I. CALL TO ORDER - The duly warned meeting was called to order at the PITTSFIELD TOWN HALL offices at 7:05 p.m. by Kris with Ray present.
II. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Added to New Business – SPED Reimbursements
III. Approve Minutes – April 8, 2020 = Tabled for next meeting
IV. Community Engagement/Public Comment = None
A. New Business :
1. Payment Orders: Payment Order #9 = $131,534 Total = Killington
Elementary SPED of $78,227 + Woodstock Union Middle school SPED of $53,307 Ray made the Motion and Kris seconded. Approved Payment Order #9 Approved unanimously.
2. Jean Colver Sofield Scholarship: Two applications received. Pete Dubois and AJ Ruben are to choose because Kris and Ray recused their votes for this issue. Winner to be announced next meeting.
3. SPED AUDIT from WCSU 2017, 2018, 2019 are being double checked for any questions regarding SPED reimbursement funds.
B. Old Bussiness:
1. Review and Approve Check Book reconciliation. Done by Kris and motion to approve by Kris, seconded by Ray Approved unanimously.
VI. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING JUNE 10, 2020 at 7:00pm.
A. Same agenda. Keep Jean Colver; add Fiscal Year End discussion
VII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Ray at 7:35; seconded by Kris and Approved unanimously.
I. CALL TO ORDER - The duly warned meeting was called to order at the PITTSFIELD TOWN HALL offices at 7:05 p.m. by Kris with Ray present.
II. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Added to New Business – SPED Reimbursements
III. Approve Minutes – April 8, 2020 = Tabled for next meeting
IV. Community Engagement/Public Comment = None
A. New Business :
1. Payment Orders: Payment Order #9 = $131,534 Total = Killington
Elementary SPED of $78,227 + Woodstock Union Middle school SPED of $53,307 Ray made the Motion and Kris seconded. Approved Payment Order #9 Approved unanimously.
2. Jean Colver Sofield Scholarship: Two applications received. Pete Dubois and AJ Ruben are to choose because Kris and Ray recused their votes for this issue. Winner to be announced next meeting.
3. SPED AUDIT from WCSU 2017, 2018, 2019 are being double checked for any questions regarding SPED reimbursement funds.
B. Old Bussiness:
1. Review and Approve Check Book reconciliation. Done by Kris and motion to approve by Kris, seconded by Ray Approved unanimously.
VI. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING JUNE 10, 2020 at 7:00pm.
A. Same agenda. Keep Jean Colver; add Fiscal Year End discussion
VII. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Ray at 7:35; seconded by Kris and Approved unanimously.