39. Drawer pulls for new cabinetry cost about $6.00 each and the expense was approved by the Select Board. Additionally the Parks & Grounds CD is maturing as is the Highway Fund CD. Patty will check into best rates for one-year or less renewals. Patty reported there may be some changes in January 2013 for Recovery Bonds. She will investigate and report at next meeting.
e. Recycling Center – re: Letter to Del Cloud, Bethel Town Manager. As of 10/4/12 Mr. Cloud has not responded to Patty’s request of 9/20/12 for more information on their accounting process (weighing, ticketing, billing) for trash disposal at the center.
f. George will meet with Robert Salimeri Wednesday, October 10, 2012 to review property issues.
g. EWP Projects – George reports he has been updated by Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating: Carbone and Sells project finishing 10/10/12; Grindel project is to start 10/10/12; Garofalo project has some erosion to be addressed.
h. Town Hall Emergency Exit Stairs need to be fixed after the vault is removed this week.
i. Jerry made a motion to include the renewal of TRORC membership for a vote at town meeting; George seconded; so moved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: September 18, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Tom Sell, John Carbone, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. September 5, 2012 Select Board Meeting
b. September 12, 2012 Town Office Building – Construction Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Library update from Marion Abrams
b. EWP project – John Carbone and Tom Sell – bids and status
c. EWP project – Paul Grindel – status, 10% due
d. EWP project – Peytons – bids required
a. Martha Beyersdorf – re: Trash for commercial entities
b. Angelique Lee – re: Trash issue, liquid and glass on road
c. Park House Community Care – re: Thank You for donation
d. Visiting Nurse & Hospice – re: Thank You for donation
e. American Red Cross – re: Thank you for donation
f. State of VT – Building Communities Grants Programs – overview of grants
g. VLCT – re: Municipal Policy draft and solicitation for input and comments
Old Business
a. Health Office – re: reimbursement request
b. Liberty Hill & Silver Spring Rds – re: guardrails
New Business
a. 2 Requests to Cater Mail and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
Other Business
a. Town Treasurer – re: Loan re-payment recommendation
b. Town Treasurer – re: Transfer Station receipt issue
c. Town Treasurer – re: Town Office Building budget status
d. Town Clerk – re: False Alarm Ordinance requirements
e. Angelique Lee – re: resignation from WRVA
Meeting Adjourned 6:50 p.m.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
September 18, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the September 5, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. The Minutes of the Special Select Board Meeting for the Town Office Renovation Project of September 12, 2012 were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. In Marion Abrams absence Patty reviewed letter from Marion with an update on the Roger Clark Memorial Library. The board is active and planning the re-opening targeted for December 4, 2012. They have purchased a roll of floor protection and will share with the town for move-in. They are happy to participate in the design of new signage for the building. Select Board tabled discussion on signage until next meeting. Library requested 6 (six) keys and Select Board approved 4 (four) keys: 3 (three) for library board members and 1 (one) to keep at Town Office. Halloween Candy drop and annual book give away are scheduled again this year and library is hosting a work day October 13, 2013.
b. EWP Project – re: John Carbone and Tom Sell. Marsha reported 4 (four) bids were received and only one qualifies for the project. State estimated project at $22,000. Bids were: Mosher $27,482; Robert Chestnut $23,000; CJ Williams $30,000; Harvey’s Excavating $10,808. Can only accept bids at or under State estimate. Harvey’s cannot go over bridge to access property and propose a route via Arnold and Jane Johnson’s property. John needs to secure permission from the Johnson’s to allow Harvey’s to cross. Marsha suggested he ask Ray Harvey to speak with the Johnson’s so he can explain what needs to happen. Harvey’s can go over their bid and up to the $22,000 estimate; John is responsible for 10%. Marsha recommends paying the 10% after permission is secured to cross the Johnson property and to notify her as soon as permission is received. Marsha also recommends getting a time frame for the job. If John cannot get permission from the Johnson’s, then Marsha can go back to the state to seek additional funds.
c. EWP Project – re: Grindel property. Marsha sent letter to Paul Grindel explaining the 10% amount due for project to start ($1,975.20) and to remit as soon as possible. Projects have to be completed by October 25, 2012. The letter states owner is responsible for project overruns up to the state estimate which in this case could be $4,800.
d. EWP Project – re: Peyton property. The Peytons have secured one bid; state requires three. Marsha will call them.
a. Trash – e-mail from Martha Beyersdorf. She has noticed large amounts of trash for pick-up by commercial properties. She suggests asking owners to get dumpsters as it may help save the town some money. Mark will contact Jon Benson to attend next board meeting to discuss ideas for dealing with issue. Send thank you to Martha for bringing this to the Board’s attention.
b. Trash – e-mail from Angelique Lee. The garbage truck leaves large amounts of fluid and broken glass in the middle of the road in front of her house. The stench lasts for days and the glass is a hazard. Patty spoke to Jon Benson about the issue. He indicated the truck needs to be repaired and this will fix the problem. Send thank you to Angelique for bringing this to the Board’s attention and hopefully repair will resolve, however if it continues to contact the board again.
c. Park House Community Care thank you note for the town’s allocation of funds. No action needed.
d. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT and NH thank you letter for $940 donation. No action needed.
e. American Red Cross of VT and NH thank you letter for $100 donation. No action needed.
f. State of Vermont-Building Communities Grants Programs – program descriptions. Mark distributed copies to board members for review. There are 5 (five) grant programs in the state to “help communities preserve important historic buildings and enhance community facilities.” This will be reviewed at the next meeting.
g. VLCT – re: 2013 VLCT Municipal Policy. Draft distributed to all members of VLCT for review and send comments in by 9/28/12. The Policy contains several initiatives that would significantly affect the relationship between cities and towns and the State. It will be presented at the annual business meeting at Town Fair on 10/4/12. No action needed.
Old Business
a. Health Officer reimbursement request to be discussed at next board meeting when George is present.
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September 18, 2012
b. Liberty Hill and Silver Spring Road – re: guardrails. Select Board reviewed damage at this location and agree it has to be fixed next year with either guardrails or boulders. Put in Tickler File for George to get estimates for next year’s budget.
New Business
a. Requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors include:
Noel’s Catering 9/29/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
Occasions Catering 11/3/12 Riverside Farm
All events are to be concluded by 10:00 p.m. The Board approved these requests.
Other Business:
a. Town Treasurer – re: Loan Payment. Patty stated the General Fund has over $500,000 and the Highway Fund has over $100,000. She recommends transferring funds from the General Fund to the Highway Fund to pay-off the flood loan. If funds get tight in the spring the town can take another loan. The total due is $125,404.10 if the Board approves it tonight. Select Board approved.
b. Town Treasurer – re: Transfer Station Invoice. Patty contacted Del Cloud and the clerk at the transfer station about missing receipt. They printed a new invoice and had Wayne sign-off that it was legitimate. Patty questioned them thoroughly and recommends paying this time and will contact Del Cloud that all future invoices must have the original signed ticket in order for the town to pay.
c. Town Treasurer – re: Town Office Building budget. Patty stated there is $15,000 left in the budget after taking into account items that still need to be paid.
d. Town Clerk – re: False Alarm Ordinance. Patty stated the ordinance has been re-written based on input from Select Board and the Fire Department. It needs to be published in the newspaper, posted in 5 (five) locations around town and will go into effect after 60 days unless petitioned. Mark Begin made a motion to proceed with the process; Jerry Drugonis seconded. Patty will take care of the publication and postings.
e. It was brought to Secretary’s attention that WRVA Resignation from Angelique Lee was missed from September 5, 2012 Select Board meeting. Angelique submitted her resignation on September 2, 2012 citing personal reasons and urges the board to make an appointment as soon as possible. Jess will draw up a Thank You Certificate for Angelique’s services in this capacity.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Tyna Gallagher
Approved ____________
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: August 7, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf, Matthew Humora
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 10, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Matthew Humora – re: EC Fibernet Community Broadband
a. Green Mountain Economic Corp. - re: solicitation for dues renewal
b. TRORC – Thank you renewing dues
c. VASA – re: request town ATV ordinance
d. CV Oil Pre-Buy – re: annual pre-buy for fuel
e. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Noel’s Catering via e-mail
f. State of VT, Irene Recovery – re: updates on FEMA Public Assistance
g. TRORC Kevin Geiger – re: clarification on Stumpf house burning
h. VLCT Town Fair – re: event scheduled for October 4, 2012
i. TOB – re: e-mail outdoor lighting
j. TOB – re: e-mail Knox Box
k. Palmer Redevelopment Authority & Central Corridor Rail Coalition – re: letter reinstating passenger rail service
l. TOB – re: e-mail Lower Vault Floor finish
Old Business
a. Road Sign (Private) – re: draft policy; tabled for future meeting
b. Sheriff’s Contract – re: still not received; Mark to stop by their office
c. EWP projects – re: Richard Garofalo 10% payment prior to work starting
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: eight events at Amee Farm and Riverside Horse Farm
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Project – re: moving quotes
b. Town Office Building Project – re: LP tank and hook-up expense
c. Town Office Building Project – re: electrical outlet near crawl space
d. VTrans Park and Ride Paving Project – re: update and quotes
e. Town Office Building Project – re: countertops update and quote
f. Community– re: tours of new Town Office contingent on Certificate of Occupancy
g. Town Office Building Project – re: flooring for Upper Vault
h. Town Office Building Project – re: update on Fire Marshall inspection, signage for handicap entrance
i. Town Office Building Project – re: floor protection estimates
j. Town Office Building Project – re: preliminary punch list for August 16, 2012 meeting
k. Town Office Building Project – re: Contractor Application for Payment
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August 7, 2012
l. Town Roads – re: Completion of Bridge #11 (Tweed River Drive) request for payment
m. Flood Loan – re: matures September 28, 2012
n. FEMA – re: Closeout meeting scheduled for August 9, 2012
o. Mosher Excavating – re: request to post photos on website
p. Community – re: request town officials kick-off Celebration of Community with a “morning meeting”
q. Town Office Building Project – re: ice and snow falling on air conditioning unit
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the July 10, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Matthew Humora, Town Representative for EC Fibernet, shared information on Community Broadband. The town would need to raise approximately $500,000 to be part of the fiber network. VTA (Vermont Telephone Agency) is charged with bringing high speed internet to rural areas of Vermont. Customers with dial-up only need to have options and FairPoint has to increase DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) coverage and VTel is increasing wireless (tower) options. Communities do not pay for FairPoint or VTel options whereas the fiber option is a service the townspeople would pay to be included. Discussion followed on whether it is worth the investment. Connect Vermont is willing to hold an informational meeting if the town will host. Patty Haskins will contact Deborah Shannon, Director of Broadband Outreach and Coordination at Connect Vermont for possible meeting dates.
a. Green Mountain Economic Corporation solicitation to re-new dues to support organization received, item not budgeted. No action needed.
b. Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) thank you letter received for renewing annual dues. No action needed.
c. Vermont All-Terrain Vehicle Sportsmen’s Association (VASA) letter requesting towns to send them ATV ordinances as they are collecting statewide. Pittsfield does not allow ATV’s on town highways therefore no ordinance needed. Tyna Gallagher will draft reply for board to send to VASA, Attn: Emily Hale, 14 Don Camp Dr, Barre, VT 05641 or [email protected].
d. C.V. Oil Pre-Buy for winter season. George motioned to buy 500 gallons of propane for Town Office at $1.88 per gallon. The 1,000 gallon tank is currently full and building is estimated to need 1,500 gallons for a year. The price of propane for Town Garage building is $2.28 per gallon as tank is rented from C.V. Oil. 600 gallons are needed. George will talk to Steve Martin about the cost to purchase the tank as it will allow town to get lower rate.
e. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noel’s Catering for August 3, 2012 at Red Barn at Riverside Farm approved by select board via e-mail.
f. State of Vermont, Sue Minter, Irene Recovery Officer sent Updates for FEMA Public Assistance & More, and includes listing of municipal share requirement for FEMA Public Assistance. A copy of this memorandum is on file at the town office.
g. Kevin Geiger of TRORC is requesting clarification (via e-mail) on why the Stumpf house was burned down. George will draft a reply.
h. VLCT Town Fair is scheduled for October 4, 2012 at the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds.
i. Town Office Building (TOB) e-mails re: Outdoor Lighting on building. Front and side lights are on all the time and George states it is too bright at night and there is already a street light
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August 7, 2012
located near the building. George suggested changing to motion sensor and reply from electrician states all three lights on same circuit with no wall switch. Cost to retrofit with sensors is estimated at $546. The lights can be manually switched at the electrical panel. The board decided this is too costly. Patty will find out if the lights can be put on a wall switch instead and the cost.
j. Mark McManus followed up on Knox Box (secure key storage receptacle) for TOB. It is used in the event there is a fire. The fire department would have access to master key to enter the building. The fire department has to be part of the Knox Box program. The Board decided not to use and will seek credit for this item at the end of the project.
k. Palmer Redevelopment Authority & Central Corridor Rail Coalition sent letter re: reinstating passenger train service from St. Albans VT and Brattleboro VT to Palmer MA. They are looking for support from towns and cities along the rail line. No action taken.
l. TOB request to paint or seal the lower vault floor of TOB. The Board approved the use of sealer.
Old Business
a. Road Sign (Private) Policy – The Board tabled this topic for a future meeting.
b. Sheriff’s Contract for law enforcement – Town still waiting for this. Mark Begin will stop by the Sheriff’s Office when he is in Rutland this week to check on it.
c. EWP projects – re: policy for property owners’ 10% of total project cost. George stated that Richard Garofalo was asked to pay 10% before project started. George told Ray Harvey the town would not be responsible for this amount. The SBA loan for Mr. Garofalo was approved. The SBA office contacted Pittsfield town office to confirm letter came from the Select Board.
New Business
a. Requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors:
Noel’s Catering include:
8/11/12 Barn at Amee Farm
8/24/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
8/25/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
8/31/12 Stone cellar and Red Barn at Riverside Farm
9/1/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
9/2/12 Brown Barn and tent at Riverside Farm
9/3/12 Amee Farm
Occasions Catering:
8/12/12 Amee Farm
All events are to be concluded by 10:00 p.m. The Board approved these requests.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Project – Patty received two quotes for moving the offices from the town hall into the new TOB (contacted 4 companies). Todd Transportation $1,750 and town has to supply boxes; Mullen Moving & Storage $1,599 and they supply packing materials, pack and unpack, provide diagram for placement of furniture and they have strong experience in moving vital records and follow strict procedures to ensure items are moved properly. Patty reviewed the Income and Expense Report for TOB that shows $21,961.79 available after Contingency Costs and Other Anticipated Costs. This item is included in report. The Board approved Mullen for the job.
b. Town Office Building Project – re: LP Tank and Hook-up expense of $3,556 approved by the Board. This item is included in Income and Expense Report for TOB.
c. Town Office Building Project – Patty requested the Board to approve $75 to install electrical outlet near crawl space for dehumidifier. The Board approved this expenditure. This item is included in Income and Expense Report for TOB.
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August 7, 2012
d. VTrans Park and Ride Paving Project – Patty reported one bid received from WILK Paving in the amount of $41,614. This is significantly higher than the $29,840 grant that was based on estimate WILK provided. There are some changes from original project which may have caused the increase. Mark McManus asked if town could get more funds, put out to bid again, or can they re-negotiate the bid. Patty contacted the Park and Ride Office and is waiting for a response.
e. Town Office Building Project – Countertops were designed at kitchen height rather than working/office height. Resolution is to install a platform to raise cabinets and get a new countertop template. Estimated cost $1,429. The original countertops were to be two tiered and with the retrofit it will be one height. The Board approved this expenditure. This item is included in Income and Expense Report for TOB.
f. Community – Patty recommends holding off tours of the TOB at PTSD Community Celebration Sunday August 26, 2012 if the certificate of occupancy is not received because there would be no elevator service.
g. Town Office Building Project – Upper Vault needs flooring. There’s only enough existing tile to cover approximately half the space. Cost for same material to finish is estimated at $1,400. Wright Construction is looking at other options and estimates. Flooring material has to be non-flammable and dust-free.
h. Town Office Building Project – Fire Marshall came to do final inspection and building was not ready. Elevator phone not working properly and some electrical work needs to be finished. They did walk-through and stated a sign for Handicap Access needs to be on front of building directing people to the side of the building. Patty will contact Giddings in Pittsford for pricing on type of sign required as well as other sign vendors.
i. Town Office Building Project – re: floor protection. Patty estimates $100-$150 for rugs at entrances to building. It was recommended to call Foley Distributing for a quote on rug rentals. Patty will contact them.
j. Town Office Building Project – Preliminary Punch List has been received and distributed to the Board. The next Town Office Building Construction Project Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
k. Town Office Building Project – Contractor Application for Payment hand delivered by Mark to expedite processing. Patty explained how to read for numbers to match with Income and Expense Report for TOB. The Board approved payment of $39,799.10.
l. Town Roads – re: Completion of Bridge #11 (Tweed River Drive). Aaron Guyette said invoice for $18,989.35 is okay to pay. Patty will ask Aaron to explain Balance to Finish and Retainage that is listed on the Request for Payment. The Board approved this expenditure.
m. Flood Loan – Patty reported the $125,000 loan matures September 28, 2012. She will look into whether the town can pay it off or if an interim arrangement with the bank is required.
n. FEMA – Hosting a Close-Out Meeting at the Killington Library on Thursday, August 9, 2012 and Patty will attend.
o. Stacy Hatt of Mosher Excavating requested permission to post photos of completed projects on their website. The Board approved this request.
p. Community – PTSD Celebration of Community is scheduled for Sunday, August 26, 2012. Erica Hurd has asked that town officials kick-off the event with a “Town Meeting” at the church to do an update of projects and progress of recovery efforts. The Board agreed this is something that could be done.
q.. Town Office Building Project – Mark wants to discuss the issue of snow and ice falling off building onto the air conditioning unit. He is concerned it will damage the unit and would like to explore resolutions. This needs to be discussed at the August 16, 2012 TOB Construction Meeting.
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August 7, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Tyna Gallagher
Approved ____________
Mark Begin, Chair
Not in attendance.
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: September 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Jess Kuzma, Paul Grindel, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Call to Order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. August 7, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Paul Grindel EWP project
b. EWP projects – Mosher Excavating invoice for River View
c. EWP paperwork for Peytons
d. Clerk/Treasurer’s Report
1. Additional Park and Ride Grant
2. Entryway rugs
3. Highway Anticipation Tax Note pay-off with loan from General Fund
e. Road Commissioner Report
1. Guardrails on Guernsey Hollow
2. Guardrails on Liberty Hill at Silver Spring Rd intersection
3. Need to replace culvert at Knights Hill
a. Vermont Testing solicitation
b. Neighborworks thank you letter for donation
c. VLCT request for annual meeting delegate
d. VCIL thank you letter for donation
e. VTRANS signature request for box culvert
f. State of VT response to Nioka Andrews property and FEMA
g. Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Project review sheet: Johnstone
h. Basic Emergency Operations Plan signature
Old Business
a. Town Office Bldg – exterior lights meeting 9/6/12 at 9 a.m.
b. Richard Peyton re: dog license response
c. Dave Dixon re: dog license letter received; no response
d. False Alarm Ordinance
New Business
a. 7 Requests to Cater Mail and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
b. Sandra Begin, Health Officer re: reimbursement for time and travel request
c. Steve Brown request for permission to pipe under Tweed River Drive for new well
d. Susan Bicek re: Municipal Planning Grant to update Pittsfield’s Flood Hazard regulations
Meeting Adjourned 7:10 p.m.
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September 5, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the August 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Paul Grindel presented 3 estimates for EWP (Environmental Watershed Protection) project for his property. State estimated the project at $48,000. Bids: $18,000 Ken Bettee, $19,752 Harvey’s Excavating, $34,586 Mosher Excavating. All three bidders visited the site prior to submitting bids. Marsha stated work cannot begin until permits are issued by Army Corp of Engineers. Owner’s liability cannot be more than 10% of state estimate and is based on contractor’s estimate. Landowner is required to sign document ensuring project will be maintained for 10 years. Select Board approved bid from Harvey’s Excavating. Marsha will notify Harvey’s when Army Corp of Engineers permits are received and that the project must be completed by October 25, 2012.
b. EWP Projects - Overdue statement received from Mosher Excavating for River View project. Marsha will check records for actual date on invoice. Marsha will check to see if any money from FEMA has come in.
c. Marsha gave EWP paperwork to the Peytons for their project but has not heard back from them.
d. Clerk/Treasurer Report – by Jess Kuzma for Patty Haskins
1. Select Board gave permission via e-mail for Mark McManus to develop an additional Park and Ride Grant
2. Cost for Foley to deliver rugs for entryways is $15 - $20 per visit. Board would like information on purchasing rugs, for comparison as this seems expensive.
3. Patty submitted request to pay off the Highway Tax Anticipation Note through a loan from the General Fund. The board would like to verify when funds are coming in from FEMA before giving their approval. Marsha will check on the status for estimated payment date(s).
e. Road Commissioner Report
1. Rod Moore contacted George re: guardrails along Guernsey Hollow. Mr. Moore thinks more are needed. George does not recommend.
2. George believes guardrails may be needed on Liberty Hill where Silver Spring Road converges. Select Board will investigate the situation after tonight’s meeting adjourns.
3. George states the culvert by Knights Hill is completely rusted out and there’s no money in the culvert fund. He estimates the cost at $2,300 and there is $2,800 in another roadway fund that could cover this cost. Select Board approved replacement for next summer (2013).
a. Vermont Testing – solicitation for testing and consulting services for asphalt resurfacing, new paving and subgrade work at Town Hall and office. No action needed.
b. Neighborworks of Western Vermont thank you letter for $100 donation. No action needed.
c. VLCT request to select one voting delegate for annual business meeting to be held October 4, 2012 at Town Fair. No one selected, not attending event.
d. VCIL (Vermont Center for Independent Living) thank you letter for $75 donation. No action needed.
e. Mark Begin signed VT Agency of Transportation request for signature for replacement of box culvert.
f. State of Vermont, Sue Minter, Irene Recovery Officer e-mail response to Kevin Geiger of TRORC re: 3148 VT Route 100, Nioka Andrews property. State will pay special attention to the case and do what they can to expedite. State has only heard back on 17 properties out of 108 from FEMA as of August.
g. Dept. of Environmental Conservation, re: Project Review Sheet for Johnstone property – no Act 250 needed. Paperwork returned to town clerk.
h. Basic Emergency Operations Plan – BEOP signed by Mark Begin.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – Mark and George to discuss exterior lighting 9/6/12 at 9 am meeting with contractor.
b. Richard Peyton re: Dog License fine. They relocated to New Jersey therefore they did not register in Pittsfield. The fine was not paid. Jess will inform Doug Mianulli.
c. Dave Dixon signed for certified letter re: Dog License fine. No word from him. Jess will inform Doug Mianulli.
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September 5, 2012
d. False Alarm ordinance needs to be resurrected. The ordinance needs to be warned properly. Patty will work with Dave Colton to get this accomplished.
New Business
a. Requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors:
Noel’s Catering include:
9/21/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
9/22/12 Brown Barn at Riverside Farm
10/6/12 Amee Farm
10/13/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
10/13/12 Brown Barn at Riverside Farm
11/10/12 Amee Farm
Occasions Catering:
9/9/12 Riverside Farms
All events are to be concluded by 10:00 p.m. The Board approved these requests.
b. Request from Sandra Begin, Health Officer for reimbursement for travel and time to perform duties related to Beyersdorf dog issue and Clear River Inn issue. Mark withdrew from the discussion. George will investigate further by contacting VLCT to find out what other towns do for health officers.
c. Steve Brown on Tweed River Drive wants to drill a well for water on other side of road. He is requesting information on how to obtain permission to pipe under the road. Permission is required from the Road Commissioner. George will contact the Browns.
d. Suana Bicek submitted Municipal Planning Grant to update Pittsfield’s Flood Hazard regulations for Select Board signatures. Board members signed form.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Tyna Gallagher
Approved ____________
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: July 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
New Business
a. Tax Rate – re: set 2012 tax rate
b. FEMA – re: Amendment FEMA 4022
c. Town Roads – re: Culvert #7
Old Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: update
The Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting was scheduled for 2:00pm, As members were not present yet, Mark and Jerry opted to start the Select Board meeting.
Mark called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.
New Business
a. Tax Rate – re: set 2012 tax rate. The Homestead Education tax rate for 2012 is $1.6666 and the Non-Residential Education tax rate is $1.3181. The Municipal tax rate is $.51. The Resultant Tax Rates for 2012 are $2.1766 for Homestead and $1.8281 for Non-Residents. The Board approved these figures.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10pm and Mark McManus called the Construction Update Meeting to order.
The Select Board reconvened at 3:15pm.
New Business, continued
b. FEMA – re: Amendment FEMA 4022. This subgrant agreement states that the State will share ½ of the 10% which the Town was to be responsible for. The Town will now only be responsible for 5% of the eligible costs included on the FEMA approved Project Worksheets. Mark signed on behalf of the Board.
c. Town Roads – re: Culvert #7. George, who was unable to attend the meeting, sent an email in which he recommended that the project be awarded to Mosher Excavating. Not only was their bid the lowest, but they do quality work and use precast headwalls, which will decrease the amount of time for the project. Jerry made a motion to award the project to Mosher Excavating. Seconded by Mark.
Old Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: update. Jerry made a motion to offer the job to Tyna Gallagher as he felt she was the best qualified for the position. Seconded by Mark. Mark asked the Secretary to send her a letter offering her the position, as well as letters to the other candidates thanking them for their interest.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
As there was no other business, Mark adjourned the meeting at 3:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 10, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: June 19, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Marsha Hopkins, Richard Garofalo,
Glenn Gans, Peter Trivers
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. June 5, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins and Richard Garofalo – re: EWP status
b. Marsha Hopkins and Glen Gans – re: EWP status
a. Mark McManus – re: bumps vs. dip
b. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay
c. English, Carroll, & Boe, P.C. – re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden
d. VLCT – re: certification of constables
e. TRORC – re: bike rack info
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: Tax Appeal Credit Calculations
b. Town Funds – re: payments received for three projects
c. Town Highways – re: Village Green south end
New Business
a. Trash Report – re: Stevens’s rental on Lower Michigan Road
b. Erica Hurd – re: post-Irene Town gathering
c. Patty Haskins – re: Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium
d. Tweed Valley Travelers, Inc. – re: annual maintenance
Other Business
a. Emergency Pay – re: requested by Town Clerk
b. Town Office Building Project – re: Clerk of the Works coverage
c. Pittsfield News – re: linking newsletter to Select Board Minutes
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:0pm. The Minutes of the June 5, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins and Richard Garofalo – re: EWP status. Marsha stated that Richard is still
waiting for a Water Quality Permit from ANR and a Corps Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers for Project #PITT-11-02. Marsha said she would try and find out when they might be issued. Bids for the job were read: Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating, LLC - $88,700.00; Mosher Excavating, Inc. - $89,219.00; and Markowski Excavating, Inc. - $128,763.90. It was agreed to award the project to Harvey’s. Discussion. Marsha passed out copies of Attachments A & B. George asked her to recap how the process works once a project is established.
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June 19, 2012
b. Marsha Hopkins and Glen Gans – re: EWP status. Marsha asked if the permits for River View Trail Project #PITT-11-006 had been received. The State indicated they were issues in November 2011. Marsha said she would contact the state and have them reissued. Bids for the job were read: Mosher Excavating, Inc. – $33,880.00; W.B. Rogers - $36,424.00, and Markowski Excavating, Inc. - $36,894.36. Mosher was the lowest bidder and was awarded the project.
The Board felt that they would like to meet with each of the contractors to go over the project and financial arrangements. It was decided to hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 6:00pm. This will be Warned.
a. Mark McManus – re: bumps vs. dips (email). This question was posed in relation to the Park & Ride Grant. Discussion. It was the feeling of the Board that the installation of bumps would be better. They would have to be removed in the winter for plowing though.
b. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay. This race is scheduled for June 23-24, 2012 and had been previously approved. This correspondence was to thank the Board for making the parking area available to them. In addition, a Certificate of Insurance was enclosed. Information regarding the delivery/removal of the portajohns was enclosed.
c. English, Carroll, & Boe, P.C. – re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden. This correspondence referenced a Stipulated Motion for Enlargement of Time to be filed with the court. No action taken.
d. VLCT – re: certification of constables. This correspondence pertains to Act 103 of 2012 – An Act Relating to the Certifications of Capitol Police and Constables and to Legislative Traffic Control and Parking. It affects the qualifications for exercising law enforcement authority by municipal constables. A sample letter to send to the Constables was enclosed and the Secretary was asked to prepare it and send it to the Board members for review.
e. TRORC – re: bike rack info (email). This has come before the Board on numerous occasions. It was decided not to act on it at this time.
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: Tax Appeal Credit Calculations. Patty explained how these credit calculations were made, including interest. The total credit came to $ 60,193.65. Checks were issued last week. They were broken down: Pittsfield Ventures, LLC (Pitt-Stop) $881.50; VT Ventures Equities, LLC (Yoga studio and office building) $3,670.61; Bear Creek, LLC (Original General Store) $12,086.16; Riverside Horse Farm, LLC $25,033.15; Courtney Desena $4,187.11; and Vermont Country Inn, LLC (Amee Farm Lodge) $14,335.12. These credits are the result of the Superior Court Ruling, which affected the Grand Lists of 2009, 2010, and 2011. This expense was un-budgeted, and therefore created a significant impact on what the Town needs to raise. Patty let the Board know that the town may have to take out a tax anticipation note to cover its budgeted expenses at the end of the year.
b. Town Funds – re: payments received for three projects. These payments were the federal share of the FEMA project worksheets for each of these roads: South Hill Road - $85,755.80; Guernsey Hollow - $11,982.48; and Tweed River Drive - $11,980.98.
c. Town Highways – re: Village Green south end. This has been discussed in the past and since there will be some paving involved with the Park & Ride Grant it was decided to address the topic again. George made a motion to close off the southern-most entrance, remove the pavement, and top the area with topsoil and grass/shrubbery. Seconded by Jerry.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 19, 2012
New Business
a. Trash Concern – re: Stevens’s rental on Lower Michigan Road. Mary Lee Stevens called the office to say that for the past three weeks there has been scattered trash on Lower Michigan Road at the rental property owned by Roger and Joyce Stevens. Discussion. Mark said that he would check out the area in question and contact Roger and Joyce if action needed to be taken.
b. Erica Hurd – re: post-Irene Town gathering. This would be a town-wide gathering around to anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene (late August). It was also noted that Marion Abrams hoped to have her documentary completed by then so perhaps there would be a screening of it at that time. The Board had no objection to the idea
c. Patty Haskins – re: seminar. Patty said that she attended a Government Accounting and Auditing Symposium today in Montpelier and found it very informative.
d. Tweed Valley Travelers, Inc. – re: annual maintenance. This VAST Landowners Permission form requests permission to perform annual maintenance on Class 4 roads, namely to Lower Michigan Road. This will be effective June 2012. This was approved by the Board and signed by Mark on their behalf.
Other Business
a. Emergency Pay – re: requested by Town Clerk. Patty said she is now closing out Tropical Store Irene project worksheets so that the town can receive final payments. She said that this is also a busy time of year for her with her normal Clerk/Treasurer duties. She requested permission from the Board to put in time against the Emergency Pay Policy should this additional work prove to be too time consuming. The Board approved.
b. Town Office Building Project – re: Clerk of the Works coverage. Don Flynn will be out of state starting the end of next week. Mark said he would assume the Clerk of the Works duties while Don is away.
c. Pittsfield News – re: linking newsletter to Select Board Minutes. The Board asked the Secretary to contact Angelique Lee to see if a link to the Minutes could be created. They are currently available on the Town’s website.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50pm. There will be a Special Select Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 6:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 10, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: June 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Dave Colton, Marsha Hopkins, Dave Larkin, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 22, 2012 Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update
b. Dave Larkin – re: concerns about tax rate and FEMA
a. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Extension request
b. Marshall’s Alarm Service – re: fire alarm system
c. Marshall & Swift – re: bill for cost tables
d. Kevin Geiger – re: Parks in CDBG
e. TRORC – re: Transportation technical assistance
f. TRORC – re: TAC meeting summary
g. VT Homeland Security – re: radios, etc.
h. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental
i. TRORC – re: 2013 Transportation Enhancement Grants
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: failed wastewater system at Swiss Farm Lodge
Old Business
a. Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: financial report
b. Dogs – re: unlicensed dog report
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: correction of dates
d. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental
e. Town Office Building Project – re: floor and paving
f. Town Ordinances – re: False Alarm ordinance
g. BEOPF – re: update
New Business
a. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay
b. Trash Concern – re: Eagle Rock issue
c. Village Green – re: flowers
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. The Minutes of the May 22, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update. Richard Garofalo may be the first to obtain funds for bank stabilization. Guiseffi-Gans road needs to get their legal people on board.
b. Dave Larkin – re: concerns about tax rate and FEMA. Questions on the tax rate, Patty answered this. Also had questions on the Desena bridge. The board told him that Sarah Gray was on top of all issues.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
June 5, 2012
a. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Extension request. The Listers’ request for an extension from PVR to delay lodging the Abstract of the 2012 Grand List due to Martha’s surgery was approved.
b. Marshall’s Alarm Service – re: fire alarm system. This is an agreement to rest and inspect the fire alarm system. A motion was made by George to accept this. Seconded by Mark. The letter was signed by Mark and returned to the Town Clerk.
c. Marshall & Swift – re: bill for cost tables. George made a motion to pay this bill for $231.85. Seconded by Mark. Returned to the Town Clerk.
d. Kevin Geiger – re: Parks in CDBG. There is no clear funding for parks. There is a hearing on 6/29. No one on the Board is planning to go at this time.
e. TRORC – re: Transportation technical assistance. The Board decided that they do not need this assistance at this time.
f. TRORC – re: TAC meeting summary. At the present time this does not apply to Pittsfield.
g. VT Homeland Security – re: radios, etc. ???
h. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental
i. TRORC – re: 2013 Transportation Enhancement Grants. This was given to George to look over.
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: failed wastewater system at Swiss Farm Lodge. This system is being replaced.
Old Business
a. Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: financial report. ???
b. Dogs – re: unlicensed dog report. Patty told the Board that there were 12 unlicensed dogs in the town. A letter will be sent to these people, a fine will be placed on these dogs unless paid.
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: correction of dates. The correct dates for a previously approved request were changed from 6/2 and 6/3 to 6/1 and 6/2.
d. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental. George stated at this time there is no money to discuss this topic.
e. Town Office Building Project – re: floor and paving. The wood floor and the paving of the parking lot was tabled until Thursday at the Building Committee meeting
f. Town Ordinances – re: false alarm ordinance. It was decided to start over. There have been many false alarms.
g. BEOPF – re: update. George made a motion to accept this with the small changes made by Peter Borden. This was seconded by Mark. Mark will sign this when it goes to the Town Clerk’s office.
New Business
a. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay. The relay race to be in Pittsfield, Town Garage Maintenance yard at 7:23pm to 1:09am on June 23-24.
b. Trash Concern – re: Eagle Rock issue. Apparently someone renting on Eagle Rock Road had a party before leaving for the season and dumped all their trash on Camp 12 Road. Mel Colton and Chuck cleaned it up with their equipment. Mr. Gallant, game warden, will fine Mr. Easum, the owner of the house $500.00 for littering. George made a motion to bill Mr. Easum for time, manpower and equipment. Mark seconded it.
c. Village Green – re: flowers. Mark stated that he would go to see Susie Martin at the end of the meeting.
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June 5, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 8:38pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 19, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 22, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, Coral Allen, Suana Bicek, Jennifer Howard, David Larkin, Marsha Hopkins, Pete Fellows, Emma Zavez, Chris Sargent, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 8, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, and Coral Allen – re: False Alarm Ordinance
b. Coral Allen – re: unwanted parking at the Fire House
c. Coral Allen – re: changing ambulance services
d. Chris Sargent, Emma Zavez, and Pete Fellows – re: Enhanced Consultation regarding Pittsfield’s Town Plan
e. David Larkin – re: concern about Irene demolition and cleanup
f. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update
a. Tod Jones – re: (email) Hurricane Irene Clean up
b. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) Properties and Parks
c. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) HMGP grant funding
d. Joe Poston – re: (email) budget analysis
e. Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog
f. VT ANR – re: booklet
g. FEMA – re: (email) Vermont to receive 90% funding for Irene repair work
h. Clifton Hebert – re: (email) demobilization
i. Workshop – re: Federal Fiduciary Income
Old Business
a. Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: budget analysis and financial status
b. Energy Coordinator – re: appointment
New Business
a. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2012 Contract
b. Letter of Appreciation – re: Green Up Coordinator Peyton Veilleux
c. Land Use Permit #3W0405 – Ray and Lynda Colton, d/b/a/ Colton Enterprises, Inc.
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, multiple dates
Other Business
a. Special Construction Meeting – re: scheduled for 2pm on Thursday, May 24th
b. Listers – re: Desena Superior Court decision
c. Road Commissioner - re: Guernsey Hollow update
d. Select Board Secretary – re: position update
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May 22, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the May 8, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, and Coral Allen – re: False Alarm Ordinance. George said that the previous ordinance submitted to the Select Board was lengthy and hard to understand. This newer one is shorter and much clearer. Dave said that there have been quite a few false alarms and that people need to be made accountable for these. In responding to a false alarm, the department is not available when really needed. George made a motion to sign and adopt the False Alarm Ordinance. Seconded by Mark. The Board signed the ordinance, Dave said he would post it in two places, and noted that it would take effect in 60 days. The original will be recorded at the Town Clerk's Office.
b. Coral Allen – re: unwanted parking at the Fire House. Coral stated that there have been a lot of cars using the fire house lot to park, talk on their cell phones, etc. and this needs to be stopped. Even the use of cones or moving the vehicles into the lot do not deter this problem. In the event of a call out, there would be fire department members arriving and with unauthorized vehicle in the way, it slows down or prevents a speedy response to the call. Coral said she would like to look into the hiring of someone to patrol the town, especially near the station and be able to issue tickets if necessary. Perhaps someone from Killington could be hired to do this. The Board noted that a contract is not currently in effect with the Rutland County Sheriff's Department and therefore Sheriffs have not been seen as they have been in the past. The Board said they would be willing to speak with someone. Coral said she would have someone from Killington contact the Board.
c. Coral Allen – re: changing ambulance services. Coral said that she spoke with Rutland Regional about servicing Pittsfield. She said that the response from them was not favorable. This was due to some past history when this issue was addressed. George said that Pittsfield is committed to WRVA this year. Coral added that most patients request being taken to Rutland vs. Gifford and that since we are in Rutland County it seemed worth looking into.
d. Chris Sargent, Emma Zavez, and Pete Fellows – re: Enhanced Consultation regarding Pittsfield’s Town Plan. Chris Sargent passed out copies of TRORC Enhanced Consultation: Town of Pittsfield 2012. Various topics were reviewed with the Board and the Planning Commission members present. These included local & regional issues, local planning & training needs, new statutory requirements, planning programs and opportunities, TRORC services, and a qualitative review of Pittsfield's Municipal Plan. As always, Chris did compliment the Planning Commission members on their thorough job in preparing the present Town Plan and Two Rivers is ready to work with the Planning Commission in preparation for the next update of the plan and encouraged using lessons learned from Hurricane Irene in updating the plan.
e. David Larkin – re: concern about Irene demolition and cleanup. David said that he still has concern over the fact that nothing is being done to remove the damaged houses so that clean up can begin. It was explained to him that nothing can be done until the State completes their cost reports as any action taken now would also jeopardize the FEMA Buyout Program for others. David said he felt that viewing the destruction was causing blight on the town. Don Flynn and the Board felt that as hard as it is to look at these properties day after day, it is imperative that FEMA's program guidelines be followed judiciously. At this time, Pittsfield's hands are tied until everything is completed.
f. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update. Marsha handed out copies of the letter she referred to at the last meeting she attended. This letter from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, states that they had received a Request for Assistance from Pittsfield to help with recovery efforts from damage caused by Irene through the Emergency Watershed
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
May 22, 2012
Protection (EWP) program. It goes on to state that they are preparing to address woody debris left behind, specifically debris still in the stream channel that has potential to cause
damage to structures immediately downstream of the debris. It adds that this is not a program to remove gravel or take out trees that have fallen on the side of the bank and are not in the channel. There was minimal discussion and no action was taken by the Board.
a. Tod Jones – re: (email) Hurricane Irene Clean up. In his email, Tod stated that he has been making small piles of debris from the river area in front of his house and plans on doing more over the Memorial Day weekend, and how could he dispose of this? Discussion. George said that a dumpster was available at the Town Garage for several weeks and for Green Up Day, but that it has now been removed. It was suggested that Tod cut up the debris to smaller sizes and leave it out for regular weekly trash collection and it is not accepted, then make arrangements with Jon Benson privately or take it to the Solid Waste Collection area in South Royalton. Tod requested an email response prior to his coming to Vermont. The Secretary will respond to him on the 24th.
b. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) Properties and Parks. This pertains to what might be done with properties in the buyout program. For the Board’s information.
c. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) HMGP grant funding. This is a reminder that this program, like all federal grants, is a reimbursable one. For the Board’s information.
d. Joe Poston – re: (email) budget analysis. This states that another item will be additional painting for the green trim and touching up the siding that was painted by someone else. For the Board’s Information.
e. Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog. This letter dated May 21, 2012 is a copy of the letter sent to Sheriff Benard. For the Board’s information.
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: booklet. This booklet entitled Resilience: A Report on the Health of Vermont's Environment, 2011 takes a look at the many facets of the environment post Irene. Topics address in the booklet include climate change, reducing air pollution, reducing flood damage, cleaning up Lake Champlain, protecting lakeshores, enhancing forest resilience, conserving habitat, minimizing waste, building resilient infrastructure, and drawing kids outdoors. Charts and photographs add to this publication.
g. FEMA – re: (email) Vermont to receive 90% funding for Irene repair work. This news release states that FEMA will give Vermont 90% funding instead of the standard 75%.
h. Clifton Hebert – re: (email) demobilization. Mr. Hebert, a Recovery Specialist with WITT Associates, Inc., has been working with the Town in recovery efforts from Irene. His last day in Pittsfield will be May 24th.
i. Workshop – re: Federal Fiduciary Income Tax. This intermediate level workshop is primarily designed for CPA’s/Accountants, Attorneys, Certified Financial Planners/Advisors, Fiduciary Income Tax Return preparers, Bank trust dept professionals, and paralegals. It will be held in Burlington July 31, 2012. No action was taken by the Board..
Old Business
May 22, 2012
May 22, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 8:38pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 5, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 8, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, David Larkin, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 27, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. April 17, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. David Larkin – re: concerns about post Irene cleanup, tax rate, and Town’s public perception
b. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update
a. Park & Ride – re: inquiry from Holly Brown with Stagecoach
b. TRORC – re: Rochester VT 73 Bridges Alternatives Presentation
c. Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) – re: survey to determine interest/needs with regard to internet service
d. Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog
e. VTrans – re: TH5 (Tozier Hill Road) hydraulic study
f. TRORC – re: FEMA denials survey
g. VT Agency of Administration – re: Available Funding for Remaining 25% of HMGP Buyout Costs
h. TRORC – re: 2012 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
i. East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Project Solicitation
j. Don Flynn – re: assortment of emails concerning post Irene issues
k. VTrans – re: bike racks
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Noel’s Catering
b. Temp Vault – re: discovery of mold on ceiling
c. Payment from State of Vermont – re: Liberty Hill, Pittsfield side
d. FY2012 State Education Property Tax Liability – re: payment due June 1st
e. Change Order #3 – re: approval and signatures
f. Certificate of Payment for A/A document – re: approval and signatures
g. Town Officer Mileage – re: increase from $.55/mile to $.555/mile
h. Town Building Project – re: issue with electrical power
Other Business
a. Select Board Statement – re: review and approve to posting on the Town’s website
b. Tweed River Drive – re: re-gravelling
c. Parmenter Place and Baker Road – re: guardrails
d. Town Building Project – re: repainting green trim on addition
e. Select Board Secretary – re: position update
Pittsfield Select Board Meeting page 2
May 8, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. The Minutes of the April 17, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. The Minutes of the Special Select Board Meeting held on March 27, 2012 were approved with corrections. George said he would print off a copy for approval and filing.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. David Larkin – re: concerns about post Irene cleanup, tax rate, and Town’s public perception. David said he had several concerns he would like to bring before the Board. He hoped he wasn’t expressing concerns over issues that might have been already discussed and apologized for not attending more meetings to obtain more current information. His first concern was about the status of the flood damaged buildings, namely those owned by Tim Pins and Evelyn Payette. He wanted to know why they hadn’t been removed yet. He said that some people are saying that Pittsfield looks bad. The situation was explained. He said that he participated in Green Up Day and removed a lot of debris from the river. He wanted to know if there was any money available for river clean up. He added that there were a lot of potentially dangerous material in the river which could cause problems for anyone swimming or boating in the summer. The “cliffhanging” McAdams home was discussed and what would happen if the house falls into the river and whose responsibility it would be for cleanup. He also asked about this year’s tax rate. George explained that the Town may have to borrow money to pay for schools until tax money comes in in August. He said that they have set up a Line of Credit at 1% in anticipation. It was noted that if the bill recently passed by the Legislature is signed by the governor, the amount due would be reduced slightly. Pittsfield is not the only town impacted this way by Irene. George said that the School Board meeting to vote on the School Budget is coming up. Mark thanked David for coming. He added that he wished the Town had the resources and money to take care of everything that needs to be taken care of.
b. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update. Marsha explained that the State is looking for the status of the properties involved. She said that she wrote each property owner affected asking what their intentions were. She said she has heard from most of them. She told the Board that they will need to decide whether or not to assume responsibility for each project. The Board said they would prefer that each property owner assume the responsibility for obtaining bids, etc., but they would be willing to work with the homeowner providing them with some direction if needed. There was some discussion regarding the number of bids required, the size of the projects, advertising, ets. The Town would be responsible for 75% until reimbursed. She added that the Board will need to sign off on each project. Some of the property owners want to know what their 25% of the project cost would be and whether or not they can manage that cost. The cost estimates are being prepared by the State. Marsha said she would let Patty and the Board know when the State cost reports are available. The projects would have to be totally completed by August 20, 2012. It was felt that this might not be a possibility.
May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012
Other Business
May 8, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 22, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 17, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Arlene Drugonis, Sandy Begin, Nancy Blessing, Sean Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting
a. American Red Cross - Request for Donation
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA - 2012 Municipal Safety Training
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins)
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals:
- Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern).
b. Annual Financial Plan - Town Highways
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. The Minutes of the April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting. Nancy asked the board if they had read the letter that she had addressed to them prior to the last Regular Select Board Meeting. Mark responded that he had not read it, and neither had the rest of the board. Mark assumed it was one of the responses relating to the bulletin sent out in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter on the paint color options/cost. The letter (summed up) stated
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April 17, 2012
b. that Nancy was disappointed in the board. She stated that when the board makes a decision (such as designating someone to choose colors) they need to take responsibility and stick by that decision. She felt that her concerns (as well as many others who could not attend the previous meetings) were not heard, and that it is unfortunate that the board acted the way they did when a few loud voices demanded a change. Mark thanked Nancy for bringing this letter to the Board's attention.
a. American Red Cross – Request for Donation. Request for $100 donation (as given previously) was requested. The board noted that the donation was already approved in the budget at the annual meeting. Payment will be made after taxes come in.
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA – 2012 Municipal Safety Training. Training topics: Lock out/tag out and electrical safety. When & Where: April 26 at the Hartford Municipal Building and May 3 at Mallets Bay Fire Station in Colchester, both sessions are from 8am to noon. George took a copy of this correspondence.
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments. Two Rivers has initiated a process to update several sections of the TRORC Regional Plan. Attached to the memo were two documents. One is a public hearing notice laying out formal opportunities to react to this proposal; the second are draft amendments under consideration. The TRORC board encourages participation in these hearings and welcomes written comments prior to hearings. No action taken.
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report. Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. Patty stated that a lot of towns have energy committees to take care of these type of things and it may be a good idea for Pittsfield to look into forming one. George agreed and stated that he would be glad to head up a committee here in Pittsfield and would look into finding a few more interested people in joining the committee. George stated that once a committee has been formed they will look over the draft report together.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins). A Project Review Sheet was received for a project generally described as: The permitee (Greener Futures LLC - Tim Pins and Walter Radicioni) propose to lease approximately 1,745 SF in the formerly Stanley Tool building (1,120 SF in the existing "maintenance building" and 625 SF in the formerly pre-dry area and the former "kiln") to Tim Pins, sole member, to be known as "Northern Dominion, LLC." Northern Dominion proposes to operate this space inside the Stanley Plant as a used car dealership. 6 to 20 vehicles will be stored inside the building. There will be no new signs and no physical changes to the Stanley building. No action taken.
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop. This correspondence tabled until next meeting.
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden. Mr. Jim Carroll wrote that he attended a status conference in the Murphy Petition at Rutland Superior Court today. The court has given Mr. Murphy until June 11 to respond to the pending motion to dismiss. No action taken.
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April 17, 2012
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit. Jan emailed the board to spread the word about an upcoming benefit. The benefit will be held on Friday, May 18th in the Center Street Alley in downtown Rutland. There will be a silent auction and concert to raise monies for Pittsfield, Stockbridge and Bridgewater disaster relief funds, as well as for the Rutland County Long Term Recovery Committee. 50% of everything raised will be distributed to the three above towns. The board was please to hear about this event, and asked the Secretary to help spread the word by making up a couple of fliers to post at the Town Hall and Post Office.
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II. Saturday, April 28, 2012. The program will be held at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Patty suggested that it may be a good idea for the Select Board to attend this program if possible. George stated that he would like to go, and asked Patty to sign him up.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board: Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern) – 1st Class Liquor License.
b. Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways. The Board started looking over the Annual Financial Plan. Mark then pointed out that it didn’t look correct.. Upon further inspection George stated that the figures were correct, but the mileage figures were not. George said he would look into it and get back to the board when the numbers are straightened out.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill. Patty informed the board that the Town has received a bill from B&D Painting for applying 1 coat of Sherwin Williams white paint to the siding prior to installation on the Town Office Building. The total cost of labor and materials was $1,500. Patty asked Mark how the board would like to proceed, because at a previous meeting Mark stated that donations had been received to cover the painting from several organizations in Town. Mark stated that there have been several donations so far, and they will cover the cost. Mark then asked for the bill and said he would take care of it.
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment. Patty informed the board that now that spring is here, completing Bridge #11 is a top priority. The Town cannot receive reimbursement from FEMA until the project is finished. The sooner payment can be received from FEMA, the longer the town can hold out having to take out a loan. Mark stated that he would call Aaron Guyette from VHB to get things moving.
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout. George informed the board that there has recently been a washout on Tozier Hill Rd. One of culverts that had been re-installed post-Tropical Storm Irene plugged up and a good portion of the road was washed out because of this. George spoke to Tom Roberts and he is going to do a hydraulic study on the culvert. George also stated that Tom had looked at the culvert and said that by visual inspection the culvert is far too small for the amount of water that runs through it. George talked to Clifton Hebert (Witts Associates) and Kevin Walkes (FEMA) about the culvertand it is not really a FEMA issue at this point. Tom Roberts believes that it would be eligible for a structure grant. Nothing can be moved forward though, until the hydraulic study is done. This was noted by the board.
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board. Mark suggested that the Select Board should write a statement to the town in response to the emails sent in regarding building color. He would like to see something in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter. He wants people to know why they made the decision that they did from their perspective. George stated that he would write something up and run it by the other board members before submitting it.
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April 17, 2012
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit. The board discussed the deposit that the Town is holding for Mr. Bill Oren for the Pawnbrokers License Application. The board decided that because Mr. Oren has not submitted an application yet, and seems to have no intent to submit it in the near future that the Town should send his application deposit back. The board asked the Secretary to write Mr. Oren a letter stating this information and send it along with his deposit check.
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved May 8, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 4, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Henry Hotchkiss, Janice Carbone, John Carbone, Jack Conboy, Margaret Conboy, Susie Martin, Ann Taylor, James Cullen, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Sandy Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:17pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
McManus stated that where to put the emergency disconnect was still being debated. There has been some talk with CVPS as to whether or not it will be in the front of the building or if the cable can be run under ground around to the side of the building. Different responses have been had so far from CVPS and the Fire Marshall.
McManus stated that the fire marshal mentioned that additional smoke detectors may also be required because of the coffered ceiling. Joe should have an answer by tomorrow. There are two in there currently; one more may need to be added.
Joe then stated that for the roofing work it was $2,000 for them to strip the existing shingles and then a dumpster will be needed which is usually around six or seven hundred dollars. The sheeting is good but they did have to install some extra wood up there so the extra cost should be close to $3,500 - $4,000. Mark then stated that there is no completed change order for that yet, but the Town will see it soon.
McManus then stated that last week he met with the building committee and the Library committee about some of the interior finishes. They also decided on a cabinet door style and finish. What McManus forgot to mention at that meeting was that wasn't the original cabinet door style specced, those cost a little more. Joe emailed McManus the prices today which would be $633.00 extra. Patty also asked if one of the cabinet components could be changed from a base cabinet with a door to a cabinet with three drawers stacked on top of one another. Joe stated that the extra cost for that was quoted as $431.00 but he felt that seemed pretty high and stated he would look into it. McManus then stated that they really need to start moving forward on the cabinets, and the changes thus far would total $1,064.00.
Henry then spoke up and stated that the members present of the building committee would like to speak with McManus about the additional costs after the meeting. Henry then stated that perhaps going back to the original style might be fine. McManus then stated that the cabinets do need to be ordered soon, and suggested that the building committee and the select board keep him in the loop and let him know within the next few days what cabinet style has been chosen via email.
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McManus then mentioned that at the last meeting the board said that they were looking at potentially hiring a sub-contractor to do the outside painting. Mark discussed some things with Joe regarding logistics, he also stated that he was concerned with things such as warranty and bonding, etc. He then asked Joe if he talked to the painter, and Joe said that he could come down $1,000 on his price so it would be $7,000 instead of $8,000. Joe then stated that his biggest concern is that if the board decides to go with someone else for the painting, they should make sure that they are using the same kind of paint.
McManus then stated that he was more concerned with what the bonding company would say if an outside contractor was chosen for painting. Mark Begin then stated that as of right now the cost has been covered by donations from different members of the community, so it will save the town quite a bit of money.
McManus then asked the board if they wanted him to check with the bonding company who is financing the project (Vermont Bond Bank). The board told McManus to go ahead with that.
McManus then stated that he had not received a draft payment application. Joe responded that he had a draft with him. McManus then went over draft one of the Application and Certification for payment with the board. Wright Construction applied for $86,754.22 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item.
Joe stated that he would send change order #2 with the application for payment. McManus asked Joe to clarify what was included on change order #2. Joe responded that the majority of the cost for finishing the basement and modifying the electric in the library and changing outlets to quad outlets were the biggest costs. There is also a credit for concrete inspection which was cancelled.
Patty then asked if there would be any more repair work on the windows. Joe responded that type of work will be taken care of by the painters when they are here. When they are painting they can replace the panes. Joe also stated that repairing will cost extra; they have also counted approximately 15 panes broken at this point.
McManus then asked Joe if there were any additional issues that came up from the electrical inspector. Joe answered that there were not.
George then brought up the floor outlets in the Clerk's Office. McManus asked if the board was still interested in putting those in. The board responded that they were. McManus also clarified that the outlets are combination electrical/computer/phone jacks. McManus then asked Joe if he could add the outlets to change order 2 and Joe responded that he would try to have it added. The cost of the outlets would be $1,173.00.
Patty then asked Joe about the CVPS bill that the town had paid. Joe responded that he would try to add the credit to the next bill.
McManus then stated that there would be another building committee meeting on April 17th where they will go over interior paint colors.
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Patty stated that someone working with the VCDP Grant needs to know how far the town is on the ADA work and he will need to schedule a visit to make sure the town is on track with everything. Patty then asked approximately when the elevator would be installed. Joe responded that it's one of the last things that happens.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting was not discussed.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 3, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Vern Haskins, Mary Lee Stevens, Colleen Stevens, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Darryl Calkins, Robert Salmeri, Arlene Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdictional Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden.
g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft).
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews.
b. Grand List - Board Approval
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program)
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The Minutes of the March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. There were concerns regarding the Minutes of the March 27, 2012 Emergency Meeting (see section: Other Business: c.).
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues. Mr. Salmeri wanted the board to be aware of a few issues that he is having regarding the steps required to obtain a permit to
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begin rebuilding his house which was destroyed during Tropical Storm Irene. He also brought Darryl Calkins (an engineer from Hartford, VT) to help explain Mr. Salmeri's situation. Darryl
has done extensive surveying in the area and has come to the conclusion that there is an error with the FEMA floodplain maps which were done during a study in 1991. According to the 1991 survey Mr. Salmeri would need to raise his proposed house 8ft above the level of the garage. Darryl laid out some maps and showed them to the board explaining the reasoning behind what he was explaining. He stated that he is fairly certain that the maps are off by approximately 4 or 5 feet, which makes a pretty big difference when someone is trying to rebuild a house in a floodplain. Darryl spoke with the State of VT inquiring about how the map can be changed and came to the conclusion that it would not be easy. The process would take about two years, and Mr. Salmeri doesn't want to wait that long. Darryl then stated that he would recommend trying to go through unofficial channels instead to expedite the process. Another method would be if the Town could grant Mr. Salmeri a variance (which would need to be handled by the zoning board of adjustment). Mr. Salmeri then stated that he has been trying to obtain this permit to begin rebuilding for months and it is costing him a lot of money but he is determined to make it happen. Mark then stated that he would make a few phone calls to the State of VT., specifically to Rob Evans and Rebecca Pfeiffer and try to get some answers for Mr. Salmeri. Patty also suggested that Mark should call Sara Gray before he calls the State to see where she is in the process. Mark said that he would make those calls and then keep in touch with Mr. Salmeri.
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. Listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. See Other Business section d.
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdicational Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012. A letter from the State of Vermont Natural Resources Board to the Vermont Country Inn was forwarded to the Board from Peter Borden. The letter constitutes the jurisdictional opinion required by Condition 16 of Land Use Permit #3W1024. This jurisdictional opinion concludes that there are no material changes to the previously permitted project proposed for the Death race that is scheduled for 2012. No action taken.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways. An email was received from Thomas Malinowski who states that he works for an organization called the Rozalia Project. They are a non-profit company who does a study on marine debris and cleans along water bodies such as lakes, rivers, streams, etc. They are targeting public spaces along waterways for cleaning. They will provide their own workers and equipment. If the Town is interested, they would like to start cleaning as soon as possible. No action taken.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter. A thank you letter was received from Stagecoach for the commitment of $200.00 appropriated by the Town of Pittsfield in support of services provided to its residents. No action taken.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC. Project Review Sheet for Application #WW-3-0122-5. The project is described as: off lot replacement for a failed wastewater system for an existing commercial building on a tract of .4 acres, located on 3963 Route 100. No action taken.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers. The State of VT is working to organize volunteers for projects related to the state's continuing recovery from Tropical Storm Irene. The kick-off date is scheduled for May 5th and volunteer opportunities will continue until the anniversary of the storm in late August 2012. No action taken.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. The board was copied on a correspondence from James F. Carrol of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. to Therese Corsones, Court Manager of the Rutland Superior Court. Enclosed was the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield's Motion to Dismiss. No action taken.
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g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft). Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. The board decided to table this until the next meeting so that each member could read through the packet of information.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12. Request to cater for Rehearsal Dinner at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/04/12 starting at 5:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12. Request to cater for Wedding Reception at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/05/12 starting at 3:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews. A permit for Driveway Construction was received from Nioka Andrews for the construction of a driveway on 77 Townsend Brook Rd. The board noted that this was already an existing driveway and decided that the Town should waive the application fee. The permit was then approved and signed by the board.
b. Grand List - Board Approval. The board approved the 2009, 2010 & 2011 Grand List.
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program). Patty presented the board with a form from Marsha Hopkins relating to the EWP program. The purpose of the form is to be used by sponsor(s) to provide assurances to the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture which is required in connection with the installation of project measures which involve Federal financial assistance furnished by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The project measures covered are: Name of Project: PITT-11-006 (River View Trail), Identity of improvement or development: EWP Riprap Streambank Protection, Location: River View Trail - access road to five homes and one lot. Mark attested to and signed the form.
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers. Arlene informed the board that there has been an increase in the amount of trash cans/bags being broken into by animals recently. She would like to know if there is anything that the board can do (such as an ordinance) to get people to secure their trash in either a trash hut or at least to ensure there are lids on all containers. The board discussed a few different options and then ultimately decided that the issue would be tabled until the next meeting.
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion. Sean Lee stated that he had a few concerns with the draft minutes from the Emergency Meeting held on March 27th 2012. Before Sean mentioned these concerns, the question of the legality of Sean having access to the draft minutes was raised by the board. Sean responded that it was in fact legal, and the Secretary confirmed this. She stated that she spoke with the Vermont Secretary of States office last week and the Deputy Secretary stated that the public has a right to see minutes and even notes, even if they have not yet been approved. Sean's main concern with the draft minutes was the content. He believed that the intent of the meeting was not fairly stated, and he would like to see the minutes reflect a more accurate description
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of what actually happened. Sean said that "questions" were not raised regarding posters and emails being circulated as the first draft stated, instead the Select Board Chair opened the
meeting by actually saying: "This meeting is in regard to the stuff being posted all around town, and I believe it is being done on town time and with town materials." Sean also believes that there is a clear omission of facts, specifically regarding emails received stating how many people were against spending additional money to change the Town Office Building back to white and how many were for it. Patty printed out 63 email responses that had been received and read the totals at the March 27th Emergency Meeting, which included 57 indicating that they did not want to spend the extra money at this time and 6 which were in favor. This was not stated in the draft minutes. Patty then stated to the board, that although those people couldn't be here in person, that their opinions are just as important as those who could attend the meeting. Sean then inquired about why the Emergency Meeting was even called in the first place. It was stated at that meeting that the color white had already been decided prior to the meeting, so why hold a meeting regarding "color"? Jerry responded that it was to discuss issues.
Colleen and Mary Lee then spoke up to voice their concern. Colleen asked how the board could justify spending that much of the taxpayers dollars when clearly the majority didn't want to spend it. George responded with why he decided to vote for white, and that was because most of the people he spoke with in town did assume it would be white and he believed many were hoping to see it white. He also believed that the finished project should be delivered in it's finished state because he felt that was very important to a lot of people and that was what many expected. George also stated that he was quite surprised and hurt by the way people acted regarding this color issue.
Martha then asked about the contingency fund. She inquired if the money for painting could just come out of that. Patty responded that there is a contingency fund, but if the money isn't used for painting it can be used for something else down the road such as paying back the bond -- ultimately saving the taxpayers money.
Don Taylor also wanted to know why the emergency meeting was held last week. He stated that he feels sending emails to the Select Board is fruitless if the few people who show up at a meeting have more weight than the majority who voice their concerns via another means of communication (ie. email). He also believes that the board should have stood up to those who berated Patty and then perhaps things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. Patty then stated that she was appalled, shocked and ashamed that the meeting was allowed to go on the way that it did.
George then stated that he felt the minutes of the emergency meeting should be changed to more accurately reflect what happened. After some discussion it was decided that George would help re-write the minutes of the March 27th Emergency Meeting.
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. The listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. When Sean Lee didn't leave the listers asked the board to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing "lister stuff". Sean, the Town Clerk and Select Board Secretary informed the board that there are only a hand full of reasons to go into executive session and that is not one of them. When Sean still refused to leave, the subject was dropped.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: April 17, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Arlene Drugonis, Sandy Begin, Nancy Blessing, Sean Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting
a. American Red Cross - Request for Donation
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA - 2012 Municipal Safety Training
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins)
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals:
- Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern).
b. Annual Financial Plan - Town Highways
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. The Minutes of the April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting. Nancy asked the board if they had read the letter that she had addressed to them prior to the last Regular Select Board Meeting. Mark responded that he had not read it, and neither had the rest of the board. Mark assumed it was one of the responses relating to the bulletin sent out in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter on the
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paint color options/cost. The letter (summed up) stated that Nancy was disappointed in the board. She stated that when the board makes a decision (such as designating someone to choose colors) they need to take responsibility and stick by that decision. She felt that her concerns (as well as many others who could not attend the previous meetings) were not heard, and that it is unfortunate that the board acted the way they did when a few loud voices demanded a change. Mark thanked Nancy for bringing this letter to the Board's attention.
a. American Red Cross - Request for Donation. Request for $100 donation (as given previously) was requested. The board noted that the donation was already approved in the budget at the annual meeting. Payment will be made after taxes come in.
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA - 2012 Municipal Safety Training. Training topics: Lock out/tag out and Electrical safety. When & Where: April 26 at the Hartford Municipal Building and May 3 at Mallets Bay Fire Stattion in Colchester, both sessions are from 8am to noon. George took a copy of this correspondence.
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments. Two Rivers has initiated a process to update several sections of the TRORC Regional Plan. Attached to the memo were two documents. One is a public hearing notice laying out formal opportunities to react to this proposal; the second are draft amendments under consideration. The TRORC board encourages participation in these hearings and welcomes written comments prior to hearings. No action taken.
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report. Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. Patty stated that a lot of towns have energy committees to take care of these type of things and it may be a good idea for Pittsfield to look into forming one. George agreed and stated that he would be glad to head up a committee here in Pittsfield and would look into finding a few more interested people in joining the committee. George stated that once a committee has been formed they will look over the draft report together.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins). A Project Review Sheet was received for a project generally described as: The permitee (Greener Futures LLC - Tim Pins and Walter Radicioni) propose to lease approximately 1,745 SF in the formerly Stanley Tool building (1,120 SF in the existing "maintenance building" and 625 SF in the formerly pre-dry area and the former "kiln") to Tim Pins, sole member, to be known as "Northern Dominion, LLC." Northern Dominion proposes to operate this space inside the Stanley Plant as a used car dealership. 6 to 20 vehicles will be stored inside the building. There will be no new signs and no physical changes to the Stanley building. No action taken.
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop. This correspondence tabled until next meeting.
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g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden. Mr. Jim Carroll wrote that he attended a status conference in the Murphy Petition at Rutland Superior Court today. The court has given Mr. Murphy until June 11 to respond to the pending motion to dismiss. No action taken.
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit. Jan emailed the board to spread the word about an upcoming benefit. The benefit will be held on Friday, May 18th in the Center Street Alley in downtown Rutland. There will be a silent auction and concert to raise monies for Pittsfield, Stockbridge and Bridgewater disaster relief funds, as well as for the Rutland County Long Term Recovery Committee. 50% of everything raised will be distributed to the three above towns. The board was please to hear about this event, and asked the Secretary to help spread the word by making up a couple of fliers to post at the Town Hall and Post Office.
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II. Saturday, April 28, 2012. The program will be held at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Patty suggested that it may be a good idea for the Select Board to attend this program if possible. George stated that he would like to go, and asked Patty to sign him up.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board:
- Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern) - 1st Class Liquor License
b. Annual Financial Plan - Town Highways. The Board started looking over the Annual Financial plan, Mark then pointed out that it didn't look correct. Upon further inspection George stated that the figures were correct, but the mileage figures were not. George said he would look into it and get back to the board when the numbers are straightened out.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill. Patty informed the board that the Town has received a bill from B&D Painting for applying 1 coat of Sherwin Williams white paint to the siding prior to installation on the Town Office Building. The total cost of labor and materials was $1,500. Patty asked Mark how the board would like to proceed, because at a previous meeting Mark stated that donations had been received to cover the painting from several organizations in Town. Mark stated that there have been several donations so far, and they will cover the cost. Mark then asked for the bill and said he would take care of it.
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment. Patty informed the board that now that spring is here, completing Bridge #11 is a top priority. The Town cannot receive reimbursement from FEMA until the project is finished. The sooner payment can be received from FEMA, the longer the town can hold out having to take out a loan. Mark stated that he would call Aaron Guyette from VHB to get things moving.
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout. George informed the board that there has recently been a washout on Tozier Hill Rd. One of culverts that had been re-installed post-Tropical Storm Irene plugged up and a good portion of the road was washed out because of this. George spoke to Tom Roberts and he is going to do a hydraulic study on the culvert. George also stated that Tom had looked at the culvert and said that by visual inspection the culvert is far too small for the amount of water that runs through it. George talked to Clifton Hebert (Witts Associates) and Kevin Walkes (FEMA) about the culvert
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and it is not really a FEMA issue at this point. Tom Roberts believes that it would be eligible for a structure grant. Nothing can be moved forward though, until the hydraulic study is done. This was noted by the board.
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board. Mark suggested that the Select Board should write a statement to the town in response to the emails sent in regarding building color. He would like to see something in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter. He wants people to know why they made the decision that they did from their perspective. George stated that he would write something up and run it by the other board members before submitting it.
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit. The board discussed the deposit that the Town is holding for Mr. Bill Oren for the Pawnbrokers License Application. The board decided that because Mr. Oren has not submitted an application yet, and seems to have no intent to submit it in the near future that the Town should send his application deposit back. The board asked the Secretary to write Mr. Oren a letter stating this information and send it along with his deposit check.
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved May 8, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 4, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Henry Hotchkiss, Janice Carbone, John Carbone, Jack Conboy, Margaret Conboy, Susie Martin, Ann Taylor, James Cullen, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Sandy Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:17pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
McManus stated that where to put the emergency disconnect was still being debated. There has been some talk with CVPS as to whether or not it will be in the front of the building or if the cable can be run under ground around to the side of the building. Different responses have been had so far from CVPS and the Fire Marshall.
McManus stated that the fire marshal mentioned that additional smoke detectors may also be required because of the coffered ceiling. Joe should have an answer by tomorrow. There are two in there currently; one more may need to be added.
Joe then stated that for the roofing work it was $2,000 for them to strip the existing shingles and then a dumpster will be needed which is usually around six or seven hundred dollars. The sheeting is good but they did have to install some extra wood up there so the extra cost should be close to $3,500 - $4,000. Mark then stated that there is no completed change order for that yet, but the Town will see it soon.
McManus then stated that last week he met with the building committee and the Library committee about some of the interior finishes. They also decided on a cabinet door style and finish. What McManus forgot to mention at that meeting was that wasn't the original cabinet door style specced, those cost a little more. Joe emailed McManus the prices today which would be $633.00 extra. Patty also asked if one of the cabinet components could be changed from a base cabinet with a door to a cabinet with three drawers stacked on top of one another. Joe stated that the extra cost for that was quoted as $431.00 but he felt that seemed pretty high and stated he would look into it. McManus then stated that they really need to start moving forward on the cabinets, and the changes thus far would total $1,064.00.
Henry then spoke up and stated that the members present of the building committee would like to speak with McManus about the additional costs after the meeting. Henry then stated that perhaps going back to the original style might be fine. McManus then stated that the cabinets do need to be ordered soon, and suggested that the building committee and the select board keep him in the loop and let him know within the next few days what cabinet style has been chosen via email.
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McManus then mentioned that at the last meeting the board said that they were looking at potentially hiring a sub-contractor to do the outside painting. Mark discussed some things with Joe regarding logistics, he also stated that he was concerned with things such as warranty and bonding, etc. He then asked Joe if he talked to the painter, and Joe said that he could come down $1,000 on his price so it would be $7,000 instead of $8,000. Joe then stated that his biggest concern is that if the board decides to go with someone else for the painting, they should make sure that they are using the same kind of paint.
McManus then stated that he was more concerned with what the bonding company would say if an outside contractor was chosen for painting. Mark Begin then stated that as of right now the cost has been covered by donations from different members of the community, so it will save the town quite a bit of money.
McManus then asked the board if they wanted him to check with the bonding company who is financing the project (Vermont Bond Bank). The board told McManus to go ahead with that.
McManus then stated that he had not received a draft payment application. Joe responded that he had a draft with him. McManus then went over draft one of the Application and Certification for payment with the board. Wright Construction applied for $86,754.22 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item.
Joe stated that he would send change order #2 with the application for payment. McManus asked Joe to clarify what was included on change order #2. Joe responded that the majority of the cost for finishing the basement and modifying the electric in the library and changing outlets to quad outlets were the biggest costs. There is also a credit for concrete inspection which was cancelled.
Patty then asked if there would be any more repair work on the windows. Joe responded that type of work will be taken care of by the painters when they are here. When they are painting they can replace the panes. Joe also stated that repairing will cost extra; they have also counted approximately 15 panes broken at this point.
McManus then asked Joe if there were any additional issues that came up from the electrical inspector. Joe answered that there were not.
George then brought up the floor outlets in the Clerk's Office. McManus asked if the board was still interested in putting those in. The board responded that they were. McManus also clarified that the outlets are combination electrical/computer/phone jacks. McManus then asked Joe if he could add the outlets to change order 2 and Joe responded that he would try to have it added. The cost of the outlets would be $1,173.00.
Patty then asked Joe about the CVPS bill that the town had paid. Joe responded that he would try to add the credit to the next bill.
McManus then stated that there would be another building committee meeting on April 17th where they will go over interior paint colors.
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Patty stated that someone working with the VCDP Grant needs to know how far the town is on the ADA work and he will need to schedule a visit to make sure the town is on track with everything. Patty then asked approximately when the elevator would be installed. Joe responded that it's one of the last things that happens.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting was not discussed.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 3, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Vern Haskins, Mary Lee Stevens, Colleen Stevens, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Darryl Calkins, Robert Salmeri, Arlene Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdictional Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden.
g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft).
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews.
b. Grand List - Board Approval
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program)
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The Minutes of the March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. There were concerns regarding the Minutes of the March 27, 2012 Emergency Meeting (see section: Other Business: c.).
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues. Mr. Salmeri wanted the board to be aware of a few issues that he is having regarding the steps required to obtain a permit to
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begin rebuilding his house which was destroyed during Tropical Storm Irene. He also brought Darryl Calkins (an engineer from Hartford, VT) to help explain Mr. Salmeri's situation. Darryl
has done extensive surveying in the area and has come to the conclusion that there is an error with the FEMA floodplain maps which were done during a study in 1991. According to the 1991 survey Mr. Salmeri would need to raise his proposed house 8ft above the level of the garage. Darryl laid out some maps and showed them to the board explaining the reasoning behind what he was explaining. He stated that he is fairly certain that the maps are off by approximately 4 or 5 feet, which makes a pretty big difference when someone is trying to rebuild a house in a floodplain. Darryl spoke with the State of VT inquiring about how the map can be changed and came to the conclusion that it would not be easy. The process would take about two years, and Mr. Salmeri doesn't want to wait that long. Darryl then stated that he would recommend trying to go through unofficial channels instead to expedite the process. Another method would be if the Town could grant Mr. Salmeri a variance (which would need to be handled by the zoning board of adjustment). Mr. Salmeri then stated that he has been trying to obtain this permit to begin rebuilding for months and it is costing him a lot of money but he is determined to make it happen. Mark then stated that he would make a few phone calls to the State of VT., specifically to Rob Evans and Rebecca Pfeiffer and try to get some answers for Mr. Salmeri. Patty also suggested that Mark should call Sara Gray before he calls the State to see where she is in the process. Mark said that he would make those calls and then keep in touch with Mr. Salmeri.
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. Listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. See Other Business section d.
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdicational Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012. A letter from the State of Vermont Natural Resources Board to the Vermont Country Inn was forwarded to the Board from Peter Borden. The letter constitutes the jurisdictional opinion required by Condition 16 of Land Use Permit #3W1024. This jurisdictional opinion concludes that there are no material changes to the previously permitted project proposed for the Death race that is scheduled for 2012. No action taken.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways. An email was received from Thomas Malinowski who states that he works for an organization called the Rozalia Project. They are a non-profit company who does a study on marine debris and cleans along water bodies such as lakes, rivers, streams, etc. They are targeting public spaces along waterways for cleaning. They will provide their own workers and equipment. If the Town is interested, they would like to start cleaning as soon as possible. No action taken.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter. A thank you letter was received from Stagecoach for the commitment of $200.00 appropriated by the Town of Pittsfield in support of services provided to its residents. No action taken.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC. Project Review Sheet for Application #WW-3-0122-5. The project is described as: off lot replacement for a failed wastewater system for an existing commercial building on a tract of .4 acres, located on 3963 Route 100. No action taken.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers. The State of VT is working to organize volunteers for projects related to the state's continuing recovery from Tropical Storm Irene. The kick-off date is scheduled for May 5th and volunteer opportunities will continue until the anniversary of the storm in late August 2012. No action taken.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. The board was copied on a correspondence from James F. Carrol of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. to Therese Corsones, Court Manager of the Rutland Superior Court. Enclosed was the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield's Motion to Dismiss. No action taken.
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g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft). Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. The board decided to table this until the next meeting so that each member could read through the packet of information.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12. Request to cater for Rehearsal Dinner at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/04/12 starting at 5:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12. Request to cater for Wedding Reception at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/05/12 starting at 3:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews. A permit for Driveway Construction was received from Nioka Andrews for the construction of a driveway on 77 Townsend Brook Rd. The board noted that this was already an existing driveway and decided that the Town should waive the application fee. The permit was then approved and signed by the board.
b. Grand List - Board Approval. The board approved the 2009, 2010 & 2011 Grand List.
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program). Patty presented the board with a form from Marsha Hopkins relating to the EWP program. The purpose of the form is to be used by sponsor(s) to provide assurances to the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture which is required in connection with the installation of project measures which involve Federal financial assistance furnished by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The project measures covered are: Name of Project: PITT-11-006 (River View Trail), Identity of improvement or development: EWP Riprap Streambank Protection, Location: River View Trail - access road to five homes and one lot. Mark attested to and signed the form.
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers. Arlene informed the board that there has been an increase in the amount of trash cans/bags being broken into by animals recently. She would like to know if there is anything that the board can do (such as an ordinance) to get people to secure their trash in either a trash hut or at least to ensure there are lids on all containers. The board discussed a few different options and then ultimately decided that the issue would be tabled until the next meeting.
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion. Sean Lee stated that he had a few concerns with the draft minutes from the Emergency Meeting held on March 27th 2012. Before Sean mentioned these concerns, the question of the legality of Sean having access to the draft minutes was raised by the board. Sean responded that it was in fact legal, and the Secretary confirmed this. She stated that she spoke with the Vermont Secretary of States office last week and the Deputy Secretary stated that the public has a right to see minutes and even notes, even if they have not yet been approved. Sean's main concern with the draft minutes was the content. He believed that the intent of the meeting was not fairly stated, and he would like to see the minutes reflect a more accurate description
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of what actually happened. Sean said that "questions" were not raised regarding posters and emails being circulated as the first draft stated, instead the Select Board Chair opened the
meeting by actually saying: "This meeting is in regard to the stuff being posted all around town, and I believe it is being done on town time and with town materials." Sean also believes that there is a clear omission of facts, specifically regarding emails received stating how many people were against spending additional money to change the Town Office Building back to white and how many were for it. Patty printed out 63 email responses that had been received and read the totals at the March 27th Emergency Meeting, which included 57 indicating that they did not want to spend the extra money at this time and 6 which were in favor. This was not stated in the draft minutes. Patty then stated to the board, that although those people couldn't be here in person, that their opinions are just as important as those who could attend the meeting. Sean then inquired about why the Emergency Meeting was even called in the first place. It was stated at that meeting that the color white had already been decided prior to the meeting, so why hold a meeting regarding "color"? Jerry responded that it was to discuss issues.
Colleen and Mary Lee then spoke up to voice their concern. Colleen asked how the board could justify spending that much of the taxpayers dollars when clearly the majority didn't want to spend it. George responded with why he decided to vote for white, and that was because most of the people he spoke with in town did assume it would be white and he believed many were hoping to see it white. He also believed that the finished project should be delivered in it's finished state because he felt that was very important to a lot of people and that was what many expected. George also stated that he was quite surprised and hurt by the way people acted regarding this color issue.
Martha then asked about the contingency fund. She inquired if the money for painting could just come out of that. Patty responded that there is a contingency fund, but if the money isn't used for painting it can be used for something else down the road such as paying back the bond -- ultimately saving the taxpayers money.
Don Taylor also wanted to know why the emergency meeting was held last week. He stated that he feels sending emails to the Select Board is fruitless if the few people who show up at a meeting have more weight than the majority who voice their concerns via another means of communication (ie. email). He also believes that the board should have stood up to those who berated Patty and then perhaps things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. Patty then stated that she was appalled, shocked and ashamed that the meeting was allowed to go on the way that it did.
George then stated that he felt the minutes of the emergency meeting should be changed to more accurately reflect what happened. After some discussion it was decided that George would help re-write the minutes of the March 27th Emergency Meeting.
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. The listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. When Sean Lee didn't leave the listers asked the board to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing "lister stuff". Sean, the Town Clerk and Select Board Secretary informed the board that there are only a hand full of reasons to go into executive session and that is not one of them. When Sean still refused to leave, the subject was dropped.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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April 3, 2012
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 20, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Marsha Hopkins, Susie Martin, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Chuck Colton, Henry Hotchkiss, Malvern Folsom, Evelyn Folsom, Sandra Begin, Mel Colton, Barb Colton, Lynda Colton, Dot Williamson, Ron Colton, Vern Haskins, Don Bass, Yoneko Davis, Bill Oren, Pat Fuster, Joe Fuster
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 5, Monthly Construction Select Board Special Meeting Minutes
b. March 6, 2012 Town Meeting Minutes
c. March 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting
d. March 15, 2012 Emergency Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Update
b. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker License
c. Don Flynn - Buyout Program Update
a. Mark Doughty - Hazard Assessments
b. Mark McManus - Basement Costs (Town Office Renovation Project)
c. VT Agency of Administration, Office of the Secretary - State Payments for Infrastructure Repair
d. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - Availability of Affordable Homeowner Rehabilitation Loans
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Bear Creek II LLC, Joseph Desena
f. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Sandra Robinson
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Keith and Marsha Hopkins, Sandra Robinson
h. Two Rivers-Ottauqueechee Regional Planning Commission - FY'14 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
i. McAdams Property at 173 Park Place - VT Haz Mat
j. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - Grant Programs
k. State of VT Contract and Grants Unit - Standard Subgrant Agreement
New Business
a. Appointment - WRVA
Old Business
a. Riverside Horse Farm - Invoices for Bridge Work
b. Service Dogs - Licensing Policy
c. Constable Term Length - Warning Town Meeting
Other Business
a. Office Building Renovation Project - Color
b. Office Building - Outlet Changes
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Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The Minutes of the March 5, Monthly Construction Select Board Special Meeting, March 6, 2012 Town Meeting, March 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the March 15, 2012 Emergency Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Update. Marsha informed the board that she has been doing a lot of research into the EWP program, and has been trying to find out just what needs to be done in order to proceed with it, and in a timely manner. In doing so, she has been coming across some difficulty with a few sites near one another determining easements, liability, who actually owns what, etc. Mark stated that he would call Jerry Guiseffi about getting those property owners together to discuss the situation and hopefully come to an agreement. Patty then noted that the town attorney would need to review their document on behalf of the town's interests.
b. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker License. Bill informed the board that he has reviewed the paperwork he was given to fill out in order to obtain a pawnbrokers license. He had concerns over many of the questions asked on the application so he has given it to his attorney and the Town will be taken to court over this. Mr. Oren also stated that he will not be responsible for any costs related to taking the Town to court over this issue because he receives social security benefits; however the Town can expect to be heavily burdened financially by this. Patty then asked Mr. Oren if he would like his application check back that the town is holding. Mr. Oren said that the town can continue to hold onto it.
c. Don Flynn - Buyout Program Update . Don informed the board that positive news has been received regarding the FEMA buyout program. The town was recently informed that the state mitigation project committee recommended 5 projects for FEMA funding including a few secondary homes. Unfortunately one project was not approved for funding, this was the home on 173 Park Place (James & Marie McAdams). Don then stated that the Town will need to fill out a similar application which includes the five accepted residences and it needs to be in before March 30th. Don was concerned about having the proper legal authority to fill out the paperwork and sign on behalf of the town, so Patty drew up a letter from the Select Board granting Don this authority. Mark made a motion to approve the letter, seconded by Jerry. The letter granting Don Flynn the authority to fill out the application and sign on the Town's behalf was then signed by the board.
a. Mark Doughty - Hazard Assessment. (email) Mark Dougherty wrote the town stating that he is qualified to do the hazard assessments for buyout properties and that he would like an opportunity to bid on that work. This was noted by the board.
b. Mark McManus - Basement Costs (Town Office Renovation Project) An email was forwarded from Mark McManus to the town originating from Joe Poston of Wright Construction. Joe gave a breakdown of the basement work and the additional pricing which includes electrical fixtures, replacing rotten framing, framing the wall where concrete wall was removed and gluing 2'' rigid insulation to the north wall. That puts the total cost for finishing the basement at $14,913. This was unanimously approved by the board.
c. VT Agency of Administration, Office of the Secretary - State Payments for Infrastructure Repair. The state will increase its payments for federally eligible infrastructure repair under the FEMA PA program, so as to limit any municipality's payment to no more than what a three cent increase to their property tax rate would raise. No action taken.
d. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - Availability of Affordable Homeowner Rehabilitation Loans. NeighborWorks is offering affordable loans and technical assistance to homeowners, in order to perform critical health and safety upgrades, weatherization, lead abatement, and access modification. No action taken.
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e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Bear Creek II LLC, Joseph Desena. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0122-5 for Bear
Creek II LLC (Joseph Desena) on parcel ID# 99-3963-000 (3969 Route 100). The project consists of the off lot replacement system for a failed wastewater disposal system at an existing commercial building (referred to as original General Store) on land identified as lot #4 with the replacement area on land of Sandra Robinson and identified as lot #1, for this project. The project has been approved by the State of Vermont. No action taken.
f. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Sandra Robinson. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-2042 for Sandra Robinson on parcel ID# 01-0071-000 (71 Upper Michigan Rd). The project, consisting of a two lot subdivision of the existing 3.05 acre parcel yielding: lot #1 of 2.65 acres developed with an existing single family residence and lot #2 of .4 undeveloped acres to be merged with the existing neighboring lot #3, making it .586 acres developed with an existing single family residence has been approved. No action taken.
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Keith and Marsha Hopkins, Sandra Robinson. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-2043 for Keith and Marsha Hopkins, Sandra Robinson on parcel ID# 01-0045-000. The project consists of the replacement construction of a replacement wastewater disposal system, for the existing single family residence on lot #3, on the additional .4 acres of land obtained and identified as lot #2, making the total acreage of the parcel .586 acres, has been approved. No action taken.
h. Two Rivers-Ottauqueechee Regional Planning Commission - FY'14 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization. The board received a draft list of regional projects prioritized by their project division. Also included was a preliminary draft of pre-candidate town highway bridge projects. The board noted that the bridge by the town highway garage was on the list. No action taken.
i. McAdams Property at 173 Park Place - VT Haz Mat. Mark will call Andy Shively - VT Haz Mat and ANR regarding the property at 173 Park Place. Although it is on private property, the McAdams' home at 173 Park Place endangers Bridge #11 in it's current state and something should be done before it becomes a problem. Mark stated that he would make the necessary phone calls.
j. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - Grant Programs. A packet was received containing applications for 3 separate grant programs. The programs are: 2012 Dry Hydrant Grant Program, 2012 Emergency funding for flood damaged rural water supplies and the 2012 Special Cases Grant Program. This correspondence will be forwarded to Dave Colton.
k. State of VT Contract and Grants Unit - Standard Subgrant Agreement. The state of VT is being presented with new criteria that are affecting their present grants that may reduce the town's local share. To make these changes as simple as possible the state has sent an Amendment for review and signatures. This will make the grant eligible for the changes that the Federal and State government have determined and cover any future decisions for these grants. The Standard Subgrant Agreement was approved by the board and signed by the chair.
New Business
a. Appointment - WRVA. The select board re-appointed Angelique Lee for a one year term as the Town's representative for White River Valley Ambulance.
Old Business
a. Riverside Horse Farm - Invoices for Bridge Work. The board received updated invoices from Riverside Horse Farm for work done on their bridge in order to prep it for use as a detour while Bridge #11 was being worked on. Patty pointed out that some of the work involving putting up siding and site cleanup may not be accepted by FEMA for reimbursement. This
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was noted by the board. Mark made a motion to accept the invoices for payment, seconded by Jerry and approved.
b. Service Dogs - Licensing Policy. The board reviewed the most recent version of the licensing policy for service dogs that Jerry drew up. The policy states that the Select board may make special exceptions in the implementation of fees, therefore the town portion of the dog licensing fee shall be waived in the case of service dogs. The policy was unanimously approved and then signed by the board.
c. Constable Term Length - Warning Town Meeting. At the last meeting the board considered the possibility of warning a special town meeting along with the special school budget meeting. The board discussed their options again, and decided to wait until next years town meeting to make any changes in the Constable term of office from a one year to a two year term.
Other Business
a. Office Building Renovation Project - Color. There were some concerned citizens present at the meeting to voice their opinions over the outside color of the Town Office Building. The majority present had assumed the building would be white and wanted the Select Board to know that it should remain white. The board informed everyone that they held an emergency meeting last Thursday the 15th where they decided to change the color back to white adding an extra cost of approximately $7,000 - $8,000 to the project. When the additional cost to change the color back was discussed, the general consensus of those present was that $7,000 - $8,000 was not a lot of money when looking at the whole cost of the project. The board then discussed their desire for the building committee to choose the remaining colors on the interior of the building to avoid similar disagreements for the remainder of the project. Henry said he would look into finding a few extra people to put on a building sub-committee for this purpose.
b. Office Building - Outlet Changes. The total cost to change the outlets for the library and for the listers will be $739.00. This was approved by the board.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 3, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Moderator, Ron Coughenour, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 80 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Fire House. Ron led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. The articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. Ron Coughenour nominated by Sandy Begin. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Ron Coughenour elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. The Town Meeting recessed at 10:09 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). The Town Meeting reconvened at 11:40 am.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2011. Sandy Begin made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Arlene Drugonis. Voice vote. Carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant:
a. Select Person for three years. Mark Begin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. With no further nominations Sandy Begin moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Mark Begin. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Mark Begin elected Select Person for three years.
b. Lister for three years. Don Flynn nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Sandy Begin. With no further nominations Terry Manley moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Don Flynn. Voice vote. Don Flynn elected Lister for three years.
c. Auditor for three years. Joanne Mills nominated by Pat Fuster. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Judy Manley moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Joanne Mills. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Joanne Mills elected Auditor for three years.
d. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Peter Borden nominated by Jennifer Howard. Seconded by Verna Borden. Voice Vote. Peter Borden elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
e. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years. Marion Abrams nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Howard Gunter. Voice vote. Marion Abrams elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years.
f. First Constable for one year. Tim Hunt nominated by Meg Charlebois. Seconded by Peter Borden. Voice vote. Tim Hunt elected First Constable for one year.
g. Second Constable for one year. Doug Mianulli nominated by Arlene Drugonis. Seconded by Peter Borden. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for one year.
h. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
i. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Arlene Drugonis. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
j. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Chuck Colton nominated by Mark Begin. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Chuck Colton elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
k. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Steve Martin nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Steve Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
l. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Eunice MacDonald-Rice nominated by Ray Rice. Seconded by Sandy Begin. A voter requested looking into the possibility of making the Collector of Delinquent Taxes a three year term. The Clerk said she would look into it. Voice vote. Eunice MacDonald-Rice elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
m. Fire Chief for two years. Dave Colton nominated by Howard Gunter. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Dave Colton elected Fire Chief for two years.
o. Cemetery Commissioner for one year. Connie Martin nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Ray Colton. Voice vote. Connie Martin Cemetery Commissioner for one year.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Sandy Begin moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Karen Waterworth. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due on or before August 15 and November 15, and due before 3 pm or the closing of the Town Office? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due on or before August 15 and November 15, and due before 3 pm or the closing of the Town Office. Seconded by George Deblon. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000.00 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $20,000.00 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Terry Manley. Discussion ensued. George Deblon noted the loader would probably need to be replaced within the next 5 years. Ray Colton suggested the expenditure be put on hold. Voice vote was indecisive. Voters asked to stand to be counted. 26 voted in favor of the motion and 39 voted against. Motion failed.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize increasing the property tax exemption available to all qualified people, to include veterans 50% or greater disabled, from $10,000 of appraisal value to $40,000 of appraisal value in accordance with 32 V.S.A. § 3802 (11) to be effective April 1, 2012? Sandy Begin so moved. Seconded by Jan Dubois. Discussion ensued regarding the impact on the town. Many felt the wording of the article was unclear. The voters requested that the group that is requesting this exemption come explain it at next years meeting. Judy Manley called the vote, seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion failed.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize an amount not to exceed $11,500 to resurface the north end of the Village Green? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize an amount not to exceed $11,500 to resurface the north end of the Village Green. Seconded by Margaret Conboy. George Deblon explained that the Town received a Park and Ride Grant to pave the parking area in front of and between the town buildings as well as the south end of the Village Green. The town had solicited an estimate to pave the north end of the green while the paving company was on site paving the south end, knowing it would be cheaper than mobilizing them to come out at a later time. Discussion ensued. Voters expressed that enough money was already being spent on Tropical Storm Irene and the school budget. Voice vote. Motion failed.
Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Sandy Begin made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Jennifer Howard moved to authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 12. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Sandy Begin moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Jennifer Littlehales. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Joyce Stevens thanked Angelique Lee for the excellent job she did on the annual town report. Angelique received a round of applause. Ray Colton felt the town office should be open more and that the salaries do not compute with those in Stockbridge. George Simpson asked the voters to weigh in on corporate personhood. Jerry Drugonis made a motion not to consider corporate personhood at the Pittsfield Town Meeting. Seconded by Don Taylor. Voice vote carried not to consider corporate personhood. Mark Begin gave an update on the town office building renovation project. He announced that the project was under budget and should be completed in mid May. It was asked if the left over dollars could be used for something else. Patty said she would find out.
With no further business to be discussed, Sandy Begin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Margaret Conboy. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2012 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Recorded by: Approved by Pittsfield Select Board:
Patricia S. Haskins Mark Begin
Town Clerk
Jerry Drugonis
Peter Borden
Pittsfield Select Board
P.O. Box 691
Pittsfield, VT 05762
Minutes: Special Meeting, 15 March 2012
An emergency meeting of the Board was called for the purpose of addressing an issue arising from the Town Office/Library renovation project; that of the building’s exterior color.
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon and Donald Flynn
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mark Begin at 7:30 a.m. Numerous questions have been raised with regard to the exterior color of the building. Photographs make it difficult to ascertain the building’s original color but it was generally assumed the structure would be white, but another color was selected.
Questions were raised regarding the building committee simply disbanding before the building project has been completed. The unanimous consensus was that they should have continued their efforts until the completion of the project to make such decisions. They will be asked to re-assume their function to prevent such problems from arising in the future.
Mark pointed out that the trim materials could simply be reversed to reduce costs of repainting. The contractor’s estimate for the painting is $8,050 and this could cut costs by approximately $1,000.
There was unanimous approval of white paint on the exterior. An estimate for the job will also be obtained from Mr. Marshall.
Mark pointed out that there are sufficient funds in the contingency fund.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 a.m.
Acting Secretary:
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 7, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson, Marion Abrams, Marsha Hopkins, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 23, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - Trash Pickup
b. Marion Abrams - Library Building Project Changes
c. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Signature Authority Authorization
a. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Motion for Continuance
b. VT Dept of Children and Families – Appointment of Town Service Officer
c. Vermont Recreational Surfacing & fencing, Inc. - Guardrail, Fencing & Resurfacing Solicitation
d. Irving – Fuel Contract Solicitation
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Steve and Jane Turner
f. American Red Cross- 2012 Annual Fund Drive
g. Two Rivers, Rita Seto - Route 100 Byway, New Towns Update
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – approve and sign
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – approve and sign
c. Appointments - 2012 Town Officials
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes - Dog Issue
b. Service Dogs - Licensing
Other Business
a. Don Flynn - Town Office Building Basement
b. Town Office Building Project - Foam Insulation
c. Town Office Building Project - Roof
d. Town Constable Position - Term Length
e. Bank of New York Mellon Trust - Payment out of wrong account
f. Select Board Secretary – additional pay for meeting
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
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March 7, 2012
The Board approved the following positions: Mark will assume Chair, Jerry will do the weekly orders, and George will be in charge of the town buildings.
The Minutes of the February 23, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - Trash Pickup. Jon met with the board in response to the letter he received informing him that the Town had recently been approached by someone else with an offer to do trash pickup for the Town. The board informed Jon that they wanted to speak with him before making any decisions. Jon asked the board what type of equipment the other guy would be using. The board responded that he hadn't purchased any yet and gave Jon a brief rundown of what he had proposed. Jon then spoke about the logistics of trash removal and the importance of having a compactor. Jerry then asked Jon if he had plans for writing up a new contract for this year with the Town. Jon said the same contract from last year can be used. Jerry then asked Jon if he was planning on retiring or downsizing his business in the near future. Jon responded that he doesn't have any plans to fully retire in the near future, but he does plan on downsizing his workload a bit. He plans on cutting a few towns from his pick-up list but Pittsfield would not be one of them. The board thanked Jon for attending. The board unanimously agreed to continue using Jon Benson for trash removal and asked the Secretary to send a letter to Ed Clough informing him of the Board's decision.
b. Marion Abrams - Library Building Project Changes. Marion came to speak with the board to elaborate on some of the proposed changes for the Library that were brought up at the previous building project meeting on March 5th. She described in detail where they wanted several outlet and data port changes. They would like to see the two socket plugs turned into quads as well as add a few additional plugs. Although the Library will not be able to afford to pay for all of the changes, Marion stated that they may be able to pick up some modest costs. Marion also inquired about perhaps adding a digital code lock to the door for added security. George stated that those lock setups can prove to be very costly.
c. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Signature Authority Authorization. Marsha informed the board that she will be working with Suana Bicek on the EWP program paperwork. She asked the board if they could add her name as the second Signature Authority for the Town. The board had no objections and a new Signature Authority letter was drawn up giving both Suana Bicek and Marsha Hopkins authority to sign on behalf of the town for the EWP program. The letter was then signed by all three board members. Marsha also pointed out that because both of their names are on the signature authority for the EWP program, that anything requiring a signature having to do with the program will now require both of their signatures. Marsha then spoke briefly with the board about what the town will need to do for the EWP program and many questions were brought up by the board primarily regarding the financial aspects of the projects. Marsha said she would make a few phone calls and try to get those questions answered. Marsha also informed the board that the deadline for completion for all jobs is August 20th 2012.
a. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Motion for Continuance. The Board was copied on a letter from English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. to the Court Manager of Rutland Superior Court regarding Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden, Motion for Continuance. No action taken.
b. VT Dept of Children and Families – Appointment of Town Service Officer. See New business section c.
c. Vermont Recreational Surfacing & fencing, Inc. - Guardrail, Fencing & Resurfacing Solicitation. No action taken.
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March 7, 2012
d. Irving – Fuel Contract Solicitation. Jerry stated that he would rather stay with a local company. George said that CV Oil continues to have good competitive pricing. No action was taken.
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Steve and Jane Turner. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-2053 for Steve and Jane Turner on parcel ID# 14-0040-000. The project consists of the replacement of a house, well supply and wastewater disposal system for an existing lot that was damaged by hurricane Irene has been approved. No action taken.
f. American Red Cross- 2012 Annual Fund Drive. This letter was from Larry Crist the Executive Director of the American Red Cross of Vermont and New Hampshire Valley asking for support for their Annual 2012 fund drive. No action taken.
g. Two Rivers, Rita Seto - Route 100 Byway, New Towns Update. Two River's has received letters of support from Stockbridge, Rochester, Hancock and Granville to participate in joining the Route 100 Byway. Rita will be in touch with reps from these four towns to get started on town information collection to be integrated into the existing Corridor Management Plan. No action taken.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC. Date of event: March 3, 2012. Type of event: Brunch. Permit previously approved by board through email and is being formalized at this meeting.
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Appointments - 2012 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee. Vacant positions will be filled at the next meeting.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
George Deblon Fence Viewer one year
Mark Begin Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Pat Fuster Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Jennifer Howard Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Suana Bicek Planning & Zoning Commission four years
Patricia Haskins Unemploy. Comp. Coordinator one year
Don Ziegler Septic Officer one year
VACANT WRVA Representative one year
Ray Colton Fire Warden three years
Payton Veilleux Green Up Coordinator one year
Matthew Humora EC – Fibernet one year
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
March 7, 2012
Rebecca Humora EC – Fibernet, Alt. Delegate one year
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes - Peyton Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes copied the board on a letter sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. No action taken.
b. Service Dogs - Licensing. Jerry shared a draft policy in regards to waiving licensing fees for service dogs in the town. The board liked the policy and asked Patty to make a few minor changes before it is formally adopted. The board will also encourage the state to waive their fees for service dogs. Jerry said he would look into the State portion of the fee, and the policy will be revisited at the next meeting.
Other Business
a. Don Flynn - Town Office Building Basement. Don shared his thoughts regarding finishing the Town Office Building basement. He stated that he believes it should be finished now while the construction company is here. The cost to finish it will be $12,000 if we do it now, but if the town decides not to finish now and then chooses to years from now the cost to finish it will easily double. The board agreed with Don. George made a motion to finish the Town Office Building basement, seconded by Jerry and passed.
b. Town Office Building Project - Foam Insulation. At the last construction meeting Mark McManus asked the board if they would be interested in adding additional insulation (foam) on the outside of the new construction part of the Office Building. The board discussed it briefly and decided that it wouldn't be necessary.
c. Town Office Building Project - Roof. Don informed the board that the construction company will be taking the old roof off of the Town Office Building within the next few weeks. When they do, there will likely be additional costs that need to be authorized to remove layers of old roofing. George made a motion to give Mark the authority to authorize the potential additional roof costs, seconded by Jerry and passed.
d. Town Constable Position - Term Length. Jerry suggested that the length of term for the Town Constable position should be lengthened to two years. Patty informed the board of the statutory requirements for changing the term length. It would have to be warned and then voted on at a special Town meeting. With a special school meeting coming up for the school budget the board decided it could be brought up at the same time, and then perhaps changed by town meeting in March 2013.
e. Bank of New York Mellon Trust - Payment out of wrong account. Patty informed the board that the payment made in November of 2010 for the Bank of New York Mellon Trust (for the VT Municipal Bond Bank) should have come out of the General fund and not the Office Building fund. This was noted by the board.
f. Select Board Secretary – additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing letters of appointment and other correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
March 7, 2012
Approved March 20, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Henry Hotchkiss, Jim Coffey, Chuck Colton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:00pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
The meeting began with Jim Coffey talking about the options that the town had for placement of the electrical service on the Town Office Building. If everything were to be placed on the front of the building it would be a very large eye sore. The structure needed to contain everything would stretch roughly 4ft tall by 40'' wide. However, the town decided to move the service to the side of the building where the old and new section join, only the meter and electric wire conduit will be left on the front. The wire would be trenched around the building to the new placement of the electric service. There would be a small upcharge but it would be an aesthetic improvement. McManus asked Joe to find out the pricing.
McManus then brought up the changes that the Library proposed and discussed them with Jim. The library would like to see a few more data ports added and have many of the outlets changed from 2 socket outlets to quads, as well as have a couple of extra outlets added. Jim said that wouldn't be a problem, however in order to run electricity to one of the outlets that the wire would have to be run on the surface of the wall under the blackboard because they can't run the wire through the wall in that location. McManus asked Joe about how much this will cost, Joe estimated about $100.00 per outlet. Joe said he would look into pricing and get back to the board with the price change.
McManus then asked Joe what the schedule was looking like and when the project is estimated for completion. Joe stated that the framing is taking longer to complete than was originally anticipated. Currently it looks like the project will be completed about six weeks later than the original projected completion date which was April first. Now it is looking like the middle of May is more likely for completion.
McManus then pointed out that so far there have been $4,318.00 in change orders to date. McManus will make an updated summary of the line item costs to share at the special Town Meeting. We are still under budget, but there will likely be some additional change orders needed in the near future when they begin working on the roof. Without seeing what is under the current roof the exact cost cannot be known, but when it comes off that will be determined. The cost shouldn't be anything significant, but the town should expect to see something added on relating to the roof soon. There will also be some future change orders relating to the additional electrical expenses. The total change orders (ones that the town has already received, and projected future change orders) are estimated to be somewhere in the ballpark of $21,000.
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March 5, 2012
McManus then asked the board if they would be interested in finishing the basement. He stated that the cost would be approximately $12,000, and that would include everything needed to make it "finished" such as adding a vinyl floor, suspended ceiling, sheetrock, lighting etc. The board discussed the option briefly and then decided that they couldn't make a decision at that point. They will make a final decision when all three board members are present at the next meeting on Wednesday March 7th.
McManus also asked the board if they would be interested in adding additional insulation (foam insulation) on the outside of the new addition. The inside is already insulated, so if the board decided to get the foam insulation it would be additional insulation, but not essential. McManus said that if the board did choose to add it the additional cost would be approximately $2,400. The board agreed that they would make a decision on the insulation at the Wednesday night meeting as well.
McManus then went over the Application and Certification for payment. Wright Construction applied for $101,350.61 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. There were no questions or concerns from those present. McManus then approved and signed the Certification for Payment.
There was then some discussion about the accessibility grant for the elevator, and how the elevator would be invoiced. Patty said she has already spoken to Joe about it. The elevator is a separate line item on the invoice. McManus also suggested that the town might want to look into a voter accessibility grant.
Chuck then asked McManus about the space in the basement and if the Historical Society will have a place to keep things locked up. McManus said that the vault under the Town Clerk/Treasurer's vault has been designated for the Historical Society and is a lockable space.
Henry asked how far under the contingency the project is. McManus responded that the original contingency was about $67,000. With the previous change orders and projected future ones, it is at about $21,000. If the board decides to finish the basement an additional $12,000 can be added on top of that.
Joe then asked if cabinets had been picked out yet. Patty said that she was waiting to hear back about pricing on several cabinet options. McManus and Patty are meeting next week to work on the interior options.
The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 4, 2012 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Pittsfield Special Select Board Minutes page 3
March 5, 2012
Approved March 20, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 23, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Bill Oren, Dave Boileau, Edward Fuller, Sara Grey, Ed Clough, Kris Sperber
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 31, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. February 2, 2012 Monthly Construction Select Board Meeting Minutes
c. February 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker's License
b. Dave Boileau and Edward Fuller - FEMA Flood Plain Management
c. Ed Clough - Refuse and Recycling Proposal
d. Kris Sperber - School Budget
a. VT Criminal Justice Training Council - Homeland Security Training
b. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW-3-2042, 2043 & 0122-5 (Wastewater permits for various properties on land owned by Sandra Robinson).
c. VLCT Select Board Institute - Workshop
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission- Spotlight on Forest Stewardship Planning
e. Opinions - February 2012
f. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont - Pinwheel Garden
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Pollution Control Projects
h. Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets - Medium Farm Operations
i. VLCT - Municipal Treasurer's Workshop
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Wedding
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC, Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception
c. Service Dogs - Licensing
Old Business
a. Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield - Update
Other Business
a. Tropical Storm Irene - Financial Update
b. Emergency Watershed Protection Program - Signature Authority for EWP Projects
c. Resignation - Angelique Lee (WRVA)
d. Peter Borden/VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Snowshoe Event and Winter Death Race
e. Town Garage - Break In
f. Dead Animal - Disposal
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
February 23, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 3:00pm. The Minutes of the January 23, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting, the February 2, 2012 Monthly Construction Select Board Meeting and the February 7, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker's License. Bill Oren inquired what the status of his Pawnbroker's License Application was. The board informed Bill that the Town Attorney finished drawing up three documents that he will need to review and fill out in order to be considered. The forms are the Good Character Questionnaire and Application for Pawnbroker's License, the Affidavit of Good Character and the Good Character Check Application Form for a Pawnbrokers license. The board gave Bill the three forms, and Bill said he would look them over, fill them out, and have them ready more than likely before the next Select Board Meeting.
b. Dave Boileau and Edward Fuller - FEMA Flood Plain Management. Dave and Edward introduced themselves to the Board as Floodplain Management Specialists from FEMA. They have made several trips to Pittsfield in the past few moths and have been in touch with Sara Grey in regard to floodplain management in Pittsfield. Their goal is to work with towns all over the state of VT in setting up a system that could help the town be better prepared for future flood incidents. They are setting up towns with a program called "Substantial Damage Estimator" where they would identify which properties are in a special flood hazard area and create placeholders for these properties. They will need access to the lister cards and other relevant property information to get their database up and running. George asked Dave and Edward who would be responsible for doing the "footwork" on this project. Dave responded that they would be putting the entire program together for the Town. With no objections from the board, George made a motion to move forward with this program, seconded by Jerry. Motion passed.
c. Ed Clough - Refuse and Recycling Proposal. Ed Clough made a proposal to the board to perform roadside collection of refuse and recycling. He went over the proposed contract which would include refuse collection every Monday, and recycling every second Monday. The board had Ed clarify a few questions they had pertaining to pickup of large items, whether or not Ed already had trucks available and if he had backup trucks/drivers in case he couldn't make it on a particular day for pick up. Ed stated that he has several trucks that he is looking into including two dump trailers and even a small compactor. Ed also stated that he does have someone available with their own truck for backup in case he can't pick up. The board thanked Ed for coming and said that they would definitely consider his offer. The board asked the Secretary to write a letter to Jon Benson to inform him that the board has received this proposal and invite Jon to the next meeting. The board then discussed several options. No decisions were made.
d. Kris Sperber - School Budget. Kris Sperber gave the board a very in depth breakdown as to where the numbers are coming from in the school budget this year. She explained that there are many small problems that ultimately feed into the increased school budget this year, but the biggest one is that we are over the per pupil student threshold set by the State of VT. Ultimately there is nothing that the Town can do about it. Tuitions are going up across the board and so are the number of students from Pittsfield. Kris then stated
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February 23, 2012
that the numbers are not final. The School board will meet one more time before Town Meeting and they should go down a bit, but not enough to put Pittsfield below the threshold.
a. VT Criminal Justice Training Council - Homeland Security Training. Incident Command System for Executives ~ ICS402. This will be held on March 8, 15 & 22, 2012 from 6:00 -10:00pm each day at the Windsor County Sheriff's Office. The board decided that this would be forwarded to Tim Hunt and Doug Mianulli.
b. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW-3-2042, 2043 & 0122-5 (Wastewater permits for various properties on land owned by Sandra Robinson). The re-submitted application has been received by the State of VT and they state that the proposed system would need to be shifted so that it does not encroach on a property well shield. No action taken.
c. VLCT Select Board Institute - Workshop. Select Board Institute I - March 31, 2012 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Monpelier VT. Select Board Institute II - April 28, 2012 at Lake Fairlee Resort in Fairlee VT. The Select Board Institute is an annual program that focuses on the unique roles and responsibilities of Vermont Select Board Members. The program is designed for both newly elected and seasoned members. George stated that he would be interested in attending the one in April.
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission- Spotlight on Forest Stewardship Planning. Short publication from Two Rivers regarding Forestland across Vermont. No action taken.
e. Opinions - February 2012. VT Secretary of State Opinions Newsletter for February 2012. No action taken.
f. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont - Pinwheel Garden. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont sent an invitation to the Statehouse in Montpelier where the Governor will proclaim April as “Child Abuse Prevention Month”. They suggested the Town put up a pinwheel garden to show support for the cause. No action taken.
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Pollution Control Projects. The board received a Draft State Fiscal Year 2013 Pollution Control Projects Priority List and Planning List for 2014 to 2017 and Amended State Fiscal Year 2012 Pollution Control Projects Priority List. No action taken.
h. Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets - Medium Farm Operations. The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is holding a series of hearings on Draft Revisions of the Medium Farm Operations General Permit. No action taken.
i. VLCT - Municipal Treasurer's Workshop. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, and Wednesday March 21, 2012 at the Middlebury Inn, in Middlebury. Patty informed the board that she and Jess will be attending so long as someone can be found to run the office.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Wedding. Date of Event: February 25, 2012, at Riverside Horse Farm. Permit approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
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February 23, 2012
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC, Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception. Rehearsal Dinner to be held on March 2, 2012 and Wedding on March 3, 2012 at Riverside Horse Farm. Permit approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
c. Service Dogs - Licensing. Patty informed the board that Trooper Giolito came to the Town Clerk's office to license his service dog and wanted to know if he would be required to pay the licensing fee. Patty told Mr. Giolito that she would look into it. Patty told the board that she couldn't find anything relating specifically to any type of waiver in the statutes and she only got a couple of responses back when she asked other clerks what they have done over the MUNINET. The board unanimously agreed that the licensing fee shouldn't be required for service dogs. Jerry agreed to write up a policy and stated that he would look into whether or not the Town can waive the entire fee, or just the Town portion.
Old Business
a. Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield - Update. The board heard back from the Town Attorney. The issue has been settled. No action taken.
Other Business
a. Tropical Storm Irene - Financial Update. Patty informed the board that the Contingency fund CD has been closed and nearly everything has been used in the Emergency fund to cover the costs of road repairs. The town has still not had to draw on the line of credit, but will likely have to within the next few weeks.
b. Emergency Watershed Protection Program - Signature Authority for EWP Projects. Patty informed the board that Suana Bicek has met with representatives from the EWP program and she was instructed to obtain a letter from the Select Board giving her authority to sign on behalf of the Town for EWP projects. The board approved and signed the letter giving Suana this authority, they also approved Marion Abrams as a second signature authority (pending authorization from the individual or another planning Commission member).
c. Resignation - Angelique Lee (WRVA). Patty informed the board that Angelique Lee submitted her resignation as the Town's Representative to White River Valley Ambulance. The board regretfully accepted the resignation.
d. Peter Borden/VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Snowshoe Event and Winter Death Race. Letter addressed to the Vermont Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC from the State of VT Natural Resources Board. The letter is regarding Jurisdictional Opinion #3-146 Revised - Snowshoe Event and Winter Death Race. It is the State of VT's opinion that, provided the event happens as described, this is not a material change to the existing Act 250 permit and an amendment is not required. No action taken.
e. Town Garage - Break In. George informed the board that last week someone broke into the Town garage and stole a chainsaw. A police report has been filed and new locks have been put on the door. No action taken.
f. Dead Animal - Disposal. George stated that there has been a dead animal reported near the intersection of Silver Spring Rd. and Liberty Hill Rd. When a resident reported it to the state dispatch, they were told that the Town needed to handle it. After some discussion Mark stated that he would call the game warden tomorrow.
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February 23, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 5:07pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved March 7, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
February 7, 2012
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker's License. Bill Oren inquired what the status of his Pawnbroker's License Application was. George informed Mr. Oren that the board approved a Determination of Good Character Policy at a previous meeting, and that the Town attorney is now working on an application. Mark informed Bill that the board should have more information for him by the next Select Board meeting. Bill then asked to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
a. Two Rivers - TRORC FY'14 Transportation Capital Project Prioritization. Two Rivers is working on their annual project prioritization process. This examines their list of VTrans projects and rank orders them based on TRORC's project criteria. Attached was their 8th annual Project Prioritization Process and a listing of the draft 2014 project ranking. After some brief discussion the board noted that paving of VT RT 100 through Pittsfield wasn't on the list. They then asked the Secretary to write a letter to the State of Vermont AOT inquiring when this would be done.
b. DuBois & King, Inc. - Half Century Celebration. To celebrate their 50th year anniversary Dubois & King established a program that donates $10,000 of engineering services to a selected municipal project in VT and NH each year. . No action taken.
c. State of VT, Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Hopkins, Application for Permit. The Board was copied on a letter sent to Keith and Marsha Hopkins regarding their application for project WW-3-2043, which is to replace a wastewater system for their residence to an off-site location on Lot 2, located on 45 Upper Michigan Rd. The state has 30 days to review the application and respond. No action taken.
d. State of VT, Dept of Environmental Conservation - Project WW-3-2042, 2043 & 0122-5 (Wastewater permits for various properties on land owned by Sandra Robinson). The application was reviewed by the State of VT, and it was determined that there were items that were not included or were insufficient and they were unable to determine if the project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. No action taken.
e. Two Rivers - Quick Fact Sheet, Temporary Repairs, Mitigation. Quick fact sheet on Category B emergency protective measures and repairs. No action taken.
f. Tom Roberts, AOT - Application for Town Highway Class 2 Roadway Program and Town Highway Structures Program. Enclosed was the application forms for the Town Highway Class 2 Roadway Program and the Town Highway Structures program. Towns should have a complete infrastructure study which includes culvert, bridges, retaining walls and roadways on class 1, 2 and 3 town highways. The state also needs to town's proposed financial plan for 2012. Project applications are due in to the District #3 office by April 13, 2012. George will take care of this.
g. VLCT - 2012 Defensive Driving Practice. Defensive Driving Practice on the Mobile DriveSim Training System. This program is being held in Barre City, Springfield and Brattleboro. No action taken.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
February 7, 2012
h. State of VT, Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, Wuerthele. WW Permit, approved by the state of VT for project WW-3-1439R which consists of amending the previous permit by changing the location of water supply system, tank, and house, located on Trillium Hill Rd. No action taken.
i. Catamount Environmental, Inc. - Abatement and Disposal of Asbestos. Catamount Environmental, Inc. sent a copy of the records pertaining to the abatement and disposal of asbestos containing materials from the basement of the Pittsfield Town Hall/Library. No action taken.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals: The following were approved and signed by the Board.
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Swiss Farm Market (Pittstop) – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant – 1st Class Liquor License
Old Business
a. Invoices for Riverside Farm - Update. Patty informed the board that she had recently spoken with Peter Borden (on behalf of Joe Desena) and he stated that they will be resubmitting updated invoices to the State. They will also be redoing their invoices to the Town per the agreement with the town for use of the covered bridge as a detour, while bridge #11 was being repaired. No action taken.
b. Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes copied the board on a letter sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. No action taken.
Other Business
a. Mosher Invoice - Billing Issue. Mosher Excavating has sent the Town another bill for the work done in the river behind Ray Colton's mill. The agreement was for $3,000 and that was what the town paid. Mosher is now asking for an additional $680.96. After some discussion, Mark said that he would make some calls, and talk to someone from the state tomorrow to sort this all out.
b. Wright Construction Change Order - Increase. A change order was received from Wright Construction that included a change in storm windows, door closer, removal of boards in attic, fire damper, remove chemicals and patch ceiling, cold weather concrete material and a change in block size. The changes totaled $4,318.00. This was approved by the board.
c. Town Report - Update. Patty gave the board an update as to the progress of the 2011 Town Report. She stated that it should be done on time. She also brought up the cost of mailing and the possibility of having them delivered by volunteers was discussed.
d. Pawbrokers License Application - Review documents. The board reviewed the three documents for obtaining a pawnbrokers license which had been drawn up by attorney Chris Sullivan. The three documents were the Good Character Questionnaire and Application for Pawnbroker's License, the Affidavit of Good Character and the Good Character Check Application Form for a Pawnbrokers license. They made a few changes, and then Jerry moved to approve the application (pending typo edits), seconded by George and passed.
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February 7, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 3:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 23, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 2, 2012
PRESENT: George Deblon, Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Sharon Mayer, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:10pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
McManus started off the meeting with a few questions for Joe. He asked if there were any issues that have arisen since the last meeting. Joe stated that there were no major ones. The only issues that have really come up are weather related ones. The cold weather is slowing them down a bit. The weather is also adding some additional costs. One of the additional costs so far is approximately $1,900 in heating fuel. Joe estimates that it will end up costing about $2,500-$3,000 in temporary heat altogether which is not bad. If the weather this winter were a little more typical we could be looking at a figure closer to $10,000 for temporary heat. Concrete costs have been higher as well because they have to put additives in the mixtures to keep the concrete from freezing.
The next thing McManus brought up was the basement. He wanted to know what the board wanted to do with it. He stated that because they had to rip out a wall that was rotten, it is currently stripped bare. It is completely unfinished. He and Joe stated that there are really only a couple of options at this point. The board can choose to leave the basement unfinished, or they can put foam insulation in and wallboard would have to go over it. If insulation goes in with wallboard it would make sense to finish off the whole basement. Patty then asked where we were cost-wise and stated that it might be a good idea to finish the basement. The space could be used for elections instead of temporarily hooking up phone service (which is required for elections) to the Town Hall which is very expensive each time. McManus stated that there are currently about $8,000 of known change orders and that the Town has a contingency budget of about $70,000. There was some discussion and the board decided to hold off on the decision for finishing at this time.
McManus then went over the draft Application and Certification for payment. Wright Construction applied for $75,909.10 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. He again reminded the board about the %10 being taken out as a retainage fee. There were no questions or concerns from the board. McManus approved the draft Application and Certification for payment.
Joe then went over the progress of the project and what has been done and what is just about complete. He said that the elevator shaft is done. The steel work is almost complete. The staging will be coming down tomorrow. The addition will also
be framed up within the next couple of weeks. Joe also stated that the windows purchased for the addition are not yet at the job site, but they already belong to the Town.
McManus then asked Joe for a breakdown of all the change orders to date. Joe listed them for the board with all of their associated costs and said that he would get those to McManus for approval shortly. Among the change orders an issue did come up about the concrete testing bill. The Town had paid the bill for concrete testing directly to the company that did the testing not realizing that Wright Construction also paid that bill. There was some discussion as to how it should be handled. Eventually it was decided that Wright Construction would send the town a separate bill for it.
McManus also brought up that the color Patty had chosen for the decking is unavailable, and that they will need to look at the samples again to choose a new color.
McManus then asked Joe what the approximate completion date would be or if he could let us know how far behind the project is. Joe said he would redo the schedule and get back with a more accurate projection, but he’d guess that they are about 3-4 weeks behind.
The meeting adjourned at 3:52pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 1st, 2012 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 23, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugoni
DATE: January 24, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
a. State of VT, Phil Scott, Lieutenant Governor – Meeting with Senate Transportation Committee
Old Business
a. Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield – Appeal
Other Business
a. Judicial Bureau Designation – Form
b. Chris Sullivan – Pawnbrokers License
c. Marion Abrams – EWP Program
d. Mascoma Bank – Loan
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Jerry called the meeting to order at 9:10am because Mark had not arrived yet.
a.State of VT, Phil Scott, Lieutenant Governor – Meeting with Senate Transportation Committee. The board received a letter from Phil Scott, the Lieutenant Governor thanking the Town for all of the work that was done to help the state rebuild after Irene. He is asking for people to come and meet with members of the Senate Transportation Committee on February 2. The legislators want to hear from those who were “on the ground” after Irene. George stated that if he has time he will try to attend.
Old Business
a.Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield – Appeal. The board had some questions on the Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield Tax Appeal. The listers would like some clarification as to exactly how to interpret paragraph number two. After some discussion the board agreed that they should speak with the Town Attorney and get his opinion. Patty said she would call Chris Sullivan and invite him to the next regular Select Board meeting on February 7th. The board agreed that the listers should be there too. Patty stated that she would invite them to the meeting as well.
Other Business
a.Judicial Bureau Designation – Form. Patty presented the Board with the Judicial Bureau Designation form that was discussed at the previous Select Board meeting, and stated that she made a few phone calls and got more advice on who to designate for each position. She was advised to put down Mark Begin as the custodial official. The board looked it over and agreed that everything looked good. Mark then signed off on it.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
January 24, 2012
b.Chris Sullivan – Pawnbrokers License. Patty heard back from Chris Sullivan regarding the Pawn Brokers License. Chris is drawing up a policy with criteria to be used for anyone applying for a pawnbroker’s license in the Town of Pittsfield. It should be ready by the next regular meeting. No action taken.
c.Marion Abrams – EWP Program. Marion Abrams is looking for someone to help her with the Hazard Mitigation Program. She wants to keep things moving, but is becoming increasingly overwhelmed with paperwork. She fears that if she doesn’t find someone to help her soon, that everything may come to a standstill. The board discussed the situation and then remembered that the Planning Commission sent a letter a few weeks back offering their help if needed. The board agreed that now would be a good time to take them up on that offer, and asked the Secretary to write them a letter asking if they would be willing to help.
d.Mascoma Bank – Loan. The board discussed looking into a 5-year fixed rate loan with Mascoma in order to pay back what the town will be liable for regarding Irene damage. The board agreed to budget $50,000 for 2012. Definite loan plans can be made once the FEMA and state payments are confirmed.
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
The board then looked over a detailed Projected FEMA – Income and Expense sheet that Patty had put together. The sheet showed estimates as well as final figures for each project. It detailed the amounts on the project worksheets that were given to FEMA, the amount FEMA accepted and then gave a breakdown on the 75% Federal share, 15% state share, the 10% town share and the 10% town share plus the non-accepted project amounts. Roughly half of the figures on the sheet were estimates and are likely to change. In 2011 $7,993.21 was received from FEMA for Baker’s Rd. The projected income from FEMA for 2012 is $765,870.00. The projected income from the state of VT is $154,775.00. The estimate for how much it will cost the town is $183,479.19.
Irene Debt Payment – increased to $50,000 (see Other Business d.)
Guernsey Hollow Rd. – increase to $8,500
Tweed River Dr. – increased to $10,250
Bridge #11 – increased to $605,500
Anticipated Tax Rates were reviewed and more information is needed. They will be reviewed again at a later meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15am. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
January 24, 2012
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 7, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 17, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. January 5, 2012 Monthly Construction Meeting Minutes
a. American Red Cross – Request for Support
b. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Amend Permit (Wuerthele)
c. VHB – Bridge #11, Invoice
Old Business
a. Sheriff Benard – Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue.
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
Other Business
a. Tweed River Drive and Guernsey Hollow Bridge – Estimates
b. Situation Report – Tropical Storm Irene
c. Certificate of Highway Mileage
d. Riverside Horse Farm Invoice – For Upgrades to Covered Bridge
e. Judicial Bureau Designation of Municipal Officers – Form
f. Dot Williamson – Green Mountain National Forest Road Jurisdiction
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. The Minutes of the January 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the January 5, 2012 Monthly Construction Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a.American Red Cross – Request for Support. The American Red Cross asked the Town to donate $100 to show support for the next year. The Town already budgeted $100 for the American Red Cross. No action taken.
b.VT Agency of Natural Resources – Amend Permit (Wuerthele) Project WW-3-1439R. Amends previous permit by changing location of water system, tank, and house, located on Trillium Hill Rd., Pittsfield. The state has a maximum time of 30 days “in house” time to review the application. No action taken.
c.VHB – Bridge #11, Invoice. Invoice # 142123 covering November 27, 2012 to December 24, 2012. Also enclosed was a fully executed Amendment. After some discussion the board agreed that they were happy with the services that VHB has provided thus far. The board unanimously agreed on paying the invoice.
Old Business
a.Sheriff Benard – Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue. Sheriff Benard copied the Board on a letter that was sent to Mr. Hayes regarding the Peyton dog issue. He states
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January 17, 2012
that Mr. Peyton has been issued warning(s) and or ticket(s) regarding the situation and that they will continue to investigate the issue. No action taken.
b.Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes copied the board on a letter sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. No action taken.
Other Business
a.Tweed River Drive and Guernsey Hollow Bridge – Estimates. Patty informed the board that she met with Clifton this morning and tried to figure out the processed project worksheets, what they accepted, what they didn’t etc. They also discussed Tweed River Drive and Guernsey Hollow Road. Clifton said that the Town needs to get 3 estimates for each project. Even if a company does not want to estimate the work, George should still document the phone call, what was said and the outcome of the call. Patty stated that she would be meeting with Clifton again at the beginning of February. George said he would make some phone calls and have some information ready by then.
b.Situation Report – Tropical Storm Irene. The State of VT suggests that the Town put together a “Situation Report” to go into the Town Report for 2011. The board reviewed the situation report outline and determined that a lot of the information is already in the report. No further action taken.
c.Certificate of Highway Mileage. There was much discussion about the map presented from the State of VT stating highway mileage. Jimmy Dean Brook Rd. was discontinued and needs to be taken off of the map. The certificate was signed.
d.Riverside Horse Farm Invoice – For Upgrades to Covered Bridge. Patty spoke with Clifton about the Riverside Horse Farm Invoice per the covered bridge agreement. He said that there is not enough back up for the paperwork. FEMA will refuse what we currently have. After some discussion the board agreed that it would be best if they could speak directly with Mr. Desena regarding the situation. The board agreed that they would ask Mr. Desena to attend the next regularly scheduled Select Board meeting.
e.Judicial Bureau Designation of Municipal Officers – Form. Patty showed the board a form she received where different municipal officers needed to be filled out. Several of the positions we clearly do not have here in Pittsfield. She asked the board their opinion and Jerry informed Patty on how he thought it should be filled out.
f. Dot Williamson – Green Mountain National Forest Road Jurisdiction. Patty informed the board that Dot Williamson came into the Town Office today and asked if the Green Mountain National Forest had any jurisdiction over the town highways located in the Green Mountain National Forest. George stated that he is fairy certain that they do not.
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
VLCT Unemployment Trust – decreased to 1,014.00
Storage Unit Rental – Increased to 2,450.00
Sandshed – Increased to 1,000.00
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
January 17, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 7, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 5, 2012
PRESENT: George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:30pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
Mark McManus opened up the meeting by briefly going over the contract between the Town and Mark McManus for program management for the VCDP grant. The contract had been executed on January 3rd 2012, and gives Mark the authority to administrate the paperwork related to the VCDP Grant on behalf of the Town.
McManus asked Joe about the status of some change orders. Joe informed Mark that he hasn’t done any change orders recently, but he pointed out a few things that would need to be changed. The boards in the attic on the floor need to be taken out, Joe estimated the cost would be about $680. The ceiling channels are also going to need to be changed.
Patty then inquired about an invoice that the Town had received for Concrete inspection from Beck Engineering, P.C., which had been forwarded from Wright Construction. She and the Select Board were unsure as to whether or not the Town should responsible for that or Wright Construction. Joe and John both responded that the Town is in fact responsible for the inspection because Wright Construction needs to remain impartial.
There was then some discussion about the roof. Joe stated that the roof work is coming up but they can’t put a price on it yet. They will have a better idea when it gets closer to starting it. McManus suggested putting a new layer of plywood up there. John said that could be doable, it would just give the roof a longer drip edge.
McManus let the board know that the fire damper for the vault would cost $126 plus shipping and discussed the damper briefly.
McManus then stated that the baseboard radiators will be a primed paintable surface. Don had a few concerns about whether or not those would last very long. McManus replied that they should last for quite some time.
McManus let the board know that soon the colors will need to be picked for the ceiling diffusers for the air conditioner. All of the colors to pick from are very light. Mark said he would send Patty the chart with the color choices so that she could pick one. He recommended off-white.
McManus then brought up that he had heard about some rumors going around regarding the heat in the vault. In order to clear up any confusion he elaborated on
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January 5, 2012
the plans. He stated that the vault has no heat or air conditioning in it at all. The vault will get most of it’s heat from the surrounding environment because the concrete holds the temperature. Tubing is being put in the floor that can be hooked up to the boiler in case of an emergency to give the vault some radiant heat, but it is by no means intended to be the one heat source for the vault. Joe then stated that’s it’s the only possible way that the vault can really be heated anyway without putting the contents at risk.
Mark then went over the Application and Certification for payment. Wright Construction applied for $53,727.07 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. There were no questions or concerns from those present. McManus then approved and signed the Certification for Payment.
George then brought up the blacktop paving outside of the Town Office building. It should end up being about 1.5’’ thick over the old pavement. Someone is coming tomorrow to go over the plans and get the paperwork ready. There was then some brief discussion about the paving and the placement of the sidewalk. The subject will be looked into more thoroughly toward the end of the project.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 2, 2012 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved January 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 3, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 20, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jack and Margaret Conboy – Concerns about Construction Plans Violating Covenants
b. Bill Oren – Fireworks
c. Bill Oren – Pawnbrokers License
a. VCDP Grant - Contract for Program Management
b. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – Highway #11, Town of Chittenden
c. VT Agency of Transportation – No Parking Zone, VT 100 Pittsfield
d. Rutland County Sheriff’s Office – Yearly Report
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Questionnaire
f. Two Rivers – 25% Match and the VCDP for home buy-outs
g. Long Trail Engineering P.C. – Engineer’s Report, Pittsfield Town Office
h. Beck Engineering, P.C. – Invoice for Concrete Inspection
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
Other Business
a. Mosher Invoice – For River Restoration
b. Riverside Horse Farm – Invoice
c. Select Board Report – 2011
d. Town Report – Timeline
e. Tax Bills – Court Decision
f. Town Meeting Warning – Rough Draft
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:52pm. The Minutes of the December 20, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jack and Margaret Conboy – Concerns about Construction Plans Violating Covenants. Jack and Margaret Conboy brought to the Board’s attention a potential issue with a neighbor breaking the original covenants set up for their eight lot subdivision. Land use permit #3W0164 lists permit conditions in this subdivision to single family houses only and no duplex construction. Their neighbor plans to live over the garage, and has plans to eventually build a
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
January 3, 2012
home on the property. In the meantime, the lot is filled with construction equipment and it is very unsightly. The Conboy’s, as well as other residents of the subdivision are concerned that if the original covenants are not being followed that their property values will decline in the future. The board informed the Conboy’s that there are no traditional zoning laws in Pittsfield, and that typically a homeowner’s association would take care of issues such as these. The only permits that are given out in this office deal with driveway construction. Mark then suggested that the Conboy’s call the permit specialist in Springfield. They should be able to help them out, or at least point them in the right direction. Jack said that he would do that, and that he would keep the board apprised of the situation and forward any relevant correspondence to the Town.
b. Bill Oren – Fireworks. Mr. Oren informed the board that there was another startling fireworks display on Christmas Eve and on New Years Eve. He spoke with the Fire Chief this evening before the meeting, and the Fire Chief said that he never gave out any permits for those particular occasions. The board agreed that they would look into it.
c. Bill Oren – Pawnbrokers License. Mr. Oren inquired about the status of his Pawn Broker License and wanted to know if the board needed anything else from him. The board responded that they have everything they need currently and are waiting on a response from the town attorney before they can move forward.
a. VCDP Grant - Contract for Project Management. A contract template for the VCDP grant was received and needed to be completed and signed by the Select Board Chair. This contract is between the Town of Pittsfield and Mark McManus Architect Inc. The board agreed that the Town should follow through with this, and Mark Begin signed it.
b. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – Highway #11, Town of Chittenden. The board received the Town of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield’s Joint Mediation Statement for review. No action taken.
c. VT Agency of Transportation – No Parking Zone, VT 100 Pittsfield. The Traffic Operations unit conducted an engineering study for the establishment of a no-parking zone on VT 100 in Pittfield in the vicinity of the Vermont Country Inn. The Vermont traffic committee voted not to establish a legal no parking zone, but to have VTrans install “No Parking On Traveled Way” signs instead. These signs will also cover the adjacent property to the north of the Vermont Country Inn. The board agreed that this was fine. No action taken.
d. Rutland County Sheriff’s Office – Yearly Report. The yearly report was received from Sheriff Benard at the Rutland County Sheriff’s Office. In the town of Pittsfield they investigated 8 calls for service. They included 2 animal complaints, 3 ATV incidents, 1 citizen arrest, 1 drug related complaint and 1 traffic hazard. There was 1 arrest and 20 Traffic Tickets issued. No action taken.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Questionnaire. The VT Environmental Conservation office is trying to tally the magnitude and extent of damage to homes and structures throughout the hardest hit communities. A survey was received to give them an idea. Patty informed the board that the survey was forwarded to Don Flynn to fill out and respond. No action taken.
f. Two Rivers – 25% Match and the VCDP for home buy-outs. The program requires a 25% non-federal match and the State of VT has indicated that it will use the Community Development Block Grant funds to supply that 25% so that the town of the homeowner would not need to cover that cost. To reduce administrative costs for the state and for participating communities, Vermont’s regional planning commissions offered to assist parties by developing a regional application for these funds and administering the funds once awarded. They will
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January 3, 2012
be in touch in the coming weeks about the process. This has been forwarded to Don Flynn. No action taken.
g. Long Trail Engineering P.C. – Engineer’s Report, Pittsfield Town Office. Based upon their belief and knowledge, the water supply and wastewater disposal system were constructed substantially in accordance with the approved plans and permit conditions. As per condition 3.1 of WW-3-0257 they sent a contractor’s certification dated 12/21/11. No action taken.
h. Beck Engineering, P.C. – Invoice for Concrete Inspection. An invoice totaling $616.00 was received for concrete inspection for the Town Office Building renovation project. The board was not sure if this is something that the contractors should be handling. After some discussion it was decided that the board would bring this up at the construction meeting this Thursday.
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. A letter was received from Mr. Hayes that was also sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. He states that he and his wife were chased by Mr. Peyton’s dog which was not on a leash. No action taken by the board.
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. A second letter was received from Mr. Hayes written the next day stating that the Peyton’s dog was again seen running at large, and this time was caught on camera. No action taken by the board.
Other Business
a. Mosher Invoice – For River Restoration. The invoice was received for the river restoration work behind the Colton Mill. The invoice total was for more than was originally agreed upon, which was $3,000. After some discussion the board agreed that the Town should only be paying the amount that was agreed on. The board asked the Treasurer and Assistant to write the check out for $3,000 and send a letter with it stating why that amount was being sent.
b. Riverside Horse Farm – Invoice. The backup paperwork for the work done on the covered bridge at the Riverside Horse Farm was received. The back up data for the invoice did not have explanations as to what they were for. Patty will inquire as to what is needed from FEMA. Patty also pointed out that the invoice exceeded the agreed upon number. Tabled until next meeting.
c. Select Board Report – 2011. The board discussed who should write the 2011 Select Board Report for the Town Report. Jerry agreed that he would work on it and send some ideas by email to the other board members to go over.
d. Town Report – Timeline. Patty went over the timeline for Town Report/Town Meeting with the board. Town Meeting this year will be held on Tuesday, March 6 2012 and the location will be at the Fire House. No action taken.
e. Tax Bills – Court Decision. Patty informed the board that there has been a recent court decision that will be effecting what type of information that the Town Clerks Office can and cannot disclose on tax bills. Town Clerks can no longer disclose state payments unless the individual on the tax bill requests the information. No action taken.
f. Town Meeting Warning – Rough Draft. The board went over the rough draft of the warning for Town Meeting. A couple of changes were made to the draft.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
January 3, 2012
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Board of Listers – Misc. – decreased to $250.00
Utilities – Garage – Phone – decreased to $500.00
Salaries – Listers – decreased to $5,000.00
Quinn Town Seniors – (previous meeting $2,623.00 was agreed on) – level funded at $2,000.00
Ambulance - $29,404.35
Electricity – Town Hall – (last meeting $2,250.00 was agreed on) – raised to $2,300.00
Town office Building – Fuel – decreased to $3,000.00
2011 Wages – increase by 2%. The board decided they could not match the 3.6% Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment due to the economy and the financial constraints from Tropical Storm Irene.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved January 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: December 12, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Joe Poston, Don Flynn & Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Renovation Project – Review Change Order #: 006, with Joe Poston from Wright Construction.
Before we opened the meeting at 8:00 am, the select board met with Joe Poston down in the basement of the town office building to go over a couple items. One was the windows and one was leveling of the floor. Joe mentioned that leveling was probably not the correct word, it should have been “smoothing.” The floor had to be smoothed out for the final floor covering. He also mentioned that there is no charge for the refurbishing of the basement windows, just for the installation of the new storm windows. Don Flynn joined us downstairs as well.
The group moved upstairs into the town office, where Patty Haskins joined us.
Pete, from Pete’s painting came in and the paint issues on the heat registers were reviewed. The paint is not sticking to them. He said he will remove the covers and take them home over the Christmas holiday, sand them down, repaint them and then reinstall them when completed.
It was mentioned that the heater in the lobby has a dent in it. This will be brought to Craig Billings (plumber) attention. Still waiting for buttons for a storm window in the library, Joe mentioned that he is waiting for R.K. Miles for them. The door in the lobby does not always shut tight and sometimes it locks if the lock is at all bumped. Also discussed was the poor landscape around the building, still a lot of rocks.
Again we had sewer gas smells coming from the bathrooms; this will be brought to Craig Billings attention.
The select board voted to approve the change order in the amount of $4,320.00. Mark Begin, Select Board chair, signed the order.
Adjourned at 8:45 am.
Recorded by,
George Deblon
_______________________________________ Approved January 8, 2013
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: December 4, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
November 20, 2012 Select Board Meeting
New Business
- Select Board re: January 2013 Meeting dates: 1/8/13 and 1/22/13
- Zachary Sebo re: payment for trash clean-up from David Easum’s rental property
- Invoice for new Town Office and Library sign
- False Alarm Ordinance now in effect
- EWP project updates
- George Deblon re: Convention dates and coverage
- Quin-Town Center for Senior Citizens re: Funding request
- Notice of Act 250 Application re: Fuster property
- Central Vermont Council on Aging re: Annual report and funding request
- Bridge #124 by Town Garage re: Site meeting 12/17/12 at 12:00 p.m.
- Request for $500 for Town Health Officer
- Town Office Building – Punch List items
- Stain and rusty nail heads from vent
- Pipe railing rust spots
- HVAC system squeaking again
- Large icicle forming beneath vent
- Baseboard upstairs needs to be looked at
- Paint on heater covers still not adhering
- Wright Construction cleaned windows
- Final payment not to be made until satisfied with work
- Joe Posten has fire alarm system for Howard Fire Service
- Wright Construction AIA Change Order #06 need special meeting to review
- Final walk through to be determined by the town
- Draft of Littering and Rubbish Ordinance to be sent to VLCT for review
a. Highway Budget re: State Aid estimate is $20,000
b. Audit by end of September 2013 due to Federal funding in excess of $500,000
c. General Funds Budget review:
1. Town Hall needs repairs
2. Patty to ask CV Oil for heating fuel usage for Town Office and Town Hall
3. Street Lights re: new LED lighting programs?
4. Computers and back-up system will need updating
5. Sheriff budget re: Mark will get in contact with sheriff
6. George will talk to Dave Colton re: budget/funding for Fire Department and First Response
7. Other departments are asked to submit funding requests by 1/10/13
d. Tyna Gallagher requests additional $25 for extra work
Meeting Adjourned 8:07 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 14, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
December 4, 2012
Mark Begin motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57pm; George seconded the motion. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of November 20, 2012. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Select Board Meetings January 2013 – Due to New Year’s Day occurring on the first Tuesday of the month, the board has decided to hold the January meetings on the 8th and 22nd of January.
b. Patty received a check from Zachary Sebo for trash clean-up from David Easum rental property. She is waiting for this check to clear before refunding David his tax overpayment.
c. Patty received the invoice from the Library for the new sign in the amount of $90. The Select Board approved splitting the cost 50/50 with the Library.
d. Patty stated the town now has a False Alarm Ordinance as no one contested it during the 60-day notice. She will inform Fire Chief Dave Colton.
e. Marsha Hopkins submitted the forms for EWP projects to the state for payment to the town. Carbone/Sell project was finished October 23, 2012 in the amount of $14,583; Grindel project was finished October 25, 2012 in the amount of $19,752; and the erosion issue at Garofalo’s was addressed and the state will play 90% with Garofalo to pay 10%. It is too late for any additional EWP projects, past the deadline.
f. George Deblon will be at a convention February 16-20, 2013 in Kansas City and David Colton will cover road maintenance in George’s absence.
a. Quin-Town Center for Senior Citizens is requesting a donation of $2,767.00 from the town for 2013 to cover a portion of their operating budget that provides quality meals and social enrichment. The Select Board approved $2,000 to be added as a line item for Town Meeting. A letter to this effect will be sent to Shirley White at Quin-Town.
b. The town received a Notice of Act 250 Application dated November 27, 2012 submitted to the District 3 Environmental Commission regarding the Fuster property. The Notice is posted at the Town Office.
c. Central Vermont Council on Aging has distributed their 2012 Annual Report along with a donation envelope. There is a $500 line item in the 2013 proposed budget for Town Meeting.
d. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section is requesting whether or not the town wants to meet re: Bridge #124 (by the town garage) on December 17, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. to discuss the project. Patty will fax back a reply that the town will meet with the project manager at that time.
e. Request for $500 for Town Health Officer received. Patty as was asked to hold this request to be discussed when the Board gets to that portion of the budget.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – Punch List items continue to be addressed:
1. Stain and rusty nail heads down side of building from water that came from vent
2. Pipe stair railings have rust spots coming through again
3. HVAC system squeaking again; not sure if recommended adjustments from engineer have been made
4. Large icicle now forms beneath the vent
5. Baseboard upstairs needs to be looked at
6. Paint on heater covers is still not holding
7. Wright Construction did work on scraping and cleaning windows as the painter did not want to come back.
8. Mark McManus agreed to wait until satisfied with all the work before making the final payment.
9. Howard Fire Service inquired about alarm system. Joe Posten has and will return.
10. Wright Construction AIA Change Order #06, dated November 20, 2012. There are items on the list that need to be discussed further with Joe Posten and the Select Board would like a meeting set-up for next week. Patty will arrange for a meeting.
11. Final walk through will be determined by the town and will inform Mark McManus.
b. Jerry drafted a Littering and Rubbish Ordinance for review by the Select Board. Jerry will forward it to VLCT for input and report back to the board.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
December 4, 2012
Other Business
The board continued to work on budget estimates for 2013 in preparation for Town Meeting:
a. Highway Budget – Patty added that the estimate for State Aid should be $20,000.
b. An audit will be required before the end of September 2013 as the town will have received more than $500,000 in federal funds.
c. General Funds Budget – Reviewed Income and Expense lines
1. Numerous projects at the Town Hall need to be addressed and include items such as window repairs (rotting sills in basement), front stairs are rotting, building needs to be painted, etc.
2. Patty will ask CV Oil for heating fuel usage at the Town Hall and the Town Office to determine a budget amount.
3. Street Lights – any programs that provide the new LED lights to save money in the future?
4. Patty brought up the fact that both office computers will need to be replaced along with the back-up system in the near future.
5. Sheriff budget – Mark will talk to sheriff before estimating a budget amount
6. George will talk to Dave Colton about putting together budget items for the Fire Department and First Response.
7. Other departments are being asked to submit their funding requests by January 10, 2013.
d. Tyna Gallagher requested an additional $25.00 to produce letters to various departments for Town Report and funding information. The request was approved by Select Board.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: November 20, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
October 30, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting; November 7, 2012 Select Board Meeting; November 13, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting
New Business
- Board of Listers – Errors or Omissions re: Richard Fifield eligible for Veteran’s exemption.
- Special Select Board Meeting – re: Condenser Units
- Patty Haskins re: request to send a “Second Notice” for tax payments
- Scenic Route 100 Byway Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2012
- Stipulated Order of Dismissal re: Murphys agreement with town of Chittenden re: Town Hwy #11
- Yoneko Davis received confirmation re: application for a new waste water system
- Yoneko Davis received a Permit re: waste water system and potable water supply
- VLCT distributed an updated brochure titled “Policing Options for Local Governments”
- Preliminary Plans for Pittsfield bridge #124 on Route 100 by the Town Garage re: comments due 12/14/12
- Trash policy draft reviewed
- Town Office Building – Punch List items
- Exterior walls fixed
- Stair railing has been braced
- Painters scrapped inside windows but could not open to do outside
- Heater covers were re-painted, Joe to verify correct paint used
- North side windows did not have the ropes replaced; Patty would like them replaced
- Condenser units have been moved
- Icicles forming due to incorrectly installed vents; vents fixed
- Cost to re-furbish the basement windows is estimated at $365
- Sash locks cost $206; 14 units installed
- Light in crawl space will not be installed
- Mark Vincello, Engineer, provided recommendations for operation of HVAC system
- New Town Office and Library sign has arrived
a. Guardrails on Liberty Hill Rd at intersection of Spring Hill Road
b. Pothole on Tweed River Drive, Bridge #11
c. December Select Board Meetings: Tuesday December 4, 2012 and Friday December 14, 2012
d. 12 Fire Department volunteers fitted with new turnout gear
e. 2013 Budgeting Process has begun; Patty presented draft of Highway Budget
1. More money coming in from the State
2. Pursue Structure Grant for Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road
3. Switch to liquid chloride on hold until 2014
4. $4,000 increase for gravel to be decided at next meeting
5. Cemetery and General Fund 2013 draft budgets are in the works
6. Mark requests proposed budgets to be distributed at least the day before the meeting
Meeting Adjourned 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 20, 2012
Mark Begin motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57pm; Jerry seconded the motion. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of October 30, 2102, November 7, 2012 and November 13, 2012; Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Board of Listers – Errors or Omissions request to correct the Grand List to show Richard Fifield eligible for Veteran’s exemption. He will get a refund on his tax payment. Mark motioned to accept; George seconded. Select Board approved.
b. Special Select Board Meeting via telephone conference on November 13, 2012 to resolve the HVAC condenser unit location. The units will be moved to the right front corner of the town office building towards the stairs to avoid falling snow and ice from the roof that could cause damage. Wright will not charge the town to move. The town will assist in the removal of the concrete slab.
c. Patty received a request from Liz Cotter to send a “Second Notice” for tax payments. Tax payers receive a tax invoice with payment coupons marked with the due date and it would be costly to mail a second notice. Mark motioned to not mail a “Second Notice”; Jerry seconded.
a. Scenic Route 100 Byway Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2012 received. The group is moving forward on several items to help promote the Scenic Route 100 Byway including signage, maps and listings.
b. Stipulated Order of Dismissal Pursuant to V.R.C.P. 41(a)(1) – Christopher and Jane Murphy (appellants) and the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsfield and Pittsford agree to certain stipulations in regards to Town Highway #11. The town of Chittenden shall pay the Murphys $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars). Officials from all three towns are required to sign the order. Jerry motioned to sign the order; George seconded. Mark signed the document to be returned to the law firm of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C.
c. Yoneko Davis received confirmation dated November 7, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation that her application for a new waste water system is in process.
d. Yoneko Davis received a Permit dated November 8, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for a new waste water system and potable water supply.
e. VLCT distributed an updated brochure titled “Policing Options for Local Governments” that provides an overview for local governments to consider when determining the type of policing needed in their jurisdiction. Outlines what authority a constable may exercise. Helpful reference brochure.
f. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section, provided 2 sets of Preliminary Plans for Pittsfield BRF 022-1(23) that is bridge #124 on Route 100 by the Town Garage for town review. This is a state-owned bridge therefore no local funding. The project is scheduled for advertisement in September 2013 with construction anticipated to begin April 2014. George will review a copy of the plans and will discuss at the next Select Board meeting on 12/4/12. The State has requested comments to be submitted to Kristin Higgins, Structures Project Manager by December 14, 2012.
Old Business
a. Trash policy draft reviewed by the Select Board. Jerry will write it up as an ordinance and have it sent to VLCT for review/recommendations. Patty did call VLCT to ask what do other towns regarding excessive trash, specifically commercial properties. VLCT stated many handle differently and suggested the town contact their Solid Waste District and/or trash hauler. VLCT also supplied a website as a reference and Jerry will check it out for additional information and ideas.
b. Town Office Building – Punch List items continue to be addressed:
1. Exterior walls – Wright did come back and fix both sides of the exterior walls. Mark will check out the work tomorrow in the daylight.
2. Stair railing has been braced.
3. Painters scraped inside windows but could not open to do outside. Joe Posten wants it done and will follow-up on this.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
November 20, 2012
4. Heater covers were re-painted however the paint scratches too easily. Joe will verify that the correct paint is used. He would have preferred new heater covers because the factory finish holds better than re-painted metal.
5. Windows – one of the new ropes on the South side came apart (it was knotted) and was fixed. All South side windows need to be checked. The North side windows did not have the ropes replaced. Patty would like them replaced to avoid having them break. Joe Posten gave an estimate of $472 to do the job. The North side windows were not part of the original job, only the South side windows. Mark will ask Doug Johnstone about fixing the ropes on the North side when he meets with Doug on November 26, 2012. Patty will let Joe know a decision has not been made yet.
6. Condenser units have been moved and George will move the concrete pad 11/21/12.
7. Mark McManus asked Mark Vincello (engineer) about icicles forming. This was due to vents installed backwards. Craig Billings (heating/plumbing contractor) fixed the vents and it appears to be working. The incorrectly installed vents have caused nails to rust and stains on the building – Patty will tell Joe Posten about this.
8. The cost to re-furbish the basement windows is estimated at $365. Wright Construction did bill the town for caulking storm windows in the basement however some were never caulked or tightened up. It was assumed all the windows would have been sealed properly. Mark will bring this up when he meets with Doug Johnstone.
9. Sash locks cost $206 as custom fitting was required. Wright has 14 units installed.
10. A light should have been installed in the crawl space along with an outlet. The outlet was installed but the light was not and will require additional electrical work to accomplish. Select Board decided not to install the light.
11. Mark Vincello of WV Engineering Associates visited the Town Office November 14, 2012 to investigate the issues with the HVAC system. They changed the variable speed setting to 50% (it was on full) and the water noise abated considerably. Based on their observations and how the system works he has made the following recommendations:
i. Boiler reset schedule should be adjusted so the 0 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 170 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply and 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 100 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply.
ii. Variable speed pumps need to be factory setup to maintain system pressure as intended, pumps should slow down or speed up as the building’s requirement for heat varies.
12. The new Town Office and library sign has been delivered. George will get help from the fire department to install on the building.
Other Business
a. George got pricing from two companies on guardrails for Liberty Hill Rd at the intersection of Spring Hill Road. One company quoted $4,300 and Lafayette who is in the area installing guardrails along Route 100 quoted $1,800 if they could do within the next week. The Select Board approved to go ahead with Lafayette now.
b. The pothole on Tweed River Drive (bridge 11) is open again. George will patch this again and said the State recommends using blacktop to alleviate the pothole. George will ask WILK Paving to do an estimate when they are here in the Spring of 2013 to work on the Park & Ride paving project.
c. Jerry requested the Select Board change the meeting schedule for December. The Board decided to hold two meetings in December on Tuesday the 4th and Friday the 14th.
d. George reported 12 fire department volunteers were fitted with new turnout gear on 11/19/12 that was awarded to PVFD by the manufacturer Globe. The turnout gear is valued at $25,000.
e. Highway Budget – Patty presented a draft of the 2013 budget.
1. More money is coming in from State Aid and she has more paperwork to finish for Bridge #11. The State will not pay until all the projects are completed.
2. Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road (near the Crossover Road) needs to be replaced. The Select Board would like to pursue a Structure Grant. The Hydraulic study is already done.
3. George would like to switch to liquid chloride. There is a cost associated with the initial set-up however in the long run it will be less expensive. In addition
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 4
November 20, 2012
chloride in flakes is getting more difficult to acquire. Mark Begin would like to wait until the following year to discuss further.
4. George provided 2013 Proposed Budget for Fuel, Hired Equipment, Materials, Garage Supplies, Miscellaneous and Repairs with increases and decreases noted. Mark questioned the $4,000 increase for gravel and would like to decide at the next meeting.
5. Connie Martin will be in next week to go over the cemetery budget. Patty still has to work on the General Fund Budget.
6. Mark requested the proposed budgets get distributed at least the day before the meeting to be able to review in advance. Patty will try to accommodate this request.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: November 20, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting called to order at 5:57 p.m.
Approve Minutes
October 30, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting; November 7, 2012 Select Board Meeting; November 13, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting
New Business
- Board of Listers – Errors or Omissions re: Richard Fifield eligible for Veteran’s exemption.
- Special Select Board Meeting – re: Condenser Units
- Patty Haskins re: request to send a “Second Notice” for tax payments
- Scenic Route 100 Byway Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2012
- Stipulated Order of Dismissal re: Murphys agreement with town of Chittenden re: Town Hwy #11
- Yoneko Davis received confirmation re: application for a new waste water system
- Yoneko Davis received a Permit re: waste water system and potable water supply
- VLCT distributed an updated brochure titled “Policing Options for Local Governments”
- Preliminary Plans for Pittsfield bridge #124 on Route 100 by the Town Garage re: comments due 12/14/12
- Trash policy draft reviewed
- Town Office Building – Punch List items
- Exterior walls fixed
- Stair railing has been braced
- Painters scrapped inside windows but could not open to do outside
- Heater covers were re-painted, Joe to verify correct paint used
- North side windows did not have the ropes replaced; Patty would like them replaced
- Condenser units have been moved
- Icicles forming due to incorrectly installed vents; vents fixed
- Cost to re-furbish the basement windows is estimated at $365
- Sash locks cost $206; 14 units installed
- Light in crawl space will not be installed
- Mark Vincello, Engineer, provided recommendations for operation of HVAC system
- New Town Office and Library sign has arrived
a. Guardrails on Liberty Hill Rd at intersection of Spring Hill Road
b. Pothole on Tweed River Drive, Bridge #11
c. December Select Board Meetings: Tuesday December 4, 2012 and Friday December 14, 2012
d. 12 Fire Department volunteers fitted with new turnout gear
e. 2013 Budgeting Process has begun; Patty presented draft of Highway Budget
1. More money coming in from the State
2. Pursue Structure Grant for Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road
3. Switch to liquid chloride on hold until 2014
4. $4,000 increase for gravel to be decided at next meeting
5. Cemetery and General Fund 2013 draft budgets are in the works
6. Mark requests proposed budgets to be distributed at least the day before the meeting
Meeting Adjourned 7:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 20, 2012
Mark Begin motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:57pm; Jerry seconded the motion. George Deblon motioned to approve the minutes of October 30, 2102, November 7, 2012 and November 13, 2012; Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Board of Listers – Errors or Omissions request to correct the Grand List to show Richard Fifield eligible for Veteran’s exemption. He will get a refund on his tax payment. Mark motioned to accept; George seconded. Select Board approved.
b. Special Select Board Meeting via telephone conference on November 13, 2012 to resolve the HVAC condenser unit location. The units will be moved to the right front corner of the town office building towards the stairs to avoid falling snow and ice from the roof that could cause damage. Wright will not charge the town to move. The town will assist in the removal of the concrete slab.
c. Patty received a request from Liz Cotter to send a “Second Notice” for tax payments. Tax payers receive a tax invoice with payment coupons marked with the due date and it would be costly to mail a second notice. Mark motioned to not mail a “Second Notice”; Jerry seconded.
a. Scenic Route 100 Byway Meeting Minutes from November 7, 2012 received. The group is moving forward on several items to help promote the Scenic Route 100 Byway including signage, maps and listings.
b. Stipulated Order of Dismissal Pursuant to V.R.C.P. 41(a)(1) – Christopher and Jane Murphy (appellants) and the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsfield and Pittsford agree to certain stipulations in regards to Town Highway #11. The town of Chittenden shall pay the Murphys $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars). Officials from all three towns are required to sign the order. Jerry motioned to sign the order; George seconded. Mark signed the document to be returned to the law firm of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C.
c. Yoneko Davis received confirmation dated November 7, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation that her application for a new waste water system is in process.
d. Yoneko Davis received a Permit dated November 8, 2012 from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for a new waste water system and potable water supply.
e. VLCT distributed an updated brochure titled “Policing Options for Local Governments” that provides an overview for local governments to consider when determining the type of policing needed in their jurisdiction. Outlines what authority a constable may exercise. Helpful reference brochure.
f. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section, provided 2 sets of Preliminary Plans for Pittsfield BRF 022-1(23) that is bridge #124 on Route 100 by the Town Garage for town review. This is a state-owned bridge therefore no local funding. The project is scheduled for advertisement in September 2013 with construction anticipated to begin April 2014. George will review a copy of the plans and will discuss at the next Select Board meeting on 12/4/12. The State has requested comments to be submitted to Kristin Higgins, Structures Project Manager by December 14, 2012.
Old Business
a. Trash policy draft reviewed by the Select Board. Jerry will write it up as an ordinance and have it sent to VLCT for review/recommendations. Patty did call VLCT to ask what do other towns regarding excessive trash, specifically commercial properties. VLCT stated many handle differently and suggested the town contact their Solid Waste District and/or trash hauler. VLCT also supplied a website as a reference and Jerry will check it out for additional information and ideas.
b. Town Office Building – Punch List items continue to be addressed:
1. Exterior walls – Wright did come back and fix both sides of the exterior walls. Mark will check out the work tomorrow in the daylight.
2. Stair railing has been braced.
3. Painters scraped inside windows but could not open to do outside. Joe Posten wants it done and will follow-up on this.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
November 20, 2012
4. Heater covers were re-painted however the paint scratches too easily. Joe will verify that the correct paint is used. He would have preferred new heater covers because the factory finish holds better than re-painted metal.
5. Windows – one of the new ropes on the South side came apart (it was knotted) and was fixed. All South side windows need to be checked. The North side windows did not have the ropes replaced. Patty would like them replaced to avoid having them break. Joe Posten gave an estimate of $472 to do the job. The North side windows were not part of the original job, only the South side windows. Mark will ask Doug Johnstone about fixing the ropes on the North side when he meets with Doug on November 26, 2012. Patty will let Joe know a decision has not been made yet.
6. Condenser units have been moved and George will move the concrete pad 11/21/12.
7. Mark McManus asked Mark Vincello (engineer) about icicles forming. This was due to vents installed backwards. Craig Billings (heating/plumbing contractor) fixed the vents and it appears to be working. The incorrectly installed vents have caused nails to rust and stains on the building – Patty will tell Joe Posten about this.
8. The cost to re-furbish the basement windows is estimated at $365. Wright Construction did bill the town for caulking storm windows in the basement however some were never caulked or tightened up. It was assumed all the windows would have been sealed properly. Mark will bring this up when he meets with Doug Johnstone.
9. Sash locks cost $206 as custom fitting was required. Wright has 14 units installed.
10. A light should have been installed in the crawl space along with an outlet. The outlet was installed but the light was not and will require additional electrical work to accomplish. Select Board decided not to install the light.
11. Mark Vincello of WV Engineering Associates visited the Town Office November 14, 2012 to investigate the issues with the HVAC system. They changed the variable speed setting to 50% (it was on full) and the water noise abated considerably. Based on their observations and how the system works he has made the following recommendations:
i. Boiler reset schedule should be adjusted so the 0 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 170 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply and 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside equals 100 degrees Fahrenheit boiler supply.
ii. Variable speed pumps need to be factory setup to maintain system pressure as intended, pumps should slow down or speed up as the building’s requirement for heat varies.
12. The new Town Office and library sign has been delivered. George will get help from the fire department to install on the building.
Other Business
a. George got pricing from two companies on guardrails for Liberty Hill Rd at the intersection of Spring Hill Road. One company quoted $4,300 and Lafayette who is in the area installing guardrails along Route 100 quoted $1,800 if they could do within the next week. The Select Board approved to go ahead with Lafayette now.
b. The pothole on Tweed River Drive (bridge 11) is open again. George will patch this again and said the State recommends using blacktop to alleviate the pothole. George will ask WILK Paving to do an estimate when they are here in the Spring of 2013 to work on the Park & Ride paving project.
c. Jerry requested the Select Board change the meeting schedule for December. The Board decided to hold two meetings in December on Tuesday the 4th and Friday the 14th.
d. George reported 12 fire department volunteers were fitted with new turnout gear on 11/19/12 that was awarded to PVFD by the manufacturer Globe. The turnout gear is valued at $25,000.
e. Highway Budget – Patty presented a draft of the 2013 budget.
1. More money is coming in from State Aid and she has more paperwork to finish for Bridge #11. The State will not pay until all the projects are completed.
2. Culvert #18 on Upper Michigan Road (near the Crossover Road) needs to be replaced. The Select Board would like to pursue a Structure Grant. The Hydraulic study is already done.
3. George would like to switch to liquid chloride. There is a cost associated with the initial set-up however in the long run it will be less expensive. In addition
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 4
November 20, 2012
chloride in flakes is getting more difficult to acquire. Mark Begin would like to wait until the following year to discuss further.
4. George provided 2013 Proposed Budget for Fuel, Hired Equipment, Materials, Garage Supplies, Miscellaneous and Repairs with increases and decreases noted. Mark questioned the $4,000 increase for gravel and would like to decide at the next meeting.
5. Connie Martin will be in next week to go over the cemetery budget. Patty still has to work on the General Fund Budget.
6. Mark requested the proposed budgets get distributed at least the day before the meeting to be able to review in advance. Patty will try to accommodate this request.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
Pittsfield Select Board
P.O. Box 691
Minutes: Special Meeting, 13 November 2012
Special meeting called regarding problems at the Town Office/Library building project.
In Attendance: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis. Mark McManus on speakerphone.
The special meeting/teleconference with architect Mark McManus was called to order at 11:58 A.M.
Mark Begin bought up the status of the location of the conditioning units. Wright Const. agreed to relocate them and they request that the desired location be staked out. Mark Begin will see to it.
The Board then questioned the ¾ + inch floor depression in front of the old vault in the basement. Mark McManus indicated he thought it had been addressed and will look into it.
Mark Begin advised Mr. McManus that the Select Board’s position is that the bulging siding on the addition must be replaced and that the Board does not believe it is an added cost the town should not have to bear. This will be looked into.
The final item was the problem of ice forming over the entrance in t he form of long dirty icicles. Mark Begin also pointed out that the siding is being discolored by things. Mr. McManus will also look into this situation.
The conference adjourned at 12:18 P.M.
Jerry Drugonis
Acting Secretary
Mark Begin
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
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DATE: November 7, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. October 23, 2012 Select Board Meeting
New Business
- Press Release for VT Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation seeking public comment on updates to the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Plan, 2005-2009
- Green-Up Vermont – Payton Veilluex will coordinate
- Join the VT Local Roads List.pdf from Erik Wells - George will review
- Green Mountain Power re: GMP Smart Power is coming to town
a. Town Office Building - Punch List Addendum 4 dated November 8, 2012 reviewed and request another meeting with Mark McManus on following items:
1. Icicles on north side
2. Wavy/bulging walls need to be repaired
3. Review new punch list
4. HVAC condenser unit must be moved
b. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report
1. New PC monitor
2. Voters positive comments on new elevator
3. Park and Ride Grant Amendment
4. David Easum tenant re: dumping issue
5. Budget information for the next Select Board meeting
c. Road Commissioner – Inquiry about town taking over Parmenter Place
Other Business
a. Select Board reviewed and discussed the first draft for Pittsfield Trash Removal Service
b. Coverage in George’s absence
c. Work performed at bottom of Art Reill’s driveway
d. Separation of Select Board duties and Road Commissioner duties
Meeting Adjourned 6:52 p.m.
Next meeting Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
November 7, 2012
George Deblon motioned to call the meeting to order at 5:55pm and approve the minutes of October 23, 2102. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion.
New Business
a. Press Release for VT Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation seeking public comment on updates to the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Plan, 2005-2009 which has expired. Any suggested changes, additions, corrections, etc. are to be submitted to Ed O’Leary before November 30, 2012. A webinar will be held November 14, 2012 from 6:30-7:30 pm for a quick review of the process that led up to the development of this Draft SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan). This plan is a requirement for the state to receive Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) dollars. This fund has allowed Vermont to develop hundreds of recreational facilities throughout the state and it is possible the town could get assistance to repair and/or upgrade the athletic fields/facilities. Mark will follow up on this. The SCORP may be reviewed at:http://www.vtfpr.org/recreation/scorp/info/cfm
b. Green-Up Vermont – Payton Veilluex will coordinate this project again for the town and Patty returned the form 11/1/12.
c. Erik Wells e-mailed document titled: Join the VT Local Roads List.pdf George will review this document to determine if it is something of value to the town.
d. Notice from Green Mountain Power re: GMP Smart Power is coming to town. The Select Board has approved to change to a smart meter for the town facilities.
Committee Reports
a. Town Office Building - Patty distributed Punch List Addendum 4 dated November 8, 2012 to the
Board for review before forwarding to Joe Posten. It was noted to add the Library windows have
condensation and this needs to be investigated.
The Select Board would like Patty to set up another meeting with Mark McManus to discuss the following items:
1. Icicles are forming on the North side of the building – why is this happening.
2. Wavy/bulging walls need to be repaired. Joe offered $1,800 as a credit for this in exchange for the extra work on the counter that had to be re-done due to the wrong height. The Select Board does not agree with this credit. Mark Begin spoke with Doug Johnstone who estimates the cost to be approximately $10,000 - $15,000. The Select Board wants the walls repaired.
3. Review new punch list.
4. HVAC condenser unit must be moved.
b. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report by Patty Haskins
1. Monitor on town clerk’s computer no longer works, new one ordered for $140.
2. Several voters commented they liked the new elevator – much easier to use
3. Park and Ride Grant Amendment for the additional funds for a total of $55,660 signed by Mark Begin.
4. David Easum tenant re: dumping issue. The Game Warden was paid the fine for the illegal dumping. The father of the tenant contacted Patty stating the town fine was too harsh. Patty explained that was the cost of the clean-up and disposal and suggested his son could come before the Select Board to discuss.
5. Patty will have budget information for the next Select Board meeting.
c. Road Commissioner - George reported that Jennifer Howard on behalf of Dick Fifield approached him about the town taking over Parmenter Place. There are specs that have to be met and George will give Jennifer the information. It is important for the residents on Parmenter Place to be aware that if the town takes over the road it will no longer be a private road.
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November 7, 2012
Other Business
a. Select Board reviewed and discussed the first draft for Pittsfield Trash Removal Service from Jerry Drugonis. The Board agreed it was a good start and the commercial aspect of the issue needs to be addressed. Jerry will provide another draft that will include some ideas on how to address the commercial businesses for discussion at the next meeting.
b. Mark Begin asked that George notify him or someone else in the town when out of town. This is just incase any of George’s responsibilities need to be addressed.
c. Mark inquired about work George was performing at a residence. This was town work at the bottom of Art Reill’s driveway at Route 100. George was supplying gravel for a dry fire hydrant, “in kind”, for the Pittsfield Fire Department.
d. Mark told George to be aware of keeping Select Board duties separate from his time performing road/highway duties.
The meeting adjourned at 6:52pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 30, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Mark McManus, Joe Posten, Don Flynn
Mark Begin called the meeting to order at 2:55 p.m.
a. Mark McManus presented a 3-ring binder with all the Davis-Bacon Wage Reports to Patty Haskins to keep at the Town Office as required by the Grant. It is organized by company with the General Contractor by date, then the sub-contractors by date. Joe has one more to submit.
b. Operating and Maintenance manuals for HVAC and record drawings have been provided to the town clerk for the office.
c. Punch Lists from 9/18/12, 10/10/12, 10/16/12 and 10/30/12 were reviewed in detail. The following items remain on the list:
1. Additional rocks need to be removed from the site.
- None of the door deadbolts work
- Outside face of basement vault door needs refinishing/rust removal
- Touch-up paint is needed throughout the building/Joe has a list for the painter
- Replace deadbolt strikes with solid piece types
- Dented Lobby radiator cover is being replaced/new one on order
- Replace damaged ceiling tiles in basement
- Touch-up paint on baseboard radiator in old vault room
- Clean paint off all windows and transoms
- Refurbish basement window units and make weather-tight
- Front entry stairs – clean paint off deck boards, connect newel posts to building for stability, add returns and extensions to hand rails as per plans (see sheet A-3)
- Provide clear sealer on foundation masonry as per specs
- Remove paint on exterior storms
- Relocate condensing units to southwest corner of building next to stairs (gable end). Joe will investigate cost to accomplish this.
- Have vault door rep service door: door not tight to stops and is difficult to operate. Joe will provide the serial number to locksmith.
- Install window locks as required
- Side entry door needs adjusting, does not close tight unless pulled closed.
- Ladies restroom needs window repaired; fix corner taping job and refinish
- Re-paint door edge and jamb on front door where paint stuck to jamb
- Refinish baseboard heater covers in library
- Re-paint trim on town office front door – interior side
- Touch-up paint on front of town clerk’s counter – green paint on buff section
- Finish painting ceiling section in Clerk’s office; appears to only have one coat. Check for water spots and peeling paint on ceiling and fix.
- Check paint on hand rails – rust is coming through
Have Mechanical Contractor set-up appointment to review heat and a/c controls. The contact is Tyler Johnson of Technology Controls.
e. Electrical:
Relocate floor outlet in clerk’s office as directed by owner. To be done after 11/6/12 Election Day.
Pittsfield Special Select Board Meeting Page 2
October 30, 2012
f. Restroom Privacy Locks:
The restroom privacy locks can be released by inserting a flathead screwdriver or similar item into the slot. There are no keys to operate this feature. This was tested and it worked fine.
g. Windows:
Mark McManus reviewed the decision of keeping the old windows to preserve the look of the town office versus putting in new aluminum windows. He explained the storm windows are set in tight and the screen is removable for access to the glass. The storm windows are set in foam to reduce any drafts. Mark will review his photos to make sure the windows are installed correctly.
h. HVAC System:
The system is noisy and runs continuously. The noise is due to one pump running the system and if reduced it may not circulate properly. The system has to be balanced. Patty would like a wider range of temperatures before the A/C kicks in or the Heat comes on. She has noticed the electric bill is higher. It was suggested the Energy Efficiency Code may be dictating how the system is set for temperature. The mechanical contractor is to meet with Patty and one of the Select Board members to review how the system works. Mark McManus will contact the mechanical engineer about this as well.
i. Elevator Phone Line:
Mark McManus says the code states a dedicated line is required. Using line seizure was suggested by the electrical engineer but this will not work with the office phone. If the Select Board can come up with an effective plan to present to the Elevator Board for a variance, then Mark will present it to them. A final decision on how to proceed has not been made.
j. Exterior Walls:
The wavy and bulging walls along the south and east sides of the building were discussed. Joe will look into a price to fix the problem areas and then the board can discuss options with Joe about how to deal with the cost. Mark Begin suggested a value of $10,000 and Mark McManus said he would need details supporting this amount.
k. Additional Items:
Change orders – Joe is reviewing them. Patty requested a credit for the Knox Box.
The goal is to finish the Punch List items by Thanksgiving 2012.
l. Other Business:
- The Select Board signed letter to be mailed to David Easum’s tenants for dumping trash illegally.
- Patty requested approval for purchasing shades for the town office. Home Depot has the size and type for $52 each and five are needed. Patty also requested approval for five office chairs at $129.99 each. The total for the shades and chairs is $909.95 plus freight. The sale of the school desks netted $1,172 which will cover this expenditure. The Select Board approved.
The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 23, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf,
Susie Martin,
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:50 p.m.
Approve Minutes for October 9, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report – Patty Haskins
1. Structures Grant for Tozier Hill culvert
2. Timeline of Events for Bridge #11 – Tweed River Drive for FEMA close-out
3. Municipal Procurement Policy
4. Elevator telephone line, variance required
5. TOB budget has $20,435.39 remaining
6. VT Municipal Bond Bank
7. TRORC Energy Analysis Report – next step
8. Blue Cross/Blue Shield renewal
9. David Easum tax overpayment and tenant trash issue
b. Trash Removal policy draft – Jerry Drugonis
c. Pittsfield Historical Society – Susie Martin
1. Request for front door key
2. Request to store items in Town Office basement vault
3. Request to use Town Hall on Nov. 29, 2012 to start cleaning up the stage area
d. Listers – Martha Beyersdorf
1. Clarification on accounting of hours worked
2. Request to change new work station in Town Office
New Business
a. WRVA representative – Mona Colton appointed
b. Select Board mail folders inside front doors
c. Town Office and Library sign samples
d. Labels for elevator buttons
a. VLCT – VT Transportation Board upcoming public hearings
b. Senator Bernie Sanders re: Award of 12 new sets of turnout gear for PVFD
c. VTrans updated Pittsfield Road Maps
d. Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station reply letter
e. Thank you letter from 100 by 100 Relay
f. Green-Up Vermont May 2013 - coordinator request
g. Wilk Paving letter agreeing to hold bid prices for June 2013 project
h. James Carroll, Esquire – final document re: Murphy property
i. Alpine Snow Guards for TOB – information and pricing
j. Green Mtn. Economic Dev. Corp request for letters of support for business assistance
k. TRORC – Moving from Audit to Implementation meeting invite for 11/1/12
l. Rutland Economic Dev. Corp. 75th year celebration invite
m. Central Corridor Trail Coalition resolution request
n. Timberline Events request for permission to use town garage parking lot June 22-23, 2013 for Green Mountain Relay
o. VLCT Election 2012 paper on Education Funding
p. TRORC Transportation Advisory Meeting Minutes
q. HMGP resubmitted claims for Andrews and McAdam properties
r. State of VT, PDD/Structures Design Section – public hearing Nov. 28, 2012 at 6:30 pm re: Bridge #126 (intersection VT Route 100 and Lower Michigan Rd)
Meeting Adjourned 7:50 p.m.
Next meeting Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
October 23, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:50pm. The Minutes of the October 9, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report by Patty Haskins
1. Submitted document from VTRANS, Tom Roberts, Structures Grant for Tozier Hill culvert. Select Board signed.
2. Submitted Timeline of Events for Bridge #11 (Tweed River Drive) required by FEMA to close-out project. Select Board approved and signed.
3. Submitted Municipal Procurement Policy for approval and signatures. Board approved and signed.
4. Elevator telephone line. Patty spoke with Bob Weber (elevator installer) and he said a “line seizure” variance is required from the Elevator Review Board to share the phone line between the elevator and the office. Patty will contact Mark McManus to check into the variance process.
5. Town Office Building (TOB) budget – clarified that the budget has $20,435.39 remaining.
6. VT Municipal Bond Bank notice of possible increase due to Federal Government trying to balance the budget. Bottom line: possible increase of $519.08 in expense to the town.
7. Patty noted from TRORC Energy Analysis Report there is an Energy Efficiency meeting at King Farm in Woodstock on November 1st and one in Rutland November 8th and suggests that Caleb Hawley, the town Energy Coordinator, attend one if possible to help prioritize items to address for the town.
8. Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance through VLCT is coming up for renewal December 1st and pricing remains the same. Select Board approved renewal.
9. David Easum overpaid his tax bill by $500+ as he did not receive actual invoice. He is the landowner whose tenants were caught dumping trash at Camp 12. Mr. Easum was billed $444.80 for clean-up of trash by the Town of Pittsfield. He has asked the town to bill the tenants and if they do not pay, he will take care of it.The Select Board agreed to billing the tenants direct with remittance due in 30 days. Patty will bill the tenants direct and will ask Mr. Easum if the town can hold the overpayment while waiting for the tenants to pay.
b. Jerry Drugonis handed out a Draft for Pittsfield Trash Removal Service for all to review and it will be discussed at a future meeting.
c. Pittsfield Historical Society – Susie Martin
1. Requested a front door key to the Town Hall so they can have access. Martha Beyersdorf has a key and will turn it into Patty so it can be re-issued to Susie.
2. Requested permission to store items in a secure space in the Town Office basement vault; request approved by the Board.
3. Requested permission to use the Town Hall November 29, 2012 in order to clean up the stage area; request approved by the Board.
d. Listers – Martha Beyersdorf
1. Martha requested clarification on policy change for Listers to log-in and log-out to account for their hours. Patty requested this to tighten up controls for hourly staff and is asking Listers to provide date and hours for time being submitted rather than just a lump sum of hours for the month. George suggested using a form similar to the one he and Connie Martin use. The Board agreed to have Listers utilize a similar form.
2. Requested replacing new work table with their old desk as new station is too high for computer work. It was determined the old desk is too rickety and after some review of the work station the Select Board approved contacting Doug Johnstone to make necessary modifications. George will speak with Doug. Martha will remove the old desk from the Town Hall.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
October 23, 2012
New Business
a. White River Valley Ambulance representative – Mona Colton has accepted the Select Board’s appointment as the town’s representative to replace Angelique Lee. The Select Board will send a letter to Mona and to WRVA.
b. Select Board mail – Patty has set-up folders inside the front door so the Board can pick up mail when convenient. Keys will be issued for access.
c. Sign Samples from Sharon Mayer – Select Board reviewed samples and selected the version with Times New Roman type font without dots/scrolls on either side of address. The Board approved $75 for the sign and Patty will follow-up with Sharon. It will be ½” MDO plywood painted white with black vinyl letters. George will ask the Fire Department for help to install on the building.
d. Patty brought up the suggestion to label the buttons in the elevator. George will ask Caleb Hawley to make these.
a. VLCT e-mail re: VT Transportation Board upcoming public hearings throughout the state for public comment on six issues: Transportation Revenues, Bike & Pedestrian Issues, The Future of Passenger Railroad & Inter-City Bus Services, Climate Change – Resilience & Adaptation of the Transportation Network, VTrans Accelerated Bridge Program, Roadway Safety. No one attending as dates conflict with schedules.
b. Senator Bernie Sanders office, Steve Robertson re: Award of 12 new sets of turnout gear for Pittsfield Volunteer Fire Department. Steve will visit Pittsfield in November to meet with Fire Chief Dave Colton.
c. VTrans re: 3 copies of Pittsfield Road Maps with updates reported in 2012. Additional updates may be submitted in January 2013 during annual mileage certificate.
d. Bethel/Royalton Transfer Station, re: Letter from Jeanne Eppich in response to Patty’s letter about the missing ticket. Jeanne’s response did not directly answer Patty’s letter. It is more of an outline of the process.
e. Thank you letter from 100 by 100 Relay
f. Green Up Vermont requesting contact information for Town Coordinator for May 4, 2013 event. Mark will ask Stacy Veilleux if Peyton would like to do again. A co-coordinator may also be listed and is due 11/30/12.
g. Wilk Paving letter from Timothy J. Rice, Vice President, re: Wilk will hold their bid prices for the Pittsfield Park & Ride Paving Project submitted 7/31/12. The project is expected to start in June 2013 when paving conditions are better.
h. James Carroll, Esquire e-mail of final document re: Murphy property. The Town of Chittenden will pay the Murphys a sum of $20,000 in full satisfaction of any and all claims held or asserted by the Murphys against the Defendants. When the document is finalized Mr. Carroll will need to collect the signature of the duly authorized agents of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield.
i. Alpine Snow Guard e-mail from Mark McManus re: pricing and options. Select Board tabled this for TOB construction meeting later in the month.
j. Green Mountain Economic Development Corp., Joan Goldstein e-mail, re: Request for letter of support for disaster assistance for businesses for their application. Tyna will draft a letter for Mark to send.
k. Moving from Audit to Implementation meeting invite from TRORC scheduled for Nov. 1st at King Farm in Woodstock and also Nov. 8th in Rutland at RRMC. George will ask Caleb to attend the Nov. 8th meeting.
l. Rutland Economic Development Corp. 75th Year Celebration invitation. Select Board declining.
m. The Central Corridor Rail Coalition from Palmer MA, Blake Lamothe – 2nd solicitation requesting support from towns along the corridor. They are asking towns to sign a resolution to re-instate passenger rail service between Brattleboro VT and New London, CT. No action to be taken.
n. Timberline Events requesting permission to once again use the town garage parking area for the Green Mountain Relay scheduled for June 22-23, 2013. Exchange time slot is 6/22/13 from 8:15 pm to 6/23/13 until 12:45 am Approved by the Select Board.
o. VLCT Election 2012 informational paper on Education Funding received. No action required.
p. TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from Oct. 16, 2012 received. No action required.
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October 23, 2012
q. HMGP Pittsfield e-mail from Don Flynn, Lister, dated 10/17/12 re: Letters of Intent for Andrews and McAdam homes. Claims have been re-submitted to FEMA for both properties and Don is asking for stronger evidence that may help the claims such as photos, and/or a report from the Health Officer on the health and safety issues at the properties. It is believed Johanna Buker (Andrews) has photos. Don will follow-up.
r. State of Vermont, PDD/Structures Design Section letter re: Pittsfield BHF 022-1(24) VT Route 100, Bridge #126 over the West Branch of the Tweed River. This is the bridge by the Yoga Studio at the intersection of VT Route 100 and Lower Michigan Road. The Structures Section will hold a Regional Concerns Meeting at the Pittsfield Town Hall on Wednesday, November 29, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Two copies of the Scoping Report were received and George is reviewing one copy and the other is available in the Town Office for the public to review. The bridge is part of the State Bridge Program and will not require Town funding. The State handles the newspaper notices for this meeting.
Mark Begin requested holding the next regular Select Board meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 due to Election Day on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. All agreed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office. New notices will be posted with this change
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: October 9, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf, Sharon Mayer, John Benson
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. September 18, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Errors and Omission request presented by Martha Beyersdorf re: Payette property
b. Library Update presented by Sharon Mayer
c. Jon Benson re: Excessive trash
d. Jon Benson re: Leaking truck update
a. HMGP re: Properties approved
b. USDA 30 Day Notice re: Planting of riparian vegetation and site-suitable trees
c. TRORC Report – re: Baseline Energy Analysis report of town infrastructures
d. VT Emergency Mgmt – re: Approval of town’s HMGP acquisition and demolition application
e. State of Vermont – re: Building Communities Grants Programs – overview of grant programs
f. TRORC e-mail – re: 3rd Round HMGP instructions
Other Business
a. Park & Ride Grant – re: Amended and proceed in the Spring of 2013
b. Town Office Building – re: Condenser Cover options; schedule next building committee meeting
c. Town Office Building – re: Punch list items
d. Town Treasurer – re: TOB budget update; maturing CD’s
e. Recycling Center – re: Letter to Del Cloud for process
f. Salimeri property – re: George will meet with Sal about property issues
g. EWP Projects – re: George provided updates on various projects
h. Town Hall Emergency Exit Stairs – re: Need to fix once vault is removed
i. TRORC Renewal – re: Jerry motioned to include for town meeting vote
Meeting Adjourned 7:40 p.m.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 2
October 9, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the September 18, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Errors or Omission - Martha Beyersdorf presented a request to the Select Board re: Payette property. The Board of Listers is requesting to reduce the value of the property from $27,000 to $1,000 to keep consistent with values of adjacent lots. Mark motioned to accept the request; George seconded.
b. Library – Sharon Mayer gave an update on the status of the library.
1. Their sign is being refurbished and they plan to mount it under the Town Office sign at the entrance. Sharon requested an interior sign directing patrons to the 2nd floor – similar to the temporary sign directing visitors to the town office. She offered to get both signs through the Killington Sign Shop. The group then discussed options for sign needed on the front of building. Patty sketched out an idea for the sign recommending they include the street number on it. The group looked at the space on the front of the building and estimates the sign will need to be approximately 5 feet long and 3 feet high. Mark asked that the library help pay for the sign and Sharon did not think this would be a problem. Sharon will chair a committee to sort out ideas for the sign and obtain several quotes. George will ask Stephanie or Chuck Colton to be on the committee as well as Susie Martin.
2. Keys – Each trustee has a key and volunteers will need to get the key from a trustee.
3. They will be having a work day Oct. 13, 2012 to install shelving and move books back in.
4. The Halloween Book Giveaway will be held again this year.
5. Patty informed Sharon that the Library’s sandwich board and letters are in the Town Hall basement.
c. Jon Benson – re: Excessive Trash. Jon explained that many commercial properties have containers in Pittsfield ranging from 3 yards to 6 yards in size. Approximately 200 pounds of household trash equals one yard. Many containers are rented directly from Jon however the properties do not pay for the removal of the trash. There are other commercial properties that do not use containers however some use the large “contractor-size” trash bags ranging from 10-20 bags a week. The town pays $145 per ton at the recycling center. Jerry Drugonis volunteered to draft an outline of ideas to discuss this issue further at the next Select Board meeting.
d. Jon Benson – re: Garbage Truck leaving liquid and broken glass. Jon plans to get the truck fixed the week of October 15, 2012.
a. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) re: e-mail from Ray Doherty, Vermont Emergency Management forwarded by Don Flynn. FEMA approved the buy out for four properties: Halligan (2335 Route 100); Payette (11 Parmenter Place); Pins (6 Parmenter Place); and Turnbull (3604 Route 100). The secondary home at 3148 Route 100 (Andrews property) was not approved for acquisition however the state office has requested that FEMA reconsider the decision. Mr. Doherty also noted the property may be considered for acquisition under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) or through funds provided by VT Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB). The town will receive the sub-grant agreement for the home buy-outs from DPS Finance in the near future; once the town has signed and returned a copy of the sub-grant agreement to the state, the town may implement the property acquisition with the homeowners.
b. USDA Notice for 30-Day Comment Period – re: Proposed action for authorization to plant riparian vegetation and site-suitable trees beside the White River. Tupper Terraces are in Pittsfield and this area was planted approximately six years ago and was damaged by Tropical Storm Irene. The 30 days begin the day following the notice in the Rutland Herald for comment. No action taken by the Select Board.
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) – re: Baseline Energy Analysis Report of Pittsfield’s Municipal Infrastructure. The report summarizes the 2008 energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and costs associated with all town infrastructure they received data for. A printed report, as well as a USB Disk, has been provided for use by the town officials. The report contains an Executive Summary, findings, recommendations – both general and specific, and resources. These materials will be kept on file at the town office.
d. Vermont Emergency Management – re: Letter approving the town’s HMGP Acquisition and Demolition (buy-out) application; plus a checklist to begin the property acquisition process. The original letter has been given to Don Flynn.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes Page 3
October 9, 2012
e. State of Vermont – Building Communities Grants Programs document reviewed by Select Board. None of the programs apply to the town at this time. No action needed by Select Board.
f. TRORC e-mail dated September 25, 2012 – re: 3rd Round Hazard Mitigation Grant Program forwarded to the town by TRORC from Vermont Emergency Management. Letters of intent are due September 28, 2012. Some properties may have been waived off the applications earlier and TRORC recommends trying again. The 3rd Round of HMGP also addresses remaining culvert and bridge projects and possible stone line ditching areas. Patty forwarded the e-mail to the Listers for review.
Other Business:
a. Park and Ride Grant has been amended to increase the grant total to $55,660. The Grant Agreement ending date is February 8, 2014. George made a motion to wait until the Spring of 2013 to start the project and it will go to Wilk Paving as long as they hold their price otherwise the project will have to go out for re-bidding. Jerry seconded the motion; so moved by the Select Board.
b. Town Office Building – re: Condenser Cover. Options and pricing were discussed and ranged from a few hundred dollars to $2,000+. The Select Board would like to pursue this issue further with the architect and contractor possibly at or before the next scheduled board meeting on October 23, 2012.
c. Town Office Building – re: Punch List items. Patty has a list of items to be addressed at the next building meeting including windows not closing, dead bolts not working, vault light only on a 5 minute timer, landscaping issues ( weeds coming up through white stone outside perimeter of the building), safe lever very difficult to move and the seal is not tight, paint on vault door still speckled, fire extinguishers need to be installed upstairs, rubber baseboard downstairs not installed properly, window sills not painted, broken window downstairs, keys for bathroom doors needed, numerous windows need to be scraped (paint and/or labels), paint issue on elevator at ground level, and possible other items. Select Board would like to review all of these items along with the Condenser Cover issue at the same meeting.
d. Town Treasurer’s Report – re: Town Office Building budget reviewed. Funds remaining after estimated costs deducted is $20,435.39. Drawer pulls for new cabinetry cost about $6.00 each and the expense was approved by the Select Board. Additionally the Parks & Grounds CD is maturing as is the Highway Fund CD. Patty will check into best rates for one-year or less renewals. Patty reported there may be some changes in January 2013 for Recovery Bonds. She will investigate and report at next meeting.
e. Recycling Center – re: Letter to Del Cloud, Bethel Town Manager. As of 10/4/12 Mr. Cloud has not responded to Patty’s request of 9/20/12 for more information on their accounting process (weighing, ticketing, billing) for trash disposal at the center.
f. George will meet with Robert Salimeri Wednesday, October 10, 2012 to review property issues.
g. EWP Projects – George reports he has been updated by Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating: Carbone and Sells project finishing 10/10/12; Grindel project is to start 10/10/12; Garofalo project has some erosion to be addressed.
h. Town Hall Emergency Exit Stairs need to be fixed after the vault is removed this week.
i. Jerry made a motion to include the renewal of TRORC membership for a vote at town meeting; George seconded; so moved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Approved ____________
Tyna Gallagher
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: September 18, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Tom Sell, John Carbone, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Meeting Called to order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. September 5, 2012 Select Board Meeting
b. September 12, 2012 Town Office Building – Construction Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Library update from Marion Abrams
b. EWP project – John Carbone and Tom Sell – bids and status
c. EWP project – Paul Grindel – status, 10% due
d. EWP project – Peytons – bids required
a. Martha Beyersdorf – re: Trash for commercial entities
b. Angelique Lee – re: Trash issue, liquid and glass on road
c. Park House Community Care – re: Thank You for donation
d. Visiting Nurse & Hospice – re: Thank You for donation
e. American Red Cross – re: Thank you for donation
f. State of VT – Building Communities Grants Programs – overview of grants
g. VLCT – re: Municipal Policy draft and solicitation for input and comments
Old Business
a. Health Office – re: reimbursement request
b. Liberty Hill & Silver Spring Rds – re: guardrails
New Business
a. 2 Requests to Cater Mail and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
Other Business
a. Town Treasurer – re: Loan re-payment recommendation
b. Town Treasurer – re: Transfer Station receipt issue
c. Town Treasurer – re: Town Office Building budget status
d. Town Clerk – re: False Alarm Ordinance requirements
e. Angelique Lee – re: resignation from WRVA
Meeting Adjourned 6:50 p.m.
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September 18, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the September 5, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. The Minutes of the Special Select Board Meeting for the Town Office Renovation Project of September 12, 2012 were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. In Marion Abrams absence Patty reviewed letter from Marion with an update on the Roger Clark Memorial Library. The board is active and planning the re-opening targeted for December 4, 2012. They have purchased a roll of floor protection and will share with the town for move-in. They are happy to participate in the design of new signage for the building. Select Board tabled discussion on signage until next meeting. Library requested 6 (six) keys and Select Board approved 4 (four) keys: 3 (three) for library board members and 1 (one) to keep at Town Office. Halloween Candy drop and annual book give away are scheduled again this year and library is hosting a work day October 13, 2013.
b. EWP Project – re: John Carbone and Tom Sell. Marsha reported 4 (four) bids were received and only one qualifies for the project. State estimated project at $22,000. Bids were: Mosher $27,482; Robert Chestnut $23,000; CJ Williams $30,000; Harvey’s Excavating $10,808. Can only accept bids at or under State estimate. Harvey’s cannot go over bridge to access property and propose a route via Arnold and Jane Johnson’s property. John needs to secure permission from the Johnson’s to allow Harvey’s to cross. Marsha suggested he ask Ray Harvey to speak with the Johnson’s so he can explain what needs to happen. Harvey’s can go over their bid and up to the $22,000 estimate; John is responsible for 10%. Marsha recommends paying the 10% after permission is secured to cross the Johnson property and to notify her as soon as permission is received. Marsha also recommends getting a time frame for the job. If John cannot get permission from the Johnson’s, then Marsha can go back to the state to seek additional funds.
c. EWP Project – re: Grindel property. Marsha sent letter to Paul Grindel explaining the 10% amount due for project to start ($1,975.20) and to remit as soon as possible. Projects have to be completed by October 25, 2012. The letter states owner is responsible for project overruns up to the state estimate which in this case could be $4,800.
d. EWP Project – re: Peyton property. The Peytons have secured one bid; state requires three. Marsha will call them.
a. Trash – e-mail from Martha Beyersdorf. She has noticed large amounts of trash for pick-up by commercial properties. She suggests asking owners to get dumpsters as it may help save the town some money. Mark will contact Jon Benson to attend next board meeting to discuss ideas for dealing with issue. Send thank you to Martha for bringing this to the Board’s attention.
b. Trash – e-mail from Angelique Lee. The garbage truck leaves large amounts of fluid and broken glass in the middle of the road in front of her house. The stench lasts for days and the glass is a hazard. Patty spoke to Jon Benson about the issue. He indicated the truck needs to be repaired and this will fix the problem. Send thank you to Angelique for bringing this to the Board’s attention and hopefully repair will resolve, however if it continues to contact the board again.
c. Park House Community Care thank you note for the town’s allocation of funds. No action needed.
d. Visiting Nurse & Hospice of VT and NH thank you letter for $940 donation. No action needed.
e. American Red Cross of VT and NH thank you letter for $100 donation. No action needed.
f. State of Vermont-Building Communities Grants Programs – program descriptions. Mark distributed copies to board members for review. There are 5 (five) grant programs in the state to “help communities preserve important historic buildings and enhance community facilities.” This will be reviewed at the next meeting.
g. VLCT – re: 2013 VLCT Municipal Policy. Draft distributed to all members of VLCT for review and send comments in by 9/28/12. The Policy contains several initiatives that would significantly affect the relationship between cities and towns and the State. It will be presented at the annual business meeting at Town Fair on 10/4/12. No action needed.
Old Business
a. Health Officer reimbursement request to be discussed at next board meeting when George is present.
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September 18, 2012
b. Liberty Hill and Silver Spring Road – re: guardrails. Select Board reviewed damage at this location and agree it has to be fixed next year with either guardrails or boulders. Put in Tickler File for George to get estimates for next year’s budget.
New Business
a. Requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors include:
Noel’s Catering 9/29/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
Occasions Catering 11/3/12 Riverside Farm
All events are to be concluded by 10:00 p.m. The Board approved these requests.
Other Business:
a. Town Treasurer – re: Loan Payment. Patty stated the General Fund has over $500,000 and the Highway Fund has over $100,000. She recommends transferring funds from the General Fund to the Highway Fund to pay-off the flood loan. If funds get tight in the spring the town can take another loan. The total due is $125,404.10 if the Board approves it tonight. Select Board approved.
b. Town Treasurer – re: Transfer Station Invoice. Patty contacted Del Cloud and the clerk at the transfer station about missing receipt. They printed a new invoice and had Wayne sign-off that it was legitimate. Patty questioned them thoroughly and recommends paying this time and will contact Del Cloud that all future invoices must have the original signed ticket in order for the town to pay.
c. Town Treasurer – re: Town Office Building budget. Patty stated there is $15,000 left in the budget after taking into account items that still need to be paid.
d. Town Clerk – re: False Alarm Ordinance. Patty stated the ordinance has been re-written based on input from Select Board and the Fire Department. It needs to be published in the newspaper, posted in 5 (five) locations around town and will go into effect after 60 days unless petitioned. Mark Begin made a motion to proceed with the process; Jerry Drugonis seconded. Patty will take care of the publication and postings.
e. It was brought to Secretary’s attention that WRVA Resignation from Angelique Lee was missed from September 5, 2012 Select Board meeting. Angelique submitted her resignation on September 2, 2012 citing personal reasons and urges the board to make an appointment as soon as possible. Jess will draw up a Thank You Certificate for Angelique’s services in this capacity.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Tyna Gallagher
Approved ____________
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: August 7, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf, Matthew Humora
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. July 10, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Matthew Humora – re: EC Fibernet Community Broadband
a. Green Mountain Economic Corp. - re: solicitation for dues renewal
b. TRORC – Thank you renewing dues
c. VASA – re: request town ATV ordinance
d. CV Oil Pre-Buy – re: annual pre-buy for fuel
e. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Noel’s Catering via e-mail
f. State of VT, Irene Recovery – re: updates on FEMA Public Assistance
g. TRORC Kevin Geiger – re: clarification on Stumpf house burning
h. VLCT Town Fair – re: event scheduled for October 4, 2012
i. TOB – re: e-mail outdoor lighting
j. TOB – re: e-mail Knox Box
k. Palmer Redevelopment Authority & Central Corridor Rail Coalition – re: letter reinstating passenger rail service
l. TOB – re: e-mail Lower Vault Floor finish
Old Business
a. Road Sign (Private) – re: draft policy; tabled for future meeting
b. Sheriff’s Contract – re: still not received; Mark to stop by their office
c. EWP projects – re: Richard Garofalo 10% payment prior to work starting
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: eight events at Amee Farm and Riverside Horse Farm
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Project – re: moving quotes
b. Town Office Building Project – re: LP tank and hook-up expense
c. Town Office Building Project – re: electrical outlet near crawl space
d. VTrans Park and Ride Paving Project – re: update and quotes
e. Town Office Building Project – re: countertops update and quote
f. Community– re: tours of new Town Office contingent on Certificate of Occupancy
g. Town Office Building Project – re: flooring for Upper Vault
h. Town Office Building Project – re: update on Fire Marshall inspection, signage for handicap entrance
i. Town Office Building Project – re: floor protection estimates
j. Town Office Building Project – re: preliminary punch list for August 16, 2012 meeting
k. Town Office Building Project – re: Contractor Application for Payment
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August 7, 2012
l. Town Roads – re: Completion of Bridge #11 (Tweed River Drive) request for payment
m. Flood Loan – re: matures September 28, 2012
n. FEMA – re: Closeout meeting scheduled for August 9, 2012
o. Mosher Excavating – re: request to post photos on website
p. Community – re: request town officials kick-off Celebration of Community with a “morning meeting”
q. Town Office Building Project – re: ice and snow falling on air conditioning unit
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the July 10, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Matthew Humora, Town Representative for EC Fibernet, shared information on Community Broadband. The town would need to raise approximately $500,000 to be part of the fiber network. VTA (Vermont Telephone Agency) is charged with bringing high speed internet to rural areas of Vermont. Customers with dial-up only need to have options and FairPoint has to increase DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) coverage and VTel is increasing wireless (tower) options. Communities do not pay for FairPoint or VTel options whereas the fiber option is a service the townspeople would pay to be included. Discussion followed on whether it is worth the investment. Connect Vermont is willing to hold an informational meeting if the town will host. Patty Haskins will contact Deborah Shannon, Director of Broadband Outreach and Coordination at Connect Vermont for possible meeting dates.
a. Green Mountain Economic Corporation solicitation to re-new dues to support organization received, item not budgeted. No action needed.
b. Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) thank you letter received for renewing annual dues. No action needed.
c. Vermont All-Terrain Vehicle Sportsmen’s Association (VASA) letter requesting towns to send them ATV ordinances as they are collecting statewide. Pittsfield does not allow ATV’s on town highways therefore no ordinance needed. Tyna Gallagher will draft reply for board to send to VASA, Attn: Emily Hale, 14 Don Camp Dr, Barre, VT 05641 or [email protected].
d. C.V. Oil Pre-Buy for winter season. George motioned to buy 500 gallons of propane for Town Office at $1.88 per gallon. The 1,000 gallon tank is currently full and building is estimated to need 1,500 gallons for a year. The price of propane for Town Garage building is $2.28 per gallon as tank is rented from C.V. Oil. 600 gallons are needed. George will talk to Steve Martin about the cost to purchase the tank as it will allow town to get lower rate.
e. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Noel’s Catering for August 3, 2012 at Red Barn at Riverside Farm approved by select board via e-mail.
f. State of Vermont, Sue Minter, Irene Recovery Officer sent Updates for FEMA Public Assistance & More, and includes listing of municipal share requirement for FEMA Public Assistance. A copy of this memorandum is on file at the town office.
g. Kevin Geiger of TRORC is requesting clarification (via e-mail) on why the Stumpf house was burned down. George will draft a reply.
h. VLCT Town Fair is scheduled for October 4, 2012 at the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds.
i. Town Office Building (TOB) e-mails re: Outdoor Lighting on building. Front and side lights are on all the time and George states it is too bright at night and there is already a street light
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August 7, 2012
located near the building. George suggested changing to motion sensor and reply from electrician states all three lights on same circuit with no wall switch. Cost to retrofit with sensors is estimated at $546. The lights can be manually switched at the electrical panel. The board decided this is too costly. Patty will find out if the lights can be put on a wall switch instead and the cost.
j. Mark McManus followed up on Knox Box (secure key storage receptacle) for TOB. It is used in the event there is a fire. The fire department would have access to master key to enter the building. The fire department has to be part of the Knox Box program. The Board decided not to use and will seek credit for this item at the end of the project.
k. Palmer Redevelopment Authority & Central Corridor Rail Coalition sent letter re: reinstating passenger train service from St. Albans VT and Brattleboro VT to Palmer MA. They are looking for support from towns and cities along the rail line. No action taken.
l. TOB request to paint or seal the lower vault floor of TOB. The Board approved the use of sealer.
Old Business
a. Road Sign (Private) Policy – The Board tabled this topic for a future meeting.
b. Sheriff’s Contract for law enforcement – Town still waiting for this. Mark Begin will stop by the Sheriff’s Office when he is in Rutland this week to check on it.
c. EWP projects – re: policy for property owners’ 10% of total project cost. George stated that Richard Garofalo was asked to pay 10% before project started. George told Ray Harvey the town would not be responsible for this amount. The SBA loan for Mr. Garofalo was approved. The SBA office contacted Pittsfield town office to confirm letter came from the Select Board.
New Business
a. Requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors:
Noel’s Catering include:
8/11/12 Barn at Amee Farm
8/24/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
8/25/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
8/31/12 Stone cellar and Red Barn at Riverside Farm
9/1/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
9/2/12 Brown Barn and tent at Riverside Farm
9/3/12 Amee Farm
Occasions Catering:
8/12/12 Amee Farm
All events are to be concluded by 10:00 p.m. The Board approved these requests.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Project – Patty received two quotes for moving the offices from the town hall into the new TOB (contacted 4 companies). Todd Transportation $1,750 and town has to supply boxes; Mullen Moving & Storage $1,599 and they supply packing materials, pack and unpack, provide diagram for placement of furniture and they have strong experience in moving vital records and follow strict procedures to ensure items are moved properly. Patty reviewed the Income and Expense Report for TOB that shows $21,961.79 available after Contingency Costs and Other Anticipated Costs. This item is included in report. The Board approved Mullen for the job.
b. Town Office Building Project – re: LP Tank and Hook-up expense of $3,556 approved by the Board. This item is included in Income and Expense Report for TOB.
c. Town Office Building Project – Patty requested the Board to approve $75 to install electrical outlet near crawl space for dehumidifier. The Board approved this expenditure. This item is included in Income and Expense Report for TOB.
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August 7, 2012
d. VTrans Park and Ride Paving Project – Patty reported one bid received from WILK Paving in the amount of $41,614. This is significantly higher than the $29,840 grant that was based on estimate WILK provided. There are some changes from original project which may have caused the increase. Mark McManus asked if town could get more funds, put out to bid again, or can they re-negotiate the bid. Patty contacted the Park and Ride Office and is waiting for a response.
e. Town Office Building Project – Countertops were designed at kitchen height rather than working/office height. Resolution is to install a platform to raise cabinets and get a new countertop template. Estimated cost $1,429. The original countertops were to be two tiered and with the retrofit it will be one height. The Board approved this expenditure. This item is included in Income and Expense Report for TOB.
f. Community – Patty recommends holding off tours of the TOB at PTSD Community Celebration Sunday August 26, 2012 if the certificate of occupancy is not received because there would be no elevator service.
g. Town Office Building Project – Upper Vault needs flooring. There’s only enough existing tile to cover approximately half the space. Cost for same material to finish is estimated at $1,400. Wright Construction is looking at other options and estimates. Flooring material has to be non-flammable and dust-free.
h. Town Office Building Project – Fire Marshall came to do final inspection and building was not ready. Elevator phone not working properly and some electrical work needs to be finished. They did walk-through and stated a sign for Handicap Access needs to be on front of building directing people to the side of the building. Patty will contact Giddings in Pittsford for pricing on type of sign required as well as other sign vendors.
i. Town Office Building Project – re: floor protection. Patty estimates $100-$150 for rugs at entrances to building. It was recommended to call Foley Distributing for a quote on rug rentals. Patty will contact them.
j. Town Office Building Project – Preliminary Punch List has been received and distributed to the Board. The next Town Office Building Construction Project Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
k. Town Office Building Project – Contractor Application for Payment hand delivered by Mark to expedite processing. Patty explained how to read for numbers to match with Income and Expense Report for TOB. The Board approved payment of $39,799.10.
l. Town Roads – re: Completion of Bridge #11 (Tweed River Drive). Aaron Guyette said invoice for $18,989.35 is okay to pay. Patty will ask Aaron to explain Balance to Finish and Retainage that is listed on the Request for Payment. The Board approved this expenditure.
m. Flood Loan – Patty reported the $125,000 loan matures September 28, 2012. She will look into whether the town can pay it off or if an interim arrangement with the bank is required.
n. FEMA – Hosting a Close-Out Meeting at the Killington Library on Thursday, August 9, 2012 and Patty will attend.
o. Stacy Hatt of Mosher Excavating requested permission to post photos of completed projects on their website. The Board approved this request.
p. Community – PTSD Celebration of Community is scheduled for Sunday, August 26, 2012. Erica Hurd has asked that town officials kick-off the event with a “Town Meeting” at the church to do an update of projects and progress of recovery efforts. The Board agreed this is something that could be done.
q.. Town Office Building Project – Mark wants to discuss the issue of snow and ice falling off building onto the air conditioning unit. He is concerned it will damage the unit and would like to explore resolutions. This needs to be discussed at the August 16, 2012 TOB Construction Meeting.
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August 7, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Tyna Gallagher
Approved ____________
Mark Begin, Chair
Not in attendance.
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: September 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Jess Kuzma, Paul Grindel, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Call to Order at 5:55 p.m.
Approve Minutes
a. August 7, 2012 Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Paul Grindel EWP project
b. EWP projects – Mosher Excavating invoice for River View
c. EWP paperwork for Peytons
d. Clerk/Treasurer’s Report
1. Additional Park and Ride Grant
2. Entryway rugs
3. Highway Anticipation Tax Note pay-off with loan from General Fund
e. Road Commissioner Report
1. Guardrails on Guernsey Hollow
2. Guardrails on Liberty Hill at Silver Spring Rd intersection
3. Need to replace culvert at Knights Hill
a. Vermont Testing solicitation
b. Neighborworks thank you letter for donation
c. VLCT request for annual meeting delegate
d. VCIL thank you letter for donation
e. VTRANS signature request for box culvert
f. State of VT response to Nioka Andrews property and FEMA
g. Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Project review sheet: Johnstone
h. Basic Emergency Operations Plan signature
Old Business
a. Town Office Bldg – exterior lights meeting 9/6/12 at 9 a.m.
b. Richard Peyton re: dog license response
c. Dave Dixon re: dog license letter received; no response
d. False Alarm Ordinance
New Business
a. 7 Requests to Cater Mail and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors
b. Sandra Begin, Health Officer re: reimbursement for time and travel request
c. Steve Brown request for permission to pipe under Tweed River Drive for new well
d. Susan Bicek re: Municipal Planning Grant to update Pittsfield’s Flood Hazard regulations
Meeting Adjourned 7:10 p.m.
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September 5, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:55pm. The Minutes of the August 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Paul Grindel presented 3 estimates for EWP (Environmental Watershed Protection) project for his property. State estimated the project at $48,000. Bids: $18,000 Ken Bettee, $19,752 Harvey’s Excavating, $34,586 Mosher Excavating. All three bidders visited the site prior to submitting bids. Marsha stated work cannot begin until permits are issued by Army Corp of Engineers. Owner’s liability cannot be more than 10% of state estimate and is based on contractor’s estimate. Landowner is required to sign document ensuring project will be maintained for 10 years. Select Board approved bid from Harvey’s Excavating. Marsha will notify Harvey’s when Army Corp of Engineers permits are received and that the project must be completed by October 25, 2012.
b. EWP Projects - Overdue statement received from Mosher Excavating for River View project. Marsha will check records for actual date on invoice. Marsha will check to see if any money from FEMA has come in.
c. Marsha gave EWP paperwork to the Peytons for their project but has not heard back from them.
d. Clerk/Treasurer Report – by Jess Kuzma for Patty Haskins
1. Select Board gave permission via e-mail for Mark McManus to develop an additional Park and Ride Grant
2. Cost for Foley to deliver rugs for entryways is $15 - $20 per visit. Board would like information on purchasing rugs, for comparison as this seems expensive.
3. Patty submitted request to pay off the Highway Tax Anticipation Note through a loan from the General Fund. The board would like to verify when funds are coming in from FEMA before giving their approval. Marsha will check on the status for estimated payment date(s).
e. Road Commissioner Report
1. Rod Moore contacted George re: guardrails along Guernsey Hollow. Mr. Moore thinks more are needed. George does not recommend.
2. George believes guardrails may be needed on Liberty Hill where Silver Spring Road converges. Select Board will investigate the situation after tonight’s meeting adjourns.
3. George states the culvert by Knights Hill is completely rusted out and there’s no money in the culvert fund. He estimates the cost at $2,300 and there is $2,800 in another roadway fund that could cover this cost. Select Board approved replacement for next summer (2013).
a. Vermont Testing – solicitation for testing and consulting services for asphalt resurfacing, new paving and subgrade work at Town Hall and office. No action needed.
b. Neighborworks of Western Vermont thank you letter for $100 donation. No action needed.
c. VLCT request to select one voting delegate for annual business meeting to be held October 4, 2012 at Town Fair. No one selected, not attending event.
d. VCIL (Vermont Center for Independent Living) thank you letter for $75 donation. No action needed.
e. Mark Begin signed VT Agency of Transportation request for signature for replacement of box culvert.
f. State of Vermont, Sue Minter, Irene Recovery Officer e-mail response to Kevin Geiger of TRORC re: 3148 VT Route 100, Nioka Andrews property. State will pay special attention to the case and do what they can to expedite. State has only heard back on 17 properties out of 108 from FEMA as of August.
g. Dept. of Environmental Conservation, re: Project Review Sheet for Johnstone property – no Act 250 needed. Paperwork returned to town clerk.
h. Basic Emergency Operations Plan – BEOP signed by Mark Begin.
Old Business
a. Town Office Building – Mark and George to discuss exterior lighting 9/6/12 at 9 am meeting with contractor.
b. Richard Peyton re: Dog License fine. They relocated to New Jersey therefore they did not register in Pittsfield. The fine was not paid. Jess will inform Doug Mianulli.
c. Dave Dixon signed for certified letter re: Dog License fine. No word from him. Jess will inform Doug Mianulli.
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September 5, 2012
d. False Alarm ordinance needs to be resurrected. The ordinance needs to be warned properly. Patty will work with Dave Colton to get this accomplished.
New Business
a. Requests to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors:
Noel’s Catering include:
9/21/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
9/22/12 Brown Barn at Riverside Farm
10/6/12 Amee Farm
10/13/12 Red Barn at Riverside Farm
10/13/12 Brown Barn at Riverside Farm
11/10/12 Amee Farm
Occasions Catering:
9/9/12 Riverside Farms
All events are to be concluded by 10:00 p.m. The Board approved these requests.
b. Request from Sandra Begin, Health Officer for reimbursement for travel and time to perform duties related to Beyersdorf dog issue and Clear River Inn issue. Mark withdrew from the discussion. George will investigate further by contacting VLCT to find out what other towns do for health officers.
c. Steve Brown on Tweed River Drive wants to drill a well for water on other side of road. He is requesting information on how to obtain permission to pipe under the road. Permission is required from the Road Commissioner. George will contact the Browns.
d. Suana Bicek submitted Municipal Planning Grant to update Pittsfield’s Flood Hazard regulations for Select Board signatures. Board members signed form.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Tyna Gallagher
Approved ____________
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: July 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
New Business
a. Tax Rate – re: set 2012 tax rate
b. FEMA – re: Amendment FEMA 4022
c. Town Roads – re: Culvert #7
Old Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: update
The Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting was scheduled for 2:00pm, As members were not present yet, Mark and Jerry opted to start the Select Board meeting.
Mark called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.
New Business
a. Tax Rate – re: set 2012 tax rate. The Homestead Education tax rate for 2012 is $1.6666 and the Non-Residential Education tax rate is $1.3181. The Municipal tax rate is $.51. The Resultant Tax Rates for 2012 are $2.1766 for Homestead and $1.8281 for Non-Residents. The Board approved these figures.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10pm and Mark McManus called the Construction Update Meeting to order.
The Select Board reconvened at 3:15pm.
New Business, continued
b. FEMA – re: Amendment FEMA 4022. This subgrant agreement states that the State will share ½ of the 10% which the Town was to be responsible for. The Town will now only be responsible for 5% of the eligible costs included on the FEMA approved Project Worksheets. Mark signed on behalf of the Board.
c. Town Roads – re: Culvert #7. George, who was unable to attend the meeting, sent an email in which he recommended that the project be awarded to Mosher Excavating. Not only was their bid the lowest, but they do quality work and use precast headwalls, which will decrease the amount of time for the project. Jerry made a motion to award the project to Mosher Excavating. Seconded by Mark.
Old Business
a. Select Board Secretary – re: update. Jerry made a motion to offer the job to Tyna Gallagher as he felt she was the best qualified for the position. Seconded by Mark. Mark asked the Secretary to send her a letter offering her the position, as well as letters to the other candidates thanking them for their interest.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
As there was no other business, Mark adjourned the meeting at 3:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 10, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: June 19, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Marsha Hopkins, Richard Garofalo,
Glenn Gans, Peter Trivers
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. June 5, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins and Richard Garofalo – re: EWP status
b. Marsha Hopkins and Glen Gans – re: EWP status
a. Mark McManus – re: bumps vs. dip
b. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay
c. English, Carroll, & Boe, P.C. – re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden
d. VLCT – re: certification of constables
e. TRORC – re: bike rack info
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: Tax Appeal Credit Calculations
b. Town Funds – re: payments received for three projects
c. Town Highways – re: Village Green south end
New Business
a. Trash Report – re: Stevens’s rental on Lower Michigan Road
b. Erica Hurd – re: post-Irene Town gathering
c. Patty Haskins – re: Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium
d. Tweed Valley Travelers, Inc. – re: annual maintenance
Other Business
a. Emergency Pay – re: requested by Town Clerk
b. Town Office Building Project – re: Clerk of the Works coverage
c. Pittsfield News – re: linking newsletter to Select Board Minutes
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:0pm. The Minutes of the June 5, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins and Richard Garofalo – re: EWP status. Marsha stated that Richard is still
waiting for a Water Quality Permit from ANR and a Corps Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers for Project #PITT-11-02. Marsha said she would try and find out when they might be issued. Bids for the job were read: Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating, LLC - $88,700.00; Mosher Excavating, Inc. - $89,219.00; and Markowski Excavating, Inc. - $128,763.90. It was agreed to award the project to Harvey’s. Discussion. Marsha passed out copies of Attachments A & B. George asked her to recap how the process works once a project is established.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
June 19, 2012
b. Marsha Hopkins and Glen Gans – re: EWP status. Marsha asked if the permits for River View Trail Project #PITT-11-006 had been received. The State indicated they were issues in November 2011. Marsha said she would contact the state and have them reissued. Bids for the job were read: Mosher Excavating, Inc. – $33,880.00; W.B. Rogers - $36,424.00, and Markowski Excavating, Inc. - $36,894.36. Mosher was the lowest bidder and was awarded the project.
The Board felt that they would like to meet with each of the contractors to go over the project and financial arrangements. It was decided to hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 6:00pm. This will be Warned.
a. Mark McManus – re: bumps vs. dips (email). This question was posed in relation to the Park & Ride Grant. Discussion. It was the feeling of the Board that the installation of bumps would be better. They would have to be removed in the winter for plowing though.
b. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay. This race is scheduled for June 23-24, 2012 and had been previously approved. This correspondence was to thank the Board for making the parking area available to them. In addition, a Certificate of Insurance was enclosed. Information regarding the delivery/removal of the portajohns was enclosed.
c. English, Carroll, & Boe, P.C. – re: TH #11, Town of Chittenden. This correspondence referenced a Stipulated Motion for Enlargement of Time to be filed with the court. No action taken.
d. VLCT – re: certification of constables. This correspondence pertains to Act 103 of 2012 – An Act Relating to the Certifications of Capitol Police and Constables and to Legislative Traffic Control and Parking. It affects the qualifications for exercising law enforcement authority by municipal constables. A sample letter to send to the Constables was enclosed and the Secretary was asked to prepare it and send it to the Board members for review.
e. TRORC – re: bike rack info (email). This has come before the Board on numerous occasions. It was decided not to act on it at this time.
Old Business
a. Town Funds – re: Tax Appeal Credit Calculations. Patty explained how these credit calculations were made, including interest. The total credit came to $ 60,193.65. Checks were issued last week. They were broken down: Pittsfield Ventures, LLC (Pitt-Stop) $881.50; VT Ventures Equities, LLC (Yoga studio and office building) $3,670.61; Bear Creek, LLC (Original General Store) $12,086.16; Riverside Horse Farm, LLC $25,033.15; Courtney Desena $4,187.11; and Vermont Country Inn, LLC (Amee Farm Lodge) $14,335.12. These credits are the result of the Superior Court Ruling, which affected the Grand Lists of 2009, 2010, and 2011. This expense was un-budgeted, and therefore created a significant impact on what the Town needs to raise. Patty let the Board know that the town may have to take out a tax anticipation note to cover its budgeted expenses at the end of the year.
b. Town Funds – re: payments received for three projects. These payments were the federal share of the FEMA project worksheets for each of these roads: South Hill Road - $85,755.80; Guernsey Hollow - $11,982.48; and Tweed River Drive - $11,980.98.
c. Town Highways – re: Village Green south end. This has been discussed in the past and since there will be some paving involved with the Park & Ride Grant it was decided to address the topic again. George made a motion to close off the southern-most entrance, remove the pavement, and top the area with topsoil and grass/shrubbery. Seconded by Jerry.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 19, 2012
New Business
a. Trash Concern – re: Stevens’s rental on Lower Michigan Road. Mary Lee Stevens called the office to say that for the past three weeks there has been scattered trash on Lower Michigan Road at the rental property owned by Roger and Joyce Stevens. Discussion. Mark said that he would check out the area in question and contact Roger and Joyce if action needed to be taken.
b. Erica Hurd – re: post-Irene Town gathering. This would be a town-wide gathering around to anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene (late August). It was also noted that Marion Abrams hoped to have her documentary completed by then so perhaps there would be a screening of it at that time. The Board had no objection to the idea
c. Patty Haskins – re: seminar. Patty said that she attended a Government Accounting and Auditing Symposium today in Montpelier and found it very informative.
d. Tweed Valley Travelers, Inc. – re: annual maintenance. This VAST Landowners Permission form requests permission to perform annual maintenance on Class 4 roads, namely to Lower Michigan Road. This will be effective June 2012. This was approved by the Board and signed by Mark on their behalf.
Other Business
a. Emergency Pay – re: requested by Town Clerk. Patty said she is now closing out Tropical Store Irene project worksheets so that the town can receive final payments. She said that this is also a busy time of year for her with her normal Clerk/Treasurer duties. She requested permission from the Board to put in time against the Emergency Pay Policy should this additional work prove to be too time consuming. The Board approved.
b. Town Office Building Project – re: Clerk of the Works coverage. Don Flynn will be out of state starting the end of next week. Mark said he would assume the Clerk of the Works duties while Don is away.
c. Pittsfield News – re: linking newsletter to Select Board Minutes. The Board asked the Secretary to contact Angelique Lee to see if a link to the Minutes could be created. They are currently available on the Town’s website.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50pm. There will be a Special Select Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 6:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved July 10, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: June 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Dave Colton, Marsha Hopkins, Dave Larkin, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 22, 2012 Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update
b. Dave Larkin – re: concerns about tax rate and FEMA
a. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Extension request
b. Marshall’s Alarm Service – re: fire alarm system
c. Marshall & Swift – re: bill for cost tables
d. Kevin Geiger – re: Parks in CDBG
e. TRORC – re: Transportation technical assistance
f. TRORC – re: TAC meeting summary
g. VT Homeland Security – re: radios, etc.
h. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental
i. TRORC – re: 2013 Transportation Enhancement Grants
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: failed wastewater system at Swiss Farm Lodge
Old Business
a. Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: financial report
b. Dogs – re: unlicensed dog report
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: correction of dates
d. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental
e. Town Office Building Project – re: floor and paving
f. Town Ordinances – re: False Alarm ordinance
g. BEOPF – re: update
New Business
a. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay
b. Trash Concern – re: Eagle Rock issue
c. Village Green – re: flowers
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. The Minutes of the May 22, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update. Richard Garofalo may be the first to obtain funds for bank stabilization. Guiseffi-Gans road needs to get their legal people on board.
b. Dave Larkin – re: concerns about tax rate and FEMA. Questions on the tax rate, Patty answered this. Also had questions on the Desena bridge. The board told him that Sarah Gray was on top of all issues.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
June 5, 2012
a. VT Dept. of Taxes – re: Extension request. The Listers’ request for an extension from PVR to delay lodging the Abstract of the 2012 Grand List due to Martha’s surgery was approved.
b. Marshall’s Alarm Service – re: fire alarm system. This is an agreement to rest and inspect the fire alarm system. A motion was made by George to accept this. Seconded by Mark. The letter was signed by Mark and returned to the Town Clerk.
c. Marshall & Swift – re: bill for cost tables. George made a motion to pay this bill for $231.85. Seconded by Mark. Returned to the Town Clerk.
d. Kevin Geiger – re: Parks in CDBG. There is no clear funding for parks. There is a hearing on 6/29. No one on the Board is planning to go at this time.
e. TRORC – re: Transportation technical assistance. The Board decided that they do not need this assistance at this time.
f. TRORC – re: TAC meeting summary. At the present time this does not apply to Pittsfield.
g. VT Homeland Security – re: radios, etc. ???
h. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental
i. TRORC – re: 2013 Transportation Enhancement Grants. This was given to George to look over.
j. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – re: failed wastewater system at Swiss Farm Lodge. This system is being replaced.
Old Business
a. Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: financial report. ???
b. Dogs – re: unlicensed dog report. Patty told the Board that there were 12 unlicensed dogs in the town. A letter will be sent to these people, a fine will be placed on these dogs unless paid.
c. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: correction of dates. The correct dates for a previously approved request were changed from 6/2 and 6/3 to 6/1 and 6/2.
d. VLCT – re: Northeast Delta Dental. George stated at this time there is no money to discuss this topic.
e. Town Office Building Project – re: floor and paving. The wood floor and the paving of the parking lot was tabled until Thursday at the Building Committee meeting
f. Town Ordinances – re: false alarm ordinance. It was decided to start over. There have been many false alarms.
g. BEOPF – re: update. George made a motion to accept this with the small changes made by Peter Borden. This was seconded by Mark. Mark will sign this when it goes to the Town Clerk’s office.
New Business
a. Timberline Events – re: Green Mountain Relay. The relay race to be in Pittsfield, Town Garage Maintenance yard at 7:23pm to 1:09am on June 23-24.
b. Trash Concern – re: Eagle Rock issue. Apparently someone renting on Eagle Rock Road had a party before leaving for the season and dumped all their trash on Camp 12 Road. Mel Colton and Chuck cleaned it up with their equipment. Mr. Gallant, game warden, will fine Mr. Easum, the owner of the house $500.00 for littering. George made a motion to bill Mr. Easum for time, manpower and equipment. Mark seconded it.
c. Village Green – re: flowers. Mark stated that he would go to see Susie Martin at the end of the meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
June 5, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 8:38pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 19, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 22, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, Coral Allen, Suana Bicek, Jennifer Howard, David Larkin, Marsha Hopkins, Pete Fellows, Emma Zavez, Chris Sargent, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. May 8, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, and Coral Allen – re: False Alarm Ordinance
b. Coral Allen – re: unwanted parking at the Fire House
c. Coral Allen – re: changing ambulance services
d. Chris Sargent, Emma Zavez, and Pete Fellows – re: Enhanced Consultation regarding Pittsfield’s Town Plan
e. David Larkin – re: concern about Irene demolition and cleanup
f. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update
a. Tod Jones – re: (email) Hurricane Irene Clean up
b. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) Properties and Parks
c. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) HMGP grant funding
d. Joe Poston – re: (email) budget analysis
e. Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog
f. VT ANR – re: booklet
g. FEMA – re: (email) Vermont to receive 90% funding for Irene repair work
h. Clifton Hebert – re: (email) demobilization
i. Workshop – re: Federal Fiduciary Income
Old Business
a. Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: budget analysis and financial status
b. Energy Coordinator – re: appointment
New Business
a. Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2012 Contract
b. Letter of Appreciation – re: Green Up Coordinator Peyton Veilleux
c. Land Use Permit #3W0405 – Ray and Lynda Colton, d/b/a/ Colton Enterprises, Inc.
d. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, multiple dates
Other Business
a. Special Construction Meeting – re: scheduled for 2pm on Thursday, May 24th
b. Listers – re: Desena Superior Court decision
c. Road Commissioner - re: Guernsey Hollow update
d. Select Board Secretary – re: position update
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
May 22, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:57pm. The Minutes of the May 8, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, and Coral Allen – re: False Alarm Ordinance. George said that the previous ordinance submitted to the Select Board was lengthy and hard to understand. This newer one is shorter and much clearer. Dave said that there have been quite a few false alarms and that people need to be made accountable for these. In responding to a false alarm, the department is not available when really needed. George made a motion to sign and adopt the False Alarm Ordinance. Seconded by Mark. The Board signed the ordinance, Dave said he would post it in two places, and noted that it would take effect in 60 days. The original will be recorded at the Town Clerk's Office.
b. Coral Allen – re: unwanted parking at the Fire House. Coral stated that there have been a lot of cars using the fire house lot to park, talk on their cell phones, etc. and this needs to be stopped. Even the use of cones or moving the vehicles into the lot do not deter this problem. In the event of a call out, there would be fire department members arriving and with unauthorized vehicle in the way, it slows down or prevents a speedy response to the call. Coral said she would like to look into the hiring of someone to patrol the town, especially near the station and be able to issue tickets if necessary. Perhaps someone from Killington could be hired to do this. The Board noted that a contract is not currently in effect with the Rutland County Sheriff's Department and therefore Sheriffs have not been seen as they have been in the past. The Board said they would be willing to speak with someone. Coral said she would have someone from Killington contact the Board.
c. Coral Allen – re: changing ambulance services. Coral said that she spoke with Rutland Regional about servicing Pittsfield. She said that the response from them was not favorable. This was due to some past history when this issue was addressed. George said that Pittsfield is committed to WRVA this year. Coral added that most patients request being taken to Rutland vs. Gifford and that since we are in Rutland County it seemed worth looking into.
d. Chris Sargent, Emma Zavez, and Pete Fellows – re: Enhanced Consultation regarding Pittsfield’s Town Plan. Chris Sargent passed out copies of TRORC Enhanced Consultation: Town of Pittsfield 2012. Various topics were reviewed with the Board and the Planning Commission members present. These included local & regional issues, local planning & training needs, new statutory requirements, planning programs and opportunities, TRORC services, and a qualitative review of Pittsfield's Municipal Plan. As always, Chris did compliment the Planning Commission members on their thorough job in preparing the present Town Plan and Two Rivers is ready to work with the Planning Commission in preparation for the next update of the plan and encouraged using lessons learned from Hurricane Irene in updating the plan.
e. David Larkin – re: concern about Irene demolition and cleanup. David said that he still has concern over the fact that nothing is being done to remove the damaged houses so that clean up can begin. It was explained to him that nothing can be done until the State completes their cost reports as any action taken now would also jeopardize the FEMA Buyout Program for others. David said he felt that viewing the destruction was causing blight on the town. Don Flynn and the Board felt that as hard as it is to look at these properties day after day, it is imperative that FEMA's program guidelines be followed judiciously. At this time, Pittsfield's hands are tied until everything is completed.
f. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update. Marsha handed out copies of the letter she referred to at the last meeting she attended. This letter from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, states that they had received a Request for Assistance from Pittsfield to help with recovery efforts from damage caused by Irene through the Emergency Watershed
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
May 22, 2012
Protection (EWP) program. It goes on to state that they are preparing to address woody debris left behind, specifically debris still in the stream channel that has potential to cause
damage to structures immediately downstream of the debris. It adds that this is not a program to remove gravel or take out trees that have fallen on the side of the bank and are not in the channel. There was minimal discussion and no action was taken by the Board.
a. Tod Jones – re: (email) Hurricane Irene Clean up. In his email, Tod stated that he has been making small piles of debris from the river area in front of his house and plans on doing more over the Memorial Day weekend, and how could he dispose of this? Discussion. George said that a dumpster was available at the Town Garage for several weeks and for Green Up Day, but that it has now been removed. It was suggested that Tod cut up the debris to smaller sizes and leave it out for regular weekly trash collection and it is not accepted, then make arrangements with Jon Benson privately or take it to the Solid Waste Collection area in South Royalton. Tod requested an email response prior to his coming to Vermont. The Secretary will respond to him on the 24th.
b. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) Properties and Parks. This pertains to what might be done with properties in the buyout program. For the Board’s information.
c. Kevin Geiger – re: (email) HMGP grant funding. This is a reminder that this program, like all federal grants, is a reimbursable one. For the Board’s information.
d. Joe Poston – re: (email) budget analysis. This states that another item will be additional painting for the green trim and touching up the siding that was painted by someone else. For the Board’s Information.
e. Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog. This letter dated May 21, 2012 is a copy of the letter sent to Sheriff Benard. For the Board’s information.
f. VT Agency of Natural Resources - re: booklet. This booklet entitled Resilience: A Report on the Health of Vermont's Environment, 2011 takes a look at the many facets of the environment post Irene. Topics address in the booklet include climate change, reducing air pollution, reducing flood damage, cleaning up Lake Champlain, protecting lakeshores, enhancing forest resilience, conserving habitat, minimizing waste, building resilient infrastructure, and drawing kids outdoors. Charts and photographs add to this publication.
g. FEMA – re: (email) Vermont to receive 90% funding for Irene repair work. This news release states that FEMA will give Vermont 90% funding instead of the standard 75%.
h. Clifton Hebert – re: (email) demobilization. Mr. Hebert, a Recovery Specialist with WITT Associates, Inc., has been working with the Town in recovery efforts from Irene. His last day in Pittsfield will be May 24th.
i. Workshop – re: Federal Fiduciary Income Tax. This intermediate level workshop is primarily designed for CPA’s/Accountants, Attorneys, Certified Financial Planners/Advisors, Fiduciary Income Tax Return preparers, Bank trust dept professionals, and paralegals. It will be held in Burlington July 31, 2012. No action was taken by the Board..
Old Business
- Town Clerk/Treasurer – re: budget analysis and financial status. Patty presented a handout for review. Mark and George both felt that there were several items on Change Order #3 that should be reviewed with the architect and contractor. Mark asked if the meeting on the 24th could be postponed as he won't be able to attend? It was decided that George would present the items at the meeting even though he will be the only Board member able to attend. It was also decided to pay Wright Construction for the
May 22, 2012
- work done and if the charges in question are removed, then a credit could be included in the next Change Order.
- Energy Coordinator – re: appointment. The Board unanimously appointed Caleb Hawley to this newly created position. Caleb said that there were a couple of people who might like to serve on this committee. There was no indication as to the term for this position. This will be added to the Appointed Officials page on the website (www.pittsfieldvt.org) and to Town Report.
- Rutland County Sheriff’s Department – re: 2012 Contract. Currently Pittsfield is not under contract with the Sheriff's Department. Sheriff Benard had been invited to attend meetings on several occasions but was unable to come. The Board felt this needed to get going and attention brought to the Firehouse parking issue.
- Letter of Appreciation – re: Green Up Coordinator Peyton Veilleux. The Secretary was asked to send Peyton a letter expressing their appreciation for the outstanding job she has done as Coordinator for the last two years. She is certainly an asset to the community and Town of Pittsfield.
- Land Use Permit #3W0405 – re: Ray & Lynda Colton, d/b/a Colton Enterprises, Inc. This project consists of the construction of a 10' x 25' addition to the existing office structure to be used as office space. There will be no increase in employees and no change to the operation of the facility.
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Occasions Catering, multiple dates. There are 24 Requests with dates ranging from June 29, 2012 to October 27, 2012. All events are either at the Riverside Farm or the Amee Farm. These were approved by the Board.
- Special Construction Meeting – re: scheduled for 2pm on Thursday, May 24th. The purpose of this meeting is to review the latest invoice and change order.
- Listers – re: Desena Superior Court decision. Don and Martha reviewed the letter previously sent to the Board members. Per the direction of the court, the assessment was reduced for 2009, 2010, and 2011. We are legally able to restore the original appraisal figures determined in the town wide reappraisal or increase each appraisal value for something less than the total reduction. Don passed out several pages outlining the impact any change would have on the Grand List. Also pointed out was the impact Irene will have on the 2012 and 2013 Grand List. Discussion. The Select Board felt that they should not decide this, but that the Board of Listers should make the final decision. Both Mark and George said that they would be fully supportive in the Lister's actions.
- Road Commissioner - re: Guernsey Hollow update. George said he met with representatives of Kubricky Construction and that they plan to resume work on Guernsey Hollow sometime in June.
- Select Board Secretary – re: position update. Mark said that he hopes that the Board members can meet with the candidates sometime next month and hopefully all three members can be available at that time.
May 22, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 8:38pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved June 5, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: May 8, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, David Larkin, Marsha Hopkins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 27, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. April 17, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. David Larkin – re: concerns about post Irene cleanup, tax rate, and Town’s public perception
b. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update
a. Park & Ride – re: inquiry from Holly Brown with Stagecoach
b. TRORC – re: Rochester VT 73 Bridges Alternatives Presentation
c. Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) – re: survey to determine interest/needs with regard to internet service
d. Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog
e. VTrans – re: TH5 (Tozier Hill Road) hydraulic study
f. TRORC – re: FEMA denials survey
g. VT Agency of Administration – re: Available Funding for Remaining 25% of HMGP Buyout Costs
h. TRORC – re: 2012 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP)
i. East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Project Solicitation
j. Don Flynn – re: assortment of emails concerning post Irene issues
k. VTrans – re: bike racks
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Noel’s Catering
b. Temp Vault – re: discovery of mold on ceiling
c. Payment from State of Vermont – re: Liberty Hill, Pittsfield side
d. FY2012 State Education Property Tax Liability – re: payment due June 1st
e. Change Order #3 – re: approval and signatures
f. Certificate of Payment for A/A document – re: approval and signatures
g. Town Officer Mileage – re: increase from $.55/mile to $.555/mile
h. Town Building Project – re: issue with electrical power
Other Business
a. Select Board Statement – re: review and approve to posting on the Town’s website
b. Tweed River Drive – re: re-gravelling
c. Parmenter Place and Baker Road – re: guardrails
d. Town Building Project – re: repainting green trim on addition
e. Select Board Secretary – re: position update
Pittsfield Select Board Meeting page 2
May 8, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. The Minutes of the April 17, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. The Minutes of the Special Select Board Meeting held on March 27, 2012 were approved with corrections. George said he would print off a copy for approval and filing.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. David Larkin – re: concerns about post Irene cleanup, tax rate, and Town’s public perception. David said he had several concerns he would like to bring before the Board. He hoped he wasn’t expressing concerns over issues that might have been already discussed and apologized for not attending more meetings to obtain more current information. His first concern was about the status of the flood damaged buildings, namely those owned by Tim Pins and Evelyn Payette. He wanted to know why they hadn’t been removed yet. He said that some people are saying that Pittsfield looks bad. The situation was explained. He said that he participated in Green Up Day and removed a lot of debris from the river. He wanted to know if there was any money available for river clean up. He added that there were a lot of potentially dangerous material in the river which could cause problems for anyone swimming or boating in the summer. The “cliffhanging” McAdams home was discussed and what would happen if the house falls into the river and whose responsibility it would be for cleanup. He also asked about this year’s tax rate. George explained that the Town may have to borrow money to pay for schools until tax money comes in in August. He said that they have set up a Line of Credit at 1% in anticipation. It was noted that if the bill recently passed by the Legislature is signed by the governor, the amount due would be reduced slightly. Pittsfield is not the only town impacted this way by Irene. George said that the School Board meeting to vote on the School Budget is coming up. Mark thanked David for coming. He added that he wished the Town had the resources and money to take care of everything that needs to be taken care of.
b. Marsha Hopkins – re: EWP update. Marsha explained that the State is looking for the status of the properties involved. She said that she wrote each property owner affected asking what their intentions were. She said she has heard from most of them. She told the Board that they will need to decide whether or not to assume responsibility for each project. The Board said they would prefer that each property owner assume the responsibility for obtaining bids, etc., but they would be willing to work with the homeowner providing them with some direction if needed. There was some discussion regarding the number of bids required, the size of the projects, advertising, ets. The Town would be responsible for 75% until reimbursed. She added that the Board will need to sign off on each project. Some of the property owners want to know what their 25% of the project cost would be and whether or not they can manage that cost. The cost estimates are being prepared by the State. Marsha said she would let Patty and the Board know when the State cost reports are available. The projects would have to be totally completed by August 20, 2012. It was felt that this might not be a possibility.
- Park & Ride – re: inquiry from Holly Brown with Stagecoach. This was a request for an update regarding the project. Patty had advised her that the Park & Ride project was being done in conjunction with the renovation project. The latter had been delayed due to Irene but is scheduled to be completed sometime in June at the latest and the Park & Ride project will be undertaken at that time. No action taken by the Board.
- TRORC – re: Rochester VT 73 Bridges Alternatives Presentation. A Public Hearing for designing four bridges along VT Route 73 in Rochester will be held May 14, 2012 at the Rochester Select Board Meeting at 6pm. No action taken by the Board.
May 8, 2012
- Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) – re: survey to determine interest/needs with regard to internet service. This correspondence from Rebecca Humora explained that once the survey results are in, better answers can be provided to the VTA’s questions. No action taken by the Board.
- Ken & Sally Hayes – re: Peyton’s dog. This letter is a copy of one sent to Sheriff Benard updating him on the actions of Richard Peyton’s dog. No action taken by the Board.
- VTrans – re: TH5 (Tozier Hill Road) hydraulic study. George said that he would contact Tom Roberts, VTrans District Engineer, to find out what the next step is. George felt that there was one option that was the least costly to the Town. He emphasized that this project would be funded through a structural grant and that the Town would work with a structural engineer. This project is being proposed to replace a culvert that is undersized and has blocked up on numerous occasions.
- TRORC – re: FEMA denials survey. In an email from Patty to the Board members, the Board was asked to review information provided to see if anything else needed to be added to the list. In addition a review of the section on Debris/Landslides was requested. The Board suggested keeping this on file for future reference if needed.
- VT Agency of Administration – re: Available Funding for Remaining 25% of HMGP Buyout Costs. This correspondence from Susan Minter, Irene Recovery Officer, explained that she was following up on the recent recommendation for approval of Pittsfield’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program application for the buyout of flooded properties by the HMGP review sub-committee. This will be kept on file at the Town Office and a copy was forwarded to Don Flynn.
- TRORC – re: 2012 Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP). This is draft of the 2012 BEOP for review by the Board. Mark said that is appeared that all the information is current. No further action taken by the Board.
- East Central Vermont CEDS Region – re: Project Solicitation. This correspondence is seeking input on new economic development projects that should be listed on the 2012 CEDS Conceptual Project List. No action was taken by the Board.
- Don Flynn – re: assortment of emails concerning post Irene issues. Don included copies of emails regarding the replacement of the covered bridge, the rebuilding of a home by Robert Salmeri, and concerns with FEMA issues. No action was taken by the Board.
- VTrans – re: bike racks. This correspondence from Susan Scribner outlined the opportunity for the town to receive a bike rack/s for the municipal park & ride facility. Discussion. Mark felt that this could be dealt with at a later date if the need was there. No action was taken.
- Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – re: Noel’s Catering. These requests are for two events: a rehearsal dinner on June 2, 2012 and a wedding on June 3, 2012, both events to be held at the Amee Farm. These were approved by the Select Board.
- Temp Vault – re: discovery of mold on ceiling. George said that mold was discovered on the ceiling of the temporary vault. He said that he, Patty, and Jess removed all the records from the vault and they cleaned the walls and shelving with vinegar. Mini-Mobile came and installed new air filters in the heating/AC unit. There didn’t appear to be any mold on any of the records.
- Payment from State of Vermont – re: Liberty Hill, Pittsfield side. In her report to the Board, Patty stated that a payment of $38,200.66 was received from the State of Vermont. South Hill Road has also been obligated as a “large project” and she has applied for progress billing from the State for that.
May 8, 2012
- FY2012 State Education Property Tax Liability – re: payment due June 1st. Patty stated in her report that $125,682.45 for a portion of the tax liability will be due June 1st. She felt that the Town will have to draw from the Line of Credit for T.S. Irene in order to pay this. It was noted that the money would be put into the Highway Fund, so that funds borrowed from the General Fund could be paid back in order to pay the State Education Liability invoice.
- Change Order #3 – re: approval and signatures. George expressed his concern over some of the changes being charged for. He felt that with new construction, these should have been foreseen. After some discussion Mark said that he would contact the architect and project foreman and arrange a meeting to discuss the matter. The Change Order #3 was not approved or signed at this time.
- Certificate of Payment for A/A document – re: approval and signatures. Per concerns surrounding Change Order #3, the Board did not approve or sign the Certificate of Payment at this time.
- Town Officer Mileage – re: increase from $.55/mile to $.555/mile. Mark made a motion to keep the rate at $.55/mile. Seconded by George. The mileage rate will remain at $.55/mile.
- Town Building Project – re: issue with electrical power. George said that he and Jerry had approved the running of electrical wire to the back of the building and run extra conduit while burying the line on the side of the building via email. Mark had been on vacation when this was approved.
Other Business
- Select Board Statement – re: review and approve to posting on the Town’s website. George provided copies of the statement in which the Board responded to correspondence and phone calls regarding the recent conflict over the paint color chosen for the renovated Town Office Building. Mark made a motion to approve this statement and post it on the Town’s website (www.pittsfieldvt.org). Seconded by George. This will be posted on the website by Martha Beyersdorf.
- Tweed River Drive – re: re-gravelling. George said that he obtained two estimates: one from Harvey’s for $16.25/yard and Casella’s for $15.12/yard. It was decided to proceed with the project and use Casella.
- Parmenter Place and Baker Road – re: guardrails. George said that he obtained prices from Lafayette ($4,982.75) and VT Recreation ($5,417.00). He noted that FEMA had closed out the projects on both of these roads. Resubmission could be done but it was recommended that George move forward with the projects. George added that guardrails on Guernsey Hollow should wait until work has been completed on Route 100 .
- Town Building Project – re: repainting green trim on addition. Mark said that the green trim on the addition will be painted white at no cost.
- Select Board Secretary – re: position update. Mark said that he received several inquiries into the position. He would like to have a daytime meeting with George and Jerry, when Jerry gets back to meet with candidates for the position. In the meantime Martha has accepted the position temporarily and will work with the new secretary for a few meetings to acquaint her with the job.
May 8, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved May 22, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 17, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Arlene Drugonis, Sandy Begin, Nancy Blessing, Sean Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting
a. American Red Cross - Request for Donation
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA - 2012 Municipal Safety Training
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins)
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals:
- Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern).
b. Annual Financial Plan - Town Highways
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. The Minutes of the April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting. Nancy asked the board if they had read the letter that she had addressed to them prior to the last Regular Select Board Meeting. Mark responded that he had not read it, and neither had the rest of the board. Mark assumed it was one of the responses relating to the bulletin sent out in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter on the paint color options/cost. The letter (summed up) stated
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b. that Nancy was disappointed in the board. She stated that when the board makes a decision (such as designating someone to choose colors) they need to take responsibility and stick by that decision. She felt that her concerns (as well as many others who could not attend the previous meetings) were not heard, and that it is unfortunate that the board acted the way they did when a few loud voices demanded a change. Mark thanked Nancy for bringing this letter to the Board's attention.
a. American Red Cross – Request for Donation. Request for $100 donation (as given previously) was requested. The board noted that the donation was already approved in the budget at the annual meeting. Payment will be made after taxes come in.
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA – 2012 Municipal Safety Training. Training topics: Lock out/tag out and electrical safety. When & Where: April 26 at the Hartford Municipal Building and May 3 at Mallets Bay Fire Station in Colchester, both sessions are from 8am to noon. George took a copy of this correspondence.
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments. Two Rivers has initiated a process to update several sections of the TRORC Regional Plan. Attached to the memo were two documents. One is a public hearing notice laying out formal opportunities to react to this proposal; the second are draft amendments under consideration. The TRORC board encourages participation in these hearings and welcomes written comments prior to hearings. No action taken.
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report. Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. Patty stated that a lot of towns have energy committees to take care of these type of things and it may be a good idea for Pittsfield to look into forming one. George agreed and stated that he would be glad to head up a committee here in Pittsfield and would look into finding a few more interested people in joining the committee. George stated that once a committee has been formed they will look over the draft report together.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins). A Project Review Sheet was received for a project generally described as: The permitee (Greener Futures LLC - Tim Pins and Walter Radicioni) propose to lease approximately 1,745 SF in the formerly Stanley Tool building (1,120 SF in the existing "maintenance building" and 625 SF in the formerly pre-dry area and the former "kiln") to Tim Pins, sole member, to be known as "Northern Dominion, LLC." Northern Dominion proposes to operate this space inside the Stanley Plant as a used car dealership. 6 to 20 vehicles will be stored inside the building. There will be no new signs and no physical changes to the Stanley building. No action taken.
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop. This correspondence tabled until next meeting.
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden. Mr. Jim Carroll wrote that he attended a status conference in the Murphy Petition at Rutland Superior Court today. The court has given Mr. Murphy until June 11 to respond to the pending motion to dismiss. No action taken.
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h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit. Jan emailed the board to spread the word about an upcoming benefit. The benefit will be held on Friday, May 18th in the Center Street Alley in downtown Rutland. There will be a silent auction and concert to raise monies for Pittsfield, Stockbridge and Bridgewater disaster relief funds, as well as for the Rutland County Long Term Recovery Committee. 50% of everything raised will be distributed to the three above towns. The board was please to hear about this event, and asked the Secretary to help spread the word by making up a couple of fliers to post at the Town Hall and Post Office.
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II. Saturday, April 28, 2012. The program will be held at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Patty suggested that it may be a good idea for the Select Board to attend this program if possible. George stated that he would like to go, and asked Patty to sign him up.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board: Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern) – 1st Class Liquor License.
b. Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways. The Board started looking over the Annual Financial Plan. Mark then pointed out that it didn’t look correct.. Upon further inspection George stated that the figures were correct, but the mileage figures were not. George said he would look into it and get back to the board when the numbers are straightened out.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill. Patty informed the board that the Town has received a bill from B&D Painting for applying 1 coat of Sherwin Williams white paint to the siding prior to installation on the Town Office Building. The total cost of labor and materials was $1,500. Patty asked Mark how the board would like to proceed, because at a previous meeting Mark stated that donations had been received to cover the painting from several organizations in Town. Mark stated that there have been several donations so far, and they will cover the cost. Mark then asked for the bill and said he would take care of it.
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment. Patty informed the board that now that spring is here, completing Bridge #11 is a top priority. The Town cannot receive reimbursement from FEMA until the project is finished. The sooner payment can be received from FEMA, the longer the town can hold out having to take out a loan. Mark stated that he would call Aaron Guyette from VHB to get things moving.
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout. George informed the board that there has recently been a washout on Tozier Hill Rd. One of culverts that had been re-installed post-Tropical Storm Irene plugged up and a good portion of the road was washed out because of this. George spoke to Tom Roberts and he is going to do a hydraulic study on the culvert. George also stated that Tom had looked at the culvert and said that by visual inspection the culvert is far too small for the amount of water that runs through it. George talked to Clifton Hebert (Witts Associates) and Kevin Walkes (FEMA) about the culvertand it is not really a FEMA issue at this point. Tom Roberts believes that it would be eligible for a structure grant. Nothing can be moved forward though, until the hydraulic study is done. This was noted by the board.
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board. Mark suggested that the Select Board should write a statement to the town in response to the emails sent in regarding building color. He would like to see something in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter. He wants people to know why they made the decision that they did from their perspective. George stated that he would write something up and run it by the other board members before submitting it.
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e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit. The board discussed the deposit that the Town is holding for Mr. Bill Oren for the Pawnbrokers License Application. The board decided that because Mr. Oren has not submitted an application yet, and seems to have no intent to submit it in the near future that the Town should send his application deposit back. The board asked the Secretary to write Mr. Oren a letter stating this information and send it along with his deposit check.
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved May 8, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 4, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Henry Hotchkiss, Janice Carbone, John Carbone, Jack Conboy, Margaret Conboy, Susie Martin, Ann Taylor, James Cullen, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Sandy Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:17pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
McManus stated that where to put the emergency disconnect was still being debated. There has been some talk with CVPS as to whether or not it will be in the front of the building or if the cable can be run under ground around to the side of the building. Different responses have been had so far from CVPS and the Fire Marshall.
McManus stated that the fire marshal mentioned that additional smoke detectors may also be required because of the coffered ceiling. Joe should have an answer by tomorrow. There are two in there currently; one more may need to be added.
Joe then stated that for the roofing work it was $2,000 for them to strip the existing shingles and then a dumpster will be needed which is usually around six or seven hundred dollars. The sheeting is good but they did have to install some extra wood up there so the extra cost should be close to $3,500 - $4,000. Mark then stated that there is no completed change order for that yet, but the Town will see it soon.
McManus then stated that last week he met with the building committee and the Library committee about some of the interior finishes. They also decided on a cabinet door style and finish. What McManus forgot to mention at that meeting was that wasn't the original cabinet door style specced, those cost a little more. Joe emailed McManus the prices today which would be $633.00 extra. Patty also asked if one of the cabinet components could be changed from a base cabinet with a door to a cabinet with three drawers stacked on top of one another. Joe stated that the extra cost for that was quoted as $431.00 but he felt that seemed pretty high and stated he would look into it. McManus then stated that they really need to start moving forward on the cabinets, and the changes thus far would total $1,064.00.
Henry then spoke up and stated that the members present of the building committee would like to speak with McManus about the additional costs after the meeting. Henry then stated that perhaps going back to the original style might be fine. McManus then stated that the cabinets do need to be ordered soon, and suggested that the building committee and the select board keep him in the loop and let him know within the next few days what cabinet style has been chosen via email.
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McManus then mentioned that at the last meeting the board said that they were looking at potentially hiring a sub-contractor to do the outside painting. Mark discussed some things with Joe regarding logistics, he also stated that he was concerned with things such as warranty and bonding, etc. He then asked Joe if he talked to the painter, and Joe said that he could come down $1,000 on his price so it would be $7,000 instead of $8,000. Joe then stated that his biggest concern is that if the board decides to go with someone else for the painting, they should make sure that they are using the same kind of paint.
McManus then stated that he was more concerned with what the bonding company would say if an outside contractor was chosen for painting. Mark Begin then stated that as of right now the cost has been covered by donations from different members of the community, so it will save the town quite a bit of money.
McManus then asked the board if they wanted him to check with the bonding company who is financing the project (Vermont Bond Bank). The board told McManus to go ahead with that.
McManus then stated that he had not received a draft payment application. Joe responded that he had a draft with him. McManus then went over draft one of the Application and Certification for payment with the board. Wright Construction applied for $86,754.22 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item.
Joe stated that he would send change order #2 with the application for payment. McManus asked Joe to clarify what was included on change order #2. Joe responded that the majority of the cost for finishing the basement and modifying the electric in the library and changing outlets to quad outlets were the biggest costs. There is also a credit for concrete inspection which was cancelled.
Patty then asked if there would be any more repair work on the windows. Joe responded that type of work will be taken care of by the painters when they are here. When they are painting they can replace the panes. Joe also stated that repairing will cost extra; they have also counted approximately 15 panes broken at this point.
McManus then asked Joe if there were any additional issues that came up from the electrical inspector. Joe answered that there were not.
George then brought up the floor outlets in the Clerk's Office. McManus asked if the board was still interested in putting those in. The board responded that they were. McManus also clarified that the outlets are combination electrical/computer/phone jacks. McManus then asked Joe if he could add the outlets to change order 2 and Joe responded that he would try to have it added. The cost of the outlets would be $1,173.00.
Patty then asked Joe about the CVPS bill that the town had paid. Joe responded that he would try to add the credit to the next bill.
McManus then stated that there would be another building committee meeting on April 17th where they will go over interior paint colors.
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Patty stated that someone working with the VCDP Grant needs to know how far the town is on the ADA work and he will need to schedule a visit to make sure the town is on track with everything. Patty then asked approximately when the elevator would be installed. Joe responded that it's one of the last things that happens.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting was not discussed.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 3, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Vern Haskins, Mary Lee Stevens, Colleen Stevens, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Darryl Calkins, Robert Salmeri, Arlene Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdictional Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden.
g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft).
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews.
b. Grand List - Board Approval
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program)
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The Minutes of the March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. There were concerns regarding the Minutes of the March 27, 2012 Emergency Meeting (see section: Other Business: c.).
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues. Mr. Salmeri wanted the board to be aware of a few issues that he is having regarding the steps required to obtain a permit to
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begin rebuilding his house which was destroyed during Tropical Storm Irene. He also brought Darryl Calkins (an engineer from Hartford, VT) to help explain Mr. Salmeri's situation. Darryl
has done extensive surveying in the area and has come to the conclusion that there is an error with the FEMA floodplain maps which were done during a study in 1991. According to the 1991 survey Mr. Salmeri would need to raise his proposed house 8ft above the level of the garage. Darryl laid out some maps and showed them to the board explaining the reasoning behind what he was explaining. He stated that he is fairly certain that the maps are off by approximately 4 or 5 feet, which makes a pretty big difference when someone is trying to rebuild a house in a floodplain. Darryl spoke with the State of VT inquiring about how the map can be changed and came to the conclusion that it would not be easy. The process would take about two years, and Mr. Salmeri doesn't want to wait that long. Darryl then stated that he would recommend trying to go through unofficial channels instead to expedite the process. Another method would be if the Town could grant Mr. Salmeri a variance (which would need to be handled by the zoning board of adjustment). Mr. Salmeri then stated that he has been trying to obtain this permit to begin rebuilding for months and it is costing him a lot of money but he is determined to make it happen. Mark then stated that he would make a few phone calls to the State of VT., specifically to Rob Evans and Rebecca Pfeiffer and try to get some answers for Mr. Salmeri. Patty also suggested that Mark should call Sara Gray before he calls the State to see where she is in the process. Mark said that he would make those calls and then keep in touch with Mr. Salmeri.
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. Listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. See Other Business section d.
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdicational Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012. A letter from the State of Vermont Natural Resources Board to the Vermont Country Inn was forwarded to the Board from Peter Borden. The letter constitutes the jurisdictional opinion required by Condition 16 of Land Use Permit #3W1024. This jurisdictional opinion concludes that there are no material changes to the previously permitted project proposed for the Death race that is scheduled for 2012. No action taken.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways. An email was received from Thomas Malinowski who states that he works for an organization called the Rozalia Project. They are a non-profit company who does a study on marine debris and cleans along water bodies such as lakes, rivers, streams, etc. They are targeting public spaces along waterways for cleaning. They will provide their own workers and equipment. If the Town is interested, they would like to start cleaning as soon as possible. No action taken.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter. A thank you letter was received from Stagecoach for the commitment of $200.00 appropriated by the Town of Pittsfield in support of services provided to its residents. No action taken.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC. Project Review Sheet for Application #WW-3-0122-5. The project is described as: off lot replacement for a failed wastewater system for an existing commercial building on a tract of .4 acres, located on 3963 Route 100. No action taken.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers. The State of VT is working to organize volunteers for projects related to the state's continuing recovery from Tropical Storm Irene. The kick-off date is scheduled for May 5th and volunteer opportunities will continue until the anniversary of the storm in late August 2012. No action taken.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. The board was copied on a correspondence from James F. Carrol of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. to Therese Corsones, Court Manager of the Rutland Superior Court. Enclosed was the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield's Motion to Dismiss. No action taken.
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g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft). Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. The board decided to table this until the next meeting so that each member could read through the packet of information.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12. Request to cater for Rehearsal Dinner at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/04/12 starting at 5:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12. Request to cater for Wedding Reception at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/05/12 starting at 3:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews. A permit for Driveway Construction was received from Nioka Andrews for the construction of a driveway on 77 Townsend Brook Rd. The board noted that this was already an existing driveway and decided that the Town should waive the application fee. The permit was then approved and signed by the board.
b. Grand List - Board Approval. The board approved the 2009, 2010 & 2011 Grand List.
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program). Patty presented the board with a form from Marsha Hopkins relating to the EWP program. The purpose of the form is to be used by sponsor(s) to provide assurances to the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture which is required in connection with the installation of project measures which involve Federal financial assistance furnished by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The project measures covered are: Name of Project: PITT-11-006 (River View Trail), Identity of improvement or development: EWP Riprap Streambank Protection, Location: River View Trail - access road to five homes and one lot. Mark attested to and signed the form.
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers. Arlene informed the board that there has been an increase in the amount of trash cans/bags being broken into by animals recently. She would like to know if there is anything that the board can do (such as an ordinance) to get people to secure their trash in either a trash hut or at least to ensure there are lids on all containers. The board discussed a few different options and then ultimately decided that the issue would be tabled until the next meeting.
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion. Sean Lee stated that he had a few concerns with the draft minutes from the Emergency Meeting held on March 27th 2012. Before Sean mentioned these concerns, the question of the legality of Sean having access to the draft minutes was raised by the board. Sean responded that it was in fact legal, and the Secretary confirmed this. She stated that she spoke with the Vermont Secretary of States office last week and the Deputy Secretary stated that the public has a right to see minutes and even notes, even if they have not yet been approved. Sean's main concern with the draft minutes was the content. He believed that the intent of the meeting was not fairly stated, and he would like to see the minutes reflect a more accurate description
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of what actually happened. Sean said that "questions" were not raised regarding posters and emails being circulated as the first draft stated, instead the Select Board Chair opened the
meeting by actually saying: "This meeting is in regard to the stuff being posted all around town, and I believe it is being done on town time and with town materials." Sean also believes that there is a clear omission of facts, specifically regarding emails received stating how many people were against spending additional money to change the Town Office Building back to white and how many were for it. Patty printed out 63 email responses that had been received and read the totals at the March 27th Emergency Meeting, which included 57 indicating that they did not want to spend the extra money at this time and 6 which were in favor. This was not stated in the draft minutes. Patty then stated to the board, that although those people couldn't be here in person, that their opinions are just as important as those who could attend the meeting. Sean then inquired about why the Emergency Meeting was even called in the first place. It was stated at that meeting that the color white had already been decided prior to the meeting, so why hold a meeting regarding "color"? Jerry responded that it was to discuss issues.
Colleen and Mary Lee then spoke up to voice their concern. Colleen asked how the board could justify spending that much of the taxpayers dollars when clearly the majority didn't want to spend it. George responded with why he decided to vote for white, and that was because most of the people he spoke with in town did assume it would be white and he believed many were hoping to see it white. He also believed that the finished project should be delivered in it's finished state because he felt that was very important to a lot of people and that was what many expected. George also stated that he was quite surprised and hurt by the way people acted regarding this color issue.
Martha then asked about the contingency fund. She inquired if the money for painting could just come out of that. Patty responded that there is a contingency fund, but if the money isn't used for painting it can be used for something else down the road such as paying back the bond -- ultimately saving the taxpayers money.
Don Taylor also wanted to know why the emergency meeting was held last week. He stated that he feels sending emails to the Select Board is fruitless if the few people who show up at a meeting have more weight than the majority who voice their concerns via another means of communication (ie. email). He also believes that the board should have stood up to those who berated Patty and then perhaps things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. Patty then stated that she was appalled, shocked and ashamed that the meeting was allowed to go on the way that it did.
George then stated that he felt the minutes of the emergency meeting should be changed to more accurately reflect what happened. After some discussion it was decided that George would help re-write the minutes of the March 27th Emergency Meeting.
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. The listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. When Sean Lee didn't leave the listers asked the board to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing "lister stuff". Sean, the Town Clerk and Select Board Secretary informed the board that there are only a hand full of reasons to go into executive session and that is not one of them. When Sean still refused to leave, the subject was dropped.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
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April 3, 2012
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: April 17, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Arlene Drugonis, Sandy Begin, Nancy Blessing, Sean Lee
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting
a. American Red Cross - Request for Donation
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA - 2012 Municipal Safety Training
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins)
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop
g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals:
- Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern).
b. Annual Financial Plan - Town Highways
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. The Minutes of the April 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the April 4, 2012 Monthly Construction Update Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Nancy Blessing - Letter Regarding March 27, 2012 Meeting. Nancy asked the board if they had read the letter that she had addressed to them prior to the last Regular Select Board Meeting. Mark responded that he had not read it, and neither had the rest of the board. Mark assumed it was one of the responses relating to the bulletin sent out in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter on the
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paint color options/cost. The letter (summed up) stated that Nancy was disappointed in the board. She stated that when the board makes a decision (such as designating someone to choose colors) they need to take responsibility and stick by that decision. She felt that her concerns (as well as many others who could not attend the previous meetings) were not heard, and that it is unfortunate that the board acted the way they did when a few loud voices demanded a change. Mark thanked Nancy for bringing this letter to the Board's attention.
a. American Red Cross - Request for Donation. Request for $100 donation (as given previously) was requested. The board noted that the donation was already approved in the budget at the annual meeting. Payment will be made after taxes come in.
b. VLCT PACIF & VOSHA - 2012 Municipal Safety Training. Training topics: Lock out/tag out and Electrical safety. When & Where: April 26 at the Hartford Municipal Building and May 3 at Mallets Bay Fire Stattion in Colchester, both sessions are from 8am to noon. George took a copy of this correspondence.
c. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Regional Plan Amendments. Two Rivers has initiated a process to update several sections of the TRORC Regional Plan. Attached to the memo were two documents. One is a public hearing notice laying out formal opportunities to react to this proposal; the second are draft amendments under consideration. The TRORC board encourages participation in these hearings and welcomes written comments prior to hearings. No action taken.
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission - Draft Energy Baseline Report. Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. Patty stated that a lot of towns have energy committees to take care of these type of things and it may be a good idea for Pittsfield to look into forming one. George agreed and stated that he would be glad to head up a committee here in Pittsfield and would look into finding a few more interested people in joining the committee. George stated that once a committee has been formed they will look over the draft report together.
e. VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet, Greener Futures, LLC (Tim Pins). A Project Review Sheet was received for a project generally described as: The permitee (Greener Futures LLC - Tim Pins and Walter Radicioni) propose to lease approximately 1,745 SF in the formerly Stanley Tool building (1,120 SF in the existing "maintenance building" and 625 SF in the formerly pre-dry area and the former "kiln") to Tim Pins, sole member, to be known as "Northern Dominion, LLC." Northern Dominion proposes to operate this space inside the Stanley Plant as a used car dealership. 6 to 20 vehicles will be stored inside the building. There will be no new signs and no physical changes to the Stanley building. No action taken.
f. VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Municipal Government Acquisition of Property Training Workshop. This correspondence tabled until next meeting.
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g. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Murphy/Chittenden. Mr. Jim Carroll wrote that he attended a status conference in the Murphy Petition at Rutland Superior Court today. The court has given Mr. Murphy until June 11 to respond to the pending motion to dismiss. No action taken.
h. Jan Sotirakis - Upcoming Benefit. Jan emailed the board to spread the word about an upcoming benefit. The benefit will be held on Friday, May 18th in the Center Street Alley in downtown Rutland. There will be a silent auction and concert to raise monies for Pittsfield, Stockbridge and Bridgewater disaster relief funds, as well as for the Rutland County Long Term Recovery Committee. 50% of everything raised will be distributed to the three above towns. The board was please to hear about this event, and asked the Secretary to help spread the word by making up a couple of fliers to post at the Town Hall and Post Office.
i. VLCT - Select Board Institute II. Saturday, April 28, 2012. The program will be held at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Patty suggested that it may be a good idea for the Select Board to attend this program if possible. George stated that he would like to go, and asked Patty to sign him up.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals. The following were approved and signed by the Board:
- Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern) - 1st Class Liquor License
b. Annual Financial Plan - Town Highways. The Board started looking over the Annual Financial plan, Mark then pointed out that it didn't look correct. Upon further inspection George stated that the figures were correct, but the mileage figures were not. George said he would look into it and get back to the board when the numbers are straightened out.
Other Business
a. Town Office Building Painting - B&D Painting Bill. Patty informed the board that the Town has received a bill from B&D Painting for applying 1 coat of Sherwin Williams white paint to the siding prior to installation on the Town Office Building. The total cost of labor and materials was $1,500. Patty asked Mark how the board would like to proceed, because at a previous meeting Mark stated that donations had been received to cover the painting from several organizations in Town. Mark stated that there have been several donations so far, and they will cover the cost. Mark then asked for the bill and said he would take care of it.
b. Bridge #11 - Project Completion/payment. Patty informed the board that now that spring is here, completing Bridge #11 is a top priority. The Town cannot receive reimbursement from FEMA until the project is finished. The sooner payment can be received from FEMA, the longer the town can hold out having to take out a loan. Mark stated that he would call Aaron Guyette from VHB to get things moving.
c. George Deblon - Tozier Hill Washout. George informed the board that there has recently been a washout on Tozier Hill Rd. One of culverts that had been re-installed post-Tropical Storm Irene plugged up and a good portion of the road was washed out because of this. George spoke to Tom Roberts and he is going to do a hydraulic study on the culvert. George also stated that Tom had looked at the culvert and said that by visual inspection the culvert is far too small for the amount of water that runs through it. George talked to Clifton Hebert (Witts Associates) and Kevin Walkes (FEMA) about the culvert
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and it is not really a FEMA issue at this point. Tom Roberts believes that it would be eligible for a structure grant. Nothing can be moved forward though, until the hydraulic study is done. This was noted by the board.
d. Town Office Building Color - Statement from Select Board. Mark suggested that the Select Board should write a statement to the town in response to the emails sent in regarding building color. He would like to see something in the Pittsfield VT Newsletter. He wants people to know why they made the decision that they did from their perspective. George stated that he would write something up and run it by the other board members before submitting it.
e. Pawn Broker License - Application/Deposit. The board discussed the deposit that the Town is holding for Mr. Bill Oren for the Pawnbrokers License Application. The board decided that because Mr. Oren has not submitted an application yet, and seems to have no intent to submit it in the near future that the Town should send his application deposit back. The board asked the Secretary to write Mr. Oren a letter stating this information and send it along with his deposit check.
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved May 8, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 4, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Henry Hotchkiss, Janice Carbone, John Carbone, Jack Conboy, Margaret Conboy, Susie Martin, Ann Taylor, James Cullen, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Sandy Begin
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:17pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
McManus stated that where to put the emergency disconnect was still being debated. There has been some talk with CVPS as to whether or not it will be in the front of the building or if the cable can be run under ground around to the side of the building. Different responses have been had so far from CVPS and the Fire Marshall.
McManus stated that the fire marshal mentioned that additional smoke detectors may also be required because of the coffered ceiling. Joe should have an answer by tomorrow. There are two in there currently; one more may need to be added.
Joe then stated that for the roofing work it was $2,000 for them to strip the existing shingles and then a dumpster will be needed which is usually around six or seven hundred dollars. The sheeting is good but they did have to install some extra wood up there so the extra cost should be close to $3,500 - $4,000. Mark then stated that there is no completed change order for that yet, but the Town will see it soon.
McManus then stated that last week he met with the building committee and the Library committee about some of the interior finishes. They also decided on a cabinet door style and finish. What McManus forgot to mention at that meeting was that wasn't the original cabinet door style specced, those cost a little more. Joe emailed McManus the prices today which would be $633.00 extra. Patty also asked if one of the cabinet components could be changed from a base cabinet with a door to a cabinet with three drawers stacked on top of one another. Joe stated that the extra cost for that was quoted as $431.00 but he felt that seemed pretty high and stated he would look into it. McManus then stated that they really need to start moving forward on the cabinets, and the changes thus far would total $1,064.00.
Henry then spoke up and stated that the members present of the building committee would like to speak with McManus about the additional costs after the meeting. Henry then stated that perhaps going back to the original style might be fine. McManus then stated that the cabinets do need to be ordered soon, and suggested that the building committee and the select board keep him in the loop and let him know within the next few days what cabinet style has been chosen via email.
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McManus then mentioned that at the last meeting the board said that they were looking at potentially hiring a sub-contractor to do the outside painting. Mark discussed some things with Joe regarding logistics, he also stated that he was concerned with things such as warranty and bonding, etc. He then asked Joe if he talked to the painter, and Joe said that he could come down $1,000 on his price so it would be $7,000 instead of $8,000. Joe then stated that his biggest concern is that if the board decides to go with someone else for the painting, they should make sure that they are using the same kind of paint.
McManus then stated that he was more concerned with what the bonding company would say if an outside contractor was chosen for painting. Mark Begin then stated that as of right now the cost has been covered by donations from different members of the community, so it will save the town quite a bit of money.
McManus then asked the board if they wanted him to check with the bonding company who is financing the project (Vermont Bond Bank). The board told McManus to go ahead with that.
McManus then stated that he had not received a draft payment application. Joe responded that he had a draft with him. McManus then went over draft one of the Application and Certification for payment with the board. Wright Construction applied for $86,754.22 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item.
Joe stated that he would send change order #2 with the application for payment. McManus asked Joe to clarify what was included on change order #2. Joe responded that the majority of the cost for finishing the basement and modifying the electric in the library and changing outlets to quad outlets were the biggest costs. There is also a credit for concrete inspection which was cancelled.
Patty then asked if there would be any more repair work on the windows. Joe responded that type of work will be taken care of by the painters when they are here. When they are painting they can replace the panes. Joe also stated that repairing will cost extra; they have also counted approximately 15 panes broken at this point.
McManus then asked Joe if there were any additional issues that came up from the electrical inspector. Joe answered that there were not.
George then brought up the floor outlets in the Clerk's Office. McManus asked if the board was still interested in putting those in. The board responded that they were. McManus also clarified that the outlets are combination electrical/computer/phone jacks. McManus then asked Joe if he could add the outlets to change order 2 and Joe responded that he would try to have it added. The cost of the outlets would be $1,173.00.
Patty then asked Joe about the CVPS bill that the town had paid. Joe responded that he would try to add the credit to the next bill.
McManus then stated that there would be another building committee meeting on April 17th where they will go over interior paint colors.
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Patty stated that someone working with the VCDP Grant needs to know how far the town is on the ADA work and he will need to schedule a visit to make sure the town is on track with everything. Patty then asked approximately when the elevator would be installed. Joe responded that it's one of the last things that happens.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting was not discussed.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: April 3, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Vern Haskins, Mary Lee Stevens, Colleen Stevens, Don Taylor, Sean Lee, Darryl Calkins, Robert Salmeri, Arlene Drugonis
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdictional Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden.
g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft).
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews.
b. Grand List - Board Approval
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program)
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The Minutes of the March 20, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes. There were concerns regarding the Minutes of the March 27, 2012 Emergency Meeting (see section: Other Business: c.).
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Robert Salmeri - Incorrect Flood Maps/Rebuilding Issues. Mr. Salmeri wanted the board to be aware of a few issues that he is having regarding the steps required to obtain a permit to
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begin rebuilding his house which was destroyed during Tropical Storm Irene. He also brought Darryl Calkins (an engineer from Hartford, VT) to help explain Mr. Salmeri's situation. Darryl
has done extensive surveying in the area and has come to the conclusion that there is an error with the FEMA floodplain maps which were done during a study in 1991. According to the 1991 survey Mr. Salmeri would need to raise his proposed house 8ft above the level of the garage. Darryl laid out some maps and showed them to the board explaining the reasoning behind what he was explaining. He stated that he is fairly certain that the maps are off by approximately 4 or 5 feet, which makes a pretty big difference when someone is trying to rebuild a house in a floodplain. Darryl spoke with the State of VT inquiring about how the map can be changed and came to the conclusion that it would not be easy. The process would take about two years, and Mr. Salmeri doesn't want to wait that long. Darryl then stated that he would recommend trying to go through unofficial channels instead to expedite the process. Another method would be if the Town could grant Mr. Salmeri a variance (which would need to be handled by the zoning board of adjustment). Mr. Salmeri then stated that he has been trying to obtain this permit to begin rebuilding for months and it is costing him a lot of money but he is determined to make it happen. Mark then stated that he would make a few phone calls to the State of VT., specifically to Rob Evans and Rebecca Pfeiffer and try to get some answers for Mr. Salmeri. Patty also suggested that Mark should call Sara Gray before he calls the State to see where she is in the process. Mark said that he would make those calls and then keep in touch with Mr. Salmeri.
b. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. Listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. See Other Business section d.
a. VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Jurisdicational Opinion, Land Use Permit #3W1024, Condition 16, Death Race 2012. A letter from the State of Vermont Natural Resources Board to the Vermont Country Inn was forwarded to the Board from Peter Borden. The letter constitutes the jurisdictional opinion required by Condition 16 of Land Use Permit #3W1024. This jurisdictional opinion concludes that there are no material changes to the previously permitted project proposed for the Death race that is scheduled for 2012. No action taken.
b. Thomas Malinowski - Cleaning Vermont's Waterways. An email was received from Thomas Malinowski who states that he works for an organization called the Rozalia Project. They are a non-profit company who does a study on marine debris and cleans along water bodies such as lakes, rivers, streams, etc. They are targeting public spaces along waterways for cleaning. They will provide their own workers and equipment. If the Town is interested, they would like to start cleaning as soon as possible. No action taken.
c. Stagecoach - Thank You letter. A thank you letter was received from Stagecoach for the commitment of $200.00 appropriated by the Town of Pittsfield in support of services provided to its residents. No action taken.
d. State of VT Agency of Natural Resources - Project Review Sheet for Bear Creek LLC. Project Review Sheet for Application #WW-3-0122-5. The project is described as: off lot replacement for a failed wastewater system for an existing commercial building on a tract of .4 acres, located on 3963 Route 100. No action taken.
e. Two Rivers - Soliciting Irene Recovery Project Ideas for Volunteers. The State of VT is working to organize volunteers for projects related to the state's continuing recovery from Tropical Storm Irene. The kick-off date is scheduled for May 5th and volunteer opportunities will continue until the anniversary of the storm in late August 2012. No action taken.
f. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden. The board was copied on a correspondence from James F. Carrol of English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. to Therese Corsones, Court Manager of the Rutland Superior Court. Enclosed was the Towns of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield's Motion to Dismiss. No action taken.
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g. Two Rivers - Town's Energy Baseline Report (Draft). Last year Two River's staff approached the Pittsfield Select Board about conducting a baseline energy analysis of municipal infrastructure. With the board's consent, TRORC's staff has been working to gather energy, emissions, and cost data for town-owned buildings, streetlights, and vehicles. TRORC's goal in this project is to help towns better understand their energy usage, improve inefficiencies and save money. Attached was a report based on their best understanding of Pittsfield town infrastructure given information that was provided by utilities and town officials. Two Rivers is asking the board to thoroughly review the draft provided and suggest changes, updates, or additions to the data or analysis. The board decided to table this until the next meeting so that each member could read through the packet of information.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/04/12. Request to cater for Rehearsal Dinner at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/04/12 starting at 5:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
i. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, 5/05/12. Request to cater for Wedding Reception at Riverside Horse Farm, 57 Tweed River Dr. on 5/05/12 starting at 3:30pm & ending at 10:00pm. Approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
New Business
a. Permit for Driveway Construction - Nioka Andrews. A permit for Driveway Construction was received from Nioka Andrews for the construction of a driveway on 77 Townsend Brook Rd. The board noted that this was already an existing driveway and decided that the Town should waive the application fee. The permit was then approved and signed by the board.
b. Grand List - Board Approval. The board approved the 2009, 2010 & 2011 Grand List.
Other Business
a. Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition - Marsha Hopkins (EWP Program). Patty presented the board with a form from Marsha Hopkins relating to the EWP program. The purpose of the form is to be used by sponsor(s) to provide assurances to the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture which is required in connection with the installation of project measures which involve Federal financial assistance furnished by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The project measures covered are: Name of Project: PITT-11-006 (River View Trail), Identity of improvement or development: EWP Riprap Streambank Protection, Location: River View Trail - access road to five homes and one lot. Mark attested to and signed the form.
b. Arlene Drugonis - Lids on Trash Containers. Arlene informed the board that there has been an increase in the amount of trash cans/bags being broken into by animals recently. She would like to know if there is anything that the board can do (such as an ordinance) to get people to secure their trash in either a trash hut or at least to ensure there are lids on all containers. The board discussed a few different options and then ultimately decided that the issue would be tabled until the next meeting.
c. Meeting and Minutes from March 27th 2012 Emergency Meeting - Discussion. Sean Lee stated that he had a few concerns with the draft minutes from the Emergency Meeting held on March 27th 2012. Before Sean mentioned these concerns, the question of the legality of Sean having access to the draft minutes was raised by the board. Sean responded that it was in fact legal, and the Secretary confirmed this. She stated that she spoke with the Vermont Secretary of States office last week and the Deputy Secretary stated that the public has a right to see minutes and even notes, even if they have not yet been approved. Sean's main concern with the draft minutes was the content. He believed that the intent of the meeting was not fairly stated, and he would like to see the minutes reflect a more accurate description
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April 3, 2012
of what actually happened. Sean said that "questions" were not raised regarding posters and emails being circulated as the first draft stated, instead the Select Board Chair opened the
meeting by actually saying: "This meeting is in regard to the stuff being posted all around town, and I believe it is being done on town time and with town materials." Sean also believes that there is a clear omission of facts, specifically regarding emails received stating how many people were against spending additional money to change the Town Office Building back to white and how many were for it. Patty printed out 63 email responses that had been received and read the totals at the March 27th Emergency Meeting, which included 57 indicating that they did not want to spend the extra money at this time and 6 which were in favor. This was not stated in the draft minutes. Patty then stated to the board, that although those people couldn't be here in person, that their opinions are just as important as those who could attend the meeting. Sean then inquired about why the Emergency Meeting was even called in the first place. It was stated at that meeting that the color white had already been decided prior to the meeting, so why hold a meeting regarding "color"? Jerry responded that it was to discuss issues.
Colleen and Mary Lee then spoke up to voice their concern. Colleen asked how the board could justify spending that much of the taxpayers dollars when clearly the majority didn't want to spend it. George responded with why he decided to vote for white, and that was because most of the people he spoke with in town did assume it would be white and he believed many were hoping to see it white. He also believed that the finished project should be delivered in it's finished state because he felt that was very important to a lot of people and that was what many expected. George also stated that he was quite surprised and hurt by the way people acted regarding this color issue.
Martha then asked about the contingency fund. She inquired if the money for painting could just come out of that. Patty responded that there is a contingency fund, but if the money isn't used for painting it can be used for something else down the road such as paying back the bond -- ultimately saving the taxpayers money.
Don Taylor also wanted to know why the emergency meeting was held last week. He stated that he feels sending emails to the Select Board is fruitless if the few people who show up at a meeting have more weight than the majority who voice their concerns via another means of communication (ie. email). He also believes that the board should have stood up to those who berated Patty and then perhaps things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. Patty then stated that she was appalled, shocked and ashamed that the meeting was allowed to go on the way that it did.
George then stated that he felt the minutes of the emergency meeting should be changed to more accurately reflect what happened. After some discussion it was decided that George would help re-write the minutes of the March 27th Emergency Meeting.
d. Martha Beyersdorf and Don Flynn - Lister Business. The listers requested to speak with the board privately at the end of the meeting. When Sean Lee didn't leave the listers asked the board to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing "lister stuff". Sean, the Town Clerk and Select Board Secretary informed the board that there are only a hand full of reasons to go into executive session and that is not one of them. When Sean still refused to leave, the subject was dropped.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
April 3, 2012
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 20, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Marsha Hopkins, Susie Martin, Don Flynn, Martha Beyersdorf, Chuck Colton, Henry Hotchkiss, Malvern Folsom, Evelyn Folsom, Sandra Begin, Mel Colton, Barb Colton, Lynda Colton, Dot Williamson, Ron Colton, Vern Haskins, Don Bass, Yoneko Davis, Bill Oren, Pat Fuster, Joe Fuster
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. March 5, Monthly Construction Select Board Special Meeting Minutes
b. March 6, 2012 Town Meeting Minutes
c. March 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting
d. March 15, 2012 Emergency Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Update
b. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker License
c. Don Flynn - Buyout Program Update
a. Mark Doughty - Hazard Assessments
b. Mark McManus - Basement Costs (Town Office Renovation Project)
c. VT Agency of Administration, Office of the Secretary - State Payments for Infrastructure Repair
d. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - Availability of Affordable Homeowner Rehabilitation Loans
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Bear Creek II LLC, Joseph Desena
f. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Sandra Robinson
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Keith and Marsha Hopkins, Sandra Robinson
h. Two Rivers-Ottauqueechee Regional Planning Commission - FY'14 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
i. McAdams Property at 173 Park Place - VT Haz Mat
j. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - Grant Programs
k. State of VT Contract and Grants Unit - Standard Subgrant Agreement
New Business
a. Appointment - WRVA
Old Business
a. Riverside Horse Farm - Invoices for Bridge Work
b. Service Dogs - Licensing Policy
c. Constable Term Length - Warning Town Meeting
Other Business
a. Office Building Renovation Project - Color
b. Office Building - Outlet Changes
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
March 20, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The Minutes of the March 5, Monthly Construction Select Board Special Meeting, March 6, 2012 Town Meeting, March 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the March 15, 2012 Emergency Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Update. Marsha informed the board that she has been doing a lot of research into the EWP program, and has been trying to find out just what needs to be done in order to proceed with it, and in a timely manner. In doing so, she has been coming across some difficulty with a few sites near one another determining easements, liability, who actually owns what, etc. Mark stated that he would call Jerry Guiseffi about getting those property owners together to discuss the situation and hopefully come to an agreement. Patty then noted that the town attorney would need to review their document on behalf of the town's interests.
b. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker License. Bill informed the board that he has reviewed the paperwork he was given to fill out in order to obtain a pawnbrokers license. He had concerns over many of the questions asked on the application so he has given it to his attorney and the Town will be taken to court over this. Mr. Oren also stated that he will not be responsible for any costs related to taking the Town to court over this issue because he receives social security benefits; however the Town can expect to be heavily burdened financially by this. Patty then asked Mr. Oren if he would like his application check back that the town is holding. Mr. Oren said that the town can continue to hold onto it.
c. Don Flynn - Buyout Program Update . Don informed the board that positive news has been received regarding the FEMA buyout program. The town was recently informed that the state mitigation project committee recommended 5 projects for FEMA funding including a few secondary homes. Unfortunately one project was not approved for funding, this was the home on 173 Park Place (James & Marie McAdams). Don then stated that the Town will need to fill out a similar application which includes the five accepted residences and it needs to be in before March 30th. Don was concerned about having the proper legal authority to fill out the paperwork and sign on behalf of the town, so Patty drew up a letter from the Select Board granting Don this authority. Mark made a motion to approve the letter, seconded by Jerry. The letter granting Don Flynn the authority to fill out the application and sign on the Town's behalf was then signed by the board.
a. Mark Doughty - Hazard Assessment. (email) Mark Dougherty wrote the town stating that he is qualified to do the hazard assessments for buyout properties and that he would like an opportunity to bid on that work. This was noted by the board.
b. Mark McManus - Basement Costs (Town Office Renovation Project) An email was forwarded from Mark McManus to the town originating from Joe Poston of Wright Construction. Joe gave a breakdown of the basement work and the additional pricing which includes electrical fixtures, replacing rotten framing, framing the wall where concrete wall was removed and gluing 2'' rigid insulation to the north wall. That puts the total cost for finishing the basement at $14,913. This was unanimously approved by the board.
c. VT Agency of Administration, Office of the Secretary - State Payments for Infrastructure Repair. The state will increase its payments for federally eligible infrastructure repair under the FEMA PA program, so as to limit any municipality's payment to no more than what a three cent increase to their property tax rate would raise. No action taken.
d. NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - Availability of Affordable Homeowner Rehabilitation Loans. NeighborWorks is offering affordable loans and technical assistance to homeowners, in order to perform critical health and safety upgrades, weatherization, lead abatement, and access modification. No action taken.
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March 20, 2012
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Bear Creek II LLC, Joseph Desena. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-0122-5 for Bear
Creek II LLC (Joseph Desena) on parcel ID# 99-3963-000 (3969 Route 100). The project consists of the off lot replacement system for a failed wastewater disposal system at an existing commercial building (referred to as original General Store) on land identified as lot #4 with the replacement area on land of Sandra Robinson and identified as lot #1, for this project. The project has been approved by the State of Vermont. No action taken.
f. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Sandra Robinson. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-2042 for Sandra Robinson on parcel ID# 01-0071-000 (71 Upper Michigan Rd). The project, consisting of a two lot subdivision of the existing 3.05 acre parcel yielding: lot #1 of 2.65 acres developed with an existing single family residence and lot #2 of .4 undeveloped acres to be merged with the existing neighboring lot #3, making it .586 acres developed with an existing single family residence has been approved. No action taken.
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Keith and Marsha Hopkins, Sandra Robinson. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-2043 for Keith and Marsha Hopkins, Sandra Robinson on parcel ID# 01-0045-000. The project consists of the replacement construction of a replacement wastewater disposal system, for the existing single family residence on lot #3, on the additional .4 acres of land obtained and identified as lot #2, making the total acreage of the parcel .586 acres, has been approved. No action taken.
h. Two Rivers-Ottauqueechee Regional Planning Commission - FY'14 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization. The board received a draft list of regional projects prioritized by their project division. Also included was a preliminary draft of pre-candidate town highway bridge projects. The board noted that the bridge by the town highway garage was on the list. No action taken.
i. McAdams Property at 173 Park Place - VT Haz Mat. Mark will call Andy Shively - VT Haz Mat and ANR regarding the property at 173 Park Place. Although it is on private property, the McAdams' home at 173 Park Place endangers Bridge #11 in it's current state and something should be done before it becomes a problem. Mark stated that he would make the necessary phone calls.
j. VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force - Grant Programs. A packet was received containing applications for 3 separate grant programs. The programs are: 2012 Dry Hydrant Grant Program, 2012 Emergency funding for flood damaged rural water supplies and the 2012 Special Cases Grant Program. This correspondence will be forwarded to Dave Colton.
k. State of VT Contract and Grants Unit - Standard Subgrant Agreement. The state of VT is being presented with new criteria that are affecting their present grants that may reduce the town's local share. To make these changes as simple as possible the state has sent an Amendment for review and signatures. This will make the grant eligible for the changes that the Federal and State government have determined and cover any future decisions for these grants. The Standard Subgrant Agreement was approved by the board and signed by the chair.
New Business
a. Appointment - WRVA. The select board re-appointed Angelique Lee for a one year term as the Town's representative for White River Valley Ambulance.
Old Business
a. Riverside Horse Farm - Invoices for Bridge Work. The board received updated invoices from Riverside Horse Farm for work done on their bridge in order to prep it for use as a detour while Bridge #11 was being worked on. Patty pointed out that some of the work involving putting up siding and site cleanup may not be accepted by FEMA for reimbursement. This
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March 20, 2012
was noted by the board. Mark made a motion to accept the invoices for payment, seconded by Jerry and approved.
b. Service Dogs - Licensing Policy. The board reviewed the most recent version of the licensing policy for service dogs that Jerry drew up. The policy states that the Select board may make special exceptions in the implementation of fees, therefore the town portion of the dog licensing fee shall be waived in the case of service dogs. The policy was unanimously approved and then signed by the board.
c. Constable Term Length - Warning Town Meeting. At the last meeting the board considered the possibility of warning a special town meeting along with the special school budget meeting. The board discussed their options again, and decided to wait until next years town meeting to make any changes in the Constable term of office from a one year to a two year term.
Other Business
a. Office Building Renovation Project - Color. There were some concerned citizens present at the meeting to voice their opinions over the outside color of the Town Office Building. The majority present had assumed the building would be white and wanted the Select Board to know that it should remain white. The board informed everyone that they held an emergency meeting last Thursday the 15th where they decided to change the color back to white adding an extra cost of approximately $7,000 - $8,000 to the project. When the additional cost to change the color back was discussed, the general consensus of those present was that $7,000 - $8,000 was not a lot of money when looking at the whole cost of the project. The board then discussed their desire for the building committee to choose the remaining colors on the interior of the building to avoid similar disagreements for the remainder of the project. Henry said he would look into finding a few extra people to put on a building sub-committee for this purpose.
b. Office Building - Outlet Changes. The total cost to change the outlets for the library and for the listers will be $739.00. This was approved by the board.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved April 3, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Moderator, Ron Coughenour, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 80 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Fire House. Ron led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. The articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. Ron Coughenour nominated by Sandy Begin. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Ron Coughenour elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. The Town Meeting recessed at 10:09 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). The Town Meeting reconvened at 11:40 am.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2011. Sandy Begin made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Arlene Drugonis. Voice vote. Carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant:
a. Select Person for three years. Mark Begin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. With no further nominations Sandy Begin moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Mark Begin. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Mark Begin elected Select Person for three years.
b. Lister for three years. Don Flynn nominated by Martha Beyersdorf. Seconded by Sandy Begin. With no further nominations Terry Manley moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Don Flynn. Voice vote. Don Flynn elected Lister for three years.
c. Auditor for three years. Joanne Mills nominated by Pat Fuster. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Judy Manley moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Joanne Mills. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Joanne Mills elected Auditor for three years.
d. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Peter Borden nominated by Jennifer Howard. Seconded by Verna Borden. Voice Vote. Peter Borden elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
e. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years. Marion Abrams nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Howard Gunter. Voice vote. Marion Abrams elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years.
f. First Constable for one year. Tim Hunt nominated by Meg Charlebois. Seconded by Peter Borden. Voice vote. Tim Hunt elected First Constable for one year.
g. Second Constable for one year. Doug Mianulli nominated by Arlene Drugonis. Seconded by Peter Borden. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for one year.
h. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
i. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Arlene Drugonis. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
j. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Chuck Colton nominated by Mark Begin. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Chuck Colton elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
k. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Steve Martin nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Steve Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
l. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Eunice MacDonald-Rice nominated by Ray Rice. Seconded by Sandy Begin. A voter requested looking into the possibility of making the Collector of Delinquent Taxes a three year term. The Clerk said she would look into it. Voice vote. Eunice MacDonald-Rice elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
m. Fire Chief for two years. Dave Colton nominated by Howard Gunter. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. Dave Colton elected Fire Chief for two years.
o. Cemetery Commissioner for one year. Connie Martin nominated by Chuck Colton. Seconded by Ray Colton. Voice vote. Connie Martin Cemetery Commissioner for one year.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Sandy Begin moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Karen Waterworth. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due on or before August 15 and November 15, and due before 3 pm or the closing of the Town Office? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due on or before August 15 and November 15, and due before 3 pm or the closing of the Town Office. Seconded by George Deblon. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $20,000.00 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $20,000.00 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Terry Manley. Discussion ensued. George Deblon noted the loader would probably need to be replaced within the next 5 years. Ray Colton suggested the expenditure be put on hold. Voice vote was indecisive. Voters asked to stand to be counted. 26 voted in favor of the motion and 39 voted against. Motion failed.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize increasing the property tax exemption available to all qualified people, to include veterans 50% or greater disabled, from $10,000 of appraisal value to $40,000 of appraisal value in accordance with 32 V.S.A. § 3802 (11) to be effective April 1, 2012? Sandy Begin so moved. Seconded by Jan Dubois. Discussion ensued regarding the impact on the town. Many felt the wording of the article was unclear. The voters requested that the group that is requesting this exemption come explain it at next years meeting. Judy Manley called the vote, seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion failed.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize an amount not to exceed $11,500 to resurface the north end of the Village Green? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize an amount not to exceed $11,500 to resurface the north end of the Village Green. Seconded by Margaret Conboy. George Deblon explained that the Town received a Park and Ride Grant to pave the parking area in front of and between the town buildings as well as the south end of the Village Green. The town had solicited an estimate to pave the north end of the green while the paving company was on site paving the south end, knowing it would be cheaper than mobilizing them to come out at a later time. Discussion ensued. Voters expressed that enough money was already being spent on Tropical Storm Irene and the school budget. Voice vote. Motion failed.
Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Sandy Begin made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Terry Manley. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Jennifer Howard moved to authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 12. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Sandy Begin moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Jennifer Littlehales. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Joyce Stevens thanked Angelique Lee for the excellent job she did on the annual town report. Angelique received a round of applause. Ray Colton felt the town office should be open more and that the salaries do not compute with those in Stockbridge. George Simpson asked the voters to weigh in on corporate personhood. Jerry Drugonis made a motion not to consider corporate personhood at the Pittsfield Town Meeting. Seconded by Don Taylor. Voice vote carried not to consider corporate personhood. Mark Begin gave an update on the town office building renovation project. He announced that the project was under budget and should be completed in mid May. It was asked if the left over dollars could be used for something else. Patty said she would find out.
With no further business to be discussed, Sandy Begin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Margaret Conboy. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2012 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Recorded by: Approved by Pittsfield Select Board:
Patricia S. Haskins Mark Begin
Town Clerk
Jerry Drugonis
Peter Borden
Pittsfield Select Board
P.O. Box 691
Pittsfield, VT 05762
Minutes: Special Meeting, 15 March 2012
An emergency meeting of the Board was called for the purpose of addressing an issue arising from the Town Office/Library renovation project; that of the building’s exterior color.
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon and Donald Flynn
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mark Begin at 7:30 a.m. Numerous questions have been raised with regard to the exterior color of the building. Photographs make it difficult to ascertain the building’s original color but it was generally assumed the structure would be white, but another color was selected.
Questions were raised regarding the building committee simply disbanding before the building project has been completed. The unanimous consensus was that they should have continued their efforts until the completion of the project to make such decisions. They will be asked to re-assume their function to prevent such problems from arising in the future.
Mark pointed out that the trim materials could simply be reversed to reduce costs of repainting. The contractor’s estimate for the painting is $8,050 and this could cut costs by approximately $1,000.
There was unanimous approval of white paint on the exterior. An estimate for the job will also be obtained from Mr. Marshall.
Mark pointed out that there are sufficient funds in the contingency fund.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 a.m.
Acting Secretary:
Mark Begin
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 7, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson, Marion Abrams, Marsha Hopkins, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Select Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes
a. February 23, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - Trash Pickup
b. Marion Abrams - Library Building Project Changes
c. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Signature Authority Authorization
a. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Motion for Continuance
b. VT Dept of Children and Families – Appointment of Town Service Officer
c. Vermont Recreational Surfacing & fencing, Inc. - Guardrail, Fencing & Resurfacing Solicitation
d. Irving – Fuel Contract Solicitation
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Steve and Jane Turner
f. American Red Cross- 2012 Annual Fund Drive
g. Two Rivers, Rita Seto - Route 100 Byway, New Towns Update
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – approve and sign
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – approve and sign
c. Appointments - 2012 Town Officials
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes - Dog Issue
b. Service Dogs - Licensing
Other Business
a. Don Flynn - Town Office Building Basement
b. Town Office Building Project - Foam Insulation
c. Town Office Building Project - Roof
d. Town Constable Position - Term Length
e. Bank of New York Mellon Trust - Payment out of wrong account
f. Select Board Secretary – additional pay for meeting
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
March 7, 2012
The Board approved the following positions: Mark will assume Chair, Jerry will do the weekly orders, and George will be in charge of the town buildings.
The Minutes of the February 23, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jon Benson - Trash Pickup. Jon met with the board in response to the letter he received informing him that the Town had recently been approached by someone else with an offer to do trash pickup for the Town. The board informed Jon that they wanted to speak with him before making any decisions. Jon asked the board what type of equipment the other guy would be using. The board responded that he hadn't purchased any yet and gave Jon a brief rundown of what he had proposed. Jon then spoke about the logistics of trash removal and the importance of having a compactor. Jerry then asked Jon if he had plans for writing up a new contract for this year with the Town. Jon said the same contract from last year can be used. Jerry then asked Jon if he was planning on retiring or downsizing his business in the near future. Jon responded that he doesn't have any plans to fully retire in the near future, but he does plan on downsizing his workload a bit. He plans on cutting a few towns from his pick-up list but Pittsfield would not be one of them. The board thanked Jon for attending. The board unanimously agreed to continue using Jon Benson for trash removal and asked the Secretary to send a letter to Ed Clough informing him of the Board's decision.
b. Marion Abrams - Library Building Project Changes. Marion came to speak with the board to elaborate on some of the proposed changes for the Library that were brought up at the previous building project meeting on March 5th. She described in detail where they wanted several outlet and data port changes. They would like to see the two socket plugs turned into quads as well as add a few additional plugs. Although the Library will not be able to afford to pay for all of the changes, Marion stated that they may be able to pick up some modest costs. Marion also inquired about perhaps adding a digital code lock to the door for added security. George stated that those lock setups can prove to be very costly.
c. Marsha Hopkins - EWP Signature Authority Authorization. Marsha informed the board that she will be working with Suana Bicek on the EWP program paperwork. She asked the board if they could add her name as the second Signature Authority for the Town. The board had no objections and a new Signature Authority letter was drawn up giving both Suana Bicek and Marsha Hopkins authority to sign on behalf of the town for the EWP program. The letter was then signed by all three board members. Marsha also pointed out that because both of their names are on the signature authority for the EWP program, that anything requiring a signature having to do with the program will now require both of their signatures. Marsha then spoke briefly with the board about what the town will need to do for the EWP program and many questions were brought up by the board primarily regarding the financial aspects of the projects. Marsha said she would make a few phone calls and try to get those questions answered. Marsha also informed the board that the deadline for completion for all jobs is August 20th 2012.
a. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. - Town Highway No. 11, Motion for Continuance. The Board was copied on a letter from English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. to the Court Manager of Rutland Superior Court regarding Town Highway No. 11, Town of Chittenden, Motion for Continuance. No action taken.
b. VT Dept of Children and Families – Appointment of Town Service Officer. See New business section c.
c. Vermont Recreational Surfacing & fencing, Inc. - Guardrail, Fencing & Resurfacing Solicitation. No action taken.
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March 7, 2012
d. Irving – Fuel Contract Solicitation. Jerry stated that he would rather stay with a local company. George said that CV Oil continues to have good competitive pricing. No action was taken.
e. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW Permit, Steve and Jane Turner. Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit WW-3-2053 for Steve and Jane Turner on parcel ID# 14-0040-000. The project consists of the replacement of a house, well supply and wastewater disposal system for an existing lot that was damaged by hurricane Irene has been approved. No action taken.
f. American Red Cross- 2012 Annual Fund Drive. This letter was from Larry Crist the Executive Director of the American Red Cross of Vermont and New Hampshire Valley asking for support for their Annual 2012 fund drive. No action taken.
g. Two Rivers, Rita Seto - Route 100 Byway, New Towns Update. Two River's has received letters of support from Stockbridge, Rochester, Hancock and Granville to participate in joining the Route 100 Byway. Rita will be in touch with reps from these four towns to get started on town information collection to be integrated into the existing Corridor Management Plan. No action taken.
h. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC. Date of event: March 3, 2012. Type of event: Brunch. Permit previously approved by board through email and is being formalized at this meeting.
New Business
a. Conflict of Interest Policy – approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
b. Select Board Rules of Procedure – approve and sign. This was approved and signed by the Board members and will be recorded at the Town Clerk’s Office.
c. Appointments - 2012 Town Officials. The Board approved the following appointments and letters will be sent to each appointee. Vacant positions will be filled at the next meeting.
Name Position Term
Mark Begin Tree Warden one year
Mark Begin Weigher of Coal one year
Mark Begin Inspector of Lumber one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
Sarah Gray Contracting Officer one year
George Deblon Fence Viewer one year
Mark Begin Fence Viewer one year
Joseph Fuster Fence Viewer one year
Doug Mianulli Pound Keeper one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year
George Deblon Civil Defense one year
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Pat Fuster Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Jennifer Howard Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
Sandra Begin Service Officer one year
Peter Borden, Jr. Emerg. Mgmt. Coord. one year
Suana Bicek Planning & Zoning Commission four years
Patricia Haskins Unemploy. Comp. Coordinator one year
Don Ziegler Septic Officer one year
VACANT WRVA Representative one year
Ray Colton Fire Warden three years
Payton Veilleux Green Up Coordinator one year
Matthew Humora EC – Fibernet one year
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
March 7, 2012
Rebecca Humora EC – Fibernet, Alt. Delegate one year
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes - Peyton Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes copied the board on a letter sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. No action taken.
b. Service Dogs - Licensing. Jerry shared a draft policy in regards to waiving licensing fees for service dogs in the town. The board liked the policy and asked Patty to make a few minor changes before it is formally adopted. The board will also encourage the state to waive their fees for service dogs. Jerry said he would look into the State portion of the fee, and the policy will be revisited at the next meeting.
Other Business
a. Don Flynn - Town Office Building Basement. Don shared his thoughts regarding finishing the Town Office Building basement. He stated that he believes it should be finished now while the construction company is here. The cost to finish it will be $12,000 if we do it now, but if the town decides not to finish now and then chooses to years from now the cost to finish it will easily double. The board agreed with Don. George made a motion to finish the Town Office Building basement, seconded by Jerry and passed.
b. Town Office Building Project - Foam Insulation. At the last construction meeting Mark McManus asked the board if they would be interested in adding additional insulation (foam) on the outside of the new construction part of the Office Building. The board discussed it briefly and decided that it wouldn't be necessary.
c. Town Office Building Project - Roof. Don informed the board that the construction company will be taking the old roof off of the Town Office Building within the next few weeks. When they do, there will likely be additional costs that need to be authorized to remove layers of old roofing. George made a motion to give Mark the authority to authorize the potential additional roof costs, seconded by Jerry and passed.
d. Town Constable Position - Term Length. Jerry suggested that the length of term for the Town Constable position should be lengthened to two years. Patty informed the board of the statutory requirements for changing the term length. It would have to be warned and then voted on at a special Town meeting. With a special school meeting coming up for the school budget the board decided it could be brought up at the same time, and then perhaps changed by town meeting in March 2013.
e. Bank of New York Mellon Trust - Payment out of wrong account. Patty informed the board that the payment made in November of 2010 for the Bank of New York Mellon Trust (for the VT Municipal Bond Bank) should have come out of the General fund and not the Office Building fund. This was noted by the board.
f. Select Board Secretary – additional pay for meeting. The Board approved the additional pay of $25.00 for this meeting due to the additional time in preparing letters of appointment and other correspondence.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
March 7, 2012
Approved March 20, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
George Deblon
DATE: March 5, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn, Henry Hotchkiss, Jim Coffey, Chuck Colton
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:00pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
The meeting began with Jim Coffey talking about the options that the town had for placement of the electrical service on the Town Office Building. If everything were to be placed on the front of the building it would be a very large eye sore. The structure needed to contain everything would stretch roughly 4ft tall by 40'' wide. However, the town decided to move the service to the side of the building where the old and new section join, only the meter and electric wire conduit will be left on the front. The wire would be trenched around the building to the new placement of the electric service. There would be a small upcharge but it would be an aesthetic improvement. McManus asked Joe to find out the pricing.
McManus then brought up the changes that the Library proposed and discussed them with Jim. The library would like to see a few more data ports added and have many of the outlets changed from 2 socket outlets to quads, as well as have a couple of extra outlets added. Jim said that wouldn't be a problem, however in order to run electricity to one of the outlets that the wire would have to be run on the surface of the wall under the blackboard because they can't run the wire through the wall in that location. McManus asked Joe about how much this will cost, Joe estimated about $100.00 per outlet. Joe said he would look into pricing and get back to the board with the price change.
McManus then asked Joe what the schedule was looking like and when the project is estimated for completion. Joe stated that the framing is taking longer to complete than was originally anticipated. Currently it looks like the project will be completed about six weeks later than the original projected completion date which was April first. Now it is looking like the middle of May is more likely for completion.
McManus then pointed out that so far there have been $4,318.00 in change orders to date. McManus will make an updated summary of the line item costs to share at the special Town Meeting. We are still under budget, but there will likely be some additional change orders needed in the near future when they begin working on the roof. Without seeing what is under the current roof the exact cost cannot be known, but when it comes off that will be determined. The cost shouldn't be anything significant, but the town should expect to see something added on relating to the roof soon. There will also be some future change orders relating to the additional electrical expenses. The total change orders (ones that the town has already received, and projected future change orders) are estimated to be somewhere in the ballpark of $21,000.
Pittsfield Special Select Board Minutes page 2
March 5, 2012
McManus then asked the board if they would be interested in finishing the basement. He stated that the cost would be approximately $12,000, and that would include everything needed to make it "finished" such as adding a vinyl floor, suspended ceiling, sheetrock, lighting etc. The board discussed the option briefly and then decided that they couldn't make a decision at that point. They will make a final decision when all three board members are present at the next meeting on Wednesday March 7th.
McManus also asked the board if they would be interested in adding additional insulation (foam insulation) on the outside of the new addition. The inside is already insulated, so if the board decided to get the foam insulation it would be additional insulation, but not essential. McManus said that if the board did choose to add it the additional cost would be approximately $2,400. The board agreed that they would make a decision on the insulation at the Wednesday night meeting as well.
McManus then went over the Application and Certification for payment. Wright Construction applied for $101,350.61 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. There were no questions or concerns from those present. McManus then approved and signed the Certification for Payment.
There was then some discussion about the accessibility grant for the elevator, and how the elevator would be invoiced. Patty said she has already spoken to Joe about it. The elevator is a separate line item on the invoice. McManus also suggested that the town might want to look into a voter accessibility grant.
Chuck then asked McManus about the space in the basement and if the Historical Society will have a place to keep things locked up. McManus said that the vault under the Town Clerk/Treasurer's vault has been designated for the Historical Society and is a lockable space.
Henry asked how far under the contingency the project is. McManus responded that the original contingency was about $67,000. With the previous change orders and projected future ones, it is at about $21,000. If the board decides to finish the basement an additional $12,000 can be added on top of that.
Joe then asked if cabinets had been picked out yet. Patty said that she was waiting to hear back about pricing on several cabinet options. McManus and Patty are meeting next week to work on the interior options.
The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 4, 2012 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Pittsfield Special Select Board Minutes page 3
March 5, 2012
Approved March 20, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 23, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins, Bill Oren, Dave Boileau, Edward Fuller, Sara Grey, Ed Clough, Kris Sperber
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 31, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. February 2, 2012 Monthly Construction Select Board Meeting Minutes
c. February 7, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker's License
b. Dave Boileau and Edward Fuller - FEMA Flood Plain Management
c. Ed Clough - Refuse and Recycling Proposal
d. Kris Sperber - School Budget
a. VT Criminal Justice Training Council - Homeland Security Training
b. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW-3-2042, 2043 & 0122-5 (Wastewater permits for various properties on land owned by Sandra Robinson).
c. VLCT Select Board Institute - Workshop
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission- Spotlight on Forest Stewardship Planning
e. Opinions - February 2012
f. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont - Pinwheel Garden
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Pollution Control Projects
h. Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets - Medium Farm Operations
i. VLCT - Municipal Treasurer's Workshop
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Wedding
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC, Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception
c. Service Dogs - Licensing
Old Business
a. Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield - Update
Other Business
a. Tropical Storm Irene - Financial Update
b. Emergency Watershed Protection Program - Signature Authority for EWP Projects
c. Resignation - Angelique Lee (WRVA)
d. Peter Borden/VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Snowshoe Event and Winter Death Race
e. Town Garage - Break In
f. Dead Animal - Disposal
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
February 23, 2012
Mark called the meeting to order at 3:00pm. The Minutes of the January 23, 2012 Special Select Board Meeting, the February 2, 2012 Monthly Construction Select Board Meeting and the February 7, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker's License. Bill Oren inquired what the status of his Pawnbroker's License Application was. The board informed Bill that the Town Attorney finished drawing up three documents that he will need to review and fill out in order to be considered. The forms are the Good Character Questionnaire and Application for Pawnbroker's License, the Affidavit of Good Character and the Good Character Check Application Form for a Pawnbrokers license. The board gave Bill the three forms, and Bill said he would look them over, fill them out, and have them ready more than likely before the next Select Board Meeting.
b. Dave Boileau and Edward Fuller - FEMA Flood Plain Management. Dave and Edward introduced themselves to the Board as Floodplain Management Specialists from FEMA. They have made several trips to Pittsfield in the past few moths and have been in touch with Sara Grey in regard to floodplain management in Pittsfield. Their goal is to work with towns all over the state of VT in setting up a system that could help the town be better prepared for future flood incidents. They are setting up towns with a program called "Substantial Damage Estimator" where they would identify which properties are in a special flood hazard area and create placeholders for these properties. They will need access to the lister cards and other relevant property information to get their database up and running. George asked Dave and Edward who would be responsible for doing the "footwork" on this project. Dave responded that they would be putting the entire program together for the Town. With no objections from the board, George made a motion to move forward with this program, seconded by Jerry. Motion passed.
c. Ed Clough - Refuse and Recycling Proposal. Ed Clough made a proposal to the board to perform roadside collection of refuse and recycling. He went over the proposed contract which would include refuse collection every Monday, and recycling every second Monday. The board had Ed clarify a few questions they had pertaining to pickup of large items, whether or not Ed already had trucks available and if he had backup trucks/drivers in case he couldn't make it on a particular day for pick up. Ed stated that he has several trucks that he is looking into including two dump trailers and even a small compactor. Ed also stated that he does have someone available with their own truck for backup in case he can't pick up. The board thanked Ed for coming and said that they would definitely consider his offer. The board asked the Secretary to write a letter to Jon Benson to inform him that the board has received this proposal and invite Jon to the next meeting. The board then discussed several options. No decisions were made.
d. Kris Sperber - School Budget. Kris Sperber gave the board a very in depth breakdown as to where the numbers are coming from in the school budget this year. She explained that there are many small problems that ultimately feed into the increased school budget this year, but the biggest one is that we are over the per pupil student threshold set by the State of VT. Ultimately there is nothing that the Town can do about it. Tuitions are going up across the board and so are the number of students from Pittsfield. Kris then stated
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
February 23, 2012
that the numbers are not final. The School board will meet one more time before Town Meeting and they should go down a bit, but not enough to put Pittsfield below the threshold.
a. VT Criminal Justice Training Council - Homeland Security Training. Incident Command System for Executives ~ ICS402. This will be held on March 8, 15 & 22, 2012 from 6:00 -10:00pm each day at the Windsor County Sheriff's Office. The board decided that this would be forwarded to Tim Hunt and Doug Mianulli.
b. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - WW-3-2042, 2043 & 0122-5 (Wastewater permits for various properties on land owned by Sandra Robinson). The re-submitted application has been received by the State of VT and they state that the proposed system would need to be shifted so that it does not encroach on a property well shield. No action taken.
c. VLCT Select Board Institute - Workshop. Select Board Institute I - March 31, 2012 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Monpelier VT. Select Board Institute II - April 28, 2012 at Lake Fairlee Resort in Fairlee VT. The Select Board Institute is an annual program that focuses on the unique roles and responsibilities of Vermont Select Board Members. The program is designed for both newly elected and seasoned members. George stated that he would be interested in attending the one in April.
d. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission- Spotlight on Forest Stewardship Planning. Short publication from Two Rivers regarding Forestland across Vermont. No action taken.
e. Opinions - February 2012. VT Secretary of State Opinions Newsletter for February 2012. No action taken.
f. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont - Pinwheel Garden. Prevent Child Abuse Vermont sent an invitation to the Statehouse in Montpelier where the Governor will proclaim April as “Child Abuse Prevention Month”. They suggested the Town put up a pinwheel garden to show support for the cause. No action taken.
g. State of VT Dept of Environmental Conservation - Pollution Control Projects. The board received a Draft State Fiscal Year 2013 Pollution Control Projects Priority List and Planning List for 2014 to 2017 and Amended State Fiscal Year 2012 Pollution Control Projects Priority List. No action taken.
h. Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets - Medium Farm Operations. The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is holding a series of hearings on Draft Revisions of the Medium Farm Operations General Permit. No action taken.
i. VLCT - Municipal Treasurer's Workshop. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, and Wednesday March 21, 2012 at the Middlebury Inn, in Middlebury. Patty informed the board that she and Jess will be attending so long as someone can be found to run the office.
New Business
a. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Constance Mendell's Occasions Catering, Wedding. Date of Event: February 25, 2012, at Riverside Horse Farm. Permit approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
February 23, 2012
b. Request to Cater Malt and Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors – Gilliam Hospitality Group, LLC, Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding Reception. Rehearsal Dinner to be held on March 2, 2012 and Wedding on March 3, 2012 at Riverside Horse Farm. Permit approved by board and signed by Town Clerk.
c. Service Dogs - Licensing. Patty informed the board that Trooper Giolito came to the Town Clerk's office to license his service dog and wanted to know if he would be required to pay the licensing fee. Patty told Mr. Giolito that she would look into it. Patty told the board that she couldn't find anything relating specifically to any type of waiver in the statutes and she only got a couple of responses back when she asked other clerks what they have done over the MUNINET. The board unanimously agreed that the licensing fee shouldn't be required for service dogs. Jerry agreed to write up a policy and stated that he would look into whether or not the Town can waive the entire fee, or just the Town portion.
Old Business
a. Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield - Update. The board heard back from the Town Attorney. The issue has been settled. No action taken.
Other Business
a. Tropical Storm Irene - Financial Update. Patty informed the board that the Contingency fund CD has been closed and nearly everything has been used in the Emergency fund to cover the costs of road repairs. The town has still not had to draw on the line of credit, but will likely have to within the next few weeks.
b. Emergency Watershed Protection Program - Signature Authority for EWP Projects. Patty informed the board that Suana Bicek has met with representatives from the EWP program and she was instructed to obtain a letter from the Select Board giving her authority to sign on behalf of the Town for EWP projects. The board approved and signed the letter giving Suana this authority, they also approved Marion Abrams as a second signature authority (pending authorization from the individual or another planning Commission member).
c. Resignation - Angelique Lee (WRVA). Patty informed the board that Angelique Lee submitted her resignation as the Town's Representative to White River Valley Ambulance. The board regretfully accepted the resignation.
d. Peter Borden/VT Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC - Snowshoe Event and Winter Death Race. Letter addressed to the Vermont Country Inn Route 100 Pittsfield, LLC from the State of VT Natural Resources Board. The letter is regarding Jurisdictional Opinion #3-146 Revised - Snowshoe Event and Winter Death Race. It is the State of VT's opinion that, provided the event happens as described, this is not a material change to the existing Act 250 permit and an amendment is not required. No action taken.
e. Town Garage - Break In. George informed the board that last week someone broke into the Town garage and stole a chainsaw. A police report has been filed and new locks have been put on the door. No action taken.
f. Dead Animal - Disposal. George stated that there has been a dead animal reported near the intersection of Silver Spring Rd. and Liberty Hill Rd. When a resident reported it to the state dispatch, they were told that the Town needed to handle it. After some discussion Mark stated that he would call the game warden tomorrow.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 5
February 23, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 5:07pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved March 7, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
February 7, 2012
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Bill Oren - Pawnbroker's License. Bill Oren inquired what the status of his Pawnbroker's License Application was. George informed Mr. Oren that the board approved a Determination of Good Character Policy at a previous meeting, and that the Town attorney is now working on an application. Mark informed Bill that the board should have more information for him by the next Select Board meeting. Bill then asked to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
a. Two Rivers - TRORC FY'14 Transportation Capital Project Prioritization. Two Rivers is working on their annual project prioritization process. This examines their list of VTrans projects and rank orders them based on TRORC's project criteria. Attached was their 8th annual Project Prioritization Process and a listing of the draft 2014 project ranking. After some brief discussion the board noted that paving of VT RT 100 through Pittsfield wasn't on the list. They then asked the Secretary to write a letter to the State of Vermont AOT inquiring when this would be done.
b. DuBois & King, Inc. - Half Century Celebration. To celebrate their 50th year anniversary Dubois & King established a program that donates $10,000 of engineering services to a selected municipal project in VT and NH each year. . No action taken.
c. State of VT, Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Hopkins, Application for Permit. The Board was copied on a letter sent to Keith and Marsha Hopkins regarding their application for project WW-3-2043, which is to replace a wastewater system for their residence to an off-site location on Lot 2, located on 45 Upper Michigan Rd. The state has 30 days to review the application and respond. No action taken.
d. State of VT, Dept of Environmental Conservation - Project WW-3-2042, 2043 & 0122-5 (Wastewater permits for various properties on land owned by Sandra Robinson). The application was reviewed by the State of VT, and it was determined that there were items that were not included or were insufficient and they were unable to determine if the project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. No action taken.
e. Two Rivers - Quick Fact Sheet, Temporary Repairs, Mitigation. Quick fact sheet on Category B emergency protective measures and repairs. No action taken.
f. Tom Roberts, AOT - Application for Town Highway Class 2 Roadway Program and Town Highway Structures Program. Enclosed was the application forms for the Town Highway Class 2 Roadway Program and the Town Highway Structures program. Towns should have a complete infrastructure study which includes culvert, bridges, retaining walls and roadways on class 1, 2 and 3 town highways. The state also needs to town's proposed financial plan for 2012. Project applications are due in to the District #3 office by April 13, 2012. George will take care of this.
g. VLCT - 2012 Defensive Driving Practice. Defensive Driving Practice on the Mobile DriveSim Training System. This program is being held in Barre City, Springfield and Brattleboro. No action taken.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
February 7, 2012
h. State of VT, Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit, Wuerthele. WW Permit, approved by the state of VT for project WW-3-1439R which consists of amending the previous permit by changing the location of water supply system, tank, and house, located on Trillium Hill Rd. No action taken.
i. Catamount Environmental, Inc. - Abatement and Disposal of Asbestos. Catamount Environmental, Inc. sent a copy of the records pertaining to the abatement and disposal of asbestos containing materials from the basement of the Pittsfield Town Hall/Library. No action taken.
New Business
a. Liquor/Tobacco License renewals: The following were approved and signed by the Board.
- Original General Store – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Swiss Farm Market (Pittstop) – 2nd Class Liquor License and Tobacco License
- Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant – 1st Class Liquor License
Old Business
a. Invoices for Riverside Farm - Update. Patty informed the board that she had recently spoken with Peter Borden (on behalf of Joe Desena) and he stated that they will be resubmitting updated invoices to the State. They will also be redoing their invoices to the Town per the agreement with the town for use of the covered bridge as a detour, while bridge #11 was being repaired. No action taken.
b. Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes copied the board on a letter sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. No action taken.
Other Business
a. Mosher Invoice - Billing Issue. Mosher Excavating has sent the Town another bill for the work done in the river behind Ray Colton's mill. The agreement was for $3,000 and that was what the town paid. Mosher is now asking for an additional $680.96. After some discussion, Mark said that he would make some calls, and talk to someone from the state tomorrow to sort this all out.
b. Wright Construction Change Order - Increase. A change order was received from Wright Construction that included a change in storm windows, door closer, removal of boards in attic, fire damper, remove chemicals and patch ceiling, cold weather concrete material and a change in block size. The changes totaled $4,318.00. This was approved by the board.
c. Town Report - Update. Patty gave the board an update as to the progress of the 2011 Town Report. She stated that it should be done on time. She also brought up the cost of mailing and the possibility of having them delivered by volunteers was discussed.
d. Pawbrokers License Application - Review documents. The board reviewed the three documents for obtaining a pawnbrokers license which had been drawn up by attorney Chris Sullivan. The three documents were the Good Character Questionnaire and Application for Pawnbroker's License, the Affidavit of Good Character and the Good Character Check Application Form for a Pawnbrokers license. They made a few changes, and then Jerry moved to approve the application (pending typo edits), seconded by George and passed.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
February 7, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 6:47pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 3:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 23, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: February 2, 2012
PRESENT: George Deblon, Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Sharon Mayer, Marion Abrams, Angelique Lee, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:10pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
McManus started off the meeting with a few questions for Joe. He asked if there were any issues that have arisen since the last meeting. Joe stated that there were no major ones. The only issues that have really come up are weather related ones. The cold weather is slowing them down a bit. The weather is also adding some additional costs. One of the additional costs so far is approximately $1,900 in heating fuel. Joe estimates that it will end up costing about $2,500-$3,000 in temporary heat altogether which is not bad. If the weather this winter were a little more typical we could be looking at a figure closer to $10,000 for temporary heat. Concrete costs have been higher as well because they have to put additives in the mixtures to keep the concrete from freezing.
The next thing McManus brought up was the basement. He wanted to know what the board wanted to do with it. He stated that because they had to rip out a wall that was rotten, it is currently stripped bare. It is completely unfinished. He and Joe stated that there are really only a couple of options at this point. The board can choose to leave the basement unfinished, or they can put foam insulation in and wallboard would have to go over it. If insulation goes in with wallboard it would make sense to finish off the whole basement. Patty then asked where we were cost-wise and stated that it might be a good idea to finish the basement. The space could be used for elections instead of temporarily hooking up phone service (which is required for elections) to the Town Hall which is very expensive each time. McManus stated that there are currently about $8,000 of known change orders and that the Town has a contingency budget of about $70,000. There was some discussion and the board decided to hold off on the decision for finishing at this time.
McManus then went over the draft Application and Certification for payment. Wright Construction applied for $75,909.10 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. He again reminded the board about the %10 being taken out as a retainage fee. There were no questions or concerns from the board. McManus approved the draft Application and Certification for payment.
Joe then went over the progress of the project and what has been done and what is just about complete. He said that the elevator shaft is done. The steel work is almost complete. The staging will be coming down tomorrow. The addition will also
be framed up within the next couple of weeks. Joe also stated that the windows purchased for the addition are not yet at the job site, but they already belong to the Town.
McManus then asked Joe for a breakdown of all the change orders to date. Joe listed them for the board with all of their associated costs and said that he would get those to McManus for approval shortly. Among the change orders an issue did come up about the concrete testing bill. The Town had paid the bill for concrete testing directly to the company that did the testing not realizing that Wright Construction also paid that bill. There was some discussion as to how it should be handled. Eventually it was decided that Wright Construction would send the town a separate bill for it.
McManus also brought up that the color Patty had chosen for the decking is unavailable, and that they will need to look at the samples again to choose a new color.
McManus then asked Joe what the approximate completion date would be or if he could let us know how far behind the project is. Joe said he would redo the schedule and get back with a more accurate projection, but he’d guess that they are about 3-4 weeks behind.
The meeting adjourned at 3:52pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 1st, 2012 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 23, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugoni
DATE: January 24, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
a. State of VT, Phil Scott, Lieutenant Governor – Meeting with Senate Transportation Committee
Old Business
a. Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield – Appeal
Other Business
a. Judicial Bureau Designation – Form
b. Chris Sullivan – Pawnbrokers License
c. Marion Abrams – EWP Program
d. Mascoma Bank – Loan
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Jerry called the meeting to order at 9:10am because Mark had not arrived yet.
a.State of VT, Phil Scott, Lieutenant Governor – Meeting with Senate Transportation Committee. The board received a letter from Phil Scott, the Lieutenant Governor thanking the Town for all of the work that was done to help the state rebuild after Irene. He is asking for people to come and meet with members of the Senate Transportation Committee on February 2. The legislators want to hear from those who were “on the ground” after Irene. George stated that if he has time he will try to attend.
Old Business
a.Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield – Appeal. The board had some questions on the Desena vs. Town of Pittsfield Tax Appeal. The listers would like some clarification as to exactly how to interpret paragraph number two. After some discussion the board agreed that they should speak with the Town Attorney and get his opinion. Patty said she would call Chris Sullivan and invite him to the next regular Select Board meeting on February 7th. The board agreed that the listers should be there too. Patty stated that she would invite them to the meeting as well.
Other Business
a.Judicial Bureau Designation – Form. Patty presented the Board with the Judicial Bureau Designation form that was discussed at the previous Select Board meeting, and stated that she made a few phone calls and got more advice on who to designate for each position. She was advised to put down Mark Begin as the custodial official. The board looked it over and agreed that everything looked good. Mark then signed off on it.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
January 24, 2012
b.Chris Sullivan – Pawnbrokers License. Patty heard back from Chris Sullivan regarding the Pawn Brokers License. Chris is drawing up a policy with criteria to be used for anyone applying for a pawnbroker’s license in the Town of Pittsfield. It should be ready by the next regular meeting. No action taken.
c.Marion Abrams – EWP Program. Marion Abrams is looking for someone to help her with the Hazard Mitigation Program. She wants to keep things moving, but is becoming increasingly overwhelmed with paperwork. She fears that if she doesn’t find someone to help her soon, that everything may come to a standstill. The board discussed the situation and then remembered that the Planning Commission sent a letter a few weeks back offering their help if needed. The board agreed that now would be a good time to take them up on that offer, and asked the Secretary to write them a letter asking if they would be willing to help.
d.Mascoma Bank – Loan. The board discussed looking into a 5-year fixed rate loan with Mascoma in order to pay back what the town will be liable for regarding Irene damage. The board agreed to budget $50,000 for 2012. Definite loan plans can be made once the FEMA and state payments are confirmed.
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
The board then looked over a detailed Projected FEMA – Income and Expense sheet that Patty had put together. The sheet showed estimates as well as final figures for each project. It detailed the amounts on the project worksheets that were given to FEMA, the amount FEMA accepted and then gave a breakdown on the 75% Federal share, 15% state share, the 10% town share and the 10% town share plus the non-accepted project amounts. Roughly half of the figures on the sheet were estimates and are likely to change. In 2011 $7,993.21 was received from FEMA for Baker’s Rd. The projected income from FEMA for 2012 is $765,870.00. The projected income from the state of VT is $154,775.00. The estimate for how much it will cost the town is $183,479.19.
Irene Debt Payment – increased to $50,000 (see Other Business d.)
Guernsey Hollow Rd. – increase to $8,500
Tweed River Dr. – increased to $10,250
Bridge #11 – increased to $605,500
Anticipated Tax Rates were reviewed and more information is needed. They will be reviewed again at a later meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15am. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
January 24, 2012
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 7, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 17, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. January 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
b. January 5, 2012 Monthly Construction Meeting Minutes
a. American Red Cross – Request for Support
b. VT Agency of Natural Resources – Amend Permit (Wuerthele)
c. VHB – Bridge #11, Invoice
Old Business
a. Sheriff Benard – Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue.
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
Other Business
a. Tweed River Drive and Guernsey Hollow Bridge – Estimates
b. Situation Report – Tropical Storm Irene
c. Certificate of Highway Mileage
d. Riverside Horse Farm Invoice – For Upgrades to Covered Bridge
e. Judicial Bureau Designation of Municipal Officers – Form
f. Dot Williamson – Green Mountain National Forest Road Jurisdiction
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. The Minutes of the January 3, 2012 Regular Select Board Meeting and the January 5, 2012 Monthly Construction Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
a.American Red Cross – Request for Support. The American Red Cross asked the Town to donate $100 to show support for the next year. The Town already budgeted $100 for the American Red Cross. No action taken.
b.VT Agency of Natural Resources – Amend Permit (Wuerthele) Project WW-3-1439R. Amends previous permit by changing location of water system, tank, and house, located on Trillium Hill Rd., Pittsfield. The state has a maximum time of 30 days “in house” time to review the application. No action taken.
c.VHB – Bridge #11, Invoice. Invoice # 142123 covering November 27, 2012 to December 24, 2012. Also enclosed was a fully executed Amendment. After some discussion the board agreed that they were happy with the services that VHB has provided thus far. The board unanimously agreed on paying the invoice.
Old Business
a.Sheriff Benard – Hayes/Peyton Dog Issue. Sheriff Benard copied the Board on a letter that was sent to Mr. Hayes regarding the Peyton dog issue. He states
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January 17, 2012
that Mr. Peyton has been issued warning(s) and or ticket(s) regarding the situation and that they will continue to investigate the issue. No action taken.
b.Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. Mr. Hayes copied the board on a letter sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. No action taken.
Other Business
a.Tweed River Drive and Guernsey Hollow Bridge – Estimates. Patty informed the board that she met with Clifton this morning and tried to figure out the processed project worksheets, what they accepted, what they didn’t etc. They also discussed Tweed River Drive and Guernsey Hollow Road. Clifton said that the Town needs to get 3 estimates for each project. Even if a company does not want to estimate the work, George should still document the phone call, what was said and the outcome of the call. Patty stated that she would be meeting with Clifton again at the beginning of February. George said he would make some phone calls and have some information ready by then.
b.Situation Report – Tropical Storm Irene. The State of VT suggests that the Town put together a “Situation Report” to go into the Town Report for 2011. The board reviewed the situation report outline and determined that a lot of the information is already in the report. No further action taken.
c.Certificate of Highway Mileage. There was much discussion about the map presented from the State of VT stating highway mileage. Jimmy Dean Brook Rd. was discontinued and needs to be taken off of the map. The certificate was signed.
d.Riverside Horse Farm Invoice – For Upgrades to Covered Bridge. Patty spoke with Clifton about the Riverside Horse Farm Invoice per the covered bridge agreement. He said that there is not enough back up for the paperwork. FEMA will refuse what we currently have. After some discussion the board agreed that it would be best if they could speak directly with Mr. Desena regarding the situation. The board agreed that they would ask Mr. Desena to attend the next regularly scheduled Select Board meeting.
e.Judicial Bureau Designation of Municipal Officers – Form. Patty showed the board a form she received where different municipal officers needed to be filled out. Several of the positions we clearly do not have here in Pittsfield. She asked the board their opinion and Jerry informed Patty on how he thought it should be filled out.
f. Dot Williamson – Green Mountain National Forest Road Jurisdiction. Patty informed the board that Dot Williamson came into the Town Office today and asked if the Green Mountain National Forest had any jurisdiction over the town highways located in the Green Mountain National Forest. George stated that he is fairy certain that they do not.
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
VLCT Unemployment Trust – decreased to 1,014.00
Storage Unit Rental – Increased to 2,450.00
Sandshed – Increased to 1,000.00
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 3
January 17, 2012
The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved February 7, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 5, 2012
PRESENT: George Deblon, Patty Haskins, Joe Poston, John Weitman, Mark McManus, Don Flynn
AGENDA: Call to Order
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting
Mark McManus called the meeting to order at 3:30pm.
Pittsfield Town Office Renovation Project – Construction Update Meeting:
Mark McManus opened up the meeting by briefly going over the contract between the Town and Mark McManus for program management for the VCDP grant. The contract had been executed on January 3rd 2012, and gives Mark the authority to administrate the paperwork related to the VCDP Grant on behalf of the Town.
McManus asked Joe about the status of some change orders. Joe informed Mark that he hasn’t done any change orders recently, but he pointed out a few things that would need to be changed. The boards in the attic on the floor need to be taken out, Joe estimated the cost would be about $680. The ceiling channels are also going to need to be changed.
Patty then inquired about an invoice that the Town had received for Concrete inspection from Beck Engineering, P.C., which had been forwarded from Wright Construction. She and the Select Board were unsure as to whether or not the Town should responsible for that or Wright Construction. Joe and John both responded that the Town is in fact responsible for the inspection because Wright Construction needs to remain impartial.
There was then some discussion about the roof. Joe stated that the roof work is coming up but they can’t put a price on it yet. They will have a better idea when it gets closer to starting it. McManus suggested putting a new layer of plywood up there. John said that could be doable, it would just give the roof a longer drip edge.
McManus let the board know that the fire damper for the vault would cost $126 plus shipping and discussed the damper briefly.
McManus then stated that the baseboard radiators will be a primed paintable surface. Don had a few concerns about whether or not those would last very long. McManus replied that they should last for quite some time.
McManus let the board know that soon the colors will need to be picked for the ceiling diffusers for the air conditioner. All of the colors to pick from are very light. Mark said he would send Patty the chart with the color choices so that she could pick one. He recommended off-white.
McManus then brought up that he had heard about some rumors going around regarding the heat in the vault. In order to clear up any confusion he elaborated on
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January 5, 2012
the plans. He stated that the vault has no heat or air conditioning in it at all. The vault will get most of it’s heat from the surrounding environment because the concrete holds the temperature. Tubing is being put in the floor that can be hooked up to the boiler in case of an emergency to give the vault some radiant heat, but it is by no means intended to be the one heat source for the vault. Joe then stated that’s it’s the only possible way that the vault can really be heated anyway without putting the contents at risk.
Mark then went over the Application and Certification for payment. Wright Construction applied for $53,727.07 for work done on the Town Office Renovation project since the previous application. McManus went over the breakdown of work done and how much Wright was asking for each item. There were no questions or concerns from those present. McManus then approved and signed the Certification for Payment.
George then brought up the blacktop paving outside of the Town Office building. It should end up being about 1.5’’ thick over the old pavement. Someone is coming tomorrow to go over the plans and get the paperwork ready. There was then some brief discussion about the paving and the placement of the sidewalk. The subject will be looked into more thoroughly toward the end of the project.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office and the next Town Office Building Project meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 2, 2012 at 3:00pm.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved January 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis
DATE: January 3, 2012
PRESENT: Mark Begin, George Deblon, Jerry Drugonis, Patricia Haskins
AGENDA: Call to Order
Approve Minutes
a. December 20, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jack and Margaret Conboy – Concerns about Construction Plans Violating Covenants
b. Bill Oren – Fireworks
c. Bill Oren – Pawnbrokers License
a. VCDP Grant - Contract for Program Management
b. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – Highway #11, Town of Chittenden
c. VT Agency of Transportation – No Parking Zone, VT 100 Pittsfield
d. Rutland County Sheriff’s Office – Yearly Report
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Questionnaire
f. Two Rivers – 25% Match and the VCDP for home buy-outs
g. Long Trail Engineering P.C. – Engineer’s Report, Pittsfield Town Office
h. Beck Engineering, P.C. – Invoice for Concrete Inspection
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue
Other Business
a. Mosher Invoice – For River Restoration
b. Riverside Horse Farm – Invoice
c. Select Board Report – 2011
d. Town Report – Timeline
e. Tax Bills – Court Decision
f. Town Meeting Warning – Rough Draft
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Mark called the meeting to order at 5:52pm. The Minutes of the December 20, 2011 Regular Select Board Meeting were approved with no corrections or changes.
Guests and Committee Reports
a. Jack and Margaret Conboy – Concerns about Construction Plans Violating Covenants. Jack and Margaret Conboy brought to the Board’s attention a potential issue with a neighbor breaking the original covenants set up for their eight lot subdivision. Land use permit #3W0164 lists permit conditions in this subdivision to single family houses only and no duplex construction. Their neighbor plans to live over the garage, and has plans to eventually build a
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 2
January 3, 2012
home on the property. In the meantime, the lot is filled with construction equipment and it is very unsightly. The Conboy’s, as well as other residents of the subdivision are concerned that if the original covenants are not being followed that their property values will decline in the future. The board informed the Conboy’s that there are no traditional zoning laws in Pittsfield, and that typically a homeowner’s association would take care of issues such as these. The only permits that are given out in this office deal with driveway construction. Mark then suggested that the Conboy’s call the permit specialist in Springfield. They should be able to help them out, or at least point them in the right direction. Jack said that he would do that, and that he would keep the board apprised of the situation and forward any relevant correspondence to the Town.
b. Bill Oren – Fireworks. Mr. Oren informed the board that there was another startling fireworks display on Christmas Eve and on New Years Eve. He spoke with the Fire Chief this evening before the meeting, and the Fire Chief said that he never gave out any permits for those particular occasions. The board agreed that they would look into it.
c. Bill Oren – Pawnbrokers License. Mr. Oren inquired about the status of his Pawn Broker License and wanted to know if the board needed anything else from him. The board responded that they have everything they need currently and are waiting on a response from the town attorney before they can move forward.
a. VCDP Grant - Contract for Project Management. A contract template for the VCDP grant was received and needed to be completed and signed by the Select Board Chair. This contract is between the Town of Pittsfield and Mark McManus Architect Inc. The board agreed that the Town should follow through with this, and Mark Begin signed it.
b. English, Carroll & Boe, P.C. – Highway #11, Town of Chittenden. The board received the Town of Chittenden, Pittsford and Pittsfield’s Joint Mediation Statement for review. No action taken.
c. VT Agency of Transportation – No Parking Zone, VT 100 Pittsfield. The Traffic Operations unit conducted an engineering study for the establishment of a no-parking zone on VT 100 in Pittfield in the vicinity of the Vermont Country Inn. The Vermont traffic committee voted not to establish a legal no parking zone, but to have VTrans install “No Parking On Traveled Way” signs instead. These signs will also cover the adjacent property to the north of the Vermont Country Inn. The board agreed that this was fine. No action taken.
d. Rutland County Sheriff’s Office – Yearly Report. The yearly report was received from Sheriff Benard at the Rutland County Sheriff’s Office. In the town of Pittsfield they investigated 8 calls for service. They included 2 animal complaints, 3 ATV incidents, 1 citizen arrest, 1 drug related complaint and 1 traffic hazard. There was 1 arrest and 20 Traffic Tickets issued. No action taken.
e. VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Questionnaire. The VT Environmental Conservation office is trying to tally the magnitude and extent of damage to homes and structures throughout the hardest hit communities. A survey was received to give them an idea. Patty informed the board that the survey was forwarded to Don Flynn to fill out and respond. No action taken.
f. Two Rivers – 25% Match and the VCDP for home buy-outs. The program requires a 25% non-federal match and the State of VT has indicated that it will use the Community Development Block Grant funds to supply that 25% so that the town of the homeowner would not need to cover that cost. To reduce administrative costs for the state and for participating communities, Vermont’s regional planning commissions offered to assist parties by developing a regional application for these funds and administering the funds once awarded. They will
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January 3, 2012
be in touch in the coming weeks about the process. This has been forwarded to Don Flynn. No action taken.
g. Long Trail Engineering P.C. – Engineer’s Report, Pittsfield Town Office. Based upon their belief and knowledge, the water supply and wastewater disposal system were constructed substantially in accordance with the approved plans and permit conditions. As per condition 3.1 of WW-3-0257 they sent a contractor’s certification dated 12/21/11. No action taken.
h. Beck Engineering, P.C. – Invoice for Concrete Inspection. An invoice totaling $616.00 was received for concrete inspection for the Town Office Building renovation project. The board was not sure if this is something that the contractors should be handling. After some discussion it was decided that the board would bring this up at the construction meeting this Thursday.
Old Business
a. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. A letter was received from Mr. Hayes that was also sent to Sheriff Benard regarding the Peyton dog situation. He states that he and his wife were chased by Mr. Peyton’s dog which was not on a leash. No action taken by the board.
b. Ken Hayes – Dog Issue. A second letter was received from Mr. Hayes written the next day stating that the Peyton’s dog was again seen running at large, and this time was caught on camera. No action taken by the board.
Other Business
a. Mosher Invoice – For River Restoration. The invoice was received for the river restoration work behind the Colton Mill. The invoice total was for more than was originally agreed upon, which was $3,000. After some discussion the board agreed that the Town should only be paying the amount that was agreed on. The board asked the Treasurer and Assistant to write the check out for $3,000 and send a letter with it stating why that amount was being sent.
b. Riverside Horse Farm – Invoice. The backup paperwork for the work done on the covered bridge at the Riverside Horse Farm was received. The back up data for the invoice did not have explanations as to what they were for. Patty will inquire as to what is needed from FEMA. Patty also pointed out that the invoice exceeded the agreed upon number. Tabled until next meeting.
c. Select Board Report – 2011. The board discussed who should write the 2011 Select Board Report for the Town Report. Jerry agreed that he would work on it and send some ideas by email to the other board members to go over.
d. Town Report – Timeline. Patty went over the timeline for Town Report/Town Meeting with the board. Town Meeting this year will be held on Tuesday, March 6 2012 and the location will be at the Fire House. No action taken.
e. Tax Bills – Court Decision. Patty informed the board that there has been a recent court decision that will be effecting what type of information that the Town Clerks Office can and cannot disclose on tax bills. Town Clerks can no longer disclose state payments unless the individual on the tax bill requests the information. No action taken.
f. Town Meeting Warning – Rough Draft. The board went over the rough draft of the warning for Town Meeting. A couple of changes were made to the draft.
Pittsfield Select Board Minutes page 4
January 3, 2012
Budget (Continuation) – General Fund
Board of Listers – Misc. – decreased to $250.00
Utilities – Garage – Phone – decreased to $500.00
Salaries – Listers – decreased to $5,000.00
Quinn Town Seniors – (previous meeting $2,623.00 was agreed on) – level funded at $2,000.00
Ambulance - $29,404.35
Electricity – Town Hall – (last meeting $2,250.00 was agreed on) – raised to $2,300.00
Town office Building – Fuel – decreased to $3,000.00
2011 Wages – increase by 2%. The board decided they could not match the 3.6% Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment due to the economy and the financial constraints from Tropical Storm Irene.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next Regular Select Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 6:00pm at the Town Clerk’s Office.
Recorded by
Jessica L. Kuzma
Approved January 17, 2012
Mark Begin, Chair
George Deblon
Jerry Drugonis