Pittsfield Select Board Regular 90-minute Meeting
Tuesday February 11, 2020 at 6 pm
Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications
Minutes Approval: Jan. 7, 2020 and Jan. 21, 2020
Public Present: Chris Rivets of Dubois & King
- Notice from court Act 250 CV South
- Public Utility Commission Annual Notice of Herbicide Spraying
- ANR response act 250 motion CV South
- VLCT Health Advocate
- Gray Correspondence Act 250 Commission
Old Business:
- Kiosk vote
- Update lawyer complaint
- Residents of Pittsfield Park and Ride
- FEMA Update
- Sand Shed Alternatives Presentation D&K
New Business:
- Ram board for Town Meeting
- Oil expenses town meeting
- Town meeting and Presidential Primary conflict
- Certificate of appeal pending CV South
- Liquor license Swiss Farm
- Bid for Demolition Abrams buyout