Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Ray Rice, Kris Sperber and Peter DuBois
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Ray seconds and it passes unanimously.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: discussion about the Jean Scofield plaque. Discussion with Jim Fenn.
3. Approve minutes: Approved unanimously
4. Public Comment: None
5. Action/Discussion Items
a. New Business:
• Only two spots left for names on the current Jean Scofield plaque, but there is another one waiting in the wings (Thanks Ray).
• Kris spoke with Jim Fenn (new finance director) and all went well. We are expecting a 2.6% raise in tuition which is the cost of living.
• Payment Orders:
o Landmark School- secondary student I -month tuition- $ J ,684.20
o RSUD- Pre K Tuition - $404.12
o United States Treasury- Annual 944 for 2021- $191.28
b. Old Business:
• Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: approved unanimously
6. Adjournment: Ray motions to adjourn at 7:40 Pete seconds and it passes unanimously.
(s)Kris Sperber (Ray Rice (s)Peter Dubois
Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Ray Rice, Kris Sperber and Peter DuBois
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Ray seconds and it passes unanimously.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: discussion about the Jean Scofield plaque. Discussion with Jim Fenn.
3. Approve minutes: Approved unanimously
4. Public Comment: None
5. Action/Discussion Items
a. New Business:
• Only two spots left for names on the current Jean Scofield plaque, but there is another one waiting in the wings (Thanks Ray).
• Kris spoke with Jim Fenn (new finance director) and all went well. We are expecting a 2.6% raise in tuition which is the cost of living.
• Payment Orders:
o Landmark School- secondary student I -month tuition- $ J ,684.20
o RSUD- Pre K Tuition - $404.12
o United States Treasury- Annual 944 for 2021- $191.28
b. Old Business:
• Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: approved unanimously
6. Adjournment: Ray motions to adjourn at 7:40 Pete seconds and it passes unanimously.
(s)Kris Sperber (Ray Rice (s)Peter Dubois