Pittsfield Select Board Meeting Minutes-October 15, 2020
To listen to a recording of the meeting click https://fccdl.in/CEZ5Ryj5dM
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-October 1, 2020
Public Present: Victoria Littlefield (by phone)
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:08pm Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Agenda Modifications: Box Culvert update as Old business #5 Ann moved the Board accept the agenda modifications. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Minutes approval: Ann moved the board accept the minutes for October 1, 2020 Mona seconded. All in favor.
Public present: Victoria Littlefield, TRORC consultant on Pittsfield’s local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)
Out of order: Ann moved that NB #1 be taken out of order so Tori can give her presentation on LHMP as the first order of business. Mona seconded. All in favor.
#1 Colton Act 250 letter- This is a letter from the Natural Resources Board concerning Colton Enterprises. Sarah and Gordon Gray have requested the board initiate a jurisdictional opinion on the Colton’s operation as it relates to its Act 250 permit. The Director is declining to either revisit the current jurisdictional opinion or issue a new one.
Old Business
#1 Dog Ordinance amendments- The Town attorney made a few suggested edits which Ann circulated to board members prior to meeting. No further comments or edits made. Ann moved the Board approve the amendments and send the document to the Town Clerk for her to begin the public review process. Mona seconded. All in favor. Joyce drafted a letter urging two delinquent dog owners to comply with licensing requirements. Ann moved to have Joyce send out the letters on behalf of the board. Mona seconded. All in favor.
#2 Budget Hearings Schedule-Ann submitted a proposed schedule for holding budget hearings beginning in mid-November. Joyce and Mona said the dates work for them for the most part. Ann moved that the Board accept the schedule and request the Town Clerk post the schedule on the Town website front page, all town bulletin boards and take out a small ad in the Randolph Herald. Mona seconded. All in favor.
Ann will also post on the Pittsfield VT community face book page and Front Porch Forum. The Board also asked the Board Secretary draft an invitation for departments to submit a proposed capital improvement budget and also choose one of the hearing dates to submit and discuss with the Board their regular budgets.
#3Quintown Halloween-Betty has been meeting with Quintown Halloween organizers on the reverse parade and jack o lantern contest between the five towns. Betty is waiting on the flyer which will map out the parade route and then request that businesses along the parade route decorate beginning Friday afternoon and ending Sunday night. The Select Board was asked to decorate the Gazebo on the green. Ann will collect decorations and call volunteers for help and setting-up the Jack-O-Lantern display either Thursday evening or Friday morning before Halloween.
#4 VT Alerts Ann is submitting names and email addresses to Ian Kilburn who is going to put together an online training program for towns who want to implement the VT Alerts program.
The list includes Joyce, Doug, Dot and Ann. Mona declined to participate. In order to join the program, the town has to officially adopt it as a notification system and designate a primary and back up administrator of the program. Mona suggested that Ann reach out to Caleb Hawley to see if he would be interested as a primary. Ann suggested Doug Mianulli as an alternate.
#5 Box Culvert Update: Ann received an email from Niall Buxton, Champlain Construction saying that they have received an invoice for engineering from Michie, the firm that is producing the box culvert. In order to submit the permit applications and provide information to FEMA environmental reviewers, Michie had to design the culvert and then make additional design changes requested by ANR river engineers. All the box culvert engineering and manufacturing costs are contained in Champlain’s bid and Niall is guaranteeing his bid price even though the project can’t begin construction until next July at the earliest. Niall is looking for is a $5,500 draw so he can pay Michie for the engineering design work they have completed. Ann said this does not add any cost to the project, but board members expressed concern about sending a check when FEMA funds have not yet been guaranteed. Ann moved that a check for $5,500 be sent to Champlain Construction as a draw on the bid for engineering services. No second therefore the motion failed.
New Business
#1 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Review
Ann explained that Joyce and she attended the second of three hearings to update the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan which expired in August. In order to receive full state emergency relief funds in the event of a declared disaster, Pittsfield has to have an updated LHMP approved every five years. Following the last hearing, Tori sent the LHMP Committee and Select Board the latest edition of the plan. Tori reviewed proposed updates of the plan during this third public hearing. Hazard assessments will remain essentially the same as the previous plan except ice jams have been eliminated. Several new mitigation actions have been added including implementing VT Alerts. Tori will use online review tool to send final LHMP to Stephanie Smith for VEM review and approval as well as send surrounding communities a copy for any comment.
#2 September Financial Reports-The Town Treasurer submitted them electronically and hard copy for review prior to the meeting. Joyce had questions regarding when some services and town officials would be paid. Ann moved the Board accept the Treasurer’s report. Joyce seconded. All in Favor.
#3PACIF Renewal Survey-Tricia has filled out the annual PACIF renewal application which details workers compensation payroll, value of buildings and contents and vehicles and equipment that is covered. Ann move the Board accept the application with current replacement value estimates. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
#4-Town Hall Permit-The Town Hall committee has hired the structural engineer to design the first-floor support system Kevin Smith of Marble Engineering in Rutland. He has submitted his proposed design drawings to the committee which is currently under review. The Committee agreed that the next step is to secure a permit from the Division of Fire Safety which members understand from the Fire Marshall is a matter of submitting the application, the final design drawings and the application fee. The Committee would like to file the application before the next Select Board Meeting and is asking the Board to approve the expenditure of approximately $160 in permit fees. Joyce moved to approve payment of the permit fee. Mona seconded. All in favor.
#5-Lister computer-The Board received a communication from IT consultant Becky Donnet that voiced concerns about the Listers installing a dedicated computer terminal in Town offices for real estate agents and property owners to do research into read only limited grand list data. Becky indicated that the Town has a special policy in effect that guarantees no public access to town office data and she says that as long as that policy remains in effect then she doesn’t recommend the use of a lister dedicated computer on the town network. After discussions with both Becky and head Lister Betty Warren, Ann found that there is no Board adopted written policy that guarantees no public access to town office data. The discussions that took place in 2017 focused on setting up a separate network to enable the Library to offer public wifi on its computers . Board members discussed potential risks that town data can be hacked by adding a dedicated computer terminal to the town network and proposed actions by the Listers to mitigate those risks. Mona said she didn’t feel comfortable adding another computer terminal to the town network and asked for Becky’s opinion on the mitigation actions submitted by Betty. Ann moved that the Board ask Becky to review the actions and report back to the Board at its next meeting. Mona seconded. All in Favor.
Joyce moved that the crash plan pro protection program that was installed on the town clerk and assistant town clerk’s computers be installed on the Lister’s computer as soon as possible to add protections to grand list data. Ann seconded. All in favor.
Other business: discussion of Paul Seigling’s response to the Boards denial of his tax abatement request. Response will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
There being no other business before the Board Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38pm Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by: Dot Lucian
Approved: November 19, 2020
By: Ann Kuendig Mona Colton Joyce Stevens
To listen to a recording of the meeting click https://fccdl.in/CEZ5Ryj5dM
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-October 1, 2020
Public Present: Victoria Littlefield (by phone)
- Colton Act 250 Letter
Old Business:
- Dog Ordinance Amendment
- Budget Hearings Schedule
- Quintown Halloween
- VT Alerts
New Business:
- Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Review
- September Financial Reports
- PACIF Renewal survey
- Town Hall Building Permit
- Lister Computer
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:08pm Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Agenda Modifications: Box Culvert update as Old business #5 Ann moved the Board accept the agenda modifications. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Minutes approval: Ann moved the board accept the minutes for October 1, 2020 Mona seconded. All in favor.
Public present: Victoria Littlefield, TRORC consultant on Pittsfield’s local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)
Out of order: Ann moved that NB #1 be taken out of order so Tori can give her presentation on LHMP as the first order of business. Mona seconded. All in favor.
#1 Colton Act 250 letter- This is a letter from the Natural Resources Board concerning Colton Enterprises. Sarah and Gordon Gray have requested the board initiate a jurisdictional opinion on the Colton’s operation as it relates to its Act 250 permit. The Director is declining to either revisit the current jurisdictional opinion or issue a new one.
Old Business
#1 Dog Ordinance amendments- The Town attorney made a few suggested edits which Ann circulated to board members prior to meeting. No further comments or edits made. Ann moved the Board approve the amendments and send the document to the Town Clerk for her to begin the public review process. Mona seconded. All in favor. Joyce drafted a letter urging two delinquent dog owners to comply with licensing requirements. Ann moved to have Joyce send out the letters on behalf of the board. Mona seconded. All in favor.
#2 Budget Hearings Schedule-Ann submitted a proposed schedule for holding budget hearings beginning in mid-November. Joyce and Mona said the dates work for them for the most part. Ann moved that the Board accept the schedule and request the Town Clerk post the schedule on the Town website front page, all town bulletin boards and take out a small ad in the Randolph Herald. Mona seconded. All in favor.
Ann will also post on the Pittsfield VT community face book page and Front Porch Forum. The Board also asked the Board Secretary draft an invitation for departments to submit a proposed capital improvement budget and also choose one of the hearing dates to submit and discuss with the Board their regular budgets.
#3Quintown Halloween-Betty has been meeting with Quintown Halloween organizers on the reverse parade and jack o lantern contest between the five towns. Betty is waiting on the flyer which will map out the parade route and then request that businesses along the parade route decorate beginning Friday afternoon and ending Sunday night. The Select Board was asked to decorate the Gazebo on the green. Ann will collect decorations and call volunteers for help and setting-up the Jack-O-Lantern display either Thursday evening or Friday morning before Halloween.
#4 VT Alerts Ann is submitting names and email addresses to Ian Kilburn who is going to put together an online training program for towns who want to implement the VT Alerts program.
The list includes Joyce, Doug, Dot and Ann. Mona declined to participate. In order to join the program, the town has to officially adopt it as a notification system and designate a primary and back up administrator of the program. Mona suggested that Ann reach out to Caleb Hawley to see if he would be interested as a primary. Ann suggested Doug Mianulli as an alternate.
#5 Box Culvert Update: Ann received an email from Niall Buxton, Champlain Construction saying that they have received an invoice for engineering from Michie, the firm that is producing the box culvert. In order to submit the permit applications and provide information to FEMA environmental reviewers, Michie had to design the culvert and then make additional design changes requested by ANR river engineers. All the box culvert engineering and manufacturing costs are contained in Champlain’s bid and Niall is guaranteeing his bid price even though the project can’t begin construction until next July at the earliest. Niall is looking for is a $5,500 draw so he can pay Michie for the engineering design work they have completed. Ann said this does not add any cost to the project, but board members expressed concern about sending a check when FEMA funds have not yet been guaranteed. Ann moved that a check for $5,500 be sent to Champlain Construction as a draw on the bid for engineering services. No second therefore the motion failed.
New Business
#1 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Review
Ann explained that Joyce and she attended the second of three hearings to update the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan which expired in August. In order to receive full state emergency relief funds in the event of a declared disaster, Pittsfield has to have an updated LHMP approved every five years. Following the last hearing, Tori sent the LHMP Committee and Select Board the latest edition of the plan. Tori reviewed proposed updates of the plan during this third public hearing. Hazard assessments will remain essentially the same as the previous plan except ice jams have been eliminated. Several new mitigation actions have been added including implementing VT Alerts. Tori will use online review tool to send final LHMP to Stephanie Smith for VEM review and approval as well as send surrounding communities a copy for any comment.
#2 September Financial Reports-The Town Treasurer submitted them electronically and hard copy for review prior to the meeting. Joyce had questions regarding when some services and town officials would be paid. Ann moved the Board accept the Treasurer’s report. Joyce seconded. All in Favor.
#3PACIF Renewal Survey-Tricia has filled out the annual PACIF renewal application which details workers compensation payroll, value of buildings and contents and vehicles and equipment that is covered. Ann move the Board accept the application with current replacement value estimates. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
#4-Town Hall Permit-The Town Hall committee has hired the structural engineer to design the first-floor support system Kevin Smith of Marble Engineering in Rutland. He has submitted his proposed design drawings to the committee which is currently under review. The Committee agreed that the next step is to secure a permit from the Division of Fire Safety which members understand from the Fire Marshall is a matter of submitting the application, the final design drawings and the application fee. The Committee would like to file the application before the next Select Board Meeting and is asking the Board to approve the expenditure of approximately $160 in permit fees. Joyce moved to approve payment of the permit fee. Mona seconded. All in favor.
#5-Lister computer-The Board received a communication from IT consultant Becky Donnet that voiced concerns about the Listers installing a dedicated computer terminal in Town offices for real estate agents and property owners to do research into read only limited grand list data. Becky indicated that the Town has a special policy in effect that guarantees no public access to town office data and she says that as long as that policy remains in effect then she doesn’t recommend the use of a lister dedicated computer on the town network. After discussions with both Becky and head Lister Betty Warren, Ann found that there is no Board adopted written policy that guarantees no public access to town office data. The discussions that took place in 2017 focused on setting up a separate network to enable the Library to offer public wifi on its computers . Board members discussed potential risks that town data can be hacked by adding a dedicated computer terminal to the town network and proposed actions by the Listers to mitigate those risks. Mona said she didn’t feel comfortable adding another computer terminal to the town network and asked for Becky’s opinion on the mitigation actions submitted by Betty. Ann moved that the Board ask Becky to review the actions and report back to the Board at its next meeting. Mona seconded. All in Favor.
Joyce moved that the crash plan pro protection program that was installed on the town clerk and assistant town clerk’s computers be installed on the Lister’s computer as soon as possible to add protections to grand list data. Ann seconded. All in favor.
Other business: discussion of Paul Seigling’s response to the Boards denial of his tax abatement request. Response will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
There being no other business before the Board Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38pm Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by: Dot Lucian
Approved: November 19, 2020
By: Ann Kuendig Mona Colton Joyce Stevens