Wednesday, March 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Kris Sperber, Peter DuBois, Ray Rice and Sherry Sousa (on zoom)
Pre-meeting activity: All board members re-elected or newly elected at the annual school district meeting must take the Oath of Office (usually by town clerk) .
1. Call to Order (Superintendent or rep) Sherry Sousa called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm
2. Elections and Appointments (Superintendent or rep)
o Officers:
▪ Board Chair (Superintendent or rep)
(Board Chair facilitates remainder of meeting): Sherry nominates Kris Sperber, Peter seconds and it passes unanimously. Sherry then turned the meeting over to the Board Members.
▪ Representative: Kris nominates Ray Rice to be Pittsfield Representative at the Windsor Central Supervisory Union.
▪ Secretary: Ray nominates Peter DuBois to be the secretary, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
3. Operational Decisions: Kris motions to approve the operational decisions, Peter seconds and it passes unanimously.
o Approve regular board meeting schedule (see attached)
o Designate posting places for agendas/minutes (on attached schedule)
o Designate newspaper for notification of meetings (on attached schedule)
o Agree on whether to use Robert’s Rules for Small Boards
o Discuss and adopt Code of Ethics (attached)
4. Amendments to the Agenda
5. Approve Minutes- February 10, 2021
Tabled until next month
6. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None
7. Action/Discussion Items
o New Business:
▪ Payment Orders
The Sharon Academy, 2 secondary students ½ year tuition $16,233.
Windsor Central UUD, 3 prek students 3rd quarter tuition $3,616.95.
▪ Jean Colver Scofield Award: nothing new today
o Old Business:
▪ Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
8. Agenda Setting for April Meeting
9. Adjournment: Peter motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm, Ray seconds and it passes unanimously.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Pittsfield- Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 7:00 P.M.
Pittsfield School Board Meeting Schedule for the 2021-2022 School Year
The Pittsfield School Board’s regularly scheduled monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Pittsfield Town Office building. The following is a list of monthly meetings for the school year:
∙ No meeting in July
∙ Wednesday, August 11th
∙ Wednesday, September 8th
∙ Wednesday, October 13th
∙ Wednesday, November 10th
∙ Wednesday, December 8th
∙ Wednesday, January 12th
∙ Wednesday, February 9th
∙ Wednesday, March 9th
∙ Wednesday, April 20th (NOTE CHANGE DUE TO SPRING RECESS)
∙ Wednesday, May 11th
∙ Wednesday, June 8th
Meeting changes: Should a conflict occur that requires a change of meeting date or time the change will be posted as soon as possible with the new meeting information at the designated posting sites. ∙ The Pittsfield Town Office and website
∙ Windsor Central Supervisory Union bulletin board and website
Special meetings are sometimes necessary, particularly during budget preparation and prior to the annual Town Meeting. Special meeting information will be posted in the designated sites at least 24 hours in advance of the special meeting.
Emergency meetings may be necessary to address an unforeseen event or an emergency. Public notice will be given as soon as possible.
The Mountain Times is the local public newspaper used by the Pittsfield School District.
Monthly meeting agendas and minutes are available on the WCSU’s website, www.wcsu.net, and the Town of Pittsfield’s website, www.pittsfieldvt.com.
Approved April 21, 2021
Pittsfield School Board:
(S)Kris Sperber
(S)Peter DuBois
(S)Ray Rice
Wednesday, March 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Kris Sperber, Peter DuBois, Ray Rice and Sherry Sousa (on zoom)
Pre-meeting activity: All board members re-elected or newly elected at the annual school district meeting must take the Oath of Office (usually by town clerk) .
1. Call to Order (Superintendent or rep) Sherry Sousa called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm
2. Elections and Appointments (Superintendent or rep)
o Officers:
▪ Board Chair (Superintendent or rep)
(Board Chair facilitates remainder of meeting): Sherry nominates Kris Sperber, Peter seconds and it passes unanimously. Sherry then turned the meeting over to the Board Members.
▪ Representative: Kris nominates Ray Rice to be Pittsfield Representative at the Windsor Central Supervisory Union.
▪ Secretary: Ray nominates Peter DuBois to be the secretary, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
3. Operational Decisions: Kris motions to approve the operational decisions, Peter seconds and it passes unanimously.
o Approve regular board meeting schedule (see attached)
o Designate posting places for agendas/minutes (on attached schedule)
o Designate newspaper for notification of meetings (on attached schedule)
o Agree on whether to use Robert’s Rules for Small Boards
o Discuss and adopt Code of Ethics (attached)
4. Amendments to the Agenda
5. Approve Minutes- February 10, 2021
Tabled until next month
6. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None
7. Action/Discussion Items
o New Business:
▪ Payment Orders
The Sharon Academy, 2 secondary students ½ year tuition $16,233.
Windsor Central UUD, 3 prek students 3rd quarter tuition $3,616.95.
▪ Jean Colver Scofield Award: nothing new today
o Old Business:
▪ Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
8. Agenda Setting for April Meeting
9. Adjournment: Peter motions to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm, Ray seconds and it passes unanimously.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Pittsfield- Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 7:00 P.M.
Pittsfield School Board Meeting Schedule for the 2021-2022 School Year
The Pittsfield School Board’s regularly scheduled monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Pittsfield Town Office building. The following is a list of monthly meetings for the school year:
∙ No meeting in July
∙ Wednesday, August 11th
∙ Wednesday, September 8th
∙ Wednesday, October 13th
∙ Wednesday, November 10th
∙ Wednesday, December 8th
∙ Wednesday, January 12th
∙ Wednesday, February 9th
∙ Wednesday, March 9th
∙ Wednesday, April 20th (NOTE CHANGE DUE TO SPRING RECESS)
∙ Wednesday, May 11th
∙ Wednesday, June 8th
Meeting changes: Should a conflict occur that requires a change of meeting date or time the change will be posted as soon as possible with the new meeting information at the designated posting sites. ∙ The Pittsfield Town Office and website
∙ Windsor Central Supervisory Union bulletin board and website
Special meetings are sometimes necessary, particularly during budget preparation and prior to the annual Town Meeting. Special meeting information will be posted in the designated sites at least 24 hours in advance of the special meeting.
Emergency meetings may be necessary to address an unforeseen event or an emergency. Public notice will be given as soon as possible.
The Mountain Times is the local public newspaper used by the Pittsfield School District.
Monthly meeting agendas and minutes are available on the WCSU’s website, www.wcsu.net, and the Town of Pittsfield’s website, www.pittsfieldvt.com.
Approved April 21, 2021
Pittsfield School Board:
(S)Kris Sperber
(S)Peter DuBois
(S)Ray Rice