Pittsfield Select Board Meeting*
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
6 pm
During the Governor’s Declared State of Emergency temporary measures H.681have been adopted to allow public bodies to attend any public meeting using electronic means without designating a physical location.
The Pittsfield Select Board invites members of the public to attend this meeting electronically by calling 978-990-5000 and entering the access code 755483#
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-April 7, 2020
Public Present: Charles Piso, Doug Mianuli invited call-in
- Colton Act 250 Abandonment Order
- Local Emergency Mgt Co-Directors update April 12
Old Business:
- EWP Grant Application update
- 236 Lower Michigan update-demo bid
- LEMP 2019 Review
- Local Emergency Management Co-Directors job description
New Business:
- Covid-19 update from LEMCo-D’s
- Town Website
- Projects List & Timeline
- Dave Colton Independent Contractor Paperwork
- Treasurers cash flow analysis report
- Treasurer’s March Financials
Next Meeting Date: April 21, 2020
*The Pittsfield Select Board adheres to the VT Open Meeting Law and its own adopted Rules of Procedure in conducting all duly noticed meetings.