DATE: October 18, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Erica Hurd, Ray Colton
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #3 – Green-Up Vermont, #4 – Custodian, #5 – Tax Sale Properties; New Business #5 – Town Office Building elevator maintenance and inspection, #6 – Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons, #7 – Liquor Permit for Library
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 10/4/16
Public Present: Erica Hurd NB#7, Ray Colton NB#4
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: November 1, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Agenda modifications: Old Business #3 – Green-Up Vermont, #4 – Custodian, #5 – Tax Sale Properties; New Business #5 – Town Office Building elevator maintenance and inspection, #6 – Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons, #7 – Liquor Permit for Library
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the October 4, 2016 minutes; Dave seconded; minutes approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: November 1, 2016 – The Board will do a survey of buildings at the beginning of the meeting in order to identify items that need quotes for budgeting purposes.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: 11/1/2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton
DATE: October 18, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Erica Hurd, Ray Colton
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #3 – Green-Up Vermont, #4 – Custodian, #5 – Tax Sale Properties; New Business #5 – Town Office Building elevator maintenance and inspection, #6 – Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons, #7 – Liquor Permit for Library
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 10/4/16
Public Present: Erica Hurd NB#7, Ray Colton NB#4
- VLCT News October 2016
- VLCT Municipal Action Paper #4: Public Safety in Vermont
- VCIL Autumn 2016 Publication
- Elan City Radar Signs
- ECFiber Annual Report
- PACIF Renewal Rates
Old Business:
- Riverside Farm Neighbors Update
- VLCT PACIF Renewal Update
- Green-Up Vermont
- Custodian
- Tax Sale Properties
New Business:
- Bill Oren Concerns regarding refugee resettlement. He referenced this article: http://watchdog.org/277446/refugees-on-way-to-rutland-despite-unanswered-concerns/
- Planning Commission Resignation and New Appointment
- Asbestos Inspections for Buyout Properties
- Town Employee Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Town Office Building elevator maintenance and inspection
- Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons
- Liquor Permit for Library
Next Meeting Date: November 1, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Agenda modifications: Old Business #3 – Green-Up Vermont, #4 – Custodian, #5 – Tax Sale Properties; New Business #5 – Town Office Building elevator maintenance and inspection, #6 – Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons, #7 – Liquor Permit for Library
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the October 4, 2016 minutes; Dave seconded; minutes approved.
- VLCT News for October 2016 received, no action.
- VLCT Municipal Action Paper #4: Public Safety in Vermont, position paper on public safety, no action.
- VCIL Autumn 2016 Publication – Vermont Center for Independent Living news, no action.
- Elan City Radar Signs – Pricing for portable radar signs: $2,000 plug-in, $2,400 battery, $2,500 solar. No action at this time.
- ECFiber Annual Report – They expect to have most of the 24 eligible towns for fiber optic network services to be up and running by 2019.
- PACIF Renewal Rates – Notice informing towns of a single digit increase in rates however they do not have specifics yet.
Old Business:
- Riverside Farm Neighbors Update – Joe Naser e-mailed the town regarding noise complaint he reported to Peter Borden and Linda Mattson on October 7, 2016 at approximately 11 pm. Dave has not had any updates from the Act 250 Enforcement Officer. Matt will keep this topic on the agenda for follow-up.
- VLCT PACIF Renewal Update – Patty spoke with Susie Benoit at VLCT on 10/12/16 regarding Certificate of Liability for those renting the Town Hall. It is for the town’s protection. Renters can get through their homeowners insurance or it can be purchased through VLCT. Rates depend on the number of attendees, is alcohol served, etc. The daily rental fee for the Town Hall is $125 plus Certificate of Liability. Patty has asked to have someone come to meet with town officials to review insurance information.
- Green-Up Vermont – Matt motioned to appoint Zev Ruben as the Green-Up Coordinator for the May 2017 event, Mona seconded, motion carried. Zev will try to find a helper who could take over for 2018.
- Custodian – Kerry Gilbert will meet with Patty to discuss cleaning the town office building as well as the town hall.
- Tax Sale Properties – Matt spoke to Marylou Scofield, town attorney, about doing another tax sale where the town would consider purchasing the property. Marylou has concerns about the town doing this and recommends Patty talk to the town of Lyndon. The town cannot keep any monies over and above the sale. Lyndon said to watch out for details and their property owner became offensive to town employees. Patty will tell Janice not to go forward with a tax sale at this time. The town does not want to purchase the Hawk property.
New Business:
- Bill Oren Concerns regarding refugee resettlement. He referenced this article: http://watchdog.org/277446/refugees-on-way-to-rutland-despite-unanswered-concerns/ - Bill wanted the Board to be aware the refugees can re-settle within 50 miles of Rutland.
- Planning Commission Resignation and New Appointment – Emily Jarecki has resigned her position on the commission. Sarah Gallagher expressed interest in filling position. Matt motioned to appoint Sarah to the vacancy on the commission, Mona seconded, motion carried.
- Asbestos Inspections for Buyout Properties – Kevin Geiger, TRORC, sent out RFP’s to three contractors for Asbestos Inspection and received two bids. KAS bid $1,418 if both properties were inspected the same day; or $1,699 if inspected on two separate days. KD’s bid only mentions Park Place for $950. Mona motioned to go with KD as long as they include the Route 100 property (formerly Halligan) and it is less than KAS bids; Matt seconded; motion carried. Patty will call KD Associates.
- Town Employee Blue Cross Blue Shield – Ray Colton states employees pay a percentage of their health insurance. He would like to know what other towns offer. Patty stated the report from VLCT will be out soon and she can have the information for the next Board meeting. Patty distributed the BC/BS insurance plan options to the Board for review. Currently the town rolls over the HRA of $1,250 per employee each year. Ray is concerned about the rollover and Mona states it is unusual to rollover. Note any unused monies stay with the town.
- Town Office Building elevator maintenance and inspection – Maintenance and inspection has been done on both lifts. VT Elevator did not pass Town Offices due to inoperable telephone battery. Accessibility Systems came to fix it however the telephone was fine. VT Elevator tested it improperly. Bottom line – VT Elevator said they would pay Accessibility Systems (AS) invoice for the service call. Mona told Patty to hold off paying VT Elevator to be sure they pay AS.
- Notice of Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons – Kalyn Stephens is the complainant. Patty got permission from Matt to consult Marylou Scofield. The documents have been forwarded to VLCT to review and respond on course of action.
- Liquor Permit for Library – Erica shared with the Board information about Bill S138 that allows VT public libraries, museums, etc. to serve beer and wine for charitable events. Erica has submitted her application for a liquor license as the Library is interested in trying this for their upcoming event “Soup & Paint” November 14th. Patty stated verified the Library is covered under the town’s liability insurance. VLCT will review the law and get back to Patty.
Next Meeting Date: November 1, 2016 – The Board will do a survey of buildings at the beginning of the meeting in order to identify items that need quotes for budgeting purposes.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: 11/1/2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton