DATE: May 15, 2018
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Ann Kuendig, Patty Haskins, Greg Martin, Caleb Hawley, Dave Colton
Agenda Modifications: New Business #6 – Unlicensed dogs; New Business #7 – Annual Certification of Town Road Codes & Standards
Minutes Approval: May 1, 2018 meeting
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:07 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business #6 – Unlicensed dogs; New Business #7 – Annual Certification of Town Road Codes & Standards. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 1, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting scheduled for May 22, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: May 22, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Ann Kuendig
DATE: May 15, 2018
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Ann Kuendig, Patty Haskins, Greg Martin, Caleb Hawley, Dave Colton
Agenda Modifications: New Business #6 – Unlicensed dogs; New Business #7 – Annual Certification of Town Road Codes & Standards
Minutes Approval: May 1, 2018 meeting
Public Present:
- VLCT Employment Resources Benefits Trust Dental benefits
- VLCT Community Development Group
- Summer erosion control workshop
- Town of Chittenden road reclassification
Old Business:
- VHCB management plan
- Leigh Kelly Dr
- Playground work party details
New Business:
- Vermont Farms Catering liquor licenses
- VT Route 100 bridge
- Visuals and preps for special town meeting
- Date for supplemental meeting
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:07 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business #6 – Unlicensed dogs; New Business #7 – Annual Certification of Town Road Codes & Standards. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 1, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
- VLCT Employment Resources Benefits Trust - Dental benefits: Updated information on dental plans. The town does not currently offer this benefit. Table for discussion at the next meeting.
- VNH – Visiting Nurse Hospice newsletter received. No action.
- VLCT Community Development Group – Workshop on “Building A Sense of Place” in Killington on June 14. Information is being forwarded to the Planning Commission.
- Summer erosion control workshop – There is one scheduled in Castleton on June 12. Information is being forwarded to George.
- Town of Chittenden road reclassification – Warning for site inspection on May 26 of the road end at the Gallagher property. Charlie plans to attend.
- VHCB management plan – Patty updated the document, the board reviewed and signed.
- Leigh Kelly Dr – This complaint has been officially closed per the recommendation of town attorney Marylou Scofield.
- Playground work party details – There are not enough projects and materials to warrant a work party on June 9.
New Business:
- Vermont Farms Catering liquor licenses – Patty gave a summary of the applications which includes 16 events scheduled between May 19 and November 4, 2018 at Riverside Farm; and 1 event at the Amee Farm July 13-14, 2018. All events will end by 10:00 p.m. curfew. Charlie motioned to approve all 17 applications; Ann seconded; motion carried.
- VT Route 100 bridge – Carolyn Carson is the engineer of record for this project. Charlie has invited Carolyn to attend a Select Board meeting to address many unanswered questions. She has not responded yet. The temporary bridge may be put in place this fall with construction of the new bridge to begin in March 2019.
- Visuals and preps for special town meeting – Board members met at the Town Hall at 5:00 p.m. to set up for the Town Meeting on May 16. Members of the PVF&R are present to question what information the Select Board will be sharing. The board will be reviewing the information that was included in the mailing and will prepare a Budget Summary chart to help explain how each article affects the budget. Dave asked the status of the bid letter to accompany the specs. The letter has not been drafted yet however the bid specification document is ready. The board will address this at the supplemental meeting.
- Date for supplemental meeting – An extra May meeting has been scheduled for May 22 so the board may address the many topics that were tabled due to the additional work the re-vote required.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reviewed the budget with the board; all financials are in order.
- Unlicensed dogs – Notification will go out to owners of unlicensed dogs after May 30 to license them or they will be fined $250. Currently there are 9 unlicensed dogs and Doug Mianulli is in the process of notifying the owners.
- Annual Certification of Town Road Codes & Standards – This is required annually. The town did adopt the “Town Road Codes & Standards” as set forth by the state in 2013 and the town maintains an inventory of all roads with the assistance of TRORC. Charlie motioned to accept the certification; Ann seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting scheduled for May 22, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: May 22, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Ann Kuendig