DATE: January 16, 2018
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Caleb Hawley, Greg Martin
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #3 – Boiler Room Update; Old Business #4 – Library EC Fiber; New Business #3 – Sand Shed; New Business #4 – Water in Town Hall
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting January 2, 2018
Public Present: Pittsfield Fire Dept. personnel
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: February 6, 2018
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. Agenda modifications – Old Business #3 – Boiler Room Update; Old Business #4 – Library EC Fiber; New Business #3 – Sand Shed; New Business #4 – Water in Town Hall. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 2, 2018; Peter seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
Pittsfield Fire Dept. personnel (PFR) – Charlie will abstain from any vote regarding the Fire Department. Caleb stated they have spoken with two other vendors and they expect to have pricing by town meeting. Two vendors have indicated it will take 12-13 months to build a pumper/tanker truck. The PFR wants the purchase to be warned at Town Meeting rather than wait to have a special town vote. They presented the Board with a petition. Patty will verify the petition against the voters list.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting January 22, 2018 at 8:00 a.m.; Regular Meeting February 6, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.; Charlie seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: February 6, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso:
Matt Corron:
Peter Borden:
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Caleb Hawley, Greg Martin
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #3 – Boiler Room Update; Old Business #4 – Library EC Fiber; New Business #3 – Sand Shed; New Business #4 – Water in Town Hall
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting January 2, 2018
Public Present: Pittsfield Fire Dept. personnel
- VLCT Sarah Jarvis
- New Fire Budget sent via email from Caleb Hawley
- Planning Commission Appointment
- Auditor Proposal Jeff Bradley
- VLCT News
Old Business:
- Fire Department New Truck Proposal
- 2018 Town Meeting/ Budget Preparations
- Boiler Room Update
- Library EC Fiber
New Business:
- Procurement Policy for Town of Pittsfield
- Clerk/Treasurer job transition planning and details
- Sand Shed
- Water in Town Hall
Next Meeting Date: February 6, 2018
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. Agenda modifications – Old Business #3 – Boiler Room Update; Old Business #4 – Library EC Fiber; New Business #3 – Sand Shed; New Business #4 – Water in Town Hall. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 2, 2018; Peter seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
Pittsfield Fire Dept. personnel (PFR) – Charlie will abstain from any vote regarding the Fire Department. Caleb stated they have spoken with two other vendors and they expect to have pricing by town meeting. Two vendors have indicated it will take 12-13 months to build a pumper/tanker truck. The PFR wants the purchase to be warned at Town Meeting rather than wait to have a special town vote. They presented the Board with a petition. Patty will verify the petition against the voters list.
- VLCT Sarah Jarvis – Charlie received information regarding the number of constables from Sarah and will forward the information to the other board members for review.
- New Fire Budget sent via email from Caleb Hawley – Some lines were adjusted however the total is the same.
- Planning Commission Appointment – Peter motioned to appoint Colleen Wilcox to the Planning Commission; Charlie seconded the motion; appointment approved. The term expires at the 2020 Town Meeting. A confirmation letter will be sent to Colleen.
- Auditor Proposal Jeff Bradley – He gave Patty a verbal proposal of $5,000 to conduct an audit. Patty will conduct a formal bid for this service.
- VLCT News – January issue has been received.
Old Business:
- Fire Department New Truck Proposal – see Public Present
- 2018 Town Meeting/ Budget Preparations – The Board reviewed a draft of Select Board Narrative that Charlie put together and discussed other ideas, additions and changes. Reviewed budget lines that have been filled in, reserve fund balances, budget summary for anticipated tax rate, and town meeting articles for the warning. Patty will contact VLCT for guidance on handling the PFR petition and article wording; and additional questions on how to properly warn other articles. Another meeting is required to finalize the warning and Select Board narrative. The Board will meet at 8:00 a.m. on January 22, 2018. If additional time is needed the Board will meet later in the week.
- Boiler Room Update – Charlie called EC Fiber and has not heard back yet. It appears ECFiber has not installed the Library service yet so someone else may have cut the sheetrock and pipe insulation in the boiler room. Patty wonders if this is something Control Technologies would have done. More investigation is required.
- Library EC Fiber – Betty Warner has contacted Becky Donnet for an estimate on setting up the Library Wi-Fi. Becky wants to see the EC Fiber connection to be sure it is separate from the town and can set-up the Wi-Fi. The estimate is $195.
New Business:
- Procurement Policy for Town of Pittsfield – Drafts to be reviewed closely by Board members and will be finalized at the next meeting.
- Clerk/Treasurer job transition planning and details – Patty shared draft of the Town Clerk and Treasurer Report that outlines the transition plan and starting the search for a new Clerk and/or Treasurer. Patty and Sarah will work with the new hire(s) during June, July and August. Patty provided the Board with an outline listing key items that need to be addressed for conducting the search.
- Sand Shed – George informed the Board a 6x6 vertical broke in the shed and now there is a hole in the side of the building. George believes this new development poses a safety issue and the town needs to move forward on replacing it. George has an estimate from one vendor. The Board would like to get competitive bids on the project. Peter and Charlie will talk to George.
- Water in Town Hall – Patty cleaned up some of the water after the warming trend and rain. The water has dried up now. There use to be a town resident that would check on the Hall regularly. Patty thinks it would be wise to have someone do this – check the heat, any water issues, etc. Peter will talk to Scott who is doing custodial work for the town.
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting January 22, 2018 at 8:00 a.m.; Regular Meeting February 6, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.; Charlie seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: February 6, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso:
Matt Corron:
Peter Borden: