Pittsfield Select Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
6 pm Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 8/18/2015
Public Present:
1. Katie Stiles - Corrected Liquor License
1. Citizens for Property Rights
2. Municipal Budgeting and Borrowing: Preparing for Town Meeting Workshop
3. Riverside Horse Farm Act 250 Minor Application
4. Cahill Rd Lot Division Act 250 JO
5. Town Plan Sent for Review by TRORC
Old Business:
1. Tax Sale Road parcel – follow up with Scofield
2. Town Hall Insulating Project - Update
3. Traffic/Speed Downtown Pittsfield - Update
New Business:
1. Soil Quality Survey
2. Health Officer And Service Officer Resignation & Appointments
3. Municipal Planning Grant Resolution
4. Pittsfield Highway Garage Hazard Identification Survey
5. Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. August Financials
B. Update - Hi Tech Plumbing and Heating Invoice
c. Vault Shelving
Next Meeting Date: September 15, 2015