Wednesday, March 11,2020, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are Kris Sperber and Ray Rice; Peter DuBois is ill but present via Internet
1. Call to Order: Kris Calls the meeting to order at 7:00
PM, Ray seconds so it passes unanimously.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Approve Minutes:
Approval of minutes from February 12 and from March 4 (annual district meeting) are tabled until April 8 meeting
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None tonight
5. Board reorganization:
Chair: Ray nominates Kris, and Peter seconds. Kris is elected unanimously.
Secretary: Kris nominates Peter, and Ray seconds. Peter is elected unanimously.
Representative to WCMUUD: Peter nominates Ray, Kris seconds. Ray is elected unanimously.
5. Action/Discussion Items
A. New Business:
1.Payment Order #7
Sharon Academy: ½ tuition for 3 secondary students: $23,899.50
Orange SW SD: tech center tuition, FY20: $1,549.04
WCMUUD: 3rd q tuition, 3 pre-K students: $2,517
Total: $27,965.54
Ray motions to approve the total, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
B. Old Business:
Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: Kris motions to approve, Ray seconds and it approves unanimously.
SPED: Discussed FY18, FY19 audits and grants from AOE channeled through WCSU/WCMUUD for SPED intensive. Kris continues to work with Mike Concessi at WCSU and with Jeremy Parker at AOE to resolve.
6. Adjournment: Kris motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm Ray seconds and the motion passes.
Approved April 8: s/Kris Sperber, s/Ray Rice
Wednesday, March 11,2020, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are Kris Sperber and Ray Rice; Peter DuBois is ill but present via Internet
1. Call to Order: Kris Calls the meeting to order at 7:00
PM, Ray seconds so it passes unanimously.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Approve Minutes:
Approval of minutes from February 12 and from March 4 (annual district meeting) are tabled until April 8 meeting
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None tonight
5. Board reorganization:
Chair: Ray nominates Kris, and Peter seconds. Kris is elected unanimously.
Secretary: Kris nominates Peter, and Ray seconds. Peter is elected unanimously.
Representative to WCMUUD: Peter nominates Ray, Kris seconds. Ray is elected unanimously.
5. Action/Discussion Items
A. New Business:
1.Payment Order #7
Sharon Academy: ½ tuition for 3 secondary students: $23,899.50
Orange SW SD: tech center tuition, FY20: $1,549.04
WCMUUD: 3rd q tuition, 3 pre-K students: $2,517
Total: $27,965.54
Ray motions to approve the total, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
B. Old Business:
Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: Kris motions to approve, Ray seconds and it approves unanimously.
SPED: Discussed FY18, FY19 audits and grants from AOE channeled through WCSU/WCMUUD for SPED intensive. Kris continues to work with Mike Concessi at WCSU and with Jeremy Parker at AOE to resolve.
6. Adjournment: Kris motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm Ray seconds and the motion passes.
Approved April 8: s/Kris Sperber, s/Ray Rice