Monday, October 19, 2020, at 6:30 p.m.
Join the Zoom meeting here: Meeting ID: 811 0625 1043 Passcode: 862247
Buildings & Grounds Committee:
1. Call to order
2. Approve minutes
3. Discuss next steps at TPVS
4. Update from Johnson Control
5. Future timeline of committee meetings
6. Committee members’ input/concerns
7. Adjourn
Finance Committee: 1
. Call to order
2. Amendments to the agenda
3. FY22 Budget: October Work Plan Items: a. Enrollment numbers and budget projection b. Initial discussion of priorities
4. FY22 Budget: November Work Plan Items
a. First cut of priorities baked into draft budget
b. Tax rate implications (given assumptions)
5. Discuss Food Service Program presentation for November board meeting.
6. Discuss Financial Strategic Plan:
a. Vote on purchase of NESDEC Enrollment Projection
b. How to plan for the plan
c. Legal issues: permissible use of private funds
7. Adjourn
Negotiations Committee:
1. Call to order
2. Superintendent search process
3. Exit interview process update
4. Negotiations update
5. Adjourn
Policy Committee:
1. Call to order
2. Amendments to agenda
3. Continuation of planning for anti-racism policy
4. Medication policy review
5. Anaphylaxis Policy 6. Adjourn