To listen to a recording of the meeting please clickhttps://fccdl.in/pE3YJ3YEZ4
DATE: December 8, 2020
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 3, 2020 Special Budget Meeting Minutes.
1. General, Highway, Cemetery budgets
1. Capital Improvements Plan
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, December 17, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 4:01pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
The Approval of Minutes was tabled to the next meeting to allow everyone to review them.
Old Business:
1. General, Highway, Cemetery budgets
Trish said she spoke with the IT company, Saguaro Technologies regarding the $1,500.00. This amount is for the labor changing over the computer system to the new one. It is a one-time charge. The Board discussed where this money would come from. There will be a $475 monthly fee. The changeover will occur on December 28thand 30th. The Board questioned what the December charges would be, and Trish said she would check with Brian Davis.
Trish indicated that the Town’s Medical insurance company is now charging $60 as an administrative fee for managing the HRA funds for Trish and George. Board agreed to add sub line item in the GF and the Highway fund under the HRA line item.
Joyce wanted to discuss further the increase in the Assistant’s pay. Following discussion, it was decided that all pay increases for town employees will not be considered until staff have been on the job at least one year. The Librarian’s pay was also addressed further.
· Mileage – Town Officers – Joyce felt that the mileage costs could be cut and cited ways of doing that. $500.00
Mona asked Trish to check with Mascoma Bank to see if they would “gift” a check scanner to the Town. This would reduce mileage to and from the bank to make deposits as Trish was leery of sending check deposits through the mail at this time.
· Bond Repayment- this is higher because the Office Building fund is depleted. Increase to $45,385.00.
· Computer Fund – zero. Board agreed that purchases of computer hardware should come from the Reserve computer fund.
Tabled the Parks & Grounds Equipment Fund, Town Hall Phase, PVFR Truck Fund, and PVFR Equipment Fund as these are Articles.
· Office Expense –
- Copier – The purchase of a color copier was brought up. Joyce said there is only one year left on the current copier and perhaps consider a color copier at that time. Mona suggested speaking with Magee. Contracts that include copy paper was mentioned.
- Tech Support – Decision to combine the lines for Tech Support and Software. Trish will check to see if the correct figure is $5,400 or $5,700. Since this support also includes the Listers computers it was decreased to$3,600and the balance added to the Listers budget.
- Office Supplies – It was decided to order more envelopes this year as the money was available. Discussion as to whether ballots could be done in-house versus professionally. It was felt the whole process could be handled in the office.
- Postage– increase to $1,500.
· Board of Listers –
- Computer – increase to $1,800for share of IT support and future purchase of a tablet for data collection to come from Computer Fund.
- License Fees – increase to $300
- NEMRC Support – increase to $1,500
· Grant Disbursements –
- Cemetery Rip Rap and all completed damage Projects – still waiting on 17.5% due from State
· Dues and Contributions –
- Preservation Trust - $50
- Rutland Mental Health-$588
- Tri-Valley Transit (StageCoach)-$230
- Green up Vermont-$50
- Child’s First Advocacy Center-$400
- QuinTown Seniors-$3,500Ann was going to check why no donation letter has been submitted
- Red Cross-$250
- Visiting Nurses-$1,000
- Park House-$500
- New Story- Joyce was going to check on why no donation letter submitted
- Central VT Council on Aging-$600
- VT Center for Independent living-$75
- Green Up VT-$50
- VT Rural Fire Protection Force-$100
New Business
1. Capital Improvements Plan – Not addressed due to time.
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 5:00pm at the Town Office.
Adjourn: As there was no further business to conduct, Joyce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:06pm. Seconded by Ann. (Mona had already left the meeting.)
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: December 17, 2020
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
To listen to a recording of the meeting please clickhttps://fccdl.in/pE3YJ3YEZ4
DATE: December 8, 2020
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 3, 2020 Special Budget Meeting Minutes.
1. General, Highway, Cemetery budgets
1. Capital Improvements Plan
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, December 17, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 4:01pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
The Approval of Minutes was tabled to the next meeting to allow everyone to review them.
Old Business:
1. General, Highway, Cemetery budgets
Trish said she spoke with the IT company, Saguaro Technologies regarding the $1,500.00. This amount is for the labor changing over the computer system to the new one. It is a one-time charge. The Board discussed where this money would come from. There will be a $475 monthly fee. The changeover will occur on December 28thand 30th. The Board questioned what the December charges would be, and Trish said she would check with Brian Davis.
Trish indicated that the Town’s Medical insurance company is now charging $60 as an administrative fee for managing the HRA funds for Trish and George. Board agreed to add sub line item in the GF and the Highway fund under the HRA line item.
Joyce wanted to discuss further the increase in the Assistant’s pay. Following discussion, it was decided that all pay increases for town employees will not be considered until staff have been on the job at least one year. The Librarian’s pay was also addressed further.
· Mileage – Town Officers – Joyce felt that the mileage costs could be cut and cited ways of doing that. $500.00
Mona asked Trish to check with Mascoma Bank to see if they would “gift” a check scanner to the Town. This would reduce mileage to and from the bank to make deposits as Trish was leery of sending check deposits through the mail at this time.
· Bond Repayment- this is higher because the Office Building fund is depleted. Increase to $45,385.00.
· Computer Fund – zero. Board agreed that purchases of computer hardware should come from the Reserve computer fund.
Tabled the Parks & Grounds Equipment Fund, Town Hall Phase, PVFR Truck Fund, and PVFR Equipment Fund as these are Articles.
· Office Expense –
- Copier – The purchase of a color copier was brought up. Joyce said there is only one year left on the current copier and perhaps consider a color copier at that time. Mona suggested speaking with Magee. Contracts that include copy paper was mentioned.
- Tech Support – Decision to combine the lines for Tech Support and Software. Trish will check to see if the correct figure is $5,400 or $5,700. Since this support also includes the Listers computers it was decreased to$3,600and the balance added to the Listers budget.
- Office Supplies – It was decided to order more envelopes this year as the money was available. Discussion as to whether ballots could be done in-house versus professionally. It was felt the whole process could be handled in the office.
- Postage– increase to $1,500.
· Board of Listers –
- Computer – increase to $1,800for share of IT support and future purchase of a tablet for data collection to come from Computer Fund.
- License Fees – increase to $300
- NEMRC Support – increase to $1,500
· Grant Disbursements –
- Cemetery Rip Rap and all completed damage Projects – still waiting on 17.5% due from State
· Dues and Contributions –
- Preservation Trust - $50
- Rutland Mental Health-$588
- Tri-Valley Transit (StageCoach)-$230
- Green up Vermont-$50
- Child’s First Advocacy Center-$400
- QuinTown Seniors-$3,500Ann was going to check why no donation letter has been submitted
- Red Cross-$250
- Visiting Nurses-$1,000
- Park House-$500
- New Story- Joyce was going to check on why no donation letter submitted
- Central VT Council on Aging-$600
- VT Center for Independent living-$75
- Green Up VT-$50
- VT Rural Fire Protection Force-$100
New Business
1. Capital Improvements Plan – Not addressed due to time.
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 5:00pm at the Town Office.
Adjourn: As there was no further business to conduct, Joyce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:06pm. Seconded by Ann. (Mona had already left the meeting.)
Respectfully submitted,
s/Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: December 17, 2020
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton