Pittsfield School Board of Directors
Town Meeting Day
March 4, 2020
The Pittsfield Federated Church
School portion called to order at 6:05
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the year ensuing. Motion to accept article made by Charlie, seconded by Jerry, passes unanimously. Charlie nominates George Deblon and it passes unanimously.
Article 2. To hear and act upon the auditor’s report. Sarah Motions to act, Charlie seconds Passes unanimously.
Article 3. To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the town. Motion made by Jerry to accept and it was seconded by Terry, no discussion. Jennifer makes the motion to close seconded by Sue and it passes unanimously.
Article 4. To hear reports of the School Directors. Charlie motions to hear, seconded by terry. Jennifer motions to accept it is seconded by Cynthia, it passes unanimously.
Article 5. Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of $1,144,825 for the 2020-21 school year? It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education spending of $17,185 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 0.7% higher than spending for the current year. Charlie motions to accept, Laretta seconds. Questions about how the surplus changed the tax rate last year. A question about the new high school and if it affects us. Motion to accept the article made by Verna seconded by Jenifer and it passes unanimously.
Article 6. To elect a School Director for a three year term. Ray rice was nominated by Jenifer and seconded by Jerry. Charlie motions that we vote for Ray, its seconded by Jennifer and the vote passes unanimously.
Article 7. To do any other proper and necessary business. Sarah motions to accept the article, Jerry seconds.
Jenifer motions to end the school board meeting, Charlie seconds and it passes unanimously at aproximately 6:35PM.
Recorded by: Peter DuBois
Approved By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice
Town Meeting Day
March 4, 2020
The Pittsfield Federated Church
School portion called to order at 6:05
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the year ensuing. Motion to accept article made by Charlie, seconded by Jerry, passes unanimously. Charlie nominates George Deblon and it passes unanimously.
Article 2. To hear and act upon the auditor’s report. Sarah Motions to act, Charlie seconds Passes unanimously.
Article 3. To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the town. Motion made by Jerry to accept and it was seconded by Terry, no discussion. Jennifer makes the motion to close seconded by Sue and it passes unanimously.
Article 4. To hear reports of the School Directors. Charlie motions to hear, seconded by terry. Jennifer motions to accept it is seconded by Cynthia, it passes unanimously.
Article 5. Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of $1,144,825 for the 2020-21 school year? It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education spending of $17,185 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 0.7% higher than spending for the current year. Charlie motions to accept, Laretta seconds. Questions about how the surplus changed the tax rate last year. A question about the new high school and if it affects us. Motion to accept the article made by Verna seconded by Jenifer and it passes unanimously.
Article 6. To elect a School Director for a three year term. Ray rice was nominated by Jenifer and seconded by Jerry. Charlie motions that we vote for Ray, its seconded by Jennifer and the vote passes unanimously.
Article 7. To do any other proper and necessary business. Sarah motions to accept the article, Jerry seconds.
Jenifer motions to end the school board meeting, Charlie seconds and it passes unanimously at aproximately 6:35PM.
Recorded by: Peter DuBois
Approved By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice