Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/8/2016
Public Present: Marylou Scofield – 173 Park Place
1. Green Mountain Power – Proposed Rate Integration
2. Trees Incorporated – business flyer
3. VLCT – Business software training flyer
4. 2016 Green Mountain Relay
5. VLCT’s 2015 Annual Report
Old Business:
1. VTrans – Speed Limit Request, VT 100 Pittsfield
2. TRORC – notifications re: public facilities reuse project
3. Workers Comp – how to move forward/hiring practice
4. Bridge #11 Bids
New Business:
1. Citizen concern – Items for sale on Parmenter Place
2. Herald of Randolph – SB minutes request
3. Vermont Liquor License Renewal – Swiss Farm Market, Original General Store, Vermont Farms Catering
4. Requests to cater malt – Vermont Farms Catering LLC at 57 Tweed River Drive 4/2, 5/20 & 5/21, 5/28 & 5/29
5. Right of Way Bridge Plans – Rt 100 Bridge #126 (in tube)
6. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. February Financials
b. Records Management Policy
c. Certificate of Authority – credit card application
d. Workers Comp Audit 3/16/2016
e. Pittsfield Buy-out properties Audit 3/16/2016
f. BCBS Health Insurance
7. Prepare for Budget Discussion Meeting
a. Set up Town Hall
b. Format for meeting
c. Meeting Management
d. Materials preparation
e. Date for Special Town Meeting – Warn for not less than 30 or more than 40 days before meeting
Next Meeting Date: April 5, 2016, Budget Discussion with the Select Board, Town Hall, 7pm.