Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. - Pittsfield Town Office Building
Present are: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice and Peter DuBois
1. Call to Order: Kris called the meeting to order at 7:09
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None
3. Approve Minutes: Peter motions to approve, Kris seconds and it passes unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment:
5. Action/Discussion Items
o New Business:
Jean Clover Scofield Award Letters: All six seniors have received their application letters, we expect to receive some entries soon.
Payment Orders: Orange SW School District, SPED expense SLP 1st semester FY 21, $371.43.
o Old Business:
Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
6. Agenda Setting for March Meeting: We would like to thank Jennifer Iannantuoni at town meeting for her years of service on the Killington School Board of Directors.
7. Adjournment: Ray motioned to adjourn at 7:36 Peter seconded and it passed unanimously.
Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, March 10, 2021, at 7:00 P.M.
Approved March 10, 2021
(s)Kris Sperber (s) Ray Rice (s) Peter Dubois