DATE: February 6, 2018
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin, Sarah Gallagher, Colleen Wilcox
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #6 – EC Fiber-Library Connection; New Business #8 – Library Trustee Resignation
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting January 16, 2018; Special Meeting January 25, 2018
Public Present: Planning Commission
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: February 20, 2018
Agenda Modifications & Minutes Approval:
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:02 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. Agenda modifications added: Old Business #6 –– EC Fiber-Library Connection; New Business # 8 – Library Trustee Resignation. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 16, 2018; Charlie seconded; minutes approved. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held January 25, 3018; Charlie seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
1.Planning Commission members Suana Rubin, Sarah Gallagher and Colleen Wilcox in attendance. They would like to address the issue of excessive speed through town and are willing to pursue with approval from the Select Board. Town Plans are now updated every 8 years so the commission has time to contact the appropriate agencies, gather traffic study information and speed signs. The Board and the Commission would like the speed through the village reduced to 25 mph. In the recent past the Board marked a map with various speed zones through town. Patty will locate the map and share with the Commission. The Board is in favor of having the Planning Commission take on this task.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting February 20, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.; Charlie seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: February 20, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso:
Matt Corron:
Peter Borden:
DATE: February 6, 2018
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin, Sarah Gallagher, Colleen Wilcox
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #6 – EC Fiber-Library Connection; New Business #8 – Library Trustee Resignation
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting January 16, 2018; Special Meeting January 25, 2018
Public Present: Planning Commission
- Vermont Municipal Treasurers Association
- Norwich Solar Tech
- Interagency Flooding Seminar
- TRORC project priorities
- District 3 Environmental Commission
- VLCT news
Old Business:
- Certificate of Highway mileage
- Control Technologies Contract
- Signs Update
- Update on TO/TH
- Request for Proposals for Audit Services
- EC Fiber-Library Connection
New Business:
- Municipal wastewater Doc reimplementation
- Municipal Roads Doc MRGP implementation by July 31, 2018
- Transition update
- Update town report printing status
- Select Board statement Town Meeting
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Speed Limit
- Library Trustee Resignation
Next Meeting Date: February 20, 2018
Agenda Modifications & Minutes Approval:
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:02 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. Agenda modifications added: Old Business #6 –– EC Fiber-Library Connection; New Business # 8 – Library Trustee Resignation. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 16, 2018; Charlie seconded; minutes approved. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held January 25, 3018; Charlie seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
1.Planning Commission members Suana Rubin, Sarah Gallagher and Colleen Wilcox in attendance. They would like to address the issue of excessive speed through town and are willing to pursue with approval from the Select Board. Town Plans are now updated every 8 years so the commission has time to contact the appropriate agencies, gather traffic study information and speed signs. The Board and the Commission would like the speed through the village reduced to 25 mph. In the recent past the Board marked a map with various speed zones through town. Patty will locate the map and share with the Commission. The Board is in favor of having the Planning Commission take on this task.
- Vermont Municipal Treasurers Association – Patty shared an example of a job position they were advertising to help the Board. File with Clerk/Treasurer search information.
- Norwich Solar Tech – solicitation; no action.
- Interagency Flooding Seminar – Agency of Natural Resources is hosting seminars throughout the state in February to help towns prepare for spring flooding and take proactive measures.
- TRORC project priorities – The bridge at Lower Michigan Rd and Route 100 is slated for replacement in 2019. Paving Route 100 from Killington to the junction of VT 107 in Stockbridge is slated for 2020.
- District 3 Environmental Commission – Application 3W0948-3 Riverside Farm second hearing on January 16, 2018 was recessed pending submittal if additional information by the Parties.
- VLCT News – February issue has been received.
Old Business:
- Certificate of Highway Mileage – Patty and George reviewed the changes that included a tiny section of the Village Green and TH #15. The Board signed off on the document
- Control Technologies Contract – Annual maintenance agreement received. Charlie is waiting to hear back from CT about the sheetrock and insulation that was damaged in the boiler room. He called them on January 31 and has not heard back. No agreement until the damage is addressed.
- Signs Update – The Dept. of Corrections is processing the order and the signs should be in before Town Meeting.
- Update on TO/TH (Town Office/Town Hall) – The winter alarm issue has been resolved by installing a new thermometer. See OB#2 for TO update.
- Request for Proposals for Audit Services – Patty has found 7 companies to contact for auditing services. The bids are due March 13, 2018.
- EC Fiber-Library Connection - Becky Donnet has requested EC Fiber to provide her in writing how the connection will be installed, that it is completely separate from the town office connection and guarantee no one can access the town office network while using the library network. Waiting for a response from EC Fiber.
New Business:
- Municipal Wastewater Doc reimplementation – Agency of Natural Resources is asking if municipalities would like to take back the issuance of Wastewater Permits and Potable Water Supply Permits. Charlie motioned that the town does not want to take back the issuance of Wastewater Permits and Potable Water Supply Permits; Matt seconded; motion carried.
- Municipal Roads Doc MRGP implementation by July 31, 2018 – Agency of Natural Resources has issued a State Standards Compliance Schedule for municipal roads and storm water drainage. Charlie will talk to George to find out the status of meeting the first deadline.
- Transition update – The first ad for Clerk/Treasurer position is scheduled for February 26, 2018. Patty shared a document with detailed information on “How to Hire Well”. It includes two application examples and the Board will review/note changes so Patty can customize for Pittsfield.
- Update town report printing status – The report is at the print shop.
- Select Board statement Town Meeting – Preparations for Town Meeting will be reviewed at the next meeting February 20, 2018. Tabled for tonight.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report – Patty reviewed the Monthly Balance Sheets and Income & Expense Reports. All in order.
- Speed Limit – See Public Present
- Library Trustee Resignation – Karen Butterhof Waterworth has submitted her resignation as a Library Trustee as she no longer lives in Pittsfield.
Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting February 20, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.; Charlie seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: February 20, 2018 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso:
Matt Corron:
Peter Borden: