Thursday, April 21, 2022 6 pm-Town Hall
The Pittsfield Select Board invites members of the public to attend this meeting either in person or electronically through TEAMS by calling 1-802-489-6334 and entering meeting code 446 182 908#or by clicking on this link:
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-April 7, 2022
Public Present:
- Rutland Town Select Board-Regional Dispatch Center
- AOT Grants for bike/pedestrian improvements
- Resignation-Auditor
Old Business:
- LEMP Approval
- Appointed & Elected Official Vacancies- RCSWD Board of Supervisors
- Sand Shed Construction Management
New Business:
- Treasurers Report-March Financials
- Village Speed Limit
- Regional Dispatch Center-discussion
- RT 100 repaving timeline
- Highway Department truck repair
- Parks Department- Tractor Sweeper
- Executive Session 1-V.S.A. §313 (10) security measure
Next Meeting Dates:
Town Meeting-May 3, 2022 6pm Town Hall
Regular Select Board-May 5, 2022