DATE: May 17, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #6- EC Fiber Update; Correspondence #7- VTrans FY17 Grant Program; New Business #5- Annual Town Highway Financial Plan
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/3/2016
Public Present: Planning Commission – see New Business #1 Capital Budget Discussion
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: June 7, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Mona seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
Minutes Approval: Tabled until both Matt and Dave are present to sign as Mona was not present for the May 3, 2016 meeting.
7. VTrans FY17 Grant Program –Brian Sanderson of VTrans is recommending the Town Highway Structures grant application in the amount of $82,140.30 for the bridge on Tweed River Drive. The town will be notified if the grant is awarded.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: May 17, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m.; Mona seconded; motion carried.
Approved: Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #6- EC Fiber Update; Correspondence #7- VTrans FY17 Grant Program; New Business #5- Annual Town Highway Financial Plan
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/3/2016
Public Present: Planning Commission – see New Business #1 Capital Budget Discussion
- VLCT News
- GMNF Land and Resource Management Plan
- Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium
- Northeast Delta Dental Plan
- VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
- EC Fiber Update
- VTrans FY17 Grant Program
Old Business:
- TH#15
- Open Space Update
- 113 Park Place Buyout
New Business:
- Capital Budget Discussion
- H.575
- Town Clerk and Treasurer Report
- Annual Town Highway Financial Plan
Next Meeting Date: June 7, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Mona seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
Minutes Approval: Tabled until both Matt and Dave are present to sign as Mona was not present for the May 3, 2016 meeting.
- VLCT News – May 2016 issue received. No action.
- GMNF Land and Resource Management Plan - Notice dated May 6, 2016 announcing the final modified Monitoring Plan for the Green Mountain National Forest to comply with the 2012 Forest Service land management rule has been completed. The full plan is available on-line. No action.
- Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium sponsored by VLCT is Wednesday, June 8, 2016. Patty may attend.
- Northeast Delta Dental Plan – VLCT announced Open Enrollment for changing or adding dental plans is due May 31, 2016 to be effective July 1, 2016. No action.
- VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program grant applications for improving access and safety for bicyclists and/or pedestrians are due by 1:00 p.m. July 15, 2016. No action.
7. VTrans FY17 Grant Program –Brian Sanderson of VTrans is recommending the Town Highway Structures grant application in the amount of $82,140.30 for the bridge on Tweed River Drive. The town will be notified if the grant is awarded.
Old Business:
- TH#15 – Tabled for next meeting as Matt needs to talk with Marylou Scofield.
- Open Space Update – Kevin Geiger, TRORC has requested Lincoln Applied Technology to use a metal detector for the Phase I environmental assessment on the property. Beth Erickson of LAG will proceed and she will include a statement that the VT DEC does not consider it to be a REC if they do not find anything obvious.
- 113 Park Place Buyout – Marylou Scofield reports the associations will be meeting June 17, 2016 so she hopes to close on the property Monday, June 20, 2016.
New Business:
- Capital Budget Discussion – Suana representing the Planning Commission (PC) reports they have been working on Appendix A – Plan Implementation Matrix. Under Utilities & Facilities it is suggested the PC with the assistance of the Select Board consider the development of a Capital Budget and Program for the purposes of planning for future municipal investments in utilities and facilities that is consistent with the Town Plan. It is a 2-3 year timeframe. PC wanted to make SB aware and that the PC is willing to meet. This may be a good way to address projects like the Town Hall repairs.
- ERAF – Emergency Relief & Assistance Fund provides State funding to match Federal Public Assistance after federally-declared disasters. Eligible public costs are reimbursed by federal taxpayers at 75%. For disasters after October 23, 2014, the State of Vermont will contribute an additional 7.5% toward the costs. For communities that take specific steps to reduce flood damage the State will contribute 12.5% or 17.5% of the total cost. Currently the Town qualifies for 12.5%. River Corridor Protection is new step that increases the amount to 17.5%. Patty will contact TRORC to find out more.
- H.575 – As of July 1, 2016 this new law eliminates the requirement for towns to appoint a Town Service Officer.
- Town Clerk and Treasurer Report – Patty does not have anything to report at this time.
- Annual Town Highway Financial Plan – George submitted annual plan for the Board to review. Matt motioned to approve plan; Mona seconded; motion carried and Board signed off on the plan.
Next Meeting Date: May 17, 2016
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m.; Mona seconded; motion carried.
Approved: Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Mona Colton