The Select Board of the Town of Pittsfield will hold a hearing on additional proposed revisions to the Pittsfield Town Plan at the Town Hall located at 56 Village Green, Pittsfield, VT on:
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 6:00pm
Any written comments from residents, landowners, neighboring towns, the Regional Planning Commission and the State shall be addressed to the Pittsfield Select Board either at this Public Hearing or by mail to PO Box 556, Pittsfield, VT 05762. The proposal covers all lands within the Town of Pittsfield and the revisions will replace the current Plan in its entirety.
Full copies of the draft Town Plan and Maps are available for review at the Pittsfield Town Office and
Below is a summary of the Proposal:
I. Introduction
II. Demographics
III. Housing
IV. Education & Child Care Services
V. Utilities & Facilities
VI. Health & Emergency Services
VII. Flood Resilience
VIII. Transportation
IX. Energy
X. Economic Development
XI. Natural, Scenic & Historic Resources
XII. Land Use
XIII. Relationship to Other Plans
XIV. Implementation
The Pittsfield Select Board