Town of Pittsfield
Notice of Site Visit and Hearing on Petition to Discontinue Public Road Right of Way of 367’ at the end of Townsend Brook Road
Take notice that the Selectboard has initiated a petition to discontinue a 12’ x 367’ section of current Class 4 road located at the end of Townsend Brook Road. This section of road was identified in 2009 as an ancient road and adopted as a Class 4 road by the Pittsfield Selectboard. Based on citizen and professional legal review, the Pittsfield Selectboard has initiated the instant discontinuation process.
The Selectboard will hold a site visit with a public hearing immediately following the site visit at the Town Hall to discuss discontinuation of the identified section of Townsend Brook Road. The site visit will commence at 11 a.m. on Wednesday February 21, 2024.
All are welcome to attend and discuss the petition to discontinue the above-referenced section of Class 4 road at the end of Townsend Brook Road.
Dated at Pittsfield this 8th day of January, 2024
Pittsfield Select Board
s/Ann Kuendig s/Joyce Stevens s/AJ Ruben