DATE: September 20, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Michael Hildenbrand
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 9/6/16
Public Present: Michael Hildenbrand – DuBois & King
Old Business:
New Business: None
Next Meeting Date: October 4, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. There were no agenda modifications.
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the September 6, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
Old Business:
Next Meeting Date: October 4, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: 10/4/16 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
Dave Larkin
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Michael Hildenbrand
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 9/6/16
Public Present: Michael Hildenbrand – DuBois & King
- Red Cross Thank you letter
- VCIL Thank you letter
- Rivers and Road Tier 2 Roads Scholar Workshop
- VWA A Voice for Forestry & Membership Newsletter
- 2016 Candidate Forum Toolkit
- Steve and Ellen Martin Project Review Sheet
Old Business:
- Park Place Buyout Property
- VTrans Right of Way Acquisition
- Riverside Farm Neighbors Update
- Tweed River Park Plans Update
New Business: None
Next Meeting Date: October 4, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. There were no agenda modifications.
Minutes Approval: Matt motioned to approve the September 6, 2016 minutes; Mona seconded; minutes approved.
- Red Cross sent a thank you letter for donation from the town.
- VCIL sent a thank you letter for donation from the town.
- Rivers and Road Tier 2 Roads Scholar Workshop – George has the information to review.
- VWA “A Voice for Forestry & Membership” Newsletter – VT Woodlands Association has provided the town with a link to their on-line tool on protecting Vermont forests. No action.
- 2016 Candidate Forum Toolkit – VLCT can provide an information kit to towns that want to host forums for political candidates. No action.
- Steve and Ellen Martin Project Review Sheet – Agency of Natural Resources/Act 250 for CV Oil propane tank storage proposed for Bakers Road. No action.
Old Business:
- Park Place Buyout Property – The Fazzuoli’s sent a letter thanking the Board for responding to their concerns and they will contact the Town Office after Oct. 1st for an update on the demolition process.
- VTrans Right of Way Acquisition – Tabled until Matt and George can meet to review the materials.
- Riverside Farm Neighbors Update – The Nasers shared via e-mail more information in the Act 250 permit that applies to the issues they are dealing with. Dave has not received any updates from the Enforcement Officer so Dave will reach out to him for an update.
- Tweed River Park Plans Update – Michael Hildenbrand of DuBois & King met with the Board at the site to review the plans. They discussed the trees, VTrans ROW proposal and utilities, as well as the need for additional soil to plant the trees. Mona will follow-up with Michael on the additional soil needed, keeping the number of proposed trees and to obtain the utility overlay. Matt will arrange to walk the area with a VTrans representative. Matt motioned to go with the plan as discussed to obtain bids; Mona seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Date: October 4, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: 10/4/16 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
Dave Larkin