Pittsfield Select Board Regular 90 Minute Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 6 pm
Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Meeting minutes May 23rd
Public Present: Marion Abrams – EC Fiber
1. VLCT News
2. VT Agency of Natural resources
3. VLCT Risk Management PACIF New Playground inspection
4. Open Meeting Law Training
Old Business:
1. Basketball Court Paving
2 Paving Appointment
3. Matrix Revisit Capital Budget suggestion
4. Follow up – tree care, tree relocation
5. Town Purchasing Policy
6. Draft of Town Parking Ordinance
7. Park Place Demolition – Casella Follow up
8. Delinquent Dog Update
9. Vermont Digital Town Office Copier
10. Tweed River Open Space Update
11. Tweed River Open Space Maintenance
12. T.O. & T. H. Maintenance Project Updates
New Business:
1. Town Hall Dehumidifier
2. Tune up for towns and how we fare
3. Town Hall and Town Office maintenance projects update
4. Town Clerk/Treasurer
A. May Financial Reports
B. Setting the Municipal Tax Rate
C. Financial Management Questionnaire
5. Application Special Event Permit – Cold River Sports
6. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
7. EC Fiber Town Green Request for July 20, 2017
8. TRORC Sub Grant Addendum
9. TRORC Grant Closure Notification
10. TRORC Municipal Roads Grant in Aid Pilot Project
11. Vermont Agency of Natural Resources – Fire Warden Appointment
12. Board of Listers Appointment Recommendation
13. Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Pilot Project
14. 2018 Better Roads Planning Service
Next Meeting Date: Set Summer Schedule