DATE: June 7, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin, Emily Jarecki, Kevin Geiger, Ann and Herb Kuendig
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/3/2016 & 5/17/16
Public Present: Kevin Geiger and/or Peter Fellows from TRORC
Old Business:
New Business:
b.Professional training - June 8
5. Documenting Subcontractors and Sole Proprietors for 2016 Workers Comp Audits
Next Meeting Date: June 21, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Minutes Approval: May 17, 2016 minutes approval tabled until both Matt and Mona are present to sign. Matt motioned to approve the May 3, 2016 minutes; Dave seconded; minutes approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
b.Professional training - June 8: The office will be closed so Patty and Sarah can attend a symposium on accounting. No one was available to cover the office.
5. Documenting Subcontractors and Sole Proprietors for 2016 Workers Comp Audits – VLCT PACIF provided Patty with a checklist of items their auditors will be looking for when conducting audits. They provided a template and Patty modified to reflect town information. Board will review and discuss further at June 21, 2016 meeting.
Next Meeting Date: June 21, 2016; and tentatively July 5, 2016 and August 2, 2016.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: June 21, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
DATE: June 7, 2016
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin, Emily Jarecki, Kevin Geiger, Ann and Herb Kuendig
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/3/2016 & 5/17/16
Public Present: Kevin Geiger and/or Peter Fellows from TRORC
- Spartan Agoge Event
- VNH Connect
- Howards Fire Control Services
- Long Trail Century Ride
- Draft TRORC Energy Implementation Plan
- Pittsfield Audit Review Letter
Old Business:
- River corridor bylaw update for ERAF
- Update paint contractor regarding town hall project
- TH#15
New Business:
- Late Dogs
- 2017 Building Community Grants
- Effective Date Pay Raises
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
b.Professional training - June 8
5. Documenting Subcontractors and Sole Proprietors for 2016 Workers Comp Audits
Next Meeting Date: June 21, 2016
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Minutes Approval: May 17, 2016 minutes approval tabled until both Matt and Mona are present to sign. Matt motioned to approve the May 3, 2016 minutes; Dave seconded; minutes approved.
- Spartan Agoge Event – June 16 – 18, 2016 with registration starting at 6:00 a.m. Expect 150 attendees at Riverside Farm. Act 250 Project Review requires attendees to close vehicle doors quietly due to early morning hours. No action.
- VNH Connect – newsletter, no action.
- Howards Fire Control Services – update on services, no action.
- Long Trail Century Ride – June 25, 2016 bicycle ride passing through town; it is a fun leisurely tour, not a race. No action.
- Draft TRORC Energy Implementation Plan – Three Regional Planning Commissions have completed the pilot program. They developed model pathways to 90% renewable energy within respective regions. Draft sent to Dept. of Public Services and more information is available on-line through TRORC energy-implementation link. No action.
- Pittsfield Audit Review Letter – TRORC no longer needs letter from town. Information was obtained from VT Agency of Commerce & Community Development.
Old Business:
- River corridor bylaw update for ERAF – Kevin Geiger from TRORC explained the bylaw and what it means. In summary it will restrict where structures and the like can be built based on where the corridor is located; get higher percentage of ERAF back in an emergency; and helps people know where it is safer to build.
- Update paint contractor regarding town hall project – Matt will contact Don Marshall. Projects will be reviewed at next Board meeting.
- TH#15 – Matt shared estimate from George for materials and labor for the Kuendigs driveway. The town will supply labor and trucking of materials; and owners are to pay for materials; approximately $750 for each party. The town will also ‘throw up’ the road. The Kuendigs will think it over and reply in writing. The Kuendigs state the Browns have an easement over the property, not under it, therefore they want another easement. Matt will contact town’s attorney about the easement and will ask George about a timeline to do the driveway.
New Business:
- Late Dogs – Board authorized sending certified letters referencing $250 fine. Patty will send.
- 2017 Building Community Grants – VT Historic Preservation has matching grants available. Matt will look into this further regarding the Town Hall.
- Effective Date Pay Raises – Raises occur the second week after town meeting for hourly personnel. Salaried personnel are paid retroactively as their pay is an annual amount. Developing a Personnel Policy Handbook would have this type of information. Patty and Matt will work on template provided by VLCT. VLCT states it is the Board’s responsibility to set the policies however the clerk typically pulls most of the information together. Patty will forward the template to Dave and Mona as well.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
b.Professional training - June 8: The office will be closed so Patty and Sarah can attend a symposium on accounting. No one was available to cover the office.
5. Documenting Subcontractors and Sole Proprietors for 2016 Workers Comp Audits – VLCT PACIF provided Patty with a checklist of items their auditors will be looking for when conducting audits. They provided a template and Patty modified to reflect town information. Board will review and discuss further at June 21, 2016 meeting.
Next Meeting Date: June 21, 2016; and tentatively July 5, 2016 and August 2, 2016.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m.; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Approved: June 21, 2016 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin