Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: July 10, 2018
Present: Charlie Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, PVF&R Dave Colton, Greg Martin and Caleb Hawley; Eric Everhart-VTEC
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4-VT Emergency Preparedness Conference; Old Business #3- Sand Shed Grant Review; New Business-#6 Unlicensed Dogs, #7-Cobra Continuation Coverage, #8-Request to Cater Malt, #9- Chairman’s meeting schedule
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting June 26, 2018
Public Present: George Deblon, PVF&R Dave Colton, Greg Martin and Caleb Hawley; Eric Everhart-VTEC
1. Vermont Department of Taxes – Education Tax Rates for Fiscal Year 2019
2. 2019 Municipal Planning Grants
3. VLCT News July 2018
4. VT Emergency Preparedness Conference
Old Business:
1. ROW Easement for Rt 100 Bridge
2. Property Deeds and Easements for firehouse and adjoining properties
3. Sand Shed Grant
New Business:
1. Fire Truck Bid Opening
2. U.S. Court of Federal Claims – Lawsuit PILT Payments
3. Weebly – payment for support
4. Town Clerk/Treasurer June Financials
5. Wage rate post retirement
6. Unlicensed Dogs
7. Cobra Continuation Coverage
8. Request to Cater Malt
9. Chairman’s meeting schedule
Next Meeting Date: August 7, 2018
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:07pm; Matt seconded; meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4-VT Emergency Preparedness Conference; Old Business #3-Sand Shed Grant Review; New Business #6-Unlicensed Dogs, #7-Cobra Continuation Coverage, #8-Request to Cater Malt, #9- Chairman’s meeting schedule. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 26, 2018; Charlie seconded; minutes approved.
1. Vermont Department of Taxes-Education Tax Rate for Fiscal year 2019- Select Board reviewed Non-residential rate of $1.4029 and Homestead rate of $1.2655
2. 2019 Municipal Planning Grants. Forward information to Planning Commission.
3. VLCT News July 2018-Monthly Newsletter
4. VT Emergency Preparedness Conference-Charlie, Ann expressed interest in attending the conference held in Fairlee, VT on September 7 & 8 and invite Herb Kuendig and Matt to also attend. Attendees will let Patty know so she can register the group.
Old Business:
1. ROW Easement for RT 100 Bridge-Tabled until Eric Furs presents project details to the Select Board. Charlie will follow up with the Board Secretary on the letter inviting Eric to the next meeting.
2. Property Deeds and Easements for firehouse and adjoining properties-Select Board reviewed documents and determined that easements allowing right of way to old Stanley plant prohibit parking. Two landmarks need to be sited to determine how wide the easement is in relation to the Fire Station’s parking lot. Ann will contact Surveyor Richard Lunna for help.
3. Sand Shed Grant-Select Board reviewed application package George Deblon prepared and will submit to VTrans Municipal Assistance Bureau for a grant totaling $351,250 of which 20% ($70,250) will be town match. Replacement of the sand shed will go out to bid once the grant is awarded with construction to begin in the spring. Charlie motioned to allow George to submit the application and keep the Select Board apprised of progress. Matt seconded.
New Business:
1. Fire Truck Bid Opening-Select Board opened bids that were received by two of five vendors that were invited to bid on the specifications for a new pumper/tanker that were provided by the PVF&R.
Dingee Machine Company submitted a bid for $169,262 with the assumption that the PVF&R would provide the Kenworth chassis. VTEC out of Williamstown, VT submitted a bid for $267,639 which did not include options for hoses and other equipment which the PVF&R might get cheaper. PVF&R was allowed to take the bids to their fire truck meeting and returned the originals before the Regular Meeting was adjourned. Copies of the bids were to be made available the following day. PVF&R will review the bids and make a recommendation to the Select Board.
2. US Court of Federal Claims-Lawsuit PILT payments-SB will review the class action lawsuit against the federal government for underpayment of funds to local governments under the Payment In lieu of Taxes program. If Pittsfield is going to join the lawsuit, the Opt-In Notice must be submitted, postmarked and delivered no later than September 14, 2018. (The form can be submitted on line.)
3. Weebly-payment for support. The company which hosts the town’s website for free is now requiring a contract to continue hosting the website and maintain features. Charlie moved and Matt seconded that Patty enter into negotiations with Weebly on a yearly contract that would cost no more than $8 a month for services.
4. Town Clerk/Treasurer June financials -Patty submitted her June financial report. Budget appears to be on track for all funds.
5. Wage rate post retirement-Patty submitted an hourly wage of $29.55 an hour in 2018 and $31.00 an hour in 2019 for any assistance she is asked to provide the new Town Clerk/Treasurer following her retirement at the end of August. The hourly wage is based on her current salary broken down into an hourly rate that includes benefits.
6. Unlicensed Dogs-Five dogs owned by three owners Amy Juneau, Tonia Mears and Shane Rand are still unlicensed despite continued notification efforts. Select Board signed notices to these dog owners that they will be subject to a $250 per dog fine unless they license their dogs.
7. Continuing Cobra Coverage-Patty made the SB aware of the requirements for COBRA notification for eligible employees leaving employment with the town. Charlie motioned and Matt seconded that the town will not send out regular notices of payments due from eligible employees. Select Board will need to review 2019 Health Reimbursement Account to change the employer contribution so that it is prorated monthly for any employee that begins employment mid-year. The new Town Clerk/Treasurer will be eligible for the full amount of HRA $1750.00 in December.
8. Request to Cater Malt-Select Board approved Vermont Farms request for a permit to cater an event at Aimee Farm on July 13-14, 20198.
9. Chairman schedule-Charlie indicated he may have difficulty attending regular/special Select Board meetings as he will need to be in Massachusetts to attend to urgent family matters.
Next Meeting Date: August 7, 2018 at 6pm
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: September 25, 2018 Recorded by: Ann Kuendig
Select Board
Charlie Piso
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
DATE: July 10, 2018
Present: Charlie Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Patty Haskins, George Deblon, PVF&R Dave Colton, Greg Martin and Caleb Hawley; Eric Everhart-VTEC
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4-VT Emergency Preparedness Conference; Old Business #3- Sand Shed Grant Review; New Business-#6 Unlicensed Dogs, #7-Cobra Continuation Coverage, #8-Request to Cater Malt, #9- Chairman’s meeting schedule
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting June 26, 2018
Public Present: George Deblon, PVF&R Dave Colton, Greg Martin and Caleb Hawley; Eric Everhart-VTEC
1. Vermont Department of Taxes – Education Tax Rates for Fiscal Year 2019
2. 2019 Municipal Planning Grants
3. VLCT News July 2018
4. VT Emergency Preparedness Conference
Old Business:
1. ROW Easement for Rt 100 Bridge
2. Property Deeds and Easements for firehouse and adjoining properties
3. Sand Shed Grant
New Business:
1. Fire Truck Bid Opening
2. U.S. Court of Federal Claims – Lawsuit PILT Payments
3. Weebly – payment for support
4. Town Clerk/Treasurer June Financials
5. Wage rate post retirement
6. Unlicensed Dogs
7. Cobra Continuation Coverage
8. Request to Cater Malt
9. Chairman’s meeting schedule
Next Meeting Date: August 7, 2018
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:07pm; Matt seconded; meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4-VT Emergency Preparedness Conference; Old Business #3-Sand Shed Grant Review; New Business #6-Unlicensed Dogs, #7-Cobra Continuation Coverage, #8-Request to Cater Malt, #9- Chairman’s meeting schedule. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 26, 2018; Charlie seconded; minutes approved.
1. Vermont Department of Taxes-Education Tax Rate for Fiscal year 2019- Select Board reviewed Non-residential rate of $1.4029 and Homestead rate of $1.2655
2. 2019 Municipal Planning Grants. Forward information to Planning Commission.
3. VLCT News July 2018-Monthly Newsletter
4. VT Emergency Preparedness Conference-Charlie, Ann expressed interest in attending the conference held in Fairlee, VT on September 7 & 8 and invite Herb Kuendig and Matt to also attend. Attendees will let Patty know so she can register the group.
Old Business:
1. ROW Easement for RT 100 Bridge-Tabled until Eric Furs presents project details to the Select Board. Charlie will follow up with the Board Secretary on the letter inviting Eric to the next meeting.
2. Property Deeds and Easements for firehouse and adjoining properties-Select Board reviewed documents and determined that easements allowing right of way to old Stanley plant prohibit parking. Two landmarks need to be sited to determine how wide the easement is in relation to the Fire Station’s parking lot. Ann will contact Surveyor Richard Lunna for help.
3. Sand Shed Grant-Select Board reviewed application package George Deblon prepared and will submit to VTrans Municipal Assistance Bureau for a grant totaling $351,250 of which 20% ($70,250) will be town match. Replacement of the sand shed will go out to bid once the grant is awarded with construction to begin in the spring. Charlie motioned to allow George to submit the application and keep the Select Board apprised of progress. Matt seconded.
New Business:
1. Fire Truck Bid Opening-Select Board opened bids that were received by two of five vendors that were invited to bid on the specifications for a new pumper/tanker that were provided by the PVF&R.
Dingee Machine Company submitted a bid for $169,262 with the assumption that the PVF&R would provide the Kenworth chassis. VTEC out of Williamstown, VT submitted a bid for $267,639 which did not include options for hoses and other equipment which the PVF&R might get cheaper. PVF&R was allowed to take the bids to their fire truck meeting and returned the originals before the Regular Meeting was adjourned. Copies of the bids were to be made available the following day. PVF&R will review the bids and make a recommendation to the Select Board.
2. US Court of Federal Claims-Lawsuit PILT payments-SB will review the class action lawsuit against the federal government for underpayment of funds to local governments under the Payment In lieu of Taxes program. If Pittsfield is going to join the lawsuit, the Opt-In Notice must be submitted, postmarked and delivered no later than September 14, 2018. (The form can be submitted on line.)
3. Weebly-payment for support. The company which hosts the town’s website for free is now requiring a contract to continue hosting the website and maintain features. Charlie moved and Matt seconded that Patty enter into negotiations with Weebly on a yearly contract that would cost no more than $8 a month for services.
4. Town Clerk/Treasurer June financials -Patty submitted her June financial report. Budget appears to be on track for all funds.
5. Wage rate post retirement-Patty submitted an hourly wage of $29.55 an hour in 2018 and $31.00 an hour in 2019 for any assistance she is asked to provide the new Town Clerk/Treasurer following her retirement at the end of August. The hourly wage is based on her current salary broken down into an hourly rate that includes benefits.
6. Unlicensed Dogs-Five dogs owned by three owners Amy Juneau, Tonia Mears and Shane Rand are still unlicensed despite continued notification efforts. Select Board signed notices to these dog owners that they will be subject to a $250 per dog fine unless they license their dogs.
7. Continuing Cobra Coverage-Patty made the SB aware of the requirements for COBRA notification for eligible employees leaving employment with the town. Charlie motioned and Matt seconded that the town will not send out regular notices of payments due from eligible employees. Select Board will need to review 2019 Health Reimbursement Account to change the employer contribution so that it is prorated monthly for any employee that begins employment mid-year. The new Town Clerk/Treasurer will be eligible for the full amount of HRA $1750.00 in December.
8. Request to Cater Malt-Select Board approved Vermont Farms request for a permit to cater an event at Aimee Farm on July 13-14, 20198.
9. Chairman schedule-Charlie indicated he may have difficulty attending regular/special Select Board meetings as he will need to be in Massachusetts to attend to urgent family matters.
Next Meeting Date: August 7, 2018 at 6pm
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: September 25, 2018 Recorded by: Ann Kuendig
Select Board
Charlie Piso
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig