Tuesday, January 6, 2015
6 pm
Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 12/16/2014
Public Present: Marylou Scofield – buyout property
1. Opinions – December 2014
2. Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security – Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards required in LEOP
3. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge update
4. TRORC – District Leveling Project Prioritization list FY2016
Old Business:
1. Original General Store Route 100 – Memorandum of Decision, Certificate of Service, Altered Permit and Findings of Fact for Permit.
2. Efficiency Vermont - $1,587.10 Energy Efficiency Incentive check for town office building
New Business:
1. Vermont Department of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value
2. Vermont Farms Catering LLC – Two requests to cater malt
a. 4275 Route 100 on December 31, 2014
b. 57 Tweed River Drive on January 10, 2015
3. HMGP Subgrant Project and Management Costs - Review and sign
4. Draft Town Warning
5. 2015 Budget – Town Report Format
Next Meeting Date: January 20, 2015