Pittsfield Select Board Meeting
Thursday, November 19, 2020
6 pm
During the Governor’s Declared State of Emergency temporary measures H.681have been adopted to allow public bodies to hold any public meeting using electronic means without designating a physical location.
The Pittsfield Select Board invites members of the public to attend this meeting electronically by calling 978-990-5000 and entering the access code 755483.
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-October 15, 2020
Public Present: Brian Davis-Saguaro Technologies
- Historic Building Tax Credits
- Municipal Roads General Permit Inventory
Old Business:
- Delinquent Dog update
- Seugling follow-up
- Sand Shed Update
- Box Culvert Update
New Business:
- Town Clerk’s Office-closure
- Town Network-cyber security
- Town Hall Contractor Invoice approval
- Town Meeting
- October Treasurer Financial Reports
Next Meeting Date: Special Budget Meeting-Tuesday, November 24, 2020 5pm