Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 11/18/2014
Public Present:
1. Two Rivers RPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting – Meeting minutes 11/13/2014
2. VTrans On-Road Bicycle Plan Announcement
3. TRORC Municipal Shared Services Survey
4. Bob Giolito – copy of letter to Representative Haas
Old Business:
1. Green Up Vermont – Green Up Representative
2. Town Buildings – snow removal
A. Cannot hire children under 14 yrs of age
B. Review wage for position
C. Post job
3. Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) by July 1, 2015
A. Implement a variable rate pricing system (a.k.a. unit-based pricing) – need to provide information to residents and adjust budget accordingly
B. Provide containers for listed recyclables alongside all trash containers in public spaces – need to budget for containers
4. Original General Store Permit #3W1060 – Motion to Alter
5. Town Office Building floors – estimate for strip and wax
6. On-site audit of Federal Grants on 11/20/2014 – Patty update board
7. Federal Buyout grant – ask for reallocation of funds to pay for single audit – Patty update board
8. Award bid letters
New Business:
1. Municipal Planning Grant Agreement – needs approval and signature
2. Town Clerk Report – November Financials
3. Work on 2015 budgets
Next Meeting Date: