Pittsfield Select Board Regular 90-minute Meeting
Tuesday April 17, 2018
6 pm, Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: April 3, 2018 April 5, 2018 April 16, 2018
Public Present: Sue Wuerthele, Health Officer NB#2
Old Business:
1. Line striping
2. Loss control checklist
3. Control Technologies Contract
4. VHCB Management plan
5. Signs update
6. Clerk treasurer transition planning – anticipated executive session
7. Furnace room update
8. Fire house Parking letter update
9. Complete town appointments-Zoning Board of Adjustment
10. Bid Letter/review specs-Pittsfield Volunteer Fire Department
New Business:
1. Driveway Permit application- Alex Czaplicki
2. Health Officer Report
3. Local Emergency Operating Plan due by May 1
4. Summer Buildings Projects
5. Sample Capitol Planning Document Review
6. Town/neighborhood Yard Sale on the Green-June 2
7. Town Officer Education Conference Report
Next Meeting: Regular Meeting: May 1, 2018