Pittsfield Select Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
6 pm
Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Select Board Reorganization:
1. Elect – member to chair Select Board
2. Elect and approve – member to write and sign weekly orders
3. Elect – member to oversee town buildings
4. Adopt Conflict of Interest Policy
5. Adopt Select Board Rules of Procedure
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 2/17/2015 and Special Meeting 2/23/2015
Public Present:
1. District 3 Project Manager – purchase of sandbags
2. Efficiency Vermont – Efficiency Improvements in Municipal Buildings
3. Jack Wallace – Town Hall Rental
4. 9th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit
5. Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce – invitation to join
6. Upper White River Planning Meeting Minutes
7. 100 on 100 – Town response form
8. DEC – Letter of receipt for wastewater application Parcel ID # 01-1275-000
Old Business:
1. GCK Climate Control – summary of findings
2. Spring Select Board Institute – Need to sign up new SB members by March 13.
New Business:
1. Sheriff Contract - $5,000 budgeted
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report
A. February Financials
B. Required Employment Forms & Information
3. Appointments for 2015
Next Meeting Date: March 24, 2015