DATE: October 16, 2018
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Charlie Piso, Matt Corron, Tricia Fryer
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #5 – CT River Conservancy; #6 – VLCT Newsletter October 2018; New Business #5 – Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP; #6 - Electric Vehicle (EV) grant opportunities; #7 - Discussion of Auditor Report; #8 - Regional Commerce Plan; and #9 - Assistant Clerk hiring timeline
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes October 2, 2018
Public Present:
1.TRORC Dues Notice
2.CBE Educational Grant Writing
3.VT Dept of Health
4.Elaine Sackrider
5.CT River Conservancy
6.VLCT Newsletter October 2018
Old Business:
1.Richard Lunna
2.Constable Resignation
3.Appointment Deputy Health Officer
4.Permit for Speed Feedback Sign
New Business:
1.Town Clerk/ Town Employee Health Insurance Renewals and HRA
2.Sign order increase number of no parking signs; may need to switch vendors
3.AOT Meeting
4.Clerk Treasurer Report September 2018
5.Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP)
6.Electric Vehicle (EV) Grant Opportunities
7.Discussion of Auditor Report
8.Regional Commerce Plan
9.Assistant Clerk Hiring Timeline
Next Meeting Dates: To be determined due to Election
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #5 – CT River Conservancy; #6 – VLCT Newsletter October 2018; New Business #5 – Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP; #6 - Electric Vehicle (EV) grant opportunities; #7 - Discussion of Auditor Report; #8 - Regional Commerce Plan; and #9 - Assistant Clerk hiring timeline
Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 2, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.TRORC Dues Notice – The dues for 2019 will be $814. The notice has been filed in the budgeting folder for Town Meeting consideration.
2.CBE Educational Grant Writing – Workshop information. Trish will forward copies to George and the Fire Department to review.
3.VT Dept of Health – The nomination for a Deputy Health Officer is due 10/31/18. Clairetta Corron has declined the nomination. Trish will send a letter to townspeople that may be interested in the position.
4.Elaine Sackrider – Elaine provided the Select Board with a letter giving permission to set-up a temporary speed feedback trailer along the shoulder of Route 100 adjacent to her property.
5.CT River Conservancy – Requesting funding from the town. The Select Board is not interested in pursuing.
6.VLCT Newsletter October 2018 – Monthly newsletter has been received at the town office.
Old Business:
1.Richard Lunna – Land Surveyor, provided maps to the town regarding land associated with easement property between the Fire Department, Swiss Farm Market and Tim Pins. Trish will keep on file.
2.Constable Resignation – The Town has not received a resignation from Doug Mianulli yet. Trish will provide a draft letter to help expedite the matter. Serving notice for unlicensed dogs is not part of Tim Hunt’s duties therefore the unlicensed dog(s) remains unresolved.
3.Appointment Deputy Health Officer – See Correspondence #3
4.Permit for Speed Feedback Sign – VT Department of Transportation requires a permit to utilize this type of sign. The Board signed the permit, there is no cost.
New Business:
1.Town Clerk/ Town Employee Health Insurance Renewals and HRA – Trish presented a comparison chart for Board review. She will share the information with George to get his feedback as they are the only town employees eligible for the insurance. The plans have virtually no differences and there is a savings by switching from BCBSVT to MVP. Matt motioned to switch to the MVP Healthcare Platinum Plan; Charlie seconded; the Board approves the MVP Platinum plan.
2.Sign order increase number of no parking signs; may need to switch vendors – Charlie recommends increasing the number of No Parking-Towing Zone signs to 6. He is not having much success working with the Corrections Department so the Board will have George order the signs through his vendor. The Open Space sign will be pursued at a later date.
3.AOT Meeting – District 3 is holding a meeting October 22 at 10 a.m. in the Mendon Office. It is in regards to the Route 100 bridge in Pittsfield. George and Charlie will be attending.
4.Clerk Treasurer Report September 2018 – The Board reviewed the reports.
5.Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP) – The LEOP is being replaced with a different format and the Vermont Emergency Management Department is requiring all town’s to convert their information into the new format. Charlie, Herb Kuendig and Trish will work on this project.
6.Electric Vehicle (EV) Grant Opportunities – The VT Highway Department has grant funds available for Electric Vehicle charging stations. The grant requires a 10% match. The Board will not pursue at this time.
7.Discussion of Auditor Report – The Board would like to know statutorily what “component unit” means in terms of reporting to the Town Treasurer. Charlie motioned to contact the MAC group at VLCT and if they do not know the answer, the board will authorize up to 4 hours of consultation with MaryLou Scofield to research the answer; Ann seconded; motion carried.
8.Regional Commerce Plan – Charlie attended Governor Phil Scott’s Meeting October 16 that emphasized the importance of developing Regional coalitions. The reason is coalitions are getting more funding. Scott proposes a “Route 100 Corridor” for connecting bike trails from Plymouth to Stowe. The Board would like to be proactive on this topic and Trish will invite the Planning Commission to the November 13 meeting to discuss.
9.Assistant Clerk Hiring Timeline – Trish presented a timeline for advertising and training for this position along with associated costs. Trish noted a few changes and the board approves going forward with the plan.
Next Meeting Dates: Due to the election on November 6 the Select Board plans to meet November 13 and 27, 2018.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: ________________ Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charlie Piso
Ann Kuendig
Matt Corron
DATE: October 16, 2018
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Charlie Piso, Matt Corron, Tricia Fryer
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #5 – CT River Conservancy; #6 – VLCT Newsletter October 2018; New Business #5 – Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP; #6 - Electric Vehicle (EV) grant opportunities; #7 - Discussion of Auditor Report; #8 - Regional Commerce Plan; and #9 - Assistant Clerk hiring timeline
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes October 2, 2018
Public Present:
1.TRORC Dues Notice
2.CBE Educational Grant Writing
3.VT Dept of Health
4.Elaine Sackrider
5.CT River Conservancy
6.VLCT Newsletter October 2018
Old Business:
1.Richard Lunna
2.Constable Resignation
3.Appointment Deputy Health Officer
4.Permit for Speed Feedback Sign
New Business:
1.Town Clerk/ Town Employee Health Insurance Renewals and HRA
2.Sign order increase number of no parking signs; may need to switch vendors
3.AOT Meeting
4.Clerk Treasurer Report September 2018
5.Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP)
6.Electric Vehicle (EV) Grant Opportunities
7.Discussion of Auditor Report
8.Regional Commerce Plan
9.Assistant Clerk Hiring Timeline
Next Meeting Dates: To be determined due to Election
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #5 – CT River Conservancy; #6 – VLCT Newsletter October 2018; New Business #5 – Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP; #6 - Electric Vehicle (EV) grant opportunities; #7 - Discussion of Auditor Report; #8 - Regional Commerce Plan; and #9 - Assistant Clerk hiring timeline
Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 2, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.TRORC Dues Notice – The dues for 2019 will be $814. The notice has been filed in the budgeting folder for Town Meeting consideration.
2.CBE Educational Grant Writing – Workshop information. Trish will forward copies to George and the Fire Department to review.
3.VT Dept of Health – The nomination for a Deputy Health Officer is due 10/31/18. Clairetta Corron has declined the nomination. Trish will send a letter to townspeople that may be interested in the position.
4.Elaine Sackrider – Elaine provided the Select Board with a letter giving permission to set-up a temporary speed feedback trailer along the shoulder of Route 100 adjacent to her property.
5.CT River Conservancy – Requesting funding from the town. The Select Board is not interested in pursuing.
6.VLCT Newsletter October 2018 – Monthly newsletter has been received at the town office.
Old Business:
1.Richard Lunna – Land Surveyor, provided maps to the town regarding land associated with easement property between the Fire Department, Swiss Farm Market and Tim Pins. Trish will keep on file.
2.Constable Resignation – The Town has not received a resignation from Doug Mianulli yet. Trish will provide a draft letter to help expedite the matter. Serving notice for unlicensed dogs is not part of Tim Hunt’s duties therefore the unlicensed dog(s) remains unresolved.
3.Appointment Deputy Health Officer – See Correspondence #3
4.Permit for Speed Feedback Sign – VT Department of Transportation requires a permit to utilize this type of sign. The Board signed the permit, there is no cost.
New Business:
1.Town Clerk/ Town Employee Health Insurance Renewals and HRA – Trish presented a comparison chart for Board review. She will share the information with George to get his feedback as they are the only town employees eligible for the insurance. The plans have virtually no differences and there is a savings by switching from BCBSVT to MVP. Matt motioned to switch to the MVP Healthcare Platinum Plan; Charlie seconded; the Board approves the MVP Platinum plan.
2.Sign order increase number of no parking signs; may need to switch vendors – Charlie recommends increasing the number of No Parking-Towing Zone signs to 6. He is not having much success working with the Corrections Department so the Board will have George order the signs through his vendor. The Open Space sign will be pursued at a later date.
3.AOT Meeting – District 3 is holding a meeting October 22 at 10 a.m. in the Mendon Office. It is in regards to the Route 100 bridge in Pittsfield. George and Charlie will be attending.
4.Clerk Treasurer Report September 2018 – The Board reviewed the reports.
5.Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (formerly LEOP) – The LEOP is being replaced with a different format and the Vermont Emergency Management Department is requiring all town’s to convert their information into the new format. Charlie, Herb Kuendig and Trish will work on this project.
6.Electric Vehicle (EV) Grant Opportunities – The VT Highway Department has grant funds available for Electric Vehicle charging stations. The grant requires a 10% match. The Board will not pursue at this time.
7.Discussion of Auditor Report – The Board would like to know statutorily what “component unit” means in terms of reporting to the Town Treasurer. Charlie motioned to contact the MAC group at VLCT and if they do not know the answer, the board will authorize up to 4 hours of consultation with MaryLou Scofield to research the answer; Ann seconded; motion carried.
8.Regional Commerce Plan – Charlie attended Governor Phil Scott’s Meeting October 16 that emphasized the importance of developing Regional coalitions. The reason is coalitions are getting more funding. Scott proposes a “Route 100 Corridor” for connecting bike trails from Plymouth to Stowe. The Board would like to be proactive on this topic and Trish will invite the Planning Commission to the November 13 meeting to discuss.
9.Assistant Clerk Hiring Timeline – Trish presented a timeline for advertising and training for this position along with associated costs. Trish noted a few changes and the board approves going forward with the plan.
Next Meeting Dates: Due to the election on November 6 the Select Board plans to meet November 13 and 27, 2018.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: ________________ Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charlie Piso
Ann Kuendig
Matt Corron