DATE: September 6, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf, Suana Rubin, Joe and Ellen-Louise Naser, Janice Stumpf
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #4a – Fazzuoli property concern; New Business #5 – Townsend Brook Rd; #12 – Personnel Policy; #13 – Historic Preservation Grant; #14 – Statewide Parcel Data Project; and #15 – Paperless Act 250 application
Minutes Approval: Regular Meetings 7/5/16 and 8/2/16
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. The agenda was modified to include: Old Business #4a – Fazzuoli property concern; New Business #5 – Townsend Brook Rd; #12 – Personnel Policy; #13 – Historic Preservation Grant; #14 – Statewide Parcel Data Project; and #15 – Paperless Act 250 application.
Minutes Approval: Dave motioned to approve the July 5, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved. Matt motioned to approve the August 2, 2016 minutes; Dave seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: September 20, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: September 20, 2016
Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Martha Beyersdorf, Suana Rubin, Joe and Ellen-Louise Naser, Janice Stumpf
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #4a – Fazzuoli property concern; New Business #5 – Townsend Brook Rd; #12 – Personnel Policy; #13 – Historic Preservation Grant; #14 – Statewide Parcel Data Project; and #15 – Paperless Act 250 application
Minutes Approval: Regular Meetings 7/5/16 and 8/2/16
Public Present:
- Bill Oren
- Joe and Ellen-Louise Naser
- Martha Beyersdorf
- Korrine Rodrigue Note
- Municipal Budgeting Workshop
- Reasonable Suspicion Testing Training
- State Government municipal day
- VLCT Town Fair 2016
- VLCT News
- VTrans Transportation Alternatives Grants
- GMP Street/ Security Light Change out
- TRORC Procurement Policies
- Property Line Adjustment Exemption Form L. Michael Hone
Old Business:
- Delinquent Tax Properties
- Town Hall Power Usage
- Don Marshall Letter
- Park Place Buyout Demolition
- a. Fazzuoli property concern
- Tweed River Park Plans
- Cemetery Perpetual Care Donation Policy
New Business:
- Riverside Farm Neighbors
- Village Green Event Parking
- Suana Rubin Tax Situation
- Google Street View
- Liberty Hill Maple Trees/Townsend Brook Road
- VLCT 2016 Property Schedule
- TRORC Clean Water Advisory Committee Member Appointment
- VTrans Right of Way Acquisition
- 2017 Draft Municipal Policy
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report – August Financials
- Personnel Policy
- Historic Preservation Grant
- Statewide Parcel Data Project
- Paperless Act 250 application
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. The agenda was modified to include: Old Business #4a – Fazzuoli property concern; New Business #5 – Townsend Brook Rd; #12 – Personnel Policy; #13 – Historic Preservation Grant; #14 – Statewide Parcel Data Project; and #15 – Paperless Act 250 application.
Minutes Approval: Dave motioned to approve the July 5, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved. Matt motioned to approve the August 2, 2016 minutes; Dave seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present:
- Bill Oren – Bill was not present to discuss his concerns regarding parking at a recent Village Green event. The Board will wait for further information from Bill.
- Joe and Ellen-Louise Naser – They are neighbors to Riverside Farm and have been second homeowners in Pittsfield for 32 years. They shared their frustrations with the increasing noise levels from events including bands playing outside of the barn and guests using the sound system after the 10:00 p.m. curfew, parking along Tweed River Road and refrigerated trucks running all day long. Peter Borden does respond in a timely manner each time they call with an issue and he makes an effort to rectify the situation. The Nasers come here to enjoy the peace and quiet of their home however the ongoing and increasing noise is making it unpleasant. The parking offenders are bikers using the trails even though there is a sign directing them to Amee Farm. The Nasers have contacted the Act 250 Enforcement Officer to register their complaints about how Riverside Farm operations have violated the conditions of the Act 250 permit. The officer will be contacting Peter Borden. Linda Mattson of District #3 Environmental Commission has instructed the Nasers to call her office anytime there is an issue and leave a message that will be date and time stamped. Ms. Mattson also asked the Nasers to keep the Select Board up to date on the situation. Dave Larkin will contact the Act 250 Commission about borrowing a decibel monitor. The Board will determine appropriate actions if the situation does not improve.
- Martha Beyersdorf – Presented information on two of the tax sale properties that did not sell. Tiffany located at 310 Hawk Mountain Road is very steep and oddly shaped. It may be of interest to abutting property owners if priced reasonably. Matt motioned to do another tax sale on this property, the town will bid for the taxes if no one else bids and then sell it thus only incurring the cost of the tax sale of approximately $400; Mona seconded; motion carried. The Watkins property has questionable access and this needs to be determined. Patty advised the solution needs to put the money back into the taxpayers pocket. There is an abutting property owner who might be interested in purchasing the property however Janice does not know their name. More information is needed in order to proceed with the Watkins property.
- Korrine Rodrigue – Thank you note received for allowing her to share her views at the 8/2/16 meeting.
- Municipal Budgeting Workshop sponsored by VLCT is being held 9/27/16. The cost is $60 and Matt might attend after he checks his schedule.
- Reasonable Suspicion Testing Training through VLCT is for those who supervise commercial motor vehicle operators. No action.
- State Government Municipal Day is scheduled for 9/9/16. No action.
- VLCT Town Fair 2016 is scheduled for 10/5 and 10/6 in Essex Junction. No action.
- VLCT News for August/September 2016 received.
- VTrans Transportation Alternatives Grants – Applications are due 10/20/16. No action.
- GMP Street/ Security Light Change out – Town lights have already been changed. No action.
- TRORC Procurement Policies – Required for the town to receive state and/or federal funding. More information is needed. Matt will find out more.
- Property Line Adjustment Exemption Form L. Michael Hone – Michaels Engineering forwarded to the town. No action.
Old Business:
- Delinquent Tax Properties – See Public Present #3 Martha Beyersdorf
- Town Hall Power Usage – Dave took care of a few items that may have affected the usage. Patty will monitor the usage when the invoice comes in.
- Don Marshall Letter – Don is offering to do some of the interior painting in the Town Hall at no charge in November. The board has accepted the offer and Dave will follow through with Don.
- Park Place Buyout Demolition – TRORC is moving forward on obtaining demolition bids and they hope to have the demolition completed before winter.
- a. Fazzuoli property concern – Joyce and Richard Fazzuoli sent a letter to the Board expressing their concerns about trash and household items scattered on the property; and the unsafe conditions of the structure. Matt and Patty did a site visit and items appear to belong to the former owners (Peyton). Patty is adding the property to the town insurance policy. A letter will be sent to the Fazzuoli’s.
- Tweed River Park Plans – Conference call with Michael Hildenbrand of DuBois & King who is handling the day-to-day management of the project. Reviewed items to be included based on the non-binding town vote. Board would prefer Sugar Maples over Sycamores and Red Maples. Trees may need to be stored until after the bridge project is completed. The State recommends seeding grass by October 15th. Mona will work with Michael on the changes.
- Cemetery Perpetual Care Donation Policy – The Cemetery Commission and the Trustees have approved the policy. Patty will add it as an article for Town Meeting.
New Business:
- Riverside Farm Neighbors – See Public Present #2 Joe and Ellen-Louise Naser
- Village Green Event Parking – see Public Present #1 Bill Oren
- Suana Rubin Tax Situation – Suana’s property SPAN# was used by someone else in error therefore she did not get her tax credit. A late fee has been assessed and she requests the Board rescind this fee. The Town is waiting for the State to update and revise her taxes. Matt motioned to rescind the penalty; Dave seconded; motion carried. Suana has already paid the full amount of taxes which is higher than what will be due once the State adjusts her statement. The Town will refund the overage once the revised tax bill is received.
- Google Street View – The Board is not interested in having Google include town buildings in this project.
- Liberty Hill Maple Trees/Townsend Brook Road – Matt motioned to accept Trees, Inc. bid to remove the trees on Liberty Hill; Mona seconded; motion carried. Matt motioned to allow Doug Johnstone to remove pine trees on Townsend Brook Road; Mona seconded; motion carried.
- VLCT 2016 Property Schedule – Insurance for the Town Hall is higher because it is a ‘community center’ thus a higher risk. The value of the Town Hall is guaranteed for a historical accurate building.
- TRORC Clean Water Advisory Committee Member Appointment – Matt will draft an ad soliciting volunteers for this position to be posted on the website by Patty. Matt will also post on Front Porch Forum.
- VLCT VERB Trust’s HIAS – Program helps determine which health plans to offer. No action.
- VTrans Right of Way Acquisition – Temporary and Permanent Easements for the bridge project. Patty will give a copy to George to review. Mona will give DuBois & King a copy to determine affects on Tweed River Park/Open Space. Discuss further at next meeting.
- 2017 Draft Municipal Policy – VLCT seeking input on policies to focus on for next legislative session. No action.
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report – August Financials – The Board approved Patty’s request to be paid for weeks ending 9/3/16, 9/10/16, 9/17/16 and 9/24/16. This includes two weeks of vacation pay. Mona did not have her glasses and asked Patty to write the order. Mona signed off on the order.
- Personnel Policy – Matt and Patty distributed drafts to Mona and Dave to review. Elected officials can opt-in so the policy will only apply to George. The Board will discuss further at a future meeting.
- Historic Preservation Grant – Dave recalls getting information for grants up to $20,000 but does not have details other than it is due October 3, 2016. Matt suggests getting someone to evaluate the building to determine what needs to be done. He will also try to look into grant options.
- Statewide Parcel Data Project – Martha will attend a meeting on September 12 at VT Law School for more information about this project. VTrans will find contractors to do the mapping. It is a three year process to collect the data. There is no cost to the town. Martha stated the town needs updated maps.
- Paperless Act 250 application – To reduce paper the VT Agency of Natural Resources is requiring applications to be submitted electronically. Kiosks will be available at district offices by October 3, 2016 for those without internet access needing to submit an application. Dave motioned to approve the application for the Planning Commission and Select Board to receive correspondence regarding Act 250 electronically; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Date: September 20, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: September 20, 2016
Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton