Pittsfield Select Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
6 pm
Town Office Building Agenda
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 7/7/2015
Public Present:
Bill Leimgruber, Mary Russ WRP, Kevin Geiger TRORC, Dubois & King – Proposed Pittsfield Tweed River Park,
Suana Bicek – Village Designation
1. Municipal Highway Grant Application
2. Mascoma Savings Bank Letter
3. TRORC Thank You
4. Last Mile Ride 2015
5. VLCT Town Fair 2015
6. Tyler Wren Thank You Letter
7. VNH of Vermont and New Hampshire
8. VTrans Roadmap
9. M.A. Bean Associates
10. TRORC Regional Plan
Old Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties easements
2. Illegal Dumping Sign
3. Fireworks
4. Park Project Contract
5. Buyout Property Design and Grant Information
6. Town Hall Construction
New Business
1. Town of Pittsfield Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
2. Tax Sale Properties
3. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Fees
4. Town Hall Insulating Project
5. Planning Commission Recognition
6. Town wide Communication
7. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. July Financials
b. CV Oil Pre-buy
c. FEMA Site Visit July 29
Next Meeting Date: August 18, 2015