Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at 7 :00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Kris Sperber, Pete DuBois and Ray Rice
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order right at 7:00pm Pete seconds and it passes unanimously.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Approve minutes: Pete motions to approve the October minutes, Kris seconds and it approves unanimously. Ray motions to approve the September minutes and Kris seconds and it approves unanimously.
4. Public Comment: none
5. Action/Discussion Items
o New Business:
• Payment Orders
KMS: 1/2 tuition one secondary student- $8,421.00
Trish Fryer: Annual stipend treasurer- $200.00
Peter DuBois: Annual stipend board member- $350.00
Ray Rice: Annual stipend board member- $350.00
Kris Sperber: Annual stipend board member- $350.00 Orange SW Union School District:½ tuition two elementary students- $14,866.00
0. 14 Randolph Tech Tuition- $ 1,295
Landmark School: 2 months tuition one secondary student$3,368.40
o Old Business:
• Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
Adjournment: Ray motions to adjourn at 7:35 Kris seconds and it passed unanimously.
(s)Kris Sperber (s)Ray Rice (s)Peter Dubois
Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at 7 :00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Kris Sperber, Pete DuBois and Ray Rice
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order right at 7:00pm Pete seconds and it passes unanimously.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Approve minutes: Pete motions to approve the October minutes, Kris seconds and it approves unanimously. Ray motions to approve the September minutes and Kris seconds and it approves unanimously.
4. Public Comment: none
5. Action/Discussion Items
o New Business:
• Payment Orders
KMS: 1/2 tuition one secondary student- $8,421.00
Trish Fryer: Annual stipend treasurer- $200.00
Peter DuBois: Annual stipend board member- $350.00
Ray Rice: Annual stipend board member- $350.00
Kris Sperber: Annual stipend board member- $350.00 Orange SW Union School District:½ tuition two elementary students- $14,866.00
0. 14 Randolph Tech Tuition- $ 1,295
Landmark School: 2 months tuition one secondary student$3,368.40
o Old Business:
• Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
Adjournment: Ray motions to adjourn at 7:35 Kris seconds and it passed unanimously.
(s)Kris Sperber (s)Ray Rice (s)Peter Dubois