Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 1/6/2015
Public Present: Mary Russ - Implementing an Upper White River flood resilience planning project
1. Opinions – January 2015
2. Joyy Productions Inc. – VT Liquor Control Board hearing continued to February 4, 2014
3. VLCT – PACIF WorkStrong Webinar
4. TRORC – Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting Summary
5. Peirce Hall Community Center – Update and thank you
6. VLCT News – January 2015
7. Green Mountain National Forest – Schedule of Proposed Action
Old Business:
1. Pittsfield Park Design – latest VTrans input from Dubois & King
New Business:
1. Certification of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards
2. Planning Commission – request to appoint Shawn Jarecki to Planning Commission
3. Bethel Royalton Solid Waste Alliance – needs letter confirming adoption of new refuse system not funded by town tax rate and simple explanation of that new system.
4. Town Clerk & Treasurer Report
a. Finalize 2015 Budget
b. Changes in Fund Balance
c. Budget Summary
d. Anticipated Tax Rate
e. Town Warning
Next Meeting Date: February 3, 2015