6 pm @ Town Office Building
Agenda Modifications
Minutes Approval:
Regular Meeting 2/2/2016
Public Present:
1. Heart of Vermont Productions
2. VLCT Spring Select Board Institute
3. VLCT News
4. VLcT VERB Trust program offering
5. Bob Ennis: FEMA Buyout
6. Agency of Natural Resources PILOT changes
7. White River Alliance
Old Business
1. TH #15: update (Patty)
2. Proposed Calendar for 2016 Select Board
3. Update on Town Hall: roof and Efficiency Vermont
4. Speed Limit Request - Route 100
New Business
1. Planning Commission appointment
2. Grand List-No suits pending
3. 2016 Liquor License Renewal – Clear River Tavern
4. Review Town Report and preparation for Town Meeting
Upcoming Meeting Dates
1. TOWN MEETING March 1, 2016
2. (Proposed regular meeting date change) March 8, 2016