DATE: May 22, 2018
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Ann Kuendig, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Dave Colton, Greg Martin
Agenda Modifications: New Business #5 – VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project; New Busincess #6 – New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes May 15, 2018
Public Present: Fire Department Personnel
1.Efficiency Vermont
2.VLCT Annual Report
3.TRORC Municipal Roads and Aid Grants program
4.Long Trail Century Ride
Old Business:
1.VLCT Employment Resources - Dental Benefits
2.Line Striping
3.Complete Town Appointments
4.Sand shed update
5.Summer Buildings Projects
6.Yard sale and playground update
7.Loss control check list
8.Fire truck bid plan
9.Signs follow up
10.Rocks 113 Park Place
New Business:
1.Fire truck contract
2.Assistant town clerk position discussion
3.Discuss announcement - New Clerk Treasurer
4.Capitol Planning – Start process
5.VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project
6.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan
Next Meeting Dates: June 12 and June 26, 2018
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:02 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business #5 – VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project; New Busincess #6 – New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 15, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Efficiency Vermont – They are offering free energy assessments. Matt will contact EV to do an updated assessment of the Town Hall.
2.VLCT Annual Report – 2017 report received and will be filed.
3.TRORC Municipal Roads and Aid Grants program – Patty forwarded the information to George on May 14 and he has been working with Rita from TRORC. It appears the town is eligible for $5,100 in grant funds with a 25% match. The board will invite George to attend the next meeting to review the program so a decision can be made before the June 22, 2018 deadline.
4.Long Trail Century Ride – Kip Dalury contacted Patty requesting the use of the Town Green again as a first aid and water stop for this event on June 23, 2018. They will provide portable toilets which will be delivered the day before and removed a day or two after the event. Charlie motioned to approve the request; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Old Business:
1.VLCT Employment Resources - Dental Benefits: This topic has been tabled as the board would like to get input from George. The Board Secretary will invite George to the next meeting in June.
2.Line Striping – The board discussed various options. Charlie motioned to purchase a line striping wheel unit and paint not to exceed $200; Matt seconded; motion carried. Board members will do the line striping.
3.Complete Town Appointments – Charlie motioned to appoint Herb Kuendig to the Zoning Board of Adjustment; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4.Sand shed update - This topic has been tabled as the board needs input from George. The Board Secretary will invite George to the next meeting in June.
5.Summer Buildings Projects – Matt is reviewing the estimates and needs the breakout of the various projects that Peter put together. Charlie has asked Bill to provide a breakout of the projects as well so the board can determine a plan of action. Matt will contact Eric Lantiegne as the Energy Coordinator for input on the lighting in the Town Hall.
6.Yard sale and playground update - The Town-wide Yard Sale is scheduled for June 9, 2018. The board will try to work on some of the playground equipment items on the same date. Charlie has been in touch with Connie and she has some parts for the swings and is willing to help that day. Ann will call for pricing on rototiller rentals to use for the surface.
7.Loss control check list – The Board Secretary will include a request for George to get an estimate on the amount of sand needed for 2 inches deep for a 35 foot by 90 foot play area. This is the amount needed to bring the playground surface into compliance.
8.Fire truck bid plan – Dave, Greg and the board reviewed and discussed language in the draft bid cover letter that Patty prepared. Patty will make the changes and distribute for all to review again before sending it to Marylou Scofield, town attorney, to review. The goal is to have the letter reviewed and signed at the June 12th board meeting. Patty would then prepare and mail the bid packages to the four identified vendors by June 14, 2018. Bids will be due by 6:00 p.m. on July 10, 2018. The board will open bids at the July 10, 2018 meeting.
9.Signs follow up – Waiting for artwork proofs.
10.Rocks 113 Park Place – Charlie has been in contact with Casella. They expect to have the boulders in place by June 26, 2018. Charlie will plan to meet them at the site to be sure the boulders are moved to the correct locations.
New Business:
1.Fire truck contract – Ann contacted VLCT for guidance on items the board should address before purchasing the fire truck. Sarah Jarvis from VLCT legal department advised the Town should have a contract with the Fire Department based on discussions to determine items such as who owns the vehicle, is the title in the town’s name or the fire department, how much will the insurance increase and who pays the insurance, how is interest on the loan paid, etc. Dave became upset saying this is unacceptable, threw his pager on the table and left the meeting. Greg left the meeting as well. The discussion still needs to happen. Prior to the meeting Patty found on the Town Clerk List Serve group that other towns are also grappling with many of the same issues: how to handle funding for volunteer fire departments, are they separate entities, how to recruit members, etc.
2.Assistant town clerk position discussion – The board discussed a plan to compensate the Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer for additional duties she will perform after Patty’s retirement. It will be in the form of a bonus.
3.Discuss announcement - New Clerk Treasurer: Ann will draft a press release announcing the new clerk and Patty’s retirement. The press release will be distributed to local newspapers.
4.Capitol Planning – Start process: Tabled for a future meeting
5.VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project – Charlie will contact Eric Furs to attend the next meeting to explain and clarify these changes and to address the temporary bridge schedule.
6.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan – The board mapped out a plan to increase the new Town Clerk/Treasurer’s salary incrementally until she reaches full salary in December 2018
Next Meeting Dates: June 12 and June 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: June 12, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
DATE: May 22, 2018
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Ann Kuendig, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Dave Colton, Greg Martin
Agenda Modifications: New Business #5 – VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project; New Busincess #6 – New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes May 15, 2018
Public Present: Fire Department Personnel
1.Efficiency Vermont
2.VLCT Annual Report
3.TRORC Municipal Roads and Aid Grants program
4.Long Trail Century Ride
Old Business:
1.VLCT Employment Resources - Dental Benefits
2.Line Striping
3.Complete Town Appointments
4.Sand shed update
5.Summer Buildings Projects
6.Yard sale and playground update
7.Loss control check list
8.Fire truck bid plan
9.Signs follow up
10.Rocks 113 Park Place
New Business:
1.Fire truck contract
2.Assistant town clerk position discussion
3.Discuss announcement - New Clerk Treasurer
4.Capitol Planning – Start process
5.VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project
6.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan
Next Meeting Dates: June 12 and June 26, 2018
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:02 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business #5 – VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project; New Busincess #6 – New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 15, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Efficiency Vermont – They are offering free energy assessments. Matt will contact EV to do an updated assessment of the Town Hall.
2.VLCT Annual Report – 2017 report received and will be filed.
3.TRORC Municipal Roads and Aid Grants program – Patty forwarded the information to George on May 14 and he has been working with Rita from TRORC. It appears the town is eligible for $5,100 in grant funds with a 25% match. The board will invite George to attend the next meeting to review the program so a decision can be made before the June 22, 2018 deadline.
4.Long Trail Century Ride – Kip Dalury contacted Patty requesting the use of the Town Green again as a first aid and water stop for this event on June 23, 2018. They will provide portable toilets which will be delivered the day before and removed a day or two after the event. Charlie motioned to approve the request; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Old Business:
1.VLCT Employment Resources - Dental Benefits: This topic has been tabled as the board would like to get input from George. The Board Secretary will invite George to the next meeting in June.
2.Line Striping – The board discussed various options. Charlie motioned to purchase a line striping wheel unit and paint not to exceed $200; Matt seconded; motion carried. Board members will do the line striping.
3.Complete Town Appointments – Charlie motioned to appoint Herb Kuendig to the Zoning Board of Adjustment; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4.Sand shed update - This topic has been tabled as the board needs input from George. The Board Secretary will invite George to the next meeting in June.
5.Summer Buildings Projects – Matt is reviewing the estimates and needs the breakout of the various projects that Peter put together. Charlie has asked Bill to provide a breakout of the projects as well so the board can determine a plan of action. Matt will contact Eric Lantiegne as the Energy Coordinator for input on the lighting in the Town Hall.
6.Yard sale and playground update - The Town-wide Yard Sale is scheduled for June 9, 2018. The board will try to work on some of the playground equipment items on the same date. Charlie has been in touch with Connie and she has some parts for the swings and is willing to help that day. Ann will call for pricing on rototiller rentals to use for the surface.
7.Loss control check list – The Board Secretary will include a request for George to get an estimate on the amount of sand needed for 2 inches deep for a 35 foot by 90 foot play area. This is the amount needed to bring the playground surface into compliance.
8.Fire truck bid plan – Dave, Greg and the board reviewed and discussed language in the draft bid cover letter that Patty prepared. Patty will make the changes and distribute for all to review again before sending it to Marylou Scofield, town attorney, to review. The goal is to have the letter reviewed and signed at the June 12th board meeting. Patty would then prepare and mail the bid packages to the four identified vendors by June 14, 2018. Bids will be due by 6:00 p.m. on July 10, 2018. The board will open bids at the July 10, 2018 meeting.
9.Signs follow up – Waiting for artwork proofs.
10.Rocks 113 Park Place – Charlie has been in contact with Casella. They expect to have the boulders in place by June 26, 2018. Charlie will plan to meet them at the site to be sure the boulders are moved to the correct locations.
New Business:
1.Fire truck contract – Ann contacted VLCT for guidance on items the board should address before purchasing the fire truck. Sarah Jarvis from VLCT legal department advised the Town should have a contract with the Fire Department based on discussions to determine items such as who owns the vehicle, is the title in the town’s name or the fire department, how much will the insurance increase and who pays the insurance, how is interest on the loan paid, etc. Dave became upset saying this is unacceptable, threw his pager on the table and left the meeting. Greg left the meeting as well. The discussion still needs to happen. Prior to the meeting Patty found on the Town Clerk List Serve group that other towns are also grappling with many of the same issues: how to handle funding for volunteer fire departments, are they separate entities, how to recruit members, etc.
2.Assistant town clerk position discussion – The board discussed a plan to compensate the Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer for additional duties she will perform after Patty’s retirement. It will be in the form of a bonus.
3.Discuss announcement - New Clerk Treasurer: Ann will draft a press release announcing the new clerk and Patty’s retirement. The press release will be distributed to local newspapers.
4.Capitol Planning – Start process: Tabled for a future meeting
5.VTrans Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project – Charlie will contact Eric Furs to attend the next meeting to explain and clarify these changes and to address the temporary bridge schedule.
6.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan – The board mapped out a plan to increase the new Town Clerk/Treasurer’s salary incrementally until she reaches full salary in December 2018
Next Meeting Dates: June 12 and June 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: June 12, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig