DATE: June 12, 2018
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, Bill Oren, Cheryl Harvey
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #9 – Firefighter Training; New Business #3 – Tweed River Open Space Trees; and New Business #4 – Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes May 22, 2018
Public Present: Fire Department Personnel, Cheryl Harvey, Bill Oren
1.Efficiency Vermont - rebate and cash back
2.VLCT News - June
3.Vermont Coalition of Municipalities – prorated distribution
4.Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop
5.Building A Sense of Place – Municipal Forum
6.Letter from David Colton, Fire Chief
7.Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Application #3W0948-3
8.Robinson Integrated Resource Project
9.Firefighter Training
Old Business:
1.VLCT – Dental Insurance
2.VTrans – Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project
3.Fire Truck Bid document - review by Town Attorney
4.Municipal Grants in Aid – documents due by June 22 to participate
5.Sign update
6.Firehouse parking
7.Line Striping
8.Sand shed update
9.Summer Buildings projects
10.Loss Control Checklist
11.Rocks 113 Park Place
12.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan
New Business:
1.Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP) – fees and forms required
2.Capital Planning – start process
3.Tweed River Open Space Trees
4.Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
Next Meeting Dates: June 26, 2018
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Matt motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #9 – Firefighter Training; New Business #3 – Tweed River Open Space Trees; and New Business #4 – Town Clerk/Treasurer Report. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 22, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Efficiency Vermont – They are offering rebates and cash back on efficiency lighting. Matt will contact some local electricians to address the lighting in the Town Hall.
2.VLCT News - June 2018 issue received.
3.Vermont Coalition of Municipalities – prorated distribution: This was a lobbying group for towns for Act 60. They have disbanded and the town received a check for $103.51.
4.Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop – Information about the July 11, 2018 workshop will be forwarded to Janice.
5.Building A Sense of Place – Municipal Forum being held in Killington on June 14, 2018. No one is attending.
6.Letter from David Colton, Fire Chief – Letter was received stating he would continue to serve as the fire chief.
7.Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Application #3W0948-3: District 3 Environmental Board issued their Findings of Facts on June 1, 2018. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Facts, Conclusions of Law and Order for Land Use Permit #3W0948-3 has been issued.
8.Robinson Integrated Resource Project – Comments are due 30 days from the warning. The document is on file at the town clerk’s office for public view.
9.Firefighter Training – Information has been forwarded to the fire department.
Old Business:
1.VLCT – Dental Insurance – Put in Tickle Folder for budgeting in November.
2.VTrans – Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project – Eric Furs contacted Patty on May 23rd to find out if the Select Board signed the document. Patty told him no and also relayed to Eric that the Select Board would like to discuss this document with him at the next meeting on June 12th to answer their questions. Patty has not heard back from Eric.
3.Fire Truck Bid document - review by Town Attorney: Discussed responses from the Marylou Scofield and from the Fire Department. Caleb stressed that they want to be sure they get a truck that was presented to the townspeople for the vote. The Select Board will go with the Fire Department’s recommendation when choosing a vendor. Ann motioned to send the bid letter to the list of five vendors; Matt seconded; Patty will have the letter ready tomorrow (June 13) so the Select Board can sign it and the bid packets can be mailed.
4.Municipal Grants in Aid – documents due by June 22 to participate: George worked with Rita Seto from TRORC for this grant to do ditching along town roads. The grant is for $5,100 with $1,275 in-kind donation that George can provide. The work is to be completed by October 31, 2018 with an extension available if needed. There is a $240 program fee. Matt motioned to sign the grant and pay the program fee of $240; Ann seconded; motion carried.
5.Sign update – tabled as Charlie is not here.
6.Fire House Parking – Bill Oren expressed his concerns about patrons and others using the Fire House Parking lot. He states the Act 250 permit for the General Store requires them to post that there is no parking at the Fire House. Bill spoke to some VTrans personnel that were parked there and they shrugged him off. Bill contacted the state’s Assistant Attorney General about the situation. The Assistant AG sent a message to state maintenance personnel informing them that parking in fire house parking lots is not allowed. Ideas were discussed on how to discourage and/or keep people from parking in the Fire House parking lot. One idea is to create a barrier to block part of the side entrance and only allow IN and OUT access. Logistics, ROW and surveys will need to be investigated. Caleb and Dave are happy to work out a solution with whoever would be part of the decision. They expressed concerns about the water that runs across Route 100 and washes out their entrance/lot. The Board will include Fire Dept. personnel in any meetings addressing the run-off across Route 100 with VTrans. PVFR will ask Bob Giolito of DMV enforcement to stop and speak to violators in the Fire House parking lot.
7.Line Striping – tabled as Charlie is not here
8.Sand shed update – George did reach out to Avery Smith about why the change in his bid price but he has not heard back yet. The Board would like to discuss options and solutions with George such as making adjustments to the bid or re-engineer the project. Secretary will invite George to upcoming meetings to discuss further
9.Summer Buildings Projects – Matt walked through the projects with Peter Borden and Matt has contacted several contractors. Matt has not received any responses yet.
10.Loss Control Checklist – Ann and Connie turned over some of the sand in the playground area along the edges where the roto-tiller cannot reach. The rest of items are tabled as Charlie is not here.
11.Rocks 113 Park Place – tabled as Charlie is not here
12.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan – The Board discussed the dates and salary increases for the new Town Clerk/Treasurer starting August 30th to December 13th. The plan will get the salary to the full rate by December 13, 2018. Ann will provide a rough draft to the Board Secretary so a letter can be sent to Tricia. One Select Board member will meet with Tricia at each salary step to check-in on how she is doing.
New Business:
1.Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP) – fees and forms required: This is from the Dept. of Environmental Conservation. There will be a review fee of $400 due June 1, 2019 and the Annual Operating fee is $1,350 also due June 1, 2019. This will need to be added to next year’s budget.
2.Capital Planning – start process: The Board will include the following departments in this process: Parks, Grounds & Cemetery; Library; Fire and Rescue; Highway; Town Clerk/Treasurer; and Historical Society. This will be discussed further at future meetings.
3.Tweed River Open Space Trees – Cheryl Harvey has been in touch with Green Haven Company, the tree vendor, to address the trees that are failing. Green Haven will replace ten trees with 2-2.5 inch new trees. Cheryl expects Green Haven to maintain the trees as per the contract and will verify that the new trees will be under warranty. Cheryl will contact Patty with a date for the new trees.
4.Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reviewed the monthly fund balances and expenses for May 2018.
Next Meeting Date: June 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: June 26, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
DATE: June 12, 2018
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Dave Colton, Caleb Hawley, Bill Oren, Cheryl Harvey
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #9 – Firefighter Training; New Business #3 – Tweed River Open Space Trees; and New Business #4 – Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes May 22, 2018
Public Present: Fire Department Personnel, Cheryl Harvey, Bill Oren
1.Efficiency Vermont - rebate and cash back
2.VLCT News - June
3.Vermont Coalition of Municipalities – prorated distribution
4.Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop
5.Building A Sense of Place – Municipal Forum
6.Letter from David Colton, Fire Chief
7.Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Application #3W0948-3
8.Robinson Integrated Resource Project
9.Firefighter Training
Old Business:
1.VLCT – Dental Insurance
2.VTrans – Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project
3.Fire Truck Bid document - review by Town Attorney
4.Municipal Grants in Aid – documents due by June 22 to participate
5.Sign update
6.Firehouse parking
7.Line Striping
8.Sand shed update
9.Summer Buildings projects
10.Loss Control Checklist
11.Rocks 113 Park Place
12.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan
New Business:
1.Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP) – fees and forms required
2.Capital Planning – start process
3.Tweed River Open Space Trees
4.Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
Next Meeting Dates: June 26, 2018
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Matt motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #9 – Firefighter Training; New Business #3 – Tweed River Open Space Trees; and New Business #4 – Town Clerk/Treasurer Report. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 22, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Efficiency Vermont – They are offering rebates and cash back on efficiency lighting. Matt will contact some local electricians to address the lighting in the Town Hall.
2.VLCT News - June 2018 issue received.
3.Vermont Coalition of Municipalities – prorated distribution: This was a lobbying group for towns for Act 60. They have disbanded and the town received a check for $103.51.
4.Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop – Information about the July 11, 2018 workshop will be forwarded to Janice.
5.Building A Sense of Place – Municipal Forum being held in Killington on June 14, 2018. No one is attending.
6.Letter from David Colton, Fire Chief – Letter was received stating he would continue to serve as the fire chief.
7.Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Application #3W0948-3: District 3 Environmental Board issued their Findings of Facts on June 1, 2018. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Facts, Conclusions of Law and Order for Land Use Permit #3W0948-3 has been issued.
8.Robinson Integrated Resource Project – Comments are due 30 days from the warning. The document is on file at the town clerk’s office for public view.
9.Firefighter Training – Information has been forwarded to the fire department.
Old Business:
1.VLCT – Dental Insurance – Put in Tickle Folder for budgeting in November.
2.VTrans – Quit Claim Deed Parcel Changes for Bridge Project – Eric Furs contacted Patty on May 23rd to find out if the Select Board signed the document. Patty told him no and also relayed to Eric that the Select Board would like to discuss this document with him at the next meeting on June 12th to answer their questions. Patty has not heard back from Eric.
3.Fire Truck Bid document - review by Town Attorney: Discussed responses from the Marylou Scofield and from the Fire Department. Caleb stressed that they want to be sure they get a truck that was presented to the townspeople for the vote. The Select Board will go with the Fire Department’s recommendation when choosing a vendor. Ann motioned to send the bid letter to the list of five vendors; Matt seconded; Patty will have the letter ready tomorrow (June 13) so the Select Board can sign it and the bid packets can be mailed.
4.Municipal Grants in Aid – documents due by June 22 to participate: George worked with Rita Seto from TRORC for this grant to do ditching along town roads. The grant is for $5,100 with $1,275 in-kind donation that George can provide. The work is to be completed by October 31, 2018 with an extension available if needed. There is a $240 program fee. Matt motioned to sign the grant and pay the program fee of $240; Ann seconded; motion carried.
5.Sign update – tabled as Charlie is not here.
6.Fire House Parking – Bill Oren expressed his concerns about patrons and others using the Fire House Parking lot. He states the Act 250 permit for the General Store requires them to post that there is no parking at the Fire House. Bill spoke to some VTrans personnel that were parked there and they shrugged him off. Bill contacted the state’s Assistant Attorney General about the situation. The Assistant AG sent a message to state maintenance personnel informing them that parking in fire house parking lots is not allowed. Ideas were discussed on how to discourage and/or keep people from parking in the Fire House parking lot. One idea is to create a barrier to block part of the side entrance and only allow IN and OUT access. Logistics, ROW and surveys will need to be investigated. Caleb and Dave are happy to work out a solution with whoever would be part of the decision. They expressed concerns about the water that runs across Route 100 and washes out their entrance/lot. The Board will include Fire Dept. personnel in any meetings addressing the run-off across Route 100 with VTrans. PVFR will ask Bob Giolito of DMV enforcement to stop and speak to violators in the Fire House parking lot.
7.Line Striping – tabled as Charlie is not here
8.Sand shed update – George did reach out to Avery Smith about why the change in his bid price but he has not heard back yet. The Board would like to discuss options and solutions with George such as making adjustments to the bid or re-engineer the project. Secretary will invite George to upcoming meetings to discuss further
9.Summer Buildings Projects – Matt walked through the projects with Peter Borden and Matt has contacted several contractors. Matt has not received any responses yet.
10.Loss Control Checklist – Ann and Connie turned over some of the sand in the playground area along the edges where the roto-tiller cannot reach. The rest of items are tabled as Charlie is not here.
11.Rocks 113 Park Place – tabled as Charlie is not here
12.New Town Clerk/Treasurer Transition Salary Plan – The Board discussed the dates and salary increases for the new Town Clerk/Treasurer starting August 30th to December 13th. The plan will get the salary to the full rate by December 13, 2018. Ann will provide a rough draft to the Board Secretary so a letter can be sent to Tricia. One Select Board member will meet with Tricia at each salary step to check-in on how she is doing.
New Business:
1.Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP) – fees and forms required: This is from the Dept. of Environmental Conservation. There will be a review fee of $400 due June 1, 2019 and the Annual Operating fee is $1,350 also due June 1, 2019. This will need to be added to next year’s budget.
2.Capital Planning – start process: The Board will include the following departments in this process: Parks, Grounds & Cemetery; Library; Fire and Rescue; Highway; Town Clerk/Treasurer; and Historical Society. This will be discussed further at future meetings.
3.Tweed River Open Space Trees – Cheryl Harvey has been in touch with Green Haven Company, the tree vendor, to address the trees that are failing. Green Haven will replace ten trees with 2-2.5 inch new trees. Cheryl expects Green Haven to maintain the trees as per the contract and will verify that the new trees will be under warranty. Cheryl will contact Patty with a date for the new trees.
4.Town Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reviewed the monthly fund balances and expenses for May 2018.
Next Meeting Date: June 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: June 26, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig