Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Kris Sperber, Ray Rice and Peter DuBois are all present, as well as Caleb Hawley from the public.
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:04PM
2. Amendments to the Agenda: Ray motions to add approving the Town Meeting Minutes from
3/5/19, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
3. Approve Minutes:
a. February 13, 2019
b. March 13, 2019
c. April 24, 2019
Ray motions to approve the February and March minutes, Kris seconds and it approved unanimously.
d. Town Meeting Minutes: Kris Motions to approve, Ray seconds and it approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment
Caleb discussed his approval of the idea to fully fund preschool aged students, citing getting our youth into education as early
as possible. He also thinks it can help bring more youthful families into the town; a good way to promote a sense of community.
5. Action/Discussion Items
a. New Business:
-Payment Orders: NONE
-Prekindergarten Tuition: After a lengthy discussion about pre-kindergarten tuition, including public engagement,
and input from Rayna Bishop (the District Act 166 Coordinator); we agree and would like to add this to the
Town Meeting Agenda.
b. Old Business:
-Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: Kris motions to approve, Peter seconds, it approves unanimously.
-Jean Colver Scofield Award Update: Ray motions to nominate Peter Borden III to be the recipient of the Jean
Colver Scofield Award, Peter Seconds and it passes unanimously. Congratulations Peter!
-VSBA Code of Ethics: Kris motions to accept the VSBA Code of Ethics, Ray seconds and it passed unanimously.
6. Agenda Setting for June Meeting
7. Adjournment: Peter motions to adjourn at 7:56PM, Ray seconds and it passes unanimously.
Kristen Sperber
s/Ray Rice
s/Peter Dubois
Wednesday, May 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Kris Sperber, Ray Rice and Peter DuBois are all present, as well as Caleb Hawley from the public.
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:04PM
2. Amendments to the Agenda: Ray motions to add approving the Town Meeting Minutes from
3/5/19, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
3. Approve Minutes:
a. February 13, 2019
b. March 13, 2019
c. April 24, 2019
Ray motions to approve the February and March minutes, Kris seconds and it approved unanimously.
d. Town Meeting Minutes: Kris Motions to approve, Ray seconds and it approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment
Caleb discussed his approval of the idea to fully fund preschool aged students, citing getting our youth into education as early
as possible. He also thinks it can help bring more youthful families into the town; a good way to promote a sense of community.
5. Action/Discussion Items
a. New Business:
-Payment Orders: NONE
-Prekindergarten Tuition: After a lengthy discussion about pre-kindergarten tuition, including public engagement,
and input from Rayna Bishop (the District Act 166 Coordinator); we agree and would like to add this to the
Town Meeting Agenda.
b. Old Business:
-Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: Kris motions to approve, Peter seconds, it approves unanimously.
-Jean Colver Scofield Award Update: Ray motions to nominate Peter Borden III to be the recipient of the Jean
Colver Scofield Award, Peter Seconds and it passes unanimously. Congratulations Peter!
-VSBA Code of Ethics: Kris motions to accept the VSBA Code of Ethics, Ray seconds and it passed unanimously.
6. Agenda Setting for June Meeting
7. Adjournment: Peter motions to adjourn at 7:56PM, Ray seconds and it passes unanimously.
Kristen Sperber
s/Ray Rice
s/Peter Dubois