Wednesday, January 22, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris Calls the meeting to order at 7:01, present are Kris Sperber, Ray Rice and Pete DuBois.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Action/Discussion: Budget and Town Meeting Report
Kris motions to approve a budget for fiscal year 2021 of $1,144,825. Ray seconds the motion.
SPED grants (mainstream, intensive, extraordinary, and EEE) were once sent to districts. That practice changed, and funds are only sent to Supervisory Unions.
SPED reimbursement is triggered by reports submitted to the Agency of Education. For FY18, 19, and now FY20 (the current year) Pittsfield SPED expenditures have been bundled into the entire WCSU reports and the SU has been getting the reimbursement.
Sherry (SPED) and Mike (Finance) at WCSU agree this has happened, and Pittsfield will be credited reimbursement on the FY20 SPED invoice.
After several months of discussion we have decided to add funding for full day pre-k to the budget this year.
Kris moves we close discussion and vote to approve the budget. Pete seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.
Kris moves to approve the School Directors Report. Ray seconds the motion. There is no discussion, and the motion passes unanimously.
4. Adjourn: Ray motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:35pm, Pete seconds and it passes unanimously.
Next Pittsfield School Board meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Wednesday, January 22, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris Calls the meeting to order at 7:01, present are Kris Sperber, Ray Rice and Pete DuBois.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Action/Discussion: Budget and Town Meeting Report
Kris motions to approve a budget for fiscal year 2021 of $1,144,825. Ray seconds the motion.
SPED grants (mainstream, intensive, extraordinary, and EEE) were once sent to districts. That practice changed, and funds are only sent to Supervisory Unions.
SPED reimbursement is triggered by reports submitted to the Agency of Education. For FY18, 19, and now FY20 (the current year) Pittsfield SPED expenditures have been bundled into the entire WCSU reports and the SU has been getting the reimbursement.
Sherry (SPED) and Mike (Finance) at WCSU agree this has happened, and Pittsfield will be credited reimbursement on the FY20 SPED invoice.
After several months of discussion we have decided to add funding for full day pre-k to the budget this year.
Kris moves we close discussion and vote to approve the budget. Pete seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.
Kris moves to approve the School Directors Report. Ray seconds the motion. There is no discussion, and the motion passes unanimously.
4. Adjourn: Ray motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:35pm, Pete seconds and it passes unanimously.
Next Pittsfield School Board meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2020