“To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here” https://fccdl.in/Mh6LYtkXlw
DATE: December 17, 2020
PRESENT: (virtually) Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton
PUBLIC PRESENT: (virtually) Kirk White, Louis Cocci
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting December 3, 2020
1. VT Agency of Transportation – Certificate of Annual Highway Mileage
2. MPG Award
3. Restorative Justice Funding Request
4. Better Connections Grant Applications
5. Chittenden LHMP comment period
1. Town Report
1. Town Meeting Legislation discussion with Kirk White
2. November Financial Report
3. 2021 Budget Warrant – Articles
4. Town Hall Building Committee – Update
5. Better Places Grant
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, January 7, 2021
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. Seconded by Mona. All in favor. Mona made a motion to approve the Minutes of December 3, 2020. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann motioned to take NB#1 and NB#5 out of order as guests were present to discuss them. Seconded by Mona. All in favor.
1. VT Agency of Transportation – Certificate of Annual Highway Mileage. Ann said that this notification is being handled differently and is being handled online. No action.
2. Municipal Planning Grant Award - This grant for $4,370 is to help update the Town Plan. There is a 10% match and TRORC has been contracted to do this. No action.
3. Restorative Justice Funding Request – Tabled.
4. Better Connections Grant Applications - The Secretary was asked to forward this to both Sarah Gallagher and Louis Cocci for their review. It addresses improving walking, biking, and pedestrian infrastructure.
5. Chittenden LHMP comment period – This is a public notice. No action.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 17, 2020
1. Town Report – Ann said that she sent out a draft of the report. Discussion. She will update the draft resend it before it goes to the Auditors.
1. Town Meeting Legislation discussion with Kirk White. Ann congratulated Kirk on his recent election as our Representative to the State Legislature. He was invited to addend to meet and greet and discuss legislation issues. He said he wanted to reach out and let people know that he is available to anyone. He intends to let Towns know of any legislation that might have an impact on them. He also said he was available to attend a Select Board meeting on a regular basis if asked. Kirk said that there is a bill being submitted that is designed to allow towns to switch to Australian ballot or push back Town Meetings to warmer weather when they could be held outside. He added that this might also be able to be decided on a case-by-case basis. The additional cost associated with an Australian ballot might be added by the Governor to the State budget so that some reimbursement to the Towns might be available. Ann asked what he is hearing about towns going with Australian ballot. The biggest logistical issue is Warning the candidates. Mona and Joyce both appreciated his appearance and noted that it was more than other officials have done in the past.
Ann said that she and Trish attended a Webinar today and deadlines make her feel anxious. Ann said that her biggest concern is attracting candidates and having enough time to get word out. Some of the deadlines noted are January 14 – last day for submitting petitions for Articles and begin firming up the Warning; January 25 – last day for candidates to submit consent forms to get name on the ballot; January 31 – ballot and Warning must be posted; February 10 - ballots must be available for early and absentee voting; and February 20 – the first day that an informational meeting can be held, and Town Report must be received by the voters. Trish said that she felt she could get a letter or postcard out to the voters with information including ballot requests, etc.
2. November Financial Report. Ann made a motion to table this to the next Regular meeting. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
3. 2021 Budget Warrant – Articles. Ann made a motion to table this to the next Special Budget Meeting. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
4. Town Hall Building Committee – Update. Ann said that the bids for the project had been accepted and the lowest bid awarded. The necessary paperwork has been sent to each company for their completion. It was decided to break down the project and award them (concrete cutting and removal, excavation, footings, and rebar, etc) to separate companies. Unless there are contingencies, the project cost is $22,000. The project may start as soon as next week.
5. Better Places Grant. Louis proposed that the Town apply for this grant. He said that he had spoken with both Betty Warner and Sarah Gallagher and it was felt that the Select Board should be the ones to authorize it. Louis offered to write up the proposal and present it to the State. The deadline is January 22, 2021. It would need to be decided what project the grant would be used for or would a new project be created. Promoting Pittsfield as a community space for its residents was mentioned or putting some money towards the Town Hall. He suggested that the Board look over the paperwork and see what the requirements are. It was noted that the project would need to be completed by August 31, 2021. Louis was asked about matching funds. Letters of support from various Town groups would also be needed. Ann said she would like to entertain a more concise proposal. Louis said he would touch base by email next week. The Board thanked him for attending the meeting tonight.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
December 17, 2020
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 6:00pm.
ADJOURN: As there was no other business to discuss, Ann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:50pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: January 7, 2021
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton