DATE: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
PRESENT: Mona Colton, Dave Larkin, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Ellen Martin, Don Bass
Agenda Modifications: NB #6g - Water in Town Hall Basement; NB #8 – Town Official Appointments; NB #9 – Local Emergency Operations Plan; Other #1 TH Chairs/Tables Info; Other #2 Distribution of Orders
Public Present: Marylou Scofield – 173 Park Place- Canceled, not necessary
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/8/2016
Old Business:
New Business:
b. Records Management Policy
c. Certificate of Authority – credit card application
d. Workers Comp Audit 3/16/2016
e. Pittsfield Buy-out properties Audit 3/16/2016
f. BCBS Health Insurance
g. Water in Town Hall basement
7. Prepare for Budget Discussion Meeting
a. Set up Town Hall
b. Format for meeting
c. Meeting Management
d. Materials preparation
e. Date for Special Town Meeting – Warn for not less than 30 or more than 40 days before meeting
8. Town Official Appointments
9. Local Emergency Operations Plan
Next Meeting Date: April 5, 2016, Budget Discussion in Town Hall, 7pm. Regular Meeting 4/12/16, 6 pm
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.
Agenda Modifications: NB #6g - Water in Town Hall Basement; NB #8 – Town Official Appointments; NB #9 – Local Emergency Operations Plan; Other #1 TH Chairs/Tables Info; Other #2 Distribution of Orders
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the March 8, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present: Marylou Scofield was scheduled to attend however it was not necessary. She forwarded a “Mutual Waiver of Rents” for 173 Park Place for the Board to review via e-mail. It will be signed off on at the same time as the Waiver for 113 Park Place.
Old Business:
New Business:
b. Records Management Policy: Patty presented a “Records Management Policy” used to determine, through state records retention requirements, what older records can be purged from public records. This includes correspondence, accounting, appointment, audit, budget, personnel, tax appeal, transitory and other miscellaneous records. Following this policy protects the town. Mona motioned to approve the Records Management Policy effective April 1, 2016; Matt seconded; motion carried.
c. Certificate of Authority – credit card application. Mona advised the possibility of "loss" may be less with a debit card. Credit cards have a minimum that is not covered if there is fraudulent loss. Patty will contact Mascoma Bank for more information regarding their debit card.
d. Workers Comp Audit 3/16/2016: See Old Business #3.
e. Pittsfield Buy-out properties Audit 3/16/2016: TRORC hired outside consultant to verify funds were used properly.
f. BCBS Health Insurance: Patty asked the Board to sign order to pay invoice due April 1, 2016 to cover her health insurance. Mona did not sign with other orders because she believes the town has an issue with this benefit and the budget has not been approved. There was a lengthy discussion on number of hours worked, type of work, pay rates, benefits, discretion of Board to pay invoices even when budget is not in place, and eligibility for benefits. Patty requested a roll call vote to approve the invoice. Matt voted yes; Mona voted yes based on potential for town to be fined for discrimination as indicated by Patty; Dave was undecided. Invoice was approved for payment.
g. Water in Town Hall basement: This is an ongoing issue and happens mostly in the spring. Seems to be getting worse. Don mopped it regularly and kept de-humidifier running. Not sure how the water gets in. No action at this time.
7. Prepare for Budget Discussion Meeting
a. Set up Town Hall: Same as Town Meeting, need podium, set up chairs and tables. Meet 6-6:15 pm.
b. Format for meeting: Matt will review with George; go through budget by section, this meeting is for questions and suggestions, keep it focused on the task, gather information, decisions will not be made at the meeting.
c. Meeting Management: George will handle.
d. Materials preparation: Patty reviewed list of items with Board to have on hand.
e. Date for Special Town Meeting – Warn for not less than 30 or more than 40 days before meeting. Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, 2016.
8.Town Official Appointments: List reviewed – Dave motioned to re-new positions as listed; Matt seconded; motion carried. Secretary requested $25 additional pay for preparing all the appointment letters. Matt motioned to approved pay; Dave seconded; motion carried.
9. Local Emergency Operations Plan: Reviewed list of residents that may require assistance. Matt will review the rest of the plan for additions, deletions, changes.
Future Meeting Dates: Special budget discussion meeting April 5, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall; Regular meeting April 12, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn meeting at 9:02 p.m.; Dave seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 19, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
David Larkin
DATE: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
PRESENT: Mona Colton, Dave Larkin, Matt Corron, Patty Haskins, Ellen Martin, Don Bass
Agenda Modifications: NB #6g - Water in Town Hall Basement; NB #8 – Town Official Appointments; NB #9 – Local Emergency Operations Plan; Other #1 TH Chairs/Tables Info; Other #2 Distribution of Orders
Public Present: Marylou Scofield – 173 Park Place- Canceled, not necessary
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/8/2016
- Green Mountain Power – Proposed Rate Integration
- Trees Incorporated – business flyer
- VLCT – Business software training flyer
- 2016 Green Mountain Relay
- VLCT’s 2015 Annual Report
Old Business:
- VTrans – Speed Limit Request, VT 100 Pittsfield
- TRORC – notifications re: public facilities reuse project
- Workers Comp – how to move forward/hiring practice
- Bridge #11 Bids
New Business:
- Citizen concern – Items for sale on Parmenter Place
- Herald of Randolph – SB minutes request
- Vermont Liquor License Renewal – Swiss Farm Market, Original General Store, Vermont Farms Catering
- Requests to cater malt – Vermont Farms Catering LLC at 57 Tweed River Drive 4/2, 5/20 & 5/21, 5/28 & 5/29
- Right of Way Bridge Plans – Rt 100 Bridge #126 (in tube)
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
b. Records Management Policy
c. Certificate of Authority – credit card application
d. Workers Comp Audit 3/16/2016
e. Pittsfield Buy-out properties Audit 3/16/2016
f. BCBS Health Insurance
g. Water in Town Hall basement
7. Prepare for Budget Discussion Meeting
a. Set up Town Hall
b. Format for meeting
c. Meeting Management
d. Materials preparation
e. Date for Special Town Meeting – Warn for not less than 30 or more than 40 days before meeting
8. Town Official Appointments
9. Local Emergency Operations Plan
- Town Hall Chairs/Tables Information
- Distribution of Orders
Next Meeting Date: April 5, 2016, Budget Discussion in Town Hall, 7pm. Regular Meeting 4/12/16, 6 pm
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.
Agenda Modifications: NB #6g - Water in Town Hall Basement; NB #8 – Town Official Appointments; NB #9 – Local Emergency Operations Plan; Other #1 TH Chairs/Tables Info; Other #2 Distribution of Orders
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the March 8, 2016 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present: Marylou Scofield was scheduled to attend however it was not necessary. She forwarded a “Mutual Waiver of Rents” for 173 Park Place for the Board to review via e-mail. It will be signed off on at the same time as the Waiver for 113 Park Place.
- Green Mountain Power – Proposed Rate Integration: Commercial rates will be reduced by 9.8% cumulative over the next 5 years. No action.
- Trees Incorporated – solicitation: 10% off tree work; Patty will forward to Connie Martin.
- VLCT – Business software training available. No action.
- 2016 Green Mountain Relay: Event scheduled for June 11-12, 2016 has been cancelled, lack of participants.
- VLCT’s 2015 Annual Report: Year-end overview of their Legal, Consulting & Education Services; Advocacy; Information Technology & Communications; Town Fair & Other Events; Finance; and Risk Management Services. No action.
Old Business:
- VTrans – Speed Limit Request, VT 100 Pittsfield: Traffic committee met 3/7/16 and decided not to lower the speed limit through the town. Recommend installing radar speed warning signs if the town wants to. VTrans will add pedestrian warning signs. The Board decided not to take action on pursuing radar speed warning signs at this time as the 2016 Budget has not been approved.
- TRORC – notifications regarding open space project at Parmenter Place. CDBG funds for this project require federal clearance and TRORC is working on this. RFP for construction may be created however do not sign any contracts or expend any funds. Local flood permit and state stream alteration permit may be required; TRORC does not handle these. Patty forwarded to Matt Murawski, Dubois & King and to Mary Russ of White River Partnership. Mona asked Patty to include Jeff Tucker of DuBois & King when forwarding information regarding this project.
- Workers Comp – how to move forward/hiring practice. Patty reported VLCT conducted an audit since last Board meeting. VLCT gave her a new “non-employee work agreement” form to use. The form may be used if the job to be performed does not fall under an existing regular job/position in the town. Patty will follow-up with VLCT for a policy for the town to reference.
- Bridge #11 Bids – Three bids were received for the Tweed River Drive bridge. George recommends Daniels Construction, the lowest bid. Dave is to contact George re: bridge closure and traffic; and clarify wording of bid.
New Business:
- Citizen concern – Items for sale in Town ROW off of Parmenter Place: Board will re-assess if more items appear since there is no Town Ordinance or local law that prohibits this practice.
- Herald of Randolph – SB minutes request: Board said not to send directly to the paper. Draft minutes are posted on website.
- Vermont Liquor License Renewals: Mona motioned to approve Swiss Farm Market 2nd Class liquor license; Dave seconded; motion carried. Mona motioned to approve Original General Store 2nd Class liquor license; Matt seconded; motion carried. Matt motioned to approve Vermont Farms Catering 1st Class Restaurant & Bar liquor license; Mona seconded; motion carried.
- Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering LLC at 57 Tweed River Drive for events on 4/2, 5/20 & 5/21, 5/28 & 5/29. Matt motioned to approve all five events; Mona seconded; motion carried.
- Right of Way Bridge Plans for Bridge #126 at the junction of Lower Michigan Road and VT Route 100. No action.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
b. Records Management Policy: Patty presented a “Records Management Policy” used to determine, through state records retention requirements, what older records can be purged from public records. This includes correspondence, accounting, appointment, audit, budget, personnel, tax appeal, transitory and other miscellaneous records. Following this policy protects the town. Mona motioned to approve the Records Management Policy effective April 1, 2016; Matt seconded; motion carried.
c. Certificate of Authority – credit card application. Mona advised the possibility of "loss" may be less with a debit card. Credit cards have a minimum that is not covered if there is fraudulent loss. Patty will contact Mascoma Bank for more information regarding their debit card.
d. Workers Comp Audit 3/16/2016: See Old Business #3.
e. Pittsfield Buy-out properties Audit 3/16/2016: TRORC hired outside consultant to verify funds were used properly.
f. BCBS Health Insurance: Patty asked the Board to sign order to pay invoice due April 1, 2016 to cover her health insurance. Mona did not sign with other orders because she believes the town has an issue with this benefit and the budget has not been approved. There was a lengthy discussion on number of hours worked, type of work, pay rates, benefits, discretion of Board to pay invoices even when budget is not in place, and eligibility for benefits. Patty requested a roll call vote to approve the invoice. Matt voted yes; Mona voted yes based on potential for town to be fined for discrimination as indicated by Patty; Dave was undecided. Invoice was approved for payment.
g. Water in Town Hall basement: This is an ongoing issue and happens mostly in the spring. Seems to be getting worse. Don mopped it regularly and kept de-humidifier running. Not sure how the water gets in. No action at this time.
7. Prepare for Budget Discussion Meeting
a. Set up Town Hall: Same as Town Meeting, need podium, set up chairs and tables. Meet 6-6:15 pm.
b. Format for meeting: Matt will review with George; go through budget by section, this meeting is for questions and suggestions, keep it focused on the task, gather information, decisions will not be made at the meeting.
c. Meeting Management: George will handle.
d. Materials preparation: Patty reviewed list of items with Board to have on hand.
e. Date for Special Town Meeting – Warn for not less than 30 or more than 40 days before meeting. Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, 2016.
8.Town Official Appointments: List reviewed – Dave motioned to re-new positions as listed; Matt seconded; motion carried. Secretary requested $25 additional pay for preparing all the appointment letters. Matt motioned to approved pay; Dave seconded; motion carried.
9. Local Emergency Operations Plan: Reviewed list of residents that may require assistance. Matt will review the rest of the plan for additions, deletions, changes.
- Patty updated table and chair rental information including pricing and contacts for the Town Hall.
- Orders for Board members to review will be scanned and e-mailed instead of distributing hard copies at the meeting.
Future Meeting Dates: Special budget discussion meeting April 5, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall; Regular meeting April 12, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn meeting at 9:02 p.m.; Dave seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 19, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
David Larkin